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2011/06/24 03:10

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2011/04/29 00:14

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2010/11/21 22:49

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2010/10/25 21:42

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    2010年10月29日 星期五

    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra

    The Buddha Speaks of
    Amitabha Sutra

    The Buddha Speaks of
    Amitabha Sutra
    with commentaries of the
    Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
    English translation by the
    Buddhist Text Translation Society
    Buddhist Text Translation Society
    Dharma Realm Buddhist University
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
    Burlingame, California U.S.A.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra
    A General Explanation
    Published and translated by:
    Buddhist Text Translation Society
    1777 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010-4504
    © 2002 Buddhist Text Translation Society
    Dharma Realm Buddhist University
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
    First edition (USA) 1974
    Second edition (USA) 2002
    11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    ISBN 0-88139-430-0
    Printed in Malaysia.
    Addresses of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association branches are
    listed at the back of this book.
    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii
    Why You Should Read This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
    Translator’s Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xv
    The Land of Ultimate Bliss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
    The Translation of the Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii
    Part I. The Five-fold Profound Meanings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
    Explaining the Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
    The Special Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
    The Common Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
    The Seven Classifications of Sutra Titles . . . . . . . . . . 17
    The Twelve Divisions of Sutra Texts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
    Describing The Substance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
    Clarifying the Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
    Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
    Vows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
    Practice: Holding The Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
    Discussing the Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
    Determining the Teaching Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
    Part II. The Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
    Part III.The Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
    Ananda’s Four Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
    The Four Applications Of Mindfulness . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
    The Six Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
    The Benefactor’s Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
    The Six Harmonious Unities of the Sangha . . . . . . . . . . .74
    The Kasyapa Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
    The Assembly of Arhats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
    Shariputra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
    Mahamaudgalyayana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
    Mahakasyapa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
    Mahakatyayana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
    Mahakausthila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
    Revata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
    Suddhipanthaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
    Nanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
    Sundarananda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
    Ananda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
    Rahula. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
    Gavampati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
    Pindola Bharadvaja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
    Kalodayin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
    MahaKapphina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
    Vakkula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
    Aniruddha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
    The Assembly Of Bodhisattvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
    Manjushri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
    Ajita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
    Gandhahastin and Nityodyukta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
    Part IV.The Principle Proper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
    The Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
    Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
    by Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra belongs to the class of
    Sutras spoken without formal request. It describes in detail the
    supremely beautiful adornments of the Western Land of Ultimate
    Bliss. Living beings of the ten directions need only recite Amitabha
    Buddha's name, practicing even just the Dharma of Ten Recitations,
    in order to be assured of rebirth in that land.
    When the Buddhadharma becomes extinct in the Saha World,
    this Sutra will be the last to disappear. The first to go will be the
    Shurangama Sutra, the Sutra most feared by heavenly demons and
    other religions, all of whom would like to see every existing copy
    of it burned to ashes. The Shurangama Sutra catches the
    reflections of the “li mei” and “wang liang” ghosts who, unable to
    hide, hate it with vengeance. Scholars who are without sufficient
    common sense fall in with the demons. This is truly pitiable.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra may be compared to a
    great magnet, and the living beings of the ten directions are like
    iron filings; all the filings, without exception, are drawn to the
    Now, upon the completion of the English translation, I have
    added these words as a brief introduction.
    Why You Should Read This Book
    Gold Mountain Shramana Tripitaka Master Hua explains the
    path of self-cultivation as it has never been explained before.
    Where other Buddhist Masters merely recite texts, the
    Venerable Master illuminates the Way so that those who hear are
    crystal clear about its meaning. Where other Buddhist Masters
    explain texts with the intellectual juggling of manifold lists and
    technical discriminations which easily confuse an audience, the
    Venerable Master picks out the essentials which reveal the methods
    to eradicate suffering. Where other Buddhist Masters repeat interpretations
    learnd by rote, the Venerable Master speaks directly to
    the conditions around him, showing one man how to free himself
    from the grip of arrogance and conceit, instructing another how to
    relieve the suffering of chronic illness; showing one how to shake
    off the bonds of heavy emotional attachments, instructing others on
    the way to recovver from the pain of loss; showing one how to be
    patient and peaceful in the face of slander, scoldings, and beatings;
    showing others how, ultimately, to put an end to the unbroken cycle
    of birth and death. To the degree that those who seek his instruction
    are capable of understanding, to that degree the Venerable Master
    explains the Dharma, showing those of limited understanding how
    to be free from the suffering of excessive greed and anger, or how
    to transform stupidity into wisdom, and guiding those whose
    capacity is great to put an end to the last traces of birth and death.
    Never trapped in convention, the Venerable Master’s teaching
    covers the whole spectrum, leading beings from the hells, through
    all the intermediate realms of mind, and establishing them in the
    wonderful enlightenment of Buddhahood.
    Where scholars worry about sources and chronology, discrimate
    the goods and bads of secondary sources, and try to organize an
    attendant host of biographical and bibliographical minutiae, the
    Venerable Master deals directly with the ultimate meaning of the
    primary texts. Although he teaches with unassuming simplicity,
    when he speaks people spontaneously change for the good and
    come to understand the profound and mysterious. His teaching is so
    thorough that it affects everything, but none of those who seek his
    instruction lans on him. When he seems to be doing nothing, his
    influence is felt everywhere, and when no one is aware of him, he
    fills everyone with happiness. His teaching transcends teaching.
    How is it that he has come to be able to teach in a way that is so
    unlike the ways of others? It is because he has cultivated the path to
    enlightenment and because he has cultivated the path to tnlightenment
    and has arrived at the goal that what he ways can be believed.
    This is what makes him different from everyone else who talks
    about self-cultivation, and this is why you should read this book.
    You may wonder about the particulars of his cultivation of the
    Way. There is much too much to present here, and so a general
    summary will have to suffice.
    Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua (also named An Tz’u and To Lun)
    was born on the sixteenth day of the third month, lunar calendar, in
    1908. His father, Pai Fu-hai was a farmer in the Shuang-ch’eng
    District of Northeastern China. The Master was the youngest of
    eight children. His mother often recited the name of Amitabha
    Buddha, and in a dream one night shortly before the Master was
    born, she saw amitabha Buddha emitting a light which illumined
    the entire world. When she awoke, her room was filled with a rare
    Because the Master’s home was in the countryside where there
    were few people, he did not become aware of death until he was
    eleven years old. When he did, it stunned him. While walking with
    some friends in a pasture, he came upon the body of a dead baby.
    the Master did not understand why the baby was lying still on the
    ground and asked his friends, who simply said, “She’s dead.”
    Puzzled, he returned home and asked his mother what exactly death
    was. “All people, whether rich or poor, must die,” she said, “either
    from old age, sickness, or accidentally.”
    “How does one free oneself from death?” the Master asked
    At that time there was a visitor in his home who answered the
    Master’s question by saying, “It is only through cultivation of the
    Way, awakening to one’s own mind and seeing one’s fundamental
    nature that one can gain liberation from the continous cycle of birth
    and death in the six paths.”
    On hearing his the Master wished immediately to leave the
    home-life and being cultivation, but his mother told him that he
    must wait, for she needed him to care for her in her old age. He
    complied with her wishes, serving both his parents with the greatest
    devotion; his filial piety earned him the name “Filial Son Pai.” He
    did, however, take refuge with the Triple Jewel, boring to the
    Venerable Master Ch’ang Chih as his teacher.
    Although the Master had but a few years of formal schooling,
    he is extremely well-educated. Possessed of a photographics
    memory, he was able to memorize the Four Books and the Five
    Classics of Chinese lieterature in an amazingly short time.
    Moreover, in addition to his mastery of the Buddhist Canon, he is
    well versed in the study of medicine, physiognomy, and astrology.
    When he was nineteen years old his mother died. After
    receiving the shramanera precepts from his master, he took up the
    practice of sitting by his mother’s grave, observing a mourning
    period of three years. He lived in an A-frame hut made from
    sorghum stalks where he cultivated dhyana samadhi and recited the
    name of Amitabha Buddha, ate only one meal a day, and never lay
    down to sleep. Occasionally he would enter samadhi for weeks at a
    time, never rising from his seat.
    One night the residents of the nearlby village saw that the
    Master’s hut was on fire. A blazing light shot up into the air for
    some ten yards, making the area around the hut as bright as broad
    daylight. Many people rushed to the graveyard, shouting as they
    went, “The filial son’s hut has caught fire!” and soon there were
    hundreds of people there to lend assistance with buckets of water.
    When they arrived, however, they found the hut unburned; the
    Master was sitting absorbed in meditation.
    On one occasion, the Sixth Patriarch, Great Master Hui Neng of
    the T’ang dynasty, came to the Master’s hut and told him that in the
    future he would go to the West where he would meet many people
    with whom he had affinities and thereby establish the Dharma,
    causing it to flourish. After the Second World War the Master
    travelled three thousand miles to Nan Hua Monastery in Canton
    Province to pay his respects to the Venerable Master Hsu Yun, who
    was then one hundred and nine years old. During his journey he
    resided at P’u T’ou Mountain, the Bodhimanda of the Bodhisattva
    Avalokiteshvara, where he received the complete bhikshu precepts.
    When he arrived at Nan Hua the two masters greeted one another;
    the Venerable Master Hsu Yun recognised the Master’s attainment
    and transmitted the wonderful mind seal to him, making him the
    Ninth patriarch of the Wei Yang Lineage, and asked him to serve as
    the Director of the Nan Hua Institute for the Study of the Vinaya.
    In 1950 he resigned his post at Nan Hua Monastery and
    journeyed to Hong Kong where he lived in a mountain side cave in
    the New Territories. He stayed in the cave until the large influx of
    Sangha members fleeing the mainland required his help in establishing
    new monasteries and temples throughout Hong Kong. He
    personally established two temples and a lecture hall and helped to
    bring about the construction of many others. He dwelt in Hong
    Kong for twelve years, during which many people were influenced
    by his arduous cultivation and awesome manner to take refuge with
    the Triple Jewel and support the propagation of the Buddhadharma.
    In 1962 he carried the Buddha’s Dharma banner farther west to
    the shores of America where he took up residence in San
    Franscisco and patiently waited for past causes to ripen and bear
    their fruit. In the beginning of the year 1968 the Master declared
    that the flower of Buddhism would bloom that year in America with
    five petals; in the summer of that year the Master conducted the
    Shurangama Sutra Dharma Assembly which lasted 96 days – five
    of the people who attended that session left the home-life and
    became bhikshus and bhikshunis under the Master’s guidance.
    Since that time the Master has conducted many Dharma
    assemblies, and delivered lectures on the Heart Sutra, the
    Diamond Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch’s Sutra, the Amitabha Sutra,
    the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva, the Great
    Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra, and the Dharma Blossom
    Sutra. In June 1971 the Master commenced a Dharma Assembly on
    the king of sutras, the Avatamsaka Sutra. With such tireless vigor
    the Master has firmly planted the roots of Dharma in western soil so
    that it can become self-perpetuating. He has spent many hours
    every day explaining the teachings and their application in cultivation,
    steeping his disciples in the nectar of Dharma that they might
    carry on the Buddha’s teaching.
    The miraculous events that have taken place in the Master’s life
    are far too numerous to relate in this brief sketch. He has freed
    many from the burdens of disease and other afflictions, and his
    followers number in the tens of thousands. His steadfast cultivation
    of bitter practices, the moral prohibitions, and the six paramitas,
    paired with his unwavering samadhi and profound knowledge of
    the teachings serve as a model for living beings throughout the
    entire Dharmarealm.
    One of the best indications of a person’s character is the quality
    of the people who surround him. Over a period of seven years
    bhikshuni Heng Yin, who translated the Venerable Master’s
    explanation of the Amitabha Sutra, has been one of the leading
    disciples to study at the Venerable Master’s feet, and has been one
    of his chief translators.
    While translating the Master’s commentary to the Amitabha
    Sutra, she made an exhaustive study of the Sutra’s Sanskrit text in
    order to expand her frame of reference and to insure accuracy in her
    work. She has already translated the Sixth Patriarch’s Sutra with a
    commentary by the Venerable Master which has recently been
    published. she has been one of the outstanding students to sit at the
    Master’s feet, and she is exceptionally knowledgeable about all
    aspects of the Buddhist doctrine; her ability to quickly memorize
    whole books reveals an uncommonly penetrating intelligence
    which she applies to this work. She has translated many shorter
    works, and is currently completing work on two more sutras with
    lengthy commentaries.
    More than having attained a deep knowledge of the doctrine,
    she actaully cultivates the principles contained therein. Her
    meditation, mantric practices, and her in-depth study of the
    teaching school, joined with the ascetice practices of never lying
    down to sleep and taking only one meal a day, make her unique
    even among Buddhist adepts.
    Her accomplishments pay tribute to the Venerable Master, her
    teacher, whose lofty example continues to be the standard and
    guide for Buddhism as it expands and flourishes in the West.
    The translator of the text of the Amitabha Sutra is Upasaka I
    Kuo-jung, a senior lay disciple in the four-fold assembly of
    cultivators at Gold Mountain Monastery. He has studied with the
    Venerable Master daily for nearly a decade. Also one o fthe
    Venerable Master’s chief translators, he has investigated a large
    portion of the Buddhist canon under the Master’s tutelage, and has
    been a guiding in fluence in the work of the Buddhist Text
    Translation Society (BTTS). He has translated several other works,
    among them the Heart Sutra with Verse Without a Stand by the
    Venerable Master. He holds degrees from Harvard and the
    University of Washington, and is a Candidate for Ph.D. at
    University of California, Berkeley.
    Bhiksu Heng Kuan
    Gold Mountain
    June, 1974.
    Translator’s Introduction
    Shakyamuni Buddha spoke the Amitabha Sutra to let all oving
    beings know of the power of Amitabha Buddha’s great vows to lead
    all who recite his name with faith to rebirth in his Buddhaland, the
    Land of Ultimate Bliss, where they may cultivate and quickly
    realize Buddhahood.
    Of the five great schools of Buddhism – the Ch’an (Zen)
    School, the Teaching School, the Vinaya School, the Secret School,
    and the Pure Land School – the Pure Land Dharma door of Buddharecitation
    is the most suited for living beings of the Dharma-ending
    Age, when beings are beset by external disasters and internal
    obstacles. It is extremely direct and encompasses beings of all
    For a true understanding of the Amitabha Sutra, the explanation
    of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua is indispensable. In the fall of
    1969, the Master delivered a series of lectures to his American
    disciples, brilliantly revealing the essence of the Pure Land
    Doctrine and causing his American listeners to bring forth deep and
    sincere faith in the practice of the Pure Land. The lectures were
    tape-recorded and have now been transcribed so that students of the
    Dharma everywhere may study them, put them into practice, and
    thus be filled with the joy of Dharma.
    The Venerable Master Hua, through the power of his vows and
    vast compassion, has come to the West, carrying the mind-seal of
    all Buddhas as it has been passed in succession from Shakyamuni
    buddha, through Patriarch Bodhidharma, the Great Master the
    Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, through the Venerable Master Hsu Yun
    who in turn transmitted the Dharma to the Venerable Master Hua.
    Thus, the Master is the 46th Patriarch from Shakyamuni Buddha,
    the 18th Patriarch in China from Bodhidharma, the Ninth Patriarch
    of the Wei Yang Lineage, and the First Patriarch in the West.
    Although many claim that this is the Dharma-ending Age, the
    Master upholds the Orthodox Dharma, having founded Gold
    Mountain Monastery in San Francisco where that Dharma is taught
    and practiced. [[[Under the Master’s guidance, many young
    Americans have left the home-life; twelve of them have received
    complete ordination as Bhikshus and Bhikshunis, forming the
    first organized Sangha in the western world.]]] The Master has
    said, “I have come to America to create living Bodhisattvas, living
    Buddhas, and living Patriarchs.” Thus he has established the Gold
    Mountain Doctrine, which his disciples reverently uphold:
    Freezing, we do not scheme.
    Starving, we do not beg.
    Dying of poverty, we ask for nothing.
    We accord with conditions, but do not change.
    We do not change, yet accord with conditions.
    These are our three great principles.
    We renounce our lives to do the Buddha’s work.
    We shape our lives to be capable
    of making revolution in the Sangha Order.
    In our actions we understand the principles,
    So that our principles are revealed in our actions.
    We carry out the pulse of
    the Patriarch’s mind-transmission.
    If you wish to comprehend the profound principles found within
    the Sutras, it is essential that you attend Dharma Assemblies and
    hear the Sutras explained by qualified teachers. The Venerable
    Master Hua’s untiring vigor in lecturing on the Dharma is
    unmatched. He has resolved that as long as he has a single breath of
    air, he will continue to elucidate the Sutras, regardless of how many
    people come to listen. If there is only one person, or when there are
    hundreds, he lectures just the same. At Gold Mountain Monastery,
    the Dharma is explained every day, seven days a week, 365 days a
    year. Such intensive lecturing is unparalleled in the entire history of
    Buddhism in the world.
    On June 17th, 1968, at the Buddhist Lecture Hall in San
    Francisco, the Master began a series of lectures on the Shurangama
    Sutra to a group of 40 university students during a 96-day Sutra
    Study and Meditation Session. Each lecture took a minimum of two
    hours to deliver and translate. When it became evident that the
    Sutra was too long to finish on schedule, the Master began lecturing
    twice a day, once in the afternoon and once in the evening, and then
    three times a day, adding a lecture in the mornings. Finally, by the
    end of the summer, the Master was lecturing four times a day. The
    session ended on September 22nd, 1968.
    Following the Shurangama Sutra session, the gathering of
    disciples great steadily. Many who had come from Seattle,
    Washington to attend the session took up permanent residence in
    San Francisco, drawn like filings to a magnet to the forthcoming
    Lotus Sutra assembly which formally began November 10th, 1968.
    The Master delivered lectures nightly on the Sutra. Two years, and
    over 350 lectures later, the assembly was concluded on November
    10th, 1970.
    Shakyamuni Buddha taught the Dharma for 49 years, in over
    300 Dharma Assemblies, and left limitless Dharma treasures in the
    world. He taught 84,000 Dharma doors to counteract men’s 84,000
    kinds of afflictions. The Master has labored to expose students to
    the fullest possible range of the Buddha’s teaching. Thus, on
    November 16th, 1968, he began expounding the Sutra of the Past
    Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva at weekly Saturday afternoon
    lectures which continued regularly until September 22nd, 1969.
    At the request of his disciples, the Master also began lecturing
    the Diamond Sutra weekly on sunday afternoons. The series ran
    from November 17th, 1968 to April 6th, 1969. No sooner had he
    finished lecturing the Diamond Sutra, than he agreed to explain the
    Heart Sutra with his Verses Without a Stand. That series ran from
    April 20th, 1969 to July 27th, 1969. As soon as the Heart Sutra
    assembly was concluded, many eager disciples requested an
    explanation of the Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra which
    began on August 3rd, 1969 and ended on January 18th, 1970.
    The second annual Summer Session began on June 16th, 1969.
    During the session the Master lectured daily in the afternoons on
    the Chapter on the Conduct and Vows of Samantabhadra, from the
    Avatamsaka Sutra, in addition to nightly lectures on the Dharma
    Flower Sutra. When the Chapter was finished on July 25th, 1969,
    he then explained the Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform
    Sutra daily from August 4th, 1969 to September 12th, 1969.
    The Master’s tireless dedication inspired deep faith and
    unwavering vigor in his disciples. Consequentially five of them
    went to Asia where they received the full ordination in Keelung,
    Taiwan, and returned as America’s first Bhikshus and Bhikshunis.
    In their absence the Dharma Flower Sutra lectures were replaced
    by nightlylectures on the Amitabha Sutra which ran from October
    29th, 1969 to December 25th, 1969. Dharma Flower Sutra lectures
    resumed in January, 1970, after one of the numerous intensive
    Ch’an Meditation and Buddha Recitation Sessions hosted by the
    Master at which he delivered lively and informative talks daily. The
    number of disciples continued to grow. Between May 17th and June
    7th, 1970, the Master delivered lectures on the Shastra to the Door
    of Understanding the Hundred Dharmas. The third annual
    Summser Session in 1970 revolved around lectures on the Dharma
    Flower which continued until autumn when the Assembly came to
    a close. At that time the Great Hundred Day Meditation Session
    was inaugurated. The session consisted of fourteen straight weeks
    of Ch’an meditation, from three o’clock in the morning until twelve
    midnight, beginning on November 15th, 1970. The Master
    delivered nightly lectures on the Records of Eminent Monks (kao
    seng chuan) along with meditation instruction. As usual, the
    Master continued to lecture in the afternoons on weekends, making
    a total of nine lectures a weekly. During this period the Master also
    founded Gold Mountain Monastery and supervised its construction.
    The Sino-American Buddhist Association took up headquarters
    there. On April 18th, 1971, the Master began weekly Sunday
    lectures on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana Shastra.
    On June 13th, 1970, the first day of the fourth annual Summer
    Session, the Master began lecturing on National Master Ch’ing
    Liang’s preface to the Great Avatamsaka Sutra. The Master
    lectured National Master Ch’ing Liang’s prologue to the
    Avatamsaka as well. Lecturing daily for a year and five months, he
    finished, 375 lectures later, on November 10th, 1972. On November
    12th, 1972, the Master inaugurated the Great Avatamsaka Assemly,
    and has continued to expound it daily, sometimes as often as nine
    times a week. To date, he has delivered over 300 lectures on that
    At the time of this writing the Master’s schedule include nightly
    lectures on the Avatamsaka, daily lectures on the Vinaya texts, and
    weekly lectures on the Awakening of Faith.
    The assembly of disciples, Bhikshus and Bhikshunis, laymen
    and laywomen, scholars and professionals, who come to listen
    often number in the hundreds. This is but a brief outline of how the
    Master has worked with selfless devotion to lay the foundation of
    the Buddha’s teaching on Western soil.
    The Dharma itself has no orthodox, resemblance, or Dharmaending
    Age; it is living beings who create the distinctions. One who
    cultivates the Orthodox Dharma lives in the Orthodox Dharma Age
    and will obtain the orthodox enlightenment. In the Amitabha Sutra,
    the Buddha says, “Shariputra, if there are people who have already
    made the vow, who now make the vow, or who are about to make
    the vow, ‘I desire to be born in Amitabha’s country,’ these people,
    whether born in the past, now being born, or to be born in the
    future, all will irreversibly attain Anuttarasamyaksambodhi.” The
    Master’s commentary presents a most rare opportunity to study the
    principles of the Pure Land, and those who have faith, who make
    vows, and who actually practice this Dharma-door are assured of a
    miraculous response.
    Bhikshuni Heng Yin
    American Citizen
    Buddhist Text Translation Society
    June 25, 1974.
    The Land of Ultimate Bliss
    Who would not like to end all suffering and enjoy every bliss?
    This new translation tells exactly how it can be done. The Buddha
    Speaks of Amitabha Sutra which sets forth the methods leading to
    birth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, the Western Paradise of the
    Buddha Amitabha, first appeared in the Vajra Bodhi Sea. A
    complete translation of the Amitabha Sutra from the Chinese text
    was printed in issue nine, and a Sanskrit language lesson based
    upon its Sanskrit text appeared in each issue; and this translation of
    the Venerable Master Hua’s explanation was first published there.
    What had been lacking was a full explanation of just what this Sutra
    is about gathered in one place for ready reference by students of the
    The practice of mindfulness and recitation of the Buddha’s
    name is widespread in the Orient, but even the only rarely is it fully
    understood and cultivated. How much the more os is that ture in the
    West, where the recollection of the Buddha’s name, is known at all,
    is generally mistaken for an ecstatic devotional cult. Such a view is
    a great mistake and results from a misunderstanding o fthe basic
    principles of Buddhism, for recitation of the Buddha’s name is
    actually an inconceivably wonderful Dharma door which includes
    all other Buddhist practices. Now at last there has appeared the
    authoritative explanation of this Sutra text, translated from the
    lectures of the Most Venerable High Master Hua, which clarifies
    this Dharma door and reveals the profound depths to which this
    mindfulness of the Buddha extends.
    Bhikshuni Heng Hsien
    Candidate of Ph.D.
    Acting Instructor in Indian Civilization
    University of California
    January 2nd, 1973.
    The Translation of the Text
    The present translation is of the small Sukhavati-vyuha. Two
    sutras, the large and the small, have this title, both taking as subject
    Amitabha Buddha, his pure Buddhaland to the West, and the means
    to rebirth therein. Sukhavati, or, as translated from the Chinese,
    Ultimate Bliss, is the name of this land.
    A third sutra also describes Sukhavati: the Amitayurdhyanasutra.
    Together, these three comprise the basic texts of the Pure
    Land Sect.
    The translated text, the small Sukhavati-vyuha, although it is
    the shortest of the three, is by no means unimportant. Nor is it just
    a summary recapitulation of the doctrine set forth in the other two.
    The large Sukhavati-vyuha explains the causal connections
    resulting in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It deals with
    Amitabha’s vows of former lives and their realization in Sukhavati.
    The Amitayurdhyana-sutra is concerned with quite another
    matter. It is a guide to cultivation and describes a series of sixteen
    meditations which lead to various grades of transformational
    rebirth in Sukhavati. Summaries of both sutras are readily found in
    the literature and so are not given here.
    Both sutras contain Dharmas preached in specific response to
    the requests of sentient beings: the large Sukhavati-vyuha at the
    request of Ananda, “who had still to be advanced on the path of
    disciples”; the Amitayurdhyana-sutra at the request of Vaidehi,
    queen mother of the wicked Prince Ajatasatru:
    “My only prayer,” she continued, “is this: O World
    Honored One, mayest thou preach to me in detail of all the
    places where there is no sorrow or trouble, and where I
    ought to go to be born anew. I am not satisfied with this
    world of depravities, with Jambudvipa which is full of hells,
    full of hungry ghosts (pretas), and of the brute creation. In
    this world of depravities there is many an assemblage of the
    wicked. May I not hear, I pray, the voice of the wicked in the
    future; and may I not see any wicked person.”
    The small Sukhavati-vyuha, in contra-distinction, is unique
    because the entire Sutra belongs to the “self-spoken” division. In
    other words, the Buddha himself spontaneously preached the
    Dharma, overstepping the usual practice of speaking Dharma on
    request. The very fact that no one in the Great Assembly knew to
    ask shows the extreme importance and inconceivability of this
    specific Dharma. Thus, the Buddha clearly warns, “You should
    know that I, in the evil time of the five turbidities… for all the
    world speak this Dharma, difficult to believe, extremely difficult.”
    The original draft of the translation was made as a text to be
    used in conjunction with the spontaneous oral translations of
    Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua’s sublime lectures on this Sutra. It was
    felt that an accurate and fairly literal translation was needed to do
    justice to the subtleties of the commentary.
    Afterwards, it was decided to change the Sutra as part of the
    daily activities at the Buddhist Lecture Hall. In order to produce an
    English version suitable for chanting, some revision of the literal
    translation was necessary; however, great care has been taken to
    preserve the meaning, even at the cost of “chantability.” Although
    the product is a long way from Kumarajiva’s pristine clarity, it is
    hoped that a step has been made in that direction. And perhaps with
    growing familiarity and cultivation, progress will be rapid.
    Upasaka I Kuo-jung
    Lecturer in Religious Studies
    University of California
    September 1st, 1974.

    Namo Original Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha

    Verse for Opening a Sutra
    The unsurpassed, profound, and wonderful Dharma,
    Is difficult to encounter in hundreds of millions of eons,
    I now see and hear it, receive and uphold it,
    And I vow to fathom the Tathagata’s true meaning.

    P A R T I
    According to the instructions of the T’ien T’ai School, Sutras
    are outlined according to Five-fold Profound Meanings: Explaining
    the Name, Describing the Substance, Clarifying the Principle,
    Discussing the Function, and Determining the Teaching Mark. The
    Five-fold Meanings are called “five-fold” because they unfold,
    layer after layer.
    Explaining the Name
    The first is Explaining the Name. Only when you know the
    Sutra’s name can you begin to understand its principles. Just as
    when you meet a person you first learn his name, so it is with
    Sutras, for each has its own particular name.
    The titles of all Buddhist Sutras may be divided into two parts,
    the common title and the special title. The special title of this Sutra
    is the Buddha Speaks of Amitabha, and the word Sutra is the
    common title, as all discourses spoken by the Buddha are called
    Although five kinds of beings may speak Sutras,
    1) The Buddhas,
    2) The Buddha’s disciples,
    3) Gods,
    4) Immortals, and
    5) Transformation beings, that is, gods or Buddhas who
    transform into human form.
    The disciples, gods, immortals, and transformation beings must
    first receive the Buddha’s certification before they speak Sutra;
    without certification, what they speak is not truly a Sutra. This
    Sutra was spoken by the Buddha, not by those in the other four
    categories; it came from Shakyamuni Buddha’s mouth.
    The Special Title
    Because its principles were too profound and wonderful for the
    Sravakas or Bodhisattvas to comprehend, no one requested the Pure
    Land Dharma-door. Nonetheless, it had to be revealed and so the
    Buddha spontaneously spoke this very important Sutra, doubly
    important because it will be the last to disappear in the Dharmaending
    In the future, the Buddhadharma will become extinct. Demon
    Kings most fear the Shurangama mantra and so the Shurangama
    Sutra will be the first to disappear, for without the Sutra, no one
    will be able to recite the mantra. Then, one by one, the other Sutras
    will disappear. We now have the black words of the text on white
    paper, but in the future, when the Buddhadharma is on the verge of
    extinction, the words will disappear from the page, as all the Sutras
    vanish. The last to go will be the Amitabha Sutra. It will remain in
    the world an additional hundred years and ferry limitless living
    beings across the sea of suffering to the other shore, which is
    Nirvana. When the Amitabha Sutra has been forgotten, only the
    great phrase “Namo Amitabha Buddha” will remain among
    mankind and save limitless beings. Next, the word “Namo” which
    is Sanskrit and means “homage to” will be lost, and only
    “Amitabha Buddha” will remain for another hundred years,
    rescuing living beings. After that, the Buddhadharma will
    completely disappear from the world. Because this Sutra will be the
    last to disappear, it is extremely important.
    The Special Title
    Who is the Buddha? The Buddha is the Greatly Enlightened
    One. His great enlightenment is an awakening to all things, without
    a particle of confusion. A true Buddha has ended karma and
    transcended emotions. He is without karmic obstacles and devoid
    of emotional responses. On the other hand we find living beings,
    who are attached to emotions and worldly love. Common men with
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    heavy karma and confused emotions are simply living beings. The
    Buddha’s enlightenment may be said to be of three kinds:
    1) Basic enlightenment, enlightenment at the root source.
    2) Beginning enlightenment, the initial stages of enlightenment,
    3) Ultimate enlightenment, complete enlightenment.
    You can also say that he is
    1) Self-enlightened, that he
    2) Enlightens others, and that he is
    3) Complete in enlightenment and practice.
    Self-enlightenment. Common men are unenlightened. They
    think themselves intelligent when they are actually quite dull. They
    gamble thinking that they will win-who would have guessed that
    they’d lose? Why are they so confused? It’s because they do things
    which they clearly know are wrong. The more confused they are,
    the deeper they sink into confusion; the deeper they sink, the more
    confused they become.
    Everyone should become enlightened. The Buddha is a part of
    all living beings and is one of them himself, but because he is
    enlightened instead of confused, he is said to be self-enlightened
    and not like common men. Sravakas, the disciples of the Small
    Vehicle, are “independents”; they are self-enlightened, but they do
    not enlighten others.
    Bodhisattvas enlighten others, unlike the Sravakas who think
    only of themselves. Bodhisattvas choose to benefit all beings and
    ask for nothing in return. Using their own methods of self-enlightenment,
    they convert all beings causing them to realize the doctrine
    of enlightenment and non-confusion. This is the practice of the
    Bodhisattva conduct.
    The Special Title
    Sravakas, “sound-hearers”, awaken to the Way upon hearing
    the sound of the Buddha’s voice. They cultivate the Four Holy
    1) Suffering,
    2) Origination,
    3) Extinction, and
    4) The Way.
    They also cultivate the Twelve Causes and Conditions:
    1) Ignorance, which conditions…
    2) Action, action which conditions…
    3) Consciousness, consciousness which conditions…
    4) Name and form, name and form which conditions…
    5) The six sense organs, which condition…
    6) Contact, contact which conditions…
    7) Feeling, feeling which conditions…
    8) Craving, craving which conditions…
    9) Grasping, grasping which conditions…
    10) Becoming, becoming which conditions…
    11) Birth, and birth which conditions…
    12) Old age and death.
    The twelve all arise from ignorance, and ignorance is merely a
    lack of understanding. Without ignorance, the Twelve Causes and
    Conditions cease to operate. But if you flounder in ignorance, you
    are caught in the remaining causes. Those of the Small Vehicle
    cultivate the Dharma, but Bodhisattvas transcend all successive
    stages, cultivating the Six Perfections and the Ten-thousand
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    The Six Perfections are:
    1) Giving. Giving transforms those who are stingy. Greedy
    people who can’t give should practice giving, for if they do not
    learn to give they will never get rid of their stinginess.
    2) Morality. The precepts are guides to perfect conduct and
    eliminate offenses, transgressions, and evil deeds. Keep the
    3) Patience. Patience transforms those who are hateful. If you
    have an unreasonable temper, cultivate being patient and bearing
    with things. Don’t be an asura, a fighter who gets angry all day and
    is not on speaking terms with anyone unless it’s to speak while
    glaring with fierce, angry eyes. Be patient instead.
    4) Vigor. Vigor transforms those who are lazy. If you’re lazy,
    learn to be vigorous.
    5) Dhyana meditation. Dhyana meditation transforms those
    who are scattered and confused.
    6) Wisdom. Prajna wisdom transforms those who are stupid;
    the bright light of wisdom disperses the darkness of stupidity.
    Bodhisattvas cultivate the Six Perfections and the Ten-thousand
    conducts. Self-enlightened, they enlighten others, and are therefore
    unlike those of the Small Vehicle.
    Complete Enlightenment. This is wonderful enlightenment, the
    enlightenment of the Buddha. The Buddha perfects self-enlightenment
    and the enlightenment of others, and when his enlightenment
    and practice are complete, he has realized Buddhahood.
    “You keep talking about the Buddha,” you say, “but I still don’t
    know who the Buddha is.”
    You don’t know? I will tell you.
    “You are the Buddha.”
    “Then why don’t I know it?” you ask.
    The Special Title
    Your not knowing is just the Buddha! But this is not to say that
    you have already reached Buddhahood. You are as yet an
    unrealized Buddha. You should understand that the Buddha
    became a Buddha from the stage of a common person. It is just
    living beings who can cultivate to realize Buddhahood. The
    Buddha is the Enlightened One, and when a human being becomes
    enlightened, he’s a Buddha, too. Without enlightenment, he’s just a
    living being. This is a general explanation of the word Buddha.
    The Buddha has Three Bodies, Four Wisdoms, Five Eyes, and
    Six Spiritual Penetrations. You may be a Buddha, but you are still
    an unrealized Buddha, for you do not have these powers. The
    Buddha cultivated from the stage of a common person to
    Buddhahood, and has all the attributes of Buddhahood.
    Some who haven’t become Buddhas claim to be Buddhas. This
    is the height of stupidity; claiming to be what they are not, they
    cheat themselves and cheat others. Isn’t this to be a “Greatly Stupid
    One?” Everyone can become a Buddha, but cultivation is
    necessary. If one has the Three Bodies and the Four Wisdoms one
    may call oneself a Buddha. If one has just the Five Eyes, or a bit of
    spiritual penetration, one may not.
    The Three Bodies are:
    1) The Dharma body,
    2) The Reward body,
    3) The Transformation body.
    The Four Wisdoms are:
    1) The Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom,
    2) The Wonderful Observing Wisdom,
    3) The Wisdom of Accomplishing What is Done, and
    4) The Equality Wisdom.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    The Six Spiritual Penetrations are:
    1) The Heavenly Eye.The Heavenly Eye can see the gods and
    watch all their activities.
    2) The Heavenly Ear.The Heavenly Ear can hear the speech
    and sounds of the gods.
    3) The Knowledge of Others’ Thoughts. Thoughts in the
    minds of others which they have not yet spoken are
    already known. This refers to the present.
    4) The Knowledge of Past Lives. With this penetration one
    can also know the past.
    5) The Extinction of Outflows. To be without outflows is to
    have no thoughts of greed, hate, stupidity, or sexual
    desire. In general, once one gets rid of all one’s bad habits
    and faults, one has no outflows. Outflows are like water
    running through a leaky bottle; at the stage of no outflows
    the leaks have been stopped up.
    6) The Complete Spirit. Also called the Penetration of the
    Spiritual Realm, this is an inconceivably wonderful state.
