頂禮此六佛可得極特殊極殊勝的功德 - 妙法蓮華觀世音 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格




2007/01/28 10:11











造王神通[火*僉]花如來     (火*僉)字讀xian,意思是火貌






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╭☆╯ ANGELE╭☆╯2009/01/28 23:52 引用

頂禮此六佛可得極特殊極殊勝的功德 ...《詳全文

jimmy2009/01/28 23:50 引用


過去式2007/03/26 15:45 引用

轉貼自網站:妙法蓮華觀世音 頂禮此六佛可得極特殊極殊勝的功德   網址: ...《詳全文

企美諾布2007/01/31 13:04 引用





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2010/09/11 23:01



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記錄寶貝史公生活點滴。推廣並分享佛法&社會慈善公益! 稱名:史公為代表 血統17吋(波音達犬)別名是英國指示獵犬.隨主人信仰佛教(史公還有皈依喔)

大智發於心,於心無所尋,成就一切義,無古亦無今! 我要留言

分類:  寶篋印&楞嚴法

2011/06/24 03:10

唐天竺沙門般剌密帝譯  烏萇國沙門彌伽釋迦譯語  正議大夫同中書門

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2011/06/24 03:09


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2011/05/02 00:32


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2011/04/29 14:37

此手印圖為網路上法友分享 僅供參考 倘若能尋得專修此法門法師或正確手

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2011/04/29 00:14

楞嚴咒的功德 附咒圖請自印.楞嚴經~阿難。是佛頂光聚。悉怛多般怛羅。

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2011/04/12 10:11


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2010/11/21 22:49

虛雲老和尚楞嚴經開示 (轉貼) ★ 楞嚴一經,由阿難發起,作我們的模範。

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2010/10/25 21:42

從《楞嚴經》中談持咒修行的次第及要訣 -古梵音暨楞嚴學推廣講師,果

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2008/07/24 19:38


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2008/01/12 02:52

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    願以此功德 消除宿現業
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    2011年7月3日 星期日




    中国科学院动物研究所 北京 100080

    本工作探讨了豚鼠精子质膜Na,K-ATPase与获能及顶体反应之间的关系。实验采用蔗糖梯度离心分离豚鼠精子的质膜以测定Na,K-ATPase活性。通过用0.05%DOC(脱氧胆酸)处理,可以定量测定酶的活性。豚鼠精子在获能培养液中孵育8h后,其质膜Na,K-ATPase活性下降为孵育前的35.6%。获能培养液中含1和5μzmol/L的乌本苷,使孵育10.5h的豚鼠精子的顶体反应率分别为46.5和64.4%,而对照组仅为27.4%。实验结果首次证实豚鼠精子质膜有Na,K-ATP ase活性,并进而发现其质膜Na,K-ATPase活性的下降对获能有促进作用。

    关键词: 豚鼠 精子 质膜 Na K-ATPase 获能


    收稿日期 1989-05-12 修回日期 1990-01-10 网络版发布日期


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    1.韩光泽, 房增科, 陈明东.Eyring 黏度公式的几率修正及基于液体准晶模型分子活化能的计算[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(9): 1092-1098
    2.刘伟, 赵海洋, 杨小亮.返回舱动态稳定性分析及被动控制方法研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(9): 1156-1164
    3.朱晓睿.完备Kähler 流形上Kähler-Ricci 流的局部Harnack 估计[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(9): 873-879
    4.杨静, 张成, 许进, 刘向荣, 强小利.基于环形DNA分子的一种求解最大集团的计算模型[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(8): 1078-1085
    5.李红艳, 潘丽霞, 苟克勉.敲除核糖体蛋白L8对果蝇发育的阻滞与细胞凋亡紧密相关[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(8): 724-730
    6.王瑞武, 贺军州, 王亚强, 石磊, 李耀堂.非对称性有利于合作行为的演化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(8): 758-764
    7.裴云飞, 王志敏, 费菲, 邵志敏, 黄薇, 张学工.生物信息学研究揭示乳腺癌组织分化中可能的microRNA调控通路[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,55(8): 660-668
    8.杜江峰, 武永军, 方晓峰, 曹君霞, 赵亮, 陶士珩.生物信息方法预测高粱miRNA及其靶基因[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,55(7): 553-561
    9.赵现伟, 彭桂香, 张志英, 邱永雄, 张泽民, 张桂权, 谭志远.细菌聚类新方法: ddT聚类技术分析香根草联合固氮菌多样性[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,55(7): 562-571
    10.崔学伟, 钮鹏程.带有不同权函数的退化拟线性椭圆方程弱解的 Hölder 正则性[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(7): 683-692
    11.唐晓婵, 周盼盼, 邱文元.基于4D图形表示的DNA序列相似性分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,55(6): 442-446
    12.王春梅, 孙洁林, 龙飞, 赵俊, 胡钧.图像配准和时间平均在DNA单分子AFM探测中的应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,55(6): 457-462
    13. 颜景奇, 底晓静, 刘彩谊, 张惠敏, 黄秀琴, 张俊敬, 赵燕, 张龙泽, 常彦忠, 梁永林, 陶然, 赵保路.茶质滤嘴的祛烟瘾减害作用研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(5): 375-384
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    15. 顾锡炳, 杨小娟, 王栋, 华忠, 吴杭源, 陈浩坤, 徐月琴, 陆忠华.乙型肝炎病毒B, C基因型引起的慢性乙型肝炎患者特异性、非特异性细胞免疫比较[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(5): 428-432
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    20.付向群, 鲍皖苏, 周淳.Shor整数分解量子算法的加速实现[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,55(4-5): 322-327
    21. 罗焜, 陈士林, 陈科力, 宋经元, 姚辉, 马新业, 朱英杰, 庞晓慧, 余华, 李西文, 刘震.基于芸香科的植物通用DNA条形码研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(4): 342-351
    22. 郑凌伶, 屈良鹄.计算RNA组学: 非编码RNA结构识别与功能预测[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(4): 294-310
    23.刘江涛, 刘绍璞, 刘忠芳.博莱霉素铜配合物-DNA体系的共振瑞利散射及分析应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(4): 372-378
    24.孟宪海, 李吉刚, 杨钦, 蔡强, 陈其明.复杂限定Delaunay三角化算法]{复杂限定Delaunay三角化算法[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2010,40(3): 381-392
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    73.张萍海 周磊 徐欣 王悦红 高磊 许诺 李卡 张新 白春学.一种线性化聚乙烯亚胺介导的EGFR靶向siRNA转运系统在人肺腺癌细胞中的优化与评价研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2009,39(12): 1128-1135
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    75.王彦怀 李静 刘燕 马荣娜 贾文丽 崔慧 王怀生.DNA/聚(3-甲基噻吩)复合膜修饰电极的制备及其应用于研究8-羟基-2’-脱氧鸟嘌呤核苷的伏安行为及测定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2009,39(11): 1536-1543
    76.马荣娜 王斌 刘燕 李静 赵倩 王国涛 贾文丽 王怀生.葡萄糖氧化酶在羟基磷灰石/Nafion复合膜修饰电极上的直接电化学及其对葡萄糖的生物传感[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2009,39(11): 1544-1550
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    98.陈鸿军 张晨飞 宋翠萍 邓绪芳 秦爱建.MDV-1 VP22增强鸡传染性法氏囊炎病毒VP2 DNA免疫作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,38(9): 873-878
    99.高元吉 赵传科 尹琪 王慧 曾新 王少鹏 于文文 栗世铀.Split内含肽高效介导转录激活因子的胞内融合[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,38(8): 714-721
    100.王勤 赵春江 白丽华 邓学梅 吴常信.Henna 基因突变是导致北京紫眼果蝇眼部蝶呤含量减少的重要原因[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,38(8): 742-750
    101.潘敏慧 余泉友 夏玉玲 代方银 刘彦群 鲁成 张泽 向仲怀.中国野桑蚕线粒体基因组特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,38(8): 751-759
    102.杨成运 杨江科 李友国 周俊初.我国亚热带地区豌豆根瘤菌遗传多样性的研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,38(8): 774-782
    103.高冠军; 范陆; 陆辉明; 华跃进.检测环境放射性和遗传毒性物质的耐辐射球菌生物传感器的构建[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,53(8): 932-938
    104.张晶; 李咏梅; 杜文才; 李光明; 李伟霞; 朱泽.HSV-1的microRNA-LAT基因修饰人骨髓间充质干细胞的体外研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,53(8): 916-923
    105.李江; 李旻; 李萃; 高阳; 李大伟; 韩成贵; 于嘉林.TNV-AC亚基因组表达及基因编码产物对局部枯斑症状的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,53(7): 793-800
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    140.邵国胜*, 陈铭学*, 王丹英, 徐春梅, 牟仁祥, 曹赵云, 章秀福*.稻米镉积累的铁肥调控[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,38(2): 180-187
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    150.张永春 杨涛 周娜 张伟 焦奎.应用纳米金/TiO2中空微球复合膜高灵敏检测转基因植物外源基因特定DNA序列[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2008,38(10): 922-928
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    175.杨勇飞 李政 樊启昶 龙漫远;张文霞 .果蝇近缘物种间性腺特异ncRNA表达图谱存在显著差异[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(6): 646-651
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    202.ZHANG Xinping;LIU Jingmiao;SUN Weizhen;HUANG Yimin;ZHANG Jianming.Relations between oxygen stable isotopic ratios in precipitation and relevant meteorological factors in southwest China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(4): 571-581
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    204.YAO Junming;HUA Renmin;QU Wenjun;QI Huawen;LIN Jinfu;DU Andao.Re-Os isotope dating of molybdenites in the Huangshaping Pb-Zn-W-Mo polymetallic deposit, Hunan province, South China and its geological significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(4): 519-526
    205.Gao Xuejie;Zhang Dongfeng;Chen Zhongxin;Pal Jeremy.S.;Giorgi Filippo.SIMULATION OF OF LAND USE EFFECTS ON CLIMATE IN CHINA BY REGCM3[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(4): 620-628
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    211.YUAN XiangCheng;YIN KeDong;ZHOU WeiHua;CAO WenXi;XU XiaoQiang;ZHAO Di.Effects of ultraviolet radiation B (UV-B) on photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton assemblages in a marine bay in Southern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(4): 545-552
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    213.QIU XueLin;CHEN Yong;ZHU RiXiang;XU HuiLong;SHI XiaoBin;YE ChunMing;ZHAO MingHui;XIA ShaoHong.The application of large volume airgun sources to the onshore-offshore seismic surveys: implication of the experimental results in northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(4): 553-560
    214.WANG ChunKao;WANG ZhiPeng;QIU XiaoTian;ZHANG Qin.A method for haplotype inference in general pedigrees without recombination[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(4): 471-476
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    218.Ji-hong SU & Yi-cai ZHAO .On structure of small contractions of odd dimensional projective varieties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(4): 495-502
    219.Jin-cheng XIONG; Feng TAN & Jie Lü .The independent sets of a countable family of relations with full measure on a probability space[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(4): 475-484
    220.Jian-fei XIONG.The local classifications of the ruled surfaces of normals and binormals of a regular space curve [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(4): 533-548
    221. Fu-hai ZHU & Ke LIANG .Dirac cohomology of unitary representations of exceptional groups with equal rank[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(4): 515-520
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    223.Ding-hua YANG.Some basic inequalities in higher dimensional non-Euclid space[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3): 423-438
    224. Zhao-sheng FENG & Qing-guo MENG .Burgers-Korteweg-de Vries equation and its traveling solitary waves[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3): 412-422
    225.Taras BANAKH;Duan REPOV.Division and k-th root theorems for Q-manifolds [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3): 313-324
    226.黄宝琦;翦知湣;汪品先.晚上新世南海北部底栖有孔虫Bulimina alazanensis含量变化及其原因探讨[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 313-317
    227.冯淑杰;王玲;马俊红;林菲;潘庆华.稻瘟病菌新无毒基因AvrPi7的遗传及物理作图[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 283-290
    228.LI ErDong;SONG XiaoYan;ZHANG JiuXing;LU NianDuan.Preparation and mechanism study of bulk pure rare-earth metals with amorphous and nanocrystalline structures[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 418-422
    229.SUN QiCheng;GE Wei;HUANG Jin.Influence of gravity on narrow input forced drainage in 2D liquid foams[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 423-427
    230.LIU ZongXiu;GU ZhaoYan;WU NaiQin;XU Bing.Diet control on carbon isotopic composition of land snail shell carbonate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 388-394
    231.ZHANG Jie;CHEN Jian;WU Jingbo;KANG Lin;XU WeiWe;WU PeiHeng.Acid etching process for fabrication of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x stack[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 303-306
    232.PU XiaoQiang;ZHONG ShaoJun;YU WenQuan;TAO XiaoWan.Authigenic sulfide minerals and their sulfur isotopes in sediments of the northern continental slope of the South China Sea and their implications for methane flux and gas hydrate formation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 401-407
    233.LEI XiangDong;PENG ChangHui;TIAN DaLun;SUN JianFeng.Meta-analysis and its application in global change research[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 289-302
    234.CHEN Chao;TIAN YuanXin;ZOU XiaoYong;CAI PeiXiang;MO JinYuan.A cooperative fast annealing coevolutionary algorithm for protein motif extraction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 318-323
    235.YANG Hui;Zhang YaPing;.Genomic organization and sequence analysis of the vomeronasal receptor V2R genes in mouse genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(3): 336-342
    236.LÜ XinGang;QIAO FangLi;XIA ChangShui;YUAN YeLi.Tidally induced upwelling off Yangtze River estuary and in Zhejiang coastal waters in summer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3): 462-473
    237.Fang Xiuqi;Ye Yu;Zeng Zaozao.Extreme climate events, migration for cultivation and policies: A case study in the early Qing Dynasty of China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3): 411-421
    238.Song Yucai;Hu Wenxuan;Ni Pei;Duan Zhenhao;Zhang Xuefeng;.Improved method to determine the molar volume and compositions of the NaCl-H2O-CO2 system inclusion[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3 ): 385-391
    239.CHEN XiuLing;FANG XiaoMin;AN ZhiSheng;HAN WenXia;WANG Xin;BAI Yan;HONG Ye;.An 8.1Ma calcite record of Asian summer monsoon evolution on the Chinese central Loess Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3 ): 392-403
    240.XIANG HongFa;WAN JingLin;HAN ZhuJun;GUO ShunMin;ZHANG WanXia;CHEN LiChun;DONG XingQuan; .Geological analysis and FT dating of the large-scale right-lateral strike-slip movement of the Red River fault zone[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3 ): 331-342
    241.LIU ZhiQiang;LAI YuanMing;ZHANG MingYi;ZHANG XueFu.Numerical analysis for random temperature fields of embankment in cold regions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(3): 404-410
    242.严安 汪晓雷 张雪洪 许煜泉
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    244.张勇;刘朝辉; 刘成;杨足君;邓科君;彭金华;周建平;李光蓉;唐宗祥;任正隆.外源种质导入引发小麦表观遗传变异的MSAP分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(24): 2857-2865
    245.孔福全;王潇;倪嵋楠;隋丽;杨明建;赵葵.辐射致DNA损伤中DNA浓度的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(24): 2826-2831
    246.贾万忠;李志;伦照荣.病毒微小RNA的发现及其功能[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(23): 2705-2714
    247.唐红星;羊小海;王柯敏;谭蔚泓;刘斌; 何丽芳;王炜.基于分子信标荧光增强速率检测活细胞内p21 mRNA表达[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(21): 2482-2486
    248.张玉波;何舜平.细胞色素b和12S rRNA基因序列变异与东方鲀属鱼类系统发育[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(21): 2507-2516
    249.M.Yakit ONGUN.Spectral analysis of nonselfadjoint Schrödinger problem with eigenparameter in the boundary condition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 217-230
    250.Guang-wei YUAN; Xu-deng HANG; Zhi-qiang SHENG.Parallel difference schemes with interface extrapolation terms for quasi-linear parabolic systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 253-275
    251.Wang JianGe;Su XiaoHua;Ji LiLi;Zhang BingYu;Hu ZanMin;Huang RongFeng;Tian YingChuan.Multiple transgenes Populus xeuramericana ‘Guariento’ plants obtained by biolistic bombardment[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(2): 224-230
    252.WANG GuoZhi;ZHANG Lei;DENG JiGuang;DAI HongXing;HE Hong;ZI XueHong.Synthesis and characterization of wormhole-like mesoporous Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2 solid solutions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(2): 175-180
    253.YANG KeFang;HUANG YingJuan;DONG JinYong.Preparation of polypropylene/montmorillonite nanocomposites by intercalative polymerization: Effect of in situ polymer matrix functionalization on the stability of the nanocomposite structure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(2): 181-187
    254.WANG FangHai;ZHANG GuRen;WEN RuiZhen;HE GuoFeng.Ecdysteroids in the larvae of Opogona sacchari (Bojer), a invasive alien pest[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(2): 205-208
    255.YANG Kong;WEI Jie;WANG ChaoYuan;LI YuBao; .A study on in vitro and in vivo bioactivity of nano hydroxyapatite/polymer biocomposite[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(2 ): 267-271
    256.YIN ZheSheng;WEI Bin;CAO BiSong;WANG Xin;GUO XuBo;ZHANG XiaoPing;GAO LongMa;PIAO YunLong;ZHU MaFeng;LIANG Yong;WANG Fan;H. PIEL;B. AMINOV;F. AMINOVA;D. WEHLER.Field trial of an HTS filter system on a CDMA base station[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(2): 171-174
    257.ZHOU ZheKun;YANG QingSong;XIA Ke.Fossils of Quercus sect. Heterobalanus can help explain the uplift of the Himalayas[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(2): 238-247
    258.ZHANG HongFei;JIN LanLan;ZHANG Li;Nigel HARRIS;ZHOU Lian;HU ShengHong;ZHANG BenRen.Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of granitoids from western Qinling belt: Constraints on basement nature and tectonic affinity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 184-196
    259.XU XiSheng;LU WeiMin;HE ZhenYu.Age and generation of Fogang granite batholith and Wushi diorite-hornblende gabbro body[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 209-220
    260.ZHANG HongYuan;HOU QuanLin;CAO DaiYong.Study of thrust and nappe tectonics in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 161-171
    261.ZHENG Zhuo;P. COUR;HUANG CiXuan;D. DUZER;G. ROBERT;M. CALLEJA;C. BEAUDOUIN;DENG Yun;HUANG KangYou; .Dust pollen distribution on a continental scale and its relation to present-day vegetation along north-south transects in east China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2 ): 236-246
    262.胡隐樵;陈晋北;左洪超.湍流强度定理和湍流发展的宏观机制[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(2): 272-281
    263.ZHU RongRong; WANG ShiLong; SUN XiaoYu; ZHANG Rui & YAO SiDe .The protection effect of β-CD on DNA damage induced by ultrafine TiO2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 272-275
    264.ZHOU YanXia; TAN HongWei; YANG ZuoYin; JIA ZongChao; LIU RuoZhuang & CHEN GuangJu .Molecular basis for antifreeze activity difference of two insect antifreeze protein isoforms[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 266-271
    265.WAN YunYang; ; LU Rong; AKIYAMA Kazuhiro; MIYAKOSHI Tetsuo & DU YuMin .Enzymatic synthesis of bioactive compounds by Rhus laccase from Chinese Rhus vernicifera[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 179-182
    266.ZHANG YiBing; ; FENG XinJian & JIANG Lei.Synthesize TiO2 microspheres self-assemblyed from nanorods via hydrothermal treatment[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 175-178
    267.ZHU Peter C;WANG Der-Haw;MANI Neelakandha.An efficient synthesis of substituted benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehydes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 249-252
    268.WANG Li; ZHAO Bin; CHANG LiXian & ZHENG WenJun .Fabrication and photoluminescence of ZnO nanorods[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 224-229
    269.HE XiaoXiao; ; ; ; WANG Yan; WANG KeMin; PENG JiaoFeng; LIU Fang; & TAN WeiHong; .Research of the relationship of intracellular acidification and apoptosis in Hela cells based on pH nanosensors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 258-265
    270.GONG PeiJun; ; SUN HanWen; HONG Jun; XU DongMei; & YAO SiDe .In-situ Synthesis of PHEMA Magnetic Nanogels via Photochemical Method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 217-223
    271.WANG JingDai; YANG YongRong; GE PengFei; SHU WeiJie & HOU LinXi .Measurement of the fluidized velocity in gas-solid fluidized beds based on AE signal analysis by wavelet packet transform[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 284-289
    272.ZENG XiaoQing; & WANG DianXun .Novel gaseous transient species:generation and characterization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 145-169
    273.杨莉 王玲玲 彭俊平 于录 刘涛 冷文川 杨剑 陈立宏 张文亮 张骞 齐义鹏 金奇,.红色毛癣菌孢子期与萌芽期基因表达比较分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(2): 227-233
    274.王瑶 戴岳 张勇 胡杨波 杨宝玉 陈士云.群体感应信号分子降解基因对铜绿假单胞菌毒力和生物膜形成的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(2): 234-240
    275.王伟波 杨翠云 唐东山 李敦海 刘永定 胡春香 .验室条件下沙埋对人工藻结皮生物量、光合活性和胞外多糖的影响 [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(2): 241-245
    276.Han XueSong Hu YuanZhong.Analysis micromechanism of burrs formation in the case of nanometric cutting process using numerical simulation method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 129-137
    277.Li DeJun Zhang JingJing & Wang MingXia.Synthesis of Nanoscale Multilayered ZrN/W Coatings by Ion Beam Assisted Deposition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 206-212
    278.Zhang PeiWei Zhou ZhenGong Wu LinZhi.The non-local theory solution of a Griffith crack in functionally graded materials subjected to the harmonic anti-plane shear wave[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 154-165
    279.Cui ChunXiang Zhang Ying Sun JiBing & Wang Ru.Fabrication and magnetic properties of Sm3(Fe,Ti)29Nx/a-Fe dual-phase nanocompo-site permanent magnetic material[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 184-189

    Ren Hai Li ZhiAn Shen WeiJun Peng ShaoLin Liao ChongHui Ding MingMao & Wu JianGuo
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    281.Song Xuexiong Li FangZhang Cao GuoQiang Zhang JinYu & Han YiBing.Distribution of α-D-mannose residue on zona pellucida and its role(s) in fertilization in pigs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 170-177
    282.Huang BaoLing Lu ChengQun Wu Bo & Fan LiQin.One Rhizobia Strains Isolated from the nodule of Gymnospermae Podocarpus macrophyllus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 228-233

    Yu JunLong Wang ShiPing LiWenKai Dai Gan Xu ShaoRui He Zhuo Peng XianChu Zhou SongHua& Liu XueQin
    .Cloning, Expression and Protective Immunity Evaluation of the Full-Length cDNA Encoding Succinate Dehydrogenase Iron-sulfur Protein of Schistosoma japonicum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 221-227

    Zhang LiShu Jin NingYi Song YingJin Wang Hong Ma HeWen Li ZiJian& Jiang WenZheng
    .Construction and Characterization of A Recombinant Fowlpox Virus Containing HIV-1 Multi-epitope-p24 Chimeric Gene on Mice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 212-220
    285.WANG JianHui; HE JiZhou & MAO ZhiYuan.Performance of a quantum heat engine cycle working with harmonic oscillator systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 163-176
    286.LUO En; LIANG LiFu & LI WeiHua .Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principles for analytical mechanics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 152-162
    287.WANG ShunJin &ZHANG Hua .Symplectic algebraic dynamics algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 133-143
    288.Luo JunZhou Yang Ming.Analysis of Security Protocols Based on Challenge-Response[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 137-153
    289.Liu YunXia Peng YuHua Qu HuaiJing & Yin Yong.Energy-based adaptive Orthogonal FRIT and Its Application in Image Denoising[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 212-226
    290.Zhu Bo Yang XiangLin.Fiber Soliton-form 3R Regenerator and Its Performance Analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(2): 241-250
    291.胡沂淮 马辰宇 田 兵 林 军 华跃进.极端耐辐射球菌sbcD基因(dr1921)功能分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(17): 2036-2042
    292.何 静 周 婷 饶定齐 张亚平.云南闭壳龟(Cuora yunnanensis)的分子鉴定及进化地位研究
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    293.焦 华 杨瑞丽 杨合情 陈迪春 宋玉哲 张建英 李 丽 王林芳.单晶结构四氧化三铁纳米片的大面积生长[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(16): 1874-1878
    294.范 彦;童 攒;尤洁芳;杜立颖;邹方东;丁明孝;邓宏魁.基于BAC同源重组高效构建小鼠胚胎干细胞Nanog基因报告体系[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(15): 1763-1770
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    296.郭强 项安玲 杨清 邱承祥 杨志敏.利用EST及生物信息学方法挖掘马铃薯中miRNA及其靶基因[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(14): 1656-1664
    297.刘勇勤;姚檀栋;康世昌;焦念志;曾永辉;黄思军;骆庭伟 .珠穆朗玛峰北坡6000 m以上主要生境细菌群落特征
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    299.潘玉欣 马骏 张桂寅 韩改英 王省芬 马峙英 .棉纤维次生壁加厚期cDNA-AFLP表达谱剖析和转录组图谱构建 [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(12): 1425-1429
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    304.吕家凤; 何济位; 卢涤明.分段Koszul代数[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(10): 1151-1159
    305.董海涛;郭小勤;裴雁曦;戴承恩;方永启;屠奇超;庄杰云;赵东;郑康乐;李德葆 .水稻RAD21同源基因(OsRIX4)存在多种mRNA选择性剪接模式
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    307.卢明欣 来学嘉 肖国镇 秦磊 .基于DNA技术的对称加密方法
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    308.ZHANG JunGang; ; LI Bin; XIA ChangTai; XU Jun; DENG Qun; XU XiaoDong; WU Feng; XU WuSheng; SHI HongSheng; PEI GuangQing; & WU YongQing; .Single crystal β-Ga2O3: Cr grown by floating zone technique and its optical properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 51-56
    309.YANG JianDong; TIAN ChunLin & WANG ChangXing.Nanometer lapping technology at high speed[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 27-38
    310.BAI ShouLi; TONG ZhangFa; LI DianQing; HUANG XiaoWei; LUO RuiXian & CHEN AiFan .Sensing characterization of Sn/In/Ti nano-complex oxides for CO, CH4 and NO2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 18-26
    311.ZHAO XiuYang; YIN YanSheng; & YANG Bo .Dominant point detecting based non-uniform B-spline approximation for grain contour[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 90-96
    312.FU ChenXin; CHEN YunFei & JIAO JiWei.Molecular dynamics simulation of the test of single-walled carbon nanotubes under tensile loading[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 7-17
    313.LI ShuangMing & FU HengZhi .Liquid concentration distribution and planar interface instability at an abruptly changing pulling velocity in directional solidification[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 118-126
    314.刘少军;段巍;陶敏;张纯;孙远东;申佳珉;王静;罗凯坤;刘筠.雌核发育二倍体鲫鲤杂交克隆品系建立[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(1): 28-34
    315.樊廷俊;赵君;付永锋;丛日山;郭瑞超;刘万顺;韩宝琴;于秋涛;王晶.家兔(Oryctolagus curiculus)角膜内皮细胞系的建立[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(1): 20-27
    316.吕红.人类组织特异性DNA聚合酶POLλ2基因的克隆、表达纯化和鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(1): 6-14
    317.黄宝灵;吕成群;武波;樊利勤.一株分离自裸子植物罗汉松根瘤的根瘤菌[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(1): 52-57
    318.TANG JianXin ; ; HE NongYue ; &LI Song.In situ synthesis of DNA micro-arrays using typography technique[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 75-83
    319.TANG XiaoLing; LIU ZhongFang; LIU ShaoPu &HU XiaoLi.Study on the interaction between diphenhydramine and erythrosin by absorption, fluorescence and resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 54-62
    320.WANG Li; ZHAO Bin; YUAN ZhongYong; ZHANG XueJun; Wu QingDuan; CHANG LiXian &ZHENG WenJun .Syntheses of CuO nanostructures in ionic liquids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 63-69
    321.HUANG ZhengGuo ; XIE DaiQian &ZHU Hua .Theoretical studies on the potential energy surfaces and vibrational energy levels of HXeF and HXeCl[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 7-10
    322.YANG Yong; ZHANG WeiJun; PEI ShiXin; SHAO Jie; HUANG Wei & GAO XiaoMing .Theoretical study of the N—H…O red-shifted and blue-shifted hydrogen bonds[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 32-40
    323.ZHANG GuiCai ; GE JiJiang ; SUN MingQin ; PAN BinLin ; MAO Tao &SONG ZhaoZheng .Investigation of scale inhibition mechanisms based on the effect of scale inhibitor on calcium carbonate crystal forms[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 114-120
    324.Ni Yi Dou XiaoMing Zhao HaiYing Yin GuangZhong YAMAGUCHI Yoshinori; OZAKI Yukihiro .Study on multimers and their structures in molecular association mixture[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 23-31
    325.YUAN Ruo; ZHUO Ying; CHAI YaQin; ZHANG Ying&SUN AiLi .Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen using a novel amperometric enzyme-electrode based on layer-by-layer assembly of gold nanoparticles and thionine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 97-104
    326.WANG DingCong.In-situ synthesis of nanoparticles via supersolubilizing micelle self-assembly[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 105-113
    327.WANG XueSong; LIU JianCheng; ZHANG WenMing; FU QiXiang; LIU Zhong & XIE XiaoXia .Mathematic principles of interrupted-sampling repeater jamming (ISRJ)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 113-123
    328.HUANG Yu & WANG GuoZhao .An orthogonal basis for the hyperbolic hy-brid polynomial space[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 21-28
    329.YU Tao & ZHONG Zheng .Bending analysis of a functionally graded piezoelectric cantilever beam[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 97-108
    330.WANG ShunJin & ZHANG Hua .Algebraic dynamics algorithm: Numerical comparison with Runge-Kutta algorithm and symplectic geometric algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 53-69
    331.ZHANG WeiPing & HE XiaoRong .The spectral combination characteristic of grating and the bi-grating diffraction imaging effect[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 1-5
    332.LUO XiangQian .Spontaneous chiral-symmetry breaking of lattice QCD with massless dynamical quarks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 6-14
    333.HOU Jian; LIU Lei; LEI TingHua; CUI XiuHong; AN XiaoRong & CHEN YongFu .Genomic DNA methylation patterns in bovine preim-plantation embryos derived from in vitro fertilization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 56-61
    334.DING ShiMing1; 2; LIANG Tao2; YAN JunCai3; ZHANG ZiLi3; HUANG ZeChun2 & XIE YaNing4 .Fractionations of rare earth elements in plants and their conceptive model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 47-55
    335.SUN QiCheng .The mechanism of pattern formation in the developing drosophila retina[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 120-124
    336.JIANG WenXi1; QIU ChangChun2; CHENG ZuHeng1; ZHOU WenYu2; GU MingLiang3; XU Qun2; FANG MingWu2 & NIU WenQuan2 .Correlation between haplotype of apolipoprotein B gene and natural longevity persons in Uygur Nationality[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 80-87
    337.CHENG LingPeng1; 2; CHEN SenXiong2; Z. H. ZHOU3 & ZHANG JingQiang2 .Structure comparisons of Aedes albopictus densovirus with other parvoviruses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 70-74
    338.ZU YuanGang1; GAO ChongYang1; WANG WenJie1; YANG FengJian1; LIU Ying1; WANG Min1 & ZHAO YangGuo2.Characteristics of the microbial community in rhizosphere of Camptotheca acuminata cultured with exotic invasive plant Eupatorium adenophorum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 22-30
    339.朱融融;汪世龙;孙晓宇;张蕤;姚思德.β-CD对纳米TiO2引发DNA损伤的抑制效应及其机理[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(1): 64-67
    340.焦奎;杨涛;杨婕;冯媛媛.DNA在Mg/聚2,6-吡啶二甲酸膜上的固定和杂交及其PAT基因片段的电化学阻抗谱测定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(1): 36-42
    341.Xiao-yan WU; Ya-ning YANG and Lin-cheng ZHAO.Approximation by random weighting method for M-test in linear models[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 87-99
    342.Yi DAI; Zhao-jun WANG and Chang-liang ZOU.CUSUM control charts based on likelihood ratio for preliminary analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 47-62
    343.Fang LI and Mian-mian ZHANG.Invariant properties of representations under cleft extensions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 121-131
    344.Ying-qian Wang, Min-le SHANGGUAN and Qiao Li.On total chromatic number of planar graphs without 4-cycles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 81-86
    345.Ke-jian Xu.On Browkin's conjecture about the elements of order five in K2(Q) [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 116-120
    346.LI ChuanGang;WANG KunLin;WEI JinQuan;WEI BingQing;ZHU HongWei;WANG ZhiCheng;LUO JianBin;LIU WenJin;ZHENG MingXin;WU DeHai.Luminescence of carbon nanotube bulbs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 113-117
    347.YANG MeiXue;YAO TanDong;GOU XiaoHua;HIROSE Nozomu;FUJII Hide Yuki;HAO LiSheng;D. F. LEVIA.Diurnal freeze/thaw cycles of the ground surface on the Tibetan Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 136-139
    348.ZHENG YongFei;ZHANG ShaoBing.Formation and evolution of Precambrian continental crust in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 1-12
    349.CUI Kai;YANG GuoWei.The effect of conical flowfields on the performance of waveriders at Mach 6[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 57-64
    350.WANG ZhengChao;SHI FangXiong.Phosphodiesterase 4 and compartmentalization of cyclic AMP signaling[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 34-46
    351.YU JinHai;Y S O’REILLY;WANG LiJuan;W L GRIFFIN;JIANG ShaoYong;WANG RuCheng;XU XiSheng.Finding of ancient materials in Cathaysia and implica-tion for the formation of Precambrian crust[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 13-22
    352.ZHANG ChongFu;QIU Kun;XU Bo.Passive optical networks based on optical CDMA: Design and system analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 118-126
    353.SHI XiaoHui;XU XiangDe.Regional characteristics of the interdecadal turning of winter/summer climate modes in Chinese mainland[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 101-112
    354.TANG Yu;DU BiYing;LI LinGang;YANG Jun;ZHANG YuanMing.Effects of Tx-100-SDS on crystal growth of calcium carbonate in reverse microemulsion solution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 78-83
    355.DUO Ji;WEN ChunQi;GUO JianCi;FAN XiaoPing;LI XiaoWen.4.1 Ga old detrital zircon in western Tibet of China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,52(1): 23-26
    356.YANG XiaoPing;RAN YongKang;CHENG JianWu;CHEN LiChun;XU XiWei.Measurement of terrace deformation and crustal shortening of some renascent fold zones within Kalpin nappe structure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 33-42
    357.Lin Guangchun;Li Xianhua;Li Wuxian.SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemistry and Nd-Hf iso-tope of Neoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms in western Sichuan: Petrogenesis and tectonic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 1-16
    358.ZHAO WenZhi;CHANG XueLi;HE ZhiBin;ZHANG ZhiHui.Study on vegetation ecological water requirement in Ejina Oasis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,50(1): 121-129
    359.朱伟玲, 刘学文, 王惠, 于会娟, 黎爱珍, 巢晖, 郑康成④, 计亮年
    .3种钌配合物与DNA相互作用的瞬态发光特性研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(006): 777-782
    360.陈 平*, 张丽军*, 李选文, 王细娥, 曹 锐, 刘 珍, 熊继先, 彭 霞,
    魏颖娟, 银兴峰, 王贤纯, 梁宋平*
    .鼠肝质膜蛋白质组研究的方法评估[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2007,37(006): 601-608
    361.刘允芬;于贵瑞;温学发;王迎红;宋霞;李菊;孙晓敏;杨风亭;陈永瑞;刘琪璟;.千烟洲中亚热带人工林生态系统CO2通量的季节变异特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 91-102
    362.伏玉玲;于贵瑞;王艳芬;李正泉;郝彦宾;.水分胁迫对内蒙古羊草草原生态系统光合和呼吸作用的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 183-193
    363.孙晓敏;温学发;于贵瑞;刘允芬;刘琪璟; .中亚热带季节性干旱对千烟洲人工林生态系统碳吸收的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 103-110
    364.石培礼;孙晓敏;徐玲玲;张宪洲;何永涛;张东秋;于贵瑞;.西藏高原草原化嵩草草甸生态系统CO2净交换及其影响因子[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 194-203
    365.BAO Anming;MU Guijin;ZHANG Yi;FENG Xianwei;CHANG Cun;YIN Xiaojun;.Estimation of the rational wa-ter area for controlling wind erosion in the dried-up basin of the Ebinur Lake and its effect detection[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51 (S1): 68-74
    366.CHEN Xi;ZHANG Qing;ZHOU Kefa;SUN Li; .Quantitative assessment and analysis on the dynamic change of ecological capital in arid areas[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51 (S1): 204-212
    367.于贵瑞;伏玉玲;孙晓敏;温学发;张雷明;.中国陆地生态系统通量观测研究网络(ChinaFLUX)的研究进展及其发展思路[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 1-21
    368.米娜; 于贵瑞; 温学发; 孙晓敏;.中国通量观测网络(ChinaFLUX)通量观测空间代表性初步研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 22-33
    369.朱治林;孙晓敏;温学发;周艳莲;田静;袁国富;.中国通量网(ChinaFLUX)夜间CO2涡度相关通量数据处理方法研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 34-44
    370.张雷明;于贵瑞;孙晓敏;温学发;任传友;宋霞;刘允芬;关德新;闫俊华;张一平;.中国东部森林样带典型生态系统碳收支的季节变化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 45-59
    371.宋霞;于贵瑞;刘允芬;孙晓敏;林耀明;温学发; .亚热带人工林水分利用效率的季节变化及其环境因子的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 111-118
    372.王春林;于贵瑞;周国逸;闫俊华;张雷明;王旭;孙晓敏; .鼎湖山常绿针阔叶混交林CO2通量估算[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 119-129
    373.顾峰雪;曹明奎;温学发;刘允芬;陶波;.亚热带针叶林水碳通量的模拟及其与观测的对比研究*[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 224-233
    374.周艳莲;孙晓敏;朱治林;张仁华;田静;刘允芬;关德新;袁国富;.几种不同下垫面地表粗糙度动态变化及其对通量机理模型模拟的影响*[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 244-254
    375.田 静 张仁华 孙晓敏 朱治林 周艳莲 .基于遥感信息的水平平流通量观测影响校正模型研究*[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 255-262
    376.何洪林;于贵瑞;张雷明;孙晓敏;苏文;.基于人工神经网络的ChinaFLUX 观测站CO2模拟研究通量*[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(S1): 234-243
    377.潘秋卫;蔡荣;刘新垣;钱程;.肿瘤基因治疗新策略—RNA干扰[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 993-997
    378.CHANG Jianming & FANG Mingliang .Repelling periodic points of given periods of rational functions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9): 1165-1174
    379.ZHANG Shuqin .Monotone method for initial value problem for fractional diffusion equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9): 1223-1230
    380.ZHAO Xu’an; GAO Hongzhu & QIU Huaidong LMAM.The minimal genus problem in rational surfaces CP2#nCP2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9): 1275-1283
    381.ZHANG Genxuan;LIU Minghou;ZHANG Xianfeng;YE Taohong;CHEN Yiliang;WANG Lu.Continuum-based slip model and its validity for micro-channel flows[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 1130-1137
    382.TU Ran;CUI Yanhua;CHEN Sanfeng;LI Jilun;.PAS domain of the deduced Org35 protein mediates the interaction with NifA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 1141-1144
    383.LU Ying;GAO Chenxi;HAN Bin;.Sequence analysis of mRNA polyadenylation signals of rice genes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 1069-1077
    384.qin jun;CHEN Weiyuan;GUAN Rongxia;IANG Chengxi;LI Yinghui;FU Yashu;LIU Zhangxiong;ZHANG Mengchen;CHANG Ruzhen;QIU lijuan.Genetic contribution of foreign germplasm to elite Chinese soybean (Glycine max) cultivars revealed by SSR markers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 1078-1084
    385.Yu Senjiang;Zhang Yongju;Wu Liangneng;Cui Yujian;Ge Hongliang.Characteristic mechanical properties and complex ordered structures in metal films on liquid substrates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 1039-1049
    386.CHEN Jing;SHI Xuefa;ZHANG Haiping;LÜ Huahua;FU Zhendong.The finding of natural GaN crystals in sediments from the East Pacific Ocean[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 1101-1105
    387.BAI Yan;FANG Xiaomin;WANG Yongli;Fabien Kenig;CHEN Xiuling;WANG Youxiao.Branched alkanes with qua-ternary carbon atoms in Chi-nese soils: Potential environ-mental implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(9): 1115-1122
    388.LI Yong;ZHANG Qignwen;WAN Guojiang;HUANG Ronggui;PIAO Hechun;BAI Lingyu;LI Lu.Physical mechanisms of plant roots affecting weathering and leaching of loess soil[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9): 1002-1008
    389.JIA Chengzao;HE Dengfa;SHI Xin;YANG Geng;ZHANG Chaojun.Characteristics of China’s oil and gas pool formation in latest geological history[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9): 947-959
    390.CHEN Shitao;WANG Yongjin;KONG Xinggong;LIU Dianbing;CHENG Hai;R.L. Edwards.A possible Younger Dryas-type event during Asian mon-soonal Termination 3[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9): 982-990
    391.WANG Xiaorui;GAO Shan;LIU Xiaomin;YUAN Honglin;HU Zhaochu;ZHANG Hong;WANG Xuance.Geochemistry of high-Mg andesites from the early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, western Liaoning: Implications for lower crustal delamination and Sr/Y variations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9): 904-914
    392.YU Jinhai;Y S O’Reilly;XU Xisheng;WANG Rucheng;.Element diffusion ability in metasomatic agents and its effect on chemical characteristics of metasomatized peridotites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(9 ): 926-937
    393.LIU Baoming;XIA Bin;LI Xuxuan;ZHANG Minqiang;NIU Binhua;ZHONG Lifeng;JIN Qinghuan;JI Shaocheng;.Southeastern extension of the Red River fault zone (RRFZ) and its tectonic evolution significance in western South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(8): 839-850
    394.XIE Xin;XU Xisheng;ZOU Haibo;JIANG Shaoyong;ZHANG Ming;QIU Jiansheng.Early J2 basalts in SE China: Incipience of large-scale late Mesozoic magmatism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(8): 796-815
    395.DING Xing;CHEN Peirong;CHEN Weifeng;HUANG Hongye;ZHOU Xinmin.Single zircon LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of Weishan granite (Hunan, South China) and its petrogenetic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(8): 816-827
    396.吕森林;邵龙义;吴明红;T. Jones;L. Merolla;R. J. Richard.北京PM10的生物活性与微量元素的相关性研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(8): 777-784
    397.HAN Xue;WU Lizhu;ZHANG Liping;TUNG Chenho.Synthesis and ion-binding studies of platinum(II) phe-nanthroline complexes con-taining crown ether moiety[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 1005-1009
    398.YU Hongquan;PENG Jun;GUAN Hongyu;XIN Zhifeng;PAN Yan;GONG Jian;SHAO Changlu;DONG Baoxia.Electrospinning preparation and characterization of polyoxometalate fibers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 906-910
    399.Wang Chunyan;Li Yinghui;Xiong Jianghui;Tan Yingjun;Yu Jianru.Using of the surface plasmon resonance cytosensor for real-time and non-invasive monitoring of cellular effects in living C6 cells induced by PMA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 927-933
    400.CHEN Yancheng;YANG Ence;LIU Zhenfeng;TIAN Zhexian;WANG Yiping.The role of CopG mediated DNA bending on the regulation of the σ54 -dependent promoters in E. coli[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 934-940
    401.LI Xiaoguang;YANG Zhaoyang;YANG Yi.Morphological and electro-physiological evidence for re-generation of transected spi-nal cord fibers and restoration of motor functions in adult rats[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 918-926
    402.YUE Wenze;XU Jianhua;WU Jiawei;XU Lihua.Remote sensing of spatial patterns of urban renewal using linear spectral mixture analysis: A case of central urban area of Shanghai (1997―2000)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 977-986
    403.Chen Meihua;Deng Zhihui;Yang Zhuzhuan;Ma Xiaojing.Surface latent heat flux anomalies prior to the Indonesia Mw9.0 earthquake of 2004[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 1010-1013
    404.Song Xianzheng;Wang Haipeng;Ruan Ying;Wei Bingbo.Rapid dendrite growth in quaternary Ni-based alloys[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 897-901
    405.宋阳;高明智;赵曦;毛炳权.光电子能谱分析TiCl4/MgCl2/EB Ziegler-Natta催化剂中EB对Ti电子状态的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(8): 982-984
    406.陆颖;高晨曦;韩斌;.水稻mRNA多聚腺苷化信号位点的序列分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 819-826
    407.金晓玲;陶志坚;贾捷;何新霞;金由辛.水稻线粒体tRNATrp的种属特异性氨酰化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 827-832
    408.ZHANG Zhenyue & DU Keqin .Successivep rojection method for solving theunbalanced Procrustes problem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(7): 971-986
    409.LIU Zhenhai & ZOU Jiezhong .Strong convergence results for hemivariational inequalities[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(7): 893-901
    410.PAN Liping; ZHANG Xu & CHEN Qihong .Approximate solutions to infinite dimensional LQ problems over infinite time horizon[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(7): 865-876
    411.Bo Jingen;YANG Jian;ZHU Dunwan;LI Junjie;Yao Kangde.The multiple interactions between growth factors and microenvironment in vivo[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 761-769
    412.LIU Junguo;XING Jianmin;CHANG Tianshi;LIU Huizhou.Reverse micelles extraction of nattokinase: From model system to real system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 796-801
    413.ZHENG Xiaohui;WANG Lijun;ZHANG Lan;HONG Yuankai;HUANG Lixin;SHA Yinlin.Separation and analysis of the soluble trimer of Aβ1-40 and its effects on the rise in intracellular calcium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 830-838
    414.JIN Xiaoling;TAO Zhijian;JIA Jie;HE Xinxia;JIN Youxin.Species-specific aminoacylation of Oryza sativa mitochondrial tRNATrp[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 824-829
    415.Li Li;DING Yaping;Wu qingsheng.Simultaneously inducing synthesis of semiconductor CdS nanotubes and nanospheres through living bio-membrane bi-template[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 791-795
    416.XU Jinliang;ZHAO Chuangxin;ZHANG Yongli;ZHANG Yang.Effect of flapping trajectories on the dragonfly aerodynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(7): 777-784
    417.GE Yong;Leung Yee;MA Jianghong;WANG Jinfeng.Modelling for registration of remotely sensed imagery when reference control points contain error[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(7): 739-746
    418.QIAO Yansong;GUO Zhengtang;HAO Qingzhen;YIN Qiuzhen;YUAN Baoyin;LIU Tungsheng.Grain-size features of a Miocene loess-soil sequence at Qinan: Implications on its origin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(7): 731-738
    419.ZHANG Haijun;WANG Xunlian;DING Lin;XIA Guoying;WANG Lei.The species diversity of fusulinaceans and high-frequency sea-level changes in the Carboniferous-Permian boundary section at Xikou, Zhen’an County, Shaanxi Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(7): 673-683
    420.HOU Qingye;ZHAO Zhidan;ZHANG Hongfei;ZHANG Benren;CHEN Yuelong.Indian Ocean-MORB-type isotopic signature of Yushigou ophiolite in North Qilian Mountains and its implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 561-572
    421.ZHOU Dingwu;LIU Yiqun;XING Xiujuan;HAO Jianrong;DONG Yunpeng;OUYANG Zhengjian.Formation of the Permian basalts and implications of geochemical tracing for paleo-tectonic setting and regional tectonic background in the Turpan-Hami and Santanghu basins, Xinjiang[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 584-596
    422.XIANG Rong;YANG Zuosheng;Yoshiki Saito;UO Zhigang;FAN Dejiang;LI Yunhai;XIAO Shangbin;SHI Xuefa;CHEN Muhong.East Asia Winter Monsoon changes inferred from envi-ronmentally sensitive grain-size component records during the last 2300 years in mud area southwest off Cheju Island, ECS[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 604-614
    423.HU Jia;GUO Yanting;LI Yanmei.Research progress in protein post-translational modification[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 633-645
    424.JI Shunying;SHEN H Hayley.Characteristics of temporal- spatial parameters in quasi-solid-fluid phase transition of granular materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 646-654
    425.XU Ji;XUAN Wei;HUANG Benkai;ZHOU Yehua;LING Tengfang;XU Sheng;SHEN Wenbiao.Carbon monoxide-induced adventitious rooting of hypocotyl cuttings from mung bean seedling[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 668-674
    426.Qi Guoqin;Dong Wei;Zheng Liang;Zhao Lingxia;Gao Feng;Yue Leping;Zhang Yunxiang.Taxonomy, age and environment status of the Yuanmou hominoids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 704-712
    427.JI Tianhao;LIU Guanrao;QI Xingyi;YANG Qinglin;DENG Yuan;GUO Lin.Scalable synthesis of A2S3 (A=Sb, Bi) submicro/ nanowires using their pow-ders via solvothermal pro-ceeding[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 655-660
    428.XING Yongheng;SUN Zheng;YUAN Houqun;GE Maofa;NIU Shuyun;BAI Fengying.Synthesis, spectra, structure and quantum chemistry study on two novel oxovanadium complexes with hydrotris (pyrazolyl) borate ligands[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 661-667
    429.LUO Ruoyu;LIAO Sha;ZENG Shaoqun;LI YiXue;LUO Qingming.FluxExplorer: A general platform for modeling and analyses of metabolic net-works based on stoichiometry[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 689-696
    430.CHEN Jun;NI Cheng;ZHUANG Tiange.Imaging mechanical shear waves induced by piezoelectric ceramics in magnetic resonance elastography[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 755-760
    431.Lu Wen-Qiang;Shi Kefeng.The stratification phenomena in the thermal and solutal fields of double-diffusive convection in a circular cylinder[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 747-754
    432.CHEN Hongxia;YUAN Yeli;HUA Feng.Multi-core structure of the main part of the Kuroshio at G-PN section in the East China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 738-746
    433.SUN Heping;ZHENG Dawei;DING Xiaoli;CHEN Wu;CHEN Xiaodong.Detection of the special gravity signals in sub-tidal band by using wavelet technique[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 713-722
    434.汤建新;陈洪;何农跃.活版印刷技术原位合成DNA微阵列[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(6): 493-500
    435.陈彦丞;杨恩策;刘臻峰;田哲贤;王忆平.CopG蛋白介导的DNA弯曲对σ54依赖型启动子转录起始的调控作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(6): 672-678
    436.GAO Xianhui; YANG Junyou; ZHU Wen; HOU Jie; BAO Siqian; FAN Xi’an & DUAN Xingkai .Deposition of antimony telluride thin film by ECALE[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 685-692
    437.LIU Yong; SHEN Hui & DENG Youjun .A novel solar cell fabricated with spiral photo-electrode for capturing sunlight 3-dimensionally[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 663-673
    438.CHENG Ming; SHI Yongjiu & WANG Yuanqing .Analysis of lateral stability of I-section aluminum beams[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 742-751
    439.GAN Fuxi; ; CHENG Huansheng & LI Qinghui.Origin of Chinese ancient glasses——study on the earliest Chinese ancient glasses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 701-713
    440.LIU Shaopu; HU Xiaoli & LIU Zhongfang .Study on the resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra and resonance non-linear spectra of congo red-amikacin system and its analytical application[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 507-516
    441.WANG Zhicong; ; ZHANG Qinghe; LI Tong; ZHAO Zhongyi & ZHANG Weibing ***.On-line parallel reversed phase two-dimensional liquid chromatography for high-throughput analysis of complex proteomic samples[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 527-533
    442.Jing DONG; Yongtao SUN; Sheng YANG & Kang ZHANG .Dynamic web service composition based on OWL-S[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 843-863
    443.ZHANG Weizhe; FANG Binxing; ; HU Mingzeng; LIU Xinran; ; ZHANG Hongli & GAO Lei .Multisite co-allocation scheduling algorithms for parallel jobs in computing grid environments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 906-926
    444.HUAI Jinpeng; HU Chunming; LI Jianxin; SUN Hailong & WO Tianyu .CROWN: A service grid middleware with trust management mechanism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 731-758
    445.WANG Shunjin & ZHANG Hua .Algebraic dynamics solutions and algebraic dynamics algorithm for nonlinear ordinary differential equations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 716-728
    446.CHEN Dehua; ; WANG Xiuming; ; CONG Jiansheng; XU Delong; SONG Yanjie & MA Shuilong .Experimental studies on perturbed acoustic resonant spectroscopy by a small rock sample in a cylindrical cavity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 683-701
    447.LIU Hongwei; YAO Lei; ; ZHAO Hong; ZHANG Jichuan; & XUE Zhaohong .A mixed method for measuring low-frequency acoustic properties of macromolecular materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 729-739

    ZHOU Jin1; MENG Ran1; 2; SUI Xinhua2; LI Wenbin3 & YANG Baofeng1
    .Various tolerances to arsenic trioxide between human cortical neurons and leukemic cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 567-572

    GAO Yulong; GUO Wangzhen; WANG Lei & ZHANG Tianzhen
    .Isolation and characterization of resistance and defense gene analogs in cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 530-542

    LIU Jianfeng1; 2; ZHANG Yuan1; ZHANG Qin1; WANG Lixian2 & ZHANG Jigang1
    .Study on mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for animal com-plex binary traits using Bayesian-Markov chain Monte Carlo approach[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 552-559

    QIU Xuemei1; 2; LI Ning1; DENG Xuemei3; ZHAO Xingbo3; MENG Qingyong1 & WANG Xiuli2
    .The single nucleotide polymorhphisms of Chicken Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MC4R) Gene and their association analysis with Carcass Traits[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 560-566

    CHEN Kui1; 2; HUANG Xiaohang2; BAO Zhenmin1 & Gaisano Herbert3
    .Characterization of VAMP-2 gene from marine teleostean, Lateolabrax japonicus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(6): 591-596

    WANG Youhua 1; DUAN Liusheng 1; LU Mengzhu 2; LI Zhaohu 1; WANG Minjie 2 &ZHAI Zhixi 1
    .Expression of NAC1 up-stream regulatory region and its relationship to the lateral root initiation induced by gibberellins and auxins[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 429-435

    HAN Fengmei; CHENG Ming; XIA Qisong & CHEN Yong
    .Gene expression profile in immunologically injured liver cell of mice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 454-459

    SUN Jiping1; YANG Yujia1; WANG Xiaoli1; SONG Jianhui1 & JIA Yanjie2
    .Expression of Pdx-1 in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells promotes differentiation of islet-like cells in vitro[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 480-489

