英文寫作守則(Principles of Writing)
1.Organize your thoughts before writing: brainstorm, make an outline, etc. 下筆前整合思緒:腦力激盪,寫出綱要等。
2.Write clearly. Be concise. Avoid wordiness. 寫作清晰,務必精簡,避免贅言。
3.Use good grammar and write complete sentences. 使用好的文法,寫出完整句子。
4.Write simple sentences. Avoid a fancy style. 嘗試簡單句,避免花俏的句法。
5.Avoid slang, cliche and informal words. 避免俚語、陳腔濫調和非正式用字。
6.Avoid use of the first person (i.e. I/me/my) unless necessary to specific piece.除非必要,避免使用第一人稱:如「我/我的」。
7.Writing naturally. Read it aloud. Does it sound natural? Does it flow? 自然揮灑,大聲朗誦。整篇文章聽起來自然嗎?通順嗎?
8.Move logically from one idea to the next. Don't skip steps. 上下句意要合乎邏輯。別毫無章法亂跳。
作文初步(Begin to Write)
(一) 寫作前:擬大綱 Pre-writing: Develop an Outline
1. 主題句 The Topic Sentence
2. 段落發展 Paragraph Development ~~ a........ b........ c……..
3. 結論句 The Concluding Sentence
(二) 寫作後:檢查你的文章 Post-writing: Check Your Work
1. 有沒有主題句?
2. 有沒有結論句?
3. 主題句中有沒有中心論點?
4. 其他句子是否支持主題句?有沒有與主題句不相干的句子?
5. 所有論點有沒有邏輯?
6. 所有論點是否按正確順序排列?
7. 句與句的連絡順不順暢?
8. 轉折語是否過多或過少?是否使用得當?
9. 是否有任何拼字、標點符號、字彙及文法上的錯誤?
◎主題句( The Topic Sentence ) = 引言段( The Introductory Paragraph )
2)主題句由兩個部份構成的:「主題」( the topic )和「中心論點」( the controlling idea )。「主題」便是你所要談論或描述的對象(人、事、物等),「中心論點」則將主題控制在你要發展的範圍中。例如:
→「主題」:a) High school students b)Learning a language c)Home economics
→「中心論點」:a) should have the right to evaluate their teachers. b) takes time and patience. c) is my favorite class at school.
→「主題句」:a) High school students should have the right to evaluate their teachers.
b) Learning a language takes time and patience. c) Home economics is my favorite class at school.
§記述文也就是說故事,陳述一件事。我們日常的交談和寫作之中,記述要佔大多數。按英文習慣,記述文所要說的是:”What happened”
◎段落發展( Paragraph Development ) = 申述段( Developing Paragraph )
段落發展就是整個段落的論述( discussion )部份,這個部份所有的句子,都是用來支持主題句的,因此:1) 避免與主題句不相干的句子( irrelevant sentences )。2) 避免同樣語意的冗贅句子( redundant sentences )。
1) 提出支持主題句的論點,再依各點分別解釋或舉例。支持主題句的論點,依題目要求可能是理由( reasons ),優缺點( advantages/disadvantages )或各種類別(如特徵、情況、條件、喜好等等)。
段落發展的大綱如下:A. 第一個理由、優缺點、類別~~解釋或舉例。→B. 第二個理由、優缺點、類別~~解釋或舉例。→C. 第三個理由、優缺點、類別~~解釋或舉例。
論點一 論點二 最後論點
First of all,
To begin with, Second,
Second of all,
In addition ( Besides ),
More importantly, Finally,
Last of all,
Most important of all,
Last but not least,
The first reason ( advantage ) is that… The second reason ( advantage ) is that… The final reason ( advantage ) is that…
For one thing, For another, (無)
§如果超過三個論點,可依次用 third ( third of all/thirdly ), fourth( fourth of all/fourthly )等,或選擇使用 next, then, in addition, also, more importantly其中任何一個。但以一篇120—150個字的段落而言,論點最好不要太多,三個論點是最理想的。
2) 根據時間、空間描述事物
描述方位的介詞(轉折語) 時間順序轉折語
To the left of 在…的左邊
To the right of 在…的右邊
Behind / in back of 在…後面
In front of 在…前面
Between 在…中間
Next to / beside 在…旁邊
Against 靠著
Opposite 在對面
On top of 在…上面 首先、再來、然後、最後(first, next, then, finally)
同時(meanwhile, at the same time)
在此之際(in the meantime, in the meanwhile, meanwhile)
很快地、不久之後(soon, soon after, soon afterwards, shortly, shortly after that, before long)
突然地(suddenly, all of a sudden)
立刻(immediately, at once, in no time)
後來、之後(later, later on, after that, a few minutes later, from that day on)
其他:現在(at the moment),隔天(the next day),前一天(the day before),最近(recently, lately)等等。
◎結論句(The Concluding Sentence) = 概括段(The Summarizing Paragraph)
1)重述法:用不同的話,來重述主題句的概念。例:For these reasons, the Internet is undoubtedly far from being a good way to make friends.