    The Five Eyes are:
    1) The Heavenly Eye,
    2) The Buddha Eye,
    3) The Wisdom Eye,
    4) The Dharma Eye, and
    5) The Flesh Eye.
    A verse about the Five Eyes says,
    The Heavenly Eye Penetrates without obstruction.
    The Flesh Eye sees obstacles but does not penetrate.
    The Dharma Eye only contemplates the mundane.
    The Wisdom Eye understands True Emptiness.
    The Buddha Eye shines like a thousand suns.
    The Special Title
    Although the illuminations differ,
    Their substance is one.
    The Heavenly Eye penetrates without obstruction and sees the
    affairs of eighty-thousand great aeons. It cannot see beyond that.
    The Flesh Eye can see those things which are obstructed; the
    Heavenly Eye only sees those things which are not obstructed. The
    Dharma Eye contemplates the “mundane truth”, all the affairs of
    worldly existence. The Wisdom Eye comprehends the state of True
    Emptiness, the “genuine truth.”
    Not just the Buddha, but everyone has a Buddha Eye. Some
    have opened their Buddha Eyes and some have not. The open
    Buddha Eye shines with the blazing intensity of a thousand suns.
    Although the Five Eyes differ in what they see, they are basically of
    the same substance.
    So the Buddha has Three Bodies, Four Wisdoms, Five Eyes,
    and Six Spiritual Penetrations. If one has such talent, one may call
    oneself a Buddha, but if not, one would be better off being a good
    person instead of trying to cheat people.
    In this Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, the teacher of the Saha
    world, speaks of the adornments of the Land of Ultimate Bliss and
    of its teacher, Amitabha Buddha.
    Saha is a Sanskrit term which mean “to be endured.”1 The
    world in which we live has so much suffering that living beings
    find it hard to endure, and so it is named Saha.
    Shakyamuni Buddha’s name, also Sanskrit, is explained in two
    parts. Sakya, his family name, means “able to be humane.”2 The
    Buddha shows his humaneness as compassion which rel ieves
    1. kan ren
    2. neng ren
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    suffering, and kindness which bestows happiness by teaching and
    transforming living beings.
    There are three kinds of compassion:
    1) An Attitude of Loving Compassion. Average men love and
    sympathize with those close to them, but not with strangers. Seeing
    relatives or friends in distress, they exhaust their strength to help
    them, but when strangers are suffering, they pay them no heed.
    Having compassion for those you love is called an Attitude of
    Loving Compassion.
    There is as well an Attitude of Loving Compassion which
    extends to those of the same species, but not to those of other
    species. For example, not only do people have no compassion for
    animals such as oxen, pigs, chickens, geese, or ducks, but they even
    go so far as to eat animals’ flesh! They snatch away animals’ lives
    in order to nourish their own. This is not a true Attitude of Loving
    Compassion. Fortunately, people rarely eat each other. They may
    eat pork, mutton, beef, chicken, duck, and fish, but they don’t
    catch, kill, and eat each other, and so they are a bit better off than
    animals that turn on members of their own species for food. People
    may not eat each other, but they certainly have no true Attitude of
    Loving Compassion towards animals.
    2) Compassion which comes from understanding conditioned
    dharmas. Those of the Small Vehicle have compassion which
    comes from understanding conditioned dharmas as well as the
    attitude of loving compassion discussed above. They contemplate
    all dharmas as arising from causes and conditions and they know
    Causes and conditions have no nature;
    Their very substance is emptiness.
    Contemplating the emptiness of conditioned dharmas, they
    compassionately teach and transform living beings without
    The Special Title
    becoming attached to the teaching and transforming. They know
    that everything is empty.
    3) The Great Compassion which comes from understanding the
    identical substance of all beings. Buddha and Bodhisattvas have yet
    another kind of compassion. The Buddha’s Dharma body pervades
    all places and so the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are of one
    substance with all beings; the Buddha’s heart and nature are allpervasive
    and all beings are contained within it. We are living
    beings within the Buddha’s heart and he is the Buddha within our
    hearts. Our hearts and the Buddha’s are the same, everywhere
    throughout the ten directions, north, east, south, west, the directions
    in between, above, and below. Therefore the Buddha and living
    beings are of the same substance, without distinction. This is called
    the Great Compassion.
    Sakya, the Buddha’s family name, includes these three kinds of
    compassion. If one chose to speak about it in more detail, there are
    limitless and unbounded meanings.
    Muni is the Buddha’s personal name. It means “still and
    quiet.”3 Still and unmoving, he is silent. No words from the mouth,
    no thoughts from the mind-this is an inconceivable state. The
    Buddha speaks Dharma without speaking; he speaks and yet does
    not speak, does not speak and yet he speaks. This is still and silent,
    still, still, silent and unmoving, yet responding in accord;
    responding in accord and yet always, always silent and still. This is
    the meaning of the Buddha’s personal name, Muni. All Buddhas
    have the name Buddha in common, but only this Buddha has the
    special name Shakyamuni.
    Continuing the explanation of the title, we shall now investigate
    the meaning of speak. In Chinese, the word speak shuo is made
    up of the radical yan which means “word,” and the element
    3. ji mo
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    dui. Dui has two dots on the top which were originally the
    word ren, person. The strokes below could also represent
    the word person.
    What does the Buddha say? Whatever he pleases, but happy to
    say what he wants to say, he always speaks the Dharma.
    Having already become Buddhas, Shakyamuni Buddha and the
    Buddhas of the ten directions are called “already enlightened ones,”
    as they have already understood and awakened from their dreams.
    While we are still sound asleep and dreaming, the Buddha is greatly
    enlightened, greatly awakened. With his Buddha-wisdom there is
    nothing he does not know; using his Buddha-vision there is nothing
    he does not see. This is the meaning of his great enlightenment
    which came from cultivating, and this is the result to which he has
    certified. He has walked the road, he has been through it, he is an
    “already enlightened one.” The methods of cultivation he used to
    attain the fruit of enlightenment he then teaches, to lead all living
    beings to attain and certify to that ultimate, complete result of
    Bodhi. That is why he speaks the Dharma, and why, having done
    so, he is happy to have spoken.
    What does he say?
    Right now he speaks of Amitabha: the Buddha Speaks of
    Amitabha Sutra.
    The Special Title
    Amitabha, the next word in the title, is a Sanskrit word which
    means “limitless light.”4 Amitabha’s other name, Amitayus, means
    “limitless life.”5
    “But,” you might ask, “the Sutra says that it has been ten kalpas
    since Amitabha realized Buddhahood. Ten kalpas is a definite
    length of time. Why do you speak of ‘limitless life’ and then
    measure it out in time?”
    Amitayus, “limitless life,” refers to his blessings and virtue
    “Limitless light” refers to his wisdom. His wisdom light is limitless
    and bright. Limitless life, limitless light. Not only are his blessings,
    virtues, and wisdom limitless but so are his spiritual powers, his
    eloquence, his attributes, and his teachings. There is no way to
    count them because they are infinite, nowhere present and nowhere
    Where did the limitless come from? Mathematicians should
    know that the limitless comes from the one. One is many and many
    are one. A scholar once wrote a book and said, “Large numbers are
    written by starting with one and then employing many place
    holding zeros. Keep adding zeros until the space between heaven
    and earth is filled. When you have written all over your walls and
    covered your floors, can you determine the total? Couldn’t you still
    add another zero? Numbers are endless.”
    Amitabha Buddha’s life, wisdom, merit, virtue, and Way-power
    are all infinite and unbounded. If you want a big figure, go ahead
    and write columns of zeros.
    Knowing that there can be no definite total, the Buddha, who is
    the perfection of intelligence, just said, “Limitless and uncount-
    4. wu liang guang , from the Sanskrit amita, “unmeasured” and
    abha, “splendor, light.”
    5. wu liang shou , from the Sanskrit amita and ayus, “life-span,
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    able.” Mathematics can explain infinity, and scientists have sent
    men into space to study it, but having arrived in empty space,
    there’s still more empty space beyond. There’s no end to it.
    Numbers go on infinitely and in this way we can understand the
    vast expanse of Amitabha Buddha’s blessedness, his virtue, and his
    wisdom. Therefore he is called Amita.
    Both Amitabha and Shakyamuni Buddha were people who
    became Buddhas. They did not descend from the heavens or ascend
    from the depths of the earth. As people they cultivated the Dharma
    and now they are sages, people who have realized the result.
    According to the classification of Sutra titles, this Sutra is
    established by reference to a person, but not a person like us. He is
    a Buddha, one who has realized the result. We are living beings; we
    have not realized the result, but are cultivating the cause of
    Buddhahood. Once Buddhahood is realized, we will be sages. This
    sage’s name, Amitabha, is used to classify the title of the Sutra.
    The Common Title
    A Sutra is called a “tallying text.”6 It tallies with the wonderful
    principles of all Buddhas above and with the opportunities for
    teaching living beings below. Each time I explain a Sutra, I add
    more meanings to the word. If I told you all of the meanings at
    once, you would never remember them, or if you did, the next time
    I spoke about it you would say, “I know all about it, a Sutra strings
    together, attracts, is permanent, and is a method. The Master
    certainly is repetitious.” So I explain the term “Sutra” bit by bit. In
    this commentary on The Amitabha Sutra I will discuss five of its
    1) Basic Dharma. The Buddha reveals the origin of Dharma
    with his teaching by means of Four Kinds of Complete Giving:
    6. ji qing
    The Common Title
    a) Mundane Complete Giving, using ordinary methods of
    b) Curative Complete Giving, curing each living being of his
    particular problem,
    c) Complete Giving that is for everyone, teaching for the
    sake of all living beings.
    d) The Complete Giving of the Primary Meaning, giving the
    highest principle to all beings.
    Ultimately, the Dharma cannot be spoken because there is no
    Dharma to speak; but by practicing the Four Kinds of Complete
    Giving, the Buddha reveals it. Thus the word Sutra has the meaning
    of Basic Dharma.
    2) Subtle Dharma. Unless the profound and wonderful
    doctrines are elucidated in the Sutras, no one can know of them.
    3) Bubbling Spring. Principles flow from Sutras like gushing
    water from artesian wells.
    4) Guideline. To make guidelines, ancient carpenters and
    stonemasons used a string covered with black ink, held the string
    taut, pulled it up, let it snap and made a straight, black line. A Sutra
    is also like a compass and square, used for guiding people.
    5) A Garland. The principles are linked together in the Sutras
    like flowers woven into a garland.
    The word Sutra also has four additional meanings:
    1) Strings Together. Sutras string together the principles of the
    2) Attracts. Sutras attract living beings who are in need of the
    3) Method. The methods used in cultivation which have been
    employed from ancient times right up until the present are set forth
    in the Sutras.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    4) Permanent. Sutras are permanent and unchanging; not one
    word can be left out or added to them, and heavenly demons and
    non-Buddhist religions cannot harm them.
    The word Sutra also means “a path.” If you wanted for example,
    to go to New York and didn’t know the way, you might run west
    instead of east. You could run all your life, but you would never get
    to New York. Cultivating is also like this. Unless you know the
    road, you may practice forever, but will never arrive at
    Sutras are also a canon, fixed documents to rely upon when
    cultivating according to Dharma. Sutras also explain worldly
    dharmas. You can find any doctrine you wish in the Sutras.
    Sutras are everyone’s breath; without them men are lost. We
    should step outside of our stuffy rooms to breathe the fresh air of
    the Sutras. People can’t live without air or Sutras.
    You ask, “I don’t study Sutras or the Dharma, so I don’t breathe
    that air, do I?”
    Your breathe it, too, because the Dharma air fills the world, and
    whether or not you study it, you breathe it all the same. Everyone
    shares the air. Students of the Buddhadharma exhale
    Buddhadharma air and non-students breathe it in. You can’t avoid
    this relationship.
    Sutras are also food for the spirit, and have many uses. When
    you’re melancholy or depressed, recite Sutras, for they explain the
    doctrines in a wonderful way, which dispels your gloom and opens
    your heart.
    Sutra is the common name of all Sutra; this Sutra’s particular
    name is The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha . There are many Sutra
    names, because the Buddha left limitless unbounded Dharmajewels
    in the world; but of these hundreds and thousands of Sutras,
    none go beyond the Seven Classifications.
    The Seven Classifications of Sutra Titles
    The Seven Classifications of Sutra Titles
    In order to clarify their content, Sutra titles are divided into
    seven types by their reference to person, dharma, and analogy.
    1) Single Three. Three of the seven titles are established by
    reference to either person, dharma, or analogy.
    a) The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra7 refers only to
    people. Shakyamuni Buddha and Amitabha Buddha are
    both people who cultivated and became Buddhas.
    b) The Great Parinirvana Sutra8 is an example of a title
    classified by reference to a dharma. Nirvana is the dharma
    of non-production and non-extinction.
    c) The Net of Brahma Sutra9 is a title established only by
    reference to analogy, the analogy of the net of the Great
    Brahma King. The net in the Brahma heaven has many
    holes in it, like a fish net, and there is a gem in every hole.
    Each gem radiates more brilliantly than an electric light,
    reflected through the interstices of the net. They interillumine,
    without conflict. One light, for example, would
    never say to another, “I hate your light, lamp. It’s terrible!
    I’m the only one who can shine around here.” Lamps don’t
    fight with each other like people. The net of Brahma is an
    analogy for the precepts. Each precept is like a gem, and
    those who have left home are one of the Three Jewels
    because they keep the precepts purely. Members of the
    Sangha cultivate to have no improper thoughts concerning
    their environment. Thus they transcend the material
    world, attain purity, and shine like gems in the net of
    7. fo shuo a mi tuo jing , Sukhavativyuha-sutra
    8. da ban nie pan jing , Mahaparinirvana-sutra
    9. fan wan jing , Brahmajala-sutra
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    2) Double Three. Titles established by reference to a
    combination of either person and dharma, person and analogy, or
    dharma and analogy are called “double three.”
    d) The Sutra of Questions of Manjushri10 is a title
    established by reference to a person, the greatly wise
    Bodhisattva Manjushri, and the Dharma he requested,
    Prajna. Only the most intelligent Bodhisattva knew to ask
    about the meaning of Prajna. One of great wisdom
    requesting the dharma of great wisdom classifies the Sutra
    title according to person and dharma.
    e) The Lion Roar of the Thus Come One Sutra11 is a title
    established by reference to a person, the Thus Come One,
    and an analogy, the Lion Roar. The Buddha speaks
    Dharma like the lion roars, and when the King of Beasts
    roars, the wild beasts tremble. So, in his Song of
    Certifying to the Way, the Great Master Yung Chia Wrote,
    The roar of the lion is the fearless speaking;
    When the wild beasts hear it,
    their heads split wide open.
    Elephants run wild and lose their decorum,
    But gods and dragons, in silence,
    hear it with delight.
    The Buddha speaks the Dharma like the fearless lion
    roars. When the lion roars, the other animals are frozen
    with fright. Elephants are usually quite sedate, but they
    lose their powerful authoritarian stance. Gods, dragons,
    and the rest of the eight-fold division12, however, are
    10. wen shu shi li wen jing , Manjusripariprccha-sutra
    11. ? ji hou jing , Simhanadika-sutra
    The Twelve Divisions of Sutra Texts
    f) The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Blossom Sutra13 is an
    example of a title established by reference to a dharma and
    an analogy, since the wonderful Dharma is analogous to a
    lotus flower.
    3) Complete in One. The seventh classification contains
    references to all three subjects: person, dharma, and analogy.
    g) The Great Means Expansive Buddha Flower Adornment
    Sutra14. In this Sutra, Great, Means, and Expansive refer
    to the wonderful Dharma of realizing Buddhahood;
    Flower Adornment is an analogy-the causal flowers of the
    ten thousand conducts are used to adorn the supreme
    virtue of the fruit.
    The Twelve Divisions of Sutra Texts
    In addition to the Seven Classifications of Sutra Titles, the texts
    comprising the entire Tripitaka, or Buddhist Canon, may be divided
    into twelve categories:
    1) Prose lines.
    2) Repetition of the meanings presented in the prose lines in
    short “verse lines” makes the text easy to remember.
    3) Predictions of Buddhahood. Although future Buddhas have
    not yet realized Buddhahood, the present Buddha predicts their
    eventual accomplishment and gives them each a name.
    12. The eight-fold division, or eight classes of supernatural beings are: gods,
    dragons, yaksa ghosts, gandharvas (musical spirits), kinnaras (also musical
    spirits), asuras (beings who like to fight), garudas (great-golden winged
    birds), and mahoragas (giant snakes).
    13. miao fa lian hua jing , Saddharmapundarika-sutra
    14. da fang guang fwo hua yan jing , Mahavaipulyabuddhavatamsaka-
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    4) Interjections do not fit with the principles which come
    before or after them. They arise alone, like the short verses in the
    Vajra (Diamond) Sutra:
    5) The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra belongs to the
    category of Sutras “spoken without request.” The Sound Hearer
    Disciples were not ready to understand the doctrines of the Pure
    Land Dharma-door, and the Bodhisattvas hadn’t conceived of this
    method or heard of Amitabha’s vow to save all beings. Everyone
    said that reciting the Buddha’s name was an old woman’s pastime
    and that those with wisdom did not need to study it. This is a
    serious mistake because unless you recite the Buddha’s name you
    continue to have useless scattered, lustful, desire-ridden thought.
    Reciting the Buddha’s name gets rid of discursive thought. One
    who recites the name all day long will have no discursive thought.
    The absence of such thought is wonderful. The wonderful dharma
    purges us of greed, hate, and stupidity. When I was seventeen I
    wrote a verse:
    The King of all Dharmas is
    the one word “Amitabha.”
    The five periods and the eight teachings15
    are all contained within it.
    One who singlemindedly remembers
    and recites his name.
    Will enter into the still, and bright,
    and unmoving field.
    15. The Tian Tai School divides the Buddha’s teachings into five periods: the
    Avatamsaka, Agama, Vaipulya, Prajna, and Lotus-Nirvana. The teachings
    are also arranged in eight categories, four according to methods of teaching:
    sudden, gradual, secret, and unfixed, and four according tot he nature of the
    teaching: the storehouse teaching, the connecting teaching, the separate
    teaching, and the perfect teaching.
    The Twelve Divisions of Sutra Texts
    Reciting the Buddha’s name is much better than all of your
    crazy ideas!
    This Sutra describes the practices leading to the Buddha’s Pure
    Land. Bodhisattvas didn’t ask for this dharma because they simply
    did not understand the subtle advantages of reciting the Buddha’s
    name. Since no one asked for this wonderful Dharma, Shakyamuni
    Buddha spoke without request.
    6) Causes and conditions are also spoken by the Buddhas.
    7) Analogies.
    8) Past events discuss the events in the lives of the Buddha’s
    9) Past lives discuss the events in the past lives of the Buddha.
    10) Universal writings explain principle in an especially
    expansive way.
    11) New Sutras are those which have never been spoken before.
    12) Commentaries.
    The essential message of this Sutra teaches us to recite the name
    “Namo Amitabha Buddha.” Amitabha Buddha has a great affinity
    with living beings of the Saha world. Before realizing Buddhahood,
    he made forty-eight vows and each one involved taking living
    beings to Buddhahood. At that time, he was a Bhikshu named
    Dharma Treasury. He said, “When I realize Buddhahood, I vow
    that living beings who recite my name will also realize
    Buddhahood. Otherwise, I won’t either.”
    This is similar to the vow made by AvalokiteÇvara Bodhisattva
    in The Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra: “If anyone who
    recites this spiritual mantra does not obtain whatever he seeks, then
    this cannot be the Great Compassion Dharani.”
    By the power of his vows, Amitabha Buddha leads all beings to
    rebirth in his country where they realize Buddhahood. This power
    attracts living beings to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, just as a magnet
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    attracts iron filings. If living beings do not attain enlightenment, he
    himself won’t realize Buddhahood. Therefore, all who recite his
    name can realize Buddhahood.
    The Dharma-door of reciting the Buddha’s name receives those
    of all three faculties and accepts both the intelligent and the stupid.
    People with wisdom have superior faculties, ordinary people have
    average faculties, and stupid people have inferior faculties. But
    whether one is intelligent, average, or stupid, if one recites the
    Buddha’s name one will definitely be born transformationally from
    a lotus in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. One will not pass through the
    womb but will enter a lotus flower, live in it for a while, and then
    realize Buddhahood. Whether you are stupid or wise, you can
    realize Buddhahood.
    You say, “I don’t believe you can realize Buddhahood simply
    by reciting the Buddha’s name. It’s too easy. It’s like borrowing
    Amitabha’s power to realize Buddhahood.”
    You should not disbelieve this because a long time ago,
    Amitabha signed an agreement with us which said, “after I realize
    Buddhahood, you can recite my name and do so as well.” Since we
    signed our names, if we recite, we are sure to become Buddhas.
    Furthermore, reciting the Buddha’s name establishes a firm
    foundation and plants good roots. For example, there was once an
    old man who wanted to leave home. Although he was about seventy
    or eighty years old, couldn’t get around well, and was aware of his
    impending death, he thought he could easily leave home and be a
    High Master of Buddhism. When he arrived at the Garden of the
    Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary, he found that Shakyamuni
    Buddha had gone out to receive offerings. His disciples, the Arhats,
    opened their heavenly eyes and took a look at this man’s past
    causes. Seeing that he hadn’t done a single good deed in the past
    eighty-thousand great aeons, they told him that he couldn’t leave
    The Twelve Divisions of Sutra Texts
    When he heard this, the old man’s heart turned cold and he ran,
    thinking, “If I can’t leave home, I’ll kill myself.” Just as he was
    about to throw himself into the ocean, Shakyamuni Buddha caught
    him and said, “What are you doing?”
    “I wanted to leave home,” cried the man, “but the Buddha
    wasn’t at the Garden, and the great Bhikshus told me that I couldn’t
    because I have no good roots. My life is meaningless. I’m too old
    to work, and no one takes care of me. I might as well be dead.”
    Shakyamuni Buddha said, “Don’t throw yourself into the
    ocean. I’ll accept you.”
    “You will?” said the man. “Who are you? Do you have the
    Shakyamuni Buddha said, “I am the Buddha, and those
    Bhikshus are my disciples; none of them will object.”
    The old man wiped his eyes and blew his nose. “There’s hope
    for me,” he said.
    The old man’s head was shaved. He became a monk and
    immediately certified to the first stage of Arhatship. Why? When
    he heard that he couldn’t leave home, he had decided to drown
    himself; although he didn’t really die, he was as good as dead. “I’ve
    already thrown myself into the sea,” he said, and relinquished all
    his attachment to life. He saw right through everything, won his
    independence, and certified to the first stage of Arhatship.
    This bothered the Bhikshus. “How strange,” they murmured,
    “the man has no good roots. We wouldn’t let him leave home, but
    the Buddha accepted him and now he’s certified to Arhatship.
    People without good roots can’t do that. Such a contradiction in the
    Teaching will never do! Let’s go ask the Buddha.”
    Then they went before the Buddha, bowed reverently, and
    asked, “We are basically clear-minded. How could that old man
    without good roots certify to Arhatship? How can the
    Buddhadharma be so inconsistent?”
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    Shakyamuni Buddha said, “As Arhats, you see only the events
    of the past eighty thousand aeons ago. More than eighty thousand
    aeons ago, the old man was a firewood gatherer. One day in the
    mountains he was attacked by a tiger and quickly climbed a tree.
    The tiger leaped and snapped his jaws, but missed.
    “This tiger, however, was smarter than the average tiger, ‘I’ll
    show you,’ it said. ‘I’ll chew through the trunk of the tree and when
    it falls I’ll eat you.’
    “Now, if a mouse can gnaw through wood, how much the more
    so can a tiger. Tigers can make powder out of human bones. It
    chewed half way through the tree and terrified the old man whose
    life was hanging by a thread. Then he remembered, ‘In times of
    danger, people recite the Buddha’s name,’ and he called out, ‘Namo
    Buddha!’ which scared the tiger away and saved his life. After that,
    the old man forgot to recite, and so on this side of eighty thousand
    great aeons, he failed to plant good roots. However, the one cry of
    ‘Namo Buddha’ was the good seed which has now ripened and
    allowed him to leave home and certify to the fruit.”
    Describing The Substance
    The Second of the Five-fold Profound Meanings is Describing
    the Substance. Once you know a person’s name, you learn to
    recognize him on sight. “Is he fat or thin, tall or short?” You don’t
    necessarily have to see his face, but can recognize him by his form.
    “Oh, it’s him.”
    This Sutra is a Mahayana Dharma, spoken without request, and
    takes the Real Mark as its substance. The Real Mark is no mark.
    There is no mark, nothing at all, and yet there is nothing which is
    not marked. Unmarked, it is true emptiness, and with nothing
    unmarked, it is wonderful existence.
    All marks are the Real Mark:
    The Real Mark is unmarked
    With nothing unmarked.
    It is without marks and also without any non-marks
    It is neither without marks nor is it marked by no marks.
    While in the midst of marks, one should not hold onto marks,
    for they are not the Real Mark. True Suchness, the one true Dharma
    Realm, the Thus Come One’s Store Nature, all are different names
    for the Real Mark.
    Clarifying the Principle
    Unless you understand the Sutra’s doctrine and objective, you
    will not understand its principles. So now we will examine the one
    by means of the other. It is just like knowing a person’s name and
    then discovering his occupation.
    The principles of this Sutra are Faith, Vows, and Practice-
    Holding the Buddha’s name; these are the three prerequisites of the
    Pure Land Dharma-door. One who goes on a journey takes along
    some food and a little money. One who wishes to go to the Land of
    Ultimate Bliss needs faith, vows, and the practice of holding the
    Buddha’s name.
    Faith is the first prerequisite, for without it one will not make
    the vow to be born with Amitabha in the Pure Land of Ultimate
    Bliss, and thus will not realize the objective of this Sutra. You must
    have faith in Yourself, The Land of Ultimate Bliss, Cause and
    Effect, and Noumena and Phenomena.
    What does it mean to believe in oneself? It is to believe that you
    certainly have the qualifications necessary to be born in the Land of
    Ultimate Bliss. You should not take yourself lightly and say, “I
    have committed so many offenses, I can’t be born there.” If you
    have heavy offense karma, you now have a good opportunity to
    take it with you to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Regardless of the
    offenses you have committed in the past, if you change your mind
    and reform your conduct, you may be born there, offenses and all.
    Taking your karma to the Pure Land refers to past karma,
    however, not to future karma. Once you have understood the
    Dharma, offenses should cease. If you continue to offend, you will
    absolutely not be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. You may
    recite the Buddha’s name and bow to the Buddha, but you will only
    be making investments in future Buddhahood. You will not, in this
    life, be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss because you clearly
    understood and yet deliberately violated the rules of the Dharma.
    Before taking refuge with the Triple Jewel, doing things which
    are not in accord with the Dharma may be excusable, but to
    continue such behavior after taking refuge increases the gravity of
    one’s offenses. Knowing your error, you must truly change your
    faults and say, “I most certainly can be reborn in the Land of
    Ultimate Bliss.”
    Secondly, you must have faith in the Western Land of Ultimate
    Bliss which is hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhalands
    from here. Before he realized Buddhahood, Amitabha Buddha, as
    the Bhikshu Dharma Treasury, vowed to create a land where living
    beings who recited his name could be born. There’s no need to do
    anything else; it’s easy, simple, and convenient. It doesn’t cost a
    thing, and yet this Dharma-door is the highest and most supreme,
    for if you just recite, “Namo Amitabha Buddha,” you will be born
    in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
    It is also necessary to believe in cause and effect, to believe that
    in the past you have planted good roots which have caused you to
    encounter this Dharma-door of Faith, Vows, and Holding the
    Buddha’s Name. Without good roots, no one can encounter this, or
    any other Dharma-door. But, just as in planting the fields, if a
    farmer doesn’t nourish and irrigate the fields, he won’t reap the
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    fruit. So believe that in the past you have planted the causes of
    Bodhi which in the future will bear the fruit of Bodhi if you just
    nourish the root.
    You may think, “You tell me to believe in cause and effect and
    to believe that I have good roots, but, frankly, I don’t think I do.”
    How can you tell whether or not you have good roots? People
    often ask me to tell them whether or not they have good roots, but I
    tell them to tell me if I have good roots. They say, “I don’t know if
    you do,” and I answer them, “then how should I know about you?”
    But I do have a method to teach you how to find out. You have met
    the Buddhadharma because you have good roots; without them you
    would not have had this opportunity.
    “Granted, I have met the Buddhadharma,” you say, “but is it
    possible that I have no good roots?”
    If you lack them, plant them. If you don’t plant them you will
    never have any! Whether or not you have good roots is no great
    problem. The question is whether or not you will plant and nourish
    them by cultivating according to Dharma.
    For example, the Buddhadharma teaches you not to drink, but
    you would risk your life to do it. Drunk, with your head confused
    and your eyes bleary, your brain feels as if it were going to split
    open. This is to walk down the road of stupidity.
    The Buddhadharma teaches you not to steal, but even if your
    life were not at stake, you’d steal. One who truly cultivates
    according to Dharma does not lie, drink, steal, kill, or commit acts
    of sexual misconduct. Obey the Buddha and refrain from evil. Do
    not think that minor faults are unimportant, for it’s just the minor
    faults that drag one into the hells or into the paths of hungry ghosts
    or animals. Believe, then, that you have good roots and that in the
    future you will reap the fruit of Bodhi.
    Finally, one must have faith in the phenomena and the noumena
    of the Amitabha Sutra. The specific phenomena is this: Amitabha
    Buddha has a great affinity with us and will certainly guide us to
    Buddhahood. The noumenal principle is this: We know the great
    affinity exists because without it we would not have met the Pure
    Land Dharma-door. Amitabha Buddha is all living beings and all
    living beings are Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha Buddha became
    Amitabha Buddha by reciting the Buddha’s name, and if we recite
    the Buddha’s name, we, too, can become Amitabha Buddha.
    We should cultivate according to the phenomenal and the
    noumenal principles. The Avatamsaka Sutra speaks of four Dharma
    1) The Dharma Realm of Unobstructed Phenomena,
    2) The Dharma Realm of Unobstructed Noumena,
    3) The Dharma Realm of Noumena and Phenomena Unobstructed,
    4) The Dharma Realm of All Phenomena Unobstructed.
    Considering the four Dharma Realms, and speaking from the
    standpoint of our self-nature, we and Amitabha Buddha are united
    in one, and therefore we have the qualifications to realize
    The phenomenon has a mark and a manifestation. It is
    conditioned. The noumenon is the doctrine underlying any
    phenomenal event. For example, in principle a tree has the potential
    to become a house. Before the house is built, it has that noumenal
    aspect. Once built, the house itself is the phenomenon, which
    appears because of the noumenon. In principle, we can all realize
    Buddhahood, but we have not phenomenally done so. If we have
    Faith, Vows and Hold the Name, we will arrive at the phenomena
    of Buddhahood, just as the tree can be made into a house.
    Amitabha Buddha is contained within the hearts of all living
    beings and living beings are contained within Amitabha’s heart.
    This is the phenomenon and the noumenon. You must believe in the
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    doctrine and energetically practice it by reciting the Buddha’s name
    more and more every day.
    When one recites “Namo Amitabha Buddha,” in the Western
    Land of Ultimate Bliss, in one of the pools of the seven jewels filled
    with the eight waters of merit and virtue, a lotus flower grows. The
    more one recites, the bigger it grows, but it won’t bloom until the
    end of life, when one’s self-nature goes to be reborn in it. If you
    wish to know whether you will be born in a superior, middle, or
    inferior grade of lotus, you should ask yourself how often you
    recite the Buddha’s name. The more you recite, the bigger the lotus;
    the less you recite, the smaller. If you don’t recite at all, the lotus
    withers and dies.
    To be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, you must personally
    give proof to the result with deep faith, firm vows, and actual
    practice of recitation. It won’t work to think, “I’ll sleep-in today
    and cultivate tomorrow.” If, however, you hold fast to the name and
    cultivate vigorously, success is certain.
    Having discussed faith, we will now discuss vows. What is a
    vow? What you wish16, the tendency of your thoughts, is a vow. In
    Buddhism there are four great vows:
    I vow to save the limitless living beings.
    I vow to cut off the inexhaustible afflictions.
    I vow to study the immeasurable Dharma-doors.
    I vow to realize the supreme Buddha Way.
    All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the past, present, and future
    practiced the Bodhisattva conduct and attained Buddhahood by
    relying on these four great vows.
    16. The Chinese word for vow, yuan , also means “to wish” or “to want.”
    You may make the four great vows according to the Four Holy
    According to the truth of suffering,
    I vow to save the limitless living beings.
    According to the truth of origination,
    I vow to cut off the inexhaustible afflictions.
    According to the truth of the Way,
    I vow to study the immeasurable Dharma-doors.
    According to the truth of extinction,
    I vow to realize the supreme Buddha Way.
    The four great vows come from an awareness of the suffering of
    living beings. For purposes of clarification, suffering is divided into
    groups of the three, eight, and limitless sufferings.
    According to the truth of origination, I vow to cut off the inexhaustible
    The three sufferings are:
    1) Suffering within suffering. This is the poverty and misery of
    all living beings.
    2) The suffering of decay. Living beings may enjoy wealth and
    honor, but it eventually goes bad.
    3) The suffering of process. Even without the sufferings of
    poverty and decay, the bitterness of the life-process from birth, to
    the prime of life, to old age and then to death is still suffering. The
    shift and change of each passing thought is called the suffering of
    The eight sufferings are:
    1) The suffering of birth.
    2) The suffering of old age.
    3) The suffering of sickness.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    4) The suffering of death.
    It was because Shakyamuni Buddha met with these four
    sufferings that he decided to leave the home-life and cultivate the
    5) The suffering of separation from what you love.
    6) The suffering of being joined with what you hate.
    If people are not apart from loved ones, they are involved with
    enemies. If you don’t like someone, you’ll find someone just like
    him wherever you go.
    7) The suffering of not realizing aspirations.
    You worry about getting something and once you have it you
    worry about losing it. This suffering is nothing compared to the
    8) The suffering of the raging blaze of the five skandhas: form,
    feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness. The five
    skandhas are like a raging fire. They are a constant shadow which
    we cannot escape.
    According to the truth of suffering, I vow to save the limitless
    living beings:
    Why are there limitless sufferings besides the eight?
    In the past lives we planted the seeds of suffering as if they were
    old friends with which we were loathe to part. Having established
    causes and conditions for suffering in the past, in the present we
    reap a bitter fruit.
    From causes made in lives gone by
    comes your present life;
    Results you’ll get in lives to come
    arise from this life’s deeds.
    Plant good causes, reap good results;
    Plant bad causes, reap bad results.
    You fear the results. “Oh, I’m suffering too bitterly,” you say,
    but you suffer because previously you planted the causes of
    Living beings fear the results, not the causes from which they
    come, but Bodhisattvas fear the causes, not the results.
    Bodhisattvas are extremely careful not to plant the causes of
    suffering and so they do not reap the harvest of suffering. They
    endure their present suffering gladly. So Bodhisattvas, too, must
    sometimes suffer, but they do so willingly, knowing that
    Enduring suffering ends suffering;
    Enjoying blessings destroys blessings.
    Living beings, on the other hand, are not afraid to plant the
    causes of suffering. “Good causes, bad causes, it doesn’t matter,”
    they say, “I’ll do it anyway. It’s not important.” But when the
    results come, “Oh! I can’t stand it,” they moan. “How could this
    happen to me? Such bitterness!”
    If you fear suffering you should not plant the causes of
    suffering, for if you do, you will certainly reap its bitter fruit.
    Born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, one endures no suffering but
    enjoys every bliss. None of the three sufferings, eight sufferings, or
    the limitless sufferings are found there at all. The people are pure
    and free of greed, hatred, and stupidity. Without the three poisons
    there are no evil paths of rebirth because the evil paths are but
    manifestations of the poisons.
    The Buddha saves living beings, but in reality there is not a
    single living being that he saves. He resolves to lead everyone to
    understand the Buddhadharma in order to leave suffering, attain
    bliss, and wake up. But when you take beings across, do not
    become attached to the mark of taking beings across.
    Take living beings across, but be apart from marks.
    Leave marks, yet take beings across.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    Do not attach to some mark or sign of what you do and say,
    “Let’s see, I’ve saved three, four….six, seven… at least ten living
    beings!” If you keep count, you’ve still got attachments.
    Save, yet do not save;
    Do not save, yet save:
    This is true crossing over.
    You must save the living beings within your own self-nature as
    well as those outside. There are eighty-four thousand living beings
    in your self-nature. Teach them to cultivate, realize Buddhahood,
    and enter Nirvana.
    If you decide to save living beings, you will encounter
    afflictions; if you don’t save them, you will also have afflictions.
    Either way you will have afflictions because there are eighty-four
    thousand kinds of affliction.
    There are three delusions:
    1) Delusions of views and thought.