    HU Baolan; ZHENG Ping; LI Jinye; XU Xiangyang & JIN Rencun
    .Identification of a denitrifying bacterium and verification of its anaerobic ammonium oxidation ability[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 460-466

    CHEN Caiyan 1; 2*; XIAO Han 1; ZHANG Wenli 1; 2; WANG Aiju 1; XIA Zhihui 1; LI Xiaobing 1; ZHAI Wenxue 1; CHENG Zhukuan 1 &ZHU Lihuang 1
    .Adapting rice anther culture to gene transformation and RNA interference[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 414-428
    458.JIN Lihua; JIANG Xin & HUO Yongzhong .Light-induced nonhomogeneity and gradient bending in photochromic liquid crystal elastomers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 553-563
    459.YAN Wei & CHEN Weiqiu; .Electro-mechanical response of functionally graded beams with imperfectly integrated surface piezoelectric layers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 513-525
    460.CHENG Zhanqi; & ZHONG Zheng .Fracture analysis of a functionally graded interfacial zone between two dissimilar homogeneous materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 540-552
    461.Lü Yongjun & WEI Bingbo .A molecular dynamics study on surface properties of supercooled water[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 616-625
    462.FENG Shaoji & FENG Dexing .Exact internal controllability for shallow shells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 566-577
    463.LUO Zuying; CAI Yici; Sheldon X.-D Tan; HONG Xianlong; WANG Xiaoyi; PAN Zhu & FU Jingjing .Time-domain analysis methodology for large-scale RLC circuits and its applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 665-680
    464.YE Jimin; ZHANG Xianda & ZHU Xiaolong .Blind source separation with unknown and dynamically changing number of source signals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 627-638
    465.PENG Jingdong; LIU Shaopu; LIU Zhongfang & SHI Yan .Resonance Rayleigh scattering spectrum for the chelate of lanthanum(III) with sodium tanshinon IIA silate and its analytical application[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 423-429
    466.LI Xuehui; ZHAO Dongbin; ; FEI Zhaofu & WANG Lefu .Applications of functionalized ionic liquids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 385-401
    467.NIU Yuwen; ; HE Lingyan; HU Min; ZHANG Jing & ZHAO Yunliang .Pollution characteristics of atmospheric fine particles and their secondary components in the atmosphere of Shenzhen in summer and in winter[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 466-474
    468.XIAO Yingkai; ; LI Shizhen; WEI Haizhen; SUN Aide; ZHOU Weijian & LIU Weiguo .An unusual isotopic fractionation of boron in synthetic calcium carbonate precipitated from seawater and saline water[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 454-465
    469.祖元刚;高崇洋;王文杰;杨逢建;刘英;王敏;赵阳国.喜树替代紫茎泽兰过程中根际微生物群落特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(5): 459-467
    470.ZHANG Xue’ao; MAN Yahui; WANG Jianfang; LIU Changli & WU Wenjian .Synthesis of 3D ordered macroporous indium tin oxide using polymer colloidal crystal template[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 537-546
    471.QIU Xunlin; XIA Zhongfu & WANG Feipeng .The storage and its stability of space charge in poly(ethylene naphthalene-2, 6-dicarboxylate)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 621-628
    472.袁若;卓颖;柴雅琴;张英;孙爱丽.基于纳米金/硫堇层层自组装的新型电流型酶-癌胚抗原免疫传感器[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(5): 425-432
    473.CHEN Jiecheng; DING Yong & FAN Dashan .Littlewood-Paley operators with variable kernels[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 639-650
    474.FANG Weiwu;TU Sili;CAI Xu;WANG Yuncheng;WU Weixing.The longest ultraconserved sequences and evolution of vertebrate mitochondrial genomes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(5): 552-556
    475.LIU Tao;CHEN Long;HOU Sen;XUE Yonglai;FENG Xizeng.Non-viral gene delivery carrier of probe type host molecule ——Interactions between DNA and β-cyclodextrin derivative complexes (I)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(5): 530-535
    476.ZHOU Peng;ZHOU Yuan;TIAN Feifei;LI Bo;WU Shirong;LI Zhiliang.A new descriptor of amino acids based on the three-di-mensional vector of atomic interaction field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(5): 524-529
    477.He De-Yan;Wang Xiao-Qiang;Chen Qiang;Li Jun-Shuai;Yin Min;Karabutov A. V.;Kazanskii A. G..Electron field emission from nano-crystalline Si films deposited by inductively coupled plasma CVD at room temperature[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(5): 510-514
    478.WANG Jie;CHEN Jianfa;BAO Zhidong;ZHANG Shuichang;XU Yongchang;WANG Darui.Influences of marine floor hydrothermal activity on organic matter abundance in marine carbonate rocks―A case study of middle-upper Proterozoic in the northern part of North China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(5): 585-593
    479.QU Zhe;SONG Yan;DING Yulong.Asymmetry between the upper and lower visual fields: An event-related potential study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(5): 536-541
    480.LIU Xianhao;LU Shuxia;CAO Weiliang;ZHANG Jingchang.Preparation, characterization and thermal behavior of silver behenate nanocrystals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(5): 515-520
    481.fan ke;wang huijun.Interannual variability of Antarctic Oscillation and its influence on East Asian climate during boreal winter and spring[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 554-560
    482.CHEN Junyong;YUAN Janli;GUO Chunxi;ZHANG Yanping;ZHANG Peng.Progress in technology for the 2005 height determination of Qomolangma Feng (Mt. Everest)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 531-538
    483.ZHOU Di;WANG Wanyin;WANG Jialin;PANG Xiong;CAI Dongsheng;SUN Zhen.Mesozoic subduction-accretion zone in northeastern South[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 471-482
    484.WANG Yue;WANG Xunlian;SHI Xiaoying.Pioneer organisms after F-F mass extinction in Dushan region, Guizhou Province, and their significance in establishing new ecosystem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(5): 449-460
    485.LIU Yu;AN Zhisheng;MA Haizhou;CAI Qiufang;LIU Zhengyu;John K. Kutzbach;SHI Jiangfeng;SONG Huiming;SUN Junyan;YI Liang;LI Qiang;YANG Yinke;WANG Lei.Precipitation variation in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded by the tree rings since 850 AD and its relevance to the Northern Hemisphere temperature[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 408-420
    486.HUANG Peng;LI Anchun;HU Ningjing;FU Yongtao;MA Zhibang.Isotopic feature and uranium dating of the volcanic rocks in the Okinawa Trough[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 375-383
    487.PENG Danling;HU Zhiguo;LIU Hongyan;LIU Conghui;DING Guosheng.Neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlying the emotional modulation of word reading[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 377-384
    488.WU Jiangying;SHAO Xiaohua;KONG Xinggong;WANG Yongjin.Imprint of solar activity on Nanjing stalagmite annual layer thickness sequence dur-ing the Last Glacial Maximum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 441-447
    489.LÜ Xiaoping;WEI Fuwen;LI Ming;YANG Guang;LIU Hai.Genetic diversity among Chinese sika deer (Cervus nippon) populations and relationships between Chinese and Japanese sika deer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 433-440
    490.Wei Qunyi;Peng Xiaodong;Liu Xiangguo;Xie Weidong.Materials informatics and study on its further development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 498-504
    491.LIU Yuping;ZHOU Huijing;SHEN Zhurui;LI Liying;ZHOU Xingdi;SUN Pingchuan;YUAN Zhongyong;CHEN Tiehong;LI Baohui;DING Datong.Synthesis of nanoporous silica with interior composite cells with synthetic block copolypeptide as template[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 493-497
    492.Pan Aijun;Wan Xiaofang;Xu Jindian;Guo Xiaogang;Li Li.Barrier layer in the northeastern South China Sea and its formation mechanism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 472-479
    493.ZHU Wenquan;PAN Yaozhong;HE Hao;YU Deyong;HU Haibo.Simulation of maximum light use efficiency for some typical vegetation types in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 457-463
    494.XIAO Benyi;LIU Junxin.pH dependency of hydrogen fermentation from alkali-pretreated sludge[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 399-404
    495.YIN Juanjuan;LI Qingnuan;LI Wenxin.Synthesis of novel organo-phosphorus C60 dimers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 394-398
    496.BU Shangquan .On operaαtor-valued Fourier multipliers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 574-576
    497.AI Mingyao & ZHANG Runchu .Minimum secondary aberration fractional factorial split-plot designs in terms of consulting designs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 494-512
    498.段成国;王春晗;郭惠珊.microRNA对植物生长发育和病毒侵染的调控[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 369-377
    499.许进;强小利;方刚;周康.一种图顶点着色DNA计算机模型[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 480-487
    500.涂四利;方伟武.脊椎动物线粒体全基因组中的超级保守序列与进化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(4): 427-430
    501.WEI Mingzhi; XIAO Shifang; YUAN Xiaojian & HU Wangyu; .Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal stability of nanocrystalline va-nadium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 400-407
    502.XING Dongmei; ; ZHANG Taihua; LI Weihuo & WEI Bingchen .Characterization of plastic flow in two Zr-based bulk metallic glasses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 414-424
    503.XING Wei; LIU Xinmei; BAI Peng; YAN Zifeng & LU Gaoqing .Synthesis of novel ordered carbon nanorods and its application in electrochemical double layer capacitor[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 425-433
    504.陈魁;黄晓航;包振民;Gaisano Herbert.花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)VAMP-2基因的特征研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(4): 334-339
    505.陈彩艳;肖晗;张文利;王爱菊;夏志辉;李晓兵;翟文学;程祝宽;朱立煌.以花药愈伤组织为受体的水稻转化和RNA干扰研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(4): 289-301
    506.YANG Zigang; ZHOU Fen; YUAN Jianjun; MA Lixin; ZHAI Chao & CHENG Shiyuan .Preparation of PLL-PEG-PLL and its application to DNA encapsulation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 357-362
    507.TAO Ruojie; LI Fu’an; ZANG Shuangquan; CHENG Yanxiang & NIU Jingyang .Synthesis, characterization, properties and crystal structure of heterometallic 1D coordination polymers {[CuLZn·CuLZn(H2O)]·H2O}n[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 338-344
    508.WANG Weiping; TANG Jianghong; PENG Xuhong; HU Zhide & CHEN Xingguo .A laser light scattering study of the interaction between human serum albumin and ampicillin sodium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 332-337
    509.LI Xiaobin; ; CAO Hongbin & ZHANG Yi .Structures and physical properties of rigid polyurethane foams with water as the sole blowing agent[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 363-370
    510.LI Ming; ZHENG Wenxu & TIAN Anmin .Density functional study on enantioselective reduction of keto oxime ether with borane catalyzed by oxazaborolidine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 296-307
    511.LU Xiao; & WANG Wei .Kalman filtering for time-delayed linear systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 461-470
    512.WANG Fujun; LI Yaojun; Han K. & Feng Y.T.***.A general finite element model for numerical simulation of structure dynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 440-450
    513.CHEN Weizhong; LIU Ya’nan; HUANG Wei & GAO Xianxian .Dynamics and measurement of cavitation bubble[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 385-395
    514.LI Guoxia; ZHAO Weijuan; LI Rongwu; SUN Hongwei; GUO Min; WANG Yanfang; LIU Hui; ZHAO Qingyun; SUN Xinmin; ZHAO Wenjun & CHENG Huansheng .Proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis of sources of porcelain body of Ru Guan and Jun Guan porcelains[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 411-420
    515.CAI Ruixian & GOU Chenhua; .Algebraically explicit analytical solu-tions for the unsteady non-Newtonian swirling flow in an annular pipe[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 396-400
    516.Lü Chaofeng; CHEN Weiqiu & ZHONG Zheng .Two-dimensional thermoelasticity solution for functionally graded thick beams[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 451-460

    QU Lujiang1; LI Xianyao1; XU Guifang2; CHEN Kuanwei3; YANG Hongjie2; ZHANG Longchao1; WU Guiqin1; HOU Zhuocheng1; XU Guiyun1 & YANG Ning1
    .Evaluation of genetic diversity in Chinese indigenous chicken breeds using microsatellite markers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 332-341

    LU Aiping1; LI Qing1; LIU Jingwen2
    .Regulatory mechanisms for abnormal expression of the human breast cancer specific gene 1 in breast cancer cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 403-408

    LI Chongsheng; CHEN Yaosheng; WANG Chong & LI Jiaqi
    .Cloning and analysis of differentially expressed ESTs in swine muscle tissue[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 342-348

    WANG Peng; YE Jiyu; SHEN Yungang & MI Hualing
    .The role of chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase in protection of tobacco plant against heat stress[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 311-321

    LONG Hai1; 4*; WEI Yuming 1; YAN Zehong1; 4; BAUM Bernard2; NEVO Eviatar3 & ZHENG Youliang1; 4
    .Analysis and validation of genome-specific DNA variations in 5′ flanking conserved sequences of wheat low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 322-331

    REN Nanqi1; ZHAO Yangguo1; WANG Aijie1; GAO Chongyang2; SHANG Huaixiang1; LIU Yiwei1 & WAN Chunli1
    .The effect of decreasing alkalinity on microbial community dynamics in a sulfate-reducing bioreactor as analyzed by PCR-SSCP[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(4): 370-378

    BIN Wen; LIU Moqing; PENG Junping; SUN Lilian; XU Xingye; ZHANG Jinghai& JIN Qi
    .Construction, detection and microarray analysis on Shigella dysenteriae A1 IroN, ShuA single, double mutants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 251-258

    QI Liwang; LI Xinmin; ZHANG Shougong & AN Daochang
    .Genetic regulation by non-coding RNAs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 201-217

    DING Shaoxiong; ZHUANG Xuan; GUO Feng; WANG Jun; SU Yongquan; ZHANG Qiyong & LI Qifu
    .Molecular phylogenetic relationships of China Seas grou-pers based on cytochrome b gene fragment sequences[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 235-242
    526.ZHANG Jiqian; SHEN Chuansheng; & CUI Zhifeng .Modulation on the collective response behavior by the system size in two-dimensional coupled cell systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 304-312
    527.SHAO Guangjie; QIN Xiujuan; LIU Riping; WANG Wenkui; & YAO Yushu .Grain evolution of nano-crystals ZnO under HP and HT[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 281-290
    528.XU Mingyu & TAN Wenchang .Intermediate processes and critical phenomena: Theory, method and pro-gress of fractional operators and their applications to modern mechanics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 257-272
    529.LI Yong.An examination of the correlation between earthquake, positions of solar system bodies and solid tide[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 367-376
    530.***.Coating curly carbon nanotubes with monocrystalline Zn(BO2)2 and the mechanism of straightening the tubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3 ): 337-384
    531.LIN Xiaozhu; SHA Yun; JI Junwei & WANG Yanmin .A proof of image Euler Number formula[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 364-371
    532.SUN Jiande; & LIU Ju .A blind video watermarking scheme based on ICA and shot segmentation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 302-312
    533.LI Hongxing.Probability representations of fuzzy systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 339-363
    534.HE Junhui; & HUANG Jiwu; .Steganalysis of stochastic modulation steganography[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 273-285
    535.WANG Zhengwu; GUO Baomin; ZHANG Gexin & YU Huixin .Study on the electric double layer of a cylindrical reverse micelle with functional theoretical approach[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 219-224
    536.WEI Danyi; LI Ning; LU Gui & YAO Kemin .Synthesis, catalytic and biological activity of novel dinuclear copper complex with Schiff base[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 225-229
    537.LI Quan .Structure and property of the hydrogen bonding complex between triazines and water[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 209-213
    538.YANG Li; HU Shanying; CHEN Dingjiang & ZHANG Dawei .Exergy analysis on eco-industrial systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 281-288
    539.FU Yubin; ; ZHANG Lide & ZHENG Jiyong .Fabrication of Ni-decorated helical ribbon composite microstructure from self-assembled lipid tubule by electroless metallization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 238-245
    540.齐力旺;Xinmin Li;张守攻;安道昌.非编码蛋白RNA的遗传调控[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(3): 193-208
    541.王友华;段留生;卢孟柱;李召虎;王敏杰;翟志席.NAC1上游调控区表达特征及其与侧根激素诱导的关系[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(3): 217-222
    542.WU Wenjun; CHEN Lingen & SUN Fengrui .Improvement of tree-like network constructal method for heat conduction optimization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 332-341
    543.BAI Yuchuan; XU Haijue; XU Dong & Chiu-On Ng .Nonlinear dynamical characteristics of bed load motion[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 365-384
    544.吕晓平;魏辅文;李明;杨光;刘海.中国梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)遗传多样性及与日本梅花鹿间的系统关系[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 292-298
    545.Duan Cheng-Guo;Wang Chun-Han;Guo Hui-Shan.Regulation of microRNA on plant development and viral infection[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 269-278
    546.JIA Qingming;ZHENG Maosheng;SHEN Renjie;CHEN Hongxiang.The glass transition tempera-ture and microstructure of polyurethane/epoxy resin in-terpenetrating polymer net-works nanocomposites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 293-298
    547.CUI Shihai;LIU Shushen;YANG Jing;WANG Xiaodong;WANG Liansheng.Quantitative structure-activity relationship of estrogen activities of bisphenol A analogs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 287-292
    548.Li Ming;Jiang Shiling;Wang Youqun;Liu Guoqin.Post-transcriptional gene silencing signal could move rapidly and bidirectionally in grafted Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 313-319
    549.XUE Weiming;LIU Xiudong;YU Weiting;MA Xiaojun.Preparation of protein-loaded microspheres with size ≤10 μm by electrostatic droplet generation technology[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 279-286
    550.Liu yong;Shen hui;Huang xiaorui;Deng youjun.A new improved structure of dye-sensitized solar cells with reflection film[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 369-373
    551.GONG Jian;YANG Lizhong;CHEN Xiaojun;GUO Zaifu.Theoretical analysis of the backdraft phenomena induced by liquid fuel[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(3): 364-368
    552.ZHOU Jianxun;ZHOU Jiansheng.Mechanisms of Cenozoic deformation in the Bohai Basin, Northeast China: Physical modelling and discussions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 258-271
    553.WENG Huanxin;ZHANG Xingmao;WU Nengyou;WANG Ying;CHEN Lihong;ZHONG Hexian;QIN Yachao.Glacial atmospheric CO2 decline in association with decrease of marine sedimentary phosphorus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 322-330
    554.ZHOU Guoyi;ZHOU Cunyu;LIU Shuguang;TANG Xuli;OUYANG Xuejun;ZHANG Deqiang;LIU Shizhong;LIU Juxiu;YAN Junhua;ZHOU Chuanyan;LUO Yan;GUAN Lili;LIU Yan.Belowground carbon balance and carbon accumulation rate in the successional series of monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 311-321
    555.CHENG Qiuming.Multifractal modelling and spectrum analysis: Methods and applications to gamma ray spectrometer data from southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 283-294
    556.ZHU Jiang;YAN Changxiang.Nonlinear balance constraints in 3DVAR data assimilation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 331-336
    557.LIU Dehan;XIAO Xianming;XIONG Yongqiang;GENG Ansong;TIAN Hui;PENG Ping’an;SHEN Jiagui;WANG Yunpeng.Origin of natural sulphur-bearing immiscible inclusions and H2S in oolite gas reservoir, Eastern Sichuan[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(3): 242-257
    558.QIAN Lulu;WANG Ying;ZHANG Zhao;ZHAO Jian;PAN Dun;ZHANG Yi;LIU Qiang;FAN Chunhai;HU Jun;HE Lin;.Analogic China map constructed by DNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 2973-2976
    559.LI Yue;YANG Baojun;YUAN Ye;ZHAO Xueping;LIN Hongbo.Ability to detect weak effec-tive seismic signals by utilizing chaotic vibrator system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 3010-3017
    560.CHENG Zhenbo;SHI Xuefa;WU Yonghua;SU Xin;LI Xiaoyan;WANG Kunshan;YANG Yongliang;GE Shulan;JU Xiaohua;SHI Fengdeng;M. Hiroyuki.Growth ages of ferromanga-nese crusts from the western and central Pacific: Com-parison between nannofossil analysis and 10Be dating[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 3035-3040
    561.REN Jianwei;LIAO Shijun;LIU Junmin.Hydrogen storage of multiwalled carbon nanotubes coated with Pd-Ni nanoparticles under moderate conditions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 2959-2963
    562.ZHOU Qing;ZHANG Xinjue;XU Hong;XU Bujin;HUA Yuejin.RadA: A protein involved in DNA damage repair processes of Deinococcus radiodurans R1[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 2993-2999
    563.QI Xianghui;SUN Liang;LUO Zhaofei;WU Jiequn;MENG Xiaolei;TANG Yue;WEI Yutuo;HUANG Ribo.Rational design of glycerol dehydratase: Swapping the genes encoding the subunits of glycerol dehydratase to improve enzymatic properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 2977-2985
    564.ZHU Quan;LIU Jifeng;FU Kexiang;HAN Keli;LI Xiangyuan.Explicit solvent model for spectral shift of acrolein and simulation with molecular dynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 2951-2958
    565.钱璐璐;汪颖;张钊;赵健;潘敦;张益;刘强;樊春海;胡钧;贺林;.DNA纳米结构仿中国地图[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(24): 2860-2863
    566.刘玉颖;王鹏业;窦硕星;谢平;奚绪光.利用荧光偏振研究二价金属离子对DNA与组蛋白结合的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(23): 2719-2723
    567.WEI Wenhui;ZHANG Sufeng;LI Jun;WANG Lijun;CHEN Bo;FANG Xiaoping;WANG Zhuan;LUO Lixia.Analysis of F1 hybrid and BC1 monosomic alien addition line plants from Brassica oleracea × Sinapis alba by GISH[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(23): 2872-2877
    568.YIN Yanan;LI Hui;YU Ping;ZHOU Qiang;ZHAO Luhang;ZHANG Ya-Ping.Exclusive gene mapping of congenital microphthalmia in a Chinese family[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(23): 2868-2871
    569.MA Zhuguo;FU Congbin.Some evidence of drying trend over northern China from 1951 to 2004[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(23): 2913-2925
    570.GENG Xinhua;GENG Ansong;XIONG Yongqiang;LIU Jinzhong;ZHANG Haizu;ZHAO Qingfang.Kinetic study of the hydro-carbon generation from ma-rine carbonate source rocks characterization of products of gas and liquid hydrocarbon[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(23): 2885-2891
    571.WANG Lijuan;WANG Yuwang;WANG Jingbin;D Günther.Fluid mineralization of the Dajing Sn-polymetal deposit: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of individual fluid inclusions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(22): 2781-2788
    572.XIAN Chengyu;WANG Yuanliang;ZHANG Bingbing;TANG Liling;PAN Jun;LUO Yanfeng;JIANG Peng;LI Dajun.Alternative splicing and expression of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) gene in osteoblasts under mechanical stretch[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(22): 2731-2736
    573.HE Hualiang;ZHOU Hui;XIAO Zhendong;ZENG Xianfen;CHEN Junyu;ZHENG Tao;QU Lianghu.Identification of three novel noncoding RNAs from Drosophila melanogaster[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(22): 2737-2742
    574.WU Weiren;HUANG Biguang.Strategy for the mapping of interactive genes using bulked segregant analysis method and Mapmaker/Exp software[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2619-2623
    575.ZHU Ruiyan;WANG Di;ZHANG Yaoping;LI Jilun.Hydrogen production by draTGB hupL double mutant of Rhodospirillum rubrum under different light conditions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2611-2618
    576.BAO Haobo;HAN Wei;GAO Mingyuan.Shape controllable preparations of PbS nanocrystals using cysteine as the precursor of S2- ions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2576-2580
    577.SONG Yuwei;KANG Yanli;LIU Hao;ZHAO Xiaoliang;WANG Pengtao;AN Guoyong;ZHOU Yun;MIAO Chen;SONG Chunpeng.Identification and primary genetic analysis of Arabidopsis stomatal mutants in response to multiple stresses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2586-2594
    578.ZHANG Ying;Frank Leung-Yuk Lam;HU Xijun;YAN Zifeng.Fabrication of copper nanorods by low-temperature metal organic chemical vapor deposition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2662-2668
    579.CHEN Ying;WANG Jun;XUE Bin;WANG Wei.The orientational preferences of backbones of proteins[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2559-2565
    580.CHEN Qiang;CHEN Nengsong;WANG Qinyan;SUN Min;WANG Xinyu;LI Xiaoyan;SHU Guiming.Electron microprobe chemical ages of monazite from Qinling Group in the Qinling Orogen: Evidence for Late Pan-African metamorphism?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2645-2650
    581.赵健;钱璐璐;刘强;张治洲;贺林.基于线性自组装的DNA加法[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2485-2489
    582.陈善元;张亚平.家养动物起源研究的遗传学方法及其应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(21): 2469-2475
    583.贺华良;周惠;肖振东;曾献芬;陈俊宇;郑涛;屈良鹄.果蝇3个新的小分子非编码RNA的鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2393-2398
    584.周庆;张新觉;徐虹;徐步进;华跃进.耐辐射奇球菌RadA蛋白参与DNA损伤修复过程[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2381-2386
    585.XU Jin;QIANG Xiaoli;FANG Gang;ZHOU Kang.A DNA computer model for solving vertex coloring prob-lem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2541-2549
    586.XIE Caifu;ZHU Jinchu;DING Shijiang;ZHANG Yeming;FU Tai’an;LI Zhihong.Identification of Hercynian shoshonitic intrusive rocks in central Hainan Island and its geotectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2507-2519
    587.HAN Jian;SHU Degan;ZHANG Zhifei;LIU Jianni;ZHANG Xingliang;YAO Yang.Preliminary notes on soft-bodied fossil concentrations from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2482-2492
    588.LUO Jun;ZHOU Hui;CHEN Chongjian;LI Yan;CHEN Yueqin;QU Lianghu.Identification and evolution-ary implication of four novel box H/ACA snoRNAs from Giardia lamblia[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2451-2456
    589.LI Guanglin;TAO Shiheng;WANG Xiujie.Sequence and epitope analysis of surface proteins of avian influenza H5N1 viruses from Asian patients[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2472-2481
    590.Lu Yujie;Wang Xia;Lou Yonggen;Cheng Jiaan.Role of ethylene signaling in the production of rice volatiles induced by the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2457-2465
    591.HUANG Xianghui;CHEN Zhenhua.Preparation and characterization of CoFe2O4/SiO2 nano-composites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2529-2534
    592.LIU Fengbin;WANG Jiadao;LIU Bing;LI Xuemin;CHEN Darong.Electronic structures of the oxygenated diamond (100) surfaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(20): 2437-2443
    593.LI Jing;HUANG Yaoxiong;ZHAO Haiyan;TU Mei;CHEN Wenxin.Superresolution measurement on the minute fluctuation of cell membrane[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 143-147
    594.LIU Shuyan;DUAN Xinyuan;LU Xuemei;GAO Peiji.A novel thermophilic endoglucanase from a mesophilic fungus Fusarium oxysporum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 191-197
    595.LU Guangyuan;WU Xiaoming;CHEN Biyun;GAO Guizhen;XU Kun;LI Xiangzhi.Detection of DNA methylation changes during seed germina-tion in rapeseed (Brassica napus)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 182-190
    596.WANG Guo;LIU Xiaoping;PAN Qian;LIANG Desheng;WU Qianling;DAI Heping;ZHU Feizhou;XIA Kun;XIA Jiahui.Functional analysis of three genetic disorder related PITX2 mutants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 164-169
    597.dragon peng;hu yuanzhong;WANG Hui.Patterned deposition of multi-walled carbon nano-tubes on self-assembled monolayers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 147-150
    598.GUO Xiaoqin;DONG Haitao;ZHENG Kangle;LUO Hongmei;TAN Xuelin;FANG Yongqi;WANG Yanqin;DENG Ye;DAI Chengen;LOU Yichun;SHAO Jing;SHI Wenqin;ZHAO Dong;LI Debao.Gene Expression Profiling under Different Photoperiod/Temperature Conditions in a Photoperiod-/Thermo- Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Line of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 175-181
    599.XIE Minqiang;CHEN Shuaijun;XU Xueqing;LI Zhonghan;SHEN Hui;XU Jiarui.Preparation of two kinds of superparamagnetic carriers-supported cis-platinum complexes and the comparison of their characteristics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 151-157
    600.CHEN Hao;CAI Qiangguo.Impact of hillslope vegetation restoration on gully erosion induced sediment yield[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 176-192
    601.Yang Wencai;Chen Zhide.Seismic multi-arch structures in East China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 133-146
    602.ZHANG Yijun;MENG Qing;Krehbiel Paul;LIU Xinsheng;YAN Muhong;ZHOU Xiuji.Spatiotemporal characteristics of positive cloud-to-ground lightning discharges and bidirectional leader of the lightning[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 212-224
    603.CHENG Weiming;ZHOU Chenghu;LIU Haijiang;ZHANG Yang;JIANG Yan;ZHANG Yichi;YAO Yonghui.The oasis expansion and eco-environment change over the last 50 years in Manas River Valley, Xinjiang[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 163-175
    604.李明;姜世玲;王幼群;刘国琴.基因转录后沉默信号可以在拟南芥嫁接体内快速双向传递[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(2): 142-147
    605.ZHANG Yunnan; ZHONG Huaijie & SU Weigang .On K0-groups of operator algebras on Banach spaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 233-244
    606.YUAN Yirang .The finite difference method for the three-dimensional nonlinear coupled system of dynamics of fluids in porous media[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 185-211
    607.YAN Pengxun; LI Xiaochun; XU Jianwei; LI Xin; LI Chun & LIU Yang .Research on the preparation of amor-phous diamond nanorod arrays and their excellent field emitting properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 156-163
    608.ZHAO Haibo & ZHENG Chuguang .Monte Carlo simulation for simultaneous particle coagulation and deposition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 222-237
    609.ZENG Xuefeng; YUE Ruifeng; WU Jiangang; HU Huan; DONG Liang; WANG Zheyao; HE Feng & LIU Litian .Droplet creator based on electrowet-ting-on-dielectric for lab on a chip[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 248-256
    610.ZHOU Dianwu; PENG Ping & LIU Jinshui .First-principles calculation of dehydrogenating properties of MgH2-V systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 129-136
    611.王鹏;叶济宇;沈允钢;米华玲.烟草叶绿体NAD(P)H脱氢酶在抵御高温胁迫中的作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(2): 109-117
    612.龙海;魏育明;颜泽洪;Bernard Baum;Eviatar Nevo;郑有良.小麦低分子量谷蛋白亚基基因5′侧翼保守序列染色体组特异性DNA变异的分析及验证[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(2): 118-126
    613.李重生;陈瑶生;王翀;李加琪.猪肌肉组织差异表达ESTs的克隆与分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(2): 139-144
    614.ZHAO Gang; HOU Zhonghuai & XIN Houwen .Canard explosion and internal signal stochastic bi-resonance in the CO oxidation on platinum surface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 133-139
    615.ZHANG Xingtang; WANG Yumei; ZHANG Chunmei; JIANG Xiaohong; TIAN Baoli; LI Yuncai; HUANG Yabin & DU Zuliang .Chemical modification and the photoluminescence stabilization of titanic acid nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 155-161
    616.ZHANG Zhengbin; GONG Haidong; LIU Liansheng & ZHANG Chuang .The SML pump of carbon cycles in oceans[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 126-132
    617.LIU Baijun; HUO Huijuan; MENG Qingmin & GAO Shansong .Synthesis of ITQ-2 zeolite under static conditions and its properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 148-154
    618.FENG Juan; YANG Zujun & REN Zhenglong .Investigation on the electronically excited state properties of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MDDA) in solution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 97-102
    619.ZHAO Yongfeng; FAN Xinghe; CHEN Xiaofang; WAN Xinhua & ZHOU Qifeng ***.Restudy of the unusual phase behavior of the mesogen-jacketed liquid crystal polymers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 116-125
    620.WU Yanbo; ZHANG Cuiping & YANG Pin.Molecular modeling on the recognition of DNA sequence and conformational repair of sheared DNA by novel chiral metal complex D, L-[Co(phen)2hpip]3+[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 177-185
    621.HAN Yinhe; ; LI Huawei; LI Xiaowei; & ANSHUMAN Chandra .Response compaction for system-on-a-chip based on advanced convolutional codes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 262-272
    622.CHEN Wanji .Enhanced patch test of finite element methods[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 213-227
    623.CHEN Xiaobo & SONG Zengfu .The study of two-color excitation upconversion of Pr(0.5)Yb(3):ZBLAN[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 169-177

    SHEN Sile1; 3; WANG Zhenwei3; SHAN Xiaohui2; WANG Hua3; LI Ling3; LIN Xuyun2; LONG Likun2; WENG Kenan4; LIU Bao2 & ZOU Guangtian1
    .Alterations in DNA methylation and genome structure in two rice mutant lines induced by high pressure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(2): 97-104
    625.QIN Boqiang;YANG Liuyan;CHEN Feizhou;ZHU Guangwei;ZHANG Lu;CHEN Yiyu.Mechanism and control of lake eutrophication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2401-2412
    626.XI Xiaoli;YANG Manman;ZHOU Chengyong;ZHAO Jing;YANG Pin.Study on the binding mode of Mg(Sal2trien) with DNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2322-2326
    627.bai zhiming;wang chunyong.Crustal P-wave velocity structure in Lower Yangtze region: Reinterpretation of Fuliji-Fengxian deep seismic sounding profile[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2391-2400
    628.liu yongqing;gao linzhi;liu yanxue;SONG Biao;wang zongxiu.Zircon U-Pb dating for the earliest Neoproterozoic mafic magmatism in the southern margin of the North China Block[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2375-2382
    629.TIAN Yi;KONG Jie;YANG Cuihua.Comparative growth and viability of hybrids between two populations of Chinese shrimp (Fennropenaeus chinensis)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2369-2374
    630.NING Lifeng;LONG Zhitao;HUANG Xiuqing;SUN Lingling;SANG Jianli.Effects of PP4 suppression on the proliferation of MCF7 cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2335-2341
    631.Luo Xiaorong;Liu Loujun;Li Xueyi.Overpressure distribution and pressuring mechanism on the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, Northwestern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2383-2390
    632.liu yongqing;gao linzhi;liu yanxue;SONG Biao;wang zongxiu; .Zircon U-Pb dating for the earliest Neoproterozoic mafic magmatism in the southern margin of the North China Block[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19 ): 2375-2382
    633.WU Disheng;FENG Weizhong;XU Jianping;YAN Jinghua;ZHAO Xue;ZHOU Shuihua;ZHANG Jiwei;QIAO Guanyu;LIN Fu;LU Boming.Heat exchange at air-sea interface in the South China Sea during monsoon periods in 1986[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(19): 2413-2420
    634.TAO Xiaorong;QIAN Yajuan;ZHOU Xueping.Modification of a viral satellite DNA-based gene silencing vector and its application to leaf or flower color change in Petunia hybrida[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2208-2213
    635.XING Yongheng;ZHANG Yuanhong;XU Yongting;ZHANG Baoli;NIU Shuyun;BAI Fengying.Synthesis and characterization of two new types of oxovanadium complexes with pyrazole as ligand[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2189-2196
    636.CUI Fengling;CUI Yanrui;LUO Hongxia;YAO Xiaojun;FAN Jing;LU Yan.Interaction of APT with BSA or HSA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2201-2207
    637.LIANG Shen;WANG Zhengyi;LIU Pengjuan;LI Debao.A Gγ subunit promoter T-DNA insertion mutant――A1-412 of Magnaporthe grisea is defective in appressorium formation, penetration and pathogenicity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2214-2218
    638.Wang Yi;Yao Ji;Zhang Zhengfeng;Zheng Yonglian.The comparative analysis based on maize integrated QTL map and meta-analysis of plant height QTLs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2219-2230
    639.YU Hongtao;ZHAO Huimin;QUAN Xie;CHEN Shuo.Preparation and characteriza-tion of aligned carbon nano-tubes coated with titania nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2294-2296
    640.ZHAO Xudong;DANG Suying;LIANG Bin;LEI Xia;CHEN Zheng;WANG Long;YAN Lanzhen;SUN Hantang;FU Jiliang;FEI Jian;WANG Zhugang;.PCR-based approaches for identification of multi-copy transgene integration sites in mouse genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2231-2235
    641.ZHU Xiaojie;SUN Jilin.Positive feedback of winter ocean-atmosphere interaction in Northwest Pacific[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2268-2274
    642.LU Huayu;Thomas Stevens;YI Shuangwen;SUN Xuefeng.An erosional hiatus in Chinese loess sequences revealed by closely spaced optical dating[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2253-2259
    643.Xu Yinlong;Zhang Yong;Lin Erda;Lin Wantao;Dong Wenjie;Richard Jones;David Hassell;Simon Wilson.Analyses on the climate change responses over China under SRES B2 scenario using[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2260-2267
    644.WANG Yinsong;LI Aiguo;ZHANG Yuanxun;XIE Yaning;LI Delu;LI Yan;ZHANG Guilin.Speciation of iron in atmospheric particulate matter by EXAFS[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2275-2280
    645.王国志;张磊;邓积光;戴洪兴;何洪;訾学红.虫孔状介孔Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2固溶体的制备与表征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2109-2113
    646.宁丽峰;龙治涛;黄秀清;孙玲玲;桑建利.PP4低表达对人乳腺癌细胞MCF7增殖的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(18): 2119-2125
    647.陶小荣;钱亚娟;周雪平.卫星DNA沉默载体的改良及其改变矮牵牛叶色和花色的研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2041-2044
    648.罗俊;周惠;陈重建;李岩;陈月琴;屈良鹄.贾第虫4种新的box H/ACA snoRNA的鉴定及其进化意义[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2018-2023
    649.Zhang Jingchang;Feng Liye;Wei Jia;Guo Xuehua;Cao Weiliang.Synthesis of SnO2/TiO2 nanocomposite photocatalysts by supercritical fluid combination technology[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2050-2054
    650.XU Chao;LI Guodong;LI Xiaowei;WANG Ligang.Itinerant-electron metamagnetic transition and giant magnetic entropy change in La0.8Ce0.2Fe11.4Si1.6 compound[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2046-2049
    651.ZHENG Haixue;LIU Xiangtao;SHANG Youjun;WU Jinyan;BAI Xingwen;JIN Ye;SUN Shiqi;GUO Huichen;TIAN Hong;FENG Xia;YIN Shuanghui;GUO Jianhong;CONG Guozheng;LIU Zaixin;XIE Qingge.Infective viruses produced from full-length complemen-tary DNA of swine vesicular disease viruses HK/70 strain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2072-2078
    652.Tong Jinggui;Li Shengrong;Li Xianghui;Li Qiuli;Fang Nianqiao;Chu Fengyou;Chen Fukun.Measurement of Sr isotopic ratio and dating using single grain of foraminifer fossil[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2141-2145
    653.GUO Zhigang;LI Juyuan;FENG Jialiang;FANG Ming;YANG Zuosheng.Compound-specific carbon isotope compositions of individual long-chain n-alkanes in severe Asian dust episodes in the North China coast in 2002[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2133-2140
    654.SONG Fuxian;LU Yi;ZHANG Dong;ZHU Zhemin.Time-frequency analysis of SH waves in an isotropic plate bordered with one elastic solid layer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2041-2045
    655.ZHOU Baohan;YIN Guodong;WANG Zhiguo;CHEN Yunfeng;WU Anxin;WAN Jian.Toposelective synthesis under thermodynamic control and bioactivities of topoisomers based on diethoxycarbonyl glycoluril derivatives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2164-2168
    656.XU Liping;YUAN Zhihao;ZHANG Xiaoguang.Fabrication of multi-level branched metal nanowires by AAO template elec-tro-deposition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2055-2058
    657.Xie Rong;He Zhi-shui;Liu Fang-hua;Zou Hua-song;Zhu Jia-bi;Yu Guan-qiao.Identification of genes induced during Medicago sativa nodule development by using the cDNA-AFLP technique[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(17): 2087-2094
    658.HE Xiaoxiao;LIU Fang;WANG Kemin;GE Jia;QIN Dilan;GONG Ping;TAN Weihong.Bioeffects of different functionalized silica nano-particles on HaCaT cell line[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(16): 1939-1946
    659.wu zijun;ZHOU Huaiyang;PENG Xiaotong;CHEN Guangqian.Anaerobic oxidation of methane: Geochemical evidence from pore-water in coastal sediments of Qi’ao Island (Pearl River Estuary), southern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(16): 2006-2015
    660.郑海学;刘湘涛;尚佑军;吴锦艳;白兴文;靳野;孙世琪;冯霞;田宏;郭慧琛;郭建宏;刘在新;常惠芸;马军武;谢庆阁.猪水泡病病毒HK/70株全长cDNA分子克隆感染性的鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(16): 1900-1905
    661.XU Maojun;DONG Jufang.Nitric oxide mediates the fungal elicitor-induced Taxol biosynthesis of Taxus chinensis suspension cells through the reactive oxygen species-dependent and -independent signal pathways[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(16): 1967-1975
    662.Liu Dingzhen;Yuan Hong;Tian Hong;Wei Rongping;Zhang Guiquan;Sun Lixing;Wang Liwen;Sun Ruyong.Do anogenital gland secretions of giant panda code for their sexual ability?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(16): 1986-1995
    663.WU Zhiwei;LI Jianping;HE Jinhai;JIANG Zhihong.Large-scale atmospheric singularities and summer long-cycle droughts-floods abrupt alternation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(16): 2027-2034
    664.GAO Huijiang;Yang Runqing.Composite interval mapping of QTL for dynamic traits[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1857-1862
    665.LIU Haixia;YAN Yongnian;WANG Xiaohong;CHENG Jie;LIN Feng;XIONG Zhuo;WU Rendong.Construct hepatic analog by cell-matrix controlled assembly technology[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1830-1835
    666.ZHOU Peng;TONG Jianbo;TIAN Feifei;LI Zhiliang.A novel comparative molecule/pseudo receptor interaction analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1824-1829
    667.HUANG Yao;SUN Wenjuan.Changes in topsoil organic carbon of croplands in mainland China over the last two decades[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1785-1803
    668.SHEN Zhongyue;DING Jinghai;YE Changhe;WEN Junwei;WANG Zhaoliang;CHEN Zhifei;.New Early Triassic paleomagnetic data from Huangben section, Guangdong and its tectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15 ): 1894-1902
    669.wang zhiping;zhang fengshou;zeng xianghua;zhou hongyu;GU Bin;chen wei.Vibrational properties of uracil[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1804-1810
    670.谢荣;何志水;刘芳华;邹华松;朱家壁;俞冠翘.应用cDNA-AFLP技术鉴定紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)根瘤发育相关基因[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1794-1801
    671.徐超;李国栋;李晓伟;王利刚.La0.8Ce0.2Fe11.4Si1.6金属间化合物的巡游电子变磁转变特性和巨大磁熵变[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1742-1745
    672.Zhang Min;Zhu Jing;Guo Zheng;Li Xia;Yang Da;Wang Lei;Rao Shaoqi;.Identifying disease feature genes based on cellular localized gene functional modules and regulation networks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1848-1856
    673.LIU Fengbin;LI Xuemin;WANG Jiadao;LIU Bing;CHEN Darong.Effects of the surface-adsorption of boron-doped diamond electrode on its electrochemical behavior[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1903-1908
    674.SHEN Zhongyue;DING Jinghai;YE Changhe;WEN Junwei;WANG Zhaoliang;CHEN Zhifei.New Early Triassic paleomagnetic data from Huangben section, Guangdong and its tectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(15): 1894-1902
    675.YANG Zongqi;LI yinü;CHEN Feng;LI Dong;ZHANG Zhifang;LIU Yanxin;ZHENG Dexian;WANG Yong;SHEN Guifang.Expression of human soluble TRAIL in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1703-1709
    676.YE Junwei;ZHANG Ping;YE Kaiqi;YE Ling;YANG Guangdi;WANG Yue.Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of copper (II) coordination polymer composed of helix-like chains: [Cu(NIPH)(bpy)][J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1682-1686
    677.WANG Yongjuan;LI Hua;DONG Jianmin;ZHANG Changwen;PAN Fengchun.The electronic structures, magnetism and metastable states of DNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1666-1672
    678.LAN Weizhen;QIN Rui;LI Gang;HE Guangcun.Comparative analysis of A, B, C and D genomes in the genus Oryza with C0t-1 DNA of C genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1710-1720
    679.Qin Yujing;Wang Panxing;Guan Zhaoyong;Yue Yang.Comparison of the Hadley cells calculated from two reanalysis data sets[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1741-1746
    680.XUE Chengshan;WU Yuxin;ZHUANG Huizhao;TIAN Deheng;LIU Yi’an;HE Jianting;AI Yujie;SUN Lili;WANG Fuxue.Fabrication and photoluminescence of GaN nanowires prepared by ammoniating Ga2O3/BN films on Si substrate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1662-1665
    681.XIAO Suyao;TONG Chunyi;LIU Xuanming;YU Danmi;LIU Qiaoling;XUE Changgang;TANG Dongyin;ZHAO Lijian.Preparation of folate-conjugated starch nanoparticles and its application to tumor-targeted drug delivery vector[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1693-1697
    682.LI Jianru;WANG Pinxian.A 200-ka carbon isotope record from the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1780-1784
    683.JIANG Hua;WANG Hui;ZHU Jiang;TAN Benkui.Relationship between real meridional volume transport and Sverdrup transport in the North Subtropical Pacific[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1757-1760
    684.SHEN Jun;LIU Yongchang;GAO Houxiu.Abnormal growth of Ag3Sn intermetallic compounds in Sn-Ag lead-free solder[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1766-1770
    685.FU Yao;CAO Wanghe; .Preparation of transparent TiO2 nanocrystalline film for UV sensor[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14 ): 1657-1661
    686.ZHANG Hongyu;PENG Hai;LI Yun;XU Peizhou;WANG Xudong;WU Xianjun.Patterns of DNA cytosine me-thylation between haploids and corresponding diploids in rice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1721-1728
    687.ZHANG Zhigang;ZHAO Ying;ZHANG Chunxi;BIAN Shaomin;ZHOU Huina;WANG Huangping;YIN Hong;HUANG Jufu.Characterization of a nitrogenase CrFe protein from a mutant UW3 of Azotobacter vinelandii grown on a Cr-containing medium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(14): 1729-1735
    688.LIN He;DUAN Haiming.Local electronic structure and magnetic properties of (Ga,Cr)N[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1546-1550
    689.LI Jun;FANG Xiaoping;WANG Zhuan;LI Jun;LUO Lixia;HU Qiong.Transgene directionally inte-grated into C-genome of Brassica napus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1578-1585
    690.Zhang Lishu;Jin Ningyi;Song Yingjin;Sun Yansong;Wang Hong;Zhan Dawei;Ma Hewen;Shang Yupu;Jin Hongtao;Hong Baoqing;Li Chang.Immune responses of a designed HIV-1 DNA vaccine on rhesus monkeys[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1571-1577
    691.WANG Zhanyong;ZHOU Bangxin;NI Jiansen;XU Hui.Investigation on nanocomposite magnets by three-dimensional atom probe[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1655-1656
    692.NI Gang;YANG Wu;BO Lili;GUO Hao;ZHANG Wenhao;GAO Jinzhang.Preparation of polystyrene/SiO2 nanocomposites by surface-initiated nitroxide-mediated radical poly-merization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1644-1647
    693.Zhang Lingchen;Xing Dongmei;Zhang Taihua;Wei Bingchen;Li Weihuo;Wang Yuren.Deformation behavior during nanoindentation in Ce-based bulk metallic glasses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1639-1643
    694.li wei;xin dianqi;guo yinlu.PKB negatively modulates TGF-β responsiveness in prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells through its interaction with Smad3[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1563-1570
    695.Tong Jianbo;Zhou Peng;Zhang Shengwan;Zhou Yuan;Mei Hu;Zeng Hui;Li Meiping;Li Zhiliang;.Three-dimensional holographic vector of atomic interaction field for quantitative structure-retention relationship of purine bases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1557-1562
    696.HE Chunyang;SHI Peijun;LI Jinggang;CHEN Jin;PAN Yaozhong;LI Jing;ZHUO Li;Ichinose Toshiaki.Restoring urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using non-radiance-calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery and statistical data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1614-1620
    697.刘光清;倪征;云涛;张玉颖;杜青云;盛祖恬;梁华丽;华炯刚;李双茂;陈剑平.利用反向遗传学技术获得适应RK13细胞的兔出血症病毒[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1541-1544
    698.张红宇;彭海;李云;徐培洲;汪旭东;吴先军.水稻基因组DNA胞嘧啶甲基化在单倍体和对应二倍体间的差异[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1529-1535
    699.席小莉;周成勇;杨曼曼;赵静;杨频.二水杨醛三乙基四胺合镁(Ⅱ)配合物与DNA的作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(13): 1519-1523
    700.蓝伟侦;覃瑞;李刚;何光存.利用C基因组C0t-1 DNA比较分析稻属A, B, C, D基因组[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(12): 1422-1431
    701.李方;张棉棉.扩张下表示的不变性质[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(12): 1377-1388
    702.HE Jingsong; ZHANG Ling; CHENG Yi & LI Yishen .Determinant representation of Darboux transformation for the AKNS system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(12): 1867-1878
    703.GAO Fuqing .Moderate deviations and functional limits for random processes with stationary and independent increments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(12): 1753-1767
    704.ZI Xuemin; ZHANG Runchu & LIU Minqian .Bounds on the maximum numbers of clear two-factor interactions for 2(n1+n2)-(k1+k2) fractional factorial split-plot designs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(12): 1816-1829
    705.Tian Yuming;Xu Mingxia;LIU Xiangzhi;GE Lei.The template preparation and characterization of three new shapes of titania nanometer-array systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(12): 1515-1520
    706.Wang Huijun;Fan Ke.Southern Hemisphere mean zonal wind in upper troposphere and East Asian summer monsoon circulation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(12): 1508-1514
    707.CHEN Jianguo;CHEN Haixin;FU Song.Two typical phenomena from the numerical simulation of fire and smoke transport in a gymnasium fire[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(12): 1521-1525
    708.Wang Huijun;Fan Ke; .Southern Hemisphere mean zonal wind in upper troposphere and East Asian summer monsoon circulation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(12 ): 1508-1514
    709.XIAO Guozhen;LU Mingxin;QIN Lei;LAI Xuejia.New field of cryptography: DNA cryptography[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(12): 1413-1420
    710.WANG Jian;Raisbeck Grand;XU Xiaobin;Yiou Francios;BAI Shibiao.In situ cosmogenic 10Be dating of the Quaternary glaciations in the southern Shaluli Mountain onthe Southeastern Tibetan Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(12): 1291-1298
    711.QIN Shengfei;TANG Xiuyi;SONG Yan;WANG Hongyan.Distribution and fractionation mechanism of stable carbon isotope of coalbed methane[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(12): 1252-1258
    712.CHEN Fahu;HUANG Xiaozhong;ZHANG Jiawu;J. A. Holmes;CHEN Jianhui.Humid Little Ice Age in arid central Asia documented by Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(12): 1280-1290
    713.HUANG Wei;WANG Pinxian.Sediment mass and distribution in the South China Sea since the Oligocene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(11): 1147-1155
    714.HE Jinhai;WEN Min;DING Yihui;ZHANG Renhe.Possible mechanism of the effect of convection over Asian-Australian “land bridge” on the East Asian summer monsoon onset[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(11): 1223-1232
    715.WANG Fanghai;ZHANG Guren;WEN Ruizhen;HE Guofeng.Ecdysteroids in the pupae of Opogona sacchari (Bojer), a new invasive alien pest[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1324-1327
    716.NING Youfeng;LIU Weiguo;AN Zhisheng.Variation of soil Δδ13C values in Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence and its paleoenvironmental implication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1350-1354
    717.MA Jinlong;XU Yigang.Old EMI-type enriched man- tle under the middle North China Craton as indicated by Sr and Nd isotopes of mantle xenoliths from Yangyuan, Hebei Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1343-1349
    718.TONG yuanwei;ZHANG yewen;HE li;LI hongqiang;CHEN hong.Investigation on abnormal group velocities in 1D coaxial photonic crystals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1281-1286
    719.DUAN Anmin;WU Guoxiong;ZHANG Qiong;LIU Yimin.New proofs of the recent climate warming over the Tibetan Plateau as a result of the increasing greenhouse gases emissions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1396-1400
    720.GUAN Jing;TAN Zhongyin;XU Liping;LI Shanshan;YANG Zhiyong;WAN Lijun.Self-assembly of 4-(amyloxy) cinnamic acid on HOPG and its photoinduced transforma-tion: An STM study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1389-1392
    721.SONG Yang;GAO Mingzhi;ZHAO Xi;MAO Bingquan.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis of effect of EB on electronic state of Ti species in TiCl4/MgCl2/EB Ziegler-Natta catalysts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1393-1395
    722.ZENG Juan;WANG Yuanchao;SHEN Gui;ZHENG Xiaobo.A Phytophthora sojae gene of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) induced in host infection and its anti-oxidative function in yeast[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1316-1323
    723.KOLar Martin .Local symmetries of finite type hypersurfaces in C2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(11): 1633-1641
    724.Zhong Chunping Zhong Tongde.Hodge decomposition theorem on strongly Kähler Finsler manifolds[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(11): 1696-1714
    725.CHEN Zhihua; Jl Shanyu & XU Dekang .Rational holomorphic maps from B2 into BN with degree 2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(11): 1504-1522
    726.王永娟;李华;董建敏;张昌文;潘凤春.DNA电子结构和磁性研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(11): 1254-1258
    727.张立树;金宁一;宋英今;孙岩松;王宏;战大伟;马鹤雯;尚玉璞;金洪涛;洪宝庆;李昌.恒河猴对人工设计的HIV-1 DNA疫苗的免疫反应[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(10): 1169-1174
    728.肖国镇;卢明欣;秦磊;来学嘉.密码学的新领域——DNA密码[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(10): 1139-1144
    729.YU Jianshe & GUO Zhiming .Boundary value problems of discrete generalized Emden-Fowler equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(10): 1303-1314
    730.WANG Bin; XIANG Kainan & YANG Xiangqun .On a class of measure-valued processes: singular cases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(10): 1315-1326
    731.LI Pengli;MA Yuanyuan;LI Xiaoping;ZHANG Liwen;WANG Yong;WANG Ningning.Cloning and expressional characterization of soybean GmLls1 gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(10): 1210-1218
    732.Jiang Ganqing;Shi Xiaoying;Zhang Shihong.Methane seeps, methane hydrate destabilization, and the late Neoproterozoic postglacial cap carbonates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(10): 1152-1173
    733.Pan Qiuwei;Cai Rong;Liu Xinyuan;Qian Cheng; .A novel strategy for cancer gene therapy: RNAi[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(10 ): 1145-1151
    734.LI Cheng;CHEN Xiao;SUI Zhenming;WANG Luyan;XU Limei;HAO Jingcheng.A facile approach for synthesis of high-stable CdS nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(10): 1266-1268
    735.CHEN Zhong;YAN Wen;CHEN Muhong;WANG Shuhong;LU Jun;ZHANG Fan;XIANG Rong;XIAO Shangbin;YAN Pin;GU Senchang;.Discovery of seep carbonate nodules as new evidence for gas venting on the northern continental slope of South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(10): 1228-1237
    736.ZHOU Jincheng;JIANG Shaoyong;WANG Xiaolei;YANG Jinghong;ZHANG Mengqun.Study on lithogeochemistry of Middle Jurassic basalts from southern China represented by the Fankeng basalts from Yongding of Fujian Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(10): 1020-1031
    737.SUN Zhen;ZHOU Di;ZHONG Zhihong;XIA Bin;QIU Xuelin;ZENG Zuoxun;JIANG Jianqun.Research on the dynamics of the South China Sea opening: Evidence from analogue modeling[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(10): 1053-1069
    738.YUAN Honglin;LIU Xiaoming;LIU Yongsheng;GAO Shan;LING Wenli.Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon geochronology of Late-Mesozoic lavas from Xishan, Beijing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 50-67
    739.FAN Qicheng;SUI Jianli;XU Ping;LI Ni;SUN Qian;WANG Tuanhua.Si- and alkali-rich melt inclusions in minerals of mantle peridotites from eastern China: Implication for lithospheric evolution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 43-49
    740.YANG Weifeng;HUANG Yipu;CHEN Min;ZHANG Lei;LI Hongbin;LIU Guangshan;QIU Yusheng.Disequilibria between 210Po and 210Pb in surface waters of the southern South China Sea and their implications [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 103-112
    741.NI Pei;DING Junying;RAO Bing.In situ cryogenic Raman spectroscopic studies on the synthetic fluid inclusions in the systems H2O and NaCl-H2O[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(1): 108-114
    742.LU Junmei;Zhang Qingyun;Tao Shiyan;Ju Jianhua.The onset and advance of the Asian summer monsoon[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(1): 80-88
    743.Hu Wei;Wang Yaping;Zhu Zuoyan.A perspective on fish gonad manipulation for biotechnical applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(1): 1-7
    744.YANG Baohua;WANG Yang;HUANG Yuanhe.Theoretical studies of C36 encapsulated in zigzag single-wall carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(1): 25-30
    745.LIU Weixiang;ZHENG Nanning;YOU Qubo.Nonnegative matrix factorization and its applications in pattern recognition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(1): 7-18
    746.HU Dihe .Infinitely dimensional control Markov branching chains in random environments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 27-53
    747.YANG Shouzhi & PENG Lizhong .Raising approximation order of refinable vector by increasing multiplicity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 86-97
    748.王庆彪;王莉;周仁超;赵晓敏;施苏华;杨永;钟扬;.用叶绿体和核糖体DNA序列探讨中国特有植物斑子麻黄的系统位置[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,51(1): 110-113