2)摘要法:將文章內容作一個摘要。例:With all these dishonest, insincere and cheating people online, I don’t see why anyone would want to make friends through the Internet.
3)衍生法:由文章內容衍生,提出呼應主旨的訊息、評論、建議等。例:In conclusion, unless you want to make friends with unworthy people, keep away from the Internet liars!(提出建議)。§衍生法是難度較高的一種寫結論句的方法。如果選擇使用這種寫法,要注意避免提出不合邏輯的結論。以上例來說,以下的句子是不好的:In conclusion, the Internet is not necessarily a good tool.
[總之]~ in conclusion, to conclude, in summary, to sum up, in sum
[基於這些理由]~ for these reasons, from the above, as has been said
[簡言之]~ in brief, to be brief, in short, in a word
[因此(表結果的用語)]~ therefore所以, thus因此, as a result結果, consequently所以、因此, as a consequence, accordingly所以, hence, naturally自然的、當然, for this reason因此之故, on this account由於此, because of this因為這樣
欣賞大自然的風景 to appreciate the scenery of nature
培養公德心 to cultivate the public mindedness
維護健康 to maintain health
保護環境 to protect the environment
開拓視野 to broaden the horizon
開拓心胸 to broaden the mind
調劑生活 to make life pleasant
鬆散身心 to relax oneself
啟迪心靈 to enlighten the mind
灌輸知識 to impart knowledge into someone
追求理想 to seek after the ideal
實現抱負 to realize one's ambition
守信用 to keep one's promise
跟上時代 to keep up with the times
欣賞古典文學 to appreciate the classical literature
學習吉他 to learn guitar
陶冶品德 to cultivate the character
貢獻國家 to contribute oneself to the country
鍛鍊身體 to strengthen, exercise the body
缺乏休閒活動 to lack recreations
作筆記 to take notes
使用參考書 to use reference books
關心社會 to be concerned about the society
服從校規 to follow the rules of the school
盡身為學生的責任 to fulfill one's duty as a student
克服困難 to overcome the difficulty
面臨困難 to be confronted with the difficulty
渡過困境 to weather the storm
走捷徑 to cut the corner
量脈搏 to feel the pulse
開葯方 to prescribe the medicine
堅守原則 to stick to the principle
注意衛生 to emphasize the importance of hygiene
亂丟垃圾 to litter; to scatter garbage
美化環境 to beautify the environment
種植樹木 to grow trees
防止污染 to prevent the pollution
提升生活品質 to promote the qualities of life
造成損害 to do damage to
對...有益 to benefit; to be beneficial to
對...有害 to be harmful to; to do harm to
任意停車 to park the car at random
製造噪音 to make noises
佔用人行道 to occupy the sidewalk
妨礙交通 to hinder the traffic
排放污煙、廢氣 to belch smoke, exhaust, fume
造成不便 to cause inconvenience
造成混亂 to bring about the disorder
闖紅燈 to run through the red light
利用天橋 to make use of the overpass
查字典 to consult the dictionary
屏息 to hold one's breath
流淚 to shed tears
符合需要 to meet the demand
生根 to take root
產生結果 to bear fruit
打破沈默 to break the ice
氣餒 to lose heart; to get discouraged
振作 to pull oneself together; to take heart
採取步驟 to take steps; to take measures
緩和悲傷 to ease ( alleviate ) the sorrow
承受負擔 to bear the responsibility
考慮到 to make allowance for
把握機會 to seize the opportunity
跑腿 to run an errand
樹立楷模 to set a good example
接受教育 to receive education
提升生活的水準 to raise the standard of living
告辭 to take one's leave
有很深的了解 to have a deep understanding of
跟隨流行 to follow the fashion
提錢 to withdraw money
存錢 to deposit money
良心不安 the conscience stirs
自立 to be independent; to stand on one's own