    2) Delusions like dust and sand.
    3) Delusions of ignorance.
    Living beings have all three types of delusions. Those of the
    Small Vehicle have cut off the delusions of views and thought, but
    retain the delusions like dust and sand and the delusions of
    ignorance. Bodhisattvas have cut off both the delusions of views
    and thought and the delusions like dust and sand, but they still have
    delusions of ignorance. Even Bodhisattvas at the stage of Equal
    Enlightenment who are just about to realize Buddhahood, still have
    one particle of “production-mark” ignorance as fine as a hair which
    they have not yet destroyed. This particle once destroyed, they
    attain the Wonderful Enlightenment of Buddhahood.
    The delusion of views refers to greed and love for externals.
    Because external objects are not viewed as empty, they are
    recognized as real. Clothing, food, and sleep seem very real. “It’s
    true,” you say, “I’m all alone. I have no friends or relatives.” This
    confused state is the delusion of views. Not understanding what
    you see, you are greedy for comfort and “good” things. “I love this
    and I love that,” you say, and your endless love keeps you
    dissatisfied and greedy for externals. This is the delusion of views.
    The delusion of thought consists in being confused about
    principles and giving rise to discrimination. “I don’t know what’s
    going on here,” someone says. “Is the Dharma Master right? If I do
    what he says, what’s in it for me?” You constantly calculate about
    personal advantage, and, if there’s nothing in it for you, you don’t
    want to do it. You can’t see more than three inches beyond your
    face. Anything four inches away you cannot see. Thought delusions
    are unclear, muddled thoughts, taking what is wrong as right, and
    what is right as wrong.
    I just said that people with view delusions think clothing, food,
    and sleep are real. Someone may ask if they are false, and, if so,
    then what is true? These things are all necessities, but if you attach
    no importance to them, you are relaxed and free. Whenever there is
    attachment, there is pain. If you take it all as unreal, there will be no
    greed or love, and you will see that your former greed and love
    were nothing but confused actions in a dream. You should think of
    them in this way; put everything down; let it all go. If you can’t put
    it down, you’re attached, and nothing goes right.
    There are eighty-eight parts to the delusion of views and eightyone
    parts to the delusion of thought. When the delusion of views is
    destroyed, you certify to the first fruit of Arhatship. If not, there is
    no certification.
    Do you have greed and love for externals? Are you greedy for
    “good” things and repulsed by the bad?
    “Absolutely not,” you say.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    How do you know you are not? If you really didn’t love the
    good and hate the bad you wouldn’t know it. If you say, “I know for
    certain that I have no greed or love,” then your greed and love is
    greater than anyone else’s. Why? Because you know that you have
    none. If you really had none you wouldn’t know that you didn’t. If
    you say that you have no self, how do you know that you have no
    self? Knowing that you have no self, you still have your “self.” If
    you say that you have no greed or love, you still have a self and you
    haven’t cut off the eighty-eight parts of the delusion of views and
    you haven’t certified to the first fruit of Arhatship. It is not simply
    a matter of saying it and making it so. You must truly attain this
    The delusion of views contains the five quick servants and the
    delusions of thought contain the five dull servants. The five dull
    servants are greed, hatred, stupidity, pride and doubt. The five
    quick servants are said to be “quick” because they arrive very fast.
    The five dull servants arrive more slowly.
    The Five Quick Servants are:
    1) The view of a body. Because one is attached, one thinks,
    “This is my body, and I’m so thin! I’m not eating right, I’m not
    properly dressed, and I don’t have a decent place to live. How can
    I take care of my body?” Attached to the body and holding a view
    of a body, one schemes for it all day long.
    2) The view of extremes. To become attached to either of the
    two extreme views of permanence or annihilation is to indulge in
    this view. Attached to annihilation, one says, “People die, and that
    is that. Everything returns to emptiness.”
    Attached to permanence, one says, “Next life I’ll be a person
    again. People are always people and dogs are always dogs. Cats are
    always cats, horses are always horses, trees are always trees, grass
    is always grass. People can’t become cats and cats can’t turn into
    people. People can’t turn into animals or ghosts. This is the fixed,
    eternal, unchanging principle: permanence.” Annihilation and
    permanence are extreme views; they are not the Middle Way.
    3) Deviant views. Those with deviant views say that when one
    does good there is no good retribution and when one does evil there
    is no evil retribution. They deny cause and effect and do not believe
    that by doing good deeds one obtains blessings and by doing evil
    deeds one incurs disaster.
    4) The views of restrictive morality. This is to take a nonexistent
    cause for a true cause; for example, teaching others to
    imitate the conduct of dogs and cats, or to imitate cows and eat
    grass instead of food. Having seen a dog or cat reborn in the
    heavens one may want to imitate a dog or cat and thereby hold
    deviant knowledge and views.
    Sometimes people who have left the home-life are attached to
    keeping the precepts. “I hold the precepts,” they brag. “I am a
    precept-holder and these are the precepts I hold.” Because there is
    a “holder” and “that which is held” they do not understand that the
    basic substance of morality is empty. They shouldn’t have
    attachments, but they do, and this turns into this servant.
    5) The view of grasping at views. Here, a non-existent effect is
    taken to be a true effect. The non-ultimate is considered to be
    ultimate. The four Dhyanas or the four stations of emptiness are
    mistaken for Nirvana.
    a) In the first Dhyana, the pulse stops.
    b) In the second Dyana, the breath stops. One sits without
    breathing, but if one thinks, “I’m not breathing,” then the
    breath starts up again.
    c) In the third Dhyana there is no thought. In the first and
    second, although there is neither pulse nor breath, thinking
    continues. In the third, there isn’t even any thought.
    d) In the fourth Dhyana, there isn’t any fine thought, only
    consciousness. In the third Dhyana, although there is no
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    coarse thought, fine thought remains. In the fourth, fine
    thought is also cut off.
    These are just states; they are not the ultimate goal of
    cultivation, which is certification to the fruit. Even the four stations
    of emptiness:
    a) The station of infinite space,
    b) The station of infinite consciousness,
    c) The station of nothing whatever, and
    d) The station of neither perception nor non-perception, are
    not certification to the fruit. They are simply levels of
    Those who hold the view of grasping at views think that the
    above-mentioned states are Nirvana, like the untutored Bhikshu
    who mistook the fourth Dhyana heaven for the fourth fruit of
    Arhatship. When the merit which had enabled him to dwell there
    was used up and he started to fall, he slandered the Dharma, and
    because of this he fell into hell.
    The five quick servants are the delusion of views and are called
    “quick” because they arrive quickly.
    Referring to the delusion of thought and arriving more slowly
    are the Five Dull Servants:
    1) Greed.
    2) Hatred.
    3) Stupidity.
    4) Pride.
    5) Doubt.
    Afflictions come from ignorance. When the delusions of
    ignorance arise, delusions like dust and sand follow. The delusions
    like dust and sand are called the delusions of “I don’t know”
    because there is no genuine knowledge. The delusions of views and
    thought are called the delusions of “I don’t see.”
    Ignorance turns into the first of the five dull servants, greed.
    When you want something, greed arises, and with it come all the
    various afflictions. The afflictions turn into hatred, and you argue
    on your own behalf, never seeing the other person’s side. You only
    know yourself and are unaware that other people exist, except in
    attempting to ruin them. In this way, reckless and unreasonable,
    you become stupid, unable to tell black from white, right from
    Stupid people are arrogant, and no matter what you say they
    doubt it. They doubt the truth and doubt the false even more. All
    these doubts are the delusions of thought.
    The three categories of delusions, those of views and thought,
    dust and sand, and ignorance, all change into affliction. Afflictions
    are inexhaustible and endless. Observing this, cultivators vow:
    According to the truth of Origination, I Vow to cut off the inexhaustible
    According to the truth of the Way, I vow to study the
    immeasurable dharma doors:
    To cultivate the Way, you must understand all of the limitless
    and unbounded Dharma-doors, which are the methods of
    cultivation. Unless you understand them, you cannot cultivate.
    Relying on the third Holy Truth, the Way, vow to study them.
    What is the origin of the Dharma-doors?
    The Buddhas spoke all dharmas
    for the minds of men.
    If there were no minds,
    What use would dharmas be?
    All dharmas come from the minds of living beings, and each
    mind is unique. Since no two minds are alike, all Dharma-doors
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    differ. Generally speaking, however, there are three classes of
    1) Buddhadharma
    2) Mind-dharma
    3) Dharma of living beings.
    Within the three classes arise the Four Holy Truths, the Six
    Perfections, the Twelve Causes and Conditions, and the Thirty-
    Seven Limbs of Enlightenment. So many Dharma-doors!
    Take, for example, my explanations of the Sutras. When I finish
    explaining one Sutra, I begin another, and no sooner have I finished
    that one, than I start yet another. Isn’t this measureless? What we
    now study is like a drop of water in the sea. We certainly haven’t
    got the entire ocean. Vow to master the immeasurable Dharmadoors.
    “What are the advantages of studying the Buddhadharma?” you
    ask. “It’s a lot of trouble, you know.”
    We study the Buddhadharma because we want to realize
    “But isn’t wanting to realize Buddhahood just another false
    No, it’s not a false thought. Buddhahood was our position to
    begin with; it is our origin. Consequently, everyone can realize
    Buddhahood, and we should hurry up and do just that.
    “But how?”
    According to the truth of extinction, I vow to Realize the
    supreme Buddha Way:
    The truth of extinction is the attainment of Nirvana, a
    realization which carries one beyond production and extinction. If
    this attainment is your wish, resolve to cultivate the supreme
    Buddha Way. Don’t be skeptical and ask, “Can I really become a
    Buddha?” Even if you have doubts, you can become a Buddha; it
    will take a little longer, that’s all. Without doubts you can do it right
    away. All living beings have the Buddha nature and all can realize
    Buddhahood. But this does not mean that all beings are Buddhas.
    To arrive at Buddhahood you must cultivate, for without cultivation
    living beings are just living beings, not Buddhas. In principle,
    everyone can become a Buddha, but unless you cultivate according
    to Dharma and rid yourself of greed, hatred, stupidity, pride, and
    doubt, you won’t become a Buddha very fast. This completes the
    discussion of the four vast vows.
    If you wish to accomplish something, you should first make a
    vow. Then act upon it. In this way you will naturally attain your
    aim. This principle is illustrated by the following story:
    Once, Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciple Mahamaudgalyayana
    went with a large gathering of followers to another county
    to convert living beings. When the citizens saw the Buddha they
    shut their doors and ignored him. When they saw Maudgalyayana,
    however, they ran to greet him, and everyone, from the King and
    ministers to the citizens, all bowed and competed to make offerings
    to him. The Buddha’s disciples thought this most unfair. “World
    Honored One,” they said, “your virtuous conduct is so lofty; why is
    it they do not make offerings to you, but instead compete to make
    offerings to Maudgalyayana?”
    “This is because of past affinities,” said the Buddha. “I will tell
    “…Limitless aeons ago, Maudgalyayana and I were fellow
    countrymen. He gathered firewood in the mountains and I lived in
    a hut below. A swarm of bees was bothering me and I decided to
    smoke them out. But Maudgalyayana refused to help even though
    they stung him until his hands were swollen and painful. Instead, he
    made a vow, ‘It must be miserable to be a bee,’ he thought. ‘I vow
    that when I attain the Way I will take these asura-like bees across
    first thing!’
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    “Many lifetimes later the bees were reborn as the citizens of this
    country. The queen bee became the King, the drones became the
    ministers, and the workers became the citizens. Because I didn’t
    like the bees, I now have no affinity with these people and therefore
    no one makes offerings to me. But, because of his vows, all the
    citizens revere Maudgalyayana.”
    Considering this, we should certainly make vows to establish
    affinities in order to benefit living creatures.
    Practice: Holding The Name
    When the water-clearing pearl
    is tossed in muddy water,
    The muddy water becomes clear.
    When the Buddha’s name
    enters a confused mind,
    The confused mind attains to the Buddha.
    This Sutra takes Faith, Vows, and Holding the Name as its
    doctrine. Having discussed Faith and Vows, we shall now discuss
    Holding the Name.
    Reciting the Buddha’s name is like throwing a pearl into muddy
    water so that the muddy water becomes clear. This clear-water
    pearl can purify even the filthiest water. Recitation of the Buddha’s
    name is like this pearl.
    Who can count the false thoughts which fill our minds and
    succeed one another endlessly like waves on the sea? When the
    Buddha’s name enters a confused mind, the confused mind
    becomes the Buddha. Recite the name once and there is one
    Buddha in your mind; recite it ten times and there are ten Buddhas,
    recite it a hundred times and there are a hundred Buddhas. The
    more you recite, the more Buddhas there are.
    Practice: Holding The Name
    Say, “Namo Amitabha Buddha,” there’s a Buddha-thought in
    your mind. When you are mindful of the Buddha, the Buddha is
    mindful of you. It’s like communication by radio or radar. You
    recite here, and it’s received there. But if you don’t recite, nothing
    is received; so you must hold and recite the name.
    In the Dharma-ending age, recitation of the Buddha’s name is a
    most important Dharma-door. Don’t take it lightly. Everytime
    Dhyana Master Yung Ming Shou, the Sixth Patriarch of the Pure
    Land School, recited the Buddha’s name, a transformation Buddha
    came out of his mouth. Those with the Five Eyes and Six Spiritual
    Penetrations could see it. When you recite the Buddha’s name, you
    emit a light which frightens all weird creatures and strange ghosts
    away. They run far, far away and leave you alone. So the merit and
    virtue of holding the Buddha’s name is inconceivable.
    Holding and reciting the Buddha’s name, you should, as it says
    in The Doctrine of the Mean, “grasp it tightly in your fist.” Do not
    let it go. Thought after thought, recite the name. There are four
    methods of reciting.
    1) Contemplating and thinking Buddha-recitation.
    2) Contemplating an image Buddha-recitation.
    3) Real Mark Buddha-recitation.
    4) Holding the name Buddha-recitation.
    The first, contemplating and thinking Buddha recitation,
    consists of the contemplation of Amitabha Buddha:
    Amitabha Buddha’s body is of golden hue,
    His fine marks radiant beyond compare.
    His white light is as high as
    five Mount Sumerus,
    His purple eyes as clear and vast as
    four great seas.
    Countless transformation Buddhas
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    appear within the light,
    With transformation Bodhisattvas,
    also limitless.
    His forty-eight vows take
    living beings across;
    In nine grades of lotuses they ascend
    to the other shore.
    Amitabha Buddha’s appearance is the result of the perfection of
    his merit and virtue. He has all of the 32 marks and the 80 minor
    characteristics of a Buddha and his bright light is incomparable.
    Between his eyebrows there are fine white beams of light as big as
    five Mount Sumerus, and his eyes are as large as four great seas.
    How big do you think his body is?
    There are nine grades of lotuses:
    1) Superior superior
    2) Superior middle
    3) Superior inferior
    4) Middle superior
    5) Middle middle
    6) Middle inferior
    7) Inferior superior
    8) Inferior middle
    9) Inferior inferior
    Each of the nine grades also has nine ranks, making 81 in all.
    Living beings in all of these grades are led to the other shore-
    The second kind of Buddha-recitation, contemplating the
    image, consists of making offerings to an image of Amitabha
    Buddha and reciting his name while contemplating it. Contemplate,
    and in time you will have success.
    Practice: Holding The Name
    When you achieve the third, Real Mark recitation, even if you
    try, you cannot stop reciting the Buddha’s name. The recitation
    flows like water and lives within you. This is the state of the
    Buddha-recitation samadhi: reciting and yet not reciting, not
    reciting and yet reciting.
    The fourth kind of Buddha-recitation is that of holding the
    name. Both moving and still, one recites, “Namo Amitabha
    Buddha.” Recitation must be clear and distinct and the three karmas
    of body, mouth, and mind must be pure. The mouth is free from the
    four evil karmas of
    1) abusive language,
    2) profanity,
    3) lying, and
    4) gossip, and the body is without the three evil karmas of
    5) killing,
    6) stealing, or
    7) sexual misconduct.
    The minds has no
    8) greed,
    9) hatred, or
    10) stupidity.
    When one is free of the ten evil deeds, then the karma of body,
    mouth, and mind is pure. In this way, one thought pure is one
    thought of the Buddha; when every thought is pure, every thought
    is of the Buddha.
    The pure heart is like the moon in the water;
    The mind in samadhi is like the cloudless sky.
    If you can recite so completely that you enter the Buddharecitation
    samadhi, then hearing the wind, it’s “Namo Amitabha
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    Buddha,” and hearing the rain, it’s “Namo Amitabha Buddha.”
    Every sound you hear recites the Buddha’s name.
    The water flows,
    The wind blows,
    Proclaiming the Mahayana…
    The Chinese poet Su T’ung P’o said,
    Of the colors of the mountain,
    None are not his vast, long tongue.
    Of the sounds of the streams,
    All are the clear, pure sound.
    All the mountain’s colors are the Buddha’s long tongue
    proclaiming the wonderful Dharma. This is the attainment of the
    Buddha-recitation samadhi.
    So I wrote this verse:
    If you recite the Buddha’s name,
    reciting without cease,
    The mouth recite “Amita”
    and makes things of a piece.
    Scattered thoughts do not arise,
    samadhi you attain.
    For rebirth in the Pure Land,
    your hope is not in vain.
    If all day you detest
    the suffering Saha’s pain,
    Make rebirth in Ultimate Bliss
    your mind’s essential aim.
    Cut off the red dust
    thoughts within your mind.
    Put down impure reflections,
    and pure thoughts you will find.
    Discussing the Function
    Recite the Buddha’s name from morning to night and your
    confused thoughts will not arise. You will naturally attain the
    Buddha-recitation samadhi and be reborn in the Land of Ultimate
    Bliss, according to your will. You know that the Saha world is full
    of pain and suffering; so cut off worldly pleasures and have no
    thoughts of sexual desire, craving, or struggling for fame and profit.
    Put down all worldly concerns and view them as false. Seek rebirth,
    ultimate bliss; this thought of rebirth is extremely important.
    The verse clearly explains the principles of reciting the
    Buddha’s name. Holding and reciting the name is like picking up
    something in your hand and never letting it go. Recite “Namo
    Amitabha Buddha” every day and chase out your scattered
    This Dharma-door fights poison with poison. False thinking is
    like poison, and unless you counter it with poison, you will never
    cure it. Reciting the Buddha’s name is fighting false thinking with
    false thinking. It is like sending out an army to defeat an army, to
    fight a battle to end all battles. If you have a good defense, other
    countries won’t attack. Constant recitation drives out false thinking
    so that you may attain the Buddha-recitation samadhi.
    The third of the Five-fold Profound Meanings, then, is to take
    Faith, Vows, and Holding the Name as the doctrine.
    Discussing the Function
    Discussing the Function. The fourth of the Five-fold Profound
    Meanings is to determine the Sutra’s power and use. Its power is
    that of “non-retreat” and its use is rebirth. Reborn in the Land of
    Ultimate Bliss, you attain to the stage of no retreat. Cultivators of
    other Dharma-doors are somewhat insecure; no one insures them.
    They may recite mantras or Sutras for several years and then retreat
    with a feeling of no accomplishment or gain. If not in this life, they
    may retreat in the next. Perhaps they are vigorous now, but later
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Five-fold Profound Meanings
    they take a rest. To say nothing of common people, even Arhats
    have the “confusion of dwelling in the womb” and forget their
    spiritual penetrations. Bodhisattvas have the confusion called
    “splitting the yin,” which means the same thing. If they meet a good
    knowing advisor who teaches them to cultivate, they can wake up.
    Otherwise, life after life, they retreat and find it very hard to bring
    forth the Bodhi-heart again. It is easy to regress.
    Born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, there is no back-sliding, just
    vigorous progress. One attains the four kinds of Non-retreat:
    1) Non-retreating position. Born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss,
    you attain the Buddha-position. Born by transformation from a
    lotus, when the flower blooms, you see the Buddha, hear the
    Dharma, awaken to the unproduced dharma-patience, and never fall
    2) Non-retreating conduct. Most people cultivate vigorously
    for one life, but in the next, they are lazy. In the Land of Ultimate
    Bliss there is none of the suffering of the three evil paths. The
    KalaviÒka birds and two-headed birds all help Amitabha Buddha
    speak about the Dharma. Reborn there, one will no longer be lazy
    in conduct but will only go forward with courage and vigor.
    3) Non-retreating thought. In the Saha world we cultivate
    vigorously, but after a time we feel it’s too bitter, too restrictive, too
    uncomfortable, and so we are no longer vigorous. Lazy thoughts
    arise and although we have not yet retreated in conduct, we have in
    thought. Several decades pass quickly and thoughts of retreat
    greatly out-number those of vigor. It’s difficult not to regress.
    In the Land of Ultimate Bliss, one hears the Dharma spoken all
    day and all night long. One has no thoughts of retreat from the
    Bodhi-mind. All thoughts are irreversible.
    4) Ultimate Non-retreat. Transformationally born from a lotus,
    you will never, under any circumstances, retreat again either to the
    level of a common person or to the Small Vehicle or Bodhisattva
    Determining the Teaching Mark
    level. Born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss you obtain these four
    kinds of Non-retreat.
    Determining the Teaching Mark
    The Tripitaka is divided into three parts: Sutras, which deal
    with samadhi, Sastras, which deal with wisdom, and Vinaya, which
    deal with morality. This text belongs to the Sutra division, and as
    such it is permanent and unchanging, two characteristics of Sutras.
    When all other Buddhadharmas have become extinct, this Sutra
    will remain in the world an additional hundred years and save
    limitless living beings. For this reason, it differs from other Sutras.
    Of the three vehicles, Sravakas, Conditionally Enlightened
    Ones, and Bodhisattvas, this Sutra belongs to the Bodhisattva
    Vehicle. It takes across Bodhisattvas suited to the Great Vehicle.
    Knowing the Sutra’s title classification and its Five-fold
    Profound Meanings, we now have a general understanding of The
    Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra.
    “Young Kumarajiva will certainly live to a great age.” One
    could also say, “He is young in years, but mature in wisdom,
    eloquence, and virtue.” He has the wisdom of an old, old man, and
    so he is called “Youth of Long Life.”17
    It was Kumarajiva, the youth with the virtuous conduct of an
    elder, who translated The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra from
    Sanskrit into Chinese.
    17. tong shou
    P A R T I I
    Translated by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of Yao
    Yao Ch’in is the name of the reign period of emperor Yao
    Hsing. It is not the same period as that of Ch’in Shih Huang called
    the Ying Ch’in, or that of Fu Chien, which is called Fu Ch’in.
    Before the time of Emperor Yao Hsing, and during the time of
    Fu Chien, a man named Ch’in T’ien Chien said to Fu Chien, “Now
    one of great wisdom should come to China to aid our government.”
    Fu Chien said, “It is probably Kumarajiva, for he is honored and
    respected in India for his wisdom.”
    Kumarajiva’s father, Kumarayana, was the son of a prime
    minister. He should have succeeded his father, but instead he left
    his home and went everywhere looking for a teacher. Although he
    hadn’t left the home-life in the formal sense by taking the complete
    precepts, he still cultivated the Way, and in his travels went to the
    country of Kucha in central Asia. The King of Kucha had a little
    The Translator
    sister, and when she saw Kumarayana she said to the King, “I really
    love this man.” The King gave his sister in marriage to Kumarayana
    and she soon became pregnant.
    When Kumarajiva was still in his mother’s womb, it was much
    like the situation with Shariputra and his mother. Kumarajiva’s
    mother could defeat everyone in debate. At that time an Arhat said,
    “The child in this woman’s womb is certainly one of great
    When Kumarajiva was seven years old, his mother took him to
    a temple to worship the Buddha. Kumarajiva picked up a large
    bronze incense urn and effortlessly lifted it over his head. Then he
    thought, “Hey, I’m just a child. How can I lift this heavy urn?”
    With this one thought, the urn crashed to the ground. From this he
    realized the meaning of the doctrine, “Everything is made from the
    mind alone,” and he and his mother left the home-life.
    Kumarajiva’s mother had difficulty leaving the home-life.
    Although Kumarajiva’s father had previously cultivated the Way,
    he was now too much in love with his wife to permit her to leave
    home. Thereupon, she went on a strict fast. “Unless you allow me
    to leave home,” she said, “I won’t eat or drink. I’ll starve myself.”
    “Then don’t eat or drink, if that’s what you want,” said her
    husband, “but I’ll never let you leave home.”
    For six days she didn’t eat or drink, not even fruit juice, and she
    became extremely weak. Finally, Kumarayana said, “This is too
    dangerous. You’re going to starve to death. You may leave home,
    but please eat something.”
    “First call in a Dharma Master to cut off my hair,” she said,
    “and then I’ll eat.” A Dharma Master came and shaved her head,
    and then she ate. Shortly after leaving home, she certified to the
    first fruit of Arhatship.
    Soon after that, Kumarajiva, her son, also left the home-life.
    Everyday he read and recited many Sutras, and once he read them,
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Translator
    he never forgot them. He was not like some of you who have recited
    the Shurangama Mantra for several months, but still need the book.
    Because of his faultless memory he defeated all non-Buddhist
    philosophers in India and became very well known.
    His reputation spread to China, and when Fu Chien heard of
    him he sent the great General Lu Kuang and seventy thousand
    troops to Kucha to capture Kumarajiva and bring him back to
    China. Kumarajiva said to the King of Kucha, “China is sending
    troops, but do not oppose them. They don’t wish to take the
    country. They have another purpose and you should grant them
    their request.”
    The King’s uncle wouldn’t listen to Kumarajiva and he went to
    war with the general from China, Lu Kuang. As a result, the King
    of Kucha was put to death, the country defeated, and Kumarajiva
    On the way back to China, General Lu Kuang one day prepared
    to camp in a low valley. Kumarajiva, who had spiritual powers,
    knew a rain was coming which would flood the valley. He told the
    General, “Don’t camp here tonight. This place is dangerous.”
    But Lu Kuang had no faith in Kumarajiva. “You’re a monk,” he
    said. “What do you know about military affairs?” That night there
    was a deluge and many men and horses were drowned. General Lu
    Kuang then knew that Kumarajiva was truly inconceivable.
    They proceeded until they heard that there had been a change in
    the Chinese government. Emperor Fu Chien had been deposed, and
    Yao Ch’ang had seized the throne. General Lu Kuang maintained
    his neutrality, and did not return to China. Yao Ch’ang was
    Emperor for several years, and when he died, his nephew Yao
    Hsing took the throne. It was Yao Hsing who dispatched a party to
    invite Kumarajiva to China to translate Sutras. A gathering of over
    eight-hundred Bhikshus assembled to assist him in this work.
    The Translator
    We have proof that Kumarajiva’s translations are extremely
    accurate. When he was about to complete the stillness, that is, die,
    he said, “I have translated numerous Sutras during my life-time,
    and I personally don’t know if my translations are correct. If they
    are, when I am cremated my tongue will not burn; but if there are
    mistakes, it will.” When he died, his body was burned, but his
    tongue remained intact.
    The T’ang dynasty Vinaya Master Tao Hsuan once asked the
    god Lu Hsuan Ch’ang, “Why does everyone prefer to read and
    study Kumarajiva’s translations?” The god replied, “Kumarajiva
    has been the Translation Master for the past seven Buddhas and so
    his translations are accurate.”
    The Tripitaka is the collection of Buddhist scriptures. It is
    divided into three parts: Sutras, which deal with samadhi, Sastras,
    which deal with wisdom, and the Vinaya, which is the study of
    moral precepts.
    A Dharma Master
    1) takes the Dharma as his master and
    2) gives the Dharma to others.
    Some Dharma Masters chant Sutras, some maintain them in their
    minds and practice them with their bodies, some write them out,
    and some explain them to others.
    The Dharma Master spoken of here is Kumarajiva. This
    Sanskrit name means “youth of long life.” One could say, “Young
    Kumarajiva will certainly live to a great age.” One could also say,
    “He is young in years, but mature in wisdom, eloquence, and virtue.
    He has the wisdom of an old, old man, and so he is called “Youth
    of Long Life.”
    It was Kumarajiva, the youth with the virtuous conduct of an
    elder, who translated The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra from
    Sanskrit into Chinese.
    P A R T I I I
    All Sutras may be divided into three parts:
    1) the Preface,
    2) the Principle Proper, and
    3) the Transmission.
    The Preface discusses the Sutra’s general meaning, the
    Principle Proper discusses its doctrines, and the Transmission
    instructs us to transmit the Sutra, to propagate it and make it flow,
    like water, everywhere. The Preface is like a person’s head, and the
    Principle Proper is like his body. Just as our organs are very clearly
    arranged within our bodies, so are the doctrines clearly set forth
    within the Sutras.
    The Preface may also be called the “Afterword.” “Isn’t that a
    contradiction,” you ask. It is not a contradiction because it wasn’t
    spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha himself, but was added later when
    Ananda and Mahakasyapa edited the Sutras. It may also be called
    the “Arising of Dharma” Preface because it sets forth the reasons
    the Sutra was spoken. It is also called the “Certification of Faith”
    Preface because it proves that the Sutra can be believed.
    In the Preface, Six Requirements are fulfilled. They are
    1) faith,
    The Preface
    2) hearer,
    3) time,
    4) host,
    5) place, and
    6) audience.
    Thus I have heard. At one time the Buddha dwelt at
    Sravasti, in the Jeta Grove, in the Garden of the Benefactor
    of Orphans and the Solitary, together with a gathering of
    great Bhikshus, twelve hundred fifty in all, all great Arhats
    whom the assembly knew and recognized.
    Thus fulfills the requirement of faith. I have heard fulfills the
    requirement of the hearer. At one time fulfills the requirement of
    time and the Buddha is the host. Sravasti, in the Garden of the
    Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary fulfills the requirement of
    place, the gathering of great Bhikshus fulfills the audience
    requirement. Because all six requirements are fulfilled, we know
    that the Sutra can be believed.
    Thus I have heard…
    What does Thus mean? Thus fills the requirement of faith. You
    can have faith in Dharma which is Thus, not in dharma which is not
    Thus. Thus designates the text as orthodox Buddhadharma.
    Thus means it is Thus..
    Thus is stillness: it is denotes movement.
    If it is Thus, it is; if it is not Thus, it is not.
    Whatever is not non-existent, exists; whatever is without error
    is correct.
    Thus means “still and unmoving.”
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Thus is true emptiness; ‘it is’ is wonderful existence.
    Wonderful existence is not apart from true emptiness.
    True emptiness is not apart from wonderful existence.
    Emptiness and existence are non-dual:
    Both empty and existing, neither empty nor existing.
    This Dharma can be believed.
    The four words ‘Thus I have heard’ begin all Buddhist Sutras.
    It is Thus; if it were not Thus it would not be correct. This is the
    doctrine, and Dharma which is Thus can be believed.
    I have heard…
    Ananda says that he himself personally heard this teaching. But,
    having given proof to the fruit of Arhatship, basically Ananda has
    no ego. How can he say, “I have heard?” This is the “self of noself.”
    Ananda says, “I have heard” in order to be comprehensible to
    ordinary people, who have a “self.”
    Heard fills the accomplishment of the hearer. Why does one
    have faith? Because one has heard. If one hadn’t heard, how could
    one have faith?
    Ananda’s Four Questions
    The use of ‘Thus I have heard’ comes from instructions given to
    Ananda by the Buddha just before the Buddha entered Nirvana:
    One day Shakyamuni Buddha announced, “Tonight, in the
    middle of the night, I am going to enter Nirvana!” When Ananda
    heard this he was so distraught that he cried like a baby for its
    mother and called, “Buddha, Buddha, please don’t enter Nirvana!
    Please don’t cast us all aside!” He cried and pleaded until his brain
    got addled, probably because he thought that this was what he
    should be doing.
    Just then a blind man came by, one unlike other blind men. His
    ordinary eyes were blind, but his Heavenly Eye was open. Because
    he was blind, he wasn’t burdened with a lot of false thinking, and
    his mind was very clear. “Venerable One,” he said, addressing
    Ananda, “Why are you crying?”
    “The Buddha is about to enter Nirvana,” Ananda replied. “How
    can I hold back my tears?”
    The eyeless elder replied, “How can you do your work if you
    cry? After the Buddha enters Nirvana, we will have to establish
    many things. There is work to be done and questions to be asked.”
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    “What questions?” said Ananda. “The Buddha is going to
    Nirvana. What is there left to do? What could be more important
    than the Buddha’s Nirvana?”
    The blind man, whose name was Aniruddha, and who was
    foremost in the capacity of the Heavenly Eye, said, “There are four
    extremely important matters which must be settled.”
    “What are they?” asked Ananda.
    “Compiling the Sutras is one,” he said. “With what words
    should we begin each Sutra?”
    “True!” said Ananda. “That is important. It’s a good thing you
    brought it up. I never would have thought of it myself. All I can
    think of is the Buddha going to Nirvana. What is the second
    question I should ask?”
    The Venerable Aniruddha said, “We have taken the Buddha as
    our teacher, but when he goes to Nirvana, who will be our teacher?
    Should we look for another teacher?”
    “Right, right!” said Ananda. “We should find another good
    teacher. You’re quite right. What is the third?”
    Aniruddha said, “Now we live with the Buddha, but when he
    goes to Nirvana, where will we live?”
    “That is very important,” said Ananda. “Without a place to live,
    how can we cultivate the Way? Should we find someplace else to
    live? These three matters are extremely important. What is the
    Aniruddha said, “The Buddha can discipline evil-natured
    Bhikshus, but after he goes to Nirvana, how shall we take care of
    “Now, an evil-natured Bhikshu does nothing but disturb other
    people. If you meditate, he walks around, ‘Clomp! Clomp!’ making
    a lot of noise so that no one can enter samadhi. When people are
    walking, he sits to meditate. ‘Look at me!’ he says. ‘I sit much
    Ananda’s Four Questions
    better than all of you,’ and pretends to have entered samadhi. When
    people are bowing to the Buddha, the evil-natured Bhikshu likes to
    recite Sutras, and when people are reciting Sutras, he likes to bow
    to the Buddha. In general, he’s got to have a special style—‘the
    evil-natured-Bhikshu style’—and he does not follow the rules. If
    everyone goes one way, he goes the opposite way. He has no
    consideration for anyone else, but expects everyone to notice him.
    ‘He’s terrific,’ everyone says. ‘He really cultivates.’ He insists on
    being special so that others will notice him and say that he is the
    best. Fiercely competitive, he must be the strongest, outstanding
    among the best. He stands like an asura with his hands on his hips
    as if to say, ‘See what a great hero I am?’ He has to be different and
    outdo everyone else.”
    “When the Buddha was in the world, he could control such evil
    natured Bhikshus, and they obeyed his instructions. But after he
    entered Nirvana who would supervise them? And who could
    control the evil-natured laymen who say, “Look at me. I’m more
    dedicated than all you other laymen. Actually, it’s just because of
    him and his special style that no one else is dedicated. Aniruddha
    said. “When the Buddha goes to Nirvana, what are we going to do
    with the evil-natured Bhikshus and evil-natured laymen?”
    “These are important questions,” said Ananda. “I’ll go ask right
    away.” He wiped his eyes, blew his nose, and ran off to the Buddha.
    “Buddha, Great Master,” he said, “I have four questions which I
    would like to ask you before you go to Nirvana. World Honored
    One, won’t you be compassionate and answer them?”
    “All right,” said the Buddha.
    “Buddha,” said Ananda, “you have spoken many Sutras. When
    we compile and edit them, with what words should they begin?”
    The Buddha said, “All Sutras spoken by the Buddhas of the
    past, present, and future begin with the words, ‘Thus I have heard,’
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    which means, ‘The Dharma which is Thus can be believed. I
    personally heard it.’”
    Ananda said, “Secondly, you are our Master, but when you
    enter Nirvana, who will be our teacher? Please instruct us. Should
    it be Mahakasyapa?”
    The Buddha said, “No. When I go to Nirvana, take the
    Pratimoksa, the precepts, as your teacher. To accord with the
    Buddha’s instructions, those who leave home must first receive the
    Then Ananda said, “We have always lived with you, Buddha,
    but when you enter Nirvana, where are we going to live?”
    Shakyamuni Buddha said, “When I go to Nirvana, all Bhikshus,
    Bhikshunis, Upasakas, and Upasikas should dwell in the Four
    Applications of Mindfulness: Mindfulness with regard to the body,
    feelings, thoughts, and dharmas.
    1) Contemplate the body as impure. If you know that the body
    is impure, you won’t love it, and without love there will be no
    attachment. Being without attachment is freedom. So first of all,
    regard the body as impure.
    2) Contemplate feelings as suffering. Feelings are all a kind of
    suffering, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant, for pleasant
    feelings are the cause of unpleasant feelings.
    3) Contemplate thought as impermanent. Thoughts shift and
    flow and are not permanent.