    CHENG Yanli & SONG Chunpeng
    .Hydrogen peroxide homeostasis and signaling in plant cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 1-11

    SONG Yuhu1; 3*; LIU Fang2*; TIAN Dean1; XUE Xiulan1; LIU Nanzhi1; WU Xiaoli1; LIN Jusheng1 & JIN Youxin3
    .Activity identification of ribozyme and U1 snRNA chimeric ribozyme against TGFβ1 in cell-free system and in hepatic stellate cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 73-81

    LI Qiurong1; MA Jian1; TAN Li1; WANG Chang2; LI Ning1; LI Yousheng1; XU Guowang2 & LI Jieshou1
    .Effect of docosahexaenoic acid on interleukin-2 receptor signaling pathway in lipid rafts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 63-72

    YANG Songjie1; HUANG Conglin2; WU Zhongyi2; HU Jianfang3; LI Tianzhong3; LIU Shigui1 & JIA Wensuo3
    .Stomatal movement in response to long dis-tance-communicated signals initiated by heat shock in par-tial roots of Commelina communis L.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 18-25

    LI Sheng1; SCHERER Ronald C.2; WAN Mingxi1 & WANG Supin11
    .The effect of three-dimensional glottal geometry on intraglottal quasi-steady flow distributions and their relationship with phonation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 82-88

    DING Jiabo1; CUI Zhizhong1; JIANG Shijin1 & REDDY Sanjay 2
    .The enhancement effect of pp38 gene product on the activ-ity of its upstream bi-directional promoter in Marek’s dis-ease virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 53-62
    755.LUO En; ZHU Huijian & YUAN Lei .Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principles for electromagnetic elastodynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 119-128
    756.XING Xiusan .Dynamic statistical information theory[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 1-37
    757.DAI Qianhuan.Explanation of the mechanism of carcinogenesis and syntheses of anticancer agents with high selectivity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 44-62
    758.REN Yanliang; CHENG Lin; WAN Jian; LI Yongjian; LIU Junjun; YANG Guangfu; ZHANG Lihua & YANG Song .A theoretical study of electronic excited states of photosynthetic reaction center in Rhodopseudomonas viridis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 88-96
    759.YUAN Zhihao; WANG Yuhong; SUN Yongchang; WANG Jing; BIE Lijian & DUAN Yueqing .Sunlight-activated AlFeO3/TiO2 photocatalyst[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 67-74
    760.***.Fluorescence dynamics of interactions between polyamide PyPyPyβDp and DNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1 ): 75-80
    761.XIN Houwen & HOU Zhonghuai .On the study of nonlinear dynamics of complex chemical reaction systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 1-11
    762.庄轩;丁少雄;郭丰;王军;苏永全;张其永;李祺福;.基于细胞色素b基因片段序列研究中国近海石斑鱼类系统进化关系[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,36(1): 27-34
    763.WANG Hao; LI Xiaodong; YU Fu-cheng & KIM Dong-pyo .Preparation and characterization of 3-dimensionally ordered macroporous SiC[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 1-9
    764.LI Jinxu; OHMURA Takahito & TSUZAKI Kaneaki .Microstructure effect on nanohardness distribution for medium-carbon martensitic steel[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 10-19
    765.JIANG Shuyun & JU Lihua .Study on electromechanical coupling nonlinear vibration of flywheel energy storage system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 61-77
    766.HU Jianwen; ; ZHANG Weiming; LIU Zhong; HU Xiaofeng & SI Guangya .A novel complex-system-view-based method for system effectiveness analysis: Monotonic indexes space[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 90-102
    767.GONG Maoguo; DU Haifeng; & JIAO Licheng .Optimal approximation of linear sys-tems by artificial immune response[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 63-79
    768.TAO Ran; DENG Bing; & WANG Yue .Research progress of the fractional Fourier transform in signal processing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 1-25
    769.XUE Jianru; ZHENG Nanning & ZHONG Xiaopin .Sequential stratified sampling belief propagation for multiple targets tracking[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2006,49(1): 48-62
    770.***.Quantifying effects of soil heterogeneity on groundwater pollution at four sites in USA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S2 ): 118-127
    771.XU Jianming;XU Xiangde;LIU Yu;DING Guoan;CHEN Huailiang;HU Jiangkai;ZHANG Jianchun;WU Hao;LI Weiliang;HE Jinhai;YANG Yuanqin;WANG Jiahe; .Study of statistically correcting model CMAQ-MOS for forecasting regional air quality[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S2 ): 155-172
    772.YANG Dongzhen;XU Xiangde;LIU Xiaoduan;XU Qing;DING Guoan;CHENG Xinghong;CHEN Huailiang;ZHOU Huaigang;WANG Zhenfa;WANG Wenyan; .Complex sources of air-soil-water pollution processes in the Miyun reservoir region[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S2 ): 230-245
    773.ZHANG Lei;YUAN Hongli;WANG Shuangqing;HUANG Huaizeng; .Phenanthrene-degrading pathway of Agrobacterium sp. Phx1[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S2 ): 269-275
    774.ZHANG Guangzhi;BIAN Lingeng;WANG Jizhi;YANG Yuanqin;YAO Wenqing;XU Xiangde; .The boundary layer characteristics in the heavy fog formation process over Beijing and its adjacent areas[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S2 ): 88-101
    775.LIU Xiaoduan;XU Qing;GE Xiaoli;LIU Liu;WU Dianwei; .Chemical forms of heavy metal contaminants in sediments of Miyun reservoir[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S2 ): 341-350
    776.DING Guoan;CHAN Chuenyu;GAO Zhiqiu;YAO Wenqing;LI Yoksheung;CHENG Xinghong;MENG Zhaoyang;YU Haiqing;WONG Kamhang;WANG Shufeng;MIAO Qiuju; .Vertical structures of PM10 and PM 2.5 and their dynamical character in low atmosphere in Beijing urban areas[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S2 ): 38-54
    777.QIN Zhong;YU Qiang;XU Shouhua;HU Bingmin;SUN Xiaomin;LIU Enmin;WANG Jishun;YU Guirui;ZHU Zhilin; .Water, heat fluxes and water use efficiency measurement and modeling above a farmland in the North China Plain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 207-217
    778.SHA Liqing;ZHENG Zheng;TANG Jianwei;WANG Yinghong;ZHANG Yiping;CAO Min;WANG Rui;LIU Guangren;WANG Yuesi;SUN Yang; .Soil respiration in tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, SW China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 189-197
    779.WANG Qiufeng;NIU Dong;YU Guirui;REN Chuanyou;WEN Xuefa;CHEN Jingming;JU Weimin;.Simulating the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor and heat over Changbai Mountains temperate broad- leaved Korean pine mixed forest ecosystem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 148-159
    780.SUN Xiaomin;ZHU Zhilin;XU Jinping;YUAN Guofu;ZHOU Yanlian;ZHANG Renhua; .Determination of averaging period parameter and its effects analysis for eddy covariance measurements[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 33-41
    781.XU Shixiao;ZHAO Xinquan;FU Yuling;ZHAO Liang;LI Yingnian;CAO Guangmin;GU Song;WANG Qinxue;DU Mingyuan;.Characterizing CO2 fluxes for growing and non-growing seasons in a shrub ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 133-140
    782.SONG Xia;YU Guirui;LIU Yunfen;SUN Xiaomin;REN Chuanyou;WEN Xuefa;.Comparison of flux measurement by open-path and close-path eddy covariance systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 74-84
    783.YU Guirui;WEN Xuefa;LI Qingkang;ZHANG Leiming;REN Chuanyou;LIU Yunfen;GUAN Dexin; .Seasonal patterns and environmental control of ecosystem respiration in subtropical and temperate forests in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 93-105
    784.LI Zhengquan;YU Guirui;WEN Xuefa;ZHANG Leiming;REN Chuanyou;FU Yuling; .Energy balance closure at ChinaFLUX sites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 51-62
    785.ZHU Zhilin;SUN Xiaomin;ZHOU Yanlian;XU Jinping;YUAN Guofu;ZHANG Renhua; .Correcting method of eddy covariance fluxes over non-flat surfaces and its application in ChinaFLUX[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(S1): 42-50
    786.屈建航 .官厅水库沉积物中细菌群落纵向分布特征 [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(S1): 233-233
    787.***.Weighted composition operators and locally convex algebras[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1): 32-46
    788.***.Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1): 146-155
    789.***.Strategies for farmers and policy makers to control nitrogen losses whilst maintaining crop production[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 710-719
    790.***.Potentials for win-win alliances among animal agriculture and forest products industries: Application of the princi-ples of industrial ecology and sustainable development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 697-709
    791.***.Impacts of population growth and economic development on the nitrogen cycle in Asia[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 729-737
    792.***.Soil nitrogen balance assessment and its application for sustainable agriculture and environment[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 780-790
    793.***.The Nitrogen Cycle, Scientific Uncertainty and Policy Relevant Science.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 807-817
    794.***.Soil Nitrogen Balance Assessment and its Application for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 843-855
    795.***.For holistic control of reactive N: regional, national and global perspectives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 856-860
    796.***.Nitrogen Use Scenario in India[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 918-927
    797.***.Nitrogen in global animal production and management options for improving nitrogen use efficiency[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 871-887
    798.***.Symbiosome-like intracellular colonization of cereals and other crop plants by nitrogen-fixing bacteria for reduced inputs of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 888-901
    799.***.Current status and future tendency of lake eutrophication in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 948-954
    800.***.Emission scenario of non-CO2 gases from energy activities and other sources in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1 ): 955-964
    801.***.An extension of 2D Janbu’s generalized proce-dure of slices for 3D slope stability analysis I[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1): 171-183
    802.***.An extension of 2D Janbu’s generalized proce-dure of slices for 3D slope stability analysis II[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1): 184-195
    803.***.Theory and application of the transient injection well test[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48 (S1): 121-135
    804.XIANG Kainan.On Tanaka formulae for (α, d, β)-superprocesses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1194-1208
    805.PAN Jiazhu WU Guangxu.On tail behavior of nonlinear autoregressive functional conditional heteroscedastic model with heavy-tailed innovations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1169-1181
    806.HU Qianqian WANG Guojin.Geometric meanings of the parameters on rational conic segments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1209-1222
    807.王鹏业.利用分子梳技术研究金属离子对DNA与组蛋白结合的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 854-860
    808.张云南,钟怀杰,苏维钢.Banach空间上算子代数的K0群[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(9): 1008-1018
    809.YANG Xiaosong;JIN Zhenmin;MA Jin.Anatexis in Himalayan crust: Evidence from geochemical and chronological investigations of Higher Himalayan Crystallines[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1347-1356
    810.LI Zhong;GUO Hong;WANG Daoxuan;LIN Wei.Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic transition in Kuqa Depres-sion-Tianshan, Northwest China: Evidence from sandstone detrital and geochemical records[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1387-1402
    811.XIE Shuchen;HUANG Junhua;WANG Hongmei;YI Yi;HU Chaoyong;CAI Yanjun;CHENG Hai.Distributions of fatty acids in a stalagmite related to paleo-climate change at Qingjiang in Hubei, southern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1463-1469
    812.TAN Minghong;LI Xiubin;LU Changhe.Urban land expansion and arable land loss of the major cities in China in the 1990s[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1492-1500
    813.LIU Yudi.Computational properties of a new horizontal staggered grid[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1559-1568
    814.GAO Zhiqiang;LIU Jiyuan;CAO Mingkui;LI Kerang;TAO Bo.Impacts of land-use and climate changes on ecosystem productivity and carbon cycle in the cropping-grazing transitional zone in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1479-1491
    815.WU Shaohong;YIN Yunhe;ZHENG Du;YANG Qinye.Aridity/humidity status of land surface in China during the last three decades[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(9): 1510-1518
    816.Li Baoguo;Zhao Dapeng.Female multiple copulations among wild Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Qinling, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 942-944
    817.CHEN Muhong;ZHENG Fan;LU Jun;XIAO Shangbin;YAN Wen;CHEN Zhong;XIANG Rong;WEI Gangjian;ZHANG Lanlan.Original component of grain size index in core sediment from southwestern slope of the South China Sea and its paleoenvironmental implication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 896-902
    818.SHENG Xuefen;CHEN Jun;CAI Yuanfeng;CHEN Yang;JI Junfeng.Aragonite-calcite transformation in fossil snail shells of loess sequences in Loess Plateau, Central China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 891-895
    819.SUN Jinhua;LIU Yi;WANG Qingsong;CHEN Peng.Experimental study on interference effect of rarefaction wave on laminar propagating flame[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 919-922
    820.YE wei;LIU jianwu;ZHOU jianning;HU xiangyou;TANG Xiaowei.Three-dimensional recon-struction and analysis of structure characteristics on senile plaques of Alzheimer’s disease[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 868-874
    821.KONG Fuquan;ZHAO Kui;ZHAN Yong;CAO Tianguang;NI Meinan;SUI Li;CAI Minghui;ZHUO Yizhong;.Analysis of Length Distribution of Short DNA Fragments Induced by 7Li Ions Using the Random-Breakage Model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 841-844
    822.HU Xuefeng;ZHU Yu;SHEN Mingneng.Grain-size evidence for multiple origins of the reticulate red clay in southern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 910-918
    823.CAO Yali;LI Guoliang;TANG Zichao.Formation, structure and properties of GeCn± and Ge2Cn± binary clusters[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(9): 845-852
    824.Liu Na;Lu Min.The signal transduction pathways and molecules for ES cells self-renewal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(8): 721-726
    825.Wang Peng-Ye.Study the effect of metallic ions on the combination of DNA and histones with molecular combing technique[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(8): 731-737
    826.XIE Lei;WANG Rucheng;CHEN Xiaoming;QIU Jiansheng;WANG Dezi.Th-rich zircon from peralka line A-type granite: Minera-logical features and petrological implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(8): 809-817
    827.ZHOU Hongyou;WEI Hailei;LIU Xili;WANG Ye;ZHANG Liqun;TANG Wenhua.Improving biocontrol activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens through chromosomal inte-gration of 2,4-diacetylphloro- glucinol biosynthesis genes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(8): 775-781
    828.LUO Yunli;SUN Xiangjun.Vegetation evolution and mil-lennial-scale climatic fluctua-tions since Last Glacial Maximum in pollen record from northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(8): 793-799
    829.WANG Li;LIU Lang;JIA Dianzeng;CAO Yali;XIN Xinquan.Synthesis of trans-bis(glycinato) copper(II) complex nanorods by room temperature solid-state reaction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(8): 758-760
    830.LIU Feng;HU Fei;ZHU Jiang.Adjoint method for the optimum planning of industrial pollutant sources[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1270-1279
    831.LU Xiancai;SUN Yan;SHU Liangshu;GU Lianxing;GUO Jichun;ZHU Wenbin.Cataclastic rheology of carbonate rocks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1227-1233
    832.LU Hong;LI Chao;SUN Yongge;PENG Ping’an;XIAO Zhongyao.Hydrogen isotopic compositions, distributions and source signals of individual n-alkanes for some typical crude oils in Lunnan Oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1220-1226
    833.CHEN Chuanping;MEI Bowen;CAO Yacheng.Nitrogen isotopic geochemical characteristics of crude oils in several basins of China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1211-1219
    834.YUE Changtao;LI Shuyuan;DING Kangle;ZHONG Ningning.Study of simulation experiments on the TSR system and its effect on the natural gas destruction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1197-1202
    835.ZHENG Yanpeng;LIU Baohua;WU Jinlong;LIANG Ruicai;LIU Chenguang;ZHANG Zhengmin.Structural control of the Gagua “Wedge” Zone east of Taiwan Island on the southern Okinawa Trough[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1165-1174
    836.LU Ming;YANG Dinghui.A modified nearly analytic discrete method and wavefield simulations in transversely isotropic media[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1321-1328
    837.LU Wenlian CHEN Tianping.Global exponential stability of almost periodic solution for a large class of delayed dynamical systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(8): 1015-1026
    838.XIONG Shifeng LI Guoying.Testing for the maximum cell probabilities in multinomial distributions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 972-985
    839.LIU Taishun LIU Xiaosong.A refinement about estimation of expansion coefficients for normalized biholomorphic mappings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 865-879
    840.XIONG Jincheng.Chaos in a topologically transitive system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 929-939
    841.刘娜;陆敏.胚胎干细胞自我更新相关信号转导途径及信号分子[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 623-628
    842.CHEN Guixing;LI Weibiao;YUAN Zhuojian;WEN Zhiping.Evolution mechanisms of the intraseasonal oscillation associated with the Yangtze River Basin flood in 1998[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 957-967
    843.CHEN Peirong;ZHOU Xinmin;ZHANG Wenlan;LI Huimin;FAN Chunfang;SUN Tao;CHEN Weifeng;ZHANG Min.Petrogenesis and significance of early Yanshanian syenite-granite complex in eastern Nanling Range[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 912-924
    844.LI Rongfeng;YOU Xiaobao;Peter C. Chu.The eastward subtropical countercurrent on isopycnal surface in the western North Pacific[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 1065-1073
    845.WU Yaping;ZHU Yuanlin;GUO Chunxiang;SU Qiang;MA Wei.Multifield coupling model and its applications for pile foundation in permafrost[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 968-977
    846.SHI Yukun;YANG Xiangning.A statistical test on diversity changes of Early and Middle Permian fusulinacean fauna in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(7): 978-984
    847.LI Ping;LI Peiying;ZHANG Xiaolong;CAO Chengxiao;XU Xingyong;DU Jun;LIU Lejun;.Magnetic properties of different grain-sized particles of sediments from the Okinawa Trough and their relationships to sedimentary environment[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 696-703
    848.WANG Yongbiao;TONG Jinnan;WANG Jiasheng;ZHOU Xiugao.Calcimicrobialite after end-Permian mass extinction in South China and its pa-laeoenvironmental signifi-cance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 665-671
    849.LIU Xiaolin;JIANG Ning;HE Peng;LU Dajun;SHEN An.Fermentation of xylose to produce ethanol by recombi-nant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain containing XYLA and XKS1[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 652-657
    850.He Daoyi;Wang Honggang.Cloning of a novel phosphateserine aminotransferase gene from a Triticum aestivum-Elytrigia elongatum alien substitution line with resistance to powdery mildew [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 646-651
    851.HUANG Fuling;CAO Chuanbao;ZHU Hesun.Catalytic self-assembly preparation and characteriza-tion of carbon nitride nano-tubes by a solvothermal method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 626-629
    852.LI Minjie;WANG Chunlei;HAN Kun;YANG Bai.Preparation of CdTe nanocrystal-polymer composite micro-spheres in aqueous solutionby dispersing method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 621-625
    853.CHEN Yanhui;ZHANG Xingtang;XUE Zhonghui;LI Yuncai;HUANG Yabin;DU Zuliang;LI Tiejin.Fabrication and structural characterization of large-scale uniform SnO2 nanotube arrays by sol-gel method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 618-621
    854.LIU Xiulin;XU Hongyan;YU Lili;LI Mei;WANG Chengjian;CUI Deliang;JIANG Minhua.Self-assembly of ZnO nano-particles and preparation of bulk ZnO porous nanosolids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(7): 612-617
    855.DONG Yunshe;QI Yuchun;LIU Jiyuan;GENG Yuanbo;Manfred Domroes;YANG Xiaohong;LIU Lixin.Variation characteristics of soil respiration fluxes in four types of grassland communities under different precipitation intensity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(6): 583-591
    856.ZHU Guangwei;QIN Boqiang;GAO Guang.Direct evidence of phosphorus outbreak release from sedi-ment to overlying water in a large shallow lake caused by strong wind wave disturbance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(6): 577-582
    857.XU Shixiao;ZHAO Xinquan;LI Yingnian;ZHAO Liang;YU Guirui;SUN Xiaomin;CAO Guangmin.Diurnal and monthly varia-tions of carbon dioxide flux in an alpine shrub on the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(6): 539-543
    858.liu xin;shi wuliang;zhang shuqiu;lou chenghou.Nitric oxide involved in signal transduction of Jasmonic acid-induced stomatal closure of Vicia faba L.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(6): 520-525
    859.HUANG Lei;LI Dianqing;LIN Yanjun;David G. Evans;DUAN Xue.Influence of nano-MgO parti-cle size on bactericidal action against Bacillus subtilis var. niger[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(6): 514-519
    860.XU Ruizhen;LI Mingfeng;CHEN Hanlin;HUANG Yanzhao;XIAO Yi.A symmetry-related sequence-structure relation of proteins[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(6): 536-538
    861.FU Mingxi;HU Shengbiao;WANG Jiyang.Thermal regime transition in eastern North China and its tectonic implication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 840-848
    862.PENG Runmin;ZHAI Yusheng;WANG Zhigang;HAN Xuefeng.Discovery of double-peaking potassic volcanic rocks in Langshan Group of the Tanyaokou hydrothermal-sedimentary deposit, Inner Mongolia, and its indicating significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 822-833
    863.NAN Zhuotong;LI Shuxun;CHENG Guodong.Prediction of permafrost distribution on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the next 50 and 100 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 797-804
    864.SHEN Ji;LIU Xingqi;Ryo Matsumoto;WANG Sumin;YANG Xiangdong.A high-resolution climatic change since the Late Glacial Age inferred from multi-proxy of sediments in Qinghai Lake[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 742-751
    865.LI Tiegang;XIANG Rong;SUN Rongtao;CAO Qiyuan.Benthic foraminifera and bottom water evolution in the middle-southern Okinawa Trough during the last 18 ka[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 805-814
    866.WANG Xueqin;WANG Tao;JIANG Jin;ZHAO Congju.On the sand surface stability in the southern part of Gurbantünggüt Desert[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 778-785
    867.CHEN Xi;LUO Geping;XIA Jun;ZHOU Kefa;LOU Shaoping;YE Minquan.Ecological response to the climate change on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 765-777
    868.何道一;王洪刚.小麦-长穗偃麦草抗白粉病异代换系中一个新的磷酸丝氨酸氨基转移酶基因的克隆[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(6): 535-539
    869.柳彬.共振点附近半线性Liénard方程的拟周期解[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(6): 685-694
    870.杨子刚 周芬 袁建军 马立新 翟超 程时远.PLL-PEG-PLL三嵌段共聚物的制备及DNA包覆应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(6): 492-498
    871.CHEN Changxin ZHANG Yafei.Field-effect transistors with multiple channels constructed by carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 669-678
    872.FAN Jinpeng ZHAO Daqing XU Zening WU Minsheng.Preparation of MWNTs/Al2O3 composites and their mechanical and electrical properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 622-631
    873.DONG Youzhong ZHENG Yufeng ZHANG Xiaogang DUAN He SUN Yanfe CHEN Yanhua.FeS2 (pyrite) electrodeposition thin films and study of growth mechanism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 601-611
    874.ZHAO Xinhua FENG Xueshang.A tentative study for the prediction of the CME related geomagnetic storm intensity and its transit time[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 648-668
    875.GAO Xieping Zhou Siwang.A study of orthogonal, balanced and symmetric multi-wavelets on the interval[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 761-781
    876.Li Bijing Wang Guojun.Theory of truth degrees of formulas in Łukasiewicz n-valued propositional logic and a limit theorem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 727-736
    877.LIU Tailin, WEN Qiaoyan LIU Zihui.Construction of nonbinary quantum cyclic codes by using graph method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 693-702
    878.LUAN Shangmin DAI Guozhong LI Wei.A programmable approach to revising knowledge bases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 681-692
    879.申斯乐 王振伟 单晓辉 王华 李玲 林秀云 龙丽坤 翁克难 刘宝 邹广田.高压导致水稻变异品系发生DNA甲基化模式及基因组结构的改变[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(6): 490-496
    880.丁家波 崔治中 姜世金 Sanjay Reddy.马立克氏病病毒pp38基因产物对其上游双向启动子活性的增强作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(6): 519-526
    881.LI Zhi ZHENG Tong CHEN Lijuan PENG Bixian YANG Li.Synthesis of Ag2S nano-sized clusters and their chemical sensitizations in AgCl cubic and {100} tabular microcrystal imaging systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 516-522
    882.LIU Shaopu HU Xiaoli LIS Zhongfang LI Ming WANGV Fen.Study on the interactions of chlorpromazine hydrochloride and promethazine hydrochloride with nucleic acids by resonance Rayleigh scattering spectrum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 591-599
    883.GAN Wenjun LI Hua HU Zhiqiang LI Liang LI Shanjun.Effect of molecular weight on reaction-induced phase separation of epoxy resin modified with fluorocarbon chain terminated polyetherimide[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 560-566
    884.LI Wangliang XING Jianmin XIONG Xiaochao SHAN Guobin LIU Huizhou.Bio-regeneration of π-complexation desulfurization adsorbents[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 538-544
    885.WANG Xinping CHEN Zhifang SHEN Zhiquan.Dynamic behavior of polymer surface and the time dependence of contact angle[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 553-559
    886.XIAO Jijun HUANG Yucheng HU Yingjie XIAO Heming.Molecular dynamics simulation of mechanical properties of TATB/fluorine-polymer PBXs along different surfaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 504-510
    887.WEI Xiaolan SHEN Peikang.Fabrication and characterization of multidimensional tungsten oxide networks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 511-515

    FANG Qin1 Shah Sanket2 LIANG Yuyao2 Z. H. ZHOU2
    .3D reconstruction and capsid protein characterization of grass carp reovirus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 593-600

    LI Feng1,2 LI Ying1 JIANG Wei1 WANG Zhenfang1 LI Jilun1
    .Cloning and functional analysis of the sequences flanking mini-Tn5 in the magnetosomes deleted mutant NM4 of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 574-584

    HE De1,2 DONG Jiuhong1,2 WEN Jianfan1 XIN Dedong1,2 LU Siqi3
    .Phylogenetic positions of several amitochondriate protozoa[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 565-573
    891.YAN Yongliang1,2 YANG Jian2 CHEN Lihong2 YANG Fan2 DONG Jie2 XUE Ying2 XU Xingye2 ZHU Yafang2 YAO Zhijian3 LIN Min4 WANG Yiping5 JIN Qi1,2.Structural and functional analysis of denitrification genes in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 585-592

    CAI Deling1 LI Hongyan2 TANG Qisheng3 SUN Yao3
    .Establishment of trophic continuum in the food web of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea ecosystem: Insight from carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 531-539

    XU Cunshuan1 YUAN Jinyun1 HAN Hongpeng1 CHANG Cuifang1 LI Wenqiang2 YANG Kejin1 ZHAO Lifeng1 LI Yuchang2 ZHANG Huiyong2 RAHMAN Salman3
    .Large scale of identification of differentially expressed genes in the regenerating rat liver after SISPH[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 624-635
    894.PING Feilin JIANG Gang ZHANG Lin ZHU Zhenghe.Theoretical study of aging effects on LaNi5 tritium storage[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 676-686
    895.ZHENG Caixing LIU Rangsu ZHOU Qunyi TIAN Ze’an WANG Xin LI Qiang.A simulation study of rapid solidification and crystal configuration of Cu70Ni30 alloy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 687-694
    896.TENG Honghui JIANG Zonglin.Gasdynamic characteristics of toroidal shock and detonation wave converging[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 739-749
    897.CHENG Yumin PENG Miaojuan.Boundary element-free method for elastodynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(6): 641-657
    898.LI Zhankui XU Hushan ZHANG Xueying.Thermodynamic simulations of pellet internal target in CSRm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 529-540
    899.ZHU Zhiyan ZHU Zhengh-He TANG Changh-Huan TANG Yongj-Jian GAO Tao.Consecutive- reversible Iioniza-tion-recombination rReactions and Iionic Ccharge sState dDistribution of Au plasma[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 575-584
    900.LIANG Lifu LIU Diankui SONG Haiyan.The generalized quasi-variational principles of non-conservative systems with two kinds of variables[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 600-613

    XIE Kabin1 ZHANG Jianwei1 XIANG Yong1 FENG Qi2 HAN Bin2 CHU Zhaohui1 WANG Shiping1 ZHANG Qifa1 XIONG Lizhong1
    .Isolation and annotation of 10828 putative full length cDNAs from indica rice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 445-451

    REN Maozhi1,3 CHEN Quanjia2 LI Li1 ZHANG Rui1 GUO Sandui1
    .Functional analysis of a reproductive organ predominant expressing promoter in cotton plants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 452-459
    903.CHEN Ruijuan1 JIANG Jiangang1 XIAO Xiao2 WANG Daowen1 .Effects of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids on levels of eNOS phosphorylation and relevant signaling transduction path-ways involved
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    904.LI Di SUN Chunyan HUANG Yunjie LI Jinghong CHEN Shaowei.Surface effects of monolayer-protected gold nanoparticles on the redox reactions between ferricyanide and thiosulfate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 424-430
    905.ZHANG Meihong DING Shiwen WANG Zhenxing ZHANG Yuzhuo.Synthesis of mesoporous nano-TiO2 doped with Sn by auto-assembly method and photo-catalytic property[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 436-441
    906.MA Jianhua LIN Weizhen WANG Wenfeng YAO Side.A pulse radiolysis study on electron affinity of piperonal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 476-480
    907.GAO Jian GE Wei LI Jinghai.Effect of concentration on surfactant micelle shapes——A molecular dynamics study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 470-475
    908.GONG Yubing HOU Zhonghuai XIN Houwen.Internal noise stochastic resonance in CO oxidation on nm-sized palladium particles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 395-401
    909.Wang Bing Feng Weiyue Zhao Yuliang Xing Gengmei Chai Zhifang Wang Haifang Jia Guang.Status of study on biological and toxicological effects of nanoscale materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 385-394
    910.LIU Zhongxin SONG Hongwei YU Lixin YANG Linmei PAN Guohui.Wet-chemical synthesis and characteristics of Au nanoshell[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 431-435
    911.WEI Haiyan WANG Fan CHEN Zhida.A density functional study on magnetic exchange interaction between Mn(II) ion and nitronyl nitroxide radical in trans- and cis-metal-radical complexes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 402-414
    912.Zheng Xiaoyan Liu Xiande Zhao Fenghua Duan Fengkui Yu Tong Cachier Helene.Seasonal characteristics of biomass burning contribution to Beijing aerosol[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 481-488
    913.WANG Yue WANG Jianguo ZHANG Dianhui.Application of CPML to truncate the open boundaries of cylindrical waveguides in 2.5-dimensional problems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 656-669
    914.LI Long LIU Haixia SHI Yan LIANG Changhong.Generalized system function analysis of resonant behavior of electromagnetic open systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 615-631
    915.DU Haifeng GONG Maoguo LIU Ruochen JIAO Licheng.Adaptive chaos clonal evolutionary programming algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 579-595
    916.CHEN Hanfu.Recursive identification for multidimensional ARMA processes with increasing variances[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 596-614
    917.WANG Baoxiang ZHAO Xiaopeng YAO Yuan.Electrorheological fluid of kaolinite-based ternary nanocomposite and its properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 496-509
    918.FANG Dazhong YANG Xiaodong.Power system transient stability simulation based on module bi-directional iteration[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 585-600
    919.LIU Yongfeng PEI Pucheng.Analysis on ignition and extinction of n-heptane in homogeneous systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 556-569
    920.吴艳波 张翠萍 杨频.手性配合物D,L-[Co(phen)2hpip]3+识别DNA序列及从构型上修复错配序列DNA的分子力学模拟[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(5): 417-424
    921.杨(王乐) 胡山鹰 陈定江 张大伟.生态工业系统分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(5): 432-440
    922.AI Mingyao HE Shuyuan.Theory of optimal blocking for fractional factorial split-plot designs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 649-656
    923.纪睿;张正光;王源超;郑 小波.疫霉菌激发子PB90诱导烟草悬浮细胞的凋亡[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(5): 448-452
    924.ZHAN Renbin;RONG Jiayu;CHENG Jinhui;CHEN Pengfei.Early-Mid Ordovician brachiopod diversification in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 662-675
    925.YANG Wencai;YANG Wuyang;JIN Zhenmin;CHENG Zhenyan.Lithospheric seismic fabrics of Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 585-600
    926.HE Zhengjun;LI Jinyi;MO Shenguo;Andrey A. Sorokin.Geochemical discriminations of sandstones from the Mohe Foreland basin, northeastern China: Tectonic setting and provenance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 613-621
    927.WANG Zhaoyin;WANG Guangqian;LI Changzhi;WANG Feixin.A preliminary study on vegetation-erosion dynamics and its applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 689-700
    928.MA Zhesheng;SHI Nicheng;YE Danian.Mineralogy and crystal structure determination of Mg-fillowite[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(5): 635-646
    929.WANG Liang;ZHANG Guanghua;FU Song.Pattern formation in Rayleigh-Bénard convection: Numerical simulation with a coupled-map-lattice model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(5): 399-406
    930.JI Rui;ZHANG Zhengguang;WANG Yuancho;ZHENG Xiaobo.Phytophthora elicitor PB90 induced apoptosis in suspension cultures of tobacco[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(5): 435-439
    931.XIAO Shangbin;LI Anchun;JIANG Fuqing;LI Tiegang;HUANG Peng;XU Zhaokai.Recent 2000-year geological records of mud in the inner shelf of the East China Sea and their climatic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(5): 466-471
    932.YE Kaiqi;WU Ying;ZHANG Hongyu;YE Ling;YU Jingsheng;YANG Guangdi;WANG Yue.Coordination polymer based on (1,2-bis(2-picolinamido) phenyl)copper[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(5): 417-420
    933.JIN Changzhu;ZHANG Yingqi.First discovery of Promimomys (Arvicolidae) in East Asia[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(4): 327-332
    934.ZHANG Lingdi;WANG Zhaohui;WANG Xianbing;Zhang Weihua;LI Dawei;HAN Chenggui;ZHAI Yafeng;YU Jialin.Two virus-encoded RNA si-lencing suppressors, P14 of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and S6 of Rice black streak dwarf virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(4): 305-310
    935.Luo Chunxiong;SUN Manhui;XU Luping;ZHANG Zhiling;C. Crozatier;CHEN Yong;Ji Hang.Application of microfluidic chip to realize controllable pH gradient[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(4): 365-367
    936.Liu Xinmei;Yan Zifeng;Lu Gaoqing.Stabilization of mesoporous nanocrystalline zirconia with Laponite[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(4): 360-364
    937.SHEN Guanjun;LI Jiankun;JI Xueping.U-series dating of Zhangkou Cave in Yiliang, Yunnan Province: Evidence for human activities in China during 40—100 ka[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(4): 355-359
    938.ZHAO Wenzhi;WANG Zhaoyun;HE Haiqing;ZHANG Mingjie;WANG Hongjun;WANG Yunpeng;QIN Yong.Gas formation mechanism of marine carbonate source rocks in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 441-453
    939.XU Xiangde;ZHOU Li;ZHOU Xiuji;YAN Peng;WENG Yonghui;TAO Shuwang;MAO Jitai;DING Guoan;BIAN Lingen;Jhon Chan.Influencing domain of peripheral sources in the urban heavy pollution process of Beijing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 565-575
    940.YUAN Yeli;HUA Feng;.Representation of microscale ocean wavenumber spectrum correct to the second order[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 549-554
    941.向开南.(α,d,β)超过程Tanaka公式的注记[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(4): 410-424
    942.LI Chunhe & HONG Jiaxing .Infinitesimal nonrigidity of convex surfaces with planar boundary[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 513-521
    943.MA Qinghua WANG Yanfei,.Iterative implementation of the adaptive regularization yields optimality[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 485-492
    944.PAN Guangming MIAO Baiqi TAN Changchun.The limiting theorems of random quadratic forms and their application[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 493-502
    945.LIU Minqian & FANG Kaitai .Some results on resolvable incomplete block designs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 503-512
    946.QIAO Jianyong.On Fatou sets concerning Yang-Lee theory[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 433-447
    947.张慧娟 王津 吴义室 袁谷 艾希成 汪力 张建平.寡聚酰胺PyPyPybDp与DNA相互作用的荧光动力学[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(4): 275-279
    948.赵刚,侯中怀,辛厚文.一氧化碳表面催化氧化反应中canard突变与内信号随机双共振[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(4): 268-274
    949.BAI Yuhu LI Jiachun ZHOU Jifu.Sensitivity analysis of dimensionless parameters for physical simulation of water-flooding reservoir[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 441-453
    950.LI Xin LIU Junhua ZHU Changchun.The study of adsorption gas sensor based carbon nanotube film[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 372-384
    951.ZHANG Jieqiu LIANG Changhong CHEN Yanpu.A new family of windows――convolution windows and their applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 468-480
    952.YU Lie QI Shemiao GENG Haipeng.A generalized solution of elasto-aerodynamic lubrication for aerodynamic compliant foil bearings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 414-429
    953.ZOU Li ZHAO Yuping WANG Bing LIANG Qinglin XIANG Haige.Dual constellations space-time modulation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 452-466
    954.LU Peizhong LI Shen ZOU Yan LUO Xiangyang.Blind recognition of punctured convolutional codes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 484-498
    955.MA Jianhua LIN Weizhen DU Fuqiang HAN Zhenhui YAO Side LIN Nianyun.Dynamic study of photosensitized one-electron oxidation of polyG by menadione[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 292-296
    956.LIU Xuening HU Nan ZHANG Hongtao HA Chengyong YANG Zhizhong.Effects of modified kaolin on the crystallization property of PP/Kaolin nanocomposites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 326-333
    957.CUI Yali HUI Wenli SU Jing WANG Yani CHEN Chao.Fe3O4/Au composite nano-particles and their optical properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 273-278
    958.ZHANG Jiqian HOU Zhonghuai XIN Houwen.Stochastic bi-resonance induced by external noise for Ca2+ signaling in hepatocytes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 286-291
    959.SHEN Peng FAN Xiaohui ZENG Zhen CHENG Yiyu.Two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis of proteomics based on image feature and mathematical morphology[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 361-367
    960.FU Haiyan XUE Saifeng MU Lan DU Ying ZHU Qianjiang TAO Zhu ZHANG Jianxin DAY Anthony I.Host-guest complexes of cucubit[8]uril with phenanthroli-nes and some methyl derivatives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 305-314
    961.ZHANG Wen ZHU Wei XU Haihong WAN Fangli GU Jing HAN Jingen JIN Litong.Liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection for studying the effects of tetrahydrobiopterin on monoamine neurotransmitters in rat striatum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 368-375
    962.宋宇虎 刘芳 田德安 薛秀兰 刘南植 吴小力 林菊生 金由辛.抗TGFβ1核酶以及嵌合型核酶的细胞外和肝星状细胞内活性鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(4): 365-372

    SONG Yunlong QI Yunpeng ZHANG Wannian SHENG Chunquan ZHANG Min YAO Jianzhong YU Jianxin MIAO Zhenyuan ZHOU Youjun ZHU Ju LÜ Jiaguo
    .Evolutionary Ttrace analysis of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I superfamily: Identification of novel antitumor drug binding site[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 375-384

    TANG Wanhu1 ZHANG Zuxin1,2 ZOU Xiling1 ZHENG Yonglian1
    .Functional genomics of maize submergence tolerance and cloning of the related gene Sicyp51[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 337-345

    YANG E1,3 BIN Wen2,3 PENG Junping3 ZHANG Xiaobing3 WANG Jing3 YANG Jian3 DONG Jie3 CHU Yonglie1 ZHANG Jinghai2 JIN Qi3
    .Comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis of S. dysenteriae subgroup[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 406-413

    CHEN Xiangling YUAN Hanying HE Wei HU Xianghua LU Hong LI Yuyang
    .Construction of a novel kind of expression plasmid by ho-mologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 330-336
    967.REN Weiyi SUN Weiguo HOU Shilin FENG Hao.Accurate studies on the full vibrational energy spectra and molecular dissociation energies for some electronic states of N2 molecule[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 385-398
    968.TONG Dengke WANG Ruihe YANG Heshan.Exact solutions for the flow of non-Newtonian fluid with fractional derivative in an annular pipe[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 485-495
    969.LI Zhihui ZHANG Hanxin FU Song.Gas kinetic algorithm for flows in Poiseuille-like microchannels using Boltzmann model equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 496-512
    970.CAI Ruixian GOU Chenhua ZHANG Na.Explicit analytical solutions of the anisotropic Brinkman model for the natural convection in porous media (Ⅱ)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(4): 422-430
    971.XIE Chengying ZHOU Xiaohong ZHANG Yuhu GUO Yingxiang LEI Xiangguo ZHENG Yong LIU Minliang SONG Litao WANG Hualei YU Haiping GUO Wentao LUO Peng WU Zhijun ZHU Lihua WU Xiaoguang.Observation of signature inversion in the πh9/2 972.MA Jianbo XU Jin CAO Zhibin.A method of autonomous orbit determination for satellite using star sensor[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 268-281
    973.Luo Jianhui LONG Yuqiu LIU Guangdong.A new orthogonality relationship for orthotropic thin plate theory and its variational principle[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 371-380

    REN Yuanyuan1,2 DAI Xiuyu1 ZHOU Jian1 LIU Jingfang1 PEI Huadong1,2 XIANG Hua1
    .Gene expression and molecular characterization of a ther-mostable trehalose phosphorylase from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 221-227

    SUN Xiangqing1 JIA Yanbin2 ZHANG Xuegong1 XU Qi2 SHEN Yan2 LI Yanda1
    .Multi-locus association study of schizophrenia susceptibil-ity genes with a posterior probability method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 263-269

    SHEN Xihui LIU Shuangjiang
    .Key enzymes of the protocatechuate branch of the β-ketoadipate pathway for aromatic degradation in Corynebacterium glutamicum [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 241-249

    LIU Moqing LIU Hong SUN Lilian DONG Jie XUE Ying CHEN Shuxia JIN Qi
    .Construction, detection and microarray analysis on the Shigella flexneri 2a sitC mutant[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 228-240
    978.ZHOU Guowei KANG Youngsoo LI Tianduo XU Guiying.Sol-gel preparation and spectroscopic study of the pyro-phanite MnTiO3 nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 210-215
    979.WANG Zhiwei HOU Zhonghuai XIN Houwen.Internal signal stochastic resonance of a synthetic gene network[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 189-194
    980.XIANG Aishuang XU Songlin.Comparison of two turbulent models in simulating evaporating liquid film in a wiped molecular distillator[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 183-188
    981.HE Youqiu LIU Shaopu LIU Qin LIU Zhongfang HU Xiaoli.Absorption, fluorescence and resonance Rayleigh scattering spectral characteristics of interaction of gold nanoparticle with safranine T[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 216-226
    982.ZHANG Hui WANG Zhenhui ZHOU Shuping.Simultaneous determination of nitrophenol isomers at the single-wall carbon nanotube compound conducting polymer film modified electrode[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 177-182
    983.TAO Haihong YU Jiang WANG Hongyang LIAO Guisheng.A novel space-borne antenna anti-jamming technique based on immunity genetic algo-rithm-maximum likelihood[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 397-408
    984.Liu Zhongxuan Peng Silong.Directional EMD and its application to texture segmentation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 354-365
    985.WANG Moran LI Zhixin.Monte Carlo simulations of dense gas flow and heat transfer in micro- and nano-channels[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 317-325
    986.LI Shuangming MA Bole LI Xiaoli LIU Lin FU Hengzhi.Competitive growth of different phases in eutectic alloys under directional solidification[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 270-281
    987.李望良 邢建民 熊小超 单国彬 刘会洲.πp络合脱硫吸附剂Cu(I)-Y的生物再生[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(3): 258-264
    988.戴乾圜.致癌机理的阐明和高选择性抗癌剂的合成[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(3): 177-188
    989.LI Shoufu.Stability analysis of solutions to nonlinear stiff Volterra functional differential equations in Banach spaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 372-387
    990.LIU Guizhen DENG Xiaotie.A polynomial algorithm for finding (g, f)-colorings orthogonal to stars in bipartite graphs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 322-332
    991.QIAO Jianyong.Julia sets and complex singularities in diamond-like hierarchical Potts models[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 388-412
    992.SHEN Zhongyue;CHEN Hanlin;FANG Dajun;DING Jinghai;ZHANG Shiben;HUANG Zhibin;LI Meng.Paleomagnetic results of the Cretaceous marine sediments in Tongyouluke, southwest Tarim[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 406-416
    993.SHEN Ji;YANG Liyuan;YANG Xiangdong;R. Matsumoto;TONG Guobang;ZHU Yuxin;ZHANG Zhenke;WANG Sumin.Lake sediment records on climate change and human activities since the Holocene in Erhai catchment, Yunnan Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 353-363
    994.MIN Maozhong;XU Huifang;L. L. Barton;PENG Xinjian;YIN Lin;WANG Rucheng.Experimental study on reduction of U (VI) by an anaerobic bacterium, Shewanella putrefaciens: Application to sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposits, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 346-352
    995.TONG Jinnan;Hans J. Hansen;ZHAO Laishi;ZUO Jingxun.High-resolution Induan-Olenekian boundary sequence in Chaohu, Anhui Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 291-297
    996.XIA Ping;XU Yigang.Domains and enrichment mechanism of the lithospheric mantle in western Yunnan: A comparative study on two types of Cenozoic ultrapotassic rocks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(3): 326-337
    997.向述荣;姚檀栋;安黎哲;邬光剑;徐柏青;马晓军;李真;汪君霞;余武生.慕士塔格冰芯可培养细菌的数量分布和主要菌群结构随深度的变化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(3): 252-262
    998.ZHU Jianrong;WANG Jinhui;SHEN Huanting;WU Hui.Observation and analysis of the diluted water and red tide in the sea off the Changjiang River mouth in middle and late June 2003[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(3): 240-247
    999.Zhu Yihong;Dong Zongwang;Weng Xuchu;Chen Yizhang;.Functional brain laterality for sequential movements: Impact of transient practice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(3): 235-239
    1000.Sun Jing;Wang Liyan;Gao Jian;Yu Xi;Wang Zhiqiang.Alternating deposition films of a polymer and dendrimers bearing diphenylanthracene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(3): 208-212
    1001.YAN Quanren;WANG Zongqi;LIU Shuwen;LI Qiugen;ZHANG Hongyuan;WANG Tao;LIU Dunyi;SHI Yuruo;JIAN Ping;WANG Jianguo;ZHANG Dehui;ZHAO Jian.Opening of the Tethys in southwest China and its significance to the breakup of East Gondwanaland in late Paleozoic: Evidence from SHRIMP U-Pb zircon analyses for the Garzê ophiolite block[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(3): 256-264
    1002.ZHANG Yong;WANG Mei;YAO Yingming;SHEN Qi.Unexpected carbon-oxygen bond cleavage of THF promoted by guanidinate titanium complex/lithium diisopropylamide: Synthesis and crystal structure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2817-2820
    1003.WANG Qingbiao; WANG Li; ZHOU Renchao; ZHAO Xiaoming; SHI Suhua; YANG Yong & ZHONG Yang; .Phylogenetic position of Ephedra rhytidosperma, a species endemic to China: Evidence from chloroplast and ribosomal DNA sequences[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2901-2904
    1004.LIANG Xinfeng;ZHANG Xiaoqian;TIAN Jiwei.Observation of internal tides and near-inertial motions in the upper 450 m layer of the northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2890-2895
    1005.LIU Jian;H. Storch;CHEN Xing;E. Zorita;ZHENG Jingyun;WANG Sumin.Simulated and reconstructed winter temperature in the eastern China during the last millennium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2872-2877
    1006.ZHANG Hongwu;QIN Jianmin.Basic theories for strain local-ization analysis of porous me-dia with rate dependent model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2793-2799
    1007.ZHOU Lei;TIAN Jiwei;ZHANG Xiaoqian.Observation of small-scale processes over shelf break in the East China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2885-2890
    1008.YU Lili;GAO Bin;CHEN Zhi;SUN Chuantao;CUI Deliang;WANG Chengjian;WANG Qilong;JIANG Minhua.In situ FTIR investigation on phase transformations in BN nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2827-2831
    1009.陆光远;伍晓明;陈碧云;高桂珍;许鲲;李响枝.油菜种子萌发过程中DNA甲基化的MSAP分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(24): 2750-2756
    1010.WANG Wei;Richard Potts;HOU Yamei;CHEN Yunfa;WU Huaying;YUAN Baoyin;HUANG Weiwen.Early Pleistocene hominid teeth recovered in Mohui cave in Bubing Basin, Guangxi, South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2777-2782
    1011.Yu Wusheng;Yao Tandong;Tian Lide;Wang Yu;Yin Changliang.Isotopic composition of atmospheric water vapor before and after the monsoon’s end in the Nagqu River Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2755-2760
    1012.SUN Binxiang;XU Xuezu;LAI Yuanming;WANG Shuangjie;ZHANG Jinzhao.Mechanism of evolution on winter-time natural convection cooling effect of fractured-rock embankment in permafrost regions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2744-2754
    1013.JIANG Xiuyang;WANG Yongjin;KONG Xinggong;WU Jiangying;SHAO Xiaohua;XIA Zhifeng;CHENG Hai.Abrupt climate change of East Asian Monsoon at 130 kaBP inferred from a high resolu-tion stalagmite δ18O record[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2765-2769
    1014.WU Guang;SUN Fengyue;ZHAO Caisheng;LI Zhitong;ZHAO Ailin;PANG Qingbang;LI Guangyuan.Discovery of the Early Paleozoic post-collisional granites in northern margin of the Erguna massif and its geological significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2733-2743
    1015.ZHENG Guiling;LI Changyou;LI Guoxun;WANG Ping;Robert R. Granados.Construction and characteristics of a transformed lepidopteran cell clone expressing baculovirus p35[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2728-2732
    1016.ZHOU Zhiqiang;ZHANG Xianyou;WU Ze;DONG Limin.Mechanochemical preparation of sulfur-doped nanosized TiO2 and its photocatalytic activity under visible light[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2691-2695
    1017.ZHANG Chunmei;YIN Zhongke;CHEN mingxia;XIAO Mingxia.Signal overcomplete Signal overcomplete decomposition based on redundant dictionaries[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2672-2677
    1018.WANG Hongzhi;MA Rongcai;LI Ruifen;WANG Guoying;WEI Jianhua.Virus-induced silencing of a tobacco deoxyhypusine syn-thase gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2707-2713
    1019.LU Cuiling;YANG Wei;HU Zhaoyuan;LIU Yixun.Granulosa cell proliferation differentiation and its role in follicular development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2665-2671
    1020.GOU Chenhua;CAI Ruixian.An analytical solution of non-Fourier Chen-Holmes bioheat transfer equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(23): 2791-2792
    1021.DAI Yunping;LIAN Zhengxing;ZHU Huabin;GONG Guochun;WANG Lili;WANG Haiping;ZHAO Zhihui;ZHU Qinghong;FEI Jing;LI Ning.Clone of Chinese Jinan red-cross yellow cattle and evaluation of reproductive characteristics of cloned calf[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(22): 2592-2597
    1022.ZHAO Wenzhi;WANG Zhaoyun;ZHANG Shuichang;WANG Hongjun;WANG Yunpeng.Oil cracking: An important way for highly efficient generation of gas from marine source rock kitchen[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(22): 2628-2635
    1023.QIU Zhili;WU Fuyuan;YU Qingyuan;XIE Liewen;YANG Shufeng.Hf isotopes of zircon megacrysts from the Cenozoic basalts in eastern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(22): 2602-2611
    1024.KAN Wei;ZHANG Zhongning;YANG Xinling;FANG Yuling;XIAO Chun;.An analysis of structure fitting and bioactivity between sex pheromone of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and its fluorinated analogs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(22): 2587-2591
    1025.LI Tianfeng;ZHANG Xingtang;JIANG Xiaohong;LI Yuncai;DU Zuliang.Fabrication of gold nanoelectrodes based on nanolithography electrochemically through a conductive AFM tip[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(22): 2560-2564
    1026.郭小勤;董海涛;郑康乐;骆红梅;谭学林;方永启;王炎钦;邓晔; 戴承恩;娄沂春;邵菁;史文琴;赵东;李德葆.水稻光温敏核不育系培矮64S 在不同光周期/温度下表达谱的变化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(22): 2509-2513
    1027.王宏芝;马荣才;李瑞芬;王国英;魏建华.病毒诱导的烟草DHS基因的沉默[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2359-2364
    1028.郭奕斌;潘敬新;杜传书.中国黏多糖贮积症Ⅱ型家系的1467-A新突变[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2438-2440
    1029.FENG Wei;MA Wensuo.Group theory analysis of braided geometry structures[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2529-2533
    1030.ZHANG Zhe;ZHOU Baoxue;GE Weijie;XIONG Bitao;ZHENG Qing;CAI Weimin.Charge recombination in dye-sensitized nanoporous TiO2 solar cell[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2408-2412
    1031.GUO Yibin;PAN Jingxin;DU Chuanshu.Detection of a new mutation (1467-A) for the pedigree with mucopolysaccharidosis type II from a Chinese family[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2534-2536
    1032.XU Tao;WANG Jian Wu;LUO Shi Ming.Cloning of the key genes in maize oxylipins pathways and their roles in herbivore induced defense[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2457-2466
    1033.WU ziyin;JIN xianglong;LI jiabiao;ZHENG yulong;WANG xiaobo.Linear sand ridges on the outer shelf of the East China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2517-2528
    1034.FU Congbin;ZENG Zhaomei.Correlations between North Atlantic Oscillation Index in winter and eastern China Flood/Drought Index in sum-mer in the last 530 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2505-2516
    1035.Wu Fuyuan;Yang Jinhui;Liu Xiaoming;Li Tiesheng;Xie Liewen;Yang Yueheng.Hf isotopes of the 3.8 Ga zircons in eastern Hebei Province, China: Implications for early crustal evolution of the North China Craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2473-2480
    1036.Yang ChunFeng;Guo YouHao.Floral evolution: Beyond traditional viewpoint of polli-nator mediated floral design[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2413-2417
    1037.SHAO Yuanzhi;ZHONG Weirong;HE Zhenhui.Nonequilibrium dynamic transition in a kinetic Ising model driven by both deterministic modulation and correlated stochastic noises[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(21): 2422-2426
    1038.LI Wenwen;KONG Hao;GAO Chao;YAN Deyue.pH-responsive poly(2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate)-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2276-2280
    1039.ZHONG Weirong;SHAO Yuanzhi;HE Zhenhui.Stochastic resonance in the growth of a tumor induced by correlated noises[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2273-2275
    1040.QI Yingqun;WANG Tiejun;HH Xiujie;CHEN Ping.Fabrication of PEDOT/PSS-ZnO nanowire by self-assembly method under vacuum condition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2288-2290
    1041.WEI Zhongqing;LIU Congqiang;LIANG Xiaobing;WANG Fushun;WANG Shaofeng.Degradation of organic matter in the sediments of Hongfeng Reservoir[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2377-2380
    1042.SHU Degan.On the Phylum Vetulicolia[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2342-2354
    1043.ZHAN Ruifen;LI Jianping;HE Jinhai.Statistical characteristics of the double ridges of subtropical high in the Northern Hemisphere[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2336-2341
    1044.XUE Zhigang;LIANG Desheng;LI Yumei;LONG Zhigao;PAN Qian;LIU Xionghao;WU Lingqian;ZHU Shaihong;CAI Fang;Dai Heping;TANG Baisha;XIA Kun;XIA Jiahui.Silica nanoparticle is a possible safe carrier for gene therapy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2323-2327
    1045.YAN Kui;LI Jun;LIU Jianbo.Biodiversity of Early-Middle Ordovician acritarchs and sea level changes in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2362-2368
    1046.SHEN Ji;WANG Yong;YANG Xiangdong;ZHANG Enlou;YANG Bao;JI Junfeng.Paleosandstorm characteristics and lake evolution history deduced from investigation on lacustrine sediments——The case of Hongjiannao Lake, Shaanxi Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(20): 2355-2361
    1047.CHENG Xinrong;WANG Pinxian;HUANG Baoqi;LIU Chuanlian;JIAN Zhimin;ZHAO Quanhong;LI Jianru;TIAN Jun;XU Jian.Carbon isotopic record of foraminifers in surface sediments from the South China Sea and its significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(2): 162-166
    1048.YAN Jianhui;HUANG Kelong;WANG Yuelong;LIU Suqin.Study on anti-pollution nano-preparation of dimethomorph and its performance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(2): 108-112
    1049.ZHOU Yunchao;WANG Shijie;XIE Xingneng;LUO Weijun;LI Tingyu.Significance and dynamics of drip water responding to rainfall in four caves of Guizhou, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(2): 154-161
    1050.ZHANG Dian;JIM Chiyung;LIN Chusheng;HE Yuanqing;LEE Fung.Climate change, social unrest and dynastic transition in an-cient China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(2): 137-144
    1051.Liu Shuhua;Zhang Xuegong;Sun Suqin.Discrimination and Feature Selection of Geographic Origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs with NIR Spectroscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(2): 179-184
    1052.Li xiaolu;Huang zhen;Qiao xinqi;Song jun;Fang junhua;Xia huimin.Flexible fuel engine based on multi-combustion control technologies[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(2): 185-189
    1053.王汝建 陈荣华 .白令海晚第四纪的Cycladophora davisiana:一个地层学工具和冰期亚北极太平洋中层水的替代物[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(2): 149-157
    1054.SUN Tao;ZHOU Xinmin;CHEN Peirong;LI Huimin;ZHOU Hongying;WANG Zhichengz;SHEN Weizhou.Strongly peraluminous granites of Mesozoic in Eastern Nanling Range, southern China: Petrogenesis and implications for tectonics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 165-174
    1055.HUANG Sijing SHI He SHEN Licheng ZHANG Meng WU Wenhui .Global correlation for strontium isotope curve in the Late Cretaceous of Tibet and dating marine sediments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 199-209
    1056.XU Huilong;Yasue Oki;Osamu Sato.Expulsion of geopressured hydrothermal system along active faults and its relation to the occurrence of earthquakes in the Shinanogawa seismic belt, Japan[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 273-281
    1057.HU Jiafu;SU Youjin;ZHU Xiongguan;CHEN Yun .S-wave velocity and Poisson's ratio structure of crust in Yunnan and its implication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 210-218
    1058.WANG Changyu YANG Xiaoqi YANG Xinmin.Optimal value functions of generalized semi-infinite min-max programming on a noncompact set[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 261-276
    1059.SHUI Shuliang ZHU Deming.Codimension 3 nonresonant bifurcations of homoclinic orbits with two inclination flips[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 248-260
    1060.SHI Yuming CHEN Guanrong.Discrete chaos in Banach spaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 222-238
    1061.唐浩林;潘牧;木士春;袁润章.静电自组装纳米Pd颗粒对Nafion®膜的阻醇修饰[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(2): 186-188
    1062.ZHENG Yu QIAN Wenhan.Linearizing the soft finger contact constraint with application to dynamic force distribution in multifingered grasping[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 121-130
    1063.YIN Junsong HU Dewen CHEN Shuang ZHOU Zongtan.DSOM: a novel self-organizing model based on NO dynamic diffusing mechanism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 247-262
    1064.LIU Yadong ZHOU Zongtan HU Dewen YAN Lirong TAN Changlian WU Daxing YAO Shuqiao.A novel method for spatio-temporal pattern analysis of brain fMRI data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 151-160
    1065.GE Gennian WU Dianhua.Some new optimal quaternary constant weight codes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 192-200
    1066.SHI Zhongzhi DONG Mingkai JIANG Yuncheng ZHANG Haijun.A logical foundation for the semantic Web[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 161-178
    1067.GAO Zhenting LUO Haibin CHEN Lili SHEN Jianhua CHEN Kaixian JIANG Hualiang SHEN Xu.Determining PPARγ-ligand binding affinity using fluores-cent assay with cis-parinaric acid as a probe[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 122-131
    1068.LIN Shaoliang LIN Jiaping CHEN Tao TIAN Xiaohui.Effect of external field on phase behavior of ternary systems involving polypeptide[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 132-142
    1069.XIAO Suyao LIU Xuanming TONG Chunyi LIU Jun TANG Dongying ZHAO Lijian.Studies of poly-L-lysine-starch nanoparticle preparation and its application as gene carrier[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 162-166
    1070.HUANG Fan LIU Yiqun ZHANG Xiaohong GAO Jianming SONG Zhihai TANG Banghui WEI Genshuan QIAO Jinliang.Interface and properties of epoxy resin modified by elastomeric nano-particles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 148-155
    1071.ZHANG Zejiang, MEI Xiujuan XU Chenghua QIU Fali.Study on the coating of nano-scale SiO2 film on the surface of nanocrystalline Mg-Al layered double hydroxides[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 107-114
    1072.徐存拴 袁金云 韩鸿鹏 常翠芳 李文强 杨柯金 赵利峰 李玉昌 张会勇 Salman Rahman.大规模鉴定大鼠 0, 4, 36, 72, 96 h 短间隔连续部分肝切除中再生肝差异表达的基因[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(2): 153-163
    1073.何德 董玖红 文建凡 辛德东 卢思奇.几类“无线粒体”原生动物进化地位的探讨[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(2): 115-122
    1074.宾文 杨娥, 彭俊平 张笑冰 王璟 杨剑 董杰 楚雍烈 张景海 金奇.痢疾志贺氏菌亚群的比较基因组学研究与进化分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(2): 131-137
    1075.LUO Jisheng WANG Xinjun ZHOU Heng.Inherent mechanism of breakdown in laminar-turbulent transition of plane channel flows[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 228-236
    1076.LIU Nansheng LU Xiyun ZHUANG Lixian.Rotation effect on near-wall turbulence statistics and flow structures[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 211-227
    1077.XU Quan TIAN Qiang.The kink-soliton and antikink-soliton in quasi-one-dimensional nonlinear monoatomic lattice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 150-157
    1078.CHENG Xiaofang FU Tairan FAN Xueliang.The principle of primary spectrum pyrometry[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 142-149
    1079.PEI Chunchuan MA Hongjun ZENG Qin LI Bo.The total column densities and fractional abun-dances of CH3CN, CH3OH, HCOOCH3 and 13CS in W51 cores[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 158-167