英文很好 to have a good command of English
有廣泛的知識 to have a wide range of knowledge
喜愛藝術 to have a great liking for arts
扮演重要角色 to play an important role in
聊天 to have a chat with
有...才能 to have a talent for
選擇 to make a choice
有很大的影響 to have a great influence on
予人...很深的印象 to make a deep impression on
愚弄 to make a fool of
找藉口 to make an excuse
給人搭便車 to give one a lift
打電話 to give someone a ring
冒險 to take chances
懷恨 to bear grudge against someone
牢記在心 to bear .....in mind
板著臉 to pull a long face
對...充耳不聞 to turn a deaf ear to
被開除 to be dismissed from school
生氣 to be angry with ( at )
負擔責任 to assume the responsibility
符合需要 to serve the purpose
變胖 to gain weight
有道理 to make sense
記日記 to keep a diary
盡己所能 to do what one can
擅長網球 to be at home in tennis
郊遊 to go on an outing
消磨時間 to kill time
增加生活的情趣 to increase the pleasures of life
精神抖擻 to be ( feel ) refreshed
解除緊張和焦慮 to relieve the tension and anxiety
宣洩久積的情緒 to release the pent-up feelings
遊手好閒 to fool around
準備考試 to prepare for the examination
參加課外活動 to take part in the club activities
無精打采的 to be listless
精力充沛的 to be vigorous, energetic
防颱 to guard against the typhoon
逃避現實 to escape the reality
達到目標 to achieve the aim
五育並重 to lay equal emphasis on the Five Disciplines
感到無聊 to feel ( be ) bored
感到剌激 to be excited
感到滿意 to be pleased, satisfied
感到失望 to be disappointed
感到振奮 to be encouraged, inspired
感到氣餒 to be discouraged, frustrated
感到疲倦的 to be exhausted
感到煩惱 to be worried, upset, disturbed, bothered
放棄理想 to abandon the ideal
奠定基礎 to lay the foundation
失去耐心 to lose patience
進步 to make progress
失去連絡 to lose track of
保持連絡 to keep in touch with
誤入歧途 to go astray
養成...的習慣 to make it a rule to; to cultivate the habit
統一中國 to reunify China
光復大陸 to recover the Mainland China
遇到交通阻塞 to be caught in a traffic jam
給...教訓 to teach someone a lesson
改過自新 to turn over a new leaf
引以為樂 to take delight in
予...以打擊 to deal a heavy blow to
予...以威脅 to pose a threat to
取代 to take the place of
預作保留 to make the reservation
使...澈夜未眠 to cost someone a sleepless night
充滿喜悅 to be filled with joy
背誦 to learn....by heart
鼓勵 to encourage, inspire
產生不同 to make a great difference
犯法 to violate the law
不遺餘力 to spare no efforts to
不辭辛勞 to take the pains to
一、解釋( to explain )
1. now現在;那麼(表示轉變話題、要求、安慰、警告、解釋、驚異等,通常置於句首並加逗點) 2. in addition而且;此外 3. in this case在這種情況下 4. in fact其實;實際上 5. for this reason因為這個緣故
例句:1.Now, follow the directions carefully.
2.In addition, there are two museums in the city.
3.The problem, in this case, is hard to solve.
二、強調( to emphasize )
1. certainly確實地 2. indeed確實地 3. surely確實地 4. above all尤其;最重要者 5. most important ( of all )最重要的是
例句:1.Certainly the vacation was fun.
2.Indeed, no man is an island.諺語:人不能離群索居。
3.Above all, avoid swimming alone in strange waters.(陌生的水域)
三、舉例( to illustrate )
1. for example例如 2. for instance例如 3. thus就這樣 4. next其次;然後 5. namely那就是 6. that is那就是 7. in other words換言之 8. that is to say換言之;那就是說 9. in particular尤其;特別 10. particularly尤其 11. especially特別地;主要地
例句:1.A good speech, for example, should be as short as a skirt.