    4) Contemplate dharmas as devoid of self.”
    Ananda further asked, “How should we treat evil-natured
    The Buddha said, “That is no problem at all. Simply be silent
    and they will go away. Fight evil people with concentration power.
    Don’t be moved by them. If they are evil, don’t be evil in return. If
    a mad dog bites you and you bite him back, you’re just a dog
    Ananda’s Four Questions
    yourself. Evil-natured people are born with a bad temper. All you
    can do is ignore them and they will soon lose interest and leave.”
    “Oh,” said Ananda, “it’s really very simple.”
    Why did the Buddha tell Ananda to use the four words “Thus I
    have heard?” These four words have three meanings:
    1) To distinguish Buddhist Sutras from the writings of other
    religions. Non-Buddhist religions in India began their texts with the
    words “A” or “O” which means “non-existence” or “existence.” As
    these opposing religions see it, all dharmas in heaven and earth
    either exist or do not exist. “If it is not non-existent,” they say,
    “then it exists, and if it doesn’t exist, then it’s non-existent.” In
    general, as far as they can see, nothing goes beyond existence and
    non-existence. “In the beginning there wasn’t anything,” they
    write, “but now there is.” None of these religions speaks of true
    emptiness and wonderful existence. Their doctrines may resemble
    them somewhat, but they don’t explain them in detail.
    Buddhist Sutras are “Thus.” They are just that way. The
    Dharma is just that way. You ask, “What is not that way?”
    Everything is that way. If you question it and say, ‘What is that
    way?’ then nothing is that way. “Thus” is extremely wonderful.
    The words “Thus I have heard” distinguish Buddhist Sutras from
    the writings of other religions.
    2) To resolve the doubts of the assembly. The Buddha knew
    that everyone would have doubts. After the Buddha’s Nirvana,
    while Ananda and Mahakasyapa were editing the Sutras, Ananda
    sat on the Dharma-seat to speak the Dharma. Seeing him sitting on
    the Buddha’s seat, the members of the assembly suddenly gave rise
    to three doubts:
    a) Some thought, “Shakyamuni Buddha hasn’t completed
    the stillness! He hasn’t gone to Nirvana. Our Master
    lives!” They thought Ananda was Shakyamuni Buddha
    come back to life.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    b) Others thought, “Shakyamuni Buddha has already entered
    Nirvana. This must be a Buddha from another direction:
    north, east, south, or west.”
    c) “No,” said others, “the Great Master has gone to Nirvana.
    He hasn’t come back to life, and the Buddhas of the other
    directions teach people in other directions. They would
    never come all the way to the Saha world. Why, Ananda
    himself must have realized Buddhahood!”
    The assembly held these three doubts until Ananda said, “Thus
    I have heard.” As soon as he said them, everyone knew that
    Shakyamuni Buddha hadn’t come back. They knew it was not a
    Buddha from another direction, and that Ananda had not become a
    Buddha. The Dharma which is ‘Thus” is that which Ananda
    personally heard from Shakyamuni Buddha. Three doubts suddenly
    arose and four words resolved them.
    3) To end the assembly’s debates. Of all the great Bhikshus,
    Ananda was the youngest. He was born on the day Shakyamuni
    Buddha realized Buddhahood, and when the Buddha went to
    Nirvana, Ananda was only forty-nine years old. Why was Ananda
    selected to explain and edit the Sutras? Old Kasyapa was the eldest,
    and Maudgalyayana and Shariputra were both of higher status than
    Ananda. There were many others in the assembly with more Wayvirtue
    and learning than him.
    He was the youngest and it was likely that no one would believe
    in him and that many would try to be first. One might say, “I’ve
    heard more Sutras than you so I should explain them.” But when
    Ananda said, “Thus I have heard,” everyone knew that these were
    not Ananda’s principles, or the principles of the Great Assembly.
    “This is the Dharma which I, Ananda, personally heard the Buddha
    speak. It is not your teaching and not my teaching; it is our Master’s
    teaching. You are not first and I am not first.” This silenced the
    assembly’s debates.
    The Four Applications Of Mindfulness
    1) Contemplation of the body as impure. Everyone sees his
    body as extremely precious. Because you think it is real, you are
    selfish and profit-seeking. Without a body, there would be no
    We think our bodies are real and actual. Being selfish, we create
    offenses and commit evil deeds. We cannot let go of the affairs of
    the world and calculate on behalf of our bodies all day long,
    looking for good food, beautiful clothes, and a nice place to live—
    a little happiness for the body. On the day we die, we are still
    unclear. “My body is dying,” we moan. “How can it do this to me?”
    At that time we know that our bodies are unreal, but it’s too late, too
    late for our regrets.
    Ultimately, is the body real? Stupid people think so, but wise
    people see it merely as a combination of the four elements: earth,
    air, fire, and water. It is not ultimate.
    “Then,” you ask, “what is ultimate?”
    Our own self-nature is
    bright and all-illumining;
    Our own-self-nature is
    perfect and unimpeded.
    It is nowhere and nowhere is it not;
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    to the end of empty space,
    it exhausts the Dharma Realm.
    Our bodies are temporary dwellings where our self-nature
    comes to live for a time. But the person dwelling in the hotel is not
    the hotel, and in the same way, his body is not him. The traveller
    who thinks that he is the hotel is mistaken. If you know that the
    body is just like a hotel, you should seek that which dwells within
    it, for once you have found it, you will recognize your true self.
    From the time of birth, the body is impure—a combination of its
    father’s semen and its mother’s blood. The child grows up with
    greed, hate, stupidity, pride, and doubt. He commits offenses,
    creating the karma of killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying
    and taking intoxicants and drugs. Offense-karma is created because
    of the body. But is the body such a precious thing after all? No.
    A precious jewel is pure and undefiled, without stain or the
    slightest trace of filth. Our bodies, on the other hand, have nine
    apertures which constantly secrete impure substances: tears from
    the eyes, wax from the ears, mucus from the nose…
    There are religions whose members eat mucus. They say that
    they are “smelting the cinnabar.” They also eat tears and ear wax
    thinking that these filthy substances are precious jewels. Isn’t that
    Two ears, two eyes, and two nostrils make six holes. The mouth
    is full of phlegm and saliva. That’s seven holes. Add the anus and
    urinary tract and you have nine. Would you call this pure?
    Everyone knows that excrement and urine are unclean and, if you
    don’t believe it, just try seasoning some fine food with a tiny pinch
    of excrement. No one will eat it. People will want to vomit instead
    because it is unclean. Would you call this body, dribbling filth from
    nine holes, a jewel? If it’s a jewel, why do such vile things flow
    from it?
    The Four Applications Of Mindfulness
    If you don’t bathe for a week, you itch and squirm and a thick
    crust forms on your body. Where did it come from? Soon you stink
    with an odor even a dog finds repulsive. What is the advantage of
    having a body? Contemplate the body as impure. If you see how
    filthy it is, do you still love it? Are you still attached? What’s the
    use of loving such a dirty thing?
    “Then can I stab myself? Can I kill myself?” you ask.
    No. That’s not necessary. You must borrow this false body and
    use it to cultivate the Truth. The self-nature dwells within the body.
    You entered the body of five skandhas and the yin and yang merged
    in a combination of purity and filth which is your body. If you
    cultivate, you can go up, and attain purity. If you do not cultivate
    you will go down, create offense karma, unite with the filth, and
    turn into a ghost.
    Go up. Become a Buddha. Whether or not you cultivate is up to
    you, however. Nobody can force you to cultivate.
    The Venerable Ananda thought that because he was the
    Buddha’s cousin, he didn’t need to cultivate. He thought that the
    Buddha would just give him samadhi. But the Buddha couldn’t do
    that, and so it was not until after the Buddha’s Nirvana, when
    Ananda was about to edit the Sutras, that he finally certified to the
    fourth Stage of Arhatship and realized that he could not neglect
    Be mindful that the body is impure, don’t be so fond of it, and
    don’t take it as a treasure.
    You say, “I can’t stand criticism. I can’t stand it.”
    Who are you?
    “If they hit me, I can’t bear it. It hurts!”
    Really? If you put your attachments down and see through
    them, there is neither pain nor not pain. Who is in pain? What,
    exactly, hurts? If someone hits you, pretend that you bumped into a
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    wall. If someone scolds you, pretend that they are singing a song or
    speaking Japanese. How can they scold you if you don’t understand
    “Are they speaking Spanish or Portugese? French? German?
    I’ve never studied languages so I don’t understand…” They can
    scold you, but it’s nothing. In general, once you see through, break,
    and put down the attachment to your body, you win your independence.
    Contemplate your body as impure. Don’t regard it with so much
    importance. It’s not important.
    Contemplate feelings, thoughts, and dharmas as impure also.
    2) Contemplate feelings as suffering. Feelings may be pleasant,
    unpleasant or neutral; from the point of view of the three sufferings,
    unpleasant feelings are the suffering within suffering, pleasant
    feelings are caught up in the suffering of decay, and neutral feelings
    are the suffering of process. Wake up! Everything you enjoy is a
    form of suffering. If you know that pleasure is suffering, you will
    not be attached to it. I often say:
    Enduring suffering puts an end to suffering;
    Enjoying blessings destroys blessings.
    If you endure your suffering, it will pass. If you enjoy your
    blessings, they, too, will pass. Contemplate feelings as suffering.
    The body, thought, and dharmas are also suffering. Although
    there are Four Applications of Mindfulness, you can divide them
    up; each of the four characteristic qualities, impurity, suffering,
    impermanence, and the absence of self, can be applied to the body,
    to feelings, to thoughts, and to dharmas, making sixteen
    applications in all.
    3) Contemplate thoughts as impermanent. The Vajra Sutra
    says, “Past thought cannot be obtained, present thought cannot be
    obtained, and future thought cannot be obtained.”
    The Four Applications Of Mindfulness
    All your thoughts are unobtainable. They flow without stopping
    and so they are impermanent. The body, feelings and dharmas are
    also impermanent.
    4) Contemplate dharmas as without self. Basically, since there
    are no dharmas, from whence cometh the self? The self is a
    combination of four elements and the five skandhas—a creation of
    form dharmas. Outside of the four elements and the five skandhas
    there is no self. So contemplate dharmas as being without a self.
    The Four Applications of Mindfulness are very wonderful. If
    you investigate them thoroughly, understand and dwell on them,
    you will be unattached and will attain true freedom. If you’re
    attached, you can’t be free. Why? Because you’re attached! So
    dwell in the Four Applications of Mindfulness. Dwell and yet do
    not dwell.
    The Six Requirements
    Ananda’s fourth question concerned evil-natured Bhikshus.
    The Buddha said, “Be silent and they will leave.” Even while the
    Buddha was in the world, there were evil-natured Bhikshus,
    laymen, and ordinary people. “If you ignore them.” The Buddha
    said, “they will get bored and leave.”
    Thus I have heard. Thus fills the requirement of 1) faith. The
    Dharma which is Thus can be believed. Dharma, which is not Thus,
    cannot be believed. I have heard fills the requirement of 2) hearing.
    “Since the ears do the hearing, “you may ask, “why does it say I
    have heard?” This is because whereas the ears are just a small part
    of the body, I refers to the whole person. At one time fills the
    requirement of 3) time.
    “Why,” you may ask, “doesn’t the Sutra give the month, day,
    and year?”
    Calendars differ from nation to nation. Some countries begin
    the year in the first month, some in the second or third month of
    another country’s calendar. There is no one way to indicate the
    date, and, what is more, if the date were given, people would start
    doing research to determine if it was correct. Because the Sutra
    only states, At one time, there is no demand for historical verification.
    The Six Requirements
    In order to speak the Dharma, there must be an 4) audience; in
    this case it was the gathering of great Bhikshus. The audience must
    also have the time to come and listen, for if they don’t stay, of what
    use is their faith? They must have the time to listen, they must want
    to hear the Dharma, and they must believe in it. Then there must
    also be a Dharma-speaking host. In this case, the Buddha is the 5)
    host, and the 6) place is Sravasti, in the Garden of the Benefactor of
    Orphans and the Solitary. Therefore, in the opening sentences of
    the Sutra, all six requirements are fulfilled.
    Sravasti is the name of a city in India. Translated, it means
    “abundance and virtue,”18 because the seven jewels, gold, silver,
    lapiz lazuli, crystal, mother-of- pearl, red pearls, and carnelian, and
    the objects of the five desires, beauty, wealth, fame, food, and
    sleep, were in abundance there. The people of Sravasti were very
    intelligent and had the virtue of great learning and liberation.
    You could also say that the objects of the five desires are forms,
    sounds, smells, tastes, and tangibles. The states connected with the
    objects of the five desires turn people’s wisdom upside-down. The
    eyes run off after forms, the ears after sounds, the nose after smell,
    the tongue after tastes, and the body after tangibles. Deluded people
    spin around and around in pursuit of the objects of the five desires.
    The people of Sravasti had great learning and refinement. They
    were also liberated free, and unfettered, and were only slightly
    18. feng de
    The Benefactor’s Garden
    In the Jeta Grove, in the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans
    and the Solitary… Anathapindada, whose name means “benefactor
    of orphans and the solitary,”19 was a wealthy elder who lived in the
    city of Sravasti. He was also known as Sudatta, which means
    “joyous giving.”20 He was a rich man, but he didn’t understand the
    Buddhadharma. In fact, he had never even heard the Buddha’s
    name. One day, while arranging for his son’s marriage, he visited a
    friend, the wealthy elder Shan T’an No. That night Shan T’an No
    rose and began to decorate his house. Sudatta asked, “You’re
    adorning the house so beautifully, is there to be a celebration? Is
    your son going to be married?”
    “No,” said Shan T’an No. “I have invited the Buddha to receive
    When Sudatta heard the word “Buddha,” every hair on his body
    stood straight up on end. “Who is the Buddha?” he gasped.
    “The Buddha is the Crown Prince, son of King Suddhodana. He
    would have been the king, but he left home to cultivate the Way and
    became a Buddha instead. I have invited him here to receive
    19. ji gu du
    20. le shi
    The Benefactor’s Garden
    Having heard the word “Buddha,” Sudatta couldn’t get back to
    sleep. Shakyamuni Buddha knew that Sudatta’s heart was sincere
    and he emitted a light which shone so brightly that Sudatta thought
    it was dawn, got out of bed, and went out of the city. The city gate
    was locked, but the Buddha opened it with his spiritual powers and
    Sudatta proceeded to the Buddha’s dwelling in the Bamboo Grove.
    Just as Sudatta arrived, four gods descended, circumambulated
    the Buddha three times, and then bowed in order to show Sudatta
    the proper gestures of respect. Because Sudatta had never seen the
    Buddha or heard the Dharma, he followed the gods’ example and
    the Buddha explained the Dharma to him. Sudatta was delighted
    and said, “Buddha, you have so many followers, you really need a
    big place to live. I shall prepare one and invite you to live there.”
    “Fine,” said the Buddha.
    Sudatta looked, but he couldn’t find the right land. Finally, he
    saw Prince Jeta’s garden. It was big enough, but Prince Jeta refused
    to sell. “If you want to buy my garden,” he laughed, “first cover it
    with gold coins. That’s my price.”
    Sudatta didn’t stay to bargain with him, he just said “Okay,”
    and moved his treasury, piece by piece, to the garden and covered
    the entire grove. “Now your garden belongs to me,” he said to
    Prince Jeta.
    “I was only joking,” said the Prince, annoyed. “I’m keeping it
    for myself. How could I sell it to you?”
    “You told me that you would sell if I covered it with gold, and
    I took you at your word,” Sudatta said. “If you plan to be a king,
    you really shouldn’t joke with people. A king’s word must stand.”
    “Very well,” said the Prince, “you covered the ground with
    gold, so the park is yours. But you didn’t cover the trees. The trees
    are mine! But I’ll give them as a donation…”
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Because the trees belonged to Prince Jeta, it is called the Jeta
    Grove, and because the garden was Sudatta’s, it’s called the Garden
    of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary.
    In China, when Keng Wen established the nation, he assisted
    four kinds of poor people: widows, widowers, orphans, and the
    childless, or solitary. Sudatta also gave aid to these four kinds of
    people, and so he is known as the Benefactor of Orphans and the
    Solitary, that is, Anathapindada.
    Together with a gathering of great Bhikshus, twelve hundred
    and fifty in all… This phrase fulfills the audience requirement.
    Together means that they studied under the same teacher, lived in
    the same place, and investigated the Buddhadharma together. They
    all had the same Bodhi mind and had opened the same wisdom,
    attained the same result, and would together realize Buddhahood.
    Because they had so much in common, the text reads, together.
    The Sutra text first lists the assembly of Sound Hearers because
    they are sages who have transcended the world. The Bodhisattvas
    are listed next because they are sometimes Bhikshus and sometimes
    laymen. They cultivate the Middle Way and so they are listed in the
    middle. The gods and dragons of the eight-fold division are listed
    last because they are in the world and represent the common
    people. Sometimes the Bodhisattvas are present in the Dharma
    assembly, and sometimes they travel to other worlds. The
    Bhikshus, on the other hand, were the Buddha’s constant followers.
    They always listened to the Sutras and the Dharma, and so they are
    listed first.
    Great has three meanings: 1) great, 2) many, and 3) victorious.
    Bhikshus are respected by kings and “great” men and so they are
    “great.” They have cut off afflictions and destroyed the “many”
    evils. They are different from, and “victorious” over all external
    The Benefactor’s Garden
    Bhikshu also has three meanings: 1) seeker of almsfood, 2) one
    who frightens Mara, and 3) destroyer of evil.
    When one ascends the precept platform to be ordained, one’s
    request for ordination may be granted after three appeals. An earthbound
    yakËa ghost informs a space-travelling yakËa, who flies up
    to inform the heavenly demons. The heavenly demons are terrified
    and tell Mara, the king of the sixth desire heaven, “The Buddha’s
    retinue has increased by one and ours has decreased by one!” At
    this, Mara’s palace quakes. Thus a Bhikshu is one who frightens
    He also destroys the evils of the eighty-four thousand afflictions
    because he has resolved his mind on Bodhi.
    The Six Harmonious Unities of the Sangha
    These Bhikshus were assembled together as a Sangha. Sangha
    is a Sanskrit word which means “harmoniously united assembly.”21
    They live together without bickering or fighting and are united in
    terms of phenomena and noumena. In terms of the noumenal
    aspect, they have given proof to liberation and to the unconditioned.
    In terms of the phenomenal, they are united in six ways:
    1) As a harmonious group, they dwell together. They don’t look
    at one another’s faults and fight among themselves. No one has a
    special style. There are, for example, no solitary drinkers or
    smokers out of harmony with the rest. Everyone who lives with the
    Sangha must abide by the Sangha’s rules.
    2) With harmonious speech, they do not quarrel. They don’t
    gossip. They don’t say, “So and so has such and such an asset, and
    so and so has such and such a fault…three frogs have six eyes.”
    Their speech is harmonious and what they talk about is important
    and has principle. They don’t argue.
    3) With harmonious thoughts, they enjoy the same things. One
    person likes to study the Buddhadharma and so does the next. One
    is vigorous and the next is even more so. The more one person
    cultivates, the more the next cultivates. Everyone makes vigorous
    21. huo he zhong
    The Six Harmonious Unities of the Sangha
    progress. Every day they are more energetic, not more lazy.
    Cultivating more and speaking less, their minds are in harmony.
    4) With harmonious views, they have the same liberation.
    5) With the same precepts, they cultivate together.
    6) In harmony, they mutually share their benefits.
    …Twelve hundred fifty in all… These were the Buddha’s
    constant followers, his retainers. When the Buddha went to lecture
    Sutras, these Arhats always went along, even if they had already
    heard the Sutra.
    There were actually twelve hundred fifty-five disciples, but for
    the sake of convenience the number was rounded off to twelve
    hundred fifty. Where did the disciples come from? In the Deer
    Park, the Buddha first taught the five Bhikshus. Then YaÇas, the
    son of an Elder, and his forty-nine disciples took refuge. The
    Venerable Shariputra and the Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana each
    had a hundred disciples who took refuge. That makes two hundred
    fifty-five. The Kasyapa Brothers had a thousand disciples, making
    twelve hundred fifty-five, and, rounded off, twelve hundred fifty in
    The Kasyapa Brothers
    The three Kasyapa brothers had a thousand disciples. Five
    hundred were with Uruvilva Kasyapa. Uruvilva means “papaya
    grove,”22 for it is said that he cultivated in a papaya grove. Some
    accounts claim that he had a lump on his chest which resembled a
    papaya, some describing it as concave, and some as convex! What
    is probable is that, liking to eat papayas, he cultivated in a papaya
    grove and in time a papaya grew on his chest. Papayas are good for
    curing illnesses of the lungs.
    Uruvilva Kasyapa had two brothers, Gaya, meaning “city”23 or
    “elephant head mountain,”24 and Nadi, meaning “river.”25 The two
    brothers had five hundred disciples between them, and so the three
    brothers had a total of one thousand disciples.
    The Buddha first taught and crossed over the five Bhikshus in
    the Deer Park. Then he considered who to cross over next. Seeing
    that the potential of the three Kasyapa brothers had matured, he
    went to the dwelling of Uruvilva Kasyapa. He could not, however,
    simply say, “I have come to save you, Uruvilva Kasyapa. Do you
    22. mu gua lin
    23. cheng
    24. xiang tou shan
    25. he
    The Kasyapa Brothers
    believe that?” He had to employ a clever expedient device and so he
    said, “It’s late and I can’t travel any farther. May I stay on here?”
    Uruvilva Kasyapa, a powerful fire worshipper, saw the Buddha
    and thought, “Why is he so special?” Try as he might, he couldn’t
    figure the Buddha out. “Strange,” he thought, “I can see anyone
    else’s background just by looking. Why can’t I see his?” Finally he
    said to the Buddha, “Very well, you may stay here,” and he put him
    in a cave where Uruvilva Kasyapa’s protector, a dragon, lived. The
    dragon was extremely fierce and scorched to death anyone who
    came near him. In the middle of the night, the dragon tried to burn
    the Buddha, but the Buddha had entered the fire-light samadhi and
    couldn’t be burned. The Buddha put the dragon in his bowl. More
    than likely, he didn’t have to trick him by saying, “You can only
    make fire, you can’t jump into my bowl,” as the Sixth Patriarch
    would later speak to another dragon: “You can only manifest a big
    body, not a small one.” The Buddha used a very natural dharma to
    get the dragon into his bowl. Then he explained the dharma to him
    and the dragon took refuge.
    Seeing such spiritual penetrations and transformation, Kasyapa
    knew that his own virtue was not as great as the Buddha’s.
    Thereupon, he took refuge and instructed his five hundred disciples
    to do the same. Soon after leaving home, they gave proof to the
    sagely fruit.
    Kasyapa’s two brothers were also fire-worshippers, but when
    they saw that their brother had become a Bhikshu, they wanted to
    leave home as well. They did, and, along with their five hundred
    disciples, they soon gave proof to the sagely fruit.
    That makes one thousand two hundred and fifty-five disciples.
    Out of gratitude for the Buddha’s deep kindness and his teaching,
    they were the Buddha’s constant followers. No matter where the
    Buddha went, they accompanied him and protected the assembly.
    For example, here we lecture on the Sutras and those who come to
    listen protect the assembly. Even though they already understand
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    the doctrines, they still take time from their busy schedules to come
    and listen.
    …all great Arhats whom the assembly knew and recognized...
    Arhat, a Sanskrit word, has three meanings which
    correspond to the three meanings of the word Bhikshu, because
    being a Bhikshu is the cause of attaining Arhatship, and Arhatship
    is the result of cultivation as a Bhikshu. It’s a matter of cause and
    An Arhat is:
    1) Worthy of offerings. On the causal ground, a Bhikshu is a
    seeker of alms food, and in the result he is worthy of the offerings
    of gods and men.
    2) One without birth. A Bhikshu frightens Mara, and in the
    result, as an Arhat, he undergoes no further birth.
    3) A slayer of thieves. On the causal ground, a Bhikshu
    destroys evil, and in the result, as an Arhat, he has slain the thieves
    of ignorance and affliction.
    On the causal ground, the Bhikshu frightens the demons of the
    five skandhas, the afflictions, and death. Death is also a demon.
    Some cultivators practice diligently, yet when they fall sick and
    confront death, they are afraid. “I’m going to die!” they cry, turned
    by the demon of death. Real cultivators fear nothing. They are not
    afraid of life and they are not afraid of death. Life and death are the
    same. Death and life are not different. There is no distinction
    between them. If while alive cultivators can be as if dead, they will
    have no thoughts of desire. How can one have desire, greed, hate,
    stupidity, pride, or doubt as a dead man? When one arrives at this
    state there are no afflictions, no troubles at all. This is true
    This state is not easy to attain, however, on the other hand, it is
    not difficult either. If you want to, you can do it.
    The Kasyapa Brothers
    For example, when one of my disciples became extremely sick,
    he said to me repeatedly, “I’m really suffering.”
    I said, “The more suffering you undergo, the better. The more
    you suffer the more you will understand.”
    One day it seemed as if he had died. He went to a happy place
    full of people. “Happiness is happiness,” he said, “but I want to see
    my teacher.”
    “Who is your teacher?” the people asked.
    As soon as they heard his teacher’s name they were unhappy.
    “You can’t see your teacher here,” they said.
    “Then I’m leaving,” he said, and came back; he didn’t die after
    all. You might say he has conquered the demon of death. Subsequently,
    his skill has increased greatly.
    …whom the assembly knew and recognized…These arhats
    were all very famous and their virtue was respected by the entire
    population. Everyone knew their names and recognized their faces.
    The Assembly of Arhats
    …Elders Shariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakasyapa,
    Mahakatyayana, Mahakausthila, Revata, Suddhipanthaka,
    Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola Bharadvaja,
    Kalodayin, Mahakapphina, Vakkula, Aniruddha, and others
    such as these, all great disciples;
    Elder is a term used to show respect for another’s position.
    There are three kinds of elders:
    1) Elders in age,
    2) Elders in the Dharma Nature,
    3) Elders in blessings and virtue,
    An elder in age has lived for many years. A Dharma Nature
    elder understands the Buddhadharma and comprehends his selfnature;
    regardless of his age, he is nonetheless an elder in terms of
    his wisdom and intelligence. One such as this may be young in
    years, but he can lecture on Sutras and speak the Dharma. His
    wisdom is limitless and his eloquence is unobstructed. Elders in
    blessings and virtue are fortunate because people like to make
    offerings to them. Because of their virtuous conduct they are fields
    where, by making offerings, one plants the causes of future
    Shariputra was a Dharma Nature elder. At the age of eight he
    studied and mastered all the Buddhadharma in only seven days, and
    he could out-debate all the Indian philosophers. His name is
    Sanskrit. His father’s name was Tisya and his mother’s name was
    Sarika. Hence he was known as UpaTisya, “Little Tisya,” and as
    Shariputra, the Son (putra) of Sari.
    The word Shariputra may be translated three ways,
    1) “body son”26 because his mother’s body was extremely
    beautiful, and her features very refined;
    2) “egret son”27 due to his mother’s eyes which were as
    beautiful as an egret’s and
    3) “jewel son”28 because her eyes shone like jewels.
    Shariputra’s mother’s eyes were beautiful, and when she
    bore this jewel-eyed son, his eyes were beautiful, too.
    He was the foremost of the Sravakas in wisdom. While still in
    the womb, he helped his mother debate, and she always won. In the
    past, whenever she had debated with her brother, she had always
    lost; but while she was pregnant with Shariputra, her brother
    always lost.
    “This isn’t your own power,” he said. “The child in your womb
    must be incredibly intelligent. He is helping you debate and that’s
    26. shen zi
    27. ? lu chi
    28. zhu zi
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    why I lost.” Thereupon he decided to study logic and travelled to
    Southern India where he studied for many years.
    There was no electricity at that time yet, but he studied by day
    and by night. He mastered the Four Vedas, the classics of Indian
    knowledge, without wasting a moment. He didn’t take time to
    mend his tattered clothing, wash his face, or even cut his nails
    which grew so long that everyone called him “The Long-Nailed
    Having mastered various philosophical theories, he returned to
    debate with his sister’s son. He had spent a great deal of time
    preparing for the event, and felt that if he lost it would be the height
    of disgrace. “Where is your son?” he asked his sister.
    “Shariputra has left the home-life under the Buddha,” she said.
    The Long-Nailed Brahmin was displeased. “How could he?’ he
    said. “What virtue does the Buddha have? He’s just a ÆramaÊa.
    Why should anyone follow him? I’m going to go bring my nephew
    He went to the Buddha and demanded his nephew, but the
    Buddha said, “Why do you want him back? You can’t just casually
    walk off with him. Establish your principles and I’ll consider your
    “I take non-accepting as my doctrine,” said the uncle.
    “Really?” said the Buddha. “Do you accept your view of nonaccepting?
    Do you accept your doctrine or not?”
    Now the uncle had just said that he didn’t accept anything. But
    when the Buddha asked him whether or not he accepted his own
    view of non-accepting, he could hardly admit he accepted it for that
    would invalidated his doctrine of non-acceptance. But if he said
    that he didn’t accept it, he would contradict his own statement of
    his doctrine and his view. He was therefore unable to answer either
    Before the debate, he had made an agreement with the Buddha
    that if he won he would take his nephew, but if he lost, he said that
    he would cut off his head and give it to the Buddha.
    The uncle had bet his head and lost. So what did he do? He ran!
    About four miles down the road he stopped and thought, “I
    can’t run away. I told the Buddha that if I lost he could have my
    head. I’m a man, after all, and I should keep my word. It’s unmanly
    to run away.” Then he returned to Shakyamuni Buddha and said,
    “Give me a knife, I’m going to cut off my head!”
    “What for?” said the Buddha.
    “I lost, didn’t I? I owe you my head, don’t I?” he said.
    “There’s no such principle in my Dharma,” said the Buddha.
    “Had you won, you could have taken your nephew, but since you
    lost, why don’t you leave home instead?”
    “Will you accept me?” he said.
    “Yes,” replied the Buddha.
    So not only did the nephew not return, but the uncle didn’t
    return home either.
    At age eight, the Great, Wise Shariputra had penetrated the Real
    Mark of all dharmas in only seven days, and defeated all the
    philosophers in India. When Shakyamuni Buddha spoke The
    Amitabha Sutra without request, Shariputra was at the head of the
    assembly, because only wisdom such as his could comprehend the
    deep, wonderful doctrine of the Pure Land Dharma Door.
    Not only was he foremost in wisdom, he was not second in
    spiritual penetrations either. Once a layman invited the Buddha to
    receive offerings. Shariputra had entered samadhi, and no matter
    how they called to him, he wouldn’t come out. He wasn’t being
    obnoxious by showing off, thinking, “I hear them, but I’m not
    moving, that’s all there is to it.” No, he had really entered samadhi.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    When he didn’t respond to the bell, Maudgalyayana, foremost
    in spiritual powers, applied every bit of strength he had, but
    couldn’t move him. He couldn’t even ruffle the corner of his robe.
    This proves that Shariputra was not only number one in wisdom,
    but also in spiritual penetrations. He wasn’t like us. If someone
    bumps us while we sit in meditation, we know it. Shariputra had
    real samadhi.
    We should look into this: Why was Shariputra foremost in
    wisdom? Why was he called “The Greatly Wise Shariputra?” It’s a
    matter of cause and effect. In a former life, in the causal ground,
    when he first decided to study, he met a teacher who asked him,
    “Would you like to be intelligent?”
    “Yes I would,” said Shariputra.
    “Then study the Dharma-door of Prajna wisdom. Recite the
    Great Compassion Mantra, the Shurangama Mantra, the Ten Small
    Mantras, and the Heart Sutra.29 Recite them every day and your
    wisdom will unfold.”
    Shariputra followed his teacher’s instructions and recited day
    and night, while standing, sitting, walking, and reclining. He didn’t
    recite for just one day, but made a vow to recite continuously, to
    bow to his teacher, and to study the Buddhadharma life after life.
    Life after life, he studied Prajna, and life after life his wisdom
    increased until, when Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in the world,
    Shariputra was able to penetrate the Real Mark of all Dharmas” in
    only seven days.
    Who was his former teacher? Just Shakyamuni Buddha! When
    Shakyamuni Buddha realized Buddhahood, Shariputra became an
    Arhat, and because he obeyed his teacher, he had great wisdom. He
    never forgot the doctrines his teacher taught him, and so, in seven
    days, he mastered all the Buddha’s dharmas.
    29. These are recited daily in Buddhist temples for morning recitation.
    When one has not studied very much Buddhadharma in the past,
    one learns mantras and Sutras slowly. One may recite the
    Shurangama mantra for months and still be unable to recite it from
    memory. It is most important, however, not to be lazy. Be vigorous
    and diligent. Like Shariputra, don’t relax day or night. Those who
    can’t remember should study hard, and those who can should
    increase their efforts and enlarge their wisdom. You should
    consider, “Why is my wisdom so much less than everyone else’s?
    Why is his wisdom so lofty and mine so unclear? Why do I
    understand so little? It’s because I haven’t studied the Buddhadharma.”
    Now that we have met the Dharma we should vow to study
    it. Then in the future we can run right past Shariputra and study
    with the Greatly Wise Bodhisattva Manjushri, who is far, far wiser
    than the Arhat Shariputra. This is the cause behind Shariputra’s
    wisdom, a useful bit of information.
    Three American Shramanera and two American Shramanerika
    have now received the complete precepts: Shramanera, Bhikshu,
    and Bodhisattva Precepts. You could say that they are new
    Bodhisattvas returning to America. People who have received the
    Bodhisattva precepts cultivate the Bodhisattva Way, and people
    who have received the Bhikshu precepts uphold the Buddhadharma
    and teach living beings. When these five return from Taiwan, we
    Americans should protect them as precious treasures. All of you
    should be their Dharma protectors for they are returning to America
    to establish American Buddhism so that in the future, Americans
    will be able to cultivate and realize Buddhahood. This is my hope.
    The Sanskrit word Maha has three meanings:
    1) great,
    2) many, and
    3) victorious.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    As an elder, one is respected by many kings and great ministers.
    Having studied the Sutras in the Tripitaka, an elder has
    victoriously transcended all non-Buddhist religions.
    Maudgalyayana is Sanskrit and means “descendent of a family
    of bean gatherers.”30 His name also means “turnip root”31 because
    his ancestors ate turnips when they cultivated the Way. He is also
    called “Kolita” after the tree where his father and mother prayed to
    the spirit of the tree for a son.
    This Venerable One was the foremost in spiritual penetrations.
    In his cultivation of the Way, when he first certified to Arhatship,
    he obtained six kinds of spiritual penetrations: the heavenly eye, the
    heavenly ear, the knowledge of others’ thoughts, the knowledge of
    past lives, the extinction of outflows, and the complete spirit. With
    he heavenly eye, one sees not only the affairs of men, but every
    action of the gods as well. With the heavenly ear, one hears the
    gods speaking. With the knowledge of others’ thoughts, one knows
    what others are thinking and planning before they speak. With the
    knowledge of past lives, not only does one know what they are
    thinking, but one clearly knows their causes and effects from
    former lives.
    As to the extinction of outflows, all people have outflows. They
    are like leaky bottles: pour something in the top and it flows out the
    bottom. The bigger the hole, the faster the flow. The smaller the
    hole, the slower the flow. If there are no holes, there are no leaks,
    no outflows. The extinction of outflows is the absence of leaks.
    What outflows do people have? Food and drink become the
    outflows of feces and urine. If you like to get angry, that’s an
    outflow. If you are greedy, hateful, or stupid, you have outflows.
    Pride and doubt are outflows, too.
    30. cai shu shi
    31. lai fu
    With outflows, nothing can be retained, but without them, all
    leaks disappear. Outflows are simply our faults. People! If we don’t
    have big sicknesses, we have small sicknesses, and if we don’t have
    small sicknesses, we have little faults. If we don’t have big
    outflows, we have small outflows, and if we don’t have small
    outflows, we have slow leaks, little bad habits. A lot can be said
    about outflows. The absence of them is called the Penetration of the
    Extinction of Outflows.
    The Penetration of the Complete Spirit is also called the
    “penetration of the realm of the spirit” and the “spiritual
    penetration of everything as you will it to be.” The complete spirit
    means that you have an inconceivable power. Not even the ghosts
    and spirits can know of your thousand changes and ten thousand
    transformations, for you have penetrated all realms and states
    without obstruction. “As you will” means that everything is the
    way you want it. If you want to go to the heavens, you go; if you
    want to go down into the earth, you go. You can walk into the water
    without drowning, and into the fire without burning. If you’re in
    your room and think, “I’d rather not go out the door,” you can walk
    right through the wall. How can this be? It’s “as you will”
    according to your thought. However you think you would like it to
    be, that’s the way it is. You just have to make a wish and you attain
    your aim. These are the Six Spiritual Penetrations.