    YU Zhengquan1 LI Yan2 MENG Qingyong1 YUAN Jing1 ZHAO Zhihui1 LI Wei2 HU Xiaoxiang1 YAN Bingxue1 FAN Baoliang1 YU Shuyang1 LI Ning1
    .Comparative analysis of the pig BAC sequence involved in the regulation of myostatin gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 168-180

    RUAN Hong1 R. Gerstmeir2 S. Schnicke2 B.J. Eikmanns2
    .The amrG1 gene is involved in the activation of acetate in Corynebacterium glutamicum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 97-105

    XING Defeng REN Nanqi GONG Manli LI Jianzheng LI Qiubo
    .Monitoring of microbial community structure and succession in the biohydrogen production reactor by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(2): 155-162
    1083.WANG Qingzhong;LIU Yixun;HAN Chunsheng.The molecular mechanism of embryonic stem cell pluripotency maintenance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2121-2131
    1084.YANG Chunxia;WANG Jie;ZHOU Tao;LIU Jun;XU Min;ZHOU Peiling;WANG Binghong.Financial market model based on self-organized percolation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2140-2144
    1085.YIN Yunhe;WU Shaohong;ZHENG Du;YANG Qingye.Regional difference of aridity/humidity conditions change over China during the last thirty years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2226-2233
    1086.Chen junyuan;Chi Huimei.Precambrian phosphatized embryos and larvae from the Doushantuo Formation and their affinities, Guizhou (SW China)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2193-2200
    1087.WANG Ning;ZHU Yanming;SHENG Lianxi;MENG Dan.Mercury pollution in Rana Chensinensis in Weisha River reach, in the upstream region of Songhua River[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2166-2170
    1088.WANG Yanming;SONG Yu;KONG Deling;YU Yaoting.Interaction between poly(amidoamine) dendrimers and DNA studied by spectroscopic methods[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2161-2165
    1089.WEI Liqin;LIU Bo;LI Yan.Distribution of a kinesin-related protein on Golgi apparatus of tobacco pollen tubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2175-2181
    1090.WANG Wanjie;ZHENG Qiang;YU Qiuming.Study on the viscoelastic behavior of SEEPS block copolymer based on a modified BSW model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2171-2175
    1091.sun jingzhi;yang xinguo;wang mang.Thin films of porphyrin-perylene molecular array fabricated by electrophoresis methodology[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2157-2160
    1092.Wu Yu;Xu Bo-Qing.Synthesis and characterization of monoclinic TiO2 nanosheets[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50-(19): 2153-2156
    1093.LU Riyu.Interannual variation of North China rainfall in rainy season and SSTs in the equatorial eastern Pacific[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(18): 2069-2073
    1094.YANG ChunXiang;WEI DongMei;CHEN Chen;YU WeiPing;ZHU MinSheng.5DFRXXL region of long myosin light chain kinase causes F-actin bundle formation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(18): 2044-2050
    1095.YANG Yaomin;TU Guanzhi;HU Ruizhong;SHI Xuefa.Sm-Nd isotopic geochronology of the Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE deposit at Wuding, YunnanProvince and its genetic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(18): 2090-2096
    1096.Xu Qing;Sun Dongxiao;Zhang yuan.F-MSAP: A practical system to detect methylation in chicken genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(18): 2039-2044
    1097.SHEN Hebai;HU Min;YANG Zhongnan;WANG Chen;ZHU Longzhang.Polymerase chain reaction of Au nanoparticle-bound primers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(18): 2016-2020
    1098.chen zhaoyang;LIU Changjun;luan zhaokun;zhang zhongguo;li yanzhong;jia zhiping.Effect of total aluminum concentration on the formation and transformation of nanosized Al13 and Al30 in hydrolytic polymeric aluminum aqueous solutions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(18): 2010-2015
    1099.Ma yutao;Lin Yuan;Xiao Xurui;Li Xueping;Zhou Xiaowen.Synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes film and its light scattering property[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(18): 1985-1990
    1100.LI Changbao;SUN Jiaqiang;JIANG Hongling;WU Xiaoyan;LI Chuanyou.Systemic defense signaling in tomato[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1817-1822
    1101.HUANG Qinghua.Controlled analogue experiments on propagation of seismic electromagnetic signals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1956-1961
    1102.JIANG Dabang;WANG Huijun.Natural interdecadal weakening of East Asian summer monsoon in the late 20th century[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1923-1929
    1103.HUANG Chunming;ZHANG Shaodong;YI Fan.A numerical study on nonlinear propagation and short-term variability of the migrating diurnal and semidiurnal tides[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1940-1948
    1104.QIANG Mingrui;CHEN Fahu;ZHANG Jiawu;GAO Shangyu;ZHOU Aifeng.Climatic changes documented by stable isotopes of sedimentary carbonate in Lake Sugan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau of China, since 2 kaBP[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1930-1939
    1105.TANG Yanhong;MEI Chongyu;LI Shaojun;WANG Yan;WANG Xindong;WANG Lixiang;YAN Donghang;YE Cheng.Synthesis and characterization of a three-ring bent-core compound[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1849-1853
    1106.Jiang Yan;Guo Wanlin.Influence of scanning velocity on the tribology performance of hard disk[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1829-1833
    1107.WAN Qiuhong;FANG Shengguo;LI Jianguo;ZHANG Liming;OU Weifu;XIAN Fanghai;CHEN Wanli.A family net of giant pandas in the Tangjiahe Natural Reserve: Assessment of current individual migration[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1879-1886
    1108.ZONG Xiaohong;ZHOU Ping;SHAO Zhengzhong;WANG Honghai;CHUNYU Lijuan.Cu(II) effect on the conformation of regenerated silk fibroin in dilute aqueous solution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1859-1863
    1109.ZHANG Yue;YANG Xiaoda;WANG Kui.Permeation of vanadium(III, IV, V)-dipicolinate complexes across MDCK cell monolayer and comparison with Caco-2 cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1854-1859
    1110.ZHOU Junzhe;WANG Chongyu.First-principles study of the effects of Si doping on geometric and electronic structure of closed carbon nanotube[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(17): 1823-1828
    1111.DENG Hong;HUANG Ping;HU Yinyu;YE Nancy;LI Zhiliang.A novel molecular distance edge vector as applied to chemical modeling of quantitative structure-retention relationships: Various gas chromatographic retention behaviors of polychlorinated dibenzofurans on different polarity-varying stationary phases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(16): 1683-1687
    1112.WANG Zhangjiao;CHEN Zhongyuan;WEI Zixin;WANG Zhanghua;WEI Taoyuan.Coupling controls of neotectonism and paleoclimate on the Quaternary sediments of the Yangtze (Changjiang) coast[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(16): 1775-1784
    1113.JU Yiwen;JIANG Bo;HOU Quanlin;WANG Guiliang.Relationship between nanoscale deformation of coal structure and metamorphic-deformed environments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(16): 1784-1795
    1114.LÜ Jing;LI Fan;CHEN Sanfeng;LI Jilun;.The secretion of lecithinase of Pseudomonas alcaligenes S2 was via type II secretion pathway[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(16): 1731-1736
    1115.Li Zhaohui;Wang Kemin;Tan Weihong;Li Jun;Fu Zhiying;Wang Yilin;Liu Jianbo;Yang Xiaohai.Preparation of luminescent CdTe quantum dots doped core-shell nanoparticles and their application in cell recognition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(16): 1703-1707
    1116.吕静;李繁;陈三凤;李季伦;.细菌Ⅱ型分泌途径控制产碱假单胞菌(Pseudomonas alcaligenes) S2中卵磷脂酶的分泌[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(16): 1725-1730
    1117.DUAN Fangli;LUO Jianbin;WEN Shizhu;WANG Jiaxu.Atomistic structural change of silicon surface under a nanoparticle collision[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1661-1665
    1118.LIN Chihui;LIANG Yujin;CHEN Liangjwu.A conserved inverted repeat from rice plastome functions as an intrinsic transcription terminator[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1669-1672
    1119.FANG Wendong;SHI Ping;LONG Xiaomin;MAO Qingwen.Internal solitons in the north-ern South China Sea from in-situ observations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1627-1631
    1120.LI Yuecong;XU Qinghai;ZHAO Yingkui;YANG Xiaolan;XIAO Jule;CHEN Hui;LÜ Xinmiao.Pollen indication to source plants in the eastern desert of China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1632-1641
    1121.Tu Xinman;Xie Qingji;Zhang Youyu;Yao Shouzhuo.A piezoelectric spectroelectrochemical study on the structural interconversion for poly(o-phenylenediamine) between its ladder structure with phenazine units and polyaniline-like chains[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1598-1604
    1122.LÜ Zhongyuan;OUYANG Wenze;SUN Zhaoyan;LI Zesheng;AN Lijia.Computer simulations on the gas-liquid phase diagram of Stockmayer fluids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1595-1597
    1123.Yang Yun;Mu Jin;Jiang Long.Separation of hydrophobic gold nanoparticles less than 10 nm by electrophoresis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1591-1594
    1124.LIUFU Shengcong;XIAO Hanning;LI Yuping.Adsorption of polyelectrolyte on the surface of ZnO nanoparticles and the stability of colloidal dispersions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1570-1575
    1125.Liu Kaixin;Liu Weifu;Zhang Jinxiang;Li Rong;Zhang Guohua;Fu Bin.Dynamic crack growth in a fiber-reinforced composite plate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(15): 1565-1569
    1126.WU Huaichun;ZHANG Shihong;LI Zhengxiang;LI Haiyan;DONG Jin.New paleomagnetic results from the Yangzhuang Formation of the Jixian System, North China, and tectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1483-1489
    1127.KONG Jie;GAO Huan;.Analysis of tandem repeats in the genome of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1462-1469
    1128.CAO Xin;HUANG Zan;FAN Jingyi.SH-2-containing protein tyro-sine phosphatase 1 is required for IL-4-induced IL-4R ex-pression in spleen cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1456-1461
    1129.ZHANG Yaocun;GUO Lanli.Relationship between the simulated East Asian westerly jet biases and seasonal evolution of rainbelt over eastern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1503-1508
    1130.HU Zhiqiu;XU Chenwu.A new statistical method for mapping QTLs underlying endosperm traits[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1470-1476
    1131.Li Chengyu;Lin Yuan;Li Xueping;Wang Zhengping;Ma Yutao;Zhou Xiaowen;FENG Shujing;Xiao Xurui.Nanocrystalline TiO2 thin film electrodes prepared by common pressure hydrothermal method at low temperature[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1449-1452
    1132.FU Xiaonan;CHAI Huadou;LI Xinjian.Silicon nanoporous pillar ar-ray and its surface copper deposition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1424-1428
    1133.LI Chongyin;PEI Shunqiang;PU Ye.Dynamical impact of anomalous East-Asian winter monsoon on zonal wind over the equatorial western Pacific[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1520-1526
    1134.LI Bo;ZHOU Ji;LI Longtu;LI Qi;HAN Shuo;HAO Zhibiao.One-dimensional photonic bandgap structure in abalone shell[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1529-1531
    1135.周星飞;安红杰;郭云昌;孙洁林;李民乾;胡钧;.基于原子力显微镜的单个DNA分子压弹性测量[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1434-1437
    1136.魏中青;刘丛强;梁小兵;汪福顺;王少锋.贵州红枫湖沉积物中有机质的降解与微生物作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1486-1489
    1137.符淙斌;曾昭美.最近530年冬季北大西洋涛动指数与中国东部夏季旱涝指数之联系[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(14): 1512-1522
    1138.陈芳;殷勤伟.调控基因表达的miRNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1289-1299
    1139.王燕铭;宋瑜;孔德领;俞耀庭.光谱法研究聚酰胺-胺型树枝状高分子与DNA的相互作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1323-1327
    1140.CHEN Fang;YIN Q. James.Gene expression regula-tors——MicroRNAs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1281-1292
    1141.LIU Shiying;JIANG Yuyang;CAO Jian;LIU Feng;MA Li;ZHAO Yufen.Inhibitors of protein kinase C[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1293-1304
    1142.REN Zhibin;JIANG Huilin;LIU Guojun;SUN Qiang.Antireflective characteristics of hemispherical grid grating[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1309-1314
    1143.ZHAO Wenyu;ZHANG Qingjie;TANG Xinfeng;CHENG Haibin.Synthesis of nonstoichiometric M-type barium ferrite nanobelt by spark plasma sintering method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1404-1408
    1144.WANG Yuejun;FAN Weiming;LIANG Xinquan;PENG Touping;SHI Yuruo.SHRIMP zircon U-Pb geochronology of Indosinian granites in Hunan Province and its petrogenetic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1395-1403
    1145.LUAN Xiwu;QIN Yunshan.Gas seepage on the sea floor of Okinawa Trough Miyako Section[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1358-1365
    1146.DONG Xiping;Philip C. J Donoghue;LIU Zheng;LIU Jie;PENG Fan.The fossils of Orsten-type preservation from Middle and Upper Cambrian in Hunan, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1352-1357
    1147.ZHANG Hongping;ZHU Wenyao;PENG Junhuan;HUANG Cheng.Analysis of the ionosphere wave-motion with GPS[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1373-1381
    1148.ZHAO Kai;LI Junbing;YANG Gongshe;DUAN Ziyuan;HE Shunping;CHEN Yiyu.Molecular phylogenetics of Gymnocypris (Teleostei: Cy-prinidae) in Lake Qinghai and adjacent drainages[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1325-1333
    1149.LIU Xuening;ZHANG Hongtao;YANG Zhizhong;HA Chengyong.Preparation and characterization of poly (styrene/maleic anhydride)/kaolin nanocomposites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1320-1325
    1150.ZHOU Huina;ZHANG Chunxi;ZHAO Ying;BIAN Shaomin;REN Fei;WANG Huangping;HUANG Jufu.The composition and distribution of metal clusters in the MoFe protein from a nifZ deletion strain (DJ 194) of Azotobacter vinelandii[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(13): 1342-1347
    1151.JIANG Yong;QIU Rong;ZHOU Wei;FAN Weicheng.Conditional moment closure modeling of a lifted turbulent flame[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(12): 1261-1269
    1152.HAO Jiasheng;LI Chunxiang;SUN Xiaoyan;YANG Qun.Phylogeny and divergence time estimation of cheilostome bryozoans based on mitochodrial 16S rRNA sequences[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(12): 1205-1211
    1153.LI Xiaoping;MA Yuanyuan;LI Pengli;ZHANG Liwen;WANG Yong;ZHANG Ren;WANG Ningning.RNAi-mediated knocking-down of rlpk2 gene retarded soybean leaf senescence[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(12): 1218-1224
    1154.CHEN Weifeng;CHEN Peirong;XU Xisheng;ZHANG Min.Geochemical characteristics of Cretaceous basaltic rocks in South China and constraints on Pacific plate subduction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2104-2117
    1155.WU Changzhi;GU Lianxing;REN Zuowei;ZHANG Zunzhong;CHEN Zhenyan;ZHAO Ming.Transition from platemargin to intraplate environment: Geochemistry of basalts in Paleogene Liaohe basin, northeastern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2069-2080
    1156.XU Yueqing;LI Shuangcheng;CAI Yunlong.Wavelet analysis of rainfall variation in the Hebei Plain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2241-2250
    1157.TIAN Shugang;Michel Coen.Conodont evolution and stratotype sign of carboniferous Tournaisian-Visean boundary in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2131-2141
    1158.XU Jiongxin.Sediment transferring function of the lower reaches of the Yellow River influenced by drainage basin factors and human activities[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2194-2202
    1159.LIU Xuhua;WANG Jinfeng;LIU Mingliang;MENG Bin;.Spatial heterogeneity of the driving forces of cropland change in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2231-2240
    1160.LIAO Libing;Donald G. Fraser.Adsorption of As on hydroxy-Fe-montmorillonite complexes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2155-2165
    1161.HUANG Baoqi;JIAN Zhimin;WANG Pinxian.Paleoceanographic evolution recorded in the northern South China Sea since 4 Ma[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2166-2173
    1162.DING Shijiang;HU Jianmin;SONG Biao;CHEN Mulun;XIE Shengzhou;FAN Yuan.U-Pb dating of zircon from the bed parallel anatectic granitic intrusion in the Baoban group in Hainan Island and the tectonic implication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2092-2103
    1163.ZHENG Jingyun;HAO Zhixin;GE Quansheng.Variation of precipitation for the last 300 years over the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 2182-2193
    1164.郝家胜;李春香;孙晓燕;杨群.唇口目苔藓动物分子系统演化及其主要类群分歧时间的推测[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(12): 1205-1212
    1165.蒋勇;邱榕;周为;范维澄.湍流提升火焰条件矩封闭模拟[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(12): 1278-1285
    1166.LI Bingzheng LI Jun.Unconditional basis recursively generated in Lp on compact sets[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(12): 1707-1720
    1167.王梦**;陈杰城.乘积空间上的一类平方函数*[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,35(12): 1321-1332
    1168.WANG Weifan.Edge choosability of planar graphs without short cycles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1531-1544
    1169.WU Mixia WANG Songgui.A new method of spectral decomposition of covariance matrix in mixed effects models and its applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1451-1464
    1170.李小平;马媛媛;李鹏丽;张丽文;王勇;张韧;王宁宁.利用RNA干扰技术敲减rlpk2基因的表达可以延缓大豆叶片衰老[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(11): 1090-1096
    1171.HE Chunyang;SHI Peijun;CHEN Jin;Li Xiaobing;PAN Yaozhong;LI Jing;LI Yuechen;LI Jinggang.Developing land use scenario dynamics model by the inte-gration of system dynamics model and cellular automata model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1979-1989
    1172.HU Ping;YIN Xiulan;ZHAO Linghu;LI Dien.Sorption of Eu3+ onto nano-size silica-water interfaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1942-1948
    1173.MA Hongwen;FENG Wuwei;MIAO Shiding;WANG Yingbin;TIAN Shuxin.New type of potassium deposit: Modal analysis and preparation of potassium carbonate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1932-1941
    1174.SHEN Jianwei;TENG Jianbin;Pedoja Kevin.Middle and Late Devonian microbial carbonates, reefs and mounds in Guilin, South China and their sequence stratigraphic, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1900-1912
    1175.SUN Heping;Ducarme Bernard;XU Houze;Vandercoilden Leslie;XU Jianqiao;ZHOU Jiangcun.Adaptability of the ocean and earth tidal models based on global observations of the superconducting gravimeters[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1859-1869
    1176.ZHANG Zizhan;LU Yang;.Spectral analysis of quasi-stationary sea surface topography from GRACE mission[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 2040-2048
    1177.ZHANG Zhongjie;BAI Zhiming;WANG Chunyong;TENG Jiwen;LÜ Qingtian;LI Jiliang;SUN Shanxue;WANG Xinzheng.Crustal structure of Gondwana- and Yangtze-typed blocks: An example by wide-angle seismic profile from Menglian to Malong in western Yunnan[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(11): 1828-1836
    1178.Li Rihui;Martin G Lockley;LIU Mingwei.A new ichnotaxon of fossil bird track from the Early Cretaceous Tianjialou Formation (Barremian-Albian), Shandong Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(11): 1149-1154
    1179.PENG Lixin;ZHENG Hongkun;LI Xin;YANG Shuang;CHEN Hong;WANG wen.Origin and evolution of new exons in the rodent zinc finger protein 39 gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(11): 1126-1130
    1180.WANG Xusheng;WU Weiren;JIN Gulei;ZHU Jun.Genome-wide identification of R genes and exploitation of candidate RGA markers in rice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(11): 1120-1125
    1181.YU Guojun;WANG Sen;GONG Jinlong;ZHU Dezhang;HE Suixia;LI Yulan;ZHU Zhiyuan.Synthesis of carbon nanotube arrays using ethanol in porous anodic aluminum oxide template[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(11): 1097-1100
    1182.HUANG Chunju;ZHOU Di;SUN Zhen;CHEN Changmin;HAO Hujun.Deep crustal structure of Baiyun Sag, northern South China Sea revealed from deep seismic reflection profile[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(11): 1131-1138
    1183.GE Wei;MA Jingsen;ZHANG Jiayuan;TANG Dexiang;CHEN Feiguo;WANG Xiaowei;GUO Li;LI Jinghai.Particle methods for multiscale simulation of complex flows[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(11): 1057-1069
    1184.LI Jianjun;ZHANG Xingtang;CHEN Yanhui;LI Yuncai;HUANG Yabin;DU Zuliang;LI Tiejin.Synthesis of highly ordered SnO2/Fe2O3 composite nanowire arrays by electrophoretic deposition method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 1044-1047
    1185.ZHOU Xingfei;AN Hongjie;GUO Yunchang;SUN Jielin;LI Minqian;HU Jun;.Direct measurement of compression spring constant of single DNA molecule with AFM[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 954-957
    1186.Li Dihui;Jiang Jingshan;Wu Ji;Zhang Dehai;Zhang Xiaohui.Experimental research and statistical analysis on the dielectric properties of lunar soil simulators[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 1034-1043
    1187.Huang Liyan;Hou Wenbo;Liu Zhengping;Zhang Qingyue.Polypyrrole-coated styrene-butyl acrylate copolymer composite particles with tunable conductivity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 971-975
    1188.WU Yanhong;WANG Sumin;XIA Weilan;LIU Jian.Dating recent lake sediments using spheroidal carbona-ceous particle (SCP)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 1016-1020
    1189.ZHOU Xiwen;WEI Chunjing;GENG Yuansheng;ZHANG Lifei.Electron microprobe monazite Th-Pb dating and its constraints on multi-stage metamorphism of low-pressure pelitic granulite from the Jingshan Group in the Jiaobei terrane[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 1009-1015
    1190.WANG Haihua;HAO Zhongna;XIE Ke;WU Kunlu;GUO Ze-jian.Leucine zipper like structure in rice WRKY89 enhances its affinity for binding with W box elements[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 980-989
    1191.YUAN Zhihao;DUAN Yueqin;WU Yang;BIE Lijian;FAN Shoushan.Self-catalysis growth of zinc oxide nanopillar array[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 965-967
    1192.WANG Haiyan;WANG Xiaodong;ZHAO Jingsong;SUN Cheng;WANG Liansheng.Holographic QSRR of polychlorinated dibenzofurans[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 961-964
    1193.ZHANG Yanbin;WU Fuyuan;ZHAI Mingguo;LU Xiaoping.Tectonic setting of the Helong Block: Implications for the northern boundary of the eastern North China Craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1599-1612
    1194.WANG Shangqi;PENG Jinlan.Biostratigraphical significance of the Devonian Sinoleperditiini (Ostracoda)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1666-1671
    1195.GONG Yiming;XU Ran;TANG Zhongdao;SI Yuanlan;LI Baohua.Relationships between bacterial-algal proliferating and mass extinction in the Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian transition: Enlightening from carbon isotopes and molecular fossils[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1656-1665
    1196.LIU Shaowen;WANG Liangshu;GONG Yuling;LI Cheng;LI Hua;HAN Yongbing.Thermal-rheological structure of the lithosphere beneath Jiyang Depression: Its implications for geodynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1569-1584
    1197.WU Yongfu;XU Jiyao.Cause of winter gravity wave spectrum saturation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1802-1808
    1198.WU Qiang;LI Duo;DI Zhiqiang;MIAO Ying;ZHAO Suqi;GUO Qiwen.Combination of drainage, water supply and environmental protection as well as rational distribution of water resource in Zhengzhou mining district[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1768-1779
    1199.FAN Daidu;LI Congxian;Yokoyama Kazumi;ZHOU Baochun;LI Baohua;WANG Qiang;YANG Shouye;DENG Bing;WU Guoxuan.Monazite age spectra in the Late Cenozoic strata of the Changjiang delta and its implication on the Changjiang run-through time[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1718-1727
    1200.TIAN Jun;WANG Pinxian;CHENG Xinrong;WANG Rujian;SUN Xiangjun;.Forcing mechanism of the Pleistocene east Asian monsoon variations in a phase perspective[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1708-1717
    1201.WANG Rujian;CHEN Ronghua.Cycladophora davisiana (Radiolarian) in the Bering Sea during the late Quaternary: A stratigraphic tool and proxy of the glacial Subarctic Pacific Intermediate Water[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1698-1707
    1202.LI Qiugen;LIU Shuwen;HAN Baofu;WANG Yueran;DANG Qingning.Geochemical characteristics of the metapelites from the Xingxingxia group in the Eastern Segment of the Central Tianshan: Implications for the provenance and paleoweathering[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1637-1648
    1203.孔福全;赵葵;展永;曹天光;倪嵋楠;隋丽;蔡明辉;卓益忠;.随机断裂模型对7Li离子致DNA链断裂碎片长度分布的分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 947-951
    1204.王海华;郝中娜;谢科;吴坤陆;郭泽建.水稻WRKY89中的亮氨酸拉链结构增强蛋白与W盒元件的相互作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(10): 970-978
    1205.FAN Hung-Yuan LIN Wen-Wei XU Shufang.Pole assignment in descriptor periodic systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1309-1332
    1206.HUANG Zhiyong JIANG Yunping, WANG Yuefei.On conformal measures for infinitely renormalizable quadratic[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1411-1420
    1207.FENG Hui ZHANG Baolin LIU Yang.Mathematical stencil and its application in finite difference approximation to the Poisson equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(10): 1421-1429
    1208.FANG Kaitai QIN Hong
    .Uniformity pattern and related criteria for two-level factorials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 1-11
    1209.GONG Yiming;XU Ran;TANG Zhongdao;LI Baohua.The Upper Devonian orbital cyclostratigraphy and numerical dating conodont zones from Guangxi,South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 32-41
    1210.LAI Xingyun;YU Bingsong;CHEN Junyuan;CHEN Xiaolin;LIU Jianqing;MEI Mingxiang;JING Weiguang;CHENG Suhua.Thermodynamic conditions of framework grain dissolution of clastic rocks and its application in Kela 2 gas field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 21-31
    1211.LIU Zhifei;C. Colin;A. Trentesaux;D. Blamart.Clay mineral records of East Asian monsoon evolution during late Quaternary in the southern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 84-92
    1212.RUAN Chengjiang;QIN Pei;HAN Ruiming.Strategies of delayed self-pollination in Kosteletzkya virginica[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 94-96
    1213.XU Hui;YANG Rui;ZHANG Yinping;HUANG Zhe;LIN Jia;WANG Xin.Thermal physical propertie-sand key influence factors of phase change emulsion[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 88-93
    1214.XU Quan;TIAN Qiang.The characters of nonlinear vibration in the two-dimensional discrete monoatomic lattice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 5-10
    1215.CHEN Jinmao;MA Yutao;WANG Guiqiang;WANG Zhengping;ZHOU Xiaowen;LIN Yuan;LI Xueping;XIAO Xurui.A novel method for preparing platinized counter electrode of nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 11-14
    1216.ZHOU Shangzhe;XU Liubing;CUI Jianxin.Geomorphologic evolution and environmental changes in the Shaluli Mountain region during the Quaternary[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 52-57
    1217.WEI Shuhe;ZHOU Qixing;WANG Xin;ZHANG Kaisong;GUO Guanlin;MA Lena Qiying.A newly-discovered Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 33-38
    1218.WANG Gang;WANG Chunyan;WANG Wenying;WANG Qiji.Capacity of soil to protect organic carbon and biochemical characteristics of density fractions in Ziwulin Haplic Greyxems soil[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 27-32
    1219.ZHANG Jingyong;DONG Wenjie;FU Congbin.Impact of land surface deg-radation in northern China and southern Mongolia on re-gional climate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,50(1): 75-81

    CAO Mingmei REN Hao ZHAO Ping PAN Wei ZHAO Lanjuan QI Zhongtian
    .Small interfering RNA-mediated inhibition of hepatitis G virus gene expression in human hepatoma cell Huh-7[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 61-69

    ZHANG Zhi CUI Zhizhong
    .Isolation of recombinant field strains of Marek’s disease virus integrated with reticuloendotheliosis virus genome fragments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 81-88

    SONG Xin1 TAO Yongguang1 TAN Yunnian1 Leo M. Lee2 DENG Xiyun1 WU Qiao3 CAO Ya1
    .Heterodimer formation between c-Jun and Jun B proteins mediated by Epstein Barr virus encoded latent membrane protein 1[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 70-80

    LUO Chunqing1,2 LI Yan1,2 ZHANG Xiaowei1,2 ZHANG Yilin1,2 ZHANG Haiqing1,2 CHEN Chong2 XU Zuyuan1,2 CUI Peng2 HU Songnian2 YANG Huanming1,2 DONG Wei1,2
    .DNA sequence comparative analysis of the 3pter-p26 region of human genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 34-40

    ZENG Xiaodong1,2,3,5 WANG Aihui1,3,5 ZHAO Gang4 SHEN Samuel S.P.1 ZENG Xubin5 ZENG Qingcun3
    .Ecological dynamic model of grassland and its practical verification[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 41-48

    WANG Hanqian ZHANG Xueyong WANG Hongmei PANG Binshuang
    .Production of a monoclonal antibody specific for high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) in wheat and its antigenic determinant[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 89-96

    Liu Ailin1 Cao Hongpeng2 Du Guanhua1
    .Drug Screening for Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 1-5
    1227.ZHANG Hongying XIA Yuanqin CHEN Deying XIAO Pan FAN Rongwei MA Zuguang.Numerical study of laser-induced collision process in Eu-Sr in strong field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 78-88
    1228.ZHANG Jingfu XIE Jingyi DENG Zhiwei LU Zhiheng.Dense coding scheme using superpositions of Bell-states and its NMR implementation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 57-67
    1229.JING Liqiang YUAN Fulong HOU Haige XIN Baifu CAI Weimin FU Honggang.Relationships of surface oxygen vacancies with photoluminescence and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 25-30
    1230.LIU Tao LIN Lin ZHAO Hong JIANG Long.DNA and RNA sensor[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 1-10
    1231.CHEN Huili YANG Pin.The selective recognition of mismatched d(GCGAGC)2 by the cobalt(III) complex[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 58-66
    1232.YUAN Ruo TANG Dianping CHAI Yaqin ZHANG Lingyan LIU Yan ZHONG Xia DAI Jianyuan.Highly sensitive potentiometric immunosensor for hepatitis B surface antigen diagnosis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 49-57
    1233.HONG Fashui LIU Chao ZHENG Lei WANG Xuefeng WU Kang SONG Weiping LÜ Shipeng TAO Ye ZHAO Guiwen.Formation of complexes of Rubisco-Rubisco activase from La3+, Ce3+ treatment spinach[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 67-74
    1234.XIE Yingming GUO Kaihua LIANG Deqing FAN Shuanshi GU Jianming CHEN Jinggui.Gas hydrate fast nucleation from melting ice and quiescent growth along vertical heat transfer tube[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 75-82
    1235.TANG Yong RAO Min LI Lei CHEN Yu JIANG Jianfeng ZHANG Mingde SUN Xiaohan.A novel model on dynamic resource allocation in optical networks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 15-27
    1236.YANG Feng DUAN Haixin LI Xing.Modeling and analyzing of the interaction between worms and antiworms during network worm propagation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 91-106
    1237.JIN Yi HE Huacan AI Lirong.Lane of parallel through carry in ternary optical adder[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 107-116
    1238.PENG Daiyuan FAN Pingzhi.New theoretical bounds on the aperiodic correlation functions of binary sequences[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 28-45
    1239.ZHOU Chunhua YIN Yansheng ZHANG Shuxiang LIU Wei.In situ formation of nanometer-scale TiO2/SiC functional compositional film on carbon fiber[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 53-60
    1240.TANG Xiaojun LIU Junhua.Research on dynamic characteristics of multi-sensor system in the case of cross-sensitivity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 1-22
    1241.WANG Haizhou ZHAO Pei CHEN Jiwen LI Meiling YANG Zhijun WU Chao.Original position statistic distribution analysis study of low alloy steel continuous casting billet[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2005,48(1): 104-115
    1242.***.Research on the conversion relationships between the river and groundwater in the Yellow River drainage area[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (zk ): 25-41
    1243.***.Two-dimensional numerical modeling of the longitudinal and lateral channel deformations in alluvial rivers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (zk ): 199-211
    1244.***.Synergy methodology for multi-objective operational control of reservoirs in Yellow River basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (zk ): 212-223
    1245.LIU Shaofeng;LI Zhong;ZHANG Jinfang; .Mesozoic basin evolution and tectonic mechanism in Yanshan, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(S2 ): 24-38
    1246.PANG Xiongqi;LI Sumei;JIN Zhijun;LI Maowen;LI Pilong;LI Xue;BAI Guoping;.Origin and accumulation of the oils from Bamianhe Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(S2 ): 177-189
    1247.XUE Haitao;LU Shuangfang;ZHONG Ningning;WANG Bo; .Study on the threshold value of organic enrichment of carbonate as gas source rocks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(S2 ): 150-158
    1248.ZHONG Ningning;LU Shuangfang;HUANG Zhilong;ZHANG Yousheng;XUE Haitao;PAN Changchun;.TOC changes in the process of thermal evolution of source rock and its controls[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(S2 ): 141-149
    1249.BAO Zhidong;CHEN Jianfa;ZHANG Shuichang;ZHAO Hongwen;ZHANG Qinghai;LI Yan;.Sedimentary environment and development controls of the hydrocarbon source beds: Middle and Upper Proterozoic in northern North China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(S2 ): 133-140
    1250.WANG Qingchen;ZHANG Zhongpei;LIN Wei;SONG Wenjie;GUO Hong; .Neogene deformation of the Kuqa-Tianshan Basin-range System[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(S2 ): 53-65
    1251.ZHENG Jianping;ZHANG Ruisheng;YU Chunmei;TANG Huayun;ZHANG Pei; .In situ zircon Hf isotopic, U-Pb age and trace element study of monzonite xenoliths from Pingquan and Fuxin basalts: Tracking the thermal events of 169 Ma and 107 Ma in Yanliao area[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(S2 ): 39-52
    1252.于贵瑞;温学发;李庆康;张雷明;任传友;刘允芬;关德新;.中国亚热带和温带典型森林生态系统呼吸的季节模式及环境响应特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(S2 ): 84-94
    1253.李正泉;于贵瑞;温学发;张雷明;任传友;伏玉玲;.中国通量观测网络(ChinaFLUX)能量平衡闭合状况的评价[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(S2 ): 46-56
    1254.朱治林;孙晓敏;袁国富;周艳莲;许金萍;张仁华;.非平坦下垫面涡度相关通量的校正方法及其在ChinaFLUX中的应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(S2 ): 37-45
    1255.王秋凤;牛栋;于贵瑞;任传友;温学发;Chen Jingming;Ju Weimin;.长白山森林生态系统CO2和水热通量的模拟研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(S2 ): 131-140
    1256.***.Design of a new dynamical core for global atmospheric models based on some efficient numerical methods[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 4-21
    1257.***.Ab-initio molecular dynamics simulation on nano-system under external pressure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 92-100
    1258.***.Two-scale analysis method for predicting heat transfer performance of composite materials with random grain distribution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 101-110
    1259.***.Convergence of a finite difference method for combustion model problems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 121-135
    1260.***.Legendre rational approximation on the whole line[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 155-164
    1261.***.Numerical computation of stress induced microstructure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 165-171
    1262.***.On the coupled NBEM and FEM for a class of nonlinear exterior Dirichlet problem in R2 [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 181-189
    1263.***.Some theoretical comparisons of refined Ritz vectors and Ritz vectors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 222-233
    1264.***.Molecular origin of friction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 8-14
    1265.***.How linear molecules resist to shear: the origin of nanoscale friction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 15-20
    1266.***.Micro-mechanical analysis of dynamic processes of nanomanipulation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 88-92
    1267.***.Nontraditional manufacturing technique——Nano machining technique based on SPM[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 51-58
    1268.***.A new lubrication equation for ultra-thin gas film in hard disk drives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 37-44
    1269.***.On the tribological characteristics of dynamically loaded journal bearing with micropolar fluids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 45-50
    1270.***.Experimental investigation of time-dependent cavitation in an oscillatory squeeze film[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 107-112
    1271.***.Global behavior of gear system using mixed cell mapping[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 113-119
    1272.***.Structural and mechanical properties of nano-crystal TiN coatings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47 (S1): 1-7
    1273.刘光清;刘在新;陈应理;包慧芳;刘湘涛;谢庆阁.口蹄疫病毒OH/CHA/99株全长基因组感染性克隆的构建[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(9): 858-862
    1274.LIN Changsong;ZHENG Herong;REN Jianye;LIU Jingyan;Qiu Yigang.The control of syndepositional faulting on the Eogene sedimentary basin fills of the Dongying and Zhanhua sags, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(9): 769-782
    1275.TIAN Youping;ZHANG Jie;SONG Linhua;BAO Haosheng.The role of aerial algae in the formation of the landscape of the Yunnan Stone Forest, Yunnan Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(9): 846-864
    1276.ZHANG Hongfu;YING Jifeng;XU Ping;MA Yuguang;.Mantle olivine xenocrysts entrained in Mesozoic basalts from the North China craton: Implication for replacement process of lithospheric mantle[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 961-966
    1277.LIU Xinmei;YAN Zifeng;G. Q. Lu;.Microstructure and application of mesoporous nanosize zirconia[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 975-980
    1278.WENG Huanxin;ZHANG Xingmao;WU Nengyou;CHEN Lihong;CHEN Jingfeng;WANG Ying;QIN Yachao;TIAN Rongxiang;.Environmental and biogeochemical process of accumulation of iron-phosphorus in marine sediments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 931-937
    1279.WENG Jun;TAN Cuiyan;YU Yong;RUAN Kangcheng;XU Chunhe; .Low pH-induced conformational changes in 33 kD protein of[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 921-925
    1280.XIE Xin;ZHANG Xu;GAO Huafang;ZHANG Huan;CHEN Depu;CHENG Jing;FEI Weiyang; .DNA purification and gene typing: Based on multifunctional nanobeads[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 886-889
    1281.SONG Cheng;CHEN Yaqing;WEI Shuai;YOU Xiaozeng;XIAO Shoujun;.Self-assembly of two-dimensional DNA crystals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 879-882
    1282.XU Jin;LI Sanping;DONG Yafei;WEI Xiaopeng;.Sticker DNA computer model—PartⅡ: Application[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 863-871
    1283.LI Yuan;FANG Chen;OUYANG Qi; .Genetic algorithm in DNA computing: A solution to the maximal clique problem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(9 ): 967-971
    1284.LI Shijie; DU Weihua & LI Ning .Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian nuclear transfer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(8): 766-771
    1285.LU Zhuozhuang;WU Zuze;ZHANG Qunwei;WANG Hua;JIA Xiangxu;DUAN Haifeng;WANG Lisheng; .Notch signaling stimulates osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(8 ): 815-818
    1286.SHAO Xiangfeng;WANG Tongxin;ZHANG Deqing;XU Wei;ZHU Daoben.Assembly of gold nanoparticles with H10TTPR (3a, 4, 5, 8, 9, 9a, 10, 11-octahydro-2H,3H-1,6,7,12-tetrathia-perylene) as the rigid cross-linker[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(8): 789-792
    1287.XU Jin; DONG Yafei & WEI Xiaopeng .Sticker DNA computer model ——Part Ⅰ: Theory[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(8): 772-780
    1288.JIANG Xinsheng;PAN Zhongxi;XIE Yuan;LI Minghui.Cretaceous desert cycles, wind direction and hydrologic cycle variations in Ordos Basin: Evidence for Cretaceous climatic unequability[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(8): 727-738
    1289.FAN Chengxin;ZHANG Lu;QIN Boqiang;WANG Sumin;HU Weiping;ZHANG Chen.Estimation on dynamic release of phosphorus from wind-induced suspended particulate matter in Lake Taihu[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(8): 710-719
    1290.SHU Liangshu;DENG Ping;WANG Bin;TAN Zhengzhong;YU Xinqi;SUN Yan.Lithology, kinematics and geochronology related to Late Mesozoic basin-mountain evolution in the Nanxiong-Zhuguang area, South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(8): 673-688
    1291.李世杰;杜卫华;李宁.体细胞克隆中核的重编程[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(8): 721-726
    1292.张治华;张勇;石宝晨;邓巍;赵屹;陈润生.用生物信息学方法发现跨染色体剪接的嵌合5′/3′UTRs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(8): 755-758
    1293.杨峰 段海新 李星.网络蠕虫扩散中蠕虫和良性蠕虫交互过程建模与分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(8): 841-856
    1294.宋琤;陈亚清;魏帅;游效曾;肖守军.磷酸根修饰的二维DNA晶体的研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 639-642
    1295.HUANG Sixun;HAN Wei;WU Rongsheng.Theoretical analyses and numerical experiments of variational assimilation for one-dimensional ocean temperature model with techniques in inverse problems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(7): 630-638
    1296.YANG Yuanxi;WEN Yuanlan.Synthetically adaptive robust filtering for satellite orbit determination[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(7): 585-592
    1297.LIU Shaowen;WANG Liangshu;LI Cheng;LI Hua;HAN Yongbing;JIA Chengzao;WEI Guoqi.Thermal-rheological structure of lithosphere beneath the northern flank of Tarim Basin, western China: Implications for geodynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(7): 659-672
    1298.LI Bin;WANG Ying;WU Haiping;ZHANG Yi;ZHANG Zhixiang;ZHOU Xingfei;LI Minqian;HU Jun.Combined-dynamic mode “dip-pen” nanolithography and physically nanopatterning along single DNA molecules[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 665-667
    1299.WANG Qiang;LIU Qiuyun;LI Gang;LI Baojian.A novel method of DNA shuffling without PCR process[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 689-691
    1300.ZHANG Jingpu;WANG Weixian;ZHU Shaoxia.Cloning and roles of goldfish maternal factor β-Catenin cDNA in embryonic development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 683-688
    1301.LIU Xiande;SHEN Yungang.Hypoosmotic shock induces a state Ⅰ transition of photosynthetic apparatus in Dunaliella salina[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 672-675
    1302.WANG Minqiang;WANG Yunpeng;YAO Xi;KONG Fantao;ZHANG Liangying.In-situ growth and spectrum characterization of ZnSe nanocrystals in silica gel-glasses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 747-750
    1303.ZHAO Wenxia;HU Yuxian;XIA Feng;WANG Ximei;LIAO Chengzhu;JIANG Dan.K-rich lamellar exsolution in clinopyroxene: Constraint on the depth of peridotite source at Zhimafang[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 711-715
    1304.WANG Dongxiao;LIU Xiongbin;WANG Wenzhi;DU Yan;ZHOU Weidong.Simulation of meridional overturning in the upper layer of the South China Sea with an idealized bottom topography[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(7): 740-747
    1305.XU Xiaojing;CAO Zhixiang;LIU Guoqin;Madan K. Bhattacharrya;REN Dongtao.Cloning and expression of AtPLC6, a gene encoding a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C in Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 567-573
    1306.NI Zhiyao;ZHAI Mingguo;WANG Renmin;TONG Ying;SHU Guiming;HAI Xiuling.Discovery of Late Paleozoic retrograded eclogites from the middle part of the northern margin of North China Craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 600-606
    1307.JIN Weiwu;CHEN Chen;ZHANG Ying;ZHAO Yiqiang;FENG Jidong;CHEN Fuyong;WU Qingming;YANG Hanchun;WANG Ming;YU Jialin;LI Ning;GONG Yuanshi;SUN Qixin;CHEN Zhangliang.Genome sequencing and characterization analysis of a Beijing isolate of chicken coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 585-590
    1308.MIAO Hongmei;Fleming Joy E.;LÜ Debing;HAN Jinfeng.Evaluation and characterization of an endosperm-specific sbeⅡa promoter in wheat[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 579-585
    1309.LIU Shuxia;LI Dehui;SU Zhongmin;WANG Enbo.Structural conversion and intramolecular electron transfer in ferrocenylanthraquinones triggered by Keggin type of heteropoly acid serving as proton source[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 552-555
    1310.ZHANG Yijun;MENG Qing;P. R. Krehbiel;LIU Xinsheng;ZHOU Xiuji.Spatial and temporal characteristics of VHF radiation source produced by lightning in supercell thunderstorms[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 624-631
    1311.WANG Erchie.An important form of basin-mountain coupling: Orogenic belt and flank basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 632-636
    1312.JIANG Qing;LU Zhigang;ZHANG Chuanmao.Role of Ran GTPase in cell cycle regulation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 535-541
    1313.LI Yan;LIAO Shendong;CHI Guobin;LIAO Qifang.NPP distribution related to the terrains along the North-South Transect of Eastern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 617-624
    1314.GONG Daoyi;WANG Shaowu;ZHU Jinhong.Arctic Oscillation influence on daily temperature variance in winter over China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(6): 637-642
    1315.JIA Dacheng;HU Ruizhong;LU Yan;XIE Guiqing;QIU Xuelin.Characteristics of the mantle source region of sodium lamprophyres and petrogenetic tectonic setting in northeastern Hunan, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 559-569
    1316.CHEN Lihui;ZHOU Xinhua.Ultramafic xenoliths in Mesozoic diorite in west Shandong Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 489-499
    1317.谢欣;张旭;高华方;张欢;陈德朴;程京;费维扬.基于多功能纳米磁珠的DNA制备与基因分型[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 541-543
    1318.WANG Wensheng.How big are the Csörgő-Révész increments of two-parameter Wiener processes?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 894-907
    1319.ZHANG Zhenyue ZHA Hongyuan.Linear low-rank approximation and nonlinear dimensionality reduction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 908-920
    1320.YUAN Zhongxian ZHANG Jianguo JIANG Mingjian.Study on coordinative optimization of convection in tubes with variable heat flux[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 651-658
    1321.HU Xiangqian LI Lemin.Density functional calculations of large systems containing heavy elements by means of the regionalization algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 453-465
    1322.SONG Huajie XIAO Heming DONG Haishan.Correlated intermolecular interaction components from asymptotically corrected Kohn-Sham orbitals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 466-479
    1323.LI Li WU Qingsheng DING Yaping LI Ping.Simultaneously inducing synthesis of semiconductor selenium multi-armed nanorods and nanobars through bio-membrane bi-templates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 507-511
    1324.WANG Shun LIN Juanjuan CHEN Fan HU Maolin HU Xingen HAN Yiping GAO Qingyu.Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between thiourea and iodate in unbuffered medium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 480-487
    1325.ZHANG Zejiang XU Chenghua QIU Fali MEI Xiujuan LAN Bin ZHANG Shuosheng.Study on fire-retardant nanocrystalline Mg-Al layered double hydroxides synthesized by microwave-crystallization method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 488-498
    1326.邢德峰 任南琪 宫曼丽 李建政 李秋波.DGGE技术监测生物制氢反应器微生物群落结构和演替[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(6): 569-574
    1327.LUO Ji WU Jinlei.Effect of charge on the stability of single-walled carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 685-693
    1328.WANG Jing ZENG Jinyan.|m| Partial wave treatment for two-dimensional Coulomb-scattering and Regge pole[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 676-684
    1329.LI Yanrong YANG Chun XUE Weidong LI Jinshan LIU Yonghua.Theoretical study of ZnO adsorption and bonding on Al2O3 (0001) surface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 664-675
    1330.RUAN Ying CAO Chongde WEI Bingbo.Rapid growth of ternary eutectic un der high undercooling conditions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 717-728
    1331.CHENG Bing WANG Ying ZHENG Nanning JIA Xinchun BIAN Zhengzhong.MRF model and FRAME model-based unsupervised image segmentation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 697-705