2.For instance, light travels faster than sound.
3.Next, think of the courses you want to take.
四、增加或附屬( to add )
1. in addition而且;此外 2. furthermore而且;更有甚者 3. also也;而且 4. moreover而且;更有甚者 5. again而且 6. and而且 7. besides而且 8. in addition to除...之外 9. what's more而且
例句:1.In addition, the tour stops in Tokyo.
2.furthermore, he is too old to do that.
3.Also, she asked for some money.
五、比較( to compare )尤其是相同性質的比較
1. like像 2. likewise同樣地 3. in the same way同樣地 4. similarly同樣地 5. too也 6.equally important同樣重要地
例句:1.Like Peter, Tom is a good swimmer.
2.In the same way, we look for a good doctor.
3.The car uses less fuel. Equally important, the car drives ninety miles per hour.
六、對比關係或相反的意思( to contrast )
1. unlike不像 2. in contrast相反地 3. on the other hand另一方面 4. for another thing另一方面 5. on the contrary相反地 6. instead代替;更換;反而 7. but然而;但是 8. instead of代替;不...而 9. nevertheless然而 10. however然而 11. still然而 12. yet然而 13. after all畢竟 14. in spite of雖然 15. despite雖然
例句:1.Unlike Tom, John is brave.
2.In contrast, they took to the streets.相反地,他們走上街頭。
3.Instead, the new law caused many problems.
七、讓步( to concede )
1. although雖然 2. nevertheless然而 3. of course當然 4. clearly確實地 5. naturally自然地 6. perhaps或許
例句:1.Although she ran after the train, it left without her.
2.He planned, nevertheless, to ask for our help.
3.Clearly, a garden needs a lot of care.
八、結果( to state a consequence )
1. therefore 2. consequently 3. as a result 4. thus 5. accordingly 6. hence以上皆表「因此」,「所以」,「結果」 7. so所以;因此
例句:1.They hoped, therefore, to be respected.
2.Consequently, we opened an account at the bank.
3.Accordingly, she gave up her original plan.
九、綜合;總結( to sum up )
1. to sum up 2. to summarize 3. to conclude 4. in sum ( in summary )5. in conclusion以上皆表「總之」 6. in brief 7. in short 8. in a word 9. to be short 10. in a nutshell以上皆表「簡言之」 11. by and large一般來說 12. finally最後 13. in general一般而言 14. on the whole整個來說 15. generally speaking大體而言;一般而論
例句:1.To conclude, Chinese New Year is the most important holiday.
2.In summary, recreation is a big business.
3.I will tell it in a nutshell.
十、時間關係( to state sequence of time )
1. after a long time ( after a short time )過了很久,過了不久 2. after a long absence過了很久 3. presently目前 4. meanwhile同時 5. after a while一陣子之後 6. once曾經;一度 7. since then自從那時起 8. at the same time同時 9. temporarily暫時地 10. later稍晚 11. afterward後來 12. thereafter其後 13. lately最近;近來 14. sooner or later早晚
例句:1.They met after a long absence.
2.Meanwhile, they were at war with their enemy.
3.Thereafter, they never met again.
十一、順序、列舉或思想的延續( to state order )
1. first首先 2. in this manner ( in this way )就這樣 3. first of all首先 4. in the same way同樣地 5. second其次 6. third第三 7. in the first place首先 8. then然後 9. next下一個 10. again再次 11. finally最後;終於 12. eventually終於 13. by the way順便一提 14. incidentally附帶地;順便一提
例句:1.First of all, jogging makes the heart stronger.
2.Eventually, they came to an agreement.
3.Incidentally, medical supplies will be sent here next Monday.
十二、方向( to state directions )
1. below在...下面 2. next to在...的旁邊 3. beyond超越;越過 4. on the ( my, your, etc. ) right在...右邊 5. further更遠處 6. on the left在左邊 7. here這裡 8. nearby在附近 9. opposite to在...對面
例句:1.Next to the national cemetery, there was an old church.
2.On my right lies the beautiful river.
3.Opposite to their building, there was an elm tree.