    When Mahamaudgalyayana first obtained these penetrations,
    he looked for his father and mother. Not so much his father,
    actually, as his mother. Where was she? His mother was in hell.
    Why? Because she had not believed in the Triple Jewel: the
    Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha; and what is more, she had
    slandered them. She had also eaten fish eggs and flesh, and thereby
    had killed many beings.
    Seeing her in hell, Maudgalyayana sent her a bowl of food. She
    took it in one hand and hid it with the other because she was afraid
    the other hungry ghosts would see it and try to steal it from her.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Being greedy herself, she knew that other hungry ghosts were
    greedy too, and so she covered it over stealthily.
    Although it was good food, her heavy karmic obstacles
    prevented her from eating it. When the food reached her mouth it
    turned into flaming coals which burned her lips. Maudgalyayana’s
    spiritual powers could not prevent the food from turning into fire,
    so he asked the Buddha to help him.
    The Buddha told him to save his mother by arranging an
    Ullambana offering. Ullambana means, “releasing those who are
    hanging upside down.” The Buddha told Maudgalyayana that, on
    the fifteenth day of the seventh (lunar) month, the day of the
    Buddha’s delight and the monks’ Pravarana he should offer all
    varieties of food and drink to the Sangha of the ten directions. In
    this way he could rescue his mother so she could leave suffering
    and obtain bliss.
    Maudgalyayana followed these instructions and his mother was
    reborn in the heavens. Not only was his mother saved, but all the
    hungry ghosts in the hells simultaneously left suffering and attained
    Now, you may say, “I don’t believe that food and drink become
    fire when hungry ghosts eat them “Of course you don’t believe it!
    But the world is full of strange, strange things. It would be hard to
    speak about them all. How much the less can one be clear about
    those things beyond this world. Let’s take water, for example.
    People and animals see water as water, but the gods see it as lapis
    lazuli and the hungry ghosts see it as fire. It’s all a question of
    individual karmic manifestations. Gods have the karmic retribution
    of gods, men of men, and ghosts of ghosts.
    This is how, with the Buddha’s help, Maudgalyayana saved his
    Again, Maha means great, many, and victorious. The Sanskrit
    word Kasyapa means “great turtle clan,”32 because Mahakasyapa’s
    ancestors saw the pattern on the back of a giant turtle and used it to
    cultivate the Way.
    Kasyapa also means, “light drinking clan,”33 because his body
    shone with a light which was so bright it seemed to “drink up” all
    other light.
    Why did his body shine? Seven Buddhas ago, in the time of the
    Buddha Vipasyin, there was a poor woman who decided to repair a
    ruined temple. The roof of the temple had been blown off and the
    images inside were exposed to the wind and rain. The woman went
    everywhere and asked for help, and when she had collected enough
    money she commissioned a goldsmith to regild the images. By the
    time he was finished, the goldsmith fell in love with her and said,
    “You have attained great merit from this work, but we should share
    it. You may supply the gold and I will furnish the labour, free.” So
    the temple was rebuilt and the images regilded. The goldsmith
    asked the woman to marry him and, in every life, for ninety-one
    kalpas, they were husband and wife and their bodies shone with
    purple and golden light.
    Mahakasyapa was born in India, in Magadha. When he was
    twenty his father and mother wanted him to marry, but he said, ‘The
    woman I marry must shine with golden light. Unless you find such
    a woman, I won’t marry.” Eventually they found one, and they
    were married. As a result of their good karma their bodies shone
    with gold light and they cultivated together and investigated the
    doctrines of the Way. When Mahakasyapa left home to become a
    32. da gui shi
    33. yin guang shi
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Bhikshu, his wife became a Bhikshuni called “Purple and Golden
    Mahakasyapa’s personal name was “Pippala,” because his
    parents prayed to the spirit of a pippala tree to grant them a son.
    As the First Patriarch, Mahakasyapa holds an important
    position in Buddhism. When Shakyamuni Buddha spoke the
    Dharma, the Great Brahma Heaven King presented him with a
    golden lotus and Shakyamuni Buddha held up the flower before the
    assembly. At that time, hundreds of thousands of gods and men
    were present, but no one responded except Mahakasyapa, who
    simply smiled. Then the Buddha said, “I have the Right Dharma-
    Eye Treasury. The wonderful Nirvanic mind, the Real Mark which
    is unmarked. This Dharma-door of mind to mind transmission has
    been transmitted to Kasyapa.” Thus Mahakasyapa received the
    transmission of Dharma and became the first Buddhist Patriarch.
    Venerable Mahakasyapa is still present in the world. When he
    left home under the Buddha he was already one hundred and sixty
    years old. By the time Shakyamuni Buddha had spoken Dharma for
    forty-nine years in over three hundred Dharma assemblies,
    Kasyapa was already over two hundred years old. After
    Shakyamuni Buddha entered Nirvana, Kasyapa went to
    Southwestern China, to Chicken Foot Mountain in Yunnan
    Province. It has been over three thousand years since the Buddha’s
    Nirvana, but Mahakasyapa is still sitting in samadhi in Chicken
    Foot Mountain waiting for Maitreya Buddha to appear in the world.
    At that time he will give Maitreya the bowl which the Four
    Heavenly Kings gave Shakyamuni Buddha and which Shakyamuni
    Buddha gave him, and his work in this world will be finished.
    Many cultivators travel to Chicken Foot Mountain to worship
    the Patriarch Kasyapa, and on the mountain there are always three
    kinds of light: Buddha light, gold light, and silver light. Those with
    sincere hearts can hear a big bell ringing inside the mountain. It
    rings by itself, and although you can’t see it, you can hear it for
    several hundred miles. It’s an inconceivable state.
    Mahakasyapa was the foremost of the Buddha’s disciples both
    in ascetic practices and in age. None of the Buddha’s disciples was
    older and none of them endured more suffering.
    The term “ascetic practice”34 means, “making an effort, raising
    up one’s spirits with courage and vigor.” The cultivation of the
    twelve kinds of ascetic practices is a sign that the Buddhadharma is
    being maintained, for as long as they are practiced, the Dharma will
    remain in the world. If they are not practiced, the Buddhadharma
    will disappear. Of the twelve ascetic practices, the first two deal
    with clothing:
    1) Wearing rag-robes. One gathers unwanted cloth from
    garbage heaps, washes it, and sews it into a robe. There are many
    advantages in wearing rag-robes. First of all, they decrease greed.
    When you wear them, your heart is peaceful and calm. They also
    prevent others from being greedy. If you wear fine, expensive
    clothes, others may become envious and may even try to steal them.
    But no one wants to steal rag-robes. So the first ascetic practice
    benefits you and others. Those who have left home are called
    “tattered sons” because they wear rag-robes.
    2) Wearing only three robes. One’s only possessions are three
    robes, a bowl, and a sitting cloth. The first robe is the great robe, the
    samghati, made of 25 strips of cloth in 108 patches, which is worn
    when lecturing Sutras or visiting the king. The second is the outer
    robe, the uttarasanga, made of seven pieces, which is worn when
    bowing repentance ceremonies and worshipping the Buddha. The
    third is the inner robe in five pieces, the antarvasaka, which is worn
    at all times, to work in, to travel in, and to entertain guests. With
    34. ku hang , duskara-carya
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    only three robes, a bowl, and a sitting cloth, one teaches others to
    be content and not be greedy for a lot of possessions.
    3) Always begging for food. One always takes one’s bowl to
    beg, and does not cook for oneself.
    4) Begging in succession. One begs from house to house in
    regular order without discriminating between the rich and the poor.
    If, by the seventh house, no food is obtained, one doesn’t eat on that
    day. One doesn’t think, “I want to beg from the poor, not the rich,”
    or “I want to beg from the rich and not the poor.”
    Mahakasyapa once said, “Poor people are to be pitied. If they
    don’t plant blessings now, in the future they will be even poorer.”
    He begged exclusively from the poor.
    Subhuti, on the other hand, begged only from the rich. “If they
    are rich,” he reasoned, “we should help them continue to plant
    blessings and meritorious virtue. If they don’t make offerings to the
    Triple Jewel, next life they’ll have no money,” and so he begged
    only from the rich.
    But the Buddha scolded both of them. “You two have the hearts
    of Arhats,” he said, “because you discriminate in your begging.” To
    beg properly, one should go from house to house, without discrimination.
    5) Eating only once in the middle of the day. This means that
    you do not eat in the morning or in the evening, but only between
    the hours of eleven and twelve o’clock in the morning. Some who
    don’t understand the Buddhadharma think that “eating once in the
    middle of the day” means simply eating only one lunch. It actually
    means that one doesn’t eat in the morning or in the evening, but
    only once in the middle of the day. In China, when one receives the
    precepts, they ask, “Neng ch’ih?” which means “Can you keep
    them?” the preceptee answers, “Neng ch’ih!” which means “I can”
    If one eats in the morning, noon, and evening, however, one can
    answer “Neng ch’ih!” which sounds the same, but means “I can
    Eating once a day at noon is one of the Buddha’s rules, because
    the Buddha only responded to offerings of food at noon. Gods eat
    in the morning, animals eat in the afternoon, and ghosts eat at night.
    Those who have left home do not eat at night because when ghosts
    come out at night to look for food and hear the sound of chopsticks
    they run to steal the food. The food the people are eating turns into
    fire in the ghosts’ mouths and they get angry and take revenge by
    making people sick.
    6) Reducing the measure of what you eat. If you can eat three
    bowls, then eat only two and a half. If you can eat two bowls, then
    eat only one and a half. Always eat a little less. If you eat too much
    your stomach can’t hold it and you’ll have to do a lot of work on the
    toilet. Eat less.
    7) Not drinking juices after noon. After twelve, you don’t drink
    apple juice, orange juice, milk, or any kind of juice at all, how much
    the less bean curd broth! True ascetics don’t drink juice after noon.
    Some people cultivate one or two of these practices and some
    cultivate more; some cultivate only one and some cultivate all
    twelve. It’s not fixed; it depends upon how strong you are.
    Since cultivators can’t avoid the questions of clothing, food,
    and dwelling, these twelve ascetic practices have been established
    to deal with them. The five which concern dwelling are:
    8) Dwelling in an aranya. Aranya is a Sanskrit word which
    means “still and quiet place.”35 In an aranya, one is left alone and
    there are no distracting noises. It is said,
    What the eyes don’t see
    won’t cause the mouth to water;
    35. ji jing chu
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    What the ears don’t hear
    won’t cause the mind to transgress.
    When people see food, they give rise to desire for it and their
    mouths water. If your ears don’t hear confusing sounds, there is no
    affliction in your mind. In a still, quiet place, it is easy to cultivate
    diligently and enter samadhi.
    9) Dwelling at the foot of a tree. You live beneath a tree, but not
    under any one tree for more than three nights. After two nights, you
    move for fear that someone might come and make offerings to you.
    Cultivating ascetics don’t like to have such Dharma affinities or a
    lot of food and drink, and so they live under a tree.
    10) Dwelling under the open sky. You don’t live in a house or
    even under a tree, but right out in the open, meditating.
    11) Dwelling in a graveyard. Living here, one in always on the
    alert. “Look at them! They’re dead. In the future I’ll be just like
    them. If I don’t cultivate the Way, what will I do when it’s time to
    die? I’ll die all muddled.” Dwelling in a graveyard is a good cure
    for laziness.
    12) Ribs not touching the mat. This means always sitting and
    never lying down, cultivating vigorously and not fearing suffering.
    These are the five ascetic practices which deal with dwelling.
    Mahakasyapa cultivated not only one ascetic practice, but all
    twelve of them very thoroughly. Once, the Buddha moved over and
    asked him to sit beside him. The Buddha couldn’t bear to see him
    cultivating ascetic practices at his age. “Kasyapa,” he said, “you are
    over two hundred years old, too old for ascetic practices. Take it
    easy. You can’t endure them.”
    The Venerable Kasyapa smiled. He didin’t say whether or not
    he would obey the Buddha’s instructions, but he returned and
    continued to practices just as before. The Buddha knew this and
    was extremely pleased. “Because, within my Dharma,
    Mahakasyapa cultivates ascetic practices,” the Dharma will remain
    long in the world. He’s a great asset, formost in asceticism.”
    The twelve ascetic practices are cultivated by those who have
    left the home-life.
    “I haven’t left the home-life,” someone says. “Why are you
    explaining them to me?”
    This seems like a good question, but if you look into it, it’s
    really irrelevant. Why? Perhaps you have not left home in this life,
    but how do you know that you did not leave home in a past life and
    cultivate these practices? Perhaps you have just forgotten, and so I
    am reminding you.
    Even if you did not leave home in past lives, perhaps next life
    the opportunity will arise, and the Bodhi seeds planted in this life
    will mature. Then your merit and virtue will be perfected and you
    will feel very comfortable practicing asceticism. Because you
    heard about it in this life, next life you will enjoy cultivating it.
    Perhaps in the past you planted good causes, and now you reap the
    good fruit; or perhaps in this life you plant good causes, and in a
    future life will reap the good fruit. No one can say that someone
    will always leave home, or that someone else will always be at
    home, or that someone will always be a common person. Common
    people all have the opportunity to realize Buddhahood. In the future
    these twelve ascetic practices will be of great use.
    Maha has been explained. Katyayana means “literary
    elegance,”36 because of all the Buddha’s disciples, this Venerable
    One was the foremost in debate. No one could defeat him. On one
    occasion a non-Buddhist who believed in annihilationism said,
    36. wen shi
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    “Buddhists speak of the revolving wheel of the six paths of rebirth
    and maintain that after death one may be reborn again as a person,
    but this principle is incorrect. Why? If people can come back as
    people, why hasn’t anyone ever died and then returned home, or
    sent a letter to his family? There’s no basis for such a view. When
    people die, they go out like a lamp and they can’t be born again.
    Buddhists imagine that there’s rebirth, but actually there is none.”
    Mahakatyayana replied, “You’ve asked why those who die do
    not return. Before I answer first let me ask you a question. If
    someone were put in jail for a crime, could he return home at his
    “No,” said the non-Buddhist, “of course not.”
    Katyayana continued, “When people descend to rebirth in the
    hells, it’s just the same and they can’t return; in fact, they are even
    less free to leave.”
    The non-Buddhist said, “Granted that those born in the hells
    cannot return, still, those born in the heavens are very free. Why has
    none of them ever sent a letter home informing his family of his
    Katyayana said, “What you say has principle, but, by way of
    analogy, suppose someone slipped and fell into a toilet, not a flush
    toilet—obviously no one could fall into a flush toilet—but into a pit
    toilet about as big as a bedroom. Once he got out, would he decide
    he liked the aroma there and jump back in again?”
    “Heavens no,” exclaimed the non-Buddhist.
    “The world of men,” said Katyayana, “is just like a toilet, and
    birth in the heavens is like getting out. That’s why no one comes
    back. Even if they did, there’s the time difference to consider. For
    example, one day and night in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three is
    equal to one hundred years in the world of men. Born there, it
    would take a couple of days to find a place to stay and get settled,
    and by the time one returned on the third day, one’s friends would
    have long been dead.”
    Thus, Mahakatyayana’s eloquence defeated non-Buddhists who
    were attached to the idea of annihilation or permanence; they lost
    every time.
    Katyayana’s name also means “fan cord.”37 Soon after he was
    born his father died and his mother wanted to remarry, but the child
    was a tie, like a fan cord, which prevented her from doing so. He is
    also called “good shoulders”38 because his shoulders were
    beautiful, and “victorious thinker”39 because his eloquence was
    There are four kinds of unobstructed eloquence:
    1) With “unobstructed eloquence in Dharma” one can
    explain the Dharma without obstacle.
    2) With “unobstructed eloquence in meaning” one can
    explain the Dharma’s limitless meanings.
    3) With “unobstructed eloquence in phrasing” one’s rhetoric
    is effective.
    4) With “the eloquence of unobstructed delight in speech”
    one takes delight in explaining the Dharma.
    Because he had these four kinds of unobstructed eloquence,
    Mahakatyayana was the foremost of the Buddha’s disciples in
    37. shan sheng
    38. hao jian
    39. si sheng
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Mahakausthila was Shariputra’s maternal uncle. His name
    means “big knees,”40 because big knees ran in the family. He, too,
    was gifted in debate. In order to defeat his nephew, he went to
    Southern India to study non-Buddhist debating theories, rushing
    through his meals and gulping down water, studying so hard that he
    didn’t even take time to wash his face or cut his nails. His nails
    grew so long, in fact, that he was nick-named, “The big-nailed
    Revata means “constellation.”41 He was named after the fourth
    of the twenty-eight constellations, “the house, the rabbit, and the
    sun,”42 because his parents prayed to this constellation in order to
    have their son.
    Revata also means “false unity.”43 One day he went walking.
    When it got dark, he was far from home and decided to spend the
    night in a shack beside the road. Just as he was about to fall asleep
    two ghosts walked in, a big ghost and a small ghost. The big ghost
    was really big, with a green face, red hair, and a huge mouth with
    six teeth hanging like elephants’ tusks from it. One look at him
    would have scared you to death! The little ghost was even uglier.
    His eyes, ears, nose, and mouth had all moved to the middle of his
    The two came in dragging a corpse, and asked Revata, “What
    do you think? Should we eat this corpse or not?” What they meant
    40. da xi
    41. xing su
    42. fang ri tu
    43. jia huo he
    was, “If you tell us to eat the corpse, we’ll eat you instead. If you
    tell us not to eat the corpse, we won’t have anything to eat, and so
    we’ll have to eat you.” The ghosts were going to eat him no matter
    what he said.
    Revata didn’t say a word. The big ghost bit off the corpse’s legs
    and the little ghost ripped off Revata’s legs and stuck them on the
    corpse. Then the ghost ate the corpse’s arms and the little ghost
    ripped off Revata’s arms and stuck them on the corpse. The big
    ghost ate the entire corpse and the little ghost replaced its parts, one
    by one, with parts of Revata’s body.
    Revata then thoughts, “My body has been used to repair the
    corpse and so now I don’t have a body!” The next day he ran
    screaming down the road asking everyone he met, “Hey! Take a
    look. Do I have a body?”
    “What?” they said. The townspeople had no idea what he was
    talking about, but he kept pestering them until, finally, no one
    would come near him. “He’s nuts,” they said.
    Finally Revata met two High Masters. “Shramanas,” he asked,
    “do I have a body?”
    The two High Masters happened to be Arhats. Seeing that
    Revata’s potential for enlightenment was nearly mature, and that he
    would soon certify to the Dharmabody, they instructed him saying,
    “The body is basically created by a combination of causes and
    conditions. When the causes and conditions separate, the body is
    destroyed. There is nothing that is you and nothing that is not you.”
    Just as they said this, “Ah!” Revata was enlightened. He left home
    and certified to the fruit and thus his name means, “false unity.” Of
    the Buddha’s disciples he is foremost in being “not upset or
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Suddhipanthaka and Mahapanthaka were brothers. Suddhipanthaka’s
    name means “little roadside,”44 and his big brother’s name
    means “big roadside.” In India it is the custom for women who are
    about to give birth to return to their parents’ home. But Mahapanthaka’s
    mother didn’t want to go home and so she waited until the
    last minute to leave. Consequently, her son was born on the side of
    the road.
    When the time came to give birth to her second child, she
    should have known better, but again she waited. It happened again,
    and the second child was called “Little Roadside.”
    Although born in similar circumstances, the two brothers were
    very different in nature. The older brother was remarkably
    intelligent, but the younger one was remarkably… stupid. He was
    so stupid that he couldn’t even remember half a line of verse.
    The Buddha had instructed five hundred Arhats to teach him a
    verse, and they took turns day and night trying to teach him:
    Guard your mouth, unite your mind,
    With your body, don’t offend.
    Do not annoy a single living being.
    Stay far away from non-beneficial bitter practices.
    Conduct like this can surely save the world.
    The three karmas of body, mouth, and mind should be pure. Do
    not cause others to be afflicted, and don’t cultivate ascetic practices
    which are not in accord with Dharma. These non-beneficial bitter
    practices include maintaining the morality of dogs or cows,
    worshipping fire, sleeping in ashes, and sleeping or sitting on beds
    of nails, which, of course, hurts a lot. One who cultivates virtue and
    44. xiao ji lu , “Suddhi”, apparently represents ksudra, “small.”
    at the same time avoids these meaningless practices can truly save
    the world.
    For many days, the five hundred Arhats combined their great
    spiritual powers trying to teach Little Roadside the verse. They
    taught him over and over, over and over, and he forgot it. “Recite
    the verse,” they would say.
    “But I can’t remember it,” Little Roadside would answer.
    Finally his brother scolded him. “You’re good for nothing.” He
    shouted. “You can’t leave home. You’re useless!” and he chased
    him away.
    Little Roadside may not have had much of a memory, but he
    certainly had a temper. “If you won’t let me leave home,” he
    shouted, “I’ll show you! I’ll kill myself!” He grabbed a rope, ran to
    the back yard, and climbed a tree, ready to hang himself.
    At that moment Shakyamuni Buddha transformed himself into
    a tree spirit and explained the Dharma to him. “Your brother is your
    brother,” he said, “and you are you. He says you can’t leave home,
    but you don’t have to listen. You can cultivate right here. Why
    should you kill yourself?”
    “That makes sense,” sniffed Little Roadside. “He’s he and I’m
    me. He has no right to tell me I can’t leave home.”
    “Right!” said Shakyamuni Buddha. “Since you can’t remember
    half a line, I’ll give you two words, ‘sweep clean.’ Remember these
    two words, and use them to sweep your heart clean. Sweep the floor
    and sweep your heart free from dust.”
    Little Roadside said, “Yes, I’ll sweep my heart.
    “Clean,”said the Buddha, “sweep clean.”
    “Oh yes,” said Little Roadside. “Clean…what was the first
    word again?”
    “Sweep,” smiled the Buddha.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    “Sweep clean!” said Little Roadside and he recited and swept
    remembering the Buddha’s instructions to sweep his heart clean. In
    less than a week all of a sudden he was enlightened, understood
    everything very clearly, penetrated the Real Mark of all Dharmas,
    and was even more intelligent than his brother.
    Little Roadside wasn’t like us. We recite “Namo Amitabha
    Buddha” everyday, but the more we recite the more false thinking
    we have. If stupid people work hard and cultivate, they also can
    become enlightened. Don’t say, “I’m too stupid to understand the
    Sutras.” If you don’t understand them, don’t read them; it will
    suffice to contemplate your heart, for when you have seen it clearly
    you will be enlightened. How should you contemplate your own
    heart? Watch for false thinking, and sweep it out of your heart.
    Then you can be enlightened.
    Little Roadside, stupid as he was, became enlightened. We are
    all much more intelligent than he, and could no doubt remember
    “sweep clean” hearing it only once. So don’t cheat yourself or take
    yourself lightly. Go forward bravely and study the Buddhadharma.
    Were I to speak the most wonderful Dharma, unless you
    believed it, it would be of no use to you. But were I to speak utter
    nonsense, should you actually practice, it would be wonderful
    Dharma. If you don’t practice the wonderful Dharma, it is not
    wonderful for you. You must always make vigorous progress.
    Don’t fall behind or get lazy. This is most important, for if you can
    always make progress, the day will certainly come when you will
    recognize your original face.
    There were three disciples with the name “Nanda:” Ananda,
    Sundarananda, and Nanda. Nanda, whose name means “wholesome
    bliss”45 was a cow-herd before he heard the Buddha speak and
    decided to leave the home life. He is to be distinguished from
    Ananda, the Buddha’s first cousin, and Sundarananda, the
    Buddha’s little brother.
    Before leaving the home-life, Nanda was a cow-herd. When he
    listened to the Buddha preach the Eleven Matters of Tending Cows,
    using the tending of cows as an analogy for cultivation of the Way,
    Nanda knew that the Buddha was possessed of All-Knowledge and
    he resolved to leave home and soon attained the fruit of Arhatship.
    On one occasion the Buddha instructed Nanda to preach to a
    group of five hundred Bhikshunis. Hearing him speak, they all
    attained Arhatship. In the past, the five hundred Bhikshunis had
    been the concubines of a king. The king was a great Dharma
    protector and he built a large pagoda in honor of a Buddha. The
    concubines believed in the Buddha and made daily offerings at the
    pagoda, vowing that they would in the future all obtain liberation
    with the king. The king was a former incarnation of Nanda.
    Sundarananda was the Buddha’s little brother. He loved his
    wife, Sundara, more than anything. The two of them were as if
    glued together; walking, standing, sitting, and lying down, they
    were never apart. One day as the Buddha returned from the palace
    where he had gone to collect alms, he passed Sundara and Nanda
    who were having lunch. When he saw the Buddha, he went out to
    fill his bowl. As he left, Sundara spit on the floor and said, “You
    may give the Buddha food, but if you don’t return before that dries,
    you’re in trouble.”
    “Okay,” said Sundarananda, and off he went. What do you think
    the Buddha did? Every time Sundarananda took a step forward to
    hand the Buddha his bowl, the Buddha moved away with his
    spiritual powers so that, in what seemed like just a few steps,
    45. shan huan xi
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Sundarananda suddenly found himself in the Jeta Grove, five miles
    from home. As soon as they arrived, the Buddha shaved
    Sundarananda’s head. Sundarananda had no desire to leave the
    home-life because he did not want to give up his wife. But the
    Buddha was his older brother and so he complied. “You can cut off
    my hair,” he thought, “but the first chance I get, I’m going to run
    As day after day went by, Sundarananda got more and more
    nervous. The Buddha and the Arhats were staying in the Jeta
    Grove, and Sundarananda had no chance to escape. One day the
    Buddha and his Arhats went out for lunch and left Sundarananda to
    watch the door. “Today is the day.” thought Sundarananda. “I’m
    definitely going home.”
    Before the Buddha left, however, he had instructed
    Sundarananda to sweep the floor. Eager to be on his way, he went
    right to work, but every time he got the dust together, a gust of wind
    blew it all over the room. He tried closing the window, but when he
    closed one, the other blew open. Strange. This went on for two or
    three hours. “The Buddha will be back any minute,” he thought.
    “Dust or no dust, I’m leaving!” He threw the broom down and ran.
    “The Buddha uses the main road,” he thought, “so I’ll take to
    the side road.” He ran for a couple of miles when suddenly he saw
    the Buddha walking toward him. He hid behind a tree to wait for
    him to pass, moving slowly around in back of the tree so that he
    would not be seen. Who would have guessed that the Buddha
    would follow him around the tree, step by step? Sundarananda
    walked in one direction and the Buddha followed him.
    Sundarananda reversed his steps and so did the Buddha. A collision
    was inevitable; there was no place to hide.
    “What are you doing?” asked the Buddha. “I thought you were
    watching the door?”
    “I waited and waited,” said the embarrassed Sundarananda,
    “but you didn’t return so I came to welcome you. I thought that
    your bowl might be too heavy…I..I came to help you carry your
    “Wonderful,” said the Buddha. “What a good little brother.
    Now, let’s go back to the Jeta Grove.”
    The Buddha knew that Sundarananda wasn’t happy, and one
    day he said, “Sundarananda, come with me for a hike in the
    “All right,” said Sundarananda thinking, “If I get the chance,
    I’ll surely run away.”
    The mountains were full of monkeys, five or six hundred of
    them. “Sundarananda,” said the Buddha, “compare these monkeys
    with your wife. Are they more beautiful than she?”
    Sundarananda said, “Why Buddha, of course Sundara is more
    beautiful. Monkeys are ugly; how can you compare them with
    “You’re quite intelligent,” said the Buddha. “You know that
    your wife is prettier than the monkeys.”
    When they had returned to the Jeta Grove, the Buddha said,
    “Sundarananda, you have never been to the heavens. Want to go?”
    “First the mountains, now the heavens. I wonder what they’re
    Sundarananda and the Buddha sat in meditation and the Buddha
    used his spiritual powers to take him to the heavens where they
    visited a palace where five hundred goddesses and many servants
    were working. The heavens were a million times more beautiful
    than the world of men, and Sundarananda had never seen such
    beautiful women. Naturally, he fell in love. “Don’t you have a
    leader?” he asked. “Who is your master?”
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    “Our master hasn’t arrived,” they said. “He’s Shakyamuni
    Buddha’s little brother, Sundarananda. He’s left home to cultivate
    the Way and in the future he will be reborn with these five hundred
    goddesses as his wives.”
    Sundarananda was delighted. “I don’t think I’ll run away after
    all,” he thought. “I’ll cultivate diligently and get reborn in heaven
    “Sundarananda,” said the Buddha, “are the goddesses more
    beautiful than Sundara, or is she more beautiful than they?”
    “Compared to the goddesses, Sundara is as ugly as a monkey,”
    said Sundarananda.
    “Which would you prefer?” said the Buddha.
    “The goddesses!” said Sundarananda. “Sundara is beautiful, but
    the goddesses are out of this world.”
    “In the future you’ll be born here,” said the Buddha. “Now let’s
    go back and cultivate.”
    Sundarananda meditated day and night, cultivating to be a
    heavenly lord. The Buddha knew that heavenly blessings have
    outflows, are not ultimate, and that those who enjoy them can still
    fall to lower realms. Wishing to wake Sundarananda up, he said,
    “There’s nothing going on today. Would you like to visit the hells?”
    “I’ve heard that they aren’t very scenic,” said Sundarananda,
    “but if you want to take me there, I’ll go.”
    They visited the hells of the mountain of knives, the sword-tree
    hell, the fire-sea hell, the ice hell, and many others. Finally, they
    came to a hell where two ghosts were boiling a pot of oil. The lazy
    ghosts had let the fire go out and the oil wasn’t even simmering.
    “What are you two doing,” said Sundarananda, “fooling around and
    going to sleep?”
    The two ghosts opened their eyes and stared. “What do you
    care?” they said. “We’re in no hurry. We’re waiting for someone
    who isn’t due for a long, long time.”
    “Who? said Sundarananda.
    “Shakyamuni Buddha’s little brother, Sundarananda, if you
    must know,” they said. “He left home, but seeks only the blessings
    of the heavens and the five hundred goddesses. He’ll be living in
    heaven for a thousand years, but in his confusion he will forget how
    to cultivate and will commit many offenses. This will create evil
    karma and drag him into the hells to be deep-fried in this very pot.”
    Every hair on Sundarananda’s body stood straight up on end,
    and every pore ran with cold sweat. “How could this happen to
    me?” he moaned. From that moment on, he stopped cultivating for
    rebirth in the heavens and resolved to end birth and death. Soon he
    certified to Arhatship.
    Sundarananda was extremely handsome. The Buddha had the
    thirty-two marks of a superman and Sundarananda had thirty. Some
    people even mistook him for the Buddha. One day Shariputra was
    debating with some non-Buddhists who were even more extreme
    than many hippies; they didn’t wear any clothes at all. “This is our
    original face,” they said. “Why disguise yourself by wearing
    Shariputra, although not very tall, was extremely intelligent; his
    replies left them speechless, as if they had no mouths at all. Later,
    when Sundarananda, who was tall and handsome, happened along,
    the nudists said, “If that short little Bhikshu beat us, how could we
    possibly out-talk this tall one?” They bowed to Sundarananda as
    their teacher and left the home life. Sundarananda had a lot of
    faithful disciples, and their cultivation was very successful.
    This is the story of Sundarananda, who gave up his wife for the
    goddesses and then, fearing the hells, cultivated the Way.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    Ananda was the Buddha’s cousin. His name means
    “rejoicing,”46 and was chosen because he was born on the day the
    Buddha awoke to the unsurpassed enlightenment. Both his birth
    and the Buddha’s realization were causes for rejoicing.
    Of all the great disciples, the Venerable Ananda was foremost
    in learning. He edited and compiled all the Buddha’s Sutras, and
    remembered clearly, without ever forgetting, all the Dharma the
    Buddha spoke. Ananda’s memory was extremely accurate and his
    samadhi was firm. In fact, Ananda had eight inconceivable states:
    1) He never accepted special invitations. In the Shurangama
    Sutra we read that, because he accepted a special lunch invitation,
    Ananda became involved in an unfortunate encounter with
    Matangi’s daughter. Matangi used a Brahma Heaven mantra to lure
    Ananda into a house of prostitution. Then the Buddha spoke the
    Shurangama mantra and ordered Manjushri Bodhisattva to take the
    mantra to rescue him. Ananda never accepted another special
    invitation. They’re too dangerous!
    For a member of the Sangha to go out alone to receive offerings
    from Dharma protecting laymen is called “accepting special
    invitation,” and is against the Buddha’s rules. If there are ten
    Bhikshus, but a layman favors only one with an invitation, he may
    not go; all ten must go. The Venerable Ananda realized his mistake
    and never made it again.
    2) He never wore the Buddha’s old clothes. The Bhikshus liked
    to wear the Buddha’s old clothing. Some even fought over it,
    feeling that wearing the Buddha’s clothes would increase their
    wisdom and wipe away their offenses. Actually they were just
    greedy Ananda never wore them.
    46. qing xi
    3) He did not look at what he should not look at. What he was
    supposed to see, he looked at; what he was not supposed to see, he
    avoided. He did not look at what violated the code of morality, but
    looked only at what was in accord with it.
    4) He did not give rise to defiled thoughts. The Venerable
    Ananda followed the Buddha to the heavens, to the palace of the
    asuras, and to the palace of the dragons. He saw the heavenly
    women, the asura women, and the dragon women, the most
    beautiful women in all of creation, but felt no sexual desire.
    5) He knew which samadhi the Buddha had entered. The other
    Bhikshus didn’t know.
    6) He knew the benefits received by the beings who were
    taught and transformed by the Buddha in samadhi.
    7) He understood completely all the Dharma the Buddha spoke.
    8) He never had to ask to have a Dharma repeated. He
    remembered it all and never needed to hear one twice. No one but
    Ananda had these eight inconceivable states.
    Concerning not accepting special invitations, Shramaneras
    cannot eat or drink when they please, but must eat with the
    assembly. Novices and Bhikshus alike cannot live with the group
    and yet eat separately. Even a cup of tea should be taken with the
    group without assuming a special style. If everyone doesn’t receive
    an apple, an orange, or even a piece of candy, no single person is
    allowed to eat them on his own.
    The Buddha’s father, King Suddhodana, was afraid that his son
    the prince would leave the home-life. When the prince was still
    quite young, his father told him to marry, and he wed Yasodhara.
    When he was nineteen, he left home and, so he was about to go, his
    wife told him she wanted a son. The prince thereupon pointed his
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    finger at her, and she became pregnant. Then he left for the Snow
    Mountains to meditate for six years, and for six years Rahula, his
    son, lay in his mother’s womb.
    Rahula means “obstacle.”47 He had plugged up a mousehole for
    six days in a past life, and so received six years of retribution,
    suffering in the womb. When he was finally born, he caused a lot of
    trouble for his mother. King Suddhodana and the whole family
    were upset. “Well, I never!” they said. “Without a husband, she
    gives birth to a son. Yasodhara has obviously been running around.
    She must have a boyfriend.”
    “She’s a bad women,” pronounced the entire clan. One servant
    spoke in her defense. “You’re wrong,” she said. “She is pure. She
    stays home all day long and doesn’t flirt with men. The child really
    is the Prince’s.”
    No one believed the servant, and they wanted to kill Yasodhara,
    to beat her to death. Finally, they dug a pit, built a fire in it, and
    prepared to throw Yasodhara and her baby in. Yasodhara stepped
    forward and made a vow. “Heaven spirits! Earth spirits! Bear
    witness! If the child belongs to the Prince, my son and I will not be
    burned. If I did transgress, we both will burn!” Then she jumped
    into the pit. What do you think happened? The pit turned into a pool
    of water, and a golden lotus grew out of it to catch them. Everyone
    then knew that the child was truly the son of the Buddha.
    When the Buddha returned tot he palace, Yasodhara took
    Rahula to meet him. If the child had been illegitimate, she certainly
    would have feared the Buddha. But she sent the child out to meet
    him and the Buddha hugged the child.
    Rahula sought the true Way and worked hard. Among the great
    disciples he was foremost in secret practices. He worked
    everywhere, at all times, but no one knew he was working because
    47. fu zhang
    he never advertised his cultivation. His work was so secret that he
    could enter samadhi any place at all, even on the toilet, and no one
    Although Rahula was the Buddha’s son, the Buddha doesn’t
    have only one son; he has Three Kinds of Sons:
    1) True Sons. One often reads in the Sutras, “…headed by the
    Dharma Prince Manjushri…” The Buddha is the Dharma King, and
    the Bodhisattvas are the Buddha’s genuine sons.
    2) Initiate Sons. These are the Arhats who, out of ignorance,
    hold to the principle of one-sided emptiness and have not attained
    the principle of the Middle Way.
    3) Uninitiate Sons. Common men who do not know how to
    cultivate are upside-down, but they are still the Buddha’s sons, for
    the Buddha is the great compassionate father of all living beings.