    BAI Xueyuan CHEN Xiangmei FEN Zhe WU Di HOU Kai CHENG Genyang PENG Lixia
    .Expression of EGFP/SDCT1 fusion protein, subcellular localization signal analysis, tissue distribution and electrophysiological function study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(6): 530-539

    LI Ping LU Xuzhong SHAO Min LONG Juying WANG Jinsheng
    .Genetic diversity of Harpins from Xanthomonas oryzae and their activity to induce hypersensitive response and disease resistance in tobacco[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 461-469

    WU Xiaofeng CAO Cuiping XU Yaxiang LU Xingmeng
    .Construction of a host range-expanded hybrid baculovirus of BmNPV and AcNPV, and knockout of cysteinase gene for more efficient expression[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 406-415

    WANG Lingling1 MA Li1 LENG Wenchuan1 YANG Jian2 ZHU Junping1 DONG Jie1 XUE Ying1 WAN Zhe3 LI Ruoyu3 JIN Qi1
    .Analysis of part of the Trichophyton rubrum ESTs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 389-395

    LIANG Hui1 CHEN Hankui1 SHEN Yayun2 FENG Qisheng1 JIN Wei2 HUANG Wei2 ZENG Yixin1
    .A rare polymorphism of the COX7B2 gene in a Cantonese family with nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 449-453
    1337.CAO Limin ZHANG Ze WANG Wenkui.Large-scale boron nanowire nanojunctions and their highly-oriented arrays[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 621-632
    1338.XU Yechun SHEN Jianhua LUO Xiaomin SHEN Xu CHEN Kaixian JIANG Hualiang.Steered molecular dynamics simulations of protein-ligand interactions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 355-366
    1339.LI Wu MA Yuan ZHAO Yufen.Penta-coordinated phosphorus structure analysis on kinases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 420-427
    1340.ZHANG Huijuan WANG Peng WANG Xuefei FENG Juan XU Sichuan AI Xicheng ZHANG Xingkang ZHANG Jianping.Mechanism of intramolecular charge transfer in DNA helix as probed by the use of the fluorescent 2-aminopurine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 367-372
    1341.ZHANG Zunting GUO Yaning LIU Qianguang.Synthesis, crystal structure and photoluminescence of a novel tetra-nuclear calcium complex [{Ca(C15H8O7S)-(H2O)(DMSO)}3 {Ca(C15H8O7S) (DMSO)2}]·4DMSO[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 396-406
    1342.LI Angsheng ZHAO Yicheng.Plus cupping degrees do not form an ideal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 635-654
    1343.XU Chengzhong FENG Dexing.Robust integral stabilization of regular linear systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 545-554
    1344.WANG Xuesong LI Yongzhen DAI Dahai XIAO Shunping ZHUANG Zhaowen.Instantaneous polarization statistics of electromagnetic waves[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 623-634
    1345.HUANG Gang MEI Hong YANG Fuqing.Runtime software architecture based on reflective middleware[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 555-576
    1346.QIAN Haifeng CAO Zhenfu XUE Qingshui.A new threshold proxy signature scheme from bilinear pairings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 612-622
    1347.JING Xingjian WANG Yuechao TAN Dalong.Artificial coordinating field and its application to motion planning of robots in uncertain dynamic environments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 577-594
    1348.LÜ Congmin GU Yidong LIN Baojun GUO Jiong.Integrated precise orbit determination of Shenzhou IV unmanned spacecraft[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 518-525
    1349.ZHENG Ruiting CHENG Guo’an PENG Yibin ZHAO Yong LIU Huaping LIANG Changlin.Synthesis of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays on silicon substrates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 616-624
    1350.NING Jianguo CHEN Longwei.Fuzzy interface treatment in Eulerian method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 550-568
    1351.史玉明 陈关荣.Banach 空间上的离散混沌[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(5): 595-609
    1352.王强;刘秋云;李刚;李宝健.一种方便、无PCR过程的DNA shuffling方法[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 448-450
    1353.李源;方辰;欧阳颀.最大集团问题的DNA计算机进化算法[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 439-443
    1354.李宾;汪颖;武海萍;张益;张志祥;周星飞;李民乾;胡钧.动态组合模式“蘸笔”纳米刻蚀与单个DNA分子上的物理纳米图形制造[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 444-447
    1355.MA Changqian;YANG Kunguang;MING Houli;LIN Guangchun.The timing of tectonic transition from compression to extension in Dabieshan: Evidence from Mesozoic granites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 453-462
    1356.ZHOU Shixin;WANG Xianbin;MENG Zifang;LI Yuan;Paul Farrimond;LI Liwu.Molecular and carbon isotopic compositions of gas inclusions of deep carbonate rocks in the Tarim Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 445-452
    1357.YAN Jiaxin;LIANG Dingyi;WU Ming.Permian carbonates of Baoshan block, Western Yunnan and their paleoclimatic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(5): 385-392
    1358.ZHOU Hantao;LIN Qingtong;PAN Wen;GAO Yuanyuan;CHEN Pan;CHEN Xu;LIU Bo.Transformation of the salt-tolerant gene of Avicennia marina into tobacco plants and cultivation of salt-tolerant lines[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 456-461
    1359.TANG Mingjuan;SHEN Ye HU Yuanlei CAO Lei NI Ting ZHANG Hongyu & LIN Zhongping .Allergenicity assay of allergen from Dermatophagoides farinae in transgenic tobacco[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 452-455
    1360.LI Yanchu;LI Li;JING Chunshen;CAI Wenli;.Temporal and spatial variabilities of sea surface heights in the northeastern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5 ): 491-498
    1361.WANG Hanchun;ZHOU Zhiyou;TANG Wei;YAN Jiawei;SUN Shigang.Electrochemical preparation and abnormal infrared effects of nanostructured Ni thin film[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 442-446
    1362.BIAN Chunhua;NING Xinbao.Nonlinearity degree of short-term heart rate variability signal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 530-534
    1363.WEI Daxiu;YANG Xiaodong;LUO Jun;SUN Xianping;ZENG Xizhi;LIU Maili.NMR experimental implementation of three-parties quantum superdense coding[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 423-426
    1364.XIE Yanbo;WANG Bing-Hong;YANG Weisong;WANG Weining.The mechanism for the self-adaptation behavior in the evolutionary minority game model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 432-437
    1365.LI Hong;YANG Yutao;ZHANG Kewei;ZHENG Chengchao.Identification and analysis of ARS function of six plant MARs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(5): 462-466
    1366.CHEN Min.;LIU Zuli;WANG Chuancong;WANG Yu;YANG Xinsheng;YAO Kailun.Temperature characteristics of electrical behavior of W-Bi-Ti-O ceramics at low field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 313-316
    1367.LIU Yu; V. Shishov; SHI Jiangfeng; E. Vaganov; SUN Junyan; CAI Qiufang; I. Djanseitov & AN Zhisheng .The forecast of seasonal precipitation trend at the north Helan Mountain and Baiyinaobao regions, Inner Mongolia for the next 20 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 410-415
    1368.XU Wenzhong;WANG Xin;FENG Qi;ZHANG Lei;LIU Yaoguang;HAN Bin;CHONG Kang;XU Zhihong;TAN Kehui.The VER2 promoter contains repeated sequences and requires vernalization for its activity in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 355-362
    1369.ZHANG Hua;CHOU Jifan;QIU Chongjian.Assimilation analysis of Rammasun typhoon structure over Northwest Pacific using satellite data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 389-395
    1370.CHEN Defu;CHEN Xiwen.Cloning and activity analysis of in vitro expression of plant NAD-IDH genes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 328-336
    1371.ZHOU Yanhong;YANG Lei;WANG Hui;LU Feng;WAN Honghui.Prediction of eukaryotic gene structures based on multilevel optimization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 321-327
    1372.DAI Yongding;SONG Haiming;SHEN Jiying.Fossil bacteria in Xuanlong iron ore deposits of Hebei Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 347-356
    1373.ZHANG Guowei;DONG Yunpeng;LAI Shaocong;GUO Anlin;MENG Qingren;LIU Shaofeng;CHENG Shunyou;YAO Anping;ZHANG Zongqing;PEI Xianzhi;LI Sanzhong.Mianlüe tectonic zone and Mianlüe suture zone on southern margin of Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 300-316
    1374.许进;李三平;董亚非;魏小鹏.粘贴DNA计算机模型(Ⅱ): 应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 299-307
    1375.蒋青;卢智刚;张传茂.Ras类原癌基因产物Ran GTPase在细胞增殖调控中的作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(4): 308-314
    1376.袁若 唐点平 柴雅琴 张凌燕 刘颜 钟霞 戴建远.高灵敏电位型免疫传感器对乙型肝炎表面抗原的诊断技术研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(4): 279-286
    1377.张慧娟 王鹏 王雪飞 冯娟 徐四川 艾希成 张兴康 张建平.以2-氨基嘌呤为荧光探针研究双链DNA分子内电荷传递机理[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(4): 295-299
    1378.CHU Jinkui WANG Liding WU Chen.Relationship between coupler curve properties of a 4-bar linkage and its dimensional types[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 479-487
    1379.ZHANG Di SUN Binghe FAN Tongxiang.Synthesis and microstructure analysis of morph-genetic materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 470-478
    1380.MA Dejun Chung Wo Ong LIU Jianmin HE Jiawen.Determination of Young’s modulus by nanoindentation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 398-408
    1381.FENG Dapeng WANG Deguo ZHANG Siwei.Preparation and nanotribological behavior of PAH/graphite oxide molecular deposition film[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 385-390
    1382.WANG Xiangyun LI Yongchao CAI Kaiyuan.On the polynomial dynamic system approach to software development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 437-457
    1383.SHAO Chao LU Guangyue BAO Zheng.Some properties of the alternating separation (AS), alternating projection (AP) and ASAP algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 409-420
    1384.SHE Yiyuan HAO Pengwei.Block TERM factorization of block matrices[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 421-436
    1385.PAN Quan ZHANG Lei CUI Peiling ZHANG Hongcai.The optimal filtering of a class of dynamic multiscale systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 501-517
    1386.SUN Hong GUAN Bao Henri Maitre.Statistical multiresolution analysis in amplitude-frequency domain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 518-526
    1387.YU Wensheng WANG Long JürgenAckermann.Robust strictly positive real synthesis for polynomial families of arbitrary order[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 475-489
    1388.MA Peihua DONG Jun XIANG Shuangchun XUE Saifeng ZHU Qianjiang TAO Zhu ZHANG Jianxin ZHOU Xin.Interaction of host-guest complexes of cucurbit[n]urils with double probe guests[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 301-310
    1389.GAO Ziwei ZHAO Xiaopeng SUN Ping SI Gang.Supramolecular complex formation of β-cyclodextrin polymer with substituted salicylic acid or 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid and their electrorheological behaviors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 340-348
    1390.OUYANG Jianming DENG Suiping LI Xiangping TAN Yanhua Bernd Tieke.Effects of temperature and sodium carboxylate additives on mineralization of calcium oxalate in silica gel systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 311-319
    1391.吴镝 洪权 陈香美 傅博 李爱萍 刘航 王建中 白雪源.利用逆转录病毒RNAi载体抑制心肌成纤维细胞分泌纤维连接蛋白[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(4): 335-342
    1392.曹明媚 任浩 赵平 潘卫 赵兰娟 戚中田.小干扰RNA对庚型肝炎病毒基因在人Huh-7细胞中表达的抑制作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(4): 343-349
    1393.宋鑫 陶永光 谭运年 黎民敬 邓锡云 吴乔 曹亚.EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白1介导c-Jun/JunB活性异源二聚体形成[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(4): 325-334
    1394.CAO Limin ZHANG Ze WANG Wenkui.Magnetron sputtering synthesis of large area well-ordered boron nanowire arrays[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 403-415
    1395.LIU Nansheng LU Xiyun ZHUANG Lixian.An improved dynamic subgrid-scale model and its application to large eddy simulation of rotating channel flows[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 463-476
    1396.TONG Dengke WANG Ruihe.Analysis of the flow of non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluids in fractal reservoir with the fractional derivative[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 424-441
    1397.SU Haijun ZHANG Mei ZHANG Yun.Mechanical model of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque rupture[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 452-462
    1398.FENG Shaotong HAN Dianrong DING Heping.Experimental determination of Hurst exponent of the self-affine fractal patterns with optical fractional Fourier transform[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 485-491
    1399.CHEN Hong FENG Heng YU Hongru.Double detonation drivers for a shock tube/tunnel[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 502-512

    HU Xiangyang1 Steven J. NEILL2 FANG Jianying1 CAI Weiming1 TANG Zhangcheng1
    .Mitogen-activated protein kinases mediate the oxidative burst and saponin synthesis induced by chitosan in cell cultures of Panax ginseng[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 303-312
    1401.***.Distribution of T-DNA carrying a Ds element on rice chromosomes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4 ): 322-331

    LI Shuangfei HU Wei WANG Yaping ZHU Zuoyan
    .Cloning and expression analysis in mature individuals of two chicken type-II GnRH (cGnRH-II) genes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 349-358

    WU Di1 HONG Quan1 CHEN Xiangmei1 FU Bo1 LI Aipingi2 LIU Hang1 BAI Xueyuan1 WANG Jianzhong1
    .Effective suppression of fibronectin synthesis by retrovirus delivered shRNA in rat cardiac fibroblasts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 368-375

    ZHU Junhua ZHU Xiaoping WEN Fujiang BAI Qingrong ZHU Changxiang SONG Yunzhi
    .Effect of cDNA fragments in different length derived from Potato Virus Y coat protein gene on the induction of RNA-mediated virus resistance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 382-388

    ZHOU Qixing CHENG Yun ZHANG Qianru LIANG Jidong
    .Quantitative analyses of relationships between ecotoxicological effects and combined pollution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 332-339

    LIU Yixun
    .Endometrium implantation and ectopic pregnancy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(4): 293-302

    LI Jing CHEN Xianhua LIN Wanmin LI Lishu HAN Yu XU Ping
    .Establishment and application of minigene models for studying pre-mRNA alternative splicing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 211-218

    LIAO Xiaomei ZHANG Yingchun WANG Yipeng WANG Jianzhi
    .The effect of cdk-5 overexpression on tau phosphorylation and spatial memory of rat[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 251-257

    FANG Jingyun PIAO Shilong HE Jinsheng MA Wenhong
    .Increasing terrestrial vegetation activity in China, 1982—1999[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 229-240

    ZHANG Jie1,2 SHAN Qing1 MA Ping1 JIANG Yanming1 CHEN Peng1 WEN Jingxia1 ZHOU You1 QIAN Huanwen1 PEI Xuetao2
    .Differentiation potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into retina in normal and laser-injured rat eye[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 241-250

    CHENG Lingpeng1 CHEN Senxiong1 Jenifer M. Brannan2 Joanita Jakana3 ZHANG Qinfen1 Z. H. Zhou2 ZHANG Jingqiang1
    .Three-dimensional structure determination of capsid of Aedes albopictus C6/36 cell densovirus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 224-228
    1412.FAN Zhikai LIU Qingxiang CHEN Daibing TAN Jie ZHOU Haijing.Theoretical and experimental researches on C-band three-cavity transit-time effect oscillator[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 310-329
    1413.WU Zhongchao XU Donghui.Constrained instanton and black hole creation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 293-309
    1414.GAO Zhi HU Limin SHEN Yiqing.Semi-gas kinetics model for performance modeling of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine lasers (COIL)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 338-351
    1415.WANG Zhongdong XIAO Lizhi LIU Tangyan.A new method for multi-exponential inversion of NMR relaxation measurements[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 265-276
    1416.GUO Lijun LIU Yuan LIU Weimin GUO Junhua XU Chunhe QIAN Shixiong.Ultrafast excitation relaxation in light-harvesting complex LH2 from Rb. sphaeroides 601[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 192-199
    1417.JIAO Kui YAO Hong XU Jin ZHANG Shusheng.Electrochemical studies of 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene as substrate for voltammetric enzyme immunoassay[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 184-191
    1418.DOU Xiaoming YUAN Bo ZHAO Haiying YIN Guangzhong Yukihiro Ozaki.Generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 257-266
    1419.ZHENG Hong WANG Shaoqing CHENG Huiming.Effect of chemical potential on the computer simulation of hydrogen storage in single walled carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 222-227
    1420.HE Yunfeng DU Dong SUN Zhenguo CHEN Qiang PAN Jiluan.Analytical solution and experimental verification for pulsed laser heating process with convective boundary condition[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 305-319
    1421.LI Chensha WANG Dazhi LIANG Tongxiang WANG Xiaofeng LIANG Ji.Effect of acid oxidization of carbon nanotube electrode on the capacitances of double layer capacitors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 257-264
    1422.WANG Yuanzhan HUA Leina DONG Shaowei.Dynamic model of vibrating-sliding-uplift rocking coupled motion and dynamic design method of caisson breakwaters[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 352-365
    1423.WU Juan LI Jiazhi DENG Zequn WANG Changsui.Chinese Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 366-375
    1424.HU Zhihua LIAO Xianbo DIAO Hongwei KONG Guanglin ZENG Xiangbo XU Yanyue.Impacts of hydrogen dilution on growth and optical properties of a-SiC:H films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 327-334
    1425.ZHONG Huaijie CHEN Dongxiao CHEN Jianlan.Some G-M-type Banach spaces and K-groups of operator algebras on them[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 372-392
    1426.PAN Jiazhu YU Bosco W. T. PANG W. K..How does innovation’s tail risk determine marginal tail risk of a stationary financial time series?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 321-338
    1427.ZHENG Jianhua.On transcendental meromorphic functions with radially distributed values[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 401-416
    1428.许进;董亚非;魏小鹏.粘贴DNA计算机模型(Ⅰ): 理论[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 205-212
    1429.CHEN Zhaonan;LI Zongyang.Prediction analysis of long-term memory effect for calamity gray series[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(3): 209-220
    1430.TIAN Leilei;ZHANG Ming;LU Ping;ZHANG Wu;YANG Bing;MA Yuguang.Fluorescence quenching effect of metal ions for α,α′-diamine containing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 246-248
    1431.ZHENG Jianping;LU Fengxiang;YU Chunmei;TANG Huayun.An in situ zircon Hf isotopic, U-Pb age and trace element study of banded granulite xenolith from Hannuoba basalt: Tracking the early evolution of the lower crust in the North China craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 277-285
    1432.WU Ningfeng;DENG Minjie;SHI Xiuyun;LIANG Guoyi;YAO Bin;FAN Yunliu.Isolation, purification and properties characterization of a new organphosphorus hydrolase OPHC2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 268-272
    1433.ZHOU Jingming;QIN Zhanfen;CONG Lin;XU Xiaobai.Research progress of the endocrine disrupting activities of polychlorinated biphenyls[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 215-219
    1434.YUE Linhai;JIN Dalai.The synthesis of spherical calcium carbonate composite in amphiphilic PS-b-PAA solution and its thermal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 235-239
    1435.FENG Dan;ZENG Zonghao.Statistical analysis on protein-protein interface in crystals: Specific and non-specific interfaces are differentially distributed[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 273-276
    1436.MAO Jiangsen;LIU Ziyang;TANG Caihua;HE Yihui;ZHU Jiahong;WANG Chengyu;CHAI Shaoai;CHEN Yueqing;QIAN Wen.Evidence for hydrogen-deuterium exchange in viral particles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 253-257
    1437.LIU Jinbo;YI Fan.Sodium resonance lidar observations during 2001 Leonid meteor shower over Wuhan[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 303-306
    1438.SHI Weibin;FENG Mingguang.Ovicidal activity of two fungal pathogens (Hyphomycetes) against Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Acarina: Tetranichidae)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(3): 263-267
    1439.Shao Yangguang;Zhang Guoping;Lu Jun;Huang Baiqu.Structure and functions of transcriptional coactivators p300/CBP and their roles in regulation of interleukin gene expression[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(24): 2555-2562
    1440.PENG Xianzhi;ZHANG Gan;CHEN Fanzhong;LIU Guoqing.Stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations of alkane compounds and crude oil during aerobically[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(24): 2620-2626
    1441.ZHAO Tingkai;LIU Yongning;ZHU Jiewu.Gas and pressure effects on the synthesis of amorphous carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(24): 2569-2571
    1442.Cui xiaofeng;Zhou xueping.AC2 and AC4 proteins of Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus and Tobacco curly shoot virus mediate suppression of RNA silencing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(24): 2607-2612
    1443.Liu Hongxia;Wang Ying;Zhou Tianhong;Sun Yujing;Liu Guoqin;Ren Dongtao.Constitutive activation of AtMEK5, a MAPK kinase, induces salicylic acid-independent cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(24): 2594-2600
    1444.KANG Lei;LUO Chunrong;ZHAO Qian;SONG Juan;FU Quanhong;ZHAO Xiaopeng.Panel-allocated defect SRRs effect in X-band LHMs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2440-2442
    1445.ZHANG De’er;Demaree Gaston.Northern China maximum temperature in the summer of 1743: A historical event of burning summer in a relatively warm climate background[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2508-2514
    1446.ZHOU Xiaojing;GAO Shu.Spatial variability and representation of seabed sediment grain sizes: An example from the Zhoushan-Jinshanwei transect, Hangzhou Bay, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2503-2507
    1447.pei yanxi;chen zhujun;cao jiashu;chen xuejun;liu xiaohui.Cytoplasmic male sterility of tuber mustard is associated with the alternative spliced mitochondrial T gene transcripts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2481-2486
    1448.SI Lichun;WANG Ge;CAI Fuli;WANG Zhiqiang;DUAN Xue.Polymerization reaction in restricted space of layered double hydroxides (LDHs)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2459-2463
    1449.ZHAO Taiping;ZHAI Mingguo;XIA Bin;LI Huimin;ZHANG Yixing;WAN Yusheng.Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating for the volcanic rocks of the Xiong’er Group: Constraints on the initial formation age of the cover of the North China Craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2495-2502
    1450.SUN Dongmei;CAI Chenxin;XING Wei;LU Tianhong.Immobilization and direct electrochemistry of copper-containing enzymes on active carbon[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2452-2454
    1451.崔晓峰;周雪平.中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒和烟草曲茎病毒AC2和AC4蛋白为RNA沉默的抑制子[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(23): 2431-2436
    1452.Jiao Chuanzhen;Wang Zaizhao;Li Fuhua;Zhang Chengsong;Xiang Jianhai.Cloning, sequencing and expression analysis of cDNA encoding a constitutive heat shock protein 70 (HSC70) in Fenneropenaeus chinensis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(22): 2385-2393
    1453.Li Xinsong;Ni Guangyu.Nano-porous ultra-high specific surface ultrafine fibers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(22): 2368-2371
    1454.DAI Chunming;ZHANG Xiaoyan;WANG Shuhui;LIU Ying;DUAN Danli;SHEN Rongxian;SHAO Yiming.Combined immunity of DNA vector and recombinant vaccinia virus expressing Gag proteins of equine infectious anemia virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(21): 2272-2276
    1455.HUANG Jinshui;ZHONG Shijie.Effects of sub-lithospheric small-scale convection with a Newtonian rheology on the seafloor topography and heat flux[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(21): 2311-2317
    1456.LU Anhuai;GUO Yanjun;LIU Juan;LIU Fei;WANG Changqiu;LI Ning;LI Qiaorong.Photocatalytic effect of nature and modified V-bearing rutile[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(21): 2284-2287
    1457.WANG Feng;LI Huiming;LIU Wenwen;XU Ping;HU Gengxi;CHENG Yidong;JIA Libin;HUANG Qian.Gene expression profiles of the developing human retina[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(21): 2277-2284
    1458.KANG Shizhao;WAN Yuqing;YAN Huijuan;BEI Jianzhong;WANG Chen;WANG Shenguo;WANG Chunru;WAN Lijun;BAI Chunli.Evaluation for cell affinity of the composite material containing carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(20): 2126-2128
    1459.CHENG Conglan;WANG Yingchun;LIU Weidong;ZHANG Xiaoling;XU Xiaofeng;XIE Pu.Study and case simulation of a regional dust model coupled with a nonhydrostatic dynamics model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(20): 2177-2183
    1460.MEI Fanmin;ZHANG Xiaoye;LU Huayu;SHEN Zhenxing;WANG Yaqiang.Characterization of MASDs of surface soils in north China and its influence on estimating dust emission[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(20): 2169-2176
    1461.Qiu Yuping;Jing Shaojuan;Fu Jian;Li Lu;Yu Diqiu.Cloning and analysis of expression profile of 13 WRKY genes in rice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(20): 2159-2168
    1462.代春铭;张晓燕;王书晖;刘颖;段丹丽;沈荣显;邵一鸣.表达EIAV Gag蛋白的DNA载体与重组痘苗病毒联合免疫效果的观察[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(20): 2057-2061
    1463.卞春华;宁新宝.短时心率变异信号非线性程度的研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(2): 130-134
    1464.周艳红;杨雷;王卉;陆枫;万宏辉.基于多级优化的真核生物基因结构预测[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(2): 140-145
    1465.陈德富;陈喜文.植物NAD-IDH基因克隆及体外表达酶活力分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(2): 159-166
    1466.WANG Shuiliang;HE Yan;XIE Youhua;WANG Yuan;LI Jianzhong;WANG Long;WANG Zhugang;FU Jiliang;.Establishment of widely expressed hb1f transgenic mouse lineage and its morphologic analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(2): 142-145
    1467.WANG An.The Einstein-Kähler metrics on Cartan-Hartogs domain of the first type[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 220-235
    1468.MAO Yonghua.Ergodic degrees for continuous-time Markov chains[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 161-174
    1469.ZHANG Jinjiang;JI Jianqing;ZHONG Dalai;DING Lin;HE Shundong.Structural pattern of eastern Himalayan syntaxis in Namjagbarwa and its formation process[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 138-150
    1470.LAI Shaocong;ZHANG Guowei;PEI Xianzhi;YANG Haifeng.Geochemistry of the ophiolite and oceanic island basalt in the Kangxian-Pipasi-Nanping tectonic mélange zone, South Qinling and their tectonic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 128-137
    1471.LI Gang;YU Shanmao.Discovery of agglutinated foraminifers from the Longzhaogou Group in eastern Heilongjiang Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 122-127
    1472.LIU Jianming;ZHANG Hongfu;SUN Jinggui;YE Jie.Geochemical research on C—O and Sr—Nd isotopes of mantle-derived rocks from Shandong Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 171-180
    1473.TAN Zhiyi HE Yong.Ordinal scheduling problem and its asymptotically optimal algorithms on parallel machine system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 161-169
    1474.HUAI Jinpeng LI Xianxian.Algebra model and security analysis for cryptographic protocols[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 199-220
    1475.ZHANG Fa QIAO Xiangzhen LIU Zhiyong.Parallel divide and conquer bio-sequence comparison based on Smith-Waterman algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 221-231
    1476.QI Lin TAO Ran ZHOU Siyong WANG Yue.Detection and parameter estimation of multicomponent LFM signal based on the fractional Fourier transform[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 184-198
    1477.WANG Yun.Active leave behavior of members in a fault-tolerant group[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 260-272
    1478.ZHU Ninghua WANG Youlin CHEN Zhenyu.Calibration of microwave network analyzer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 141-149
    1479.XUAN Yimin LI Qiang YAO Zhengping.Application of lattice Boltzmann scheme to nanofluids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 129-140
    1480.LIU Zhubai SHAN Rui LIU Wen NI Liyong.Solution of a hollow thick-wall cylinder subject to quadric function pressures and its limit when l→∞[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 229-236
    1481.ZHANG Wengong JIN Zhaoguo.Research on successive preparation of nano-FeNi alloy and its ethanol sol by pulsed laser ablation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 159-165
    1482.CAI Chenxin CHEN Jing LU Tianhong.Direct electron transfer of glucose oxidase on the carbon nanotube electrode[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 113-119
    1483.GONG Yubing HOU Zhonghuai XIN Houwen.Stochastic resonance in surface catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide induced by colored noise[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 106-112
    1484.ZHAO Chunxia XU Guowang SHI Xianzhe MA Jianmei ZHANG Yan LÜ Shen YANG Qing.Applications of homemade kit in mutation detection of genes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 166-172
    1485.马骊 王玲玲 冷文川 杨剑 朱俊萍 董杰 薛颖 万哲 李若瑜 金奇.红色毛癣菌部分表达序列标签的分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(2): 150-155
    1486.LIU Guoyue SUN Weiguo FENG Hao.Studies on the analytical potential energy function of diatomic molecular ion XY+ using variational method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 154-164
    1487.ZHANG Lei QUAN Donghui WANG Li YANG Guozhen WENG Yuxiang.Femtosecond time-resolved difference absorption spectroscopy of all-trans-β-Apo-8'-carotenal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 208-222

    LI Zhengyu1 ZHAO Xia1 WEI Yuquan2
    .Regulation of apoptotic signal transduction pathways by the heat shock proteins[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 107-114

    ZHU Xingguo1 WANG H. M.2 QIU Runxiang1 LIU Li1 DONG Zhiyang1 TANG Guomin1
    .The synergetic effects of two CCAAT boxes in Aspergillus niger glaA gene promoter on activation of PglaA transcription[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 139-147

    AI Junkui1 ZHANG Zhiwen2 XIN Dianqi1 ZHU Hongjian1 YAN Quanjian3 XIN Zhongcheng1 NA Yanqun1 GUO Yinglu1
    .Identification of over-expressed genes in human renal cell carcinoma by combining suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA library array[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(2): 148-157
    1491.GUO Hongchao;DING Kuiling;DAI Lixin.Recent advances in catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation: Renaissance of the monodentate phosphorus ligands[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(19): 2003-2016
    1492.GUO Yuguo;WAN Lijun;WANG Chunru;BAI Chunli;GAN Liangbing;CHEN Dongmin.Controlled fabrication of fullerene derivative one-dimensional nanostructures via electrophoretic deposition of its clusters[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(19): 2021-2025
    1493.ZHANG Changneng;WANG Miao;ZHOU Xiaowen;LIN Yuan;FANG Shibi;LI Xueping;XIAO Xuri;CEN Kuang.Optimization of polymer electrolytes for quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(19): 2033-2036
    1494.MEI Hu;SUN Lili;ZHOU Yuan;XIONG Qing;LI Zhiliang.Identification of encoding proteins related to SARS-CoV[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(19): 2037-2040
    1495.ZHANG Jindan;LIU Yanxin;LIU Shilian;ZHENG Dexian.The molecular mechanism of different sensitivity of breast cancer cell lines to TRAIL[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(19): 2047-2052
    1496.CHEN Hui;SHEN Shihua;HE Junfang;LENG Jing;LI Liangbi;KUANG Tingyun.A light-harvesting siphonaxanthin-chlorophyll a/b-protein complex of marine green alga, Bryopsis corticulans[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1936-1941
    1497.WANG Nai;RUAN Jiong.Principal component cluster analysis of ECG time series based on Lyapunov exponent spectrum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1980-1985
    1498.LUO Yuping;ZHOU Hui;LI Siguang;QU Lianghu.Identification and functional analysis of a novel box C/D snoRNA from Schizosaccharomyces pombe[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1929-1936
    1499.ZHU Baohua;WANG Guangce;HUANG Bo;C. K. Tseng.Effects of temperature, hypoxia, ammonia and nitrate on the bleaching among three coral species[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1923-1928
    1500.HUANG Shasheng;XU Guangming;HE Xiaoxiao;WANG Kemin;CHEN Xiaohong.Au nanochannels technique and its application in immunoassay[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1920-1922
    1501.TANG Jun;DU Chuang;YU Xiaoqiang;ZHANG Guo;WANG Ce.Probing the microenvironment of an oligo-(p-phenylene vinylene) derivative encapsulated in polymer-impregnated sol-gel silica matrix[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1911-1913
    1502.FANG Yunzhang;WU Fengmin;WU Wenhui;ZHENG Jinju;YANG Xiaohong;SI Jianxiao;SUN Huanjun;LOU Rongxun;ZHANG Fufei.An AFM investigation of the mesostructure of Fe-based nanocrystalline ribbon[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1900-1905
    1503.ZHAO Weijuan;LI Guoxia;XIE Jianzhong;Guo Min;Lu Xiaoke;GAO Zhengyao;CHEN Huansheng;Zhang Bin;SUN Xinmin;GUO Musen;JIN Wenqing.Analysis on the source of raw material of the celadon bodies from Zhanggongxiang kiln and Qingliangsi kiln by PIXE[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1986-1990
    1504.罗玉萍;周惠;李思光;屈良鹄.粟酒裂殖酵母一个新的box C/D snoRNA的鉴定、功能分析及进化意义[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(18): 1870-1877
    1505.张晋丹;刘彦信;刘士廉;郑德先.乳腺癌细胞株对TRAIL敏感性不同的分子机制[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1737-1742
    1506.NIU Shuyun;FAN Hongtao;JIN Jing;JIN Xianglin;YANG Zhongzhi.Crystal structure, magnetic and photoelectric properties of coordination polymer [Co2 (C3H4N2)4(C10H2O8)]n[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1812-1815
    1507.WEI Gangjian;YU Kefu;ZHAO Jianxin;.Sea surface temperature variations recorded on coralline Sr/Ca ratios during Mid-Late Holocene in Leizhou Peninsula[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1876-1881
    1508.SHI Wuliang;JIA Wensuo;LIU Xin;ZHANG Shuqiu.Protein tyrosine phosphatases involved in signaling of the ABA-induced H2O2 generation in guard cells of Vicia faba L.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1841-1846
    1509.FAN Chengxin;ZHANG Lu;WANG Jianjun;ZHENG Chaohai;GAO Guang;WANG Sumin.Processes and mechanism of effects of sludge dredging on internal source release in lakes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1853-1859
    1510.DONG Jiuhong;WEN Jianfan;XIN Dedong;LU Siqi.Evolutionary status of Entamoeba [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1847-1853
    1511.QI Suwei;YANG Pingfang;JING Yuxiang;SHEN Shihua;YANG Susheng.A proteomic analysis of bacterial strain Sinorhizobium fredii RT19 subjected to salt shock[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1828-1833
    1512.JIN Weiwu;HU Liangxiang;DU Zhenglin;GAO Qiang;GAO Hong;NING Ye;FENG Jidong;ZHANG Jiansan;YIN Weidong;LI Ning.Genome sequence variation analysis of two SARS coronavirus isolates after passage in Vero cell culture[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1824-1827
    1513.RUAN Ying;WANG Nan;CAO Chongde;WEI Bingbo.Rapid solidification mechanism of Ag60Sb34Cu6 ternary alloy in drop tube[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1801-1805
    1514.Michael John O’ Hara.New moon from an old hand[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(17): 1788-1800
    1515.ZHAO Dehua;LI Jilun.Construction and characterization of double mutants in nitrogenase of Klebsiella pneumoniae[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(16): 1707-1713
    1516.YAN Quanren;A. D. Hanson;WANG Zongqi;P. A. Druschke;YAN Zhen;WANG Tao;LU Haifeng.Timing and setting of Guanjiagou conglomerate in South Qinling and their tectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(16): 1722-1729
    1517.GAO Fei;YIN Caixia;YANG Pin.Coordination chemistry mimics of nuclease-activity in the hydrolytic cleavage of phosphodiester bond[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(16): 1667-1680
    1518.YAN Hai;PAN Gang;ZOU Hua;LI Xianliang;CHEN Hao.Effective removal of microcystins using carbon nanotubes embedded with bacteria[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(16): 1694-1698
    1519.HE Guomei;XIA Haiping;JIA Guocheng.Progress in the synthesis and reactivity studies of metalla-benzenes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1543-1553
    1520.WU Yuanbao;ZHENG Yongfei.Genesis of zircon and its constraints on interpretation of U-Pb age[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1554-1569
    1521.GUO Xianguang;ZHANG Yaoguang;HE Shunping;CHEN Yiyu.Mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequence variations and phylogeny of the Chinese sisorid catfishes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1586-1595
    1522.JIANG Yanxia;CHEN Wei;LIAO Honggang;JIN Lanying;SUN Shigang.Special IR properties of palladium nanoparticles and their aggregations in CO molecular probe infrared spectroscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1581-1585
    1523.ZHANG Pingzhong;Kathleen R. Johnson;CHEN Yimeng;CHEN Fahu;Lynn Ingram;ZHANG Xinli;ZHANG Chengjun;WANG Sumin;PANG Fushun;LONG Lude.Modern systematics and environmental significance of stable isotopic variations in Wanxiang Cave, Wudu, Gansu, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1649-1652
    1524.YAO Yingming;SONG Sheping;SHEN Qi;HU Jingyu;LIN Yonghua.Synthesis and crystal structure of the trimetallic erbium tetrahydride complex [Li(THF)4][{(ButCp)2Er(μ-H)} 3-(μ3-H)][J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1578-1580
    1525.CAO Junji;WANG Yaqiang;ZHANG Xiaoye;Lee Shuncheng;Ho Kinfai;CAO Yunning;LI Yang.Analysis of carbon isotopes in airborne carbonate and impli-cations for aeolian sources[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1637-1641
    1526.CHEN Zhe;HU Jie;ZHOU Chuanming;XIAO Shuhai;YUAN Xunlai.Sponge fossil assemblage from the Early Cambrian Hetang Formation in southern Anhui[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1625-1628
    1527.高飞;阴彩霞;杨频.核酸酶催化磷酸二酯键水解断裂作用的配位化学模拟[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(15): 1471-1483
    1528.郭宪光;张耀光;何舜平;陈宜瑜.16S rRNA基因序列变异与中国鮡科鱼类系统发育[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1371-1379
    1529.陶小荣;青玲;周雪平.中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒DNAβ A-Rich区的功能鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1386-1389
    1530.TANG Ni;ZHANG Bingqiang;YAN Ge;PU Dan;GAO Xiaolin;Tong-Chuan He;HUANG Ailong.RNA interference-mediated inhibition of Hepatitis B Virus replication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1470-1475
    1531.WAN Yusheng;LIU Dunyi;JIAN Ping.Comparison of SHRIMP U-Pb dating of monazite and zircon[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1501-1506
    1532.ZHU Yongsheng;CHEN Baotang;YU Shunwu;ZHANG Duanpin;ZHANG Xueqin;YAN Qiusheng.Transfer of bacterial blight resistance from Oryza meyeriana to O. sativa L. by asymmetric somatic hybridization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1481-1484
    1533.WU Xiaohuai;WANG Tai.Molecular characterization of RA68 related potentially to rice flower development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1476-1480
    1534.LU Wenqiang;BAI Fengwu.A new model for analyzing laminar forced convective enhanced heat transfer in latent functionally thermal fluid[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1457-1464
    1535.WANG Zunyao;HAN Xiangyun;WANG Liansheng;ZHAI Zhicai.Relationship between toxicity and molecular volume of dioxins, organic phosphorous compounds and n-alkanols[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1437-1441
    1536.SHI Jinxia;LI Heng;HE Pingsheng.Micro- and nano-patterning of polymers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1431-1436
    1537.WU Danli;ZHANG Yourong;LAO Miaofen;YUAN Lizhen;WANG Lan;HA Xiaoqin;WU Zuze WU Cutse .Therapeutic induction of angiogenesis by direct myocardial administration of an adenovirus vector encoding human hepatocyte growth factor gene and its safety[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1464-1469
    1538.YU Weiping;YANG Xiaoping;WANG Guangming.A study on nano-sized NiO electrodes doping with C and Co prepared by electrochemical deposition-sintering processes and their capacitance performance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1446-1449
    1539.LI Fashen;WANG Tao;REN Liyuan;SUN Jianrong; .Fabrication and magnetic properties of Co nanowire arrays of different crystal structures[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14 ): 1532-1535
    1540.WANG Guanwu;ZHAO Guoxia;YAN Lifeng.Investigation on the aggregation properties of cationic [60]fullerene derivative[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1441-1445
    1541.SUN Bainian;YAN Defei;XIE Sanping;CONG Peiyun;XIN Cunlin;YUN Fei.Palaeogene fossil Populus leaves from Lanzhou Basin and their palaeoclimatic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1494-1501
    1542.TAO Xiaorong;QING Ling;ZHOU Xueping.Function of A-Rich region in DNAb associated with Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(14): 1490-1493
    1543.LÜ Lei;CHEN Weizhong;ZHU Yifei;LIN Han.Observation of interactions between impurities and hydrodynamics solitons[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(13): 1338-1341
    1544.WU Zhengying;WEI Yilun;WANG Yimeng;ZHU Jianhua.Direct hydrothermal synthesis of novel functional mesoporous materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(13): 1332-1337
    1545.QIN Feng;JIANG Yaxin;MA Xinyong;CHEN Feng;FANG Xiaohong;BAI Chunli;LI Yiqin.A study of specific interaction of the transcription factor and the DNA element by atomic force microscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(13): 1376-1380
    1546.YAO Xiangjie;GUO Jia;ZHENG Congyi;FANG Chengxiang;QU Sanfu;CHEN Zhenqiu;LI Zhonghong;LI Xinqiang;LI Weiyun.Establishment of an in vitro cell culture system transfected by full-length HCV cDNA genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(13): 1358-1363
    1547.XIONG Zhiyong;GAO Yuan;HE Guanyuan;GU Mingguang;GUO Lequn;SONG Yunchun.Knob-associated tandem repeats on mitotic chromosomes in maize, Zea diploperennis and their hybrids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(13): 1354-1357
    1548.闫海;潘纲;邹华;李贤良;陈灏.碳纳米管加载微生物高效去除微囊藻毒素研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(13): 1244-1248
    1549.吴孝槐;王台.水稻花优势表达基因RA68的克隆和特性分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(13): 1263-1267
    1550.秦峰;江雅新;马新勇;陈峰;方晓红;白春礼;李一勤.原子力显微镜(AFM)研究转录因子与DNA顺式[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1157-1161
    1551.唐霓;张秉强;闫歌;蒲丹;高小玲;Tong- Chuan He;黄爱龙.RNA干扰介导对乙型肝炎病毒复制的抑制作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1145-1150
    1552.ZHU Xiaojuan;ZENG Xianlu;SONG Zhaoxia;HAO Shui.Progresses in studies of nuclear actin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1207-1211
    1553.WU Ningfeng;DENG Minjie;LIANG Guoyi;CHU Xiaoyu;YAO Bin;FAN Yunliu.Cloning and expression of ophc2, a new organphosphorus hydrolase gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1245-1249
    1554.TAO Liming;ZHANG Nan;YE Xiang;ZHOU Yifeng;.Effects of short-term IOP elevation on receptive field properties of cat LGN cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1250-1253
    1555.LI Jiabiao;JIN Xianglong;RUAN Aiguo;WU Shimin;WU Ziyin;LIU Jianhua.Indentation tectonics in the accretionary wedge of middle Manila Trench[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1279-1288
    1556.XU Ying;ZHU Chenggang;JIN Yongfeng;ZHANG Yaozhou.Inhibition of BmNPV replication in Bombyx mori cell by dsRNA triggered RNA interference[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1261-1266
    1557.BAO Ming;NI Yunqi;CHOU Jifan.The experiment of monthly mean circulation prediction using the analogy-dynamical model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1296-1300
    1558.QIN Zhiqiang;ZHONG Yang;ZHANG Jian;HE Youyu;WU Yang;JIANG Juan;CHEN Jiemin;LUO Xiaomin;QU Di.Bioinformatics analysis of two-component regulatory systems in Staphylococcus epidermidis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(12): 1267-1271
    1559.ZHANG Renhua;WANG Jinfeng;ZHU Caiying;SUN Xiaomin;ZHU Zhilin.The retrieval of two-dimensional distribution of the earth’s surface aerodynamic roughness using SAR image and TM thermal infrared image[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(12): 1134-1146
    1560.CHEN Longxun;GAO Hui;HE Jinhai;TAO Shiyan;JIN Zuhui.Zonal propagation of kinetic energy and convection in the South China Sea and Indian monsoon regions in boreal summer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(12): 1076-1084
    1561.ZHENG Jianping;YU Chunmei;LU Fengxiang;LI Huimin.Zircon geochronology and geochemistry of mafic xenoliths from Liaoning kimberlites: Track the early evolution of the lower crust, North China Craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(11): 961-972
    1562.CHEN Tianhu;XU Huifang;LU Anhuai;XU Xiaochun;PENG Shuchuan;YUE Shucang.Direct evidence of transformation from smectite to palygorskite: TEM investigation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(11): 985-994
    1563.CHEN Yaning;ZHANG Xiaolei;ZHU Xiangmin;LI Weihong;ZHANG Yuanming;XU Hailiang;ZHANG Hongfeng;CHEN Yapeng.Analysis on the ecological benefits of the stream water conveyance to the dried-up river of the lower reaches of Tarim River, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(11): 1053-1064
    1564.YE Qinghua;LIU Gaohuan;TIAN Guoliang;CHEN Shenliang;HUANG Chong;CHEN Shupeng;LIU Qingshen;CHANG Jun;SHI Yanan.Geospatial-temporal analysis of land-use changes in the Yellow River Delta during the last 40 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(11): 1008-1024
    1565.SUN Heping;XU Jianqiao;B. Ducarme.Detection of the translational oscillations of the Earth’s solid inner core based on the international superconducting gravimeter observations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(11): 1165-1176
    1566.SHEN Zheng;ZHAO Xingxu;CAO Yujing;BU Shumin;LIU Weimin;DUAN Enkui.Regulation of mouse blastocyst adhesion, outgrowth and secretion of matrix metalloproteinase-2 by cGMP and nitric oxide in vitro[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(11): 1142-1145
    1567.LIU Guangqing;LIU Zaixin;XIE Qingge;CHEN Yingli;BAO Huifang;LIU Xiangtao .Infectious foot-and-mouth disease virus derived from a cloned full-length cDNA of OH/CHA/99[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(11): 1137-1141
    1568.CAO Bingyang;CHEN Min;GUO Zengyuan.Application of 2DMD to gaseous microflows[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(11): 1101-1105
    1569.邓敏捷;伍宁丰;梁果义;初晓宇;姚斌;范云六.一种新的有机磷降解酶基因ophc2的克隆与表达[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(11): 1068-1072
    1570.徐颖;朱成钢;金勇丰;张耀洲.dsRNA对家蚕核多角体病毒(BmNPV)复制的抑制作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(11): 1073-1078
    1571.姚相杰;郭佳;郑从义;方呈祥;屈三甫;陈震球;李中红;李信墙;李卫云.丙肝病毒全基因组cDNA克隆侵染细胞培养体系的建立[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(10): 965-970
    1572.CHEN Jiming;SUN Yingxue;WANG Zhiliang;SHEN Chaojian;XIE Zhonglun;WANG Ximing.Risk assessment on severe hazards to China caused by West Nile virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(10): 1090-1094
    1573.ZHANG Zhihua;ZHANG Yong;SHI Baochen;DENG Wei;ZHAO Yi;CHEN Runsheng.Detecting chimeric 5'/3'UTRs with cross-chromosomal splicing by bioinformatics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(10): 1051-1054
    1574.LÜ Ruitao;CAO Chuanbao;ZHAI Huazhang;ZHU Hesun.Synthesis and characterization of semiconductor zinc sulfide nanotubes by soft-template method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(10): 1005-1008
    1575.ZHANG Kexin;LIN Qixiang;ZHU Yunhai;YIN Hongfu;LUO Mansheng;CHEN Nengsong;WANG Guocan.New paleontological evidence on time determination of the east part of the Eastern Kunlun Mélange and its tectonic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(10): 865-873
    1576.TIAN Jun;WANG Pinxian;CHENG Xinrong.Responses of foraminiferal isotopic variations at ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea to orbital forcing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(10): 943-953
    1577.YANG Kunguang;LIU Qiang;LIU Yuyan;MA Changqian;XU Yajun;YANG Kuifeng.Microstructure and magnetic fabric in the Shuanghe pluton: A synkinematic granite in Eastern Dabie Mountains, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(10): 912-919
    1578.LUO Zhexian.Nonlinear interaction of axisymmetric circulation and nonaxisymmetric disturbances in hurricanes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 58-67
    1579.LI Kerang;WANG Shaoqiang;CAO Mingkui.Vegetation and soil carbon storage in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 49-57
    1580.HUANG Fei;SUN Xiangjun;.Palynological record during the Pleistocene (between 1.05 Ma and 0.36 Ma) from ODP1144, northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 30-36
    1581.ZHANG Meiliang;YUAN Daoxian;LIN Yushi;CHENG Hai;QIN Jiaming;ZHANG Huiling.The record of paleoclimatic change from stalagmites and the determination of termination II in the south of Guizhou Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 1-12
    1582.LIU Jinling;WANG Weiming.Homo erectus pekinensis’s age and environment——with discussion on the relationship among Homo erectus from Beijing, Nanjing and Chenjiawo[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 68-77
    1583.WANG Yi;Clark Alan;WANG Jiaxun;SUN Menghong;SHI Daren.Construction of heteroduplex DNA and in vitro model for functional analysis of mismatch repair[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 33-38
    1584.S. A. Wilde;ZHAO Guochun;WANG Kaiyi;SUN Min.First SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages for Hutuo Group in Wutaishan: Further evidence for Palaeoproterozoic amalgamation of North China Craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 83-90
    1585.YANG Shilun;MENG Yi;ZHANG Jing;XUE Yuanzhong;CHEN Hongtao;WEI Hao;LIU Zhe;WU Ruiming;WANG Lingxiang;YANG Hua;WANG Liang;ZHANG Wenxiang.Suspended particulate matter in Jiaozhou Bay: Properties and variations in response to hydrodynamics and pollution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 91-97
    1586.ZHAO Jian;ZHANG Zhizhou;SHI Yongyong;Li Xiuxia;HE Lin.Linearly programmed DNA-based molecular computer operated on magnetic particle surface in test-tube[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 17-22
    1587.LÜ Shouqin;LONG Mian.Forced extension of P-selectin construct using steered molecular dynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 10-17
    1588.GUO Zengyuan;WEI Shu;CHENG Xinguang.A novel method to improve the performance of heat exchanger——Temperature fields coordination of fluids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 111-114
    1589.JIANG Bin;WEI Jinquan;CI Lijie;WU Dehai.Preparation of double-walled carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 107-110
    1590.LIU Wei;SHU Wensheng;LAN Chongyu.Viola baoshanensis, a plant that hyperaccumulates cadmium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 29-32
    1591.QIN Boqiang;HU Weiping;GAO Guang;LUO Liancong;ZHANG Jinshan.Dynamics of sediment resuspension and the conceptual schema of nutrient release in the large shallow Lake Taihu, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 54-64
    1592.毛江森;刘子阳;唐彩华;贺义惠;朱家鸿;王成玉;柴少爱;陈悦青;钱汶.病毒颗粒中氢氘置换的证实[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,49(1): 95-98
    1593.WANG Yushun WANG Bin QIN Mengzhao.Concatenating construction of the multisymplectic schemes for 2+1-dimensional sine-Gordon equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 18-30
    1594.FANG Kaitai GE Gennian LIU Minqian.Construction of optimal supersaturated designs by the packing method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 128-143
    1595.JIANG Jiancheng Doksum Kjell.Local generalized empirical estimation of regression[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 114-127

    ZHONG Boxiong1,2 Don Allen Roth3 ZHU Yafeng1,4 Toshihiro Omura1
    .An assembly model of Rice dwarf virus particle[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 92-100

    ZHANG ZHANG Xiansheng LIU Zaixin ZHAO Qizu CHANG Huiyun XIE Qingge
    .Sequencing and analysis for the full-length genome RNA of foot-and-mouth disease virus China/99[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 74-81

    MIAO Wei1,2 YU Yuhe2 SHEN Yunfen2 ZHANG Xiyuan3
    .Intraspecific phylogeography of Carchesium polypinum (Peritrichia, Ciliophora) from China, inferred from 18S-ITS1-5.8S ribosomal DNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 11-17

    WANG Fengqiang SHANG Boyang ZHEN Yongsu
    .Antitumor effects of the molecule-downsized immunoconjugate composed of lidamycin and Fab′fragment of monoclonal antibody directed against type IV collagenase[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 66-73