1.As a rule, S + V...一般而言,…
2.As far as I know, S + V...據我所知,…
3.As the saying goes, S + V...常言道,…
4.Everybody knows that + S + V...眾所周知,…
5.Frankly speaking, S + V...坦白地說,…
6.Generally speaking, S + V...一般而言,…
7.I'm of the opinion that + S + V...依我之見,…
8.I am greatly convinced that + S + V...我深信,…
9.In dealing with..., one cannot but admit that S + V...在討論…,一個人不得不承認…
10.In general, S + V...一般而言,…
11.In my opinion, S + V...依我之見,…
12.It can be easily proved that S + V...…是容易證明的
13.It goes without saying that S + V...不消說,…
14.It is out of the question to V…是不可能的
15.It's quite obvious that S + V...不消說,…
16.It is said ( reported據報導, known一般皆知, estimated據估計, believed一般相信, expected一般預料 ) that...據說
17.It is important ( necessary必要的, urgent緊急的, proper適當的 ) that S (should) + V(…是)重要的
18.It's true that + S + V...事實是
19.Lucky to say, S + V...說來幸運,…
20.Needless to say, S + V...不消說,…
21.No one can deny that + S + V...沒有人可以否認…
22.Nothing in the world can delight me so much as ...世界上沒有什麼比…更令我高興
23.Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than...在我所認識的人當中,也許沒有一個人比…更值得我尊敬
24.On the average, S + V...一般而言,…
25.Regretful to say, S + V...說來遺憾,…
26.Sad to say, S + V...說來可悲,…
27.Strange to say, S + V...說來奇怪,…
28.Strictly speaking, S + V...嚴格地說,…
29.There is no doubt that S + V...毫無疑問,…
30.There is no V-ing...…是不可能的
31.To tell the truth, S + V...老實說,…
32.To the best of my knowledge, S + V...據我所知,…
1.According to + N , S + V...根據…,…
2.As a matter of fact, S + V...實際上,…
3.As far as I'm concerned, S + V...就我而論,…
4.As good ( ill ) luck would have it, S + V...幸運地(不幸地)
5.As is often the case with + O, S + V...…對…是常有的事
6.Besides, we should not neglect that S + V...此外,我們不應忽略
7.But the problem is not so simple. Therefore, ...但是問題不是如此單純。所以…
8.But it is a pity that S + V...但是遺憾的是…
9.Compared with + N, S + V...較之…,…
10.Even if ( Though ) + S1 + V1, S2 + V2...即使…,…
11.First of all, S + V...首先,…
12.For all + N, S + V...雖然…,…
13.For example, S + V...例如,…
14.For instance, S + V...例如,…
15.For one thing, S + V...一則,…
16.For the other, S + V...另一方面,…
17.For this reason, S + V...因為這個緣故,…
18.I take it for granted that S + V...我認為…是理所當然的
19.If we take ... into account ( consideration ), we + V...如果我們考慮到…,我們…
20.In accordance with + N, S + V...根據…,…
21.In addition, we should + V...此外,我們必須…
22.In all likelihood, S + V...十之八九,…
23.In comparison with + N, S + V...和…比較,…
24.In fact ( reality, truth ), S + V...事實上,…
25.In nine cases out of ten, S + V...十之八九,…
26.In other words, S + V...換句話說,…
27.In relation ( respect, regard, reference ) to + N, S + V...關於…,…
28.In spite of + N, S + V...雖然…,…
29.In the beginning, S + V...首先,…
30.In the first place, S + V...首先,…
31.It is not too much to say that S + V...…說起來並不過份
32.No matter wh- + S1 + V1, S2 + V2...無論…,…
33.To begin with, S + V...首先,…
34.To change another words, S + V...換句話說,…
35.To cite an old saying, S + V...套句古人說的話,…
36.To one's astonishment, S + V...令某人吃驚地,…
37.To one's delight, S + V...令某人高興地,…
38.To one's disappointment, S + V...令某人失望地 ,…
39.To one's excitement, S + V...令某人興奮地,…
40.To one's joy, S + V...令某人高興地,…
41.To one's regret, S + V...令某人後悔地,…
42.To one's surprise, S + V...令某人吃驚地,…
43.To start with, S + V...首先,…
44.To take...for example, S + V...舉…為例,…
45.We have enough reasons to V我們有足夠的理由…
46.What I must emphasize is ...我必須強調的是…
47.What's more, S + V...此外 ,…
48.What seems to be the problem is that S + V...問題似乎是…
1.By contrast, if..., it will certainly be the fact that S + V...相反地,假如…,那一定…
2.But for + N, S + V(假設法過去式或過去完成式)...若非…,…
3.From now on, S + V...從現在起
4.Hardly had + S1 + V1(p.p.) when ( before ) + S2 + V2...一…就…
5.Have you ever + V (p.p.)....?你曾經…嗎?