    The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Blossom Sutra speaks of us as poor,
    lost sons. We should quickly return to our great compassionate
    father. We all have a share in the Buddha’s family.
    This Venerable One’s very strange name means “cow cud.”48
    Far in the distant past, he had insulted a Bhikshu who couldn’t eat
    hard things and had to slurp his food because his teeth were no
    good. “You eat like a cow!” said Gavampati. The old Bhikshu
    happened to be a Pratyeka Buddha, and because of Gavampati’s
    careless slander, Gavampati was reborn for five hundred lifetimes
    as a cow and got to know the real bitterness that it involved.
    Finally he met Shakyamuni Buddha, learned to cultivate, and
    attained Arhatship. Although he had certified to the fruit, his habits
    from so many lives remained unchanged, and all day he snorted like
    48. niu ?
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    a cow chewing its cud. Shakyamuni Buddha was afraid that
    someone might slander him and reap the same reward, and so he
    sent the Venerable Gavampati to heaven to live. There he became
    the foremost of those who receive the offerings of the gods.
    We should take care not to speak rashly or to scold others. If
    you berate others, others will berate you.
    Pindola Bharadvaja
    Pindola Bharadvaja means “unmoving sharp roots.”49 To the
    present day he has not entered Nirvana because he broke a rule.
    Although the Arhats around the Buddha had spiritual powers,
    they were not allowed to display them casually. Once an elder
    called JyotiËka carved a bowl out of sandalwood, put it on top of a
    high pole, and said, “Whoever can use his spiritual powers to get
    the bowl down can have it.” Pindola Bharadvaja couldn’t resist the
    temptation, and used his powers to get the bowl down.
    “Since you’re so greedy for sandalwood bowls that you display
    your spiritual powers,” said the Buddha, “you will not be allowed
    to enter Nirvana. Instead, you must stay here and be a field of
    blessedness for living beings.”
    Pindola Bharadvaja is still in the world, but no one knows
    where. Whenever people make offerings to the Triple Jewel,
    however, he comes to receive them, acting as a field of blessedness
    for beings in the Dharma-ending age.
    Kalodayin means “black light.”50 His skin was black but his
    body glowed, and his eyes emitted light. One night as he was out
    49. bu dong li ken
    50. hei guang
    walking, a pregnant woman was so startled to see his two bright
    eyes and black-lit body that she had a miscarriage and died.
    Because of this the Buddha set up a precept forbidding Shramanas
    to take walks at night.
    Black Light served the Buddha as an attendant and a Dharma
    Protector. He was the foremost teacher who taught and transformed
    the greatest number of people, creating over one thousand certified
    Maha means “great” and Kapphina means “constellation.”51
    His father and mother prayed to one of the 28 constellations in
    order to have their son. He was foremost in knowledge of astrology.
    Vakkula means “good bearing.”52 He was extremely handsome.
    In the past, during the time of Vipasyin Buddha, he made offerings
    of the Indian haritaki fruit to a Pratyeka Buddha, a sage enlightened
    to conditions. Because of this he received the retribution of long
    life in every life for ninety-one aeons. Foremost of the disciples in
    age, he lived to be a hundred and sixty.
    In past lives, Vakkula kept the precept against killing so conscientiously
    that he never killed a single creature, not even grass or
    trees. Thus he obtained “five kinds of death-free retribution.”
    Vakkula was a strange child. He was not born crying like most
    children, but entered the world smiling. Not only was he smiling, he
    was sitting upright in full lotus. Seeing this, his mother exclaimed,
    “He’s a monster!” and threw him on the brazier to burn. After three
    51. fang su
    52. shan rong
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    or four hours, he hadn’t burned; he just sat there in full lotus
    laughing. Fully convinced that he was a monster, she then tried to
    boil him. When she took the cover off the pot several hours later, he
    just smiled back at her. “Oh no!” she cried, and threw him into the
    ocean. He did not drown, however, because a big fish swam up and
    swallowed him whole. Then a man netted the fist and cut it open.
    Vakkula stepped out, unharmed by the knife. So the fire didn’t burn
    him, the water didn’t boil him, the ocean didn’t drown him, the fish
    didn’t chomp him to death, and the fisherman’s knife didn’t cut
    him. Because he kept the precept against killing in every life, he
    obtained these “five kinds of death-free retribution.”
    Aniruddha means “not poor.”53 Long ago, during the time of
    Pusya Buddha, a famine starved the people and reduced them to
    eating grass, roots, and leaves. It was the practice of a Pratyeka
    Buddha who lived at that time to go out begging only once every
    two weeks. If he received no offerings, he simply didn’t eat. Once
    day he went down the mountain to beg and, having received no
    offerings, was returning with his empty bowl when he was seen by
    a poor farmer—Aniruddha. The poor farmer addressed the
    Pratyeka Buddha most respectfully. “Holy Master,” he said, “you
    received no offerings. Won’t you please accept my lunch? As I am
    very poor, I can only offer you this cheap grade of rice, but if you
    want it, you can have it.” Seeing his sincerity, the Pratyeka Buddha
    accepted. After eating, he ascended into empty space, manifested
    the 18 miraculous changes, and left.
    Just then the poor farmer saw a rabbit running towards him. The
    rabbit jumped up on his back, and no matter how the farmer tried to
    knock, brush, or shake it off, it wouldn’t budge. All alone in the
    53. wu pin
    field and terrified, he ran home. When he got there the rabbit had
    turned into a gold statue. He asked his wife to knock the rabbit off,
    but she couldn’t move it either. When they broke a gold leg off the
    rabbit, another would grow back in its place. In this way, the gold
    statue was never exhausted, and for ninety-one kalpas Aniruddha
    was “not poor.”
    During the time of Shakyamuni Buddha he was the son of the
    Buddha’s father’s brother, the Red Rice King. He was the Buddha’s
    first cousin.
    Although he wasn’t poor, Aniruddha liked to sleep when the
    Buddha lectured on the Sutras. One day the Buddha scolded him:
    Hey! Hey! How can you sleep,
    Like an oyster or a clam?
    Sleep, sleep for a thousand years,
    But you’ll never hear the Buddha’s name!
    Hearing this, Aniruddha became extremely vigorous and didn’t
    sleep for seven days. As a consequence, he went blind. The Buddha
    took pity on him and taught him how to cultivate the “vajra
    illuminating bright samadhi.” He immediately obtained the
    penetration of the Heavenly Eye; he could see the great trichiliocosm
    as clearly as seeing an apple held in his hand, and was
    foremost of the disciples in possessing the Heavenly Eye.
    The Assembly Of Bodhisattvas
    …together with all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas:
    Dharma Prince Manjushri, Ajita Bodhisattva, Gandhahastin
    Bodhisattva, Nityodyukta Bodhisattva, and others such as
    these, all great Bodhisattvas, and together with Shakra, chief
    among gods, and the numberless great multitudes from all
    the heavens.
    Not only were the sixteen venerable Arhats present in the
    assembly, but there were also all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas, the
    great Bodhisattvas.
    What is a Bodhisattva? Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit word. Bodhi
    means “enlightenment” and sattva means “being.” The word means
    “to enlighten those with sentience,” that is, to cause living beings to
    wake up.
    Bodhisattva also means “enlightened among beings” because
    Bodhisattvas themselves are awake. Enlightenment is simply the
    opposite of confusion; confusion is simply non-enlightenment.
    With one enlightened thought, you are a Buddha. With one
    confused thought, you are a living being. With every thought
    enlightened, in every thought you are a Buddha. With every
    thought confused, in every thought you are a living being.
    Bodhisattvas are beings who can wake themselves up. Every
    day they are more enlightened, not more confused.
    Manjushri, also Sanskrit, means “wonderfully lucky,”54 or
    “wonderful virtue.”55 Of the Bodhisattvas, he is foremost in
    wisdom and is also known as “The Great and Wise Manjushri.”
    Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings and living beings are
    confused beings. Enlightened beings are those who are enlightened
    among all the confused living beings. In all situations, they are
    awake. And so it is said,
    If you see affairs and are awake,
    You can transcend the world.
    If you see affairs and are confused,
    You fall beneath the wheel.
    Bodhisattvas transcend the world; living beings fall beneath the
    grinding wheel of sense objects. The difference between
    Bodhisattvas and living beings is that of enlightenment and
    confusion. We say, “enlightened, you’re a Buddha.” Enlightened,
    too, you are a Bodhisattva. Confused, you’re a living being.
    When the Bodhisattva Manjushri was born, ten auspicious signs
    manifested to indicate that his merit and virtue were complete and
    his wisdom foremost:
    1) The room was filled with bright light. When Manjushri was
    born, a bright light filled the room. It was not the light of the sun,
    54. miao ji xiang
    55. miao de
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    moon, stars or lamps. It represented Manjushri’s great Prajna
    wisdom and great intelligence which can disperse all darkness.
    2) The vessels were filled with sweet dew. Sweet dew56 is the
    heavenly medicine of immortality which nourishes you and
    satisfies your hunger so that you don’t need to eat. Sweet dew
    satisfies, purifies, and refreshes. Hungry ghosts who have sweet
    dew poured over their heads immediately get rid of their offense
    karma and obtain a good rebirth. This is called ‘opening the sweet
    dew door.” When it opens, the hungry ghosts run in and obtain their
    fill. Sweet dew filling the vessels represents Manjushri’s use of the
    sweet dew of Dharma to rescue living beings.
    3) The seven jewels came forth from the earth. When
    Manjushri was born, gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, mother-ofpearl,
    red pearls, and carnelian came forth from the earth.
    Why are they called “jewels?” Because they are rare. Whatever
    is scarce is precious. Earth, for example, is actually very precious.
    Without it we couldn’t sustain our lives, and yet no one thinks it is
    special because there is a lot of it. If you tried to give people a
    handful of dirt, they wouldn’t want it; they’d just throw it away.
    Water, too, is essential for life, but no one prizes it because it’s
    everywhere. All living things depend on water for survival.
    Therefore Lao Tzu said,
    “The highest goodness, like water, benefits all things
    and yet does not contend. It goes to places men despise
    and so it is close to the Way.”57
    Water benefits all things, but doesn’t struggle. It would never
    say, “Hey, flower! Fortunately for you there is me, water, and so
    you have grown so big and bloomed so beautifully. Without me,
    56. gan lu
    57. Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, “Classics of the Way and its Virtue.”
    flower, would this day have come for you? You really should be
    grateful.” It doesn’t think in this way and it doesn’t wrangle.
    Travellers will notice that water gathers in the lowlands, in places
    where men do not like to go. It lives where no one else wants to live
    and so it is close in its nature to the Way.
    Water, fire, metal, wood, and earth benefit all things but
    because of their abundance, no one considers them precious. Trees
    are everywhere and so no one values them, but gold is a treasure
    because it is rare. In the Land of Ultimate Bliss, where the ground
    is made of gold, dirt would be valuable. If you gave a clod of Saha
    dirt to someone in the Land of Ultimate Bliss…Ah!….it would be
    as precious as those rocks they are now bringing back from the
    moon. They are just rocks, but because they came from the moon
    they are very valuable. If you sent a worthless clod of dirt to the
    Land of Ultimate Bliss everyone would exclaim, “Rare indeed!”
    So, the seven precious gems are called “jewels” because they are
    hard to find.
    Manjushri Bodhisattva has limitless treasuries of jewels. When
    he was born, the seven jewels welled up from the earth—endless
    for the taking and inexhaustible in their use.
    “Where are these treasuries?” you ask.
    They are in the place where Manjushri was born.
    “Can I go there?”
    Don’t be so greedy. The travel expenses would cost more than
    the jewels you’d bring back. So don’t have this false thought
    4) The gods opened the treasuries. Wheel-turning Sage Kings58
    have seven treasures: a golden disc, white elephants, jade women,
    horse, pearls, ministers of the army, and gods to guard his
    treasuries. These treasuries were buried in the earth long ago and
    58. Skt. cakravarti-raja
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    then forgotten, but when Manjushri was born, the guardian gods
    opened the treasuries so that the jewels could be obtained.
    5) Chickens gave birth to phoenixes. Chickens usually give
    birth to chickens, but when Manjushri was born they gave birth to
    Phoenixes. Phoenixes are auspicious birds, and seeing one is a
    lucky sign.
    In The Analects, Confucius wrote, “The phoenix hasn’t come
    and the river sends no map; I am finished.” The phoenix appears
    when a wise man rules and things are right in the world, as during
    the time of Emperor Shun (2255 B.C.) when these birds were
    commonly seen. During the time of Fu Hsi (2852 B.C.) a turtle rose
    out of the river with a chart on its back. The chart gave Fu Hsi the
    idea for the eight trigrams which combine to make the sixty-four
    hexagrams of the I Ching, the Book of Changes. “But now,” said
    Confucius, “one no longer sees such auspicious signs. Thus I know
    that it’s all over. To expound the Way and its virtue is of no use.”
    6) Pigs gave birth to dragons. Dragons ordinarily give birth to
    dragons and phoenixes ordinarily give birth to phoenixes. It’s not
    too strange for chickens to hatch phoenixes, but then pigs gave
    birth to dragons—dragon pigs, with scales.
    7) Horses gave birth to unicorns. Horses usually beget horses,
    but they had unicorns. Unicorns, lions, and tigers are all called the
    “kings of beasts.”
    The unicorn is also an auspicious animal. In China, during the
    time of the benevolent Emperor T’ang Ti Yao (2356 B.C.), there
    were many phoenixes and unicorns, and they were often seen.
    Later, when people’s karmic retribution grew too heavy, these
    auspicious creatures no longer appeared. Confucius wrote,
    In the time of Emperor T’ang Yao
    the unicorn and phoenix abounded.
    That time, however, is not the present,
    so what have you come to seek?
    Unicorn! Unicorn! How my heart grieves…
    “During the time of Emperor T’ang Yao, unicorns and
    phoenixes often came into the world to roam around; everyone saw
    them. But that time is not now, so what have you come to seek?” he
    When the Sage Confucius was born, a unicorn appeared. When
    his mother saw it, she tied a string around its neck. Near the end of
    Confucius’ live, some hunters killed a unicorn. When Confucius
    saw it, he noticed that it had the string around its neck; it was the
    same unicorn. Seeing this sign, he sighed deeply, for he knew that
    it would not be long before he died. “Unicorn! Unicorn! How my
    heart grieves…” he said.
    When Manjushri was born, horses gave birth to unicorns.
    8) Cows gave birth to white tsai. The white tsai is an extremely
    rare and auspicious animal. It’s not like an ox and it’s not like a
    horse; it’s not like a deer or a mule. It’s not like anything at all. It
    looks like a horse, but has the hooves of an ox.
    9) The grain in the granaries turned to gold. What use is golden
    grain? Can you eat it?
    “You can exchange it for money and buy a lot of grain,” you
    may say.
    I agree. A grain of gold is very valuable.
    10) Elephants with six tusks appeared. Elephants usually have
    only two tusks, but when Manjushri was born they had six.
    These are the ten auspicious signs which appeared at
    Manjushri’s birth. They represent the Ten Paramitas: giving,
    morality, patience, vigor, concentration, wisdom, skill in means,
    vows, determination, and knowledge. They show that Manjushri is
    not like other Bodhisattvas.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    If you would like to meet Manjushri Bodhisattva, you must first
    remember these ten signs. Then when you see him you will know,
    “This is my old friend and closest good knowing advisor.”
    Manjushri will be very pleased. “Yes! You are my old friend,
    my very good friend,” he will say. Although he doesn’t discriminate,
    if you don’t know him, he won’t approach you. The better you
    know him, the closer he comes. Therefore we should know the
    states of the Bodhisattvas so that we can be their brothers and
    friends. All the Bodhisattvas are our good knowing advisors, and in
    the future we will be Bodhisattvas, too. So don’t take yourselves
    Ajita is Sanskrit for “invincible.”59 Ajita Bodhisattva is none
    other than Maitreya, “compassionate clan,”60 Bodhisattva. He
    specializes in cultivating the “compassionate heart samadhi” and is
    compassionate toward all living beings. Scolded, beaten, cheated,
    insulted, no matter how badly he is treated, he is compassionate in
    return. No matter how obnoxious living beings are, he protects
    them all even more lovingly than he would protect his own sons or
    daughters. His compassion and loving concern are limitless and
    In order to cultivate the compassionate heart samadhi, you must
    first practice patience, and so Ajita Bodhisattva wrote this verse:
    The Old Fool wrapped in ragged clothes,
    His belly filled with gruel,
    He mends old sacks to keep him warm
    And lives on chance, Old Fool.
    59. wu neng sheng
    60. ci shi
    A scolding makes the Fool smile sweetly,
    While a beating makes him sleepy;
    Spit on his face, he lets it dry
    And saves his strength and energy.
    His calm, a peace past ridicule
    Gets him the jewel within the wonderful;
    Now that you’ve heard this song today
    Why worry about not perfecting the Way?
    The song is about a stupid old man who wears a patched robe
    and eats his food plain, without soy sauce, hot sauce, or sesame oil.
    It doesn’t taste like much, but it fills his stomach. He mends his
    robes to stay warm and whatever happens, just happens:
    Something happens and he reflects it;
    When it passes, he is still.
    Everywhere according with conditions
    as the years and months go by;
    Minding your own business
    as the time passes.
    When it happens, it happens; when it’s over, it’s gone. He
    accords with conditions and does not change, does not change and
    yet accords with conditions. For him,
    In movement, there is stillness,
    In stillness, movement;
    Both movement and stillness
    Are still and moving.
    But we won’t speak about it too deeply. If we did, it would be
    difficult to understand.
    Scolded, the Old Fool says, “Great!” If someone hits him, he
    falls asleep. Now isn’t that stupid? If ordinary people were hit, they
    would glare and shout, “Why did you hit me!” But the Old fool just
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Preface
    falls asleep. Isn’t this wonderful? If you can master this, you’re
    doing pretty well; you have truly gained some genuine cultivation.
    “Spit in my face,” says the stupid old man, “and I just let it dry.
    If you spit in someone else’s face, the fire of ignorance would blaze
    thirty thousand feet into the air. “How can you insult me like that?”
    he’d say. But the old man doesn’t even wipe if off. He just lets it
    dry. Although it’s not much effort to wipe it away, he still saves his
    strength and gives others no affliction.
    This is Paramita. If you can sleep when people hit you and let
    their spit dry on your face, this is ksanti-Paramita, the perfection of
    patience. If you do not understand this, what Buddhadharma do you
    study? You study day in and day out, but when this happens, you
    don’t know what dharma it is. If someone hit you to test your skill,
    you’d probably end up saying, “I’ve studied the Buddhadharma for
    so long. Why can’t I use it when the time comes?”
    The Paramita is the wonderful within the wonderful, the jewel
    within the jewel. If you’ve heard this news, how can you worry
    about not perfecting the Way? The Buddha and Bodhisattvas would
    never deceive you.
    This, then, is what Ajita Bodhisattva had to say about the
    perfection of patience, and if we practice accordingly we shall
    certainly realize the Way.
    Gandhahastin and Nityodyukta
    Gandhahastin is a Sanskrit word which is interpreted as ‘never
    resting.”61 Nityodyukta, also Sanskrit, means “ever-vigorous.”62
    “Ever-vigorous” and “Never-resting” competed with each other.
    One was vigorous and the other never rested; one never rested and
    61. bu xiu xi
    62. chang jing jin
    Gandhahastin and Nityodyukta
    the other was vigorous. They watched each other: “If you don’t
    rest,” said one, “then I’ll be constantly vigorous.”
    “If you’re ever vigorous,” replied the other, “then I won’t rest.”
    In the six periods of the day and night they practiced the Way, each
    acting as the other’s Dharma protector. They raced every step of the
    way, and neither would let himself fall behind. Thus Gandhahastin
    is just Nityodyukta; Ever-vigorous is just Never-resting.
    These two have cultivated together as Dharma friends for
    limitless kalpas. “If you work hard, I’ll work harder! If you increase
    your efforts, I’ll double mine.” They are genuine cultivators, evervigorous
    and never-resting, Nityodyukta and Gandhahastin.
    Shakra, chief among gods, and the numberless great multitudes
    from all the heavens.
    Shakra, or Sakro Devanam Indra, is the ruler of the
    TrayastriÌÇa Heaven, the Heaven of the Thirty-three. He is
    referred to in the Shurangama mantra as “Yin T’o La Ye.” Those
    who understand the Buddhadharma know that all gods, ghosts, and
    spirit kings, as well as all the great Bodhisattvas are contained
    within the Shurangama mantra. Those who do not understand the
    Buddhadharma say, “Buddhism does not include the heavens, the
    twenty-eight constellations…” They say this because they don’t
    understand that the heavens and the constellations, everything is
    within the Shurangama mantra. Shakra is Sanskrit; it means “the
    able heavenly ruler.”63
    Numberless great multitudes from all the heavens. Numberless,
    the heavens cannot be counted. In general there are thirty-three, but
    if you were to describe them in detail, you would speak of the
    limitless heavens within each heaven, just as there are also limitless
    worlds within each world and limitless countries within each
    country. Thus, many heavenly beings were present in the assembly.
    63. neng tian zhu
    P A R T I V
    At that time the Buddha told the elder Sariputra,
    “passing from here through hundreds of thousands of
    millions of Buddhalands to the west, there is a world called
    ultimate bliss. In this land a Buddha called Amitabha right
    now teaches the dharma.”
    At that time refers to the time when all the gods, Bodhisattvas,
    sravakas, bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas, and upasikas had gathered
    together to listen to Sakyamuni Buddha. The Buddha spoke to the
    wise elder Sariputra saying, “if you travel westward from here,
    from the pure abode in the jeta grove in the garden of the benefactor
    of orphans and the solitary, sravasti, india, and go through hundreds
    of thousands of millions of Buddhalands, you will find a world
    system called ‘the Land of Ultimate Bliss’. This is the happiest land
    there is. Nothing surpasses the happiness there, it is ultimate.
    “In this land, there is a Buddha. His name is Amitabha,
    ‘limitless light’. He is also called amitayus, ‘limitless life’. His
    light is measureless, illumining the lands of the ten directions
    everywhere without obstruction, and his lifespan extends for
    The Principle Proper
    hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of millions of great
    kalpas without end.” After realising Buddhahood, this Buddha did
    not rest, but right now he speaks the dharma. He is not an
    unemployed Buddha; teaching the dharma is the Buddha’s job.
    Whoever teaches the dharma does the Buddha’s work; whoever
    doesn’t, does the demons’ work. So it is said,
    “Unless I teach the dharma to save living beings, I will have
    passed through my entire life in vain.”
    If you don’t teach the dharma and convert living beings, you
    will have wasted your life and obtained no benefit.
    “Sariputra, for what reason is this land called ultimate
    “Sariputra!” Said the Buddha, “Why is this land called ultimate
    Although he had great wisdom, Sariputra didn’t know enough
    to ask this question, and so the Buddha asked it himself. This is like
    yesterday when I asked you if you had any questions and you didn’t
    answer because you didn’t know what to ask. So I said, “Very well,
    I have a question for you. Do you like the rain?”.
    Thieves hate the rain. Why? If they go out to steal, they get all
    wet. “I want to steal something,” they say, “but it is raining. I will
    have to carry an umbrella. How inconvenient!”
    Travellers say, “I came here for a vacation and I haven’t seen a
    thing. Detestable rain!” Travellers and thieves don’t care for the
    But the farmer says, “Rain! My flowers will sell for thousands
    of dollars. Isn’t this fine?” The fruit growers say, “The rain will
    make my apples big, fat and sweet, my oranges too.”
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    Now, would you say that lecturing sutras and speaking about
    the dharma is a good thing or not? Those who believe in the
    Buddhadharma say it is good, but those who are jealous of it say it
    is not.
    Why is this land called ultimate bliss? Basically, Sariputra
    should have asked this question, but he didn’t, and so Sakyamuni
    Buddha said, “Sariputra, why is Amitabha’s country called ultimate
    bliss? Speak up!”.
    The Buddha waited about five minutes. Sariputra said nothing,
    such great wisdom and yet he didn’t know what to say! He just
    stared blankly as you do when I ask you a question. But time is
    precious. Sakyamuni Buddha waited until he could wait no more.
    “All right,” he said, “I will answer it myself.”
    “All living beings of this country endure none of the
    sufferings, but enjoy every bliss. Therefore it is called
    ‘ultimate bliss’.”
    In Amitabha Buddha’s land, living beings are born by transformation
    from lotus flowers. Their birth is pure, not one of desire and
    emotions, and so their bodies are pure and are not the result of
    sexual desire and the lustful thoughts of men and women. This is
    why they endure none of the sufferings, but enjoy every bliss. Why
    do we suffer? We suffer because our bodies are created from
    unclean substances of the father’s semen and the mother’s blood.
    We continually think of unclean things. Men usually think of
    women, women of men. People eat their fill and, since there’s
    nothing else to do, sexual desire is foremost. When the time comes,
    men and women want to marry. If they don’t, they feel as if they
    have a great illness which has not been cured. Because the basis,
    the seed, is impure, the thoughts are impure, and those impure
    The Principle Proper
    thoughts bring about all kinds of suffering. Why is there suffering?
    For no reason other than this. Sutras are lectured and dharma is
    taught only to teach you one thing, have no unclean, impure
    thoughts, have no sexual desire. Without sexual desire you are one
    of the clear, pure, ocean-wide assembly of Bodhisattvas. With
    sexual desire, you are a ghostly living being of the five turbid
    realms. Cultivation and non-cultivation are right here. If you can
    purify your mind, your merit and virtue are limitless. If you cannot
    purify your mind, your offences are limitless. Offences are created
    from impure thoughts. Such thoughts are causes planted in your
    self-nature and they result in the manifestation of offences and evil.
    But if your self-nature is pure, outwardly there will be no evil
    karmic retribution.
    Therefore, you may study the Buddhadharma for several tens of
    thousands of great kalpas, but unless you understand the genuine
    doctrine you won’t get off the revolving wheel. If you understand
    the essential message of the Buddhadharma, however, you will
    know, “Oh! It is simply a matter of purifying my mind and will.”
    The Buddhadharma teaches you to purify your mind and will. If
    you understand the Buddhadharma you can become enlightened,
    and once enlightened, you will never have unclean thoughts again.
    Why do people suffer? It is because of unclean thoughts. Why is
    there no suffering in the Land of Ultimate Bliss? It is because the
    people there have no impure thoughts. Thus, they endure none of
    the sufferings, but enjoy every bliss.
    As we recite “Namo Amitabha Buddha” we each create and
    adorn our own Land of Ultimate Bliss. We each accomplish our
    own Land of Ultimate Bliss which is certainly not hundreds of
    thousands of millions of Buddhalands from here. Although it is far
    away, it doesn’t go beyond one thought. It is not hundreds of
    thousands of millions of Buddhalands from here, it is right in our
    hearts. The Land of Ultimate Bliss is the original true heart, you
    will be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. If you don’t understand
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    your own original true heart, you will not. The Land of Ultimate
    Bliss is defiled and so is that one thought of the mind and nature. It
    is just that now, as common people, we are defiled by attachment.
    If you can empty yourself of attachments, you will immediately see
    Amitabha Buddha, that is the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Amitabha
    Buddha and living beings, do not discriminate between this and
    that, turn the light within. Know that originally you are the Buddha,
    and your original Buddhahood is just the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
    For this reason, you should cast out your defiled thoughts, your
    lustful desires, your confusion, jealousy, contrariness, and selfish
    thoughts of personal gain. Be like the Bodhisattvas who benefit
    everyone and enlighten all beings. Just that is the Land of Ultimate
    Bliss. Don’t you agree that the absence of confusion and false
    thoughts is the Land of Ultimate Bliss? If it isn’t, what is?
    Good knowing advisors, you are all ones of great wisdom and
    great intelligence. You are all more clever than I, and in the future
    you will explain the dharma better than I do. But now, because you
    don’t know chinese, I am introducing you to this old-fashioned
    tradition. In the future you will transform it and make it
    unspeakably wonderful.
    “Moreover, Sariputra, this Land of Ultimate Bliss is
    everywhere surrounded by seven tiers of railings, seven
    layers of netting, and seven rows of trees, all formed from
    the four treasures and for this reason named ‘ultimate
    After explaining why this land is called ultimate bliss,
    Sakyamuni Buddha waited for Sariputra to ask about the limitless
    principles which remained but, as intelligent as he was, Sariputra
    The Principle Proper
    simply didn’t know enough to ask. Why? It was because the pure
    land dharma door is simply too wonderful.
    Unable to wait any longer, the Buddha said, “Sariputra, I will
    tell you something else. In the most happy land there are seven
    railings which run horizontally like fences and are arranged
    vertically in seven tiers.” The railings represent the precepts, the
    netting represents concentration, and the trees represent wisdom.
    The number seven is used for the “seven classes,” the classification
    of the thirty-seven wings of enlightenment into seven groups:
    1. The four applications of mindfulness
    2. The four right efforts
    3. The four bases of supernatural power
    4. The five roots
    5. The five powers
    6. The seven limbs of enlightenment
    7. The proper eight-fold path
    How do the tiers of railings represent the precepts? Precepts
    prohibit evil and prevent error. Morality is simply
    all evil not done and
    all good conduct respectfully practised.
    Once you have taken the precepts, you cannot entertain
    confused false thinking. You must purify your mind and will. If you
    find yourself caught up in false thinking, rub your head and say, “I
    have left the home-life, I am hairless. I am no longer a layman and
    so I can’t be casual and think unclean thoughts. I must stop.” In this
    way the precepts are like a fence. It is illegal to jump it, you have to
    go through the gate. Thus, the seven tiers of railings represent the
    How do the seven layers of netting represent concentration?
    One does not enter or emerge from true concentration. With “naga
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    concentration” you don’t need to meditate because no external state
    will move your heart. You are always concentrated.
    Suppose you see something good to eat and think, “Not bad. I
    will try it out.” This displays a lack of concentration power, to say
    nothing of stealing food, which is a violation of the precepts!
    “Oh, a little thing like that is not important,” you think.
    It’s just because you transgress in minor ways, that, when
    something major comes along you slip up. People who transgress in
    little matters will transgress even more easily in big ones. It may be
    a small matter, but it is just the small matters which are difficult to
    change. If you change your small faults, you have concentration
    power. Always in concentration,
    The eyes see forms outside,
    but inside there is nothing.
    The ears hear external sounds,
    but the mind does not know.
    Concentration is the state of being unmoved by situations. For
    example, when a woman sees a handsome man but has no thought
    of sexual desire, she is said to possess concentration power. When
    a man sees a beautiful woman but has no thoughts of sexual desire,
    that, too, is concentration. Seeing as if not seeing and hearing as if
    not hearing,
    The eyes see forms outside,
    but inside there is nothing.
    The ears hear external sounds,
    but the mind does not know.
    The seven layers of netting represent concentration. Now do
    you understand the Amitabha sutra? If you don’t understand it
    completely, perhaps you understand a little. That’s why I am
    explaining it.
    The Principle Proper
    ...and seven rows of very tall trees. The trees represent wisdom.
    If you have wisdom, you are tall, without it, you are short. It’s not
    a question of how tall or short your body is. With wisdom you are
    like seven rows of tall trees; without wisdom you are like seven
    rows of grass! The grass has smothered your heart and you grow
    stupider and stupider.
    ...all formed from the four treasures and for this reason called
    ‘ultimate bliss.’ the four treasures are gold, silver, lapis lazuli and
    “Is the Land of Ultimate Bliss made out of only four treasures?”
    You may wonder.
    The treasures in the Land of Ultimate Bliss are limitless and
    measureless, nothing in this world compares with them. We of this
    world have never seen anything like the treasures which fill that
    “Then why do you only mention four?” You ask.
    The four treasures represent the four virtues of nirvana:
    permanence, bliss, true self, and purity.
    1. Permanence.
    Amitabha Buddha’s life span is limitless. Not only does
    Amitabha Buddha have a limitless life span, but when we are born
    in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, we will, too. If you would like to
    transcend death, seek rebirth in the pure land, because everyone
    there has limitless life. This is the virtue of permanence.
    2. Bliss.
    Those born in the pure land endure none of the sufferings, but
    enjoy every bliss.
    3. True self.
    In this land, the self has eight great freedoms, eight functions,
    eight kinds of strength, and eight spiritual penetrations. These are
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    the eight kinds of wonderful function and are called the eight great
    freedoms of the self.
    a) One body can manifest limitless bodies. If a hundred people
    invite you to lunch, you can accept all their invitations and go to
    every dharma protector’s house to eat. One dharma protector might
    say, “He came to lunch at my house on such and such a day,” and
    another will say, “but he also had lunch at my house on that day!”
    They don’t know that you are able to respond to limitless offerings
    in a single day.
    b) One body the size of a dust mote can completely fill the great
    thousand world systems. Isn’t this wonderful? In one mote of dust,
    Buddha-fields appear; in a Buddha-field, motes of dust appear. One
    country becomes as small as a mote of dust and one mote of dust
    becomes as large as a country.
    c) The great body can lightly float to a distant place. It can fly.
    The body is big and awkward, yet it can gently float far away.
    d) One manifests limitless kinds of living beings which always
    dwell together in one land. We see mountains as mountains when
    actually they contain the palaces of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
    You see mountains and oceans but do not see the Buddhas and
    Bodhisattvas within them who are teaching the dharma. A layman
    has mentioned such a place where there are many people
    cultivating the way, he can see it and you can’t. This is to cause
    limitless kinds of living beings to dwell in one place.
    e) All the organs are used interchangeably. The eyes can speak;
    the ears can see; the nose can eat. How can this happen? The six
    sense organs, the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are interchangeable.
    Each of them has the function of the other six. Sages
    who have given proof to the fruit may speak with Bodhisattvas, but
    you wouldn’t know it if they were talking with their ears!
    “I don’t believe it,” you say.
    The Principle Proper
    Of course you don’t. If you did, you did have this talent
    yourself. But because you don’t believe, you don’t have it. How can
    you obtain that in which you do not even believe?
    f) The suchness of all dharmas without the thought of dharmas
    is obtained. Although one who realised true self obtains all
    dharmas, he has no thought of attainment. This is mentioned in the
    heart sutra as “no wisdom and no attainment.”
    g) The meaning of one verse may be explained throughout
    limitless aeons. The meaning of a single line, a single word, cannot
    be fully explained even in limitless aeons. Why? Because he has
    free and unobstructed eloquence so that speaking in any place or in
    any dimension he always rests in the way and speaks the dharma.
    Speaking dharma in Buddha-fields and in motes of dust, any
    dharma he selects contains limitless meanings. Having rightly
    attained the eight great freedoms, he does what he pleases and says
    what he likes. He can scold people, but they like to hear it. “He
    scolds very well,” they say. He may teach dharma by doing nothing
    but scolding people, and yet they say it is very nice to hear. Why?
    Because he has attained the eight great freedoms of the self.
    Because he himself is free, when you hear him speak, you too feel
    h) The body pervades all places, like space. One body fills
    Buddha-fields in number as many as dust motes, but, like empty
    space, there is really nothing there. Although there is nothing there,
    it fills Buddha-fields in number as many as dust motes. What
    doctrine is this? That of freedom, the eight great freedoms of the
    The sutra text below says, “...and throughout the clear morning
    each living being of that land, with sacks full of the myriads of
    wonderful flowers, makes offerings to the hundreds of thousands of
    millions of Buddhas of the other directions. At mealtime they
    return to their own country and having eaten they stroll around.”
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    They can do this because they have obtained the eight great
    freedoms of the self.
    4. Purity.
    The last of the four virtues of nirvana is that of purity. This land
    is pure. It is adorned with the four treasures which represent the
    four virtues of nirvana in unobstructed interpenetration. Thus it is
    named “ultimate bliss”.
    “Moreover, Sariputra, this Land of Ultimate Bliss has
    pools of the seven jewels, filled with the waters of eight
    meritorious virtues. The bottom of each pool is pure, spread
    over with golden sand. On the four sides are stairs of gold,
    silver, lapis lazuli, and crystal, above are raised pavilions
    adorned with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, mother-ofpearl,
    red pearls, and carnelian.”
    “In the pools are lotuses as large as carriage wheels,
    green coloured of green light, yellow coloured of yellow
    light, red coloured of red light, white coloured of white
    light, subtly, wonderfully, fragrant and pure.”
    “Sariputra, the realisation of the Land of Ultimate Bliss
    is thus meritoriously adorned.”
    The previous passage of text described the exquisite beauty of
    the Land of Ultimate Bliss. This passage praises the subtle wonder
    of its water-pools. Having spoken of the seven rows of trees, the
    seven layers of netting, and the seven tiers of railing, Sakyamuni
    Buddha was waiting for Sariputra to ask further about that land. But
    the great, wise Sariputra, the Buddha’s most intelligent disciple,
    still did not know where to begin and probably hesitated for several
    minutes until the Buddha himself said, “Moreover, Sariputra, this
    The Principle Proper
    Land of Ultimate Bliss has pools of the seven jewels.” There are
    pools in the saha world, but they are made of mud or cement. No
    one makes pools out of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, mother-ofpearl,
    red pearls, or carnelian.