    GU Zhiliang1,2,5 ZHU Dahai1,6 LI Ning3 LI Hui2 DENG Xuemei3 WU Changxin4
    .The single nucleotide polymorphisms of the chicken myostatin gene are associated with skeletal muscle and adipose growth[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 25-30

    CHEN Chun1 FENG Mingguang1,2
    .Observation on the initial inoculum source and dissemination of Entomophthorales-caused epizootics in populations of cereal aphids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 38-43

    WEN Bo1,2,3 SHI Hong1,2 REN Ling1,2 XI Huifeng1,3 LI Kaiyuan2 ZHANG Wenyi2 SU Bing4,5 SI Shiheng6 JIN Li1,3,5 XIAO Chunjie1,2
    .The origin of Mosuo people as revealed by mtDNA and Y chromosome variation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 1-10
    1603.HUA Jianjun LIU Yanhong ZHANG Zhihe.Analysis of a 2D “liquid” plasma lattice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 129-136
    1604.TU Mei HUANG Yaoxiong.Laser light scattering technique for non-invasive in situ simultaneous measurements on elastic constants and viscosity coefficients of nematic liquid crystals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 79-85
    1605.SUI Qiang LI Fang.Experimental study of composite medium with simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 64-78
    1606.CHEN Shangda KE Fujiu.MD simulation of the effect of contact area and tip radius on nanoindentation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 101-112
    1607.WEI Yueguang ZHU Chen WU Xiaolei.Micro-scale mechanics of the surface-nanocrystalline Al-alloy material[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 86-100
    1608.TANG Zhilie XING Da LIU Songhao.Imaging theory of nonlinear second harmonic and third harmonic generations in confocal microscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 8-16
    1609.朱俊华 竺晓平 温孚江 白庆荣 朱常香 宋云枝.马铃薯Y病毒衣壳蛋白基因片段长度对RNA介导抗病性的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(1): 23-30
    1610.王江 李琳 宛新杉 安林升 张景六.含Ds转座因子的T-DNA在水稻染色体上的分布研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,34(1): 14-22
    1611.XU Jiqing CHU Deqing YU Jiehui WANG Tiegang TANG Aoqing.Transition metal coordination polymers with polycarboxylic acid as bridging ligands: Synthesis and structure characterization of [Fe(μ4-bta)0.5(phen)(OH)]n[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 10-16
    1612.YANG Zuoyin JIA Zongchao LIU Ruozhuang CHEN Guangju.Molecular and quantum mechanical studies on the monomer recognition of a highly-regular β-helical antifreeze protein[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 34-40
    1613.CHEN Yong YUAN Yi ZHANG Meiqin LI Fei SUN Peng GAO Zhao SHAO Yuanhua.Systematic study of the transfer of amino acids across the water/1,2-dichloroethane interface facilitated by dibenzo-18-crown-6[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 24-33
    1614.WANG Ying MO Jinyuan CHEN Xiaoyan.2nd-order spline wavelet convolution method in resolving chemical overlapped peaks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 50-58
    1615.JIA Muxin LIU Kai YANG Zuoyin CHEN Guangju.Structure of cis-[Pt(NH3)(2-picoline)]2+ and DNA adduct and its bonding characteristics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 67-74
    1616.FENG Huasheng BIAN Jiang LI Lemin.Study on the construction of satisfactory nonorthogonal localized molecular orbitals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 1-9
    1617.SHEN Hebai ZHOU Wenjun YANG Yongtao ZHANG Feng.Specific hydrolysis of DNA by Ce4+-ODN hybrid[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 75-79
    1618.WANG Chao & LIU Guoquan.Reanalysis of the 3D quasi-stationary grain size distribution based on Hillert’s grain growth rate equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 112-120
    1619.ZHU Xiaolong ZHANG Xianda YE Jimin.Natural gradient-based recursive least-squares algorithm for adaptive blind source separation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 55-65
    1620.XIAO Jinbiao SUN Xiaohan ZHANG Mingde.Three-dimensional beam propagation method based on the variable transformed Galerkin’s method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 34-43
    1621.SHAO Xuejun WANG Hong CHEN Zhi.Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in helically coiled open-channels with compound cross-sections[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 97-111
    1622.HAN Jianqiang ZHU Changchun ZHAO Hongpo LIU Junhua SHAO Jun.A micromechanical bridge-shaped voltage-controlled oscillator[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 26-32
    1623.LI Qiuhong WANG Taihong.Removal of shells of multi-wall carbon nanotubes by repeatedly scanning bias voltage[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2004,47(1): 1-5
    1624.YOU Xiaobao;ZHOU Guangqing;ZHU Jiang;LI Rongfeng;.A sea temperature data assimilation system for the China Seas and adjacent areas[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S2 ): 70-76
    1625.LIN Yihua; .Slow wave in barotropic atmosphere[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S2 ): 68-70
    1626.QI Linlin;ZHAO Sixiong; .Mesoscale analysis and simulation of heavy rainfall in Shanghai urban area by using non-conventional data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S2 ): 36-43
    1627.ZHOU Tianjun; .Multi-spatial variability modes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S2 ): 30-35
    1628.LIN Zhaohui;ZHANG Ming;LIANG Danqing;WANG Aihui;ZHANG Dongling;ZENG Qingcun; .Dynamical framework with blocking topography coordinates for atmospheric GCM and its validation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S2 ): 9-17
    1629.MAO Jiangyu;DUAN Anmin;LIU Yimin;WU Guoxiong; .Change in the tilting of the ridgeline surface of the subtropical anticyclone and the predictability of the onset of the Asian summer monsoon[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S2 ): 18-23
    1630.NING Jieyuan;ZANG Shaoxian;WANG Shuguang;WEI Rongqiang;LIANG Guoping;.Coupling between different layers of the lithosphere under horizontal drag underneath[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(S2 ): 41-55
    1631.DENG Jun;LIU Wei;SUN Zhongshi;WANG Jianping;WANG Qingfei;ZHANG Qunxi;WEI Yanguang; .Evidence of mantle-rooted fluids and multi-level circulation ore-forming dynamics: A case study from the Xiadian gold deposit, Shandong Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(S1): 123-134
    1632.XIA Bin;CHEN Genwen;WANG He; .Analysis of tectonic settings of global superlarge porphyry copper deposits[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(S1): 110-122
    1633.ZHU Bingquan;HU Yaoguo;ZHANG Zhengwei;CHANG Xiangyang;.Discovery of the copper deposits with features of the Keweenawan type in the border area of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(S1): 60-72
    1634.NIU Hecai;SHAN Qiang;CHEN Xiaoming;ZHANG Haixiang;.Relationship between light rare earth deposits and mantle processes in Panxi rift, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(S1): 41-49
    1635.CHEN Duofu;CHEN Xianpei;CHEN Guangqian;.Sea-level changes and hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization of large-superlarge ore deposits among Sinian to Triassic in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(S1): 154-163
    1636.MENG Xianwei;LIU Yanguang;LIU Zhenxia;DU Dewen;HUANG Qiyu;Y. Saito; .Reconstructing sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in atmos phere in the Okinawa Trough during the Holocene and their paleoclimatic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S1): 88-92
    1637.LIU Zhenxia;YIN Ping;XIONG Yingqian;S. Berne;A. Trentesaux;LI Chaoxin; .Quaternary transgressive and regressive depositional sequences in the East China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S1): 81-87
    1638.LIU Yanguang;FU Yunxia;DU Dewen;MENG Xianwei;LIANG Ruicai;LI Tiegang;WU Shiying; .Paleoceanographic records in the sedimentary cores from the middle Okinawa Trough[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S1): 74-81
    1639.FU Mingzuo;LI Zhen;XU Xiaowei;SHI Xuefa;.Sporopollen analysis of Core B10 in the southern Yellow Sea and the reflected characteristics of climate changes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S1): 42-48
    1640.GE Shulan;SHI Xuefa;HAN Yibing;.Distribution characteristics of magnetic susceptibility of the surface sediments in the southern Yellow Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S1): 37-41
    1641.SHI Xuefa;SHEN Shunxi;YI Hi-il;CHEN Zhihua;MENG Yi;.Modern sedimentary environments and dynamic depositional systems in the southern Yellow Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (S1): 1-7
    1642.***.Debris flow prevention pattern in national parks——Taking the world natural heritage Jiuzhaigou as an example[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46 (S1): 1-11
    1643.***.General regularity of dynamic responses of slopes under dynamic input[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46 (S1): 120-132
    1644.***.Monitoring on soil erosion and sediment delivery at a typical basin of the middle and lower reaches of the Jialing River by remote sensing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46 (S1): 148-155
    1645.CUI Jianzhong;SHI Wei;CHENG Peng;CHEN Xufang;LIAO Daizheng;YAN Shiping;JIANG Zonghui;WANG Genglin.Synthesis and magnetic properties of one-dimensional Mn(Ⅱ) complexes linked by dithiooxalato[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 859-861
    1646.HU Wenrong;LIU Peiqi;PEI Haiyan.Characteristic and mechanism of inactivating algae with O3 and ClO2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 862-868
    1647.SUN Heping;XU Jianqiao;B. Ducarme.Experimental earth tidal models in considering nearly diurnal free wobble of the Earth’s liquid core[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 935-940
    1648.LIU Tao;TANG Ji’an;HAN Meimei;JIANG Long.Surface modification of nanogold particles in DNA detection with quartz crystal microbalance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 873-875
    1649.ZHANG Hongfu;ZHENG Jianping.Geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Mesozoic basalts from the North China Craton: A case study in Fuxin, Liaoning Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 924-930
    1650.LU Anhuai;GAO Xiang;QIN Shan;WANG Changqiu.Cryptomelane(KxMn8-xO16): Natural active octahedral molecular sieve(OMS-2)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 920-923
    1651.LI Yumei;LIU Dongsheng LIU Tungsheng .δ13CSC values of the loess-paleosol sequence in Dali area, Shaanxi Province, China, and paleoenvironmental implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 902-907
    1652.YANG Xiaogai;YUAN Lan;WANG Kui;YANG Xiaoda;.Comparison of intestinal absorption of two insulin-mimic vanadyl complexes using Caco-2 monolayers as model system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 876-881
    1653.LIN Yuan;XIAO Xurui;ZHANG Dongshe;XIE Puhui;ZHANG Baowen.Light scattering characteristic of TiO2 nanocrystalline porous films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 856-858
    1654.HAO Weicheng;JIANG Dayong;YAO Jianxin;BAI Shunliang;WANG Xinping.Frasnian-Famennian boundary events in Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(9): 865-871
    1655.GAO Shan;Hartmut Kern;JIN Zhenmin;ZHANG Hongfei;ZHANG Benren.Poisson’s ratio of eclogite: Implications for lower crustal delamination of orogens[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(9): 909-918
    1656.LI Shengrong;XIAO Qiyun;SHEN Junfeng;SUN Li;LIU Bo;YAN Baikun;JIANG Yonghong.Rhenium-osmium isotope constraints on the age and source of the platinum mineralization in the Lower Cambrian black rock series of Hunan-Guizhou provinces, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(9): 919-927
    1657.XU Wenyao.NOC model of the earth’s main magnetic field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(9): 882-894
    1658.张晓君;马晓军;姚檀栋;章高森.马兰冰芯16S rDNA的多样性与影响冰芯中微生物的环境因素[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(9): 947-951
    1659.翁清妹;黄臻;王小兰;祝莉莉;何光存.蛋白酶抑制剂mRNA在抗褐飞虱水稻中的原位定位[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 827-830
    1660.高霖;王冬艳;李扬;常林;卜定方;庞永正;齐永芬;唐朝枢.同型半胱氨酸促进大鼠血管成纤维细胞肾上腺髓质素生成[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 807-811
    1661.ZHAO Junmeng; FAN Jichang; LI Zhichun .Q value structure of geoscience transect from Korla to Jimsar and its geodynamic implication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(8): 779-788
    1662.ZHENG Yiqun; YU Ge; WANG Sumin; XUE Bin; LIU Huaqiang & ZENG Xinmin .Simulations of LGM climate of East Asia by regional climate model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(8): 753-764
    1663.WANG Qiang; XU Jifeng; ZHAO Zhenhua; XIONG Xiaolin & BAO Zhiwei Guangzhou .Petrogenesis of the Mesozoic intrusive rocks in the Tongling area, Anhui Province, China and their constraint on geodynamic process[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(8): 801-815
    1664.ZHU Wenyao; FU Yang;& LI Yan .Global elevation vibration and seasonal changes derived by the analysis of GPS height[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(8): 765-778
    1665.MAO Jingwen; WANG Yitian; ZHANG Zuoheng; YU Jinjie & NIU Baogui .Geodynamic settings of Mesozoic large-scale mineralization in North China and adjacent areas——Implication from the highly precise and accurate ages of metal deposits[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(8): 838-851
    1666.XUE Chunji;CHEN Yuchuan;WANG Denghong;YANG Jianmin;YANG Weiguang;ZENG Rong.Geology and isotopic composition of helium, neon, xenon and metallogenic age of the Jinding and Baiyangping ore deposits, northwest Yunnan, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(8): 789-800
    1667.HUA Renmin; CHEN Peirong; ZHANG Wenlan; LIU Xiaodong; LU Jianjun; LIN Jinfu; YAO Junming; QI Huawen; ZHANG Zhanshi & GU Shengyan .Metallogenic systems related to Mesozoic and Cenozoic granitoids in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(8): 816-829
    1668.LI Hui;HAN Baoshan.Aligning DNA on Si surface and cutting off by tips of atomic force microscope[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 800-803
    1669.LIU Tao;HAN Chenggui;LI Dawei;CAI Zhunan;YU Jialin;LIU Yi.Effect of the RNA5 component on pathogenicity of beet necrotic yellow vein virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 796-799
    1670.HE Yonghong;XING Da;WANG Juan.A novel cancer imaging method using chemi-luminescence-mediated sonosensitization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 777-780
    1671.HE Chenxia;FENG Dengmin;WU Wenjun;DING Youfa;CHEN Li;CHEN Haoming;YAO Jihua;SHEN Qi;LU Daru;XUE Jinglun.Efficient expression of human factor Ⅸ cDNA in liver mediated by hydrodynamics-based plasmid administration[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 790-795
    1672.XIE Yan;ZHOU Xueping;LI Guixin.Molecular characterization of Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus and its satellite DNA isolated from tobacco[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 766-770
    1673.ZHANG Honglian;YAO Bin;WANG Yaru;ZHANG Wangzhao;YUAN Tiezheng.Characterization, gene cloning and expression of new xylanase XYNB with high specific activity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 761-765
    1674.LI Shuguang;YANG Wei.Decoupling of surface and subsurface sutures in the Dabie orogen and a continent-collisional lithospheric-wedging model: Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic evidences of Mesozoic igneous rocks in eastern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 831-838
    1675.XU Shandong;LEI Shengbin;ZENG Qingdao;WANG Chen;WAN Lijun;BAI Chunli;.2D self-assembling of 4, 5-didodecylthiolphthalonitrile on graphite surface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8 ): 742-745
    1676.YAO Yonggang;ZHANG Yaping.Pitfalls in the analysis of ancient human mtDNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(8): 826-830
    1677.WANG Songping;CHEN Qinglin;YIN Qinghua;HUA Ben.Transfer equation of exergycost and its application[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 619-622
    1678.WANG Jinzhao;CHEN Min;GUO Zengyuan.A two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapor nucleation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 623-626
    1679.LI Weiying;KANG Junjie;LI Xueping;FANG Shibi;LIN Yuan;WANG Guiqiang;XIAO Xurui.Quasi-solid-state nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells using gel network polymer electrolytes based on polysiloxanes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 646-648
    1680.LAN Hengxing;WU Faquan;ZHOU Chenghu;WANG Lingjuan.Spatial hazard analysis and prediction on rainfall-induced landslide using GIS[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 703-708
    1681.CHEN Bomin;JI Liren;YANG Peicai;ZHANG Daomin;WANG Geli.An approach to improving the dynamical extended-range (monthly) prediction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 696-703
    1682.JI Ruirui;ZHANG Jian;WANG Shiwen;LIAO Xudong;CHEN Lanying.D-galactose induces replicative senescence of rat pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 680-686
    1683.LI Bin;HU Jun;WANG Ying;WU Shiying;HUANG Yibo;LI Minqian.Real time observation of the photocleavage of single DNA molecules[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 673-675
    1684.YE Xiongjun;ZHANG Zhiwen;ZHANG Xinjun;LIN Guiting;XIONG Shiqin;JIN Guihua;HAN Liang;HUANG Shisi;CHEN Peila;AI Junkui;XIN Dianqi;GUO Yinglu;CHANG Zhijie.Functional interaction of TCF4 with ATF5 to regulate the Wnt signaling pathway[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 668-672
    1685.YAO Yonggang;KONG Qingpeng;SUN Chang;ZHANG Yaping.Can the occurrence of rare insertion/deletion polymor-phisms in human mtDNA be verified from phylogeny?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 663-667
    1686.ZHANG Xiaobao;HU Yong;MA Liyuan;MENG Zifang;DUAN Yi;ZHOU Shixin;PENG Dehua.Carbon isotope characteristics, origin and distribution of the natural gases from the Tertiary salty lacustrine facies in the West Depression Region in the Qaidam Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(7): 694-707
    1687.李辉;韩宝善.原子力显微镜观测并切断在Si表面拉直的DNA分子[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(7): 682-685
    1688.姚永刚;张亚平.古老人群mtDNA研究中存在的问题和对策[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 632-636
    1689.唐志文;王柯敏;谭蔚泓;李军;刘凌凤;郭秋平;孟祥贤;黄杉生;李杜;罗维方.分子信标用于核酸连接过程的实时监测[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 567-570
    1690.谢艳;李桂新;周雪平.从烟草上分离的中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒及其卫星DNA的全基因组结构特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 593-597
    1691.Chen Mufa ZHANG Yuhui ZHAO Xiaoliang.Dual variational formulas for the first Dirichlet eigenvalue on half-line[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 847-861
    1692.XIA Jianming YAN Jia’an.A new look at some basic concepts in arbitrage pricing theory[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 764-774
    1693.ZHANG Zhenqiu LIU Fengjun.L2 estimates for oscillatory singular integral operators with analytic phrases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 815-823
    1694.YU Jianshe GUO Zhiming.Some problems on the global attractivity of linear nonautonomous difference equations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 884-892
    1695.WANG Lizhong ZHANG Jiping.On blocks with K(B)−L(B)=1[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 824-826
    1696.郑建华.具有径向分布值的超越亚纯函数[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(6): 537-550
    1697.贾木欣 刘恺 杨作银 陈光巨.抗癌药物cis-[Pt(NH3)(2-picoline)]2+与DNA加合物的结构和成键特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(6): 474-481
    1698.赵春霞 许国旺 石先哲 马坚妹 张岩 吕申 杨青.自制试剂盒在基因突变检测中的应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(6): 496-503
    1699.XIE Minyu & LI Zhaohai.The optimal design for hypothesis test and its application in genetic linkage analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 737-749
    1700.YANG Wencai.Deep structures of the east Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, East China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 612-624
    1701.GAO Aiguo;LIU Yanguang;ZHANG Daojian;SUN Haiqing.Latitudinal distribution of iodine in sediments in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 592-602
    1702.HEN Min;HUANG Yipu;JIN Mingming;QIU Yusheng.The sources of the upper and lower halocline water in the Canada Basin derived from isotopic tracers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 625-639
    1703.ZHU Ming;ZHOU Ruiguang;YIN Daixun;GAO Yusheng;ZHANG Fusong;CHENG Binfang;LIU Qiang;LUO Xinhua.Stress emission of helium and argon in coal seams[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 547-560
    1704.YIN Zhiqi;WONG Weishing;YE Wenchai;LI Ning.Biologically active cis-cinnamic acid occurs naturally in Brassica parachinensis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 555-558
    1705.YIN Yanbin;LUO Jingchu;JIANG Ying.Advances in G-protein coupled receptor research and related bioinformatics study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 511-516
    1706.LI Mingwei;HU Zheng;WANG Xizhang;WU Qiang;LÜ Yinong;CHEN Yi.Synthesis of carbon nanotube array using corona discharge[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 534-537
    1707.WANG Hengbin;ZHANG Shuqiu;WANG Xuechen;LOU Chenghou.Role of acetylcholine on plant root-shoot signal transduction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 570-573
    1708.YU Xin;TAN Ping;SHEN Gaozhong;ZHAO Jindong.Recombinant PsbF from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 forms β︰β homodimeric cytochrome b559[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 563-569
    1709.DAI Bojie;CAO Yujing;WANG Xichao;ZHOU Jiaxi;ZHANG Jian;CHEN Dayuan;DUAN Enkui.Expression of LIF, VEGF, CD57 and CD68 after the transfer of rat embryos to mouse uteri[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 542-548
    1710.HAO Donghui;ZHU Hongwei;ZHANG Xianfeng;LI Yanhui;XU Cailu;MAO Zongqiang;LIU Jing;WU Dehai.Electrochemical hydrogen storage of aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 538-542
    1711.WU Qifan;LU Fengxiang;LIU Qingsheng;ZHENG Jianping;WANG Maoji;WU Wenli.Archean relic body at lower crust in Sulu area: Evidence from magnetic data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(6): 589-593
    1712.SUN Qiang YU Bin LIU Yuling LU Zhenwu CHEN Bo WANG Zhaoqi MU Guoguang.Application of binary optical element to infrared hyperspectral detection[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 654-660
    1713.DENG Xueying WANG Gang CHEN Xuerui WANG Yankui LIU Peiqing XI Zhongxiang.A physical model of asymmetric vortices flow structure in regular state over slender body at high angle of attack[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 561-573
    1714.HUI Xidong YAO Kefu KOU Hongchao CHEN Guoliang.Chemical short-range order domain in bulk amorphous alloy and the prediction of glass forming ability[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 581-592
    1715.WANG Yuzhen LI Chunwen CHENG Daizhan.New approaches to generalized Hamiltonian realization of autonomous nonlinear systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 431-444
    1716.CHEN Ming DING Xiaoqing WU Youshou.Unified HMM-based layout analysis framework and algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 401-408
    1717.ZHANG Zhuosheng LIU Guizhong LIU Feng.A new iterative algorithm for reconstructing a signal from its dyadic wavelet transform modulus maxima[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 420-430
    1718.DING Shiwen WANG Liyong ZHANG Shaoyan ZHOU Qiuxiang DING Yu LIU Shujuan LIU Yanchao KANG Quanying.Hydrothermal synthesis, structure and photocatalytic property of nano-TiO2-MnO2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 542-548
    1719.ZHANG Congjie CAO Zexing LIN Chengde ZHANG Qianer.Qualitatively graph-theoretical study on stability and formation of fullerenes and nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 513-520
    1720.YU Jiaguo YU Jimmy C. CHENG Bei ZHAO Xiujian.Preparation and characterization of highly photoactive nanocrystalline TiO2 powders by solvent evaporation-induced crystallization method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 549-557
    1721.FENG Dongtai DING Shiliang WANG Meishan.Dynamical Lie algebra method for highly excited vibrational state of asymmetric linear tetratomic molecules[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 602-609
    1722.YI Yan ZHOU Fengqi.Variable centroid control scheme over hypersonic tactical missile[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 561-569

    YANG Yutao YANG Guodong LIU Shijuan GUO Xingqi ZHENG Chengchao
    .Isolation and functional analysis of a strong specific promoter in photosynthetic tissues[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 651-660

    ZHAO Jing1,2 JIANG Jinchang2 LI Dongfeng1,3
    .Control pattern of vocal center for vocalization in ruddy bunting (Emberiza rutila)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(6): 615-622

    ZHANG Jiyu1,2 LIU Hong1 ZHANG Xiaobing1 YANG Jian3 YANG Fan1 YANG Guowei1 SHEN Yan3 HOU Yunde1 JIN Qi1
    .Complete DNA sequence and gene analysis of the virulence plasmid pCP301 of Shigella flexneri 2a[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 513-521

    CHANG Fengqi LIU Xuanming LI Yinxin JIA Gengxiang MA Jingjing LIU Gongshe ZHU Zhiqing
    .Changes in DNA base sequences in the mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana induced by low-energy N+ implantation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 503-512
    1727.***.A new clue for the pathogenesis of hepatitis C virus infection: Activation of the MAPK/ERK signaling initiated by envelope protein 2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5 ): 538-545

    LIN Haiyan WANG Hongmei ZHU Cheng
    .The Smad pathway in transforming growth factor-b signaling[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 449-463

    CAI Hong1 TIAN Xia1 HU Xidan2 PAN Yi1 LI Guoli3 ZHUANG Yuhui3 ZHU Yuxian1
    .Immunogenicity and protective efficacy study using combination of four tuberculosis DNA vaccines[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 495-502
    1730.WANG Cheng MAO Zongqiang XU Jingming XIE Xiaofeng YANG Lizhai.Preparation of a self-humidifying membrane electrode assembly for fuel cell and its performance analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 501-508
    1731.LI Jiyang YU Jihong XU Ruren.Computational investigation into the phase transitions from AlPO4-H3[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 417-424
    1732.YAN Liqin SONG Qinhua HEI Xiaoming WANG Wenfeng GUO Qingxiang.Kinetics and mechanism of electron-induced splitting of a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer with or without an electron acceptor[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 439-444
    1733.P. L. Leung MAO Zhenwei Mike Li ZHU Jian FENG Min YANG Yimin SUN Xinmin GUO Musen WANG Changsui.Line scanning analysis of the component of Ru Porcelain by micro energy disperse X-ray fluorescence probe[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 465-472
    1734.XIAO Haiyan LAI Wenzhen XIE Daiqian YAN Guosen.Structures and vibrational frequencies of CO adlayers on Rh(111) surface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 425-430
    1735.XIAO Heming CHEN Litao JU Xuehai JI Guangfu.A theoretical study on nitration mechanism of benzene and solvent effects[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 453-464
    1736.XU Lu YANG Jiaan.Three-dimensional structural features and the toxicity of aminobenzenes and phenols[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 431-438
    1737.张显升 刘在新 赵启组 常惠芸 谢庆阁.口蹄疫病毒China/99基因组RNA序列测定及比较分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(5): 461-467
    1738.李静 陈献华 林万敏 李丽书 韩彧 徐平.用于前体mRNA剪接机制研究的小基因模型的建立和研究应用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(5): 405-413
    1739.ZHANG Qiang MA Runnian Xu Jin.Global stability of bidirectional associative memory neural networks with continuously distributed delays[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 327-334
    1740.LIN Xin LI Yanmin WANG Meng FENG Liping CHEN Jing HUANG Weidong.Columnar to equiaxed transition during alloy solidification[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 475-489
    1741.XIE Zhipeng GAO Lichun LI Wenchao XU Lihua WANG Xidong.High toughness alumina ceramics with elongated grains developed from seeds[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 527-536
    1742.ZHANG Xiangjun MENG Yonggang WEN Shizhu.Micro contact and stick-slip number between AFM probe tip and sample surface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 537-545
    1743.XING Yu;ZHANG Shuqiu;WANG Youqun;JIA Wensuo.Protein tyrosine phosphatase is possibly involved in cellular signal transduction and the regulation of ABA accumulation in response to water deficit in Maize L. coleoptile[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 460-465
    1744.XIE Wenwei;GUO Yanchuan;GAN Changsheng;YAN Tiantang;PAN Zhongxiao;PENG Bixian.Effect of bromization on the properties of a series of substituted 1,8,15,22-tetra(2,4-ditertbutylphenoxy) phthalocyanines[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 424-429
    1745.WANG Shuguang;LI Yanhui;Gong Xiaoyan;ZHAO Huazhang;LUAN Zhaokun;XU Cailu;WU Dehai.Surface characteristics of modified carbon nanotubes and its application in lead adsorption from aqueous solution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 441-443
    1746.ZHENG Zhuo;WANG Jianghua;WANG Bing;LIU Chunlian;ZOU Heping;ZHANG Hua;DENG Yun;BAI Yan.High-resolution records of Holocene from the Shuangchi Maar Lake in Hainan Island[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 497-502
    1747.WANG Hong;CAI Haoran TSAI Haojan .Modulation of presynaptic nAChRs on postsynaptic GABA receptor in optic tectum of juvenile Xenopus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 417-423
    1748.TIE Guodong;TIAN Yongqiang;CHEN Shuyi;CAO Yujing;LIU Zelong;DUAN Enkui;ZHAO Xingxu.Regulation of mouse blastocyst adhesion, outgrowth and matrix metalloproteinase-2 by focal adhesion kinase[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 475-479
    1749.WANG Xiangdong;QIAO Guanjun;Kusunose Takafumi;JIN Zhihao.Fabrication of silicon nitride/boron nitride nanocomposite powder[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 430-433
    1750.LI Yue;YANG Baojun.Chaotic system for the detection of periodic signals under the background of strong noise[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 508-510
    1751.LIU Xin;ZHANG Shuqiu;LOU Chenghou.Involvement of nitric oxide in the signal transduction of salicylic acid regulating stomatal movement[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 449-452
    1752.WANG Hongmei;YANG Fengqing;ZHOU Xiugao;ZHANG Jun;YAO Shuzhen.Evaluation of the potential of microbial exploration for gold ores: Mineralization and non-mineralization factors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 508-515
    1753.ZANG Shaoxian;LI Chang;NING Jieyuan;WEI Rongqiang.A preliminary model for 3-D rheological structure of the lithosphere in North China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 461-473
    1754.YU Jinhai;XU Xisheng;ZHOU Xinmin.Late Mesozoic crust-mantle interaction and lower crust components in South China: A geochemical study of mafic granulite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 447-460
    1755.SUN Xiaoqian YOU Jinhong.Iterative weighted partial spline least squares estimation in semiparametric modeling of longitudinal data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 724-735
    1756.ZHANG Qiong HUANG Falun.Analyticity of thermoelastic plates with dynamical boundary conditions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 631-640
    1757.LI Shoufu.B-Theory of Runge-Kutta methods for stiff Volterra functional differential equations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 662-674
    1758.GAO Fuqing J. Quastel.Moderate deviations from the hydrodynamic limit of the symmetric exclusion process[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 577-592
    1759.MIAO Changxing.Cauchy problem of semi-linear parabolic equations with weak data in homogeneous space and application to the Navier-Stokes equations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 641-661
    1760.ZHANG Yong.Minimal rambling sets with codimension one dominated splittings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(5): 593-599
    1761.刘涛;韩成贵;李大伟;蔡祝南;于嘉林;刘仪.甜菜坏死黄脉病毒RNA5对病毒致病性的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(5): 464-467
    1762.姚永刚;孔庆鹏;孙昌;张亚平.人类线粒体DNA中碱基缺失/插入的真伪能否从世系的系统发育关系来推断?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 348-352
    1763.邢宇;王幼群;张蜀秋;黄从林;吴忠义;贾文锁.酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶可能影响ABA的积累和参与植物细胞水分胁迫信号传递[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 369-374
    1764.刘涛;唐季安;韩梅梅;江龙.纳米金颗粒在石英晶体微天平检测DNA中的表面修饰作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 342-344
    1765.李宾;汪颖;胡钧;吴世英;黄一波;李民乾.单个DNA分子光敏断裂过程的观察[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 345-347
    1766.JIN Yinlai ZHU Deming.Bifurcations of rough heteroclinic loop with two saddle points[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 459-468
    1767.LIU Mingxue.Invariant subspaces for sequentially subdecomposable operators[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 433-439
    1768.JIAN Huaiyu XU Xingwang.The vortex dynamics of a Ginzburg-Landau system under pinning effect[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 488-498
    1769.钟怀杰 陈东晓 陈剑岚.某些G-M型Banach空间及其上算子代数的K-群[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(4): 338-353
    1770.晏利琴 宋钦华 黑晓明 王文锋 郭庆祥.环丁烷型嘧啶二聚体的电子诱导裂解机理及动力学[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(4): 320-324
    1771.LIU Jiyuan;LIU Mingliang;ZHUANG Dafang;ZHANG Zengxiang;DENG Xiangzheng.Study on spatial pattern of land-use change in China during 1995—2000[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 373-384
    1772.LIU Xiaohan;ZHAO Yue;LIU Xiaochun;YU Liangjun.Geology of the Grove Mountains in East Antarctica[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 305-319
    1773.XU Yigang;MEI Houjun;XU Jifeng;HUANG Xiaolong;WANG Yuejun;CHUNG Sun-Lin.Origin of two differentiation trends in the Emeishan flood basalts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 390-394
    1774.FU Yuqin;FAN Xue’e;WANG Jiange;KANG Haixia;CHEN Qinghua.Approach to synthesis and structure of chiral multi-functionalized organophosphorus derivatives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 323-328
    1775.GAO Shengli;CHEN Sanping;YANG Xuwu;SHI Qizhen.Combustion energies and standard molar enthalpies of formation for the complexes of the first-row transitional metal chlorides with L-α-histidine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 319-322
    1776.ZHAO Baolu.Antioxidant effects of green tea polyphenols[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 315-319
    1777.WANG Hengbin;ZHANG Shuqiu;WANG Xuechen;LOU Chenghou.Involvement of Ca2+/CaM in the signal transduction of acetylcholine regulating stomatal movement[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 351-354
    1778.LUO Mingfang;XING Jianmin;GOU Zhongxuan;LI Shan;XIE Yuchun;LIU Huizhou;CHEN Jiayong.Effects of aqueous media on microbial removal of sulfur from dibenzothiophene in the presence of hydrocarbons[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 328-332
    1779.ZHOU Jianbo;ZHENG Yongfei;WU Yuanbao.Zircon U-Pb ages for Wulian granites in northwest Sulu and their tectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 379-384
    1780.WANG Rujian;LI Jian.Quaternary high-resolution opal record and its paleopro-ductivity implication at ODP Site 1143, southern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(4): 363-367
    1781.XU Tingdong.Creating and destroying vacancies in solids and nonequilibrium grain boundary segregation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 373-380
    1782.WANG Xiaodong PENG Xiaofeng LEE Duzhong.Dynamic wetting and stress singularity on contact line[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 407-417
    1783.LIAO Bo CHEN Min KONG Dewen ZHANG Dacheng LI Ting.Application of nano-crystalline silicon film in the fabrication of field-emission pressure sensor[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 418-422
    1784.LI Chensha WANG Dazhi LIANG Tongxiang LI Guitao WANG Xiaofeng CAO Maosheng LIANG Ji.Oxidation behavior of CNTs and the electric double layer capacitor made of the CNT electrodes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 349-354
    1785.YU Nong WU Hao WU Changyong LI Fanming WU Lide.Morphological neural networks for automatic target detection by simulated annealing learning algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 262-278
    1786.OUYANG Shan BAO Zheng LIAO Guisheng.Fast adaptive principal component extraction based on a generalized energy function[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 250-261
    1787.JIN Zhi LU Ruqian, David A. Bell.Automatically multi-paradigm requirements modeling and analyzing: An ontology-based approach[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 279-297
    1788.Byung-Kwon Jung Dong-Soo Kim Seok-Min Yoon Gyu-Sang Shin Chong-Sun Hwang.Development and application of a model for analysis and design phases of Web-based system development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 241-249
    1789.文波, 石宏, 任玲 奚慧峰 李开源 张文逸 宿兵 司世恒6 金力, 肖春杰.Y染色体、线粒体DNA多态性与云南宁蒗摩梭人的族源研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(4): 375-384
    1790.ZHANG Zhengbin CAI Weijun LIU Liansheng LIU Chunying CHEN Feizhou.Direct determination of thickness of sea surface microlayer using a pH microelectrode at original location[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 339-351
    1791.LIU Weisheng WEN Yonghong LIU Xueyuan TAN Minyu.Helical ternary complexes of alkaline earth picrates with open-chain crown ether[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 399-406
    1792.CHENG Xiaoman YAO Suwei LI Chengquan MANAKA Takaaki IWAMOTO Mitsumasa.Second harmonic generation at the interface of copper tetra-tert-butyl phthalocyanine Langmuir-Blodgett film/metal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 379-386
    1793.SHEN Xingcan YUAN Qi LIANG Hong YAN Haigang HE Xiwen.Hysteresis effects of the interaction between serum albumins and silver nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 387-398
    1794.LI Wei ZHAO Xinsheng.Theoretical prediction on vibrational spectra of [Ar…Ar-H]+[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 321-329
    1795.MENG Yanfeng JIANG Shichun AN Lijia JIANG Bingzheng.Thermodynamical study on pressure-induced compatibility in UCST polymer-containing mixtures[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 352-360
    1796.ZHANG YUHU XU Furong HE Jianjun LIU Zhong ZHOU Xiaohong GAN Zziguo M.Oshima T. Hayakawa Y.Toh T.Shizuma J.Katakura Y.Hatsukawa M.Matsuda H.Kusakari M. Sugawara K. Furuno6 T.Komatsubara6 T. Une6 WEN Shuxian7 WANG Zhimin7.High-spin states and signature inversion in odd-odd 182Au[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 382-389
    1797.HAO Shiqiang CHEN Nanxian.Structure and Curie temperature of Y2Fe17-xCrx[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 356-361
    1798.PENG Qingyu.Image-processing techniques in precisely measuring positions of Saturn and its satellites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 362-370
    1799.HUANG Chaoguang ZHANG Yuanzhong.Transfer of information in an anomalous dispersion medium[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 428-436
    1800.HAN Guangbing GAO Ruwei FENG Weicun LIU Hanqiang WANG Biao ZHANG Peng CHEN Wei LI Wei GUO Yongquan.Effective anisotropy and coercivity in nanocrystalline single-phase NdFeB permanent magnetic material[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 398-404
    1801.冯东太 丁世良 王美山.非对称线型四原子分子高激发振动能级的动力学Lie代数方法[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(4): 378-384

    XIE Jianping1,2 LI Yao1,4 YUE Jun1,3 XU Yongzhong1 HUANG Daqiang4 LIANG Li3 WANG Honghai1
    .Exploring Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection-induced alterations in gene expression in macrophage by microarray hybridization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 337-347

    YU Qiuju DU Li HU Yuanlei LIN Zhongping
    .Cloning of the promoter region of plasma membrane aquaporin BnPIP1 from Brassica napus and its functional analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 348-357

    HOU Songwang1,2 CHEN Xinwen1 WANG Hanzhong1 HU Zhihong1
    .An efficient method of constructing homologous recom binant baculovirus with PCR-amplified fragments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 431-437

    CHEN Aihua1 ZHOU Yi2 GONG Haiqing2 LIANG Peiji2
    .Chicken retinal ganglion cells response characteristics: multi-channel electrode recording study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(4): 414-421

    XIANG Fengning XIA Guangmin CHEN Huimin
    .Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Avena sativa L.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 243-252

    XIONG Jianghui LI Yinghui NIE Jielin
    .Effects of simulated microgravity on nitric oxide level in cardiac myocytes and its mechanism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 302-309
    1808.LUO En HUANG Weijiang ZHANG Hexin.Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space and symplectic algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 248-258
    1809.HOU Shilin SUN Weiguo.Studies on dissociation energies of diatomic molecules using vibrational spectroscopic constants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 321-329
    1810.CHEN Gang ZHANG Kunshi LIU Lianshou.A study of the dynamical-fluctuation property inside jets in e+e− collisions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 268-283
    1811.WANG Yan QIAN Ying FENG Wenlin LIU Ruozhuang.Implementation of a microcanonical variational transition state theory for direct dynamics calculations of rate constants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 225-233
    1812.OUYANG Jianming YAO Xiuqiong SU Zexuan CUI Fuzhai.Simulation of calcium oxalate stone in vitro[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 234-242
    1813.ZHANG Jingchang ZHANG Jianjun CAO Weiliang.Relationship between the density of supercritical CO2 + ethanol binary system and its critical properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 290-301
    1814.谢建平 李瑶 乐军 徐永忠 黄达蔷 梁莉 陈永青 于善谦 王洪海.结核分枝杆菌入侵诱导的人巨噬细胞全局性基因表达变化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(3): 231-239
    1815.钟伯雄 Don Allen Roth 朱亚峰 大村敏博.水稻矮缩病病毒粒子装配模型[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(3): 253-262
    1816.JIANG Yong WU Jianping.The proportional fairness scheduling algorithm on multi-classes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 161-174
    1817.LI Chunhua YAO Kefu RUAN Dianbo LIANG Ji XU Cailu WU Dehai.Synthesis of carbon nanotubes with Ni/CNTs catalyst[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 303-308
    1818.LIU Zhishen WU Dong ZHANG Kailin LIU Jintao Johnathan W. Hair Chiao-Yao She.A mobile incoherent Mie-Rayleigh Doppler wind lidar with a single frequency and tunable operation of an injection Nd︰YAG laser[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 309-317
    1819.YANG Juekuan CHEN Yunfei YAN Jingping.Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivities of superlattice nanowires[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 278-286
    1820.LI Bing;LIU Hongtao;MU Ruiling;SUN Daye;ZHOU Rengang.Effects of calmodulin on DNA-binding activity of heat shock transcription factor in vitro[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 255-258
    1821.YANG Tao;YU Guanghua;HWANG Pol;ZHU Fengwu.Structure and magnetic properties of vacuum annealed FePt/Ag nano-multilayers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 236-238
    1822.LI Li;CHEN Donghua;ZHOU Zhenghong;ZHANG Jiamin;HU Yuanyang.Comparative analysis of the three-dimensional structure of Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 277-281
    1823.ZHOU Xiangdong;ZHEN Hui;ZHOU Weishan.Syntheses of oxysterol receptors’(LXRs) ligands[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 247-254
    1824.HE Xiaoxiao;WANG Kemin;TAN Weihong;LIU Bin;LIN Xia;HUANG Shasheng;LI Du;HE Chunmei;LI Jun.A novel gene carrier based on amino-modified silica nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 223-228
    1825.WU Danli;ZHANG Yourong;LAO Miaofen;QIU Zhaohua;HA Xiaoqin;WU Zuze WU Cutse .Therapeutic angiogenesis induced by human hepatocyte growth [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 273-276
    1826.ZHANG Yangpei;YANG Jun;GAO Xin;JIA Yanjun;JI Shouping;GONG Feng;LIU Zepeng;REN Huiming;LI Subo;LAN Jiongcai;CAO Qiong.B→O blood conversion[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 269-273
    1827.CHU Zhaohui;PENG Kaiman;ZHANG Lida;ZHOU Bin;WEI Jun;WANG Shiping.Construction and characterization of a normalized whole-life-cycle cDNA library of rice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 229-235
    1828.GAO Keqin;SUN Yuanlin.Is the PhyloCode better than Linnaean system?—— New development and debate on biologi-cal nomenclatural issues[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 308-312
    1829.XU Cheng;HUANG Zhilong;LIU Congqiang;QI Liang;LI Wenbo;GUAN Tao.Geochemistry of carbonatites in Maoniuping REE deposit, Sichuan Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 246-256
    1830.MAO Jingwen;ZHANG Zuoheng;WANG Yitian;JIA Yefei;Robert Kerrich.Nitrogen isotope and content record of Mesozoic orogenic gold deposits surrounding the North China craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 231-245
    1831.LI Zhong;LI Renwei;SUN Shu;ZHANG Wenhua.Mesozoic basin-fill records in south foot of the Dabie Mountains: Implication for Dabie Orogenic attributes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 217-230
    1832.沈鹤柏 周文骏 杨永桃 张凤.ODN-铈配合物定位水解切断DNA的研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(3): 268-272
    1833.DENG Donggao YAN Lixin.Fractional integration associated with second order divergence operators on Rn[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 355-363
    1834.CHEN Huaihui XIONG Chengji.Julia’s lemma and Bloch constants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 326-332
    1835.LIU Yan HU Yijun.Large deviations for heavy-tailed random sums of independent random variables with dominatedly varying tails[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 383-395
    1836.WANG Heyu LI Chong WANG Xinghua.On relationship between convergence ball of Euler iteration in Banach spaces and its dynamical behavior on Riemann spheres[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 376-382
    1837.QIAO Jianyong.On Julia sets concerning phase transitions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(3): 415-431
    1838.王红;蔡浩然.幼年爪蟾突触前ACh受体对视顶盖神经元突触后膜GABA受体的调制[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(3): 219-225
    1839.CAO Hongbin;LI Xingang;WU Jinchuan;ZHONG Fangli;ZHANG Yi;.Population dynamics and spatial distribution of microbial species in multispecies biofilms under the action of direct electric current[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (24 ): 2688-2693
    1840.ZHU Jianrong; .Dynamic mechanism of the upwelling on the west side of the submerged river valley off the Changjiang mouth in summertime[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (24 ): 2754-2758
    1841.WEI Zigang;XU Wenyao;.Differential rotation of geomagnetic field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (24 ): 2739-2742
    1842.DAI Xingang;WANG Ping;CHOU Jifan;.Multiscale characteristics of the rainy season rainfall and interdecadal decaying of summer monsoon in North China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (24 ): 2730-2734
    1843.SHEN Hebai;WANG Youbao;YANG Haifeng;JIANG Jisen; .Covalent immobilization of oligoDNA on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles and surface-enhanced Raman scattering study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (24 ): 2698-2702
    1844.YU Yingtao;XU Boqing;.Selective formation of tetrahedral Pt nanocrystals from K2PtCl6/PVP[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2589-2593
    1845.TANG Lin;WANG Jian;QIN Ede;ZHU Qingyu;YU Man;DING Zhifen;SHI Huiying;CHENG Xiaojie;WANG Caiping;CHANG Guohui;LI Shuangli;ZHANG Xumin;CHEN Xishu;YU Jun;CHEN Ze;.Preparation, characterization and preliminary in vivo studies of inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2621-2625
    1846.SHAN Baoci;ZHANG Wutian;MA Lin;LI Dejun;CAO Bingli;TANG Yiyuan;WU Yigen;TANG Xiaowei;.Chinese semantic processing cerebral areas[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2607-2610
    1847.MA Jinghong;REN Shuhua;LI Ruifeng;LI Can;XIE Kechang; .Preparation and properties of PVP-protected nanoparticles on zeolite Beta[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2577-2580
    1848.YAN Yan;ZHANG Shulin;ZHAO Xinsheng;HAN Yisong;HOU Li; .Raman spectral research on MPCVD diamond film[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2562-2563
    1849.WANG Pinxian;JIAN Zhimin;ZHAO Quanhong;LI Qianyu;WANG Rujian;LIU Zhifei;WU Guoxuan;SHAO Lei;WANG Jiliang;HUANG Baoqi;FANG Dianyong;TIAN Jun;LI Jianru;LI Xianhua;CHEN Muhong; .Evolution of the South China Sea and monsoon history revealed in deep-sea records[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2549-2561
    1850.TAN Wenchang;LIU Shiqiang;GUO Jingjing;WANG Shiqiang;CHENG Heping;T. Masuoka; .New dynamic model for non-Fickian diffusion of calcium spark in cardiac myocytes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2564-2567
    1851.WANG Pinxian;TIAN Jun;CHENG Xinrong;LIU Quanlian;XU Jian; .Exploring cyclic changes of the ocean carbon reservoir[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2536-2548
    1852.PENG Jiantang;HU Ruizhong;ZHAO Junhong;FU Yazhou;LIN Yuanxian; .Scheelite Sm-Nd dating and quartz Ar-Ar dating for Woxi Au-Sb-W deposit, western Hunan[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (23 ): 2640-2646
    1853.赵健;张治洲;师咏勇;李秀霞;贺林.运行于磁珠表面的可编程DNA计算机[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(23): 2422-2427
    1854.伍宁丰;邓敏捷;史秀云;梁果义;姚斌;范云六.一种新的有机磷降解酶的分离纯化及酶学性质研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(23): 2446-2450
    1855.王怡;Alan Clark;王家训;孙孟红;施达仁.异源双链DNA体外错配修复功能分析模型的构建[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(22): 2363-2368
    1856.WU Guoxuan;QIN Jungan;MAO Shaozhi; .Deep-water Oligocene pollen record from South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (22 ): 2511-2515
    1857.YANG Quanhong;LI Lixiang;CHENG Huiming;WANG Maozhang;BAI Jinbo; .Inner-tubular physicochemical processes of carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (22 ): 2395-2403
    1858.LI Chengcai;MAO Jietai;LAU Kai-Hon Alexis;CHEN Jay-Chung;YUAN Zibing;LIU Xiaoyang;ZHU Aihua;LIU Guiqing; .Characteristics of distribution and seasonal variation of aerosol optical depth in eastern China with MODIS products[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (22 ): 2488-2495
    1859.WU Xiaohuai;MAO Aijun;WANG Rong;WANG Tai;SONG Yanru;TONG Zhe;.Molecular characterization of OsPRP1 from rice, which is expressed preferentially in anthers[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (22 ): 2458-2465
    1860.JIANG Laili;WU Weiping;CHU Dongru;LIU Yican;ZHANG Yong; .Post-collisional extensional and thrust-nappe structures in northern part of Dabie Mountains[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (21 ): 2378-2385
    1861.LIU Yongsheng;GAO Shan;LIU Xiaoming;CHEN Xiaoming;ZHANG Wenlan;WANG Xuance; .Thermodynamic evolution of lithosphere of the North China craton: Records from lower crust and upper mantle xenoliths from Hannuoba[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (21 ): 2371-2377
    1862.ZHOU Zijiang;ZHANG Guocai;.Typical severe dust storms in northern China during 1954—2002[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (21 ): 2366-2370
    1863.XIE Jun;LIU Ciquan;QU Lianghu;.PNA(T).DNA(AT) triplexes with Hoogsteen base pairing are more favorable[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (21 ): 2340-2343
    1864.CHEN Hankui;FENG Bingjian;LIANG Hui;ZHANG Ruhua;ZENG Yixin;.The susceptibility gene for familial nasopharyngeal carcinoma is mapped on chromosome 4p11-p14 by haplotype analyses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (21 ): 2327-2330
    1865.QU Guosheng;ZHOU Hui;YU Chuanhe;CHEN Xiao;QU Lianghu; .Characterization of three novel snoRNAs from Schizosaccharomyces pombe implies the structural and functional diversity of box H/ACA snoRNA family[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (21 ): 2320-2327
    1866.FENG Chugang;CAI Wusan;ZHU Yuanlan;YANG Fumin;.Determination of Chinese mobile SLR sites’ coordinates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (21 ): 2300-2302
    1867.沈鹤柏;汪友宝;杨海峰;姜继森.DNA在磁性纳米粒子表面的键合及表面增强拉曼光谱研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(21): 2252-2256
    1868.吴孝槐;毛爱军;王荣;王台;宋艳茹;童哲.水稻花药发育相关基因OsPRP1的克隆和特性分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(20): 2154-2161
    1869.SHI Yongyu;WANG Hongcheng;LI Yan;PANG Xuewen;SUN Wensheng;CHEN Weifeng;.Screening and analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigens and their encoding genes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2192-2195
    1870.LI Shuhong;MA Shihong;LI Bo;SUN Jinglan;WANG Genshui;MENG Xiangjian;CHU Junhao;WANG Wencheng; .Ferroelectricity of weak-polar organic molecules in alternate Langmuir-Blodgett multilayer films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2176-2179
    1871.WANG Jun;H. W. Pfefferkorn;SUN Bainian;LIU Lujun;.Discovery of organic connection of Chiropteris Kurr and Nystroemia Halle from Early Permian of western Henan, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2248-2252
    1872.WANG Qiang;ZHAO Zhenhua;JIAN Ping;BAO Zhiwei;XIONG Xiaolin;MA Jinlong; .SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenite in Wuyi Mountains of South China and its tectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2241-2247
    1873.LÜ Rong;GAN Wei;WANG Hongfei; .Novel method for accurate determination of the orientational angle of interfacial chemical groups[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2183-2187
    1874.BAI Yong;GONG Wei;LIU Tianyun;ZHU Yuxian;.Cloning and expressional analyses of a cinnamoyl CoA reductase cDNA from rice seedlings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2221-2225
    1875.MA Hong;CHENG Guodong; .A test of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) for the Gongnaisi River basin in the western Tianshan Mountains, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2253-2259
    1876.CAI Lun;XUE Hong;LU Hongchao;ZHAO Yi;ZHU Xiaopeng;BU Dongbo;LING Lunjiang;CHEN Runsheng;.Analysis of correlations between protein complex and protein-protein interaction and mRNA expression[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2226-2230
    1877.ZHOU Xueping;XIE Yan;PENG Yan;ZHANG Zhongkai; .Malvastrum yellow vein virus, a new Begomovirus species associated with satellite DNA molecule[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2205-2209
    1878.SUN Xiangjun;LUO Yunli;CHEN Huaicheng;.Deep-sea pollen research in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (20 ): 2155-2164
    1879.LI Yong;WANG Wanlu;LIAO Kejun;HU Chenguo;HUANG Zhi;FENG Qing.Piezoresistive effect in carbon nanotube films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(2): 125-127
    1880.LUO Xiaoxing;YANG Jinghua;R. Rabinovici.Induction of inosine containing mRNA during the inflammatory stress in C57BL/6 mouse[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(2): 156-160
    1881.HU Jianfang;JIA Guodong;PENG Ping’an;FANG Dianyong;ZHAO Quanhong.Reconstruction of surface ocean water pCO2(aq) in Nansha area, the South China Sea during the last 30 ka[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(2): 199-203
    1882.XIANG Rong;LI Tiegang;YANG Zuosheng;LI Anchun;JIANG Fuqing;YAN Jun;CAO Qiyuan.Geological records of marine environmental changes in the southern Okinawa Trough[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(2): 194-199
    1883.SUN Youbin;GAO Shu;LI Jun.Preliminary analysis of grain-size populations with environmentally sensitive terrigenous components in marginal sea setting[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(2): 184-187
    1884.TANG Chaorong;SUN Fuzai;ZHAO Tingchang.Construction of ice nucleation active Enterobacter cloacae for control of insect pests[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(2): 175-180
    1885.CHEN Wei;JIANG Yanxia;SUN Shigang.CO adsorption on electrode of Pt nanoparticles investigated by cyclic voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(2): 135-139
    1886.WEI Zexun;FANG Guohong;CHOI Byung-Ho;FANG Yue;HE Yijun.Sea surface height and transport stream function of the South China Sea from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 139-148
    1887.LI Li;XU Jindian;JING Chunsheng;WU Risheng;GUO Xiaogang.Annual variation of sea surface height, dynamic topography and circulation in the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 127-138
    1888.YUAN Yeli;WAN Zhenwen;ZHANG Qinghua.A motion instability formation mechanism of the multi-core structure of the East China Sea Kuroshio[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 182-192
    1889.FANG Guohong;WEI Zexun;CHOI Byung-Ho;WANG Kai;FANG Yue;LI Wei.Interbasin freshwater, heat and salt transport through the boundaries of the East and South China Seas from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 149-161
    1890.WANG Dongxiao;WANG Weiqiang;SHI Ping;GUO Peifang;GAN Zijun.Establishment and adjustment of monsoon-driven circulation in the[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 173-181
    1891.HU Junyun LI Xiaopei SUN Shunhua XU Xianmin,.On Wiener type Banach algebra[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 207-214
    1892.WANG Yuwen PAN Shaorong.An approximation problem of the finite rank operator in Banach spaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 245-250
    1893.ZHANG Xiang.Invariant algebraic curves and rational first integrals of holomorphic foliations in 1894.刘明学.序列次可分解算子的不变子空间[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,33(2): 136-141
    1895.WANG Jingtao.Wavelet analyses for stress wave detection of piles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 113-119
    1896.CAI Ju YANG Xianglin.Dispersion-managed soliton interactions in fibers with randomly varying birefringence[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 153-160
    1897.SHEN Hui Hui Xueqing WANG Wei.Electron microscopy observations of surface morphologies and particle arrangement behaviors of magnetic fluids[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 168-172
    1898.ZHANG Yinping HU Xianxu HAO Qing WANG Xin.Convective heat transfer enhancement of laminar flow of latent functionally thermal fluid in a circular tube with constant heat flux: internal heat source model and its application[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 131-140
    1899.CHENG Wenlong CHEN Zeshao AKISAWA Atsushi HU Peng KASHIWAGI Takao.Theoretical and experimental study on surface tension and dynamic surface tension of aqueous lithium bromide and water with additive[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 191-203
    1900.JIN Yi HE Huacan LÜ Yangtian.Ternary optical computer principle[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 145-159
    1901.PEI Daowu WANG Guojun.A semantically complete extension sequence of the system 1902.GAO Houxiu ZHANG Guijie CHEN Quanshui YANG Jingwu LIU Anwei YANG Yuqin.Quasi-fluid state in gabbro[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 176-183
    1903.ZHANG Mingjin ZHENG Anmin DENG Feng YUE Yong YE Chaohui.Surface chemical modification of zeolites and their catalytic performance for naphthalene alkylation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 216-223
    1904.WEI Gang ZHANG Yuanjing XIONG Rongchun.Controllable preparation of nanosized TiO2 thin film and relationship between structure of film and its photocatalytic activity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 184-190
    1905.CHEN Jun LI Suolong GAO Feng XU Qiang Koji Tanaka.Low-temperature catalytic preparation of multi-wall MoS2 nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 191-195
    1906.FENG Jun ZHUO Renxi HE Feng.Enzymatic ring-opening copolymerization of trimethylene carbonate and ethylene ethyl phosphate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 160-167
    1907.WANG Haizhou.Original position statistic distribution analysis (original position analysis)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 119-123
    1908.ZHANG Weiguang ZHONG Yun FAN Jun SUN Siqiao TANG Ning TAN Minyu WU Longmin.Preparation, morphology, size quantization effect and photocatalytic properties of CdS Q-nanocrystals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 196-206
    1909.XU Mingyu TAN Wenchang,.Representation of the constitutive equation of viscoelastic materials by the generalized fractional element networks and its generalized solutions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 145-157
    1910.PAN Mingxiang LI Shunpu ZHAO Deqian WANG Weihua WEN Ping YU Yude NIE Yuxin ZHAO Shengxue ZHUANG Yanxin CHEN Xichen.Directional growth of Al-Mg2Si eutectic alloy in the SZ2 unmanned spaceship[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(2): 158-163

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    CHEN Julian1 NI Hanxiang1 SUN Jingrui1 WENG Gezhi2
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    LU Zixian CHANG Tuanjie LI Xugang XU Junwang LI Huifen CHEN Wanxin FENG Dejiang XIAO Guifang ZHU Zhen
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    1914.瞿国胜;周惠;于传贺;陈晓;屈良鹄.粟酒裂殖酵母中3个新的box H/ACA snoRNA的鉴定及意义[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(19): 2022-2028
    1915.YANG Peicai;BIAN Jianchun;WANG Geli;ZHOU Xiuji;.Hierarchy and nonstationarity in climate systems: Exploring the prediction of complex systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (19 ): 2148-2154
    1916.ZHUO Min;ZHOU Hui;HUANG Zhanpeng;LIANG Dan;CHEN Chunlong;CHEN Yueqin;QU Lianghu; .Identification and functional analysis of 23 novel box C/D snoRNAs from Oryza sativa[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (19 ): 2077-2082
    1917.LANG Xianmei;WANG Huijun;JIANG Dabang; .Extraseasonal ensemble numerical predictions of winter climate over China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (19 ): 2121-2125
    1918.LIU Fengxia;SUN Chuanqing;TAN Lubin;FU Yongcai;LI Dejun;WANG Xiangkun; .Identification and mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling cold-tolerance of Chinese common wild rice (O. rufipogon Griff.) at booting to flowering stages[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (19 ): 2068-2071
    1919.XIANG Kaijun;ZOU Chunsen;ZHU Zhiqiang;TENG Maikun;NIU Liwen;LIU Jing;.Expression, refolding and preliminary characterization of recombinant snake venom metalloproteinases: Implication for the hemorrhagic mechanism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (19 ): 2055-2060
    1920.JIANG Jing;AN Guoyong;WANG Pengcheng;WANG Pengtao;HAN Jinfeng;JIA Yanbin;SONG Chunpeng; .MAP kinase specifically mediates the ABA-induced H2O2 generation in guard cells of Vicia faba L.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 1919-1926
    1921.LIU Yongjiang;J. Genser;GE Xiaohong;F. Neubauer;G. Friedl;CHANG Lihua;REN Shoumai;R. Handler; .40Ar/39Ar age evidence for Altyn fault tectonic activities in western China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 2024-2030
    1922.WANG Weiming;LIU Jinling;ZHOU Xiaodan; .Climate indexes of phytoliths from Homo erectus’ cave deposits in Nanjing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 2005-2009
    1923.HUANG Hongmei;WANG Kemin;XIAO Yi;ZHAI Qiuge;AN Delie;HUANG Shasheng;LI Du; .The amplified fluorescence quenching of heteroatomic conjugated polymers based on the “molecular wire” effects[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 1947-1951
    1924.XU Tao;ZHOU Qiang;CHEN Wei;ZHANG Guren;HE Guofeng;GU Dexiang;ZHANG Wenqing; .Involvement of Jasmonate-signaling pathway in the herbivore-induced rice plant defense[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 1982-1987
    1925.WANG Xiaolan;WENG Qingmei;YOU Aiqing;ZHU Lili;HE Guangcun; .Cloning and characterization of rice RH3 gene induced by brown planthopper[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 1976-1981
    1926.WANG Xichao;DAI Bojie;CHEN Dayuan;LIU Zelong;LIU Weimin;DUAN Enkui;.Interfamily pregnancy and expression of CD57, CD68 in deciduas between golden hamster and mouse[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 1956-1961
    1927.WANG Qiaomei;MA Ligeng;.Brassinosteroid signal transduction: An emerging picture[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (18 ): 1906-1912
    1928.XU Shangjie;ZHANG Xiaoxing;CHEN Shen;ZHANG Manhua;SHEN Tao;WANG Zhengping.Novel phototherapeutic agents: Investigation and progress of hypocrellin derivatives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(17): 1775-1785
    1929.XU Xisheng;DENG Ping;S. Y. O’Reilly;W. L. Griffin;ZHOU Xinmin;TAN Zhengzhong; .Single zircon LAM-ICPMS U-Pb dating of Guidong complex (SE China) and its petrogenetic significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (17 ): 1892-1899
    1930.SUN Xiaoming;CHEN Wen;WANG Min;XUE Ting;SUN Kai;CHEN Binghui; .Dating of sediment-hosted disseminated-type gold deposit by using 40Ar/39Ar laser probe: A case study of Changkeng large-scale gold deposit, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (17 ): 1887-1891
    1931.LIU Zhifei;XU Jian;TIAN Jun;WANG Pinxian.Calcium carbonate pump during Quaternary glacial cycles in the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(17): 1862-1869
    1932.WEI Jianjing;GUO Zhengtang; .Changes in the content of eolian iron during the past 900 ka and the implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48 (17 ): 1882-1886
    1933.LIU Hongyan;TIAN Yuhong;DING Deng.Contributions of different land cover types in Otindag Sandy Land and Bashang area of Hebei Province to the material source of sand stormy weather in Beijing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(17): 1853-1856
    1934.R. L. Frost;YANG Jing;Zhe Ding.Raman and FTIR spectroscopy of natural oxalates: Implications for the evidence of life on Mars[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(17): 1844-1852
    1935.HE Yuhong;LI Xianghui;WANG Fu;XUE Yi;SUI Senfang.Two forms of the membrane-bound state of the first C2 domain (C2A) of synaptotagminⅠand calcium-triggered membrane insertion[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(17): 1822-1827
    1936.XIU Zhilong;ZHU Xiuling;ZHANG Daijia;YIN Jianzhong;WANG Dehe;AN Lijia.A new way for chemical degradation of plastic by natural volatile constituents of Ledum palustre[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1718-1721
    1937.ZHU Xiangyang;DING Han;ZHONG Binglin;XIONG Youlun.An overview on distance and pseudo distance functions and their applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1686-1695
    1938.HUANG Zhongxian;ZHANG Hailiang;YAO Wenhua;LIU Yuqi;ZHOU Jing;TANG Liming.Raman spectroscopy study of zinc finger ZNF191(243-368)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1722-1727
    1939.YIN Chongyu;LIU Dunyi;GAO Linzhi;WANG Ziqiang;XING Yusheng;JIAN Ping;SHI Yuruo.Lower boundary age of the Nanhua System and the Gucheng glacial stage: Evidence from SHRIMPⅡ dating[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1657-1662
    1940.WU Guang;ZHOU Chunyuan;ZENG Heping.Time-division phase modulated single-photon interference in a Sagnac interferometer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1704-1708
    1941.WANG Wei;NING Xinbao;WANG Jun;ZHANG Sheng;CHEN Jie;LI Lejia.Interleaving distribution of multifractal strength of 16-channel EEG signals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1700-1703
    1942.SHEN Weizhou;YU Jinhai;ZHAO Lei;CHEN Zelin;LIN Hengcai.Nd isotopic characteristics of post-Archean sediments from the Eastern Nanling Range: Evidence for crustal evolution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1679-1685
    1943.CHEN Daogong;Deloule Etienne;CHENG Hao;XIA Qunke;WU Yuanbao.Preliminary study of microscale zircon oxygen isotopes for Dabie-Sulu metamorphic rocks: Ion probe in situ analyses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1670-1678
    1944.WANG Jian;LI Xianhua;DUAN Taizhong;LIU Dunyi;SONG Biao;LI Zhongxiong;GAO Yonghua.Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating for the Cangshuipu volcanic rocks and its implications for the lower boundary age of the Nanhua strata in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1663-1669
    1945.石永玉;王宏程;李燕;庞学文;孙汶生;陈慰峰.肝癌相关的肿瘤抗原及其编码基因的筛选与分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1772-1775
    1946.周雪平;彭燕;谢艳;张仲凯.赛葵黄脉病毒: 一种含有卫星DNA的双生病毒新种[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1801-1805
    1947.卓敏;周惠;黄展鹏;梁丹;陈春龙;陈月琴;屈良鹄.23种新的水稻boxC/D snoRNA的鉴定及功能分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(16): 1785-1790
    1948.FAN Zhi;ZHAO Yanli;LIU Yu.Molecular self-assembly behavior of mono[6-O-6-(4-carboxyl-phenyl)]-β-CD in solution and solid state[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(15): 1535-1538
    1949.XU Shijin;FANG Zhong;T. Matsumoto;J. Matsuda;M. Yasuda;YU Jinhai;WANG Rucheng;LIU Wenzhong.He and Ar isotopes in mantle megacryst minerals from Nushan and Yingfengling in Southeast China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(15): 1624-1630
    1950.SHI Suhua;DU Yaqing;D. E. Boufford;GONG Xun;HUANG Yelin;HE Hanghang;ZHONG Yang.Phylogenetic position of Schnabelia, a genus endemic to China: Evidence from sequences of cpDNA matK gene and nrDNA ITS regions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(15): 1576-1580
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    2025.FU Kexiang;LI Xiangyuan;ZHU Quan;LU Shenzhuang.One approach to calculating the solvent reorganization energy of intramolecular electron transfer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(1): 35-38
    2026.LI Guoxia;ZHAO Weijuan;LI Rongwu;XIE Jianzhong;FENG Songlin;FAN Dongyu;ZHANG Ying;CAI Zhifang;ZHUO Zhenxi;GAO Zhengyao;.Fuzzy cluster analysis of the provenance of ancient Yaozhou porcelain body[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,48(1 ): 27-30
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    SHEN Jiangang1,2 QIU Xingshen2 JIANG Bo2 ZHANG Deliang1 XIN Wenjuan1 Peter C.W. Fung3 ZHAO Baolu1
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    ZHANG Xiaoning1 LIN Changfa1 CHEN Huoying2 WANG Hao1 QU Zhicai1 ZHANG Hongwei1 YAO Jianhong1 SHEN Daleng1
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    2033.LONG Hong1,2 ZENG Xianlu1 JIAO Mingda1 HU Bo1 SUN Haijing1 LIU Zhenlan1 ZHANG Liyong1,3 HAO Shui1.Analysis of nucleolar pre-rRNA processing sites in pea (Pisum sativum)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(1): 58-66

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    2035.BI Zhaoxia ZHANG Rong LI Weiping WANG Xusheng GU Shulin SHEN Bo SHI Yi LIU Zhiguo ZHENG Youdou.Synthesis of ZnAl2O4/α-Al2O3 complex substrates and growth of GaN films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(1): 41-46
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    2038.GAO Zhengyao ZHAO Weijuan LI Guoxia XIE Jianzhong HAN Guohe FENG Songlin FAN Dongyu ZHANG Ying CHAI Zhifang LI Rongwu ZHANG Zhongli ZHU Junxia.Neutron activation analysis of sources of raw material of Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s Terracotta Warriors and Horses[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(1): 62-70
    2039.HOU Shimin ZHANG Zhaoxiang LIU Weimin LUO Ji ZHANG Gengmin GU Zhennan ZHAO Xingyu PENG Lianmao WU Jinlei XUE Zengquan.Field emission patterns with atomic resolution of single-walled carbon nanotubes by field emission microscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(1): 33-40
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    2044.HONG Fashui WANG Xuefeng LIU Chao SU Guoxing SONG Weiping WU Kang TAO Ye ZHAO Guiwen.Effect of Ce3+ on spectral characteristic of D1/D2/Cytb559 complex from spinach[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2003,46(1): 42-50
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    2059.***.Carbon emissions and sinks in agro-ecosystems of China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45 (s1 ): 30-39
    2060.***.Characterization of changes in land cover and carbon storage in Northeastern China: An analysis based on Landsat TM data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45 (s1 ): 40-47
    2061.LIU Dongsheng LIU Tungsheng;SUN Jimin; .Expansion and contraction of Chinese deserts during the Quaternary[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(S1): 91-101
    2062.ZENG Fanjiang;ZHANG Ximing;A. Foetzki;LI Xiangyi;LI Xiaoming;M. Runge; .Water relation characteristics of Alhagi sparsifolia and consequences for a sustainable management[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(S1): 125-131
    2063.***.Normalization of sunspot cycles and eigen mode analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45 (S1): 4-11
    2064.***.sun, corona, magnetic field.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45 (S1): 57-64
    2065.***.Catastrophe of coronal magnetic flux ropes in fully open magnetic field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45 (S1): 65-73
    2066.***.A solar radio moving type IV burst of expanding arches type involving multi-sources[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45 (S1): 97-105
    2067.HE Jianxun PENG Lizhong.Hankel and Toeplitz type operators on the unit disk[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(9): 1154-1162
    2068.王玉文 潘少荣.Banach空间中有限秩算子的逼近问题[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(9): 837-841
    2069.孙顺华 李晓培 胡俊云 徐宪民,.Wiener型Banach代数[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(9): 830-836
    2070.毛国红 汤文强 郭毅 丁存宝 周人纲 孙大业.白芷细胞外ECBP21全长cDNA克隆[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 689-692
    2071.LIU Chongjian;LIU Ying;KANG Hongwen;.A new technique of physical dissipation and its application to a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(9 ): 769-780
    2072.LI Jianwei;ZHOU Meifu;LI Xianfu;FU Zhaoren;LI Zijin;.Structural control on uranium mineralization in South China: Implications for fluid flow in continental strike-slip faults[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(9 ): 851-864
    2073.WU Jinglu;G. H. Schleser;WANG Sumin;A. Lücke;LI Shijie;XIA Wailang;SHI Yafeng; .Quantitative recuperation of climatic sequences for the last 200 years in Xingcuo Lake, eastern Tibetan Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(9 ): 832-841
    2074..Summertime Subtropical Countercurrent on isopycnals in the western North Pacific[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 786-789
    2075..Noble gas isotopic compositions of deep carbonate rocks from the Tarim Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 774-778
    2076..Noble gas abundances and isotopic compositions in mantle-derived xenoliths, NE China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 755-760
    2077..Expression of matrix metallo-proteinase-28 in human normal cytotrophoblast cells and a choriocarcinoma cell line, JEG-3[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 732-736
    2078..Wavelets in probability and statistics——A review in recent advances[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 705-716
    2079..A new method for preparation of template DNA for PCR from special plant materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 725-727
    2080..Preparation of alumina supported on carbon nanotubes and its application in fluoride adsorption from an aqueous solution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (9 ): 722-724
    2081..Exploration of the potential acting on an electron within diatomic molecules[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (8 ): 635-640
    2082..A novel element (NIRS) participates in the regulation of interleukin 2 receptor a gene expression[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (8 ): 659-663
    2083..A novel nonviral nanoparticle gene vector: Poly-L-lysine-silica nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (8 ): 654-658
    2084..Statistical properties for the vibrational energy levels of OCS[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (8 ): 641-643
    2085.LI Jianghai;A. Kröner;HUANG Xiongnan;ZHANG Zhiqiang; .The discovery of the Neoarchean mafic dyke swarm in Hengshan and reinterpretation of the previous “Wutai greenstone belt”[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(8 ): 680-690
    2086.LI Tingyu;WANG Shijie;ZHENG Leping;.Comparative study on CO2 sources in soil developed on carbonate rock and non-carbonate rock in Central Guizhou[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(8 ): 673-679
    2087.YE Danian;D. Pushcharovsky;SHI Nicheng;MA Zhesheng;HE Wei;LI Zhe; .Functional substitution of coordination polyhedron in crystal structure of silicates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(8 ): 702-708
    2088.CHEN Peirong;HUA Renmin;ZHANG Bangtong;LU Jianjun;FAN Chunfang; .Early Yanshanian post-orogenic granitoids in the Nanling region —— Petrological constraints and geodynamic settings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(8 ): 755-768
    2089.HUANG Dinghua;DUAN Yichun;LI Bin;YAO Lingqing;ZHANG Heng;ZHANG Fan;WANG Junhui;GUO Hao;YIN Hongfu; .Middle Yangtze sea-basin over Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition ——Sedimental continuity and environmental catastrophe[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(8 ): 730-740
    2090.赵华燕 魏建华 张景昱 刘惠荣 王台 宋艳茹.抑制COMT与CCoAOMT调控植物木质素的生物合成[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (8 ): 604-607
    2091.赵福庚 束怀瑞.脂肪酸对盐胁迫大麦根系质膜结合多胺含量和膜上+/H+逆向运输的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (8 ): 608-612
    2092.TANG Qihe YAN Jia’an.A sharp inequality for the tail probabilities of sums of i.i.d. r.v.’s with dominatedly varying tails[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(8): 1006-1011
    2093.ZHENG Quan. The analyticity of abstract parabolic and correct systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(7): 859-865
    2094.ZHONG Fengquan LIU Nansheng LU Xiyun ZHUANG Lixian.An improved dynamic subgrid-scale model and its application to large eddy simulation of stratified channel flows[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(7): 888-899
    2095.LI Yong.Date identification of the Zhouji materials during the period of King Xin ——The chronology solving method of oracle bones and bronzes in the Shang and Zhou dynasties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(7): 946-952
    2096.杜会枝 杨频 薛绍武.膜片钳法研究镧离子跨心肌细胞膜的行为[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (7 ): 530-534
    2097.XU Xiangde;ZHOU Mingyu;CHEN Jiayi;BIAN Lingen;ZHANG Guangzhi;LIU Huizhi;LI Shiming;ZHANG Hongsheng;ZHAO Yijun;Suolongduoji;Wang Jizhi;.A comprehensive physical pattern of land-air dynamic and thermal structure on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(7 ): 577-594
    2098.XU Xiru;FAN Wenjie;CHEN Liangfu; .Matrix expression of thermal radiative characteristics for an open complex[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(7 ): 654-661
    2099..Identification of auxin responsive genes in Arabidopsis by cDNA array[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (7 ): 548-552
    2100..A broad deglacial δ 13C minimum event in planktonic foraminiferal records in the Okinawa Trough[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (7 ): 599-603
    2101..Variations of opal accumulation rates and paleoproductivity over the past 12 Ma at ODP Site 1143, southern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (7 ): 596-598
    2102..Circulation in the western tropical Pacific Ocean and its seasonal variation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (7 ): 591-595
    2103..Trends of sea level rise in the South China Sea during the 1990s: An altimetry result[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (7 ): 582-585
    2104.HUANG Zhilong;LIU Congqiang;XIAO Huayun;HAN Runsheng;XU Cheng;LI Wenbo;ZHONG Kunming;.Study on the carbonate ocelli-bearing lamprophyre dykes in the Ailaoshan gold deposit zone, Yunnan Province[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6 ): 494-502
    2105.LI Xia;YEH Gar-On;.Integration of principal components analysis and cellular automata for spatial decisionmaking and urban simulation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6 ): 521-529
    2106..Organic modification of carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (6 ): 441-447
    2107..An approach to noble-gas isotopic compositions in natural gases and gas-source tracing in the Ordos Basin, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (6 ): 489-493
    2108..Development of specific chromosomal DNA pool for rice field eel and their application to gene mapping[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (6 ): 485-488
    2109.ZHANG Xiaofeng;GU Yan;FENG Zhimin;BAN Liqin;FENG Meifu; .Genistein inhibits human TNF-α-induced porcine endothelial cell adhesiveness for human monocytes and natural killer cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (6 ): 470-475
    2110..The Quaternary fault in Jiamu area, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (6 ): 494-499
    2111.梁宠荣 刘次全.RNA A6膨胀环的动力学特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (6 ): 431-434
    2112.韩榕 王勋陵 岳明.He-Ne激光对小麦DNA环丁烷嘧啶二聚体切除修复的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (6 ): 435-438
    2113.LUO En KUANG Junshang HUANG Weijiang LUO Zhiguo.Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principles for nonlinear coupled thermoelastodynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 783-794
    2114.CAI Ruixian ZHANG Na.Explicit analytical solutions of the anisotropic Brinkman model for the natural convection in porous media[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 808-816
    2115.LIU Fengmei MA Zhi FENG Keqin.New results on non-existence of generalized bent functions (II)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 721-730
    2116.周晶 刘玉奇 汤李明 滕昕辰 唐宁 黄仲贤.锌指蛋白ZNF191(243~368)突变体I323W和R327W与寡聚核苷酸作用的荧光光谱[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(6): 534-543
    2117.CHEN Xulin1 GUO Rong1 HUANG Li1 Ray Hong2.Evolutionary conservation and DNA binding properties of the Ssh7 proteins from Sulfolobus shibatae[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 583-592

    MA Jun ZHOU Honglin SU Lei JI Weizhi
    .Effects of exogenous double-stranded RNA on the basonuclin gene expression in mouse oocytes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 593-603

    LU Ping REN Min ZHAI Zhonghe
    .Nuclear reconstitution of demembranated Orychophragmus violaceus sperm in Xenopus laevis egg extracts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 623-630
    2120.WANG Jingping WU Qiang NIU Jingyang.A novel one-dimensional organic-inorganic polymer: synthesis and crystal structure of [{Ca(DMF)5}2SiMo12O40]n[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 647-654
    2121.ZHENG Mingjun HE Deping DAI Ge.Additional force field in cooling process of cellular Al alloy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 598-607
    2122.WEI Chunying YANG Pin.Quantitative study on La3+ influx mediated by sodium-calcium exchanger in human lymphocytes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 586-597
    2123.LIU Shaopu JIANG Zhiliang KONG Ling LIU Qin.Absorption and Rayleigh scattering and resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra of [HgX2]n nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 616-624
    2124.CUI Jianzhong SHI Wei CHENG Peng LIAO Daizheng YAN Shiping JIANG Zonghui WANG Genglin YAO Xinkan WANG Honggen.Synthesis and properties of one-dimensional Ni(II) and Ni(II)Cu(II) complexes linked by hydrogen bond[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 640-646
    2125.栾云霞 张亚平 岳巧云 庞峻峰 谢荣栋 尹文英.从核糖体RNA基因序列探讨双尾虫的系统进化[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(6): 535-543
    2126.何新建 陈建权 张志刚 张劲松 陈受宜.通过cDNA微阵列鉴定水稻(Oryza sativa L.) 盐胁迫应答基因[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(6): 488-493
    2127.王希胤, 史晓黎 郝柏林.籼稻基因组中的tRNA研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(6): 505-511
    2128.王凯 朱小蓬 钟兰 陈润生.水稻基因组中的小RNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(6): 494-499
    2129.YANG Quanhong LIU Chang LIU Min FAN Yanzhen CHENG Huiming WANG Maozhang.Pore structure of SWNTs with high hydrogen storage capacity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 561-568
    2130.JIAN Shuisheng YAN Fengping LI Tangjun JIAN Wei PEI Li NING Tigang.4×10 Gb/s 800 km transmission system on G.652 fiber with dispersion compensation by chirped FBG[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 661-665
    2131.YU Yixin ZENG Yuan FENG Fei.Differential topological characteristics of the DSR on injection space of electrical power system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(6): 576-584
    2132.MENG Qingping RONG Yonghua HSU T. Y..The structural stability in nano-sized crystals of metals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 485-494
    2133.NI Jinren QIAN Zhenghan.Functional no-flow events and their identification in the Lower Yellow River[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 449-457
    2134.HUANG Tian LI Ya TANG Guobao LI Siwei ZHAO Xingyu David. J. Whitehouse Derek G. Chetewyn Xianping Liu.Error modeling, sensitivity analysis and assembly process of a class of 3-DOF parallel kinematic machines with parallelogram struts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 467-476
    2135.WEI Quanling YU Gang LU Jianshou.The necessary and sufficient conditions for returns to scale properties in generalized data envelopment analysis model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 503-517
    2136.ZHU Hongwei LI Xuesong CI Lijie XU Cailu MAO Zongqiang LIANG Ji WU Dehai.Storage of hydrogen in floating catalytic carbon nanotubes after graphitizing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 518-524
    2137.ZHANG Zhenfeng FENG Dengguo DAI Zongduo.Cryptanalysis on AW digital signature scheme based on error-correcting codes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 397-400
    2138.CHEN Huafu YAO Dezhong Sue BECKER ZHUO Yan ZENG Min Chen Lin.A new method for fMRI data processing: Neighborhood independent component correlation algorithm and its preliminary application[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 373-382
    2139.JIA Caiyan GAO Xieping.A general sampling theorem for multiwavelet subspaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 365-372
    2140.张晓宁 林长发 陈火英 王昊 曲志才 张宏伟 姚剑虹 沈大棱.受NaCl诱导的盐藻果糖-1,6-二磷酸醛缩酶cDNA的克隆及其在烟草中的表达[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(5): 392-398
    2141.龙鸿 曾宪录 焦明大 胡波 孙海晶 刘振兰 张立勇 郝水.豌豆细胞中rRNA前体剪切位点研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(5): 412-419
    2142.HUANG Yuhui WANG Zhenguo ZHOU Jin.Numerical simulation of combustion stability of liquid rocket engine based on chemistry dynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 551-560
    2143.PAN Jingxi ZHANG Suping TU Tiecheng HAN Zhenhui CAI Xichen YAO Side LIN Nianyun.EPR study on the photosensitized generation of reactive oxygen species by actinomycin D[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 449-454
    2144.HOU Xinjuan HUANG Mingbao YAN Dayu.Density function of 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 470-474
    2145.ZHUANG Jiaqi WANG Gang LÜ Nan YANG Wensheng JIANG Yueshun LI Tiejin.Chemical microenvironment mediated formation of organic nanostructures from self-assembly of melamine and barbituric acid derivatives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 509-514
    2146.GAO Shiyang ZHU Lixia HAO Zhixian XIA Shuping.Chemistry of borate in salt lake brine (XXXIV)—— Phase diagram of thermodynamic nonequilibrium state of MgO-B2O3-18%MgCl2-H2O system at 20℃[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 541-550
    2147.WEI Yongli SONG Lianqing HOU Hongwei FAN Yaoting.Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic property of a three-dimensional cagelike polymer [Co(4,4′-bpy)(NCS) 2 (py)2] n[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 503-508
    2148.LIU Huijuan QU Jiuhui ZHANG Sujuan HU Chengzhi.Characteristics and formation of [AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12] 7+ in electrolysis process[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 515-520

    MA Chunshu LIU Yuxin ZHENG Jie FANG Weigang YOU Jiangfeng WANG Jieliang CUI Xianglin WU Bingquan
    .Identification of tumor metastasis-related gene TMSG-1 by mRNA differential display[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 553-560

    YU Ying ZHU Shiguo ZHANG Bicheng ZHOU Ming LI Xiaoling LI Guiyuan
    .Screening of BRD7 interacting proteins by yeast two-hybrid system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 546-552

    ZHOU Bin PENG Kaiman CHU Zhaohui WANG Shiping ZHANG Qifa
    .The defense-responsive genes showing enhanced and repressed expression after pathogen infection in rice (Oryza sativa L.)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 449-467

    WANG Zhong MO Yiwei QIAN Shanqin GU Yunjie
    .Negative phototropism of rice root and its influencing factors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 485-496

    HE Xinjian CHEN Jianquan ZHANG Zhigang ZHANG Jinsong CHEN Shouyi
    .Identification of salt-stress responsive genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by cDNA array[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 477-484

    WANG Xiyin1,2,3 SHI Xiaoli1,2 HAO Bailin2,4
    .The transfer RNA genes in Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 504-511

    ZHONG Lan1,2 WANG Kai2 TAN Jun2 LI Wei2,3 LI Songgang1,2
    .Putative cytochrome P450 genes in rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) and their EST evidence[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 512-517

    Wang Kai1 Zhu Xiaopeng2 Zhong Lan1,3 Chen Runsheng1,2
    .mall RNA in rice genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 497-503
    2157.YUAN Yirang.The upwind finite difference fractional steps method for combinatorial system of dynamics of fluids in porous[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 578-593
    2158.WANG Hongyu WANG Youde.Global nonautonomous Schrödinger flows on Hermitian locally symmetric spaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 549-561
    2159.NIU Yonghong MIAO Tiande.Effects of volume fraction condition on thermodynamic restrictions in mixture theory[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 640-647
    2160.ZHANG Shiqing ZHOU Qing.Variational methods for the choreography solution to the three-body problem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 594-597
    2161.PAN Jiaoqing HUANG Baibiao CUI Deliang ZHOU Hailong JIANG Minhua.Synthesis and surface reactivity of phosphide nanocrystals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5): 661-665
    2162.易平 汪莉 孙清萍 朱英国.水稻线粒体功能基因转录本的编辑位点研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 370-373
    2163.刘丹旭 黄力.芝田硫化叶菌SSV1病毒DNA复制的诱导[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 361-365
    2164..Potential control of DNA self-assembly on gold electrode[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 370-374
    2165..Mid-Holocene climate change in North China, and the effect on cultural development[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 408-413
    2166..Two-state kinetics characterized by image analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 389-393
    2167..The topological configuration and conformational analysis of mRNA in translation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 384-389
    2168..The reconstruction of fossil planation surface in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 434-440
    2169..High temperature super-conducting (HTS) C-band oscillator with phase noise of –134 dBc/Hz[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (5 ): 422-424
    2170.LIU Delai;DING Guiming;LU Bing; .Genetic model of hanging wall syncline and central dome in extensional fault[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5 ): 440-448
    2171.XIA Yanqing;ZHANG Gengxin;.Investigation of mechanisms of formation of biphenyls and benzonaphthothiophenes by simulation experiment[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(5 ): 392-398
    2172.XU Jianqiao;SUN Heping;LUO Shaocong;.Study of the Earth’s free core nutation by tidal gravity data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4 ): 337-347
    2173.LI Jianping;ZHANG Sheng; .Redox state of amphibole-bearing mantle peridotite[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4 ): 348-357
    2174.CUI Zhijiu;LI Dewen;FENG Jinliang;LIU Gengnian;LI Hongjiang; .The covered karst, weathering crust and karst (double-level) planation surface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4 ): 366-379
    2175.LEI Xiang'e;XU Houze;.Tri-frequency spectrum method and results for resolving the parameters of Earth’s liquid core free nutation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4 ): 325-336
    2176.WU Chonglong;WANG Xinqing;LIU Gang;LI Shaohu;MAO Xiaoping;LI Xing;.Study on dynamics of tectonic evolution in the Fushun Basin, Northeast China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4 ): 311-324
    2177..Content analyses in GaMnAs by double-crystal X-ray diffraction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 274-275
    2178..Intraseasonal variability of the subsurface temperature observed in the South China Sea (SCS)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 337-342
    2179..Optical mapping of a rice BAC clone using restriction endonuclease and imaging with fluorescent microscopy at single molecule level[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 319-322
    2180..Mean sea surface heights of the South and East China Seas from ocean circulation model and geodetic leveling[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 326-329
    2181..Two-dimensional crystallization and preliminary electron crystallographic result of partially purified F0 from porcine mitochondria[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 323-325
    2182..Crystal structure of thermostable catechol 2,3-dioxygenase determined by multiwavelength anomalous dispersion method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 307-309
    2183..Nicotiana ovule extracts induce nuclear reconstitution of demembranated Xenopus sperm in cell-free system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 302-306
    2184.KONG Qingyu;SHEN Yifeng;ZHUANG Jun;ZHAO Li;QIAN Shixiong;LI Yufen;LI Xu;LIN Yanghui;CAI Ruifang; .Formation of substitutional metallofullerenes by laser ablation of externally doped fullerenes C60Mx (M=Sm, Pt, Ni and Rh)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 284-291
    2185..Timing of Holocene sea-level highstands by mass spectro-metric U-series ages of a coral reef from Leizhou Peninsula,South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 348-352
    2186..The genesis and environ-mental significance of red and black sedimentary interlayers in coral reef of well Nanyong 2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 343-347
    2187..Production of b-1,3-glucanase and chitinase of two biocontrol agents and their possible modes of action[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 292-296
    2188.齐永芬 卜定方 牛大地 石彦荣 张勇刚 张正浩 庞永正 唐朝枢 杜军保.尾加压素Ⅱ促进大鼠血管平滑肌细胞内皮素生成[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (4 ): 289-292
    2189.WANG Yongjiu TANG Zhiming.On density perturbations and missing mass[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 528-532
    2190.XU Qingxiang.Diagonal invariant ideals of Toeplitz algebras on discrete groups[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 462-469
    2191.LIAO Xiaoxin.On asympotic behavior of solutions to several classes of discrete dynamical systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 432-442
    2192.魏春英 杨频 王海雁.Na+/Ca2+交换调节的La3+跨淋巴细胞膜的定量研究[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(4): 367-376

    LI Qinglei1,2 WANG Hongmei1 LIN Haiyan1 SHAO Longjiang1 NI Jiang2 DUAN Enkui1 ZHU Cheng1
    .Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in rat ovary during pregnancy and postpartum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 379-387

    XIAO Zhizhuang WANG Pan QU Yinbo GAO Peiji WANG Tianhong
    .Cold adaptation of a mesophilic cellulase, EG III from Trichoderma reesei, by directed evolution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 337-343
    2195.MA Jianhua LIN Weizhen WANG Wenfeng HAN Zhenhui YAO Side LIN Nianyun.Laser photolysis of interaction of poly-guanylic acid (5′) with anthraquinone-2-sulfonate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 384-388
    2196.HUANG Yuhui WANG Zhenguo ZHOU Jin.Nonlinear theory of combustion stability in liquid rocket engine based on chemistry dynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 373-383
    2197.ZHU Aimin ZHANG Xiuling LI Xiaosong GONG Weimin.“Beyond-thermal-equilibrium” conversion of methane to acetylene and hydrogen under pulsed corona discharge[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 426-434
    2198.LI Mengke LU Mei WANG Chengwei LI Hulin.Preparation of well-aligned carbon nanotubes/silicon nanowires core-sheath composite structure arrays in porous anodic aluminum oxide templates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 435-444
    2199.HU Weibing ZHU Yanqiu XU Wenguang.A novel chemical route to SiO2 nanowires[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 389-393
    2200.XU Bolian FAN Yining LIU Liu LIN Ming CHEN Yi.Dispersion state and catalytic properties of vanadia species on the surface of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 407-415
    2201.LIN Changxue LI Yanmei CHENG Changmei HAN Bo WAN Rong FENG Yabing ZHAO Yufen.Penta-coordinate phosphorous compounds and biochemistry[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 337-348
    2202.ZHOU Xuehua LI Jinru LIU Chunyan JIANG long.Preparation, stability and two-dimensional ordered arrangement of gold nanoparticles capped by surfactants with different chain lengths[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 358-364
    2203.ZHOU Quanfa BAO Jianchun XU Zheng.A novel shape-selective fabrication of nanostructured silver[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 416-420
    2204.陈绪林 R. Hong 郭荣 黄力.芝田硫化叶菌Ssh7蛋白的进化保守性及DNA结合特性[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(4): 321-328
    2205.路子显,常团结,李旭刚,徐军望,李慧芬,陈宛新,冯德江,肖桂芳,朱祯.烟草tga1a基因的表达对外源基因在植物中表达的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(4): 289-298
    2206.孙晓冬 葛晔华 马静 俞作仁 李赛 薛社普 韩代书.大鼠中心体蛋白家族基因的克隆及其在睾丸中的表达特征[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(4): 366-372
    2207.卢萍 任民 翟中和.诸葛菜去膜精子在爪蟾卵提取物中实现非细胞体系核重建[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(4): 306-312
    2208.HUANG Gang YANG Huazhong LUO Rong WANG Hui.An approach to predicting dynamic power dissipation of coupled interconnect network in dynamic CMOS logic circuits[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 286-298
    2209.HOU Wenting HONG Xianlong WU Weimin CAI Yici.A multi-step standard-cell placement algorithm of optimizing timing and congestion behavior[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 310-320
    2210.FANG Dazhong SONG Wennan ZHANG Yao.A new transient energy function[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 426-432
    2211.SHU Da SUN Baode WANG Jun ZHANG Xueping ZHOU Yaohe.Magnetohydrodynamic study of electromagnetic separation of nonmetallic inclusions from aluminum melt[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 417-425
    2212.LI Qiang XUAN Yimin.Convective heat transfer and flow characteristics of Cu-water nanofluid[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 408-416
    2213.LI Yong SONG Jian ZHANG Zhimin.The antisymmetry bending theory of generalized equivalent of functionally gradient materials structure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 383-394
    2214.WANG Tiehang HU Changshun LI Ning HOU Zhongjie.Numerical analysis of ground temperature in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(4): 433-443
    2215.CHEN Xin NAN Qun PENG Jianshu ZENG Yanjun LIANG Ping YU Xiaoling DONG Baowei.Finite element analysis of constant-power invasive microwave coagulation of liver tumors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 328-336
    2216.ZHENG Xinhe WANG Qun ZHOU Meiling Li Chunguo.Thermodynamics and kinetics analysis of in-situ synthesizing AlN[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 249-254
    2217.ZOU Hongxing LU Xuguang DAI Qionghai LI Yanda.Nonexistence of cross-term free time-frequency distribution with concentration of Wigner-Ville distribution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 174-180
    2218.MA Xiaoxing LÜ Jian TAO Xianping LI Yingjun HU Hao.A mobile-agent-based approach to software coordination in the HOOPE system[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 203-219
    2219.GU Yonggeng SHU Jiwu DENG Xiaotie ZHENG Weimin.A new numerical method on American option pricing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 181-188
    2220.马峻 周红林 苏雷 季维智.外源性双链RNA对小鼠卵母细胞basonuclin基因表达的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(3): 248-255
    2221.SHAO Xueguang SHAO Limin LI Meiqing LIN Xiangqin.An improvement of window factor analysis for resolution of noisy HPLC-DAD data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 289-298
    2222.WANG Baowei XU Genhui.Conversion of natural gas to C2 hydrocarbons through dielectric-barrier discharge plasma catalysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 299-310
    2223.ZHANG Wanqi YUAN Yunfeng WANG Yinong YUAN Zhi MI Huaifeng HE Binglin.Human cyclophilin 33 (hCyP33) in T-cell binds specifically to poly(A)+RNA (mRNA)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 275-281
    2224.REN Nanqi ZHAO Dan CHEN Xiaolei LI Jianzheng.Mechanism and controlling strategy of the production and accumulation of propionic acid for anaerobic wastewater treatment[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 319-327
    2225.WU Haishun XU Xiaohong ZHANG Congjie ZHANG Fuqiang ZHANG Qianer.Structure and stability for (AlN)n+ and (AlN) n - (n = 1—15) clusters[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 328-337

    MIAO Wei1 YU Yuhe1 SHEN Yunfen1 ZHANG Xiyuan2
    .Phylogenetic relationships among six species of Epistylis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 280-288

    XU Junwang FENG Dejiang LI Xugang CHANG Tuanjie ZHU Zhen
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    WU Qiao LIU Su DING Liang YE Xiaofeng SU Wenjin
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    LIANG Yongchao DING Ruixing
    .Influence of silicon on microdistribution of mineral ions in roots of salt-stressed barley as associated with salt tolerance in plants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 298-308

    ZHANG Dapeng WANG Yongzhang
    .Post-translational inhibitory regulation of acid invertase induced by fructose and glucose in developing apple fruit[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 309-321
    2231.DENG Xiaogang.High-order accurate dissipative weighted compact nonlinear schemes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 356-370
    2232.YIN Huicheng.The blowup for 2-D quasilinear wave equations with cubic nonlinearity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 307-320
    2233.WANG Juping.L-Functions of Jacobi forms with Shimura type[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 301-306
    2234.YIN Weiping ZHAO Zhengang.Bergman kernel on generalized exceptional Hua domain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3): 321-334
    2235.朱诗国 吕红斌 向娟娟 唐珂 张必成 周鸣 谭琛 李桂源.一种新型的非病毒DNA传递载体:多聚赖氨酸-硅纳米颗粒[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 193-197
    2236..Tobacco curly shoot virus isolated in Yunnan is a distinct species of Begomovirus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 197-200
    2237..Correlation of chromosomal polysomy with overexpression of c-myc and c-erbB-2 in primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Tissue microarray study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 217-220
    2238..Determination of copy number for 5S rDNA and centromeric sequence RCS2 in rice by Fiber-FISH[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 214-217
    2239..Oxygen isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle: Evidence from clinopyroxene megacrysts of Nüshan, eastern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 181-186
    2240..Application of a nuclear localization signal gene in transgene mice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 207-210
    2241..Neural mechanisms of unconscious visual motion priming[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 193-197
    2242..Post-collisional lithosphere delamination of the DabieSulu orogen[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 259-263
    2243..A reconnaissance of Cu isotopic compositions of hydrothermal vein-type copper deposit, Jinman, Yunnan, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 247-250
    2244..A nearly completely articulated rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur with exceptionally well-preserved wing membranes and “hairs” from Inner Mongolia, northeast China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 226-230
    2245..Clonogenic colony-forming ability of hepatic stem cells in the spleens of mice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (3 ): 211-213
    2246.WU Chunming;ZHAO Yingjun;.Precise revision of the garnet-muscovite geothermometer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3 ): 270-279
    2247.DONG Wansheng;LIU Xinsheng;ZHANG Yijun;ZHANG Guangshu; .Observations on the leader-return stroke of cloud-to-ground lightning with the broadband interferometer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3 ): 259-269
    2248.LIN Changsong;LIU Jingyan;ZHANG Yanmei;XIAO Jianxin;CHEN Jianqiang;JI Yunlong; .Depositional architecture of the Tertiary tectonic sequences and their response to foreland tectonism in the Kuqa depression, the Tarim Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3 ): 250-258
    2249.WANG Jinfeng;LIU Changming;WANG Zhiyong;YU Jingjie;.A marginal revenue equilibrium model for spatial water allocation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3 ): 201-210
    2250.WANG Yuejun;FAN Weiming;GUO Feng;LI Huimin;LIANG Xinquan; .U-Pb dating of early Mesozoic granodioritic intrusions in southeastern Hunan Province, South China and its petrogenetic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3 ): 280-288
    2251.FENG Weimin; .Microgastropod records in paleoceanographical environ-[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3 ): 241-249
    2252.CHEN Junyong;WANG Zemin;PANG Shangyi;ZHANG Ji;ZHANG Quande;.On crustal movement in Mt. Qomolangma area[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(3 ): 233-240
    2253..Effects of vascular endothelial growth factor on MMPs during embryo implantation in mice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (24 ): 2071-2074
    2254..A novel three primers PCR (TP-PCR) method to obtain recombinant DNA molecule independent of restriction enzyme[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (24 ): 2067-2070
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    2267..Gene cloning and function analysis of ABP9 protein which specifically binds to ABRE2 motif of maize Cat1 gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (22 ): 1871-1875
    2268..Preparation of pseudopure state in nuclear spin ensemble using CNOT gates combination[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (22 ): 1856-1860
    2269.刘俊峰 王新泉 徐磊 张季平 梁栋材 常文瑞.编码蚯蚓纤溶酶组分A基因的cDNA克隆及表达[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (22 ): 1718-1721
    2270.储昭晖 彭开蔓 张利达 周斌 魏君 王石平.水稻全生育期均一化cDNA文库的构建和鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (21 ): 1656-1662
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    2272..An exact solution of unsteady Couette flow of generalized second grade fluid[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (21 ): 1783-1785
    2273..Seasonal vertical crustal motions in China detected by GPS[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (21 ): 1772-1779
    2274..Paleomagnetic data from Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of West Liaoning: Evidence for intracontinental rotation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (21 ): 1832-1837
    2275..Impacts of climate warming on plants phenophases in China for the last 40 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (21 ): 1826-1831
    2276..Assessment of blood and oxygen delivery to flaps of rhesus using near infrared steady-state spectroscopy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (21 ): 1797-1802
    2277..Decoration of disclinations by solidification-induced band texture and focal-conic texture for a low-molar-mass liquid crystal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (20 ): 1711-1713
    2278..Frequent mtDNA mutations and its role in gastric carcinogenesis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (20 ): 1720-1724
    2279..Manipulation and cutting of carbon nanotubes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (20 ): 1696-1700
    2280..Isolation of osRACD gene encoding a small GTP-binding protein from rice[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (20 ): 1673-1679
    2281.罗晓星 杨静华 R.Rabinovici.内毒素对小鼠多种组织中A至I RNA编辑酶活性和mRNA中肌苷的诱导[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (20 ): 1556-1560
    2282.李冰 刘宏涛 穆睿聆 孙大业 周人纲.钙调素对植物热激转录因子的DNA结合活性的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (20 ): 1578-1581
    2283.于晓光 罗文祥 王红梅 李庆雷 邵龙江 倪江 祝诚.基质金属蛋白酶-2, -9及其组织抑制物TIMPs mRNA在大鼠黄体中的表达及调节[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (2 ): 134-138
    2284.孙晓冬 马静 葛晔华 李赛 俞作仁 薛社普 韩代书.中心体蛋白Centrin在不育症病人精子中的异常表达[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (2 ): 139-140
    2285.CHEN Zhihua CHEN Wenge.Holomorphic map with unipotent Jacobian matrices in C3[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 147-154
    2286.张万起 元云峰 王亦农 袁直 宓怀风 何炳林.人T细胞中核酸结合亲环素(hCyP33)与 poly(A)+RNA(mRNA)特异性结合[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(2): 134-139
    2287..Magnetic properties and giant magneto-impedance effect study of Fe-based nanocrystalline powder[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (2 ): 102-104
    2288..Neuronal growth inhibitory factor inhibits pheochromocytoma PC12 in vitro[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (2 ): 132-134
    2289..Spectroscopic investigation on the telomeric DNA base sequence repeat[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (2 ): 108-111
    2290..Sequence analysis of the gene correlated with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in rape-seed (Brassica napus) Polima and Shaan 2A[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (2 ): 122-126
    2291..Synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes by the vertical floating catalyst method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (2 ): 158-161
    2292.ZHAO Liqing;FENG Zhongyan;.Control of favorable lithology on Jinlongshan micro-fine disseminated gold deposits, southern Qinling Mountains[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2 ): 123-132
    2293.MENG Xianwei;DU Dewen;LIU Yanguang;LIU Zhenxia; .Molecular biomarker record of paleooceanographic environment in the East China Sea during the last 35000 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2 ): 184-192
    2294.CAI Pinghe;HUANG Yipu;CHEN Min;LIU Guangshan;QIU Yusheng; .New production in the South China Sea ——A coupled 228Ra-nitrate approach[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2 ): 103-109
    2295.JIANG Wali;HOU Zhihua;XIE Xinsheng; .Research on paleoearthquakes in Jiuxian trenches across Nankou-Sunhe fault zone in Changping County of Beijing plain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2 ): 160-173
    2296.WANG Suyun;Thomas Hearn;XU Zhonghuai;James Ni;YU Yanxiang;ZHANG Xiaodong;.Velocity structure of uppermost mantle beneath China continent from Pn tomography[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2 ): 143-150