    Lapis lazuli is an opaque, blue semi-precious stone. It could be
    found near the country of magadha, in central india. Crystal is also
    called “water jade”. Mother-of-pearl has what looks like cart tracks
    running across it. Translated form the chinese it is “great shells”.
    The pools were not man-made. On the contrary, they appeared
    naturally. Within the pools, one finds the waters of eight
    meritorious virtues:
    1. Tepid. It is warm and yet it is cool. In other words, once you
    get in the pool, if you want it a little warmer, it becomes so. If you
    think, “It is too hot. A little cooler, please,” then it becomes cooler.
    The quality of the water is inconceivable.
    2. Pure. No matter how many times you wash with this water,
    it doesn’t get dirty. Unlike the water in our world, the more you
    wash with the water of the Land of Ultimate Bliss, the cleaner it
    gets. It feels like milk running over your body, smooth,
    comfortable, and extremely fine and subtle to the touch. The more
    you wash with it, the nicer you feel, there is no better feeling than
    3. Sweet. You don’t have to drink it. Just wash with it, and you
    will know that it is very, very sweet. My disciple She Kuo Man in
    Hong Kong came to Gwan Yin cave where I was living once and
    ate noodles and drank water from my pool. Then she said, “Ah!
    This water is so sweet! Does it have sugar in it?”
    “No,” I replied, “It is just plain water.”
    “But it is so sweet!” She said.
    “Perhaps Gwan Yin Bodhisattva has given you some sweet
    dew,” I said.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    “Oh!” She exclaimed, and was really delighted. At that time I
    was wearing rags and you could see my flesh through the holes in
    them. What do you think she did? She made me two sets of clothes,
    because she like the sweet water. The water in the Land of Ultimate
    Bliss is also sweet and delicious.
    4. Soft. The water is not hard. It is very light and soft.
    5. Moistening. When dirty people wash with it, they become
    clean. This water will wash any filth right off your body and leave
    you bright and clean.
    6. Harmonising. If you wash with his water, your heart and
    mind will be at peace, without the slightest trace of bad temper.
    Without a hot temper, without the fire of ignorance, and without
    affliction, you will be in harmony with everyone. If they scold you,
    you won’t get angry, and if they knock you over, it won’t create a
    problem. “So what if they hit me?” You will say. You will be at
    peace with everyone. See how fine this is?
    7. Banishes hunger and thirst. This is most important. After
    bathing in the waters of eight meritorious virtues, when it’s time to
    eat, you are not hungry and when it is time to drink, you are not
    thirsty. No milk and no bread and yet no hunger or thirst. The Land
    of Ultimate Bliss is unspeakably wonderful.
    8. Nourishes all roots. It gives sustenance to all your sense
    organs. Your eyes become bright and light and your ears, if once
    deaf, now can hear. If your nose is topped up, wash with the water
    of eight meritorious virtues and it will get to work again whatever
    you eat tastes good, and your hands and feet work without feeling
    tired. Not only that, the water also nourishes your good roots and
    gets rid of your bad karma. How great would you say this merit and
    virtue is? We should quickly seek rebirth in the Land of Ultimate
    Bliss so that we may bathe in the pools of the waters of eight
    meritorious virtues, and have our good roots nourished.
    The Principle Proper
    This has been a general explanation of the waters of eight
    meritorious virtues. Were I to speak in detail, I wouldn’t finish by
    the end of a great aeon. These waters have eight independent merits
    and virtues, eight happy merits and virtues, eight subtle, wonderful,
    inconceivable merits and virtues, and more. No matter what karmic
    obstacles you have, they all dissolve when you get into these pools.
    What are karmic obstacles? They are those things which you
    dislike, the things which cause you to become afflicted. Without
    karmic obstacles there is no affliction and this is like a covering of
    golden sand. When we go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, the pools
    of the seven jewels melt away our karmic obstacles.
    On the four sides are stairs of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and
    crystal. We may think our stairways of marble are splendid, but
    those in the Land of Ultimate Bliss are inlaid with gold, silver, lapis
    lazuli, and crystal, and the pathways emit multicoloured rays of
    Above are raised pavilions adorned with gold, silver, lapis
    lazuli, crystal, mother-of-pearl, red pearls and carnelian. Why are
    they adorned with so many treasures? To make them beautiful to
    look at! The seven jewels used to adorn the pavilions represent the
    perfection of Amitabha Buddha’s ten thousand virtues. The great
    adornments are the measure of his great virtuous practices, for
    without virtuous practice, there can be no seven jewelled
    In the pools are lotuses as large as carriage wheel. Then how big
    are the pools? Each is as big as a hundred great seas. One great sea
    is big indeed, how big would you say a hundred great seas are?
    The lotuses in these pools are as large as carriage wheels, which
    are much bigger than automobile tires. The carriage wheels on the
    chariot of the wheel turning sage king are one yojana in diameter.
    A small yojana is forty miles, a middle-sized one is sixty miles, and
    a large one is eighty miles. This lotus, then, is eighty miles in
    diameter. Lotuses growing in pools as large as a hundred great seas
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    would have to be at least that big. Tiny flowers in such big pools
    wouldn’t look right.
    A song about Amitabha Buddha goes like this;
    Amita, the great sage and master.
    Serene, subtle, wonderful, beyond all others…
    Pools of seven gems.
    Flowers of four colours and waves of solid gold.
    Amitabha Buddha is the great sage and master. His countenance
    is sedate, serene, and very wonderful. There is no image as fine as
    that of Amitabha Buddha.
    The flowers in the pools are green coloured of green light,
    yellow coloured of yellow light, red coloured of red light, white
    coloured of white light. Light, bright light, subtly, wonderfully,
    fragrant and pure. The water is subtle and soft. It looks like water,
    but when you reach out to touch it, it feels as if nothing were there.
    It feels like water, but it is so fine that you can’t grab a hold of it. It
    is like there’s nothing there, but still it is there. It is just that subtle.
    “Wonderful” means ineffable. There is no way you can even
    think about it. The water is also fragrant. Once you get in it you
    won’t want to get out. As soon as you smell its fragrance you will
    bring forth the bodhi mind. In this world, we chase after good
    smells, but in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, the fragrances cause one
    to say, “Too fine! I did better hurry up and cultivate the way.”
    The smells of this world cause you to think, “Not bad...it is
    really bitter at the temple. Cultivation isn’t as good as...” But smells
    are defiled dharmas. Forms, sounds, smells, tastes and tangible
    objects are the five sense objects, and cultivators of the way must
    certainly see through and break all attachment to them. First of all,
    do not become attached to beautiful form. Beauty is only skip deep,
    beneath the skin there is just pus, blood, and flesh. In the surangama
    sutra we read of matangi’s daughter, who couldn’t give up her love
    The Principle Proper
    for ananda. The Buddha asked her, “What is it about ananda that
    you love?”.
    “I love his eyes,” she said.
    “All right,” said the Buddha, “I will pluck out his eyes and you
    may have them.”
    “Oh no,” she said. “If you do that, they won’t be of any use.”
    “If they are of no use, then what are you doing loving them?”
    Asked Sakyamuni Buddha. Hearing this, she immediately certified
    to the fruit of arhatship.
    So you should not become attached to forms. In order to
    cultivate, you should borrow forms and sounds and yet not become
    attached to them. Don’t say, “Ah, this music is so beautiful. When
    I hear it, I...get all confused and don’t know what I am doing.” If
    you must sing, sing in praise of Amitabha Buddha. Don’t become
    attached to smells either.
    When I was in hong kong people used to follow me around.
    They said I smelled good. I really disliked this and so I put some
    smelly stuff on myself to keep them away. Everything is made from
    the mind alone. If you have samadhi power, then fragrances aren’t
    fragrant and bad smells don’t stink, good sounds aren’t good
    sounds, and bad sounds aren’t bad, beauty isn’t beautiful, and
    ugliness isn’t ugly. Samadhi power is the skill one derives from
    cultivation. If you have this skill, when people are good to you, you
    are not happy and when they are bad, you don’t become afflicted.
    With samadhi power, you won’t listen to the talk of your tongue
    when it says to you, “Take a taste of this and see if it tastes better
    than...” I often tell you that when I eat, I don’t know if the food is
    good or not. It is not that I don’t know. If I didn’t know I would be
    like wood or stone. I am just not affected by the taste. I eat the same
    amount, whether it tastes good or not, without discrimination.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    In the same way, greed for the objects of touch indicates a lack
    of samadhi power and shows that one has been turned by external
    The lotuses of four colours in the Land of Ultimate Bliss shine
    with four colours of light which represent the four applications of
    mindfulness, the four right efforts, and the four bases of
    supernatural power. In reciting and studying the Amitabha sutra,
    we should cultivate samadhi power. If you have samadhi power,
    then the Land of Ultimate Bliss is right here. If you don’t, even if
    you went to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, you did run right off to the
    land of ultimate misery. With samadhi power, the land of ultimate
    misery is the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Without affliction, you can
    say, “everything is okay.” If that is not the Land of Ultimate Bliss,
    what is?
    “Moreover, Sariputra, in that Buddhaland there is
    always heavenly music and the ground is yellow gold. In the
    six periods of the day and night a heavenly rain of
    mandarava flowers falls, and throughout the clear morning,
    each living being of that land, with sacks full of the myriads
    of wonderful flowers, makes offerings to the hundreds of
    thousands of millions of Buddhas of the other directions. At
    mealtime they return to their own country, and having
    eaten, they stroll around.”
    “Sariputra, the realisation of the Land of Ultimate Bliss
    is thus meritoriously adorned.”
    Sakyamuni Buddha told Sariputra, “In Amitabha’s country, the
    gods play music all day and all night,” throughout the six periods:
    the beginning of the day, the middle of the day, the end of the day,
    the beginning of the night, the middle of the night, and the end of
    The Principle Proper
    the night. Mandarava, a Sanskrit word, may be interpreted as,
    “according to your wish,”64 or “white flower”65. However you
    would like them to be, that’s the way these flowers are.
    At dawn when the sun is just rising, the living beings of his
    land, with sacks full of the myriads of wonderful flowers, make
    offering to the hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhas of the
    other directions. How long does it take? Not long, just the time it
    takes to eat a meal, half and hour or so. These living beings can
    travel to billions of Buddhalands in a very short space of time
    because they have obtained the eight great freedoms of the self,
    they are free and independent, and everything accords with their
    wishes. Having obtained the “as you will” spiritual penetrations, if
    they want to go somewhere, they arrive there immediately.
    When we bow to the Buddha, we should envision our bodies
    filling the limitless Buddhalands of the ten directions, personally
    bowing to all the Buddhas. If you can contemplate the dharma
    realm in this way, then your body is as big as the dharma realm. The
    avatamsaka sutra says,
    if one wishes to understand completely.
    the Buddhas of the three periods of time.
    he should contemplate the nature of the dharma realm.
    everything is made from the mind alone.
    At mealtime they return to the Land of Ultimate Bliss and
    having eaten, they go for a walk.
    “Moreover Sariputra, in this country there are always
    rare and wonderful vari-coloured birds; white geese,
    64. shi yi hua
    65. bai hua
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    peacocks, parrots, and egret, kalavinkas, and two-headed
    birds. In the six periods of the day and night the flocks of
    birds sing forth harmonious and elegant sounds; their clear
    and joyful sounds proclaim the five roots, the five powers,
    the seven bodhi shares, the eight sagely way shares, and
    dharmas such as these. When living beings of this land hear
    these sounds, they are altogether mindful of the Buddha,
    mindful of the dharma, and mindful of the sangha.”
    Since Sariputra still had no questions, Sakyamuni Buddha said
    “I will tell you a little more, Sariputra. In the Land of Ultimate Bliss
    there are many kinds of multi-coloured birds.” They are most
    unusual and beautiful. White geese are found in our world, too.
    Peacocks are especially beautiful. Parrots can talk! They may see
    you and say, “Hello!” Some chinese parrots say, “A guest is
    coming, a guest is coming.” Some people even teach their parrots to
    recite the Buddha’s name so that they can be born in the Land of
    Ultimate Bliss. Egrets are the kind of bird which Sariputra’s mother
    was named after. They are also very beautiful.
    Kalavinka is a Sanskrit word which means “good sounding
    bird.”66 Before it has even hatched from its egg, it sings more
    melodiously than any other bird. Two-headed birds67 have two
    heads on one body. Have you ever seen such a bird? Living beings
    are born this way as karmic retribution for too much sexual activity.
    Because the husband’s and wife’s sexual desire was so heavy that
    they indulged in intercourse day and night, they fell and turned into
    a bird-body with two heads. They have different consciousness, but
    the same karmic retribution. So be careful! If your sexual desire is
    too intense you may become a two-headed bird.
    66. miao sheng niao
    67. gong ming niao
    The Principle Proper
    Someone says, “I did like very much to become one of those
    birds. People would watch over me and feed me and take care of
    Perhaps. But the birds are animals just the same, and when their
    lives are over, they fall into the hells. It is dangerous. Don’t think
    that being a bird is a lot of fun, even though they can fly when they
    want to fly and perch when they want to perch. A bird’s retribution
    is incredible, it’s wisdom decreases life after life. But if you have
    wisdom, you won’t fall.
    In the six periods of the day and night, these birds sing forth
    harmonious and elegant sounds, like a chorale, very fine music.
    The birds in the Land of Ultimate Bliss are not born as a result of
    their karmic offences, they are manifestations of Amitabha Buddha
    merit and virtue. In the Land of Ultimate Bliss, the three evil ways
    of rebirth do not exist.
    “If there are no animals,” you may ask, “then where did all the
    birds come from?”.
    They are manifestations of Amitabha Buddha’s merit and virtue
    and their songs are dharma sounds which help him speak the
    Their clear and joyful sounds sound good to everyone.
    Everyone who hears them becomes happy because the sounds
    penetrate right into the heart. What is heard in the clear and joyful
    sounds? The sounds of the birds are the sounds of dharma:
    The five roots:
    1. The root of faith.
    2. The root of vigour.
    3. The root of mindfulness.
    4. The root of samadhi.
    5. The root of wisdom.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    The five roots germinate bodhi seeds and cause your bodhi
    heart to grow until it fully matures into...
    The five powers:
    1. The power of faith.
    2. The power of vigour.
    3. The power of mindfulness.
    4. The power of samadhi.
    5. The power of wisdom.
    The seven bodhi shares, also called the seven limbs of enlightenment,
    1. Selecting a dharma.
    2. Vigorously cultivating it.
    3. Joy, derived from cultivation.
    4. Casting out coarse delusions.
    5. Renouncing subtle delusions.
    6. Samadhi.
    7. Mindfulness.
    These seven are very important and all buddhist disciples
    should know them.
    The eight sagely way shares, also known as the proper eightfold
    path are:
    1. Proper views.
    This refers to your manner of regarding something, you mental
    outlook and your opinions, not to what you view with your eyes.
    You practice the non-outflow conduct in contemplating yourself.
    Your own views and understanding must be proper. But you may
    also explain proper views as the view you see with your eyes, that
    is, you may view what is proper, but not what is improper.
    The Principle Proper
    Improper means “deviant”, as when people see something that
    causes them to give rise to deviant thoughts. The “view” is one’s
    vision of external manifestations. For example, if a bhiksu sees an
    improper person, he should not continue to look at him, if he looks,
    that is called an improper view. The sramanera precepts say, “Don’t
    sing or dance, use popular instruments, or attend or listen to such
    events.” Improper thoughts are also improper views. But if you can
    “see without seeing,” although it is improper, you don’t think of it
    as such, you may then be said to have proper views.
    2. Proper thought.
    Internally, where people cannot see, you use non-outflow
    wisdom. It is most important to be without outflows. I have
    explained this many times, but it seems that the more I explain it,
    the more outflows you have! Outflows flow out, you have a tiny bit
    of the water of wisdom, but you let it flow right out and use instead
    the fire of ignorance. There is nothing more wonderful in heaven
    and earth than the dharma door of no-outflows, and yet you still
    take no notice of it. Even if Sakyamuni Buddha himself appeared,
    if you had outflows, he couldn’t take you across.
    To be without outflows, you must be free from improper
    knowledge, be without improper views and have no sexual desire.
    If you have sexual desire, you have outflows. With no sexual
    desire, you have no outflows, just this is proper thought. If you have
    desire, you have outflows, if you have no desire, you have no
    outflows. Proper thought belong to the mind, do not give rise to evil
    thoughts in the mind.
    3. Proper speech.
    With proper speech what you say is not the slightest bit offcolour.
    Your speech is completely correct.
    If someone speaks improperly to you, you should think of it as
    proper. This is pure mouth karma. Worldly men are of many kinds,
    and when they speak improperly, do not criticise them saying “Ah!
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    He is speaking incorrectly!” On the other hand, be careful not to get
    too close to such people either. Proper thought is pure mind karma
    and proper speech is pure mouth karma.
    4. Proper action.
    Proper action refers to pure bodily karma. Use non-outflow
    wisdom do discard improper bodily karma, specifically sexual
    desires. I can’t make it too clear, I can’t say it too frankly. Many
    people say, “Oh well, emptiness is form and form is emptiness,”
    and they casually play around. This is improper action.
    When you use non-outflow wisdom, your behaviour is never
    improper. People with improper wisdom are not intelligent enough
    to behave properly, but they can do evil things, things involving
    men and women, miraculously well, better than anyone else.
    Proper action is purity of the body. Proper action, proper
    speech, proper thought mean purity of the karmas of body, mouth
    and mind.
    5. Proper livelihood.
    Proper livelihood refers to any livelihood which does not fall
    within the five kinds of improper livelihood:-
    a) Manifesting a strange style. “Look at me,” says the great
    vehicle monk dressed in small vehicle robes. “I am special. You
    should make offerings to me.”
    “He is special,” say the blind followers. “He is probably a
    Buddha or a Bodhisattva,” taking the gaudy rick-rack for a treasure.
    b) Speaking of your own merit and virtue. “Do you know me? I
    have done many good deeds. I put a whole lot of money into
    building that bridge over there, and people walk back and forth on
    it because of my merit and virtue. I built a home for the aged and a
    school and I established scholarships as well. I built a temple where
    I support several hundred dharma masters, and I am acting as their
    dharma protector. The merit and virtue is mine, all mine!”. They
    The Principle Proper
    can get away with telling such stories to stupid people, but people
    with wisdom don’t even have to hear what they are saying, they can
    tell by looking at them that they are just telling stories.
    c) Fortune telling. People consult an oracle. “You should give
    me a million dollars,” he says, “and do good deeds. If you don’t,
    you will die tomorrow.”
    “A million dollars isn’t too much to pay for my life,” the victim
    thinks, and so he gives, and the next day he doesn’t die. Of course
    he wouldn’t have anyway, but still he believes that he might have.
    “Tomorrow,” says the fortune-teller, “a very lucky thing will
    happen if you do a good deed today. Give fifty pounds of gold
    today and tomorrow you will get five hundred.”
    “Ten to one is not a bad ratio,” the man says handing him fifty
    pounds of gold. But the next day there is no gold, and he can’t find
    the fortune-teller either! “And I thought I did met an immortal,” he
    d) Shouting and bragging. When it isn’t necessary, why shout?
    A certain dharma master used to startle people by bellowing at
    them. People were impressed even though they had no idea what he
    was saying. His voice was very resonant, but what is the point of
    yelling? With many people present, you can speak a little louder.
    Otherwise you shouldn’t yell. Why does a dharma master shout?
    He doesn’t know that it is one of the five improper means of
    e) Speaking of your own offerings. “I had the best lunch at
    layman so and so’s house,” he says, reciting the “lunch mantra.” “I
    had white fungus, mushrooms...”
    Another layman hears the mantra and can’t take it. “I did better
    borrow a hundred dollars and offer some vegetable to the dharma
    master.” He doesn’t know that the dharma master has transgressed
    the boundaries of proper livelihood by reciting the “lunch mantra”
    to move the layman’s mind and obtain good offerings.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    6. Proper vigour.
    This means bowing to the Buddha, reciting the Buddha’s name
    from morning to night, without resting. Strangely enough, if you go
    to chat with someone, the more you chat, the more energy you have
    talking, talking, too much talking. But of what use is all your
    vigorous talking? It is improper vigour.
    Proper vigour means doing that which is beneficial, improper
    vigour involves doing that which is not beneficial, such as being
    lazy with respect to the Buddhadharma, but chatting more
    vigorously than anyone else. A person with proper vigour comes to
    listen to the sutras when they are being lectured, no matter how
    busy he is. One with improper vigour doesn’t come, even though he
    has nothing else to do. Going to the movies, going sight-seeing,
    going everywhere but to the temple to listen to sutras is called
    improper vigour. Hunting for the best place to go gambling is also
    improper vigour.
    7. Proper samadhi.
    Samadhi, a Sanskrit word, means “right reception,”68 or “right
    concentration”69. Use non-outflow wisdom to cultivate samadhi
    and no improper states will move you. If you could remember even
    one sentence of the sutras I have explained to you, then when the
    time comes you could use it. But you forget, and so you meet the
    state, are turned by it, and run after it. This is because you have no
    proper concentration, no proper samadhi.
    “I know, I know,” you say, “I know I don’t have the proper
    If you know you don’t have it, then why don’t you find a way to
    obtain it? People! If you tell them that they have made a mistake,
    68. zheng shou
    69. zheng ding
    The Principle Proper
    they say, “I know, I know.” If they know, why do they make such
    8. Proper mindfulness.
    Be mindful of non-outflow wisdom. Do not have outflows. No
    matter what, don’t indulge in the slightest sexual desire. Having no
    sexual desire is proper mindfulness. Any thoughts of sexual desire
    is improper mindfulness. Someone once said, “That person is
    attracted to me. I can tell by the look in his eyes.”
    If you didn’t have sexual desire yourself, you wouldn’t be
    looking into his eyes in the first place. Just what kind of thoughts
    are you having when you look into his eyes? If you didn’t have
    sexual desire, you wouldn’t know that he did. If you were clear,
    clear, pure, pure, spotless, and undefiled, how would you detect his
    desire? Speak up! If you know that others have desire, then you
    have it too, and, not having cut it off, your mindfulness is improper.
    You may explain these eight sagely way shares any way you
    wish, as long as it is with principle. However, you can’t just open
    your mouth and not know what to say. In explaining the dharma
    you must speak correctly and not deviate from the principle in the
    least bit.
    And dharmas such as these refers to the four applications of
    mindfulness, the five roots, the five powers, the seven bodhi shares,
    the eight sagely way shares, the four right efforts, and the four
    bases of supernatural power, thirty-seven in all, the thirty-seven
    wings of enlightenment.
    The four right efforts are:
    1. Putting an end to evil which already exists.
    2. Preventing evil not yet arisen from arising.
    3. Bringing goodness which does not yet exist into existence.
    4. Developing the good which already exists.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    The four bases of supernatural power are:
    1. Zeal.
    2. Vigour.
    3. Mindfulness.
    4. Thought.
    “Sariputra, do not say that these birds are born as
    retribution for their karmic offences. For what reason? In
    this Buddhaland there are no three evil ways of rebirth.
    Sariputra, in this Buddhaland not even the names of the
    three evil ways exist, how much the less their actuality!
    Desiring that the dharma-sound be widely proclaimed,
    Amitabha Buddha by transformation made this multitude
    of birds.”
    Do not say that these birds came from one of the three evil
    realms. Why? In the Land of Ultimate Bliss there are not even the
    names of the hells, the realm of animals, or the realm of the hungry
    ghosts. How much the less could such creatures actually exist!
    “Then where did the birds come from?”.
    Wishing to spread the dharma-sound far and wide, with his vow
    power Amitabha created the kalavinkas and all the other birds to
    help him. They come from his spiritual penetrations and transformations,
    not from the three evil paths. Unlike the birds in this world
    which are born in the realms of animals, they are transformations of
    Amitabha Buddha’s dharma power.
    “Sariputra, in that Buddhaland when the soft wind
    blows, the rows of jewelled trees and jewelled nets give forth
    The Principle Proper
    subtle and wonderful sounds, like one hundred thousand
    kinds of music played at the same time. All those who hear
    these sounds naturally bring forth in their hearts
    mindfulness of the Buddha, mindfulness of the dharma, and
    mindfulness of the sangha.”
    “Sariputra, the realisation of the Land of Ultimate Bliss
    is thus meritoriously adorned.”
    “Sariputra,” said Sakyamuni Buddha, “I’ll tell you how it is in
    the Land of Ultimate Bliss. The gentle breezes blow through small
    bells hanging from the seven layers of netting on the seven rows of
    trees. Their sound helps us recollect the Buddha, the dharma, and
    the sangha and is like a hundred thousand kinds of subtle music
    playing harmoniously all at once. Those who hear these sounds
    have no defiled thoughts but instead naturally recite,
    Namo Amitabha Buddha;
    Namo Amitabha Dharma;
    Namo Amitabha Sangha.”
    You ask, “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, perhaps, but how can they
    recite “Namo Amitabha Dharma?”
    It’s the dharma which Amitabha Buddha taught, how can you
    not say “Namo Amitabha Dharma?”. This is also the sangha which
    Amitabha Buddha taught and transformed, so how can you not say,
    “Namo Amitabha Sangha?”. Don’t be so unimaginative. My
    explanation is a new explanation for an old meaning, just like my
    explanation of nirvana.
    “Nir” means “not produced” and
    “Vana” means “not destroyed”.
    What is not produced? Sexual desire.
    What is not destroyed? Wisdom.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    In the realm of nirvana, the Buddha has no sexual desire, he is
    clear, pure, and undefiled. He is without improper thoughts of
    desire. His self-nature constantly gives rise to wisdom which is
    never destroyed.
    “Sariputra!” Sakyamuni Buddha called again. He is especially
    fond of his great disciple and thinks to himself, “Sariputra has a
    little wisdom, but he doesn’t know what to ask. I will have to tell
    “Sariputra, what do you think? Why is this Buddha
    called Amitabha? Sariputra, the brilliance of that Buddha’s
    light is measureless, illumining the lands of the ten
    directions everywhere without obstruction, for this reason
    he is called Amitabha.”
    Sariputra should have asked this question himself, but just like
    you, he had gone off to samadhi. Whenever I ask you a question,
    you just stare at me blankly.
    Why is this Buddha called Amitabha? Amitabha means
    “limitless light”. This Buddha’s light is immeasurable so that not a
    single land in the ten directions is screened from it. For this reason
    he is called Amitabha.
    “Moreover, Sariputra, the life of that Buddha and that
    of his people extends for measureless, limitless asamkhyeya
    kalpas; for this reason he is called amitayus. And Sariputra,
    since Amitabha realised Buddhahood ten kalpas have
    The Principle Proper
    Asankhyeya, a Sanskrit word, means “limitless number.”70
    Amitayus means “limitless life”. It’s been ten great kalpas, or
    aeons, since he became a Buddha and how many great kalpas he
    will live in the future is uncertain, but boundless, measureless,
    asankheyaya kalpas they will be.
    “Moreover, Sariputra, that Buddha has measureless,
    limitless ‘sound-hearer’ disciples, all arhats, their number
    incalculable; thus also is the assembly of Bodhisattvas.”
    “Sariputra, the realisation of the Land of Ultimate Bliss
    is thus meritoriously adorned.”
    In Amitabha Buddha’s Land of Ultimate Bliss, there are many
    sravakas, ‘sound-hearer’ disciples who have certified to the
    attainment of non-outflows and are all arhats without desire. You
    can’t count them. The assembly of Bodhisattvas is just as big.
    “Moreover, Sariputra, those living beings born in the
    land of the ultimate bliss are all avaivartika. Among them
    are many who in this very life will dwell in Buddhahood.
    Their number is extremely many; it is incalculable and only
    in measureless, limitless asamkhyeya kalpas could it be
    70. wu liang shu
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    Avaivartika is Sanskrit. It means “not retreating or turning
    away.”71 Those beings who are avaivartika do not retreat in
    position, conduct, or thought.
    Not retreating in thought means that every day their thoughts to
    cultivate increase. Not retreating in conduct means that day by day
    they work harder and never say, “I have cultivated for quite a while,
    it is time to take a rest.” Taking a rest is simply retreating and
    turning away from annuttarasamyaksambodhi, “the utmost right
    and perfect enlightenment.” Those who are avaivartika do not
    retreat in their quest for bodhi.
    There are many living beings in the Land of Ultimate Bliss who
    in this very life can step into the position of Buddhahood. Born in a
    lotus flower, in one life they can realise Buddhahood. How many
    such beings are there? You could never count them all. They can’t
    be calculated or even estimated. All you can say is that, in limitless,
    measureless asamkhyeya kalpas, you could not name them all.
    “Sariputra, those living beings who hear should vow, ‘I
    wish to be born in that country.’ and why? Those who thus
    attain are all superior and good people, all gathered
    together in one place. Sariputra, one cannot have few good
    roots, blessings, virtues, and causal connections to attain
    birth in that land.”
    Sakyamuni Buddha said, “All those living beings who hear the
    doctrine I teach should vow to the born in the Land of Ultimate
    71. bu tui zhuan
    The Principle Proper
    Bliss. Why? Because the sravakas and Bodhisattvas born there are
    all superior and good people.”
    Although you may express the desire to the born in the Land of
    Ultimate Bliss, unless you have good roots, blessings, and virtuous
    conduct, you won’t be able to be reborn there. You must have
    cultivated all the paramita doors for many lifetimes and in this way
    obtained great good roots, great blessings, and great virtue, in order
    to have the opportunity to meet this wonderful dharma.
    “Sariputra, if there is a good man or a good woman who
    hears spoken ‘Amitabha’ and holds the name, whether for
    one day, two days, three days, four, five days, six days, as
    long as seven days, with one heart unconfused, when this
    person approaches the end of life, before him will appear
    Amitabha and all the assembly of holy ones. When the end
    comes, his heart is without inversion. In Amitabha’s Land
    of Ultimate Bliss he will attain rebirth. Sariputra, because I
    see this benefit, I speak these words. If living beings hear
    this spoken they should make the vow, ‘I will be born in that
    “Sariputra,” said the Buddha, “If a good man or woman, that is
    one who holds the five precepts and cultivates the ten good deeds,
    hears the name ‘Amitabha Buddha’, that person should hold to the
    recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name, just like holding something
    tightly in the hand.” Recite the name, “Namo Amitabha Buddha,
    Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha...”
    Whether for one day. In chinese, the word “whether” looks
    like this (). If you move the stroke in the middle, it changes into the
    word “suffering”, which looks like this: (). So you could say,
    “...suffering for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    days...” If you recite the Buddha’s name from four o’clock in the
    morning until ten at night for seven days, you can reach the level of
    one heart unconfused. When your life is about to end, Amitabha
    Buddha thinks, “That living being suffered for seven days reciting
    my name, and so now I will guide him to the Land of Ultimate
    Bliss. The time has come!”. Then, Amitabha with avalokitesvara
    Bodhisattva, mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, and the entire clear,
    pure, ocean-wide assembly of Bodhisattvas appear before you, and
    lead you to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. If you think you can escape,
    you can’t. You are surrounded. At this time, your heart is without
    inversion. You won’t say, “I don’t want to go! It’s too boring
    there!’. It would never occur to you to refuse Amitabha’s
    invitation, and so you are born at once in the western land.
    “Sariputra,” the Buddha continues, “I see the advantages and so
    I am explaining them to you. If other living beings in the saha world
    hear these doctrines, they should make the vow to be born in that
    Previously, the text said, “...those living beings who hear
    should vow, ‘I wish to be born in that country.’” this passage says,
    “I will be born in that land,” that is “I vow that I shall certainly be
    born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.”
    “Sariputra, as I now praise the inconceivable benefit
    from the merit and virtue of Amitabha, thus in the east are
    also aksobhya Buddha, sumeru appearance Buddha, great
    sumeru Buddha, sumeru light Buddha, wonderful sound
    Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as ganges
    sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance
    of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three
    thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and
    actual words, ‘all you living beings should believe, praise,
    and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of
    The Principle Proper
    this sutra of the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are
    “Not only do I praise the subtle wonderful, inconceivable merit
    and virtue of Amitabha Buddha’s beneficial deeds,” said
    Sakyamuni Buddha, “but so does Aksobhya Buddha in the east.”
    Aksobhya Buddha of the vajra division in the east is the Buddha
    who eradicates disaster and lengthens life. His name means,
    “unmoving and eternally dwelling dharma body.”72 His dharma
    body does not move, and it eternally dwells.
    Sumeru appearance Buddha. Sumeru means “wonderfully
    high.”73 This Buddha’s marks are as lofty as mount sumeru. Great
    sumeru Buddha, that is, great wonderfully high Buddha. Sumeru
    light Buddha, wonderfully high light Buddha. All Buddhas such as
    these. The names of a few of the eastern Buddhas have been
    mentioned. If one were to speak of them in detail, they would be as
    numberless as ganges sands.
    In his own country, each brings forth the appearance of a vast
    and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great
    thousand worlds. How can one speak with a tongue like that?
    This represents the Buddhadharma circulating to all places, and
    the Buddha’s sincere and actual words, “All of you should believe,
    praise, and hold in reverence, the inconceivable merit and virtue of
    this sutra of the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are protective.”
    The Buddhas are mindful and protective of the sutra, just as they
    are mindful and protective of the wonderful dharma lotus blossom
    sutra. If you read or recite the Amitabha sutra, the Buddhas of the
    ten directions will happily come to your aid, and in the future, when
    72. bu dong fa shen chang zhu
    73. miao gao
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    your life is over, they will witness your rebirth in the Land of
    Ultimate Bliss.
    “Sariputra, in the southern world are sun moon lamp
    Buddha, well-known light Buddha, great blazing shoulders
    Buddha, sumeru lamp Buddha, measureless vigour
    Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as ganges
    sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance
    of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three
    thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and
    actual words, ‘all you living beings should believe, praise,
    and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of
    this sutra of the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are
    After speaking of the Buddhas in the east who praise Amitabha
    Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha spoke of the Buddhas in the south.
    “Sariputra,” he said, “in the south as well there are many, many
    Buddhas who extend their vast and long tongues to speak about the
    dharma.” Who are they?
    They are sun moon lamp Buddha, well-known light Buddha,
    great blazing shoulders Buddha, who emits light from his
    shoulders, sumeru lamp Buddha, that is wonderfully high lamp
    Buddha, and measureless vigour Buddha who is energetic in the six
    periods of the day and night, as well as other Buddhas in number as
    grains of sand in the ganges river. They all extend their vast and
    long tongues to cover the three thousand great thousand worlds and
    speak the truth, speak of what is, and do not speak falsely.
    “All living beings,” they say, “in all lands and all countries and
    in all the limitless worlds, should believe, praise, and hold in
    reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this sutra.” You
    The Principle Proper
    must bring forth hearts of real faith, real vows, and real practice.
    Praise the inconceivable merit and virtue of this sutra which
    Sakyamuni Buddha spoke without request. If you believe, accept,
    praise, and recite it, all the Buddhas will protect you. Resolve to
    revere Amitabha Buddha and the Amitabha sutra.
    “Sariputra, in the western world are measureless life
    Buddha, measureless appearance Buddha, measureless
    curtain Buddha, great light Buddha, great brightness
    Buddha, jewelled appearance Buddha, pure light Buddha,
    all Buddhas such as these, numberless as ganges sands. In
    his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast
    and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand
    great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual
    words, ‘all you living beings should believe, praise, and hold
    in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this sutra
    of the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are protective.’”
    After speaking to the Buddhas in the east and south who praise
    Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha spoke of the Buddhas in the
    west, for example measureless life Buddha, who is just Amitabha,
    the Buddha of limitless life. You would recognise him right away.
    However, there are many Buddhas who have the same name.
    Measureless life Buddha might be Amitabha, the teacher in the
    western Land of Ultimate Bliss, or it might be some other Buddha.
    It might be Amitabha Buddha or it might not be. What if it is? What
    if it isn’t? Don’t by attached one way or the other, because there
    really isn’t any “is” or “is not”. The Buddhadharma is just that
    Which “is”? Which “isn’t”? Is and is not are your discriminations.
    For the Buddha there is one substance, one unity, and no
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    division between this and that. The Buddha is identical with the
    way, and each Buddha is identical with every other. Although all
    Buddhas are the same, they are each adorned with their own
    individual dharma characteristics. In spite of the differing
    adornments, they are not like people who become jealous and
    obstruct each other saying, “Hey! How can you be so mean to
    me?”. The Buddha has none of this. “You are just me,” he says,
    “And I am just you, with no division.” Why? Because the Buddha
    has attained the state of no-self, where “is” and “is not” are the
    Those who wish to become Buddhas must not have discriminative
    thoughts, false thoughts, desires, or longings. They must have
    nothing at all. This is truly wonderful to the extreme. Do not be
    attached. If you actually recognise Amitabha Buddha, you won’t
    waste your energy trying to discriminate one limitless life Buddha
    from another.