    ZHOU Jiang CHENG Xuan SUN Yanxun HUANG Peitang HUANG Cuifen YANG Xiao
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    ZHA Jikun1 SHU Hongbing1,2
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    HONG Fashui1 WEI Zhenggui2 ZHAO Guiwen2
    .Mechanism of lanthanum effect on chlorophyll of spinach[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 166-176
    2300.YANG Peiran KANETA Motohiro.Multi-dimple phenomena in TEHL point contacts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 127-134
    2301.GAO Hongchang FANG Xiaowen MAO Shizhen YUAN Hanzhen ZHAO Sui CHENG Gongzhen YU Jiayong DU Youru.Conformation and dynamics of polyoxyethylene lauryl ether (Brij-35) chains in aqueous micellar solution studied by 2D NOESY and 1H NMR relaxation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 143-150
    2302.WANG Haijun BA Xinwu ZHAO Min.Reaction dynamics and statistical theory for the growth of[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 113-121
    2303.LIU Shaopu HU Xiaoli LUO Hongqun FAN Li.Resonance Rayleigh scattering spectral characteristics of[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 173-183
    2304.徐军望 冯德江 李旭刚 常团结 朱祯.水稻EPSP合酶基因的克隆、结构分析和定位[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(2): 97-104
    2305.仇润祥 朱兴国 刘丽 唐国敏.黑曲霉T21 glaA 5′上游调控区DNA与蛋白因子的相互作用分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(2): 122-130
    2306.SONG Ben HONG Wei.A new algorithm for the extraction of the surface waves for the Green's function in layered dielectrics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 143-151
    2307.ZOU Hongxing DAI Qionghai ZHAO Ke CHEN Guiming LI Yanda.Subspaces of FMmlet transform[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 152-160
    2308.LIN Xin HUANG Weidong WANG Meng LI Yanmin LI Tao SU Yunpeng SHEN Shujuan.Morphological evolution model for unidirectional solidification of multicomponent alloys[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 146-151
    2309.DAI Qionghai ZOU Hongxing LIU Zhixin WANG Dianjun LI Yanda.Properties and convergence analysis of FMmlet transform[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(2): 152-159
    2310..Thickness of calcium carbonate coats on stones of the Heishanxia terraces of the Yellow River and dating of coarse clastic sedimentary geomorphic surfaces[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (19 ): 1594-1600
    2311..Construction of multivalent DNA vaccines for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its immunogenicity[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (19 ): 1589-1593
    2312..Photosynthetic bicarbonate utilization in Porphyra haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (19 ): 1629-1633
    2313..Sources of cumulus expansion enabling factor (CEEF) in porcine follicles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (19 ): 1619-1622
    2314..F-box proteins in flowering plants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (18 ): 1497-1501
    2315..Downcutting and uplifting in the middle part of Qinling orogenic belt during the late Quaternary[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (18 ): 1556-1560
    2316..Study of transmembrane La3+ movement in rat ventricular myocytes by the patch-clamp technique[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (18 ): 1518-1522
    2317..Linkage analysis on chromosome 2 in essential hypotension pedigrees[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (18 ): 1538-1540
    2318.俞作仁 关纪奎 葛晔华 马静 郭睿 李赛 薛社普 韩代书.小鼠精子发生后期生精细胞的基因表达谱[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (18 ): 1417-1421
    2319.田曾元 戴景瑞.利用cDNA-AFLP技术分析玉米灌浆期功能叶基因差异表达与杂种优势[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (18 ): 1412-1416
    2320..Functional analysis of cis-acting sequences regulating root-specific expression in transgenic tobacco[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1441-1445
    2321..Effective elastic moduli and interface effects of nanocrystalline materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1493-1496
    2322..Expression of hepatitis B surface antigen gene (HBsAg) inLaminaria japonica(Laminariales, Phaeophyta)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1438-1440
    2323..Strategy against micrometastasis of epithelial cancer: Detection and elimination[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1415-1421
    2324..Introns in higher plant genes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1409-1415
    2325..Radiolarian record to paleoecological environment change events over the past 1.2 MaBP in the southern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1478-1483
    2326..Regulation of embryo implantation by nitric oxide in mouse[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1461-1465
    2327..Adrenomedullin inhibits the endothelin production induced by urotensin II in rat vascular smooth muscle cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1457-1461
    2328..Reconstruction of the past 1000-a temperature in Canada based on pollen data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (17 ): 1470-1473
    2329..Thermal expansion in lead zirconate titanate[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (16 ): 1351-1355
    2330..Microelement analysis of source of raw materials of terracotta warriors and horses of Qin’s Mausoleum in pits No. 1 and No. 2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (16 ): 1337-1340
    2331..End-Permian catastrophic event of marine acidification by hydrated sulfuric acid: Mineralogical evidence from Meishan Section of South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (16 ): 1393-1397
    2332..Expressing PHB synthetic genes through chloroplast genetic engineering[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (16 ): 1373-1376
    2333..Regulation of angiotensinⅡon Gαq/11 protein of vascular smooth muscle cell and its underlying mechanism[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (16 ): 1369-1372
    2334.邓朝阳 宋贵生 徐军望 朱祯.一种简单易行的重组方法——三引物PCR法[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (16 ): 1247-1249
    2335..Nanometer properties of oceanic polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich crusts[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (15 ): 1308-1311
    2336..Progress of Si-based nanocrystalline luminescent materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (15 ): 1233-1242
    2337..Identification of a novel DNA molecule associated with Tobacco leaf curl viru [J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (15 ): 1273-1276
    2338..Ecological studies on Prochlorococcus in China seas[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (15 ): 1243-1250
    2339..Functional analysis of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) RNA4 in fungal transmission[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (15 ): 1281-1284
    2340..Nuclear transplantation in different strains of zebrafish[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (15 ): 1277-1280
    2341..Preparation of PE/MMT nanocomposite by monomer intercalation and in situ copolymerization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (15 ): 1267-1270
    2342..Roles of MAP kinase signaling pathway in oocyte meiosis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1157-1162
    2343..Synthesis, assembly and device of 1-dimentional nanostructures[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1149-1156
    2344..Exchange-coupling interaction and effective anisotropy in nanocomposite permanent materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1166-1169
    2345..Neutron activation analysis and Mössbauer spectroscopy research on coloring mechanism of Chinese Ru porcelain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1163-1166
    2346..Effect of fatty acids on polyamine contents and Na+/H+ antiport activity in PM vesicles isolated from roots of barley under salt stress[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1187-1191
    2347..Trend analysis of sediment grain size and sedimentary process in the central South Yellow Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1202-1206
    2348..Establishment of a coupled expression system mediated bymodified T7 RNA polymerase gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1197-1201
    2349.WANG Dongxiao;XIE Qiang;DU Yan;WANG Weiqiang;CHEN Ju; .The 1997—1998 warm event in the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1221-1227
    2350..CO2 background concentration in the atmosphere over the Chinese mainland[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1217-1220
    2351.柳满然 吕有勇.胃癌组织mtDNA突变与癌变关系的探讨[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1083-1088
    2352.姜鹏 秦松 曾呈奎.乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)基因在海带中的表达[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (14 ): 1095-1097
    2353.金双根 朱文耀.大西洋中脊现今扩张运动[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1027-1031
    2354..Late Devonian red tide and mass extinction[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1138-1144
    2355..DNA microarray synthesis by using PDMS molecular stamps (Ⅲ)—— Optimization for the reaction conditions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1073-1076
    2356..Structural characteristics of middle and southern Xainza-Dinggye Normal Fault System and its relationship to Southern Tibetan Detachment System[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1063-1069
    2357..Lignin biosynthesis by suppression of two O-methyl-transferases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1092-1095
    2358..Carcinogenesis of asbestos switched on by inducing cross-linkage between DNA complementary pair bases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1086-1091
    2359..cis-acting element located in the bovine foamy virus internal promoter possesses the properties of a transcriptional enhancer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1108-1112
    2360..Molecular cloning of a fulllength cDNA for ECBP21 from Angelica dahurica[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (13 ): 1100-1104
    2361..Decomposed characteristic of azo dyes by ozonization with ultrasonic enhancement[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 986-989
    2362..Focal depth research of earthquakes in Mainland China: Implication for tectonics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 969-974
    2363..Expression and regulation of metalloproteinases-2, -9 and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in rat corpus luteum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 1011-1014
    2364..Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β in myocyte was upregulated by angiotensin Ⅱ[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 1015-1018
    2365..Binaurality and azimuth tuning of neurons in the auditory cortex of the big brown bat[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 1024-1027
    2366..Urotensin Ⅱ increases endothelin production by vascular smooth muscle cells in rats[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 1007-1010
    2367..Dynamics of RNA with A6 bulge loop[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 1003-1006
    2368.YU Kefu;LIU Dongsheng;SHEN Chengde;ZHAO Jianxin;CHEN Tegu;ZHONG Jinliang;ZHAO Huanting;SONG Chaojing; .High-frequency climatic oscillations recorded in a Holocene coral reef at Leizhou Peninsula, South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(12 ): 1057-1068
    2369.SHA Wanying;SHAO Xuemei;HUANG Mei;.Climate warming and its impact on natural regional boundaries in China in the 1980s[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(12 ): 1099-1113
    2370.CHEN Liangfu;LIU Qinhuo;FAN Wenjie;LI Xiaowen;XIAO Qing;YAN Guangjian;TIAN Guoliang; .A bi-directional gap model for simulating the directional thermal radiance of row crops[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(12 ): 1087-1098
    2371.齐永芬 卜定方 杨军 张肇康 石彦荣 高霖 庞永正 唐朝枢.肾上腺髓质素对尾加压素Ⅱ诱导的大鼠血[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (12 ): 912-915
    2372.LIN Qingquan.Weak solution for stochastic differential equations with terminal conditions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(12): 1518-1522
    2373.PAN Jiazhu LI Guodong XIE Zhongjie.Stationary solution and parametric estimation for Bilinear model driven by ARCH noises[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(12): 1523-1537
    2374.CAO Liqun CUI Junzhi ZHU Dechao LUO Jianlan.Spectral analysis and numerical simulation for second order elliptic operator with highly oscillating coefficients in perforated domains with a periodic structure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(12): 1588-1602
    2375.SUN Wenchang ZHOU Xingwei.On growth and covering theorems of quasi-convex mappings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(12): 1538-1547
    2376.CHENG Yao LU Qishao.Planar motion and stability for a rigid body with a beam in a field of central gravitational force[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(11): 1479-1486
    2377.CUI Jie WAN Zhexian.On the dual of quaternary Goethals codes and their weight hierarchies[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(11): 1361-1371
    2378.LI Xiaoqing JI Haisheng.Structures of magnetized thin accretion disks[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(11): 1487-1496
    2379.刘太顺 张文俊.复Banach空间单位球上准凸映射的增长定理与掩盖定理[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(11): 1033-1041
    2380.赵维娟 胥爱军 李融武 高正耀 李国霞 谢建忠 韩国河 冯松林 范东宇 张颖 柴之芳 张仲立 朱君孝.用模糊聚类分析研究秦陵1和2号坑兵马俑的原料产地[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (11 ): 878-880
    2381.WANG Yuejun;Y. zhang;FAN Weiming;XI Xianwu;GUO Feng;LIN Ge; .Numerical modeling of the formation of Indo-Sinian peraluminous granitoids in Hunan Province: Basaltic underplating versus tectonic thickening[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(11 ): 1042-1056
    2382.YUAN Yaochu;ZHAO Jinping;WANG Huiqun;LOU Ruyun;CHEN Hong;WANG Kangshan; .Current measurements and spectral analyses in the upper 450 m and deep layers of the northeastern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(11 ): 1008-1026
    2383.LI Jiabiao;JIN Xianglong;GAO Jinyao;.Morpho-tectonic study on late-stage spreading of the Eastern Subbasin of South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(11 ): 978-989
    2384..Induction of the Sulfolobus shibatae virus SSV1 DNA replication by mitomycin C[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (11 ): 923-927
    2385..The editing sites in transcripts of functional genes of rice mitochondria[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (11 ): 906-909
    2386..STM investigation of surfactant molecules[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (11 ): 894-896
    2387..Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Jurassic high Sr/low Y granitoids in eastern China: Constrains on crustal thickness[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (11 ): 962-968
    2388..Spiral plume structures in turbulent natural convection between two vertical walls[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (11 ): 955-959
    2389..Mechanism of selective separation on the surface of ionic sieve of removal of lead[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 814-817
    2390..On emplacement ages of lamproites in Zhenyuan County, Guizhou Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 874-880
    2391..Oxygen and carbon isotope records of calcareous nannofossils for the past 1 Ma in the southern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 798-803
    2392..Comments on the planation surface once more[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 793-797
    2393..New evidence for the origin of natural gas in Ordos Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 853-856
    2394..Role of JWA in acute promyelocytic leukemia cell differentiation and apoptosis triggered by retinoic acid,[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 834-838
    2395..Influence of He-Ne laser irradiation on the excision repair of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers in the wheat DNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 818-821
    2396..Isolation of tomato proteinase inhibitor Ⅱ gene and the function of its intron[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 830-834
    2397.MAO Jingwen;DU Andao;.The 982 Ma Re-Os age of copper-nickel sulfide ores in the Baotan area, Guangxi and its geological significance[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(10 ): 911-920
    2398.WANG Qi;ZHANG Peizhen;NIU Zhijun;J. T. Freymueller;LAI Xi’an;LI Yanxin;ZHU Wenyao;LIU Jingnan;R. Bilham;K. M. Larson 8; .Present-day crustal movement and tectonic deformation in China continent[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(10 ): 865-874
    2399.WANG Xisheng;Løvlie Reidar;SU Pu;.Rock magnetic properties of Nihewan sediments at Xujiayao[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(10 ): 939-948
    2400.ZHU Rixiang;PAN Yongxin;SHI Ruiping;.New Cretaceous palaeointensity data and the constraints on geodynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(10 ): 931-938
    2401.谢先芝 吴乃虎.高等植物基因的内含子[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 731-737
    2402.谢艳 周雪平 李正和 张仲凯 李桂新.与烟草曲叶病毒伴随的新型DNA分子鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 768-771
    2403.韩成贵 李大伟 王东勇 杨莉莉 于嘉林 蔡祝南 刘仪.甜菜坏死黄脉病毒RNA4的菌传功能分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 772-774
    2404.陈峰 路子显 常团结 徐鸿林 吴茜 肖桂芳 朱祯.利用修饰的T7 RNA聚合酶基因建立一种植物耦联表达系统[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (10 ): 775-779
    2405.毕朝霞 张荣 李卫平 王栩生 顾书林 沈波 施毅 刘治国 郑有炓.ZnAl2O4/α-Al2O3复合衬底的制备和GaN薄膜的生长[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,32(10): 895-899
    2406.LIN Zhengyan.How big are the increments of a multifractional Brownian motion?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(10): 1291-1300
    2407.TANG Yu YIN Jianxing.The combinatorial construction for a class of optimal optical[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(10): 1268-1275
    2408.XU Ruqing SU Changrong XIE Junkai LI Jiaming.The potential surface in the ground electronic state of HCP with the isomerization process: the validity of calculating potential surface with DFT methods[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 87-94
    2409.CHEN Junfeng XU Cailu MAO Zongqiang CHEN Guiru WEI Bingqing LIANG Ji WU Dehai.Fabrication of Pt-deposited on carbon nanotubes and performance of its polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 82-86
    2410.柳树群 刘次全.翻译过程中mRNA的拓扑形态及其链构象分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 25-30
    2411.XIE Shucheng;WANG Zhiyuan;WANG Hongmei;CHEN Fahu;AN Chengbang; .The occurrence of a grassy vegetation over the Chinese Loess Plateau since the last interglacier: the molecular fossil record[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1 ): 53-62
    2412.WANG Yongjin;WU Jiangying;LIU Dianbing;WU Jinquan;CAI Yanjun;CHENG Hai;.A quick cooling event of the East Asian monsoon responding to Heinrich Event 1: Evidence from stalagmite δ 18O records[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1 ): 88-96
    2413..Geological and chronological evidence of Indo-Chinese strike-slip movement in the Altyn Tagh fault zone[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 27-32
    2414..Variation of terrestrial ecosystem recorded by stable carbon isotopes of fossils in northern China during the Quaternary[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 76-78
    2415..Some characteristics and evolution of the internal soliton in the northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 21-26
    2416.JIANG Linhua;WU Yuefang;M. Miller; .A submillimeter observation and study of star-forming regions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 16-20
    2417..Stacking interaction in metal complexes with compositions of DNA and heteroaromatic N-bases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 1-9
    2418..The ecological sequence of Hipparion fauna in the middle reaches of the Yellow River during Neogene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 79-82
    2419..Transforming growth factor-b1 and epidermal growth factor decrease the expression of 17b-hydroxysteroid dehy-drogenase type 2 in endometrial carcinoma cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 43-46
    2420..Transcritption regulation of soybean ribulose-1,5-bisphos-phate carboxylase small subunit gene by external factors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 37-42
    2421..Climate background of the evolution from Paleolithic to Neolithic cultural transition during the last deglaciation in the middle reaches of the Yellow River[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 71-75
    2422..Construction and function of recombinant AcMNPV with double copies of v-cath gene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,47 (1 ): 52-57
    2423.YIN Zhouping DING Han XIONG Youlun.Accessibility analysis in manufacturing processes using visibility cones[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 47-57
    2424.TIAN Wenye CHEN Yiheng.Interaction between subinterface cracks and interface in metal/piezoelectric ceramic bimaterials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 10-18
    2425.ZHANG Tonghe WU Yuguang DENG Zhiwei MA Furong LIANG Hong YI Zhongzhen ZHOU Gu LI Yongliang.Nanophase formation and its behavior of corrosion resistance in C+Ti dual implanted steel[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 74-80
    2426.WANG Jinsong WANG Zhonghua HUANG Tian D. J. Whitehouse.Nonlinearity for a parallel kinematic machine tool and its application to interpolation accuracy analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 97-105
    2427.XU Ping SUN Yiling LI Jingzhen.The even device fabricated by the deep etched binary optics technology for the exposure system of the quasi-molecule laser[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 1-9
    2428.WANG Dingwei K. L. Yung W. H. Ip.Partner selection model and soft computing approach for dynamic alliance of enterprises[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 68-80
    2429.WU Wenling FENG Dengguo.Linear cryptanalysis of NUSH block cipher[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 59-67
    2430.PI Zongxin XIN Houwen.Two-parameter stochastic resonance in a model of electrochemical oxidation of formic acid on Pt[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 8-14
    2431.JU Huangxian DAI Zong DónalLeech.Electrochemical determination of electroinactive guests of β-cyclodextrin at a self-assembled monolayer interface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 46-53
    2432.HU Yaoyuan ZHOU Bangzhi YANG Yuanfa LI Yong ZHU Kaihan.Explosive limits and its container factors of polybasic explosive mixture gas containing H2 , CH4 and CO[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 30-36
    2433.XIAO Heming ZHANG Ji.Theoretical prediction on heats of formation for polyisocyanocubanes—— Looking for typical high energetic density material (HEDM)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 21-29
    2434.LI Jingye YAN Deyue CHEN Qun.Preparation and characterization of the crystalline inclusion complexes between cyclodextrins and poly(1,3-dioxolane)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 73-83

    WU Zhijian WU Xiaobing CAO Hui DONG Xiaoyan WANG Hong HOU Yunde
    .A novel and highly efficient production system for recombinant adeno-associated virus vector[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 96-104

    WANG Liu TONG Guangzhi LIU Hongquan YANG Zhibiao QIU Huaji KONG Xiangang WANG Mei
    .Proviral genomic sequence analysis of Chinese donkey leukocyte attenuated equine infectious anemia virus vaccine and its parental virus strain Liaoning[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2002,45(1): 57-67
    2437.***.Brief review on the development of isotope hydrology in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 1-5
    2438.***.A fast method to prepare water samples for 15N analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 105-107
    2439.***.Isotope and chemical geothermometry and its applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 16-20
    2440.***.Isotopic fractionation and profile evolution of a melting snowcover[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 35-40
    2441..Structural framework and its evolution in Chasang area of Qiangtang Basin in northern Tibetan[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 18-26
    2442..Emplacement age and PGE geochemistry of lamprophyres in the Laowangzhai gold deposit, Yunnan, SW China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 146-154
    2443..Characteristics and planation surface formation environment of the red weathering crust in Hunan,angxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 162-175
    2444..Regional fractures and denudation of gold ore deposits in Gangdise block, Tibet: Evidence of Ag/Au values[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 121-127
    2445..Impact of winter thermal condition of the Tibetan Plateau on the zonal wind anomaly over equatorial Pacific[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 400-409
    2446..Several characteristics of contemporary climate change in the Tibetan Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 410-420
    2447..Application of CCA for study on modern lake diatoms and environment in the Tibetan Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 343-350
    2448..Environmental variation in central Tibetan Plateau in the last 200 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 332-337
    2449..Lake-expanding events in the Tibetan Plateau since 40 kaBP[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 301-315
    2450..Characteristics of the Shuanghu graben and Cenozoic extension in northern Tibet[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 284-291
    2451..Physical structure features of the crust at southeast region of Tibetan Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(S1): 64-70
    2452.***.Study on hydrodynamic lubrication with second-order fluid (I) —— Basic equations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 1-7
    2453.***.Analysis of thermal expansion effects on leakage in self-sealed journal bearings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 107-116
    2454.***.Synthesis of fullerene-itaconic acid copolymer nanoball and its lubrication properties study[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 136-141
    2455.***.[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 149-155
    2456.***.The thermal stability and tribological properties of cadmium dithiomolybdenate at evaluated temperature[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 163-170
    2457.***.Tribological properties of sputtered tungsten and tungsten nitride thin films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 242-247
    2458.***.Mechanism of scuffing ——a dynamic system model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 27-33
    2459.***.Role of in-situ formed nano- and micro-fibrils in microfatigue resistance of bio-polyethylene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 307-313
    2460.***.Nano-scratch study of molecular deposition (MD) films on silicon wafer using nanoindentation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 326-329
    2461.***.Research on spectrographic oil analysis of 12VE-230ZC diesel engine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 454-458
    2462.***.New synthesizing feature parameter of wear particles image[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 466-471
    2463.***.Effect factors of wear particles deposition in the ferrogram based on grey relative analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 478-482
    2464.***.Application of Navier-Stokes equation to lubrication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 58-63
    2465.***.Influence of electric double layer on thin film lubrication and elastohydrodynamic lubrication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 70-77
    2466.***.Contact ratio and deformation of asperity in nano-partial lubrication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 78-85
    2467.***.Study on hydrodynamic lubrication with second-order fluid (II)—— Numerical Analysis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 8-13
    2468.***.Numerical modelling for lubrication of the rolling process line contact by hard EHL theory using boundary elebent method[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 86-0
    2469.***.Effect of lobe profile on the load capacity of 2-lobe journal bearing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 95-100
    2470.***.Progress of estuarine research in China over last 50 years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 1-9
    2471.***.Tidal changes in the Yellow/East China Sea caused by the rapid sea-level rise during the Holocene[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 126-134
    2472.***.Layout of the artificial coast in Lianyungang and its implementation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 209-220
    2473.***.Land-ocean interaction in modern delta formation and development: A case study of the Pearl River delta, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 63-71
    2474.***.Seasonal changes in coastal dynamics and morphological behavior of the central and southern Changjiang River delta[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 72-79
    2475.***.A three-dimensional baroclinic current model with wave effects[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (S1): 92-98
    2476.ZHANG Lianzhu TIAN Feng.Extremal hexagonal chains concerning largest eigenvalue[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(9): 1089-1097
    2477.ZHANG Lixin LU Chuanrong WANG Yaohong.On large increments of a two-parameter fractional Wiener process[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(9): 1115-1125
    2478.LUO Xuebo ZHENG Zhujun.Polynomial solutions of quasi-homogeneous partial differential equations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(9): 1148-1155
    2479.FANG Gensun.Recovery of band limited functions via cardinal splines[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(9): 1126-1131
    2480..Climatic features of atmospheric heat source/sink over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in 35 years and its relation to rainfall in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(9 ): 858-864
    2481..Study on the Late Permian Claraia in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(9 ): 797-807
    2482..Crust-mantle transitional zone of Tianshan orogenic belt and Junggar Basin and its geodynamic implication[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(9 ): 824-837
    2483..Discovery and demonstration of the teleomorph of Beauve-ria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. , an important entomogenous fungus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (9 ): 751-754
    2484..Geochronology of the Hannan intrusive complex to adjoin the Qinling orogen and its rapid cooling reason[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (8 ): 685-689
    2485..Non-radioisotopic method for the in vitro measurement of EGF receptor tyrosine kinase[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (8 ): 683-685
    2486..Physical location of rice Gm-6, Pi-5(t) genes in O. officinalis with BAC-FISH[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (8 ): 659-661
    2487..Peptide primary messengers in plants[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (8 ): 622-626
    2488..Observabilities and reachabilities of nonlinear DEDS and coloring graphs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (8 ): 642-644
    2489..Using repeated precise gps campaigns for research of present-day crustal movement and strain in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (8 ): 694-698
    2490..Symmetry distribution of cities in China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(8 ): 716-725
    2491..Estimation of the shortening rate since late Pleistocene in the Aksu area on the southern flank of the Tianshan, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(8 ): 708-715
    2492..Earth’s density flattening and hypothesis of latitudinal normal density[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(8 ): 673-679
    2493.LIU Yongping & XU Guijiao .Some extremal properties of multivariate polynomial splines in the metric Lp(Rd)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(8): 961-968
    2494.WANG Hui , HU Yuanzhong , ZOU Kun & LENG Yongsheng.Nano-tribology through molecular dynamics simulations[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(8): 1049-1055
    2495.GAO Fuqing & REN Jiagang .Large deviations for stochastic flows and their applications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(8): 1016-1033
    2496.CHEN Sheng & YOU Hong.Computation of K2 for the ring of integers of quadratic imaginary fields[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7): 846-855
    2497.FAN Jianxing ,YANG Fumin & CHEN Qixiu .Theoretical analysis and numerical solution of laser pulse transformation for satellite laser ranging[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7): 915-922
    2498.HU Qiya & YU Dehao.A coupling of FEM-BEM for a kind of Signorini contact problem[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7): 895-906
    2499.GUO Jianhua , ,GENG Zhi & SHI Ningzhong .On collapsibilities of Yule's measure[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7): 829-836
    2500.DING Yong,LU Shanzhen & ZHANG Pu.Weak estimates for commutators of fractional integral operators[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7): 877-888
    2501.刘培德 于林.小指标B值鞅空间与原子分解[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(7): 615-625
    2502.肖明;张楚瑜;祝志展;吴海祥; .猪瘟病毒基因组非编码区的定性、定量与结构分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 544-551
    2503.徐辉碧;黄开勋;瞿祥虎;高中洪;刘琼;陈润生;宣震宇; .采用RNA Draw程序识别真核生物硒蛋白基因的SECIS 结构[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 556-558
    2504.徐丰;江舸;张宇;朱林福;金由辛;王德宝;.枯草杆菌TrpRS与小螺旋DNA的紫外光定点交联[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 561-564
    2505..Quantitative biostratigraphy and species evolutionary sequence[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7 ): 587-599
    2506..Suckers (Fish, Catostomidae) from the Eocene of China account for the family’s current disjunct distributions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7 ): 577-586
    2507..P-T-t path of metamorphism for the Julin Group and its geodynamical implications in Yuanmou, Yunnan[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7 ): 609-620
    2508..Frequency band-dependence of S-wave splitting in China mainland and its implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7 ): 659-665
    2509..Earthquake event deposits in Mesoproterozoic Kunyang Group in central Yunnan Province and its geological implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(7 ): 600-608
    2510..Variation induced by DNA rearrangement in a transgenic Bt + CpTI cotton strain[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 559-562
    2511..Applications of 14C-AMS in biomedical sciences (Bio-14C-AMS)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 537-543
    2512..Application of spline wavelet transform in differential of electroanalytical signal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 550-555
    2513..Mechanism and control of convective heat transfer——Coordination of velocity and heat flow fields[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 596-599
    2514..Hydroxyl in continental deep subduction zone: Evidence from UHP eclogites of the Dabie Mountains[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 592-595
    2515..A new method of research on molecular evolution of proteinase superfamily[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 578-582
    2516..Molecular dynamics study on thermal conductivity of nanoscale thin films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (7 ): 604-607
    2517..A new inverse method and application to ocean data[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6 ): 490-497
    2518..Genetic relationships between swamp microenvironment and sulfur distribution of the Late Paleozoic coals in North China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6 ): 555-565
    2519..Wood textures in Jinman copper deposit in western Yunnan and their genetic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6 ): 545-554
    2520..Structure refinement of astrophyllite[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6 ): 508-517
    2521.王兴华;李冲; .解方程算法的局部行为和整体行为[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (6 ): 444-451
    2522.计亮年;张黔玲;巢晖;.多吡啶配合物在大分子DNA中的功能及其应用前景[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (6 ): 451-460
    2523.李光金;李颖杰;严维耀;徐泉兴;吴永庆;谢雍;尤永进;郑兆鑫; .CpG DNA增强口蹄疫病毒DNA疫苗诱发豚鼠产生的免疫应答[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (6 ): 477-480
    2524.GE Peiwen ,T. Nishinaga ,LI Chaorong ,HUO Chongru ,T. Nakamura ,HUANG Weidong , A. E. Voloshin & A. A. Lomov .Growth of GaSb single crystal in space[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 762-769
    2525.WANG Yongjiu & TANG Zhiming.Metric of the gravitational field outside the neutron star[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 801-806
    2526.LIANG Lifu & HU Haichang .Generalized variational principles of three kinds of variables in general mechanics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 770-776
    2527.LI Ming XIE Rugang TIAN Anmin.Quantum chemical study on the mechanism of enantioselective reduction of prochiral ketones catalyzed by oxazaborolidines[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 616-626
    2528.CHEN Yanli LIU Hongguo PAN Na ZHANG Xianxi LIU Wei CHENG Chuanfu JIANG Jianzhuang.Ordered supramolecular assembly of bis[3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octa(dodecylthio)-2,3-naphthalocyaninato] erbium at the air/water interface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 650-656
    2529.ZHANG Qingzhu RU Miaoyan WANG Minggang WANG Shaokun GU Yueshu.Kinetic calculation for the reaction of H with Si2H6 using the variational transition state theory[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 606-615
    2530.CUI Deliang HAO Xiaopeng YU Xiaoqiang SHI Guixia XU Xiangang JIANG Minhua.A novel route to synthesize diphenylene by the catalytic effect of GaP nanocrystals[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 627-633
    2531.MENG Qingtian GUAN Daren DING Shiliang.Application of Lie algebraic method to the calculation of rotational spectra for linear triatomic molecules[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 571-581
    2532.HU Kunsheng WANG Aojin Ian E. G. Morrison Richard J. Cherry.Electron microscopic observation and rotational diffusion measurement of bacteriorhodopsin in lipid vesicles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 663-669
    2533.SONG Lingchun LUO Yan DONG Kunming MO Yirong WU Wei ZHANG Qianer.Paired-permanent approach for VB theory (II )──An ab initio spin-free VB program[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 561-570
    2534.***.Formation and utilization of water resources of Tarim River[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (6 ): 615-624
    2535.***.Genetic algorithms in bidisciplinary (aerodynamics/electromagnetism) optimization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (6 ): 572-580
    2536.***.Three-dimensional DEM theory and its application to impact mechanics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (6 ): 561-571
    2537.SHANG Yong WU Shunjun XIANG Haige.Parallel delayed LMS algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 438-444
    2538.CHENG Lizhi JIANG Zengrong ZHANG Zhenhui.The generalized unified computation of multidimensional discrete orthogonal transforms[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(6): 401-411
    2539.赵晨阳 石益民 王文锋 贾忠建 姚思德 范波涛 郑荣梁.芦丁、槲皮素快速修复嘌呤脱氧核苷酸阳离子自由基[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(6): 550-556
    2540.胡玉欣 汪政科 王永红 包方 李凝 彭镇华 李家洋.用cDNA阵列鉴定拟南芥油菜素内酯的应答基因[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(6): 481-486
    2541.***.Identification of brassinosteroid responsive genes in Arabidopsis by cDNA array[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (6 ): 637-643
    2542.***.Fast repair of purine deoxynucleotide radical cations by rutin and quercetin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (6 ): 610-617
    2543.***.Single amino-acid substitution in the N-terminal arm altered the tetramer stability of rat muscle lactate dehydrogenase A[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (6 ): 576-584
    2544.***.Mediation of flowering by a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (5 ): 506-512
    2545.***.Computational analysis and prediction for exons of PAC579 genomic sequence[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (5 ): 533-540

    SUN Daye TANG Wenqiang MA Ligeng
    .Extracellular calmodulin: A polypeptide signal in plants?[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 449-460

    YANG Qian QI Xianglin WANG Yunjiu
    .A neural network model on self-organizing emergence of simple-cell receptive field with orientation selectivity in visual cortex[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 469-478
    2548.ZHAO Jieyu.A recurrent stochastic binary network[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 376-388
    2549.FAN Pingyi XIA Xiang_Gen.Two modified discrete chirp Fourier transform schemes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 329-341
    2550.***.Nanometer structure and conductor mechanism of polymer modified by metal ion implantation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (5 ): 493-498
    2551.***.AGENT based structural static and dynamic collaborative optimization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (5 ): 463-472
    2552.***.Flow and heat transfer characteristics in the porous wick condenser of CPL[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (5 ): 499-506
    2553.***.Special hybrid stress element for stress analyses around-circular cutouts in laminated composites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (5 ): 531-541
    2554.CHEN Xiao Efrima Shlomo Regev Oren WANG Wei NIU Lin SUI Zhenming ZHU Baolin YUAN Xiaobin YANG Kongzhang.Doping silver nanoparticles in AOT lyotropic lamellar phases[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 492-499
    2555.LüXin LIN M. C XU Xin WANG Nanqin ZHANG Qianer.Diels-Alder addition of some 6- and 5-member ring aromatic compounds on the Si(001)-2´ 1 surface: dependence of the binding energy on the resonance energy of the aromatic compounds[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 473-477
    2556.FU Xiangkai CHEN Jingrong LI Longqin MA Xuebing.Heteropoly acids of the Keggin type with N-substituted β-amminoethylphosphonic acids as coordinate center[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 524-531
    2557.XIAO Yingkai G. H. Swihart XIAO Yun R. D. Vocke Jr.A preliminary experimental study of the boron concentration in vapor and the isotopic fractionation of boron between seawater and vapor during evaporation of seawater[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 540-551
    2558.TANG Xianhua* & YU Jianshe.3/2-global attractivity of the zero solution of the “food-limited” type functional differential equation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 610-618
    2559.MA Zhonghua,Han Fusheng,WEI Jianning & GAO Junchang.Effects of macroscopic bulk defects on the damping behaviors of materials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 655-661
    2560.CHEN Huanyin & LI Fu'an.Exchange rings having ideal-stable range one[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5): 579-586
    2561.***.Generalized bent functions and class group of imaginary quadratic fields[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5 ): 562-570
    2562..Seismic tomography beneath the orogenic belts and adjacent basins of northwestern China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5 ): 468-480
    2563..Geodynamic characteristics of tectonic extension in the northern margin of South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(5 ): 437-445
    2564..A new model on bidirectional reflectance surface-atmospheric coupled radiation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4 ): 298-306
    2565..Cambrian-Ordovician sequence stratigraphy on the northern Tarim Platform and its correlation with Yangtze Platform and North China Platform[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4 ): 373-384
    2566.CHEN Mufa.Variational formulas and approximation theorems for the first eigenvalue in dimension one[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 409-418
    2567.ZHAO Lincheng & WU Chengqing.Central limit theorem for integrated square error of kernel estimators of spherical density[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 474-483
    2568.WU Yuefang ,WANG Junzhi ,WU Jingwen ,YAN Huirong ,LEI Chengming ,SUN Jinjiang & WANG Liming .13CO mapping study for massive molecular cloud cores[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 536-544
    2569.JIN Hao,CHEN Lin & ZHANG Yuheng.Reargument over E~j relation of high temperature superconductors[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 513-527
    2570.SUN Jiachang & SHI Xiquan .B-splines on 3-D tetrahedron partition in four-directional mesh[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 491-496
    2571.赵红秋;林琳;唐季安;段明星;江龙;.利用纳米金颗粒增强DNA探针在传感器上的固定程度和识别能力[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (4 ): 292-295
    2572.冯西桥 .聚合物/层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料的有效模量[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (4 ): 348-351
    2573.李旭刚;朱祯;冯德江;常团结;刘翔;.DNA甲基化对转基因表达的影响[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (4 ): 322-325
    2574.***.Pseudo minimum translational distance between convex polyhedra (II)——Robot collisionfree path planning[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (4 ): 337-344
    2575.***.One-dimensional chains of gold clusters on the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (4 ): 398-402
    2576.***.Superheating and melting behaviors of Ag clusters with Ni coating studied by molecular dynamics and experiments[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (4 ): 432-440
    2577.***.Explicit analytical wave solutions of unsteady 1D ideal gas flow with friction and heat transfer[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (4 ): 414-420
    2578.***.Arc sensing system for automatic weld seam tracking (II)——Signal processing[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (4 ): 389-397
    2579.PAN Zigang LIU Yungang SHI Songjiao.Output feedback stabilization for stochastic nonlinear systems in observer canonical form with stable zero-dynamics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 292-308
    2580.LI Runhua WU Jen-Chieh Jia -Lin Yit- Tsong,.Vibronic spectra of the allyl radical at 6—8 eV with resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization technique[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 360-365
    2581.WANG Daxi FENG Ying.Action mechanism of antioxidation and anticorrosion and molecular design for perfluoropolyether fluid additives (I) ——Action mechanism of additive and property of donating-accepting electron[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 427-435
    2582.YAN Guoping ZHUO Renxi XU Mianyi LI Liyun TANG Yuefeng.Liver-targeting macromolecular MRI contrast agents[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 344-352

    ZHANG Jingqiang FENG Jianxun LIANG Yuyao CHEN Donghua Z. H. Zhou ZHANG Qinfen LU Xinying
    .Three-dimensional structure of the Chinese Sacbrood bee virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 443-448

    SHI Gengxian JIN Yulan WANG Zhuangzhi CUI Wei LIU Yin WANG Xun ZHU Liping
    .Resistance of SKW6 cell to apoptosis induction with anti-Fas antibody upon transduction of a reverse fragment to a cDNA encoding human 6A8 α-mannosidase[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 365-372

    WANG Qigui1,2 LI Ning1 DENG Xuemei3 LIAN Zhengxing3 LI Hui2 WU Changxin3
    .Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis on chicken extracelluar fatty acid binding protein gene and its associations with fattiness trait[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 429-434

    YUAN Yuying1 MAO Lizhen1 SHI Qixian1 E. R. S. Roldan22 CHEN Wenying1 YU Shuqing1 ZHUANG Yuanzhong1 XU Shifang1
    .GABA/progesterone-induced polyphosphoinositide (PPI)breakdown and its role in the acrosome reaction of guinea pig spermatozoa in vitro[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 345-355

    YANG Ru YANG Xiongli
    .Differential modulation by AMPA of signals from red- and green-sensitive cones in carp retinal luminosity-type horizontal cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(4): 373-382

    LIANG Tiebing1 TAN Kehui1 CHONG Kang1 ZHU Zhiqing1 SándorPongor2 AndrásSimoncsits2
    .Selection and design of high affinity DNA ligands for mutant single-chain derivatives of the bacteriophage 434 repressor[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 274-286

    LEI Wanli FANG Rongxiang ZHANG Guohua CHEN Xiaoying ZHANG Xiaoqin
    .Recombination with coat protein transgene in a complementation system based on Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 263-273

    FAN Xiaochun QIU Runxiang LIU Li TANG Guomin
    .Study on the molecular basis of glucoamylase overproduction of a mutant strain Aspergillus niger T21[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 287-293

    ZHOU Aifen1 XIA Guangmin1 CHEN Huimin1 HU Han2
    .Comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybridization between common wheat and Haynaldia villosa[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 294-304

    ZHAO Xingbo1 CHU Mingxing2 LI Ning3 WU Changxin1
    .Paternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in the sheep (Ovine aries)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 321-326

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    ZHOU Zhixiang LIU Wei WANG Fuyuan ZHANG Zhiyi
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    2596.史耕先 靳玉兰 王壮志 崔巍 刘音 王讯 朱立平.SKW6细胞在转导6A8 α-甘露糖苷酶反义cDNA后对抗Fas抗体诱导的凋亡[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(3): 259-265
    2597.梁铁兵 谭克辉 种康 朱至清 S. Pongor A. Simoncsits.噬菌体434单链阻遏蛋白高亲和力DNA配体的筛选和设计[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(3): 220-229
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    2607.JI Liangnian ZHANG Qianling LIU Jingang.DNA structure, binding mechanism and biology functions of polypyridyl complexes in biomedicine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 246-259
    2608.PAN Guilan WEI Jingqiang ZHU Aiping MING Yangfu FAN Meigong YAO Side.Photochromic properties and reaction mechanism of naphthopyran[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 276-282
    2609.WANG Zhongsheng HUANG Chunhui LI Fuyou YANG Shuming WENG Shifu FU Xiaoyi WU Nianzu IBRAHIM Kurash LIU Fengqin QIAN Haijie.Self-assembly and photoelectric properties of cerium complexes with 3, 4, 9, 10-perylenetetracarboxylic acid on nanocrystalline TiO2 films[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3): 268-275
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    2612..Metallogenesis of the Ertix gold belt, Xinjiang and its relationship to Central Asia-type orogenesis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3 ): 245-255
    2613..High-resolution records of thermocline in the Okinawa Trough since about 10000 aBP[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(3 ): 193-200
    2614..Electrophysiology and behavior feedback of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, to volatile secondary metabolites emitted by Chinese cabbage[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (24 ): 2086-2088
    2615..The high-resolution climate recorded in the δ 18O of Porites lutea from the Nansha Islands of China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (24 ): 2097-2102
    2616.陈诺夫;修慧欣;杨君玲;吴金良;钟兴儒;林兰英; .用X射线双晶衍射方法测定GaMnAs组分[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (24 ): 2035-2037
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    2634.戢福云;余其兴;刘江东;.显微分离黄鳝单条染色体用于基因定位[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (22 ): 1894-1898
    2635.葛存旺;谭逸斌;廖建辉;张宇;张海黔;顾宁; .电位控制DNA在金电极上的分子自组装[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (21 ): 1768-1773
    2636..Spectral behavior of 8-hydro- xyquinoline aluminum in nanometer-sized holes of porous alumina[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (21 ): 1839-1841
    2637..Diagenetic-metallogenic ages of pyritic cherts and their implications in Mojiang nickel-gold deposit in Yunnan Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (21 ): 1823-1827
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    2643.SUN Xiaofen; TANG Kexuan;WAN Bingliang;Ql Huaxiong & LU Xinggui; .Transgenic rice homozygous lines expressing GNA showed enhanced resistance to rice brown planthopper[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (20 ): 1698-1703
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    2645..Late Quaternary upper-water column structure in upwelling areas of the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (20 ): 1741-1745
    2646..Isotope chronological trace of granite gravel in Hefei Basin[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (20 ): 1716-1721
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    2649..Export of particulate organic carbon estimated from 234Th-238U disequilibria and its temporal variation in the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (20 ): 1722-1726
    2650.戴乾圜;陈莎;李迎霞; .石棉借诱发DNA股间互补碱基交联而启动癌变[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (20 ): 1695-1698
    2651.欧阳振乾;王世全;翟文学;朱立煌; .用单分子荧光显微术与光学作图法构建水稻BAC克隆DNA的限制性物理图谱[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (20 ): 1705-1708
    2652.周海军;黄晓玮;周严;李光涛;阴彬;马艳玲;彭小忠;袁建刚;强伯勤;.人HGLP cDNA的克隆和原核表达[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (2 ): 116-119
    2653.沈鹤柏 夏静芬 杨海峰 骆玉美.Ce离子水解断裂Oligomers DNA中磷酸二酯键[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(2): 178-182
    2654.Wang Yulan Wu Yangjie.Isokinetic correlation analysis of the series of electrophilic substitution reactions of o-substituted phenylmercurials[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 182-190
    2655.JIANG Zhiliang FENG Zhongwei LI Tingsheng LI Fang ZHONG Fuxin XIE Jiyun YI Xianghui.Resonance scattering spectroscopy of gold nanoparticle[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 175-181
    2656.DAI Bin ZHANG Xiuling ZHANG Lin GONG Weimin HE Ren LU Wenqi DENG Xinlu.Study on the hydrogenation coupling of methane[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 191-195
    2657.HUANG Jinling CHEN Naisheng HUANG Jiandong LIU Ersheng XUE Jinping YANG Suling HUANG Ziqiang SUN Jiancheng.Metal phthalocyanine as photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy (PDT)——Preparation, characterization and anticancer activities of an amphiphilic phthalocyanine ZnPcS2P2[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 113-122
    2658.HUANG Junmin CHEN Hui GAO Ruyu WANG Qinsun CHEN Ruyu.Retention and chiral recognition mechanism of organo-phosphorus compounds in high-performance liquid chromatography[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 147-153
    2659.HU Weibing ZHU Yanqiu XU Wenguang.Generation of multi-hollow crystalline Mo fibres[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 203-206
    2660.YANG Xiaozhen.Conformational elasticity theory of chain molecules[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 154-169
    2661.WANG Chengwei,LI Mengke & LI Hulin.Well-aligned carbon nanotube array membrane and its field emission properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 234-240
    2662.ZHANG Liping ,HAN Jiye & XU Dachuan.Existence theorems of solution to variational inequality problems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 212-219
    2663.WANG Jinliang ,CHEN Luonan & JING Zhujun.Chaos and asymptotical stability in discrete-time recurrent neural networks with generalized input-output function[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 193-200
    2664.LI Fangyu ,TANG Mengxi & LI Yichuan .Resonant response of a strong electromagnetic wave beam to a gravitational wave in a static magnetic field[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 249-258
    2665..Analytics study on the problem of two holes having arbitrary shapes and arrangements in plane elastostatics[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2 ): 146-158
    2666..The paleoclimate change of Qaidam Basin during the last 2.85 Ma recorded by Gamma-ray logging[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2 ): 133-145
    2667..The paleomagnetism and geological significance of Meso-proterozoic dyke swarms in the central North China Craton[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2 ): 185-192
    2668..New imaging method for seismic reflection wave and its theoretical basis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2 ): 159-165
    2669.***.Convective heat transfer for incompressible laminar gas flow in micropassage with constant wall temperature[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (2 ): 164-169
    2670.***.Chaotic phenomena and small signal stability region of electrical power systems[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (2 ): 187-199
    2671.***.Pseudo minimum translational distance between convex polyhedra(I)——Definition and properties[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44 (2 ): 216-224
    2672.WU Liu SHE Shouxian WANG Jian FAN Ling.Structures of 3-layer planar waveguide where core field can become uniform[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 81-86
    2673.ZHANG Zhuosheng LIU Guizhong LIU Feng.Construction of a new adaptive wavelet network and its learning algorithm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 93-103
    2674.张河生 王敖全.鼠伤寒沙门氏菌PurR阻遏蛋白Trp-147, Gln-218和Gln-292氨基酸残基的功能分析[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(2): 150-156
    2675.张可满 陈保生 吴刚 薛红 曾武威 张坚 白玲.人血管生成素-1的天然反义RNA, Gna-1的克隆及鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(2): 125-130
    2676.张连文 林维真 潘景喜 韩镇辉 姚思德 林念芸.核黄素光敏损伤DNA的凝胶电泳[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(2): 178-184

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    HAN Weiguo1,2 CHEN Li1 LIU Jing1 ZHA Xiliang2 JIN Youxin1 WANG Debao1
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    SHAO Chenghua1 Z. H. Zhou2 LU Guangying1
    .Three-dimensional structure of the inner core of rice dwarf virus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(2): 192-198
    2682..New developments of MSRT’s working modes: One-dimensional radio heliograph and IPS telescope[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (19 ): 1598-1602
    2683..High resolution bathymetry of China seas and their surroundings[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (19 ): 1661-1664
    2684..U-Pb zircon age of the foliated garnet-bearing granites in western Dabie Mountains, Central China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (19 ): 1657-1660
    2685..Assemble four-arm DNA junctions into nanoweb[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (19 ): 1618-1621
    2686.李宗芸;黄思罗;金危危;宁顺斌;宋运淳;李立家; .水稻5S rDNA和着丝粒顺序RCS2拷贝数的Fiber-FISH测定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (19 ): 1641-1644
    2687.汪永庆;张知彬;徐来祥;.中心区和边缘区大仓鼠种群的遗传多样性[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (19 ): 1644-1650
    2688.徐四川;艾希成;孙照勇;张启元;张兴康; .端粒DNA碱基重复序列光谱[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (18 ): 1534-1527
    2689.王红梅;宋长城;段崇文;石伟先;李存玺;陈大元;王永潮; .泛素-蛋白水解酶复合体通路在小鼠精子体外获能、顶体反应及穿卵中的作用[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (18 ): 1541-1546
    2690.卢萍;任民;翟中和; .烟草胚珠提取物诱导爪蟾去膜精子实现非细胞体系核重建[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (18 ): 1554-1559
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    2693..The elemental carbon record in Weinan loess section since the last 21 ka[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (18 ): 1541-1543
    2694..Effects of damage of Hatschek’s pit of amphioxus on its structure and function[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (18 ): 1528-1533
    2695..Characterization and expression pattern of pouII1,a novel class Ⅱ POU gene in zebrafish[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (18 ): 1523-1527
    2696..Efficient transfer and expression of human clotting factor Ⅸ cDNA in neonatal hemophilia B mice mediated by VSV-G pseudotyped retrovirus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (18 ): 1534-1538
    2697..Pentacyclic triterpenoid ketones in peat from Gannan Marsh, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (17 ): 1433-1436
    2698..Inhibiting pain with pain——A basic neuromechanism of acupuncture analgesia[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (17 ): 1485-1494
    2699..The Early Cretaceous Hemeroscopid larva fossils from Beijing, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (17 ): 1477-1481
    2700..Magnetic polarity ages of the fossil-bearing strata at the Sihetun section, West Liaoning: A preliminary result[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (17 ): 1473-1476
    2701..Features of major greenhouse gases in loess, Shanxi Province, China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (17 ): 1469-1472
    2702..Identification of inhibitor of apoptosis specific DNase in Xenopus egg extract[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (17 ): 1449-1454
    2703..Preparation of a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector with a mutation of human factor Ⅸ in large scale and its expression in vitro and in vivo[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (16 ): 1367-1371
    2704..The barrier layer in the southern region of the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (16 ): 1388-1391
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    2707..Site-specific uv crosslinking of minihelix DNA and TrpRS from Bacillus subtilis[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (16 ): 1380-1383
    2708..CpG DNA enhances the immune responses elicited by the DNA vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease virus in guinea pigs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (16 ): 1376-1379
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    2713..Qualitative, quantitative and structural analysis of noncoding regions of classical swine fever virus genome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1251-1257
    2714..AM1 and ab initio studies on the internal reorganization energy of self-exchange electron transfer reactions ofseveral quinone derivatives[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1242-1250
    2715..Properties and nucleotide sequence of linear plasmid-like DNA pC4 from mitochondria of Cucumis sativus[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1288-1291
    2716..Effects of gravity waves on the distributions of O3 and OH in the mesopause region[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1265-1267
    2717..Effect of fibronectin and leukaemia inhibitory factor on matrix metalloproteinases in mouse blastocyst[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1296-1299
    2718..Expression of gelatinases and tissue inhibitors of metallo-proteinases in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) corpus luteum[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1292-1296
    2719..Sequence analysis of peptides with biological activities using electrospray-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1281-1285
    2720..Cross-coupling reaction of cyclopropylboronic acids with aryl ω-halo-oxo-perfluoroalkyl-sulfonates[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1277-1280
    2721..Evaluation of diameter distribution of inside cavities of open CNTs by analyses of nitrogen cryo-adsorption isotherm[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (15 ): 1317-1320
    2722..Trace-element of Tuoyun clinopyroxene: Implication for the deep processes of lithospheric mantle beneath the southwest Tianshan, West China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (14 ): 1206-1210
    2723..Interfacial molecular assembly and surface patterning[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (14 ): 1152-1155
    2724..An virtual numerical experiment to understand the impacts of recovering natural vegetation on the summer climate and environmental conditions in East Asia[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (14 ): 1199-1202
    2725..Genetic analysis of “all-fish” growth hormone gene trans-ferred carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and its F1 generation[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (14 ): 1174-1178
    2726..Identification of selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element in eukaryotic selenoproteins by RNA Draw program[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (14 ): 1159-1161
    2727..Efficacy of anti-CD20 chimeric Fab′fragment on proliferation of B lymphoma cells[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (14 ): 1182-1186
    2728.张雷;刁丰秋;杨志攀;黄美娟;吴乃虎; .一种胡萝卜蔗糖转运蛋白基因家族新成员的分离及功能鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (14 ): 1190-1195
    2729.孙小芬;唐克轩;万丙良;戚华雄;卢兴桂; .表达雪花莲凝集素(GNA)的转基因水稻纯系抗褐飞虱[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1108-1113
    2730..Cloning and prokaryotic expression of HGLP cDNA[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1089-1092
    2731..Na+-permeable channels of human sperm membrane reassembled into giant liposome[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1085-1088
    2732..Enhancement of the immobilization and discrimination of DNA probe on a biosensor using gold nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1074-1077
    2733. .Effective elastic moduli of polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1130-1133
    2734..Rb-Sr chronological characteristics of Jurassic granitoid gravels in north margin of Dabie block, Central China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1126-1129
    2735..Identification of integrin-like in guard cells of icia faba[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1100-1102
    2736..Structure-activity relationship of endomorphins and their analogs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (13 ): 1096-1100
    2737..Self-organization model on receptive field of neuron with asymmetric time window of synaptic modification[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (12 ): 1033-1036
    2738..Two-dimensional self-organization of 1-nonanethiolcapped gold nanoparticles[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (12 ): 996-998
    2739..Novel sintering behavior of polystyrene nano-latex parti-cles in filming process[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (12 ): 991-996
    2740..Isolation by phage display and characterization of a single-chain antibody specific for O6-methyldeoxyguanosine[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (12 ): 1024-1028
    2741..Three-dimensional structure of the wild-type RHDV[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (12 ): 1005-1009
    2742..Molecular dynamics simulations on specific heat capacity and glass transition temperature of liquid silver[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (12 ): 1051-1053
    2743..Study on the rheology of subducting slabs[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(12 ): 1119-1127
    2744..Comprehensive constraint on the tectono-sedimentary setting of Late Paleozoic turbidites of the Kamuste area, eastern Junggar, Xinjiang[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(12 ): 1065-1078
    2745..Biostratigraphy of Famennian in Hainan Island, South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(12 ): 1057-1064
    2746.陈旭;戎嘉余;周志毅;张元动;詹仁斌;刘建波;樊隽轩; .上扬子区奥陶-志留纪之交的黔中隆起和宜昌上升[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (12 ): 1052-1056
    2747.WU Mei TANG Shikui ZHANG Peng MA Yuqian WU Bobing LI Zongwei.Femi-type acceleration of electron in γ-ray burst fireball model[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(12): 1608-1614
    2748.SONG Fan BAI Yilong.Analysis of the strengthening and toughening of a biomaterial interface[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(12): 1596-1601
    2749.CHEN Yanxue WANG Shouguo WANG Zhihe CHEN Qiang CHEN Jinglin SHEN Honglie LIU Yihua XIE Shijie MEI Liangmo.Effects of magnetic field orientation and injected current density on the output of nano-structured Co/Cu/Fe junctions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(12): 1615-1620
    2750.邓小刚.高阶精度耗散加权紧致非线性格式[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,31(12): 1104-1117
    2751.XU Mingyu TAN Wenchang.Theoretical analysis of the velocity field, stress field and vortex sheet of generalized second order fluid with fractional anomalous diffusion[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11): 1387-1399
    2752.WANG Xueli PEI Dingyi.Elliptic curves and positive definite ternary forms[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11): 1426-1432
    2753.CHEN Jinwen.Shift ergodicity for stationary Markov processes[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11): 1373-1380
    2754.WANG Weimin LI Pei YE Chaohui.Multi-exponential inversions of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation signal[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11): 1477-1484
    2755.LIU Peide YU Lin.B-valued martingale spaces with small index and atomic decompositions[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11): 1361-1372
    2756.卢智刚;杨巍;曹圻;陶伟;胡建成;翟中和;.爪蟾卵提取物中凋亡特异核酸酶抑制物的鉴定[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (11 ): 926-930
    2757..Proposed new Lower Triassic stages in South China[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11 ): 961-967
    2758..Timing of the granulite facies metamorphism in the Sanggan area, North China craton: zircon U-Pb geochronology[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11 ): 1010-1018
    2759. .Studies on 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of strike-slip time of the Tan-Lu fault zone and their tectonic implications[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(11 ): 1002-1009
    2760..Early diversification of birds: Evidence from a new opposite bird[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (11 ): 945-950
    2761..Effects of gravity on the microstructure of Zr41Ti14-Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk glass forming alloy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (11 ): 961-963
    2762..Two possible hydrothermal vents in the northern Okinawa Trough[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (11 ): 943-945
    2763..Paleoenvironmental information recorded by pollen in B-3GC gravity core in Okinawa Trough[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (11 ): 938-942
    2764..New advances in virtual plant research[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (11 ): 888-894
    2765..An explanation to the high efficiency of m-THPC (temporfin) used in photodynamic therapy[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (10 ): 823-827
    2766..High-pressure synthesis and properties of CeO2-ZrO2 solid solution[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (10 ): 801-805
    2767..Nonlinear optical polyimide with high thermal stability prepared by simultaneous poling and polymerization[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (10 ): 827-831
    2768..Protein phosphorylation is involved in the water stressinduced ABA accumulation in the roots of Malus hupehensis Rehd[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (10 ): 855-858
    2769..Phylogeny of higher taxa of hexapoda according to 12sRNA sequences[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (10 ): 840-842
    2770..Large negative hyperpolarizabilities (β) of the protonated Schiff bases of the azulenic retinal analogues[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,46 (10 ): 831-835
    2771..Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and events in the northern South China Sea during the last 6 million years[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 952-960
    2772..Exploring variations in upper ocean structure for the last 2 Ma of the Nansha area by means of calcareous nannofossils[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 905-911
    2773..Records of natural fire and climate history during the last three glacial-interglacial cycles around the South China Sea——Charcoal record from the ODP 1144[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 897-904
    2774..An abrupt cooling event early in the last interglacial in the northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 865-870
    2775..Provenance of a prominent sediment drift on the northern slope of the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 919-925
    2776..Oligocene biogenic siliceous deposits on the slope of the northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 912-918
    2777..Evolution of planktonic foraminifera and thermocline in the southern South China Sea since 12 Ma (ODP-184, Site 1143)[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 889-896
    2778..Pollen record of the last 280 ka from deep sea sediments of the northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 879-888
    2779..Records of Toba eruptions in the South China Sea ——Chemical characteristics of the glass shards from ODP 1143A[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 871-878
    2780..A record of Miocene carbon excursions in the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 943-951
    2781..Neogene oxygen isotopic stratigraphy, ODP Site 1148, northern South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 934-942
    2782..Transition of Quaternary glacial cyclicity in deep-sea records at Nansha, the South China Sea[J]. 中国科学 化学, 2001,44(10 ): 926-933