    Measureless appearance Buddha has limitless marks. It is not
    known how many Buddha-marks he has. Measureless curtain
    Buddha is covered and sheltered by many jewelled curtains. Great
    light Buddha’s light shines everywhere. Great brightness Buddha,
    jewelled appearance Buddha, and pure light Buddha, all have a
    clear, pure, bright light. Were we to speak of all the Buddhas who
    are such as these in detail, they would be as numerous as the grains
    of sand in the ganges river.
    All the Buddhas in the western Land of Ultimate Bliss and in
    the many Buddha-worlds extend their gigantic tongues. Now, when
    we extend our tongues, they can’t even cover a room, but the
    tongues of the Buddhas cover the entire three thousand great
    thousand world systems. Why? For them, the three thousand great
    thousand world systems are just one thought, and one thought is
    just the three thousand great thousand worlds. Three thousand great
    thousand worlds are not beyond one thought, and the Buddha’s
    tongue covers them all.
    The Principle Proper
    Don’t be attached to the idea that the Buddha’s tongue is
    actually that big. If it were, his speech would be clumsy. The
    appearance of the Buddha’s vast and long tongue indicates that,
    wherever there is dharma, the Buddha’s tongue is there, too. It is
    not for certain that our tongues are small. We too, can extend our
    vast and long tongues and cover the three thousand great thousand
    worlds, speaking the dharma and causing it to circulate.
    When you hear the Buddhadharma, don’t be attached. Although
    a tongue covers the three thousand great thousand worlds, there is
    not even a mote of dust, there is basically nothing at all.
    “Nothing?” You ask. “Then was the Buddha lying?”.
    If the Buddha did not lie, how could you believe him! From the
    point of view of living beings, it seems to be a lie, but from the
    point of view of the Buddha, it is true, real speech, not false speech,
    not a lie. Living beings see it as a lie and the Buddha sees it as the
    truth. It’s the same speech, but when the Buddha speaks it, it’s true
    and when living beings speak it, it’s a lie. This point is not easy to
    understand. If you want to be clear about this doctrine, do not fear
    suffering or difficulty. Work hard! You can’t just study for two and
    a half days and then think that you have mastered the work. You
    can’t stop listening to sutras or reciting the Buddha’s name. Don’t
    pretend to be investigating dhyana by doing nothing at all and
    saying, “I know what the Buddha said. There’s not much to it,
    really. I have studied for about five years and it is all like that, not
    very interesting. So now I study nothing at all and it’s a great
    improvement. I don’t have nearly so many problems.” Such talk is
    not very principled, wouldn’t you say?
    You should know that Sakyamuni Buddha cultivated blessings
    and wisdom for three asamkhyeya kalpas by practising giving and
    studying the Buddhadharma. He cultivated his fine characteristics
    for a hundred great kalpas and as a consequence he has the thirty
    two marks and eighty minor characteristics of a Buddha. Why don’t
    we have a single mark? Why do people look at you and say, “He is
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    so ugly. Keep away from him. He is no good, you can tell by
    looking at him?”. Some people make you angry on sight. Why? It
    is because they don’t cultivate and they have no virtuous conduct,
    and it shows up in their appearance.
    The Buddha’s tongue, then, covers the entire universe and
    speaks the truth. The Buddha does not cheat and he does not lit. Do
    not try to fathom the sage’s wisdom with your ordinary opinions,
    don’t try to measure the sage’s mind with your common mind.
    Haven’t I always told you that the first level Bodhisattvas, and
    tenth level Bodhisattvas don’t know the realm of equal enlightenment
    Bodhisattvas? First stage arhats don’t know the realms of
    second stage arhats, and second stage arhats don’t know the realm
    of third stage arhats. First stage arhats may think that they are doing
    things correctly, but from the point of view of second stage arhats
    they may be wrong. Second stage arhats may think they are right,
    but the third stage arhats may look at them and say, “You are off
    just a little bit.”
    I am your teacher, and you can’t know my realm. If you knew,
    you wouldn’t need a teacher. So reflect upon what I say. Don’t
    complain, “He is just talking.” This world is very dangerous. The
    only reason you haven’t disintegrated in the sea of suffering is
    because the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are protecting you.
    “Sariputra, in the northern world are blazing shoulders
    Buddha, most victorious sound Buddha, hard to injure
    Buddha, sun birth Buddha, net brightness Buddha, all
    Buddhas such as these, numberless as ganges sands. In his
    own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and
    long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great
    thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words,
    ‘all you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in
    The Principle Proper
    reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this sutra of
    the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are protective.’”
    Not only are the Buddhas in the east, south and west are
    praising Amitabha Buddha, but those in the north praise him as
    Great blazing shoulders Buddha emits light from his shoulders.
    Most victorious sound Buddha has a spectacular sound which is
    heard throughout the three thousand great thousand worlds.
    “Then why haven’t I heard it?” You ask.
    You aren’t in that world system of three thousand great
    thousand worlds. If you were, of course you did hear it. But you are
    in this world system, not that one.
    Hard to injure Buddha cannot be destroyed. No one can defame
    his Buddhadharma. You should hold in reverence the inconceivable
    merit and virtue, for it is most wonderful. Were the merit and virtue
    conceivable, it would have a limit. The sutra’s merit and virtue is
    without a limit and so it is the sutra of the mindful one of whom all
    Buddhas are protective. Because its merit and virtue is very
    wonderful, it is the sutra of which all Buddhas are mindful and
    protective. Because it is a sutra of which all Buddha’s are mindful
    and protective, its meritorious virtue is extremely wonderful.
    Now I shall quit speaking and that is also wonderful. Were I to
    keep talking, it wouldn’t be wonderful.
    “Sariputra, in the world below are lion Buddha, wellknown
    Buddha, famous light Buddha, dharma Buddha,
    dharma curtain Buddha, dharma maintaining Buddha, all
    Buddhas such as these, numberless as ganges sands. In his
    own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great
    thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words,
    ‘All you living beings should believe, praise, and hold in
    reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of this sutra of
    the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are protective.’”
    Having spoken of the Buddhas in the north, east, south, and
    west, Sakyamuni Buddha again says to Sariputra, “In the world
    below there is a Buddha named lion who speaks the dharma with a
    lion’s roar.”
    Well-known light Buddha’s name has been heard by everyone
    in the triple world. Famous light Buddha’s light as well as his fame
    shines everywhere within the triple world. Dharma maintaining
    Buddha exclusively upholds the Buddhadharma. You can explain
    his name in two ways. The first is that there is such a Buddha in the
    world below; the second is that you who now receive, maintain, and
    recite the Amitabha sutra will in the future become dharma
    maintaining Buddhas.
    “Sariputra, in the world above are pure sound Buddha,
    king of past lifes Buddha, superior fragrance Buddha,
    fragrant light Buddha, great blazing shoulders Buddha,
    vari-coloured jewels and flower adornment body Buddha,
    sala tree king Buddha, jewelled flower virtue Buddha,
    vision of all meaning Buddha, such as mount sumeru
    Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as ganges
    sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance
    of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three
    thousand great thousand worlds and speaks the sincere and
    actual words, ‘All you living beings should believe, praise,
    and hold in reverence the inconceivable merit and virtue of
    The Principle Proper
    this sutra of the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are
    Pure sound Buddha’s sound is clear, pure, and resonant. King of
    past lifes Buddha in past lifes made great and powerful vows. If you
    light incense, superior fragrance Buddha will appear and in the
    world above there is also a Buddha called great blazing shoulders.
    This light from his shoulders represents the two kinds of wisdom,
    provisional and real. Vari-coloured jewels and flower adornment
    body Buddha adorns the virtue of his supreme attainment with the
    causal flowers of the ten thousand practices. Sala tree king Buddha:
    the sala tree is found in india. Sala means “solid and durable”. No
    water can wash this tree away just as nothing can destroy the
    Buddha’s dharma body. The Buddha, then is like the sala tree.
    “Sariputra, what do you think? Why is it called ‘sutra of
    the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are protective?’.
    Sariputra, if a good man or good woman hears this sutra
    and holds to it, and hears the names of all these Buddhas,
    this good man or woman will be the mindful one of whom all
    Buddhas are protective, and will irreversibly attain to anuttarasamyaksambodhi.
    Therefore, Sariputra, all of you
    should believe and accept my words and those which all
    Buddhas speak.”
    Having praised the Buddhas of the six directions, Sakyamuni
    Buddha asks, “Sariputra, in your opinion, why is this sutra called
    ‘the sutra of the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are protective’?”.
    This section of the sutra, then, discusses the sutra’s name.
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    Sariputra just stared blankly. Sakyamuni Buddha waited in
    silence for about five minutes, and then he said, “I will tell you.
    Sariputra, if there is a good man or a good woman, one who
    maintains the five precepts and cultivates the ten good deeds, who
    can receive, maintain, recite from memory, and not forget the
    names of the Buddhas just mentioned, that good man or woman
    will be the mindful one of whom all Buddhas are protective. Not
    only will the Buddhas of the six directions come to his aid, but the
    Buddhas of all ten directions will support him.. He will further
    attain to irreversibility of position, thought, and conduct with
    respect to the attainment of the utmost right and perfect enlightenment,
    “Therefore, Sariputra, all of you should believe and accept my
    words and those which all Buddhas speak. Do you see how
    extremely compassionate the Buddha is? We should be grateful to
    the point of tears and pay attention when the Buddha says, “All of
    you, adults and children as well, should believe and accept what I
    tell you.”
    You should also believe and accept what I explain to you now.
    Don’t have doubts. Don’t say, “When it comes right down to it, I
    don’t know if the chinese dharma master’s doctrines are correct.”
    You should believe what I say. You should also believe what
    Sakyamuni Buddha says and what all the Buddhas praise as the
    inconceivable merit and virtue of this sutra of the mindful one of
    whom all Buddhas are protective. Believe me when I say that his
    sutra’s doctrines are true, real, and not false. You are certainly not
    being cheated, so vow to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
    “Sariputra, if there are people who have already made
    the vow, who now make the vow, or who are about to make
    the vow, ‘I desire to be born in Amitabha’s country,’ these
    people, whether born in the past, now being born, or to be
    The Principle Proper
    born in the future, all will irreversibly attain to anuttarasamyaksambodhi.
    Therefore, Sariputra, all good men
    and good women, if they are among those who have faith,
    should make the vow, ‘I will be born in that country.’”
    There sat Sariputra, sound asleep!
    “Sariputra! Sariputra! Wake up!” Said the Buddha. “Those who
    have already vowed to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss have
    most certainly been born there. Those who now vow to be born
    there, and those who make the vow in the future will be born there
    in the future.” But in order to make vows you must have faith.
    Faith, vows, and practice are the three prerequisites for cultivation
    of the pure land dharma door. First, believe there is a Land of
    Ultimate Bliss. Secondly, have faith in Amitabha Buddha. Thirdly,
    believe that you and Amitabha Buddha have a great karmic affinity,
    and that you can certainly be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
    With faith in these three things, you may then make the vow, “I
    desire to be born in Amitabha’s country.” There is a saying,
    “I want to be born in the pure western land.”
    “I want to be born there. Nobody’s forcing me to go, nobody’s
    dragging me there. Although Amitabha Buddha has come to guide
    me, I am going as a volunteer because I want to be close to him. I
    want to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss and to see Amitabha
    Buddha when my lotus flower opens. I want to meet the Buddha
    and hear the dharma.” These are the vows you need.
    Then you must practice. How? Recite the Buddha’s name,
    saying “Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha...” As
    if you were trying to save your head from the executioner, running
    ahead to keep your head, like the sixth patriarch. He knew that after
    his death someone would try to steal his head, and so he told his
    disciples to take precautions. When he died, they wrapped his neck
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    with sheets of iron. When the thief tried to cut off his head, he
    couldn’t do it. The great master the sixth patriarch protected his
    head, even after he had entered the stillness of nirvana. How much
    the more should we who have not entered the stillness “protect our
    heads” by cultivating the recitation of the Buddha’s name. Reciting
    the Buddha’s name is actual practice.
    Faith, vows, and practice are the travel expenses for rebirth in
    the Land of Ultimate Bliss. They are your ticket.
    All those who vow to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss can
    attain irreversible position, thought, and conduct with respect to the
    utmost right and perfect enlightenment. All those who believe
    should make the vow, and this is an order! No kidding around. “I
    will be born in that country.” If you make this vow, you can be born
    in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
    “Sariputra, just as I now praise the inconceivable merit
    and virtue of all Buddhas, all those Buddhas equally praise
    my inconceivable merit and virtue saying these words,
    ‘Sakyamuni Buddha can complete extremely rare and
    difficult deeds. In the saha land, in the evil time of the five
    turbidities, in the midst of the kalpa turbidity, the view
    turbidity, the affliction turbidity, the living beings turbidity,
    and the life turbidity, he can attain anuttarasamyaksambodhi
    and for the sake of living beings, speak this dharma
    which in the whole world is hard to believe.’”
    “Sariputra,” said the Buddha, “I will tell you some more good
    news. As I now praise the Buddhas in the six directions and the
    inconceivable merit and virtue of this sutra, all the Buddhas also
    praise me and my inconceivable merit and virtue.”
    The Principle Proper
    “Sakyamuni Buddha,” they say, “can complete extremely rare
    and difficult deeds. He’s truly outstanding, truly rare. Why? He can
    do what men cannot do, deeds which are extremely rare and
    Sakya means “able to be humane,” and muni means “still and
    silent”. The Buddha humanely teaches and converts living beings,
    and silently returns the light within to cultivate samadhi. The
    humaneness is movement and the silence is stillness. He moves and
    yet is always still. He accords with conditions and yet never
    changes. For him there is nothing conditioned, nothing unconditioned,
    nothing done and nothing left undone. Sakyamuni Buddha
    is inconceivable.
    In the saha world, where one enjoys no bliss but endures every
    kind of suffering, living beings endure a great deal. They undergo
    the bitterness unaware that they are suffering.
    In the evil time of the five turbidities. There are five turbidities
    in the saha world and they are just terrible! The reason we don’t
    realise Buddhahood is because we are stuck in the five turbidities,
    as if in quicksand, and can’t pull ourselves out. When we lift one
    leg, the other leg sinks deeper, and when we lift that leg, the first
    goes down. There’s really no escape.
    But Sakyamuni Buddha is talented. With his great spiritual
    powers he can teach you to leap right out of the five turbidities, in
    a ksana, a mere instant of time. At night, when we recite the great
    transference of merit, we say, “Leaving the five turbidities in a
    ksana, and arriving at the lotus pool in the flick of a wrist.” Like a
    talented magician, Sakyamuni Buddha leaves the five turbidities,
    which are:
    1. The kalpa turbidity.
    Kalpa, that is, time, is turbid. It arises dependent upon the four
    other turbidities which increase daily, growing bigger and more
    extreme. That is to say, the turbidity of time is created with the help
    The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra – The Principle Proper
    of the view turbidity, the affliction turbidity, the living beings
    turbidity, and the life turbidity, and takes the growth of the first four
    as its basic substance. It takes unceasing flaming as its mark, for,
    like flaming fuel, the more it burns, the higher it blazes.
    2. The view turbidity.
    The view turbidity takes the five quick servants as it’s basic
    substance. The five quick servants are the view of a body, the view
    of extremes, deviant views, the view of grasping at views, and the
    view of prohibitive morality. It takes mistaken wisdom and cattle
    morality as its mark. Seeing a dog, a cat, or a cow reborn in the
    heavens, some people imitate their conduct so that they may be
    reborn there too. With deviant knowledge and views, they take the
    genuine doctrine to extremes.
    3. The affliction turbidity.
    The affliction turbidity takes the five dull servants, greed,
    hatred, stupidity, pride and doubt, as it’s basic substance, and the
    irritation of afflictions as it’s mark.
    4. The living beings turbidity.
    The living beings turbidity takes the combination of the three
    conditions of father, mother, and one’s own karma as it’s basic
    substance. It takes the unceasing turning of the wheel of rebirth as
    its mark. After the three conditions combine, the wheel revolves
    without stopping, back and forth. This life you are named john and
    next life, lee. This life you are a bhiksu and next life you are a
    bhiksuni. Bhiksus become bhiksunis and bhiksunis turn into
    bhiksus. Isn’t this amazing? It really is!
    5. The life turbidity.
    The life turbidity takes the reception of warmth as its basic
    substance and the decline and extinction of the life span as it’s
    mark. From youth to middle age on to old age and death, this is the
    mark of life.
    The Principle Proper
    “Sariputra, you should know that I, in the evil time of
    the five turbidities, practice these difficult deeds, attain
    anuttarasamyaksambodhi, and for all the world speak this
    dharma, difficult to believe, extremely difficult!”
    The Transmission
    After the Buddha spoke this sutra, Sariputra and all the
    bhiksus, all the gods, men, and asuras, and others from all
    the worlds, hearing what the Buddha had said, joyously
    welcomed, faithful accepted, bowed and withdrew.
    End of the Buddha speaks of Amitabha sutra.
    You should know that, in the midst of the five turbidities,
    Sakyamuni Buddha attains the utmost right and perfect enlightenment
    and then speaks about the dharma which people find very
    difficult to believe. “This dharma is most difficult to believe,
    extremely difficult, really hard to believe,” says Sakyamuni
    Sakyamuni Buddha says it’s hard, but I say it’s easy.
    Sakyamuni Buddha just said it’s hard. It’s not hard, really. All you
    need to do is recite, “Namo Amitabha Buddha”. Just go ahead and
    recite. Wouldn’t you say that is easy? No trouble at all. It doesn’t
    cost a thing and it takes no effort or time. It’s an extremely easy
    The Transmission
    After the Buddha spoke the Amitabha sutra, the greatly wise
    Sariputra and all the great bhiksus, all the world with its gods and
    men, as well as the eight classes of supernatural beings, gods,
    dragons, yaksa ghosts, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras and
    mahoragas, hearing what the Buddha had said, joyously welcomed,
    faithfully accepted, bowed and withdrew. They bowed reverently
    to Sakyamuni Buddha to thank him for speaking the Amitabha
    sutra, and for teaching and transforming living beings. At that time
    all the great arhats bowed to the Buddha out of gratitude for having
    heard this dharma.
    We now, hearing this supreme, deep, subtle, and wonderful
    dharma, have certainly planted great good roots in ages past.
    Consequently, we have a great affinity with Amitabha Buddha, and
    as a result have been fortunate enough to hear the Amitabha sutra
    and to recite the Buddha’s name. This is very rare.

    Buddhist Text Translation Society Publication
    Buddhist Text Translation Society
    International Translation Institute
    1777 Murchison Drive,
    Burlingame, California 94010-4504 USA
    Phone: 650-692-5912 Fax: 650-692-5056
    When Buddhism first came to China from India, one of the most important
    tasks required for its establishment was the translation of the Buddhist
    scriptures from Sanskrit into Chinese. This work involved a great many people,
    such as the renowned monk National Master Kumarajiva (fifth century), who
    led an assembly of over 800 people to work on the translation of the Tripitaka
    (Buddhist canon) for over a decade. Because of the work of individuals such as
    these, nearly the entire Buddhist Tripitaka of over a thousand texts exists to the
    present day in Chinese.
    Now the banner of the Buddha’s Teachings is being firmly planted in
    Western soil, and the same translation work is being done from Chinese into
    English. Since 1970, the Buddhist Text Translation Society (BTTS) has been
    making a paramount contribution toward this goal. Aware that the Buddhist
    Tripitaka is a work of such magnitude that its translation could never be
    entrusted to a single person, the BTTS, emulating the translation assemblies of
    ancient times, does not publish a work until it has passed through four
    committees for primary translation, revision, editing, and certification. The
    leaders of these committees are Bhikshus (monks) and Bhikshunis (nuns) who
    have devoted their lives to the study and practice of the Buddha’s teachings.
    For this reason, all of the works of the BTTS put an emphasis on what the
    principles of the Buddha’s teachings mean in terms of actual practice and not
    simply hypothetical conjecture.
    The translations of canonical works by the Buddhist Text Translation
    Society are accompanied by extensive commentaries by the Venerable
    Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua.
    BTTS Publications
    Buddhist Sutras. Amitabha Sutra, Dharma Flower (Lotus) Sutra, Flower
    Adornment (Avatamsaka) Sutra, Heart Sutra & Verses without a Stand,
    Shurangama Sutra, Sixth Patriarch Sutra, Sutra in Forty-two Sections, Sutra of
    the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva, Vajra Prajna Paramita (Diamond)
    Commentarial Literature. Buddha Root Farm, City of 10000 Buddhas
    Recitation Handbook, Filiality: The Human Source, Herein Lies the Treasuretrove,
    Listen to Yourself Think Everything Over, Shastra on the Door to
    Understanding the Hundred Dharmas, Song of Enlightenment, The Ten
    Dharma Realms Are Not beyond a Single Thought, Venerable Master Hua’s
    Talks on Dharma, Venerable Master Hua’s Talks on Dharma during the 1993
    Trip to Taiwan, Water Mirror Reflecting Heaven.
    Biographical. In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, Pictorial
    Biography of the Venerable Master Hsü Yün, Records of High Sanghans,
    Records of the Life of the Venerable Master Hsüan Hua, Three Steps One Bow,
    World Peace Gathering, News from True Cultivators, Open Your Eyes Take a
    Look at the World, With One Heart Bowing to the City of 10000 Buddhas.
    Children’s Books. Cherishing Life, Human Roots: Buddhist Stories for
    Young Readers.
    Musics, Novels and Brochures. Songs for Awakening, Awakening, The
    Three Cart Patriarch, City of 10000 Buddhas Color Brochure, Celebrisi’s
    Journey, Heng Ch’au’s Journal.
    The Buddhist Monthly–Vajra Bodhi Sea is a monthly journal of
    orthodox Buddhism which has been published by the Dharma Realm Buddhist
    Association, formerly known as the Sino-American Buddhist Association,
    since 1970. Each issue contains the most recent translations of the Buddhist
    canon by the Buddhist Text Translation Society. Also included in each issue
    are a biography of a great Patriarch of Buddhism from the ancient past,
    sketches of the lives of contemporary monastics and lay-followers around the
    world, articles on practice, and other material. The journal is bilingual, Chinese
    and English
    Please visit our web-site at www.bttsonline.org for the latest
    publications and for ordering information.
    The Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
    The Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (formerly the Sino-American
    Buddhist Association) was founded by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua in the
    United States of America in 1959. Taking the Dharma Realm as its scope, the
    Association aims to disseminate the genuine teachings of the Buddha
    throughout the world. The Association is dedicated to translating the Buddhist
    canon, propagating the Orthodox Dharma, promoting ethical education, and
    bringing benefit and happiness to all beings. Its hope is that individuals,
    families, the society, the nation, and the entire world will, under the
    transforming influence of the Buddhadharma, gradually reach the state of
    ultimate truth and goodness.
    The Founder
    The Venerable Master, whose names were An Tse and To Lun, received the
    Dharma name Hsuan Hua and the transmission of Dharma from Venerable
    Master Hsu Yun in the lineage of the Wei Yang Sect. He was born in
    Manchuria, China, at the beginning of the century. At nineteen, he entered the
    monastic order and dwelt in a hut by his mother’s grave to practice filial piety.
    He meditated, studied the teachings, ate only one meal a day, and slept sitting
    up. In 1948 he went to Hong Kong, where he established the Buddhist Lecture
    Hall and other Way-places. In 1962 he brought the Proper Dharma to the West,
    lecturing on several dozen Mahayana Sutras in the United States. Over the
    years, the Master established more than twenty monasteries of Proper Dharma
    under the auspices of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association and the City of
    Ten Thousand Buddhas. He also founded centers for the translation of the
    Buddhist canon and for education to spread the influence of the Dharma in the
    East and West. The Master manifested the stillness in the United States in
    1995. Through his lifelong, selfless dedication to teaching living beings with
    wisdom and compassion, he influenced countless people to change their faults
    and to walk upon the pure, bright path to enlightenment.
    Dharma Propagation, Buddhist Text Translation, and Education
    The Venerable Master Hua’s three great vows after leaving the home-life
    were (1) to propagate the Dharma, (2) to translate the Buddhist Canon, and (3)
    to promote education. In order to make these vows a reality, the Venerable
    Master based himself on the Three Principles and the Six Guidelines.
    Courageously facing every hardship, he founded monasteries, schools, and
    centers in the West, drawing in living beings and teaching them on a vast scale.
    Over the years, he founded the following institutions:
    The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and Its Branches
    In propagating the Proper Dharma, the Venerable Master not only trained
    people but also founded Way-places where the Dharma wheel could turn and
    living beings could be saved. He wanted to provide cultivators with pure places
    to practice in accord with the Buddha’s regulations. Over the years, he founded
    many Way-places of Proper Dharma. In the United States and Canada, these
    include the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas; Gold Mountain Monastery; Gold
    Sage Monastery; Gold Wheel Monastery; Gold Summit Monastery; Gold
    Buddha Monastery; Avatamsaka Monastery; Long Beach Monastery; the City
    of the Dharma Realm; Berkeley Buddhist Monastery; Avatamsaka Hermitage;
    and Blessings, Prosperity, and Longevity Monastery. In Taiwan, there are the
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association, Dharma Realm
    Monastery, and Amitabha Monastery. In Malaysia, there are Zi Yun Dong
    Monastery, Deng Bi An Monastery, and Lotus Vihara. In Hong Kong, there are
    the Buddhist Lecture Hall and Cixing Monastery.
    Purchased in 1974, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the hub of the
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. The City is located in Talmage,
    Mendocino County, California, 110 miles north of San Francisco. Eighty of the
    488 acres of land are in active use. The remaining acreage consists of
    meadows, orchards, and woods. With over seventy large buildings containing
    over 2,000 rooms, blessed with serenity and fresh, clean air, it is the first large
    Buddhist monastic community in the United States. It is also an international
    center for the Proper Dharma.
    Although the Venerable Master Hua was the Ninth Patriarch in the
    Weiyang Sect of the Chan School, the monasteries he founded emphasize all of
    the five main practices of Mahayana Buddhism (Chan meditation, Pure Land,
    esoteric, Vinaya (moral discipline), and doctrinal studies). This accords with
    the Buddha’s words: “The Dharma is level and equal, with no high or low.” At
    the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the rules of purity are rigorously observed.
    Residents of the City strive to regulate their own conduct and to cultivate with
    vigor. Taking refuge in the Proper Dharma, they lead pure and selfless lives,
    and attain peace in body and mind. The Sutras are expounded and the Dharma
    wheel is turned daily. Residents dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to making
    Buddhism flourish. Monks and nuns in all the monasteries take one meal a day,
    always wear their precept sash, and follow the Three Principles:
    Freezing, we do not scheme.
    Starving, we do not beg.
    Dying of poverty, we ask for nothing.
    According with conditions, we do not change.
    Not changing, we accord with conditions.
    We adhere firmly to our three great principles.
    We renounce our lives to do the Buddha’s work.
    We take the responsibility to mold our own destinies.
    We rectify our lives to fulfill the Sanghan’s role.
    Encountering specific matters,
    we understand the principles.
    Understanding the principles,
    we apply them in specific matters.
    We carry on the single pulse of
    the Patriarchs’ mind-transmission.
    The monasteries also follow the Six Guidelines: not contending, not being
    greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not pursuing personal advantage, and not
    International Translation Institute
    The Venerable Master vowed to translate the Buddhist Canon (Tripitaka)
    into Western languages so that it would be widely accessible throughout the
    world. In 1973, he founded the International Translation Institute on
    Washington Street in San Francisco for the purpose of translating Buddhist
    scriptures into English and other languages. In 1977, the Institute was merged
    into Dharma Realm Buddhist University as the Institute for the Translation of
    Buddhist Texts. In 1991, the Venerable Master purchased a large building in
    Burlingame (south of San Francisco) and established the International
    Translation Institute there for the purpose of translating and publishing
    Buddhist texts. To date, in addition to publishing over one hundred volumes of
    Buddhist texts in Chinese, the Association has published more than one
    hundred volumes of English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Japanese
    translations of Buddhist texts, as well as bilingual (Chinese and English)
    editions. Audio and video tapes also continue to be produced. The monthly
    journal Vajra Bodhi Sea, which has been in circulation for nearly thirty years,
    has been published in bilingual (Chinese and English) format in recent years.
    In the past, the difficult and vast mission of translating the Buddhist canon
    in China was sponsored and supported by the emperors and kings themselves.
    In our time, the Venerable Master encouraged his disciples to cooperatively
    shoulder this heavy responsibility, producing books and audio tapes and using
    the medium of language to turn the wheel of Proper Dharma and do the great
    work of the Buddha. All those who aspire to devote themselves to this work of
    sages should uphold the Eight Guidelines of the International Translation
    1. One must free oneself from the motives of personal fame and
    2. One must cultivate a respectful and sincere attitude free from arrogance
    and conceit.
    3. One must refrain from aggrandizing one’s work and denigrating
    that of others.
    4. One must not establish oneself as the standard of correctness and
    suppress the work of others with one’s fault-finding.
    5. One must take the Buddha-mind as one’s own mind.
    6. One must use the wisdom of Dharma-Selecting Vision to determine
    true principles.
    7. One must request Virtuous Elders of the ten directions to certify
    one’s translations.
    8. One must endeavor to propagate the teachings by printing Sutras,
    Shastra texts, and Vinaya texts when the translations are certified as
    being correct.
    These are the Venerable Master’s vows, and participants in the work of
    translation should strive to realize them.
    Instilling Goodness Elementary School, Developing Virtue
    Secondary School, Dharma Realm Buddhist University
    “Education is the best national defense.” The Venerable Master Hua saw
    clearly that in order to save the world, it is essential to promote good education.
    If we want to save the world, we have to bring about a complete change in
    people’s minds and guide them to cast out unwholesomeness and to pursue
    goodness. To this end the Master founded Instilling Goodness Elementary
    School in 1974, and Developing Virtue Secondary School and Dharma Realm
    Buddhist University in 1976.
    In an education embodying the spirit of Buddhism, the elementary school
    teaches students to be filial to parents, the secondary school teaches students to
    be good citizens, and the university teaches such virtues as humaneness and
    righteousness. Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Developing Virtue
    Secondary School combine the best of contemporary and traditional methods
    and of Western and Eastern cultures. They emphasize moral virtue and spiritual
    development, and aim to guide students to become good and capable citizens
    who will benefit humankind. The schools offer a bilingual (Chinese/English)
    program where boys and girls study separately. In addition to standard
    academic courses, the curriculum includes ethics, meditation, Buddhist studies,
    and so on, giving students a foundation in virtue and guiding them to
    understand themselves and explore the truths of the universe. Branches of the
    schools (Sunday schools) have been established at branch monasteries with the
    aim of propagating filial piety and ethical education.
    Dharma Realm Buddhist University, whose curriculum focuses on the
    Proper Dharma, does not merely transmit academic knowledge. It emphasizes
    a foundation in virtue, which expands into the study of how to help all living
    beings discover their inherent nature. Thus, Dharma Realm Buddhist
    University advocates a spirit of shared inquiry and free exchange of ideas,
    encouraging students to study various canonical texts and use different
    experiences and learning styles to tap their inherent wisdom and fathom the
    meanings of those texts. Students are encouraged to practice the principles they
    have understood and apply the Buddhadharma in their lives, thereby nurturing
    their wisdom and virtue. The University aims to produce outstanding
    individuals of high moral character who will be able to bring benefit to all
    sentient beings.
    Sangha and Laity Training Programs
    In the Dharma-ending Age, in both Eastern and Western societies there are
    very few monasteries that actually practice the Buddha’s regulations and
    strictly uphold the precepts. Teachers with genuine wisdom and understanding,
    capable of guiding those who aspire to pursue careers in Buddhism, are very
    rare. The Venerable Master founded the Sangha and Laity Training Programs
    in 1982 with the goals of raising the caliber of the Sangha, perpetuating the
    Proper Dharma, providing professional training for Buddhists around the world
    on both practical and theoretical levels, and transmitting the wisdom of the
    The Sangha Training Program gives monastics a solid foundation in
    Buddhist studies and practice, training them in the practical affairs of
    Buddhism and Sangha management. After graduation, students will be able to
    assume various responsibilities related to Buddhism in monasteries,
    institutions, and other settings. The program emphasizes a thorough knowledge
    of Buddhism, under-standing of the scriptures, earnest cultivation, strict
    observance of precepts, and the development of a virtuous character, so that
    students will be able to propagate the Proper Dharma and perpetuate the
    Buddha’s wisdom. The Laity Training Program offers courses to help
    laypeople develop correct views, study and practice the teachings, and
    understand monastic regulations and ceremonies, so that they will be able to
    contribute their abilities in Buddhist organizations.
    Let Us Go Forward Together
    In this Dharma-ending Age when the world is becoming increasingly
    dangerous and evil, the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, in consonance
    with its guiding principles, opens the doors of its monasteries and centers to
    those of all religions and nationalities. Anyone who is devoted to humaneness,
    righteousness, virtue, and the pursuit of truth, and who wishes to understand
    him or herself and help humankind, is welcome to come study and practice
    with us. May we together bring benefit and happiness to all living beings.
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Association Branches
    Home Page: http:\\www.drba.org
    Main Branch:
    The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
    P.O. Box 217, 2001 Talmage Road, Talmage, CA 95481-0217 USA
    Tel: (707) 462-0939 Fax: (707) 462-0949
    The City of the Dharma Realm
    1029 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento, CA 95691 USA
    Tel: (916) 374-8268
    The International Translation Institute
    1777 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010-4504 USA
    Tel: (650) 692-5912 Fax: (650) 692-5056
    Institute for World Religions (Berkeley Buddhist Monastery)
    2304 McKinley Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94703 USA
    Tel: (510) 848-3440 Fax: (510) 548-4551
    Gold Mountain Monastery
    800 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94108 USA
    Tel: (415) 421-6117 Fax: (415) 788-6001
    Gold Sage Monastery
    11455 Clayton Road, San Jose, CA 95127 USA
    Tel: (408) 923-7243 Fax: (408) 923-1064
    Gold Summit Monastery
    233-1st Avenue, West Seattle, WA 98119 USA
    Tel: (206) 284-6690 Fax: (206) 284-6918
    Gold Wheel Monastery
    235 North Avenue 58, Los Angeles, CA 90042 USA
    Tel: (213) 258-6668
    Blessings, Prosperity, & Longevity Monastery
    4140 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90807 USA
    Tel: (562) 595-4966
    Long Beach Moaastery
    3361 East Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90803 USA
    Tel: (562) 438-8902
    Avatamsaka Hermitage
    11721 Beall Mountain Road, Potomac, MD 20854-1128 USA
    Tel: (301) 299-3693
    Avatamsaka Monastery
    1009-4th Avenue, S.W. Calgary, AB T2P OK8 Canada
    Tel: (403) 269-2960
    Gold Buddha Monastery
    248 E. 11th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5T 2C3 Canada
    Tel: (604) 709-0248 Fax: (604) 684-3754
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Society
    11th Floor, 85 Chung-hsiao E. Road, Sec. 6, Taipei, R.O.C.
    Tel: (02) 2786-3022, 2786-2474
    Fax: (02) 2786-2674
    Dharma Realm Sagely Monastery
    20, Tong-hsi Shan-chuang, Hsing-lung Village, Liu-kuei
    Kaohsiung County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    Tel: (07) 689-3717 Fax: (07) 689-3870
    Amitabha Monastery
    7, Su-chien-hui, Chih-nan Village, Shou-feng,
    Hualien Country, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    Tel: (07) 865-1956 Fax: (07) 865-3426
    Tze Yun Tung Temple
    Batu 5½, Jalan Sungai Besi,
    Salak Selatan 57100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Tel: (03) 7982-6560 Fax: (03) 7980-1272
    Kun Yam Thong Temple
    161, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Tel: (03) 2164-8055 Fax: (03) 2163-7118
    Lotus Vihara
    136, Jalan Sekolah, 45600 Batang Berjuntai,
    Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
    Tel: (03) 3271-9439
    Buddhist Lecture Hall
    31 Wong Nei Chong Road, Top Floor Happy Valley,
    Hong Kong, China
    Tel/Fax: 2572-7644
    Verse of Transference
    May the merit and virtue accrued from this work,
    Adorn the Buddha’s Pure Lands,
    Repaying four kinds of kindness above,
    And aiding those suffering in the paths below.
    May those who see and hear of this,
    All bring forth the resolve for Bodhi,
    And when this retribution body is over,
    Be born together in ultimate bliss.
    Dharma Protector Wei T’o Bodhisattva