6.If by any chance S1 + V1, S2 + V2....萬一…,…
7.If only + S + V...!但願…!
8.In other words, S + V...換句話說,…
9.In the meantime, S + V...同時,…
10.In the similar way, S + V...同樣地,…
11.In this manner, S + V...如此一來,…
12.In this light if..., there can surely be no doubt that S + V...有鑑於於此,假如…,確實無疑地…
13.Indeen, S1 + V1, but S2 + V2...沒錯…,但是…
14.It's 強調的人、事、物、地、時 + that S + V...正是…
15.It's high ( about ) time for + O + to V...該是…的時候了
16.It's high ( about ) time that + S + should V...該是…的時候了
17.It stands to reason that S + V...…是理所當然的
18.No doubt, S1 + V1, but S2 + V2...沒錯,…,但是…
19.Now that S1 + V1, S2 + V2...既然…,…
20.On the contrary, S + V...相反地,…
21.On the one hand, S + V...一方面,…
22.On the other hand, S + V...另一方面,…
23.On ( Upon ) V-ing, S + V...一…就…
24.Owing to + N, S + V...由於…,…
25.The chief reason why + S + V + is...…主要的原因是…
26.To do one justice, S + V...公平而論,…
27.To make matters worse, S + V...更糟的是,…
28.To put it differently, S + V...換句話說,…
29.To tell the truth, S + V...老實說,…
30.Undoubtedly ( Absolutely ) S + V...毫無疑問地,…
31.We must recognize that S + V...我們必須承認
32.We cannot be too +我們愈…愈好
33.We cannot + V + too +我們愈…愈好
34.We cannot over-V我們愈…愈好
35.What if S + V.........?要是…該怎麼辦?
36.What's worse, S + V...更糟的是 ,…
37.Without + N, S + V(假設法)... 若非…,…
38., not to mention + N…,更甭說…
39.; that is to say, S + V...…,那就是 ,…
1.Above all ( things ), S + V...最重要地,…
2.According to the aforementioned, S + V...綜觀上述所云,…
3.As a result ( consequence ), S + V...結果,…
4.As long as S1+ V1, S2 + V2...只要…,…
5.As we know from the above, S + V...由上述我們可知,…
6.At any rate ( cost ), we should V...無論如何,我們應該…
7.Because of this, we can find that S + V...因為如此,我們可以知道…
8.For this reason, S + V...基於此因 ,…
9.From the ... point of view, ...從…的觀點來看,…
10.If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that S + V...假如我們能做到以上所提者,無疑地…
11.In a word, S + V...一言以蔽之,…
12.In any case, we should V 無論如何,我們應該…
13.In short ( brief ), S + V...簡而言之 ,…
14.In conclusion, we should V 總而言之,我們應該…
15.Judging from the above, S + V...從以上來判斷 ,…
16.Last but not least, S + V...最後還有一件重要的事就是…
17.Only by this can we V...只有以此我們才能…
18.On the whole, S + V...整體而論 ,…
19.On this ground, S + V...基於此種原因
20.Owing to this fact we can find that S + V...因此我們可以知道…
21.The long and the short of it, S + V...總之 ,…
22.To be short ( brief ), S + V...簡而言之 ,…
23.To sum up ( conclude ), S + V...總之 ,…
24.Thus, this is the reason why S + V...因此,這就是為什麼…的原因
25.Under no circumstances should we V...無論如何我們絕不…
26.What we must do is to V...我們只要…就可以了
1.My Career Plan【我一生的計劃】
During my high school years, I have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics interesting. Actually, I am interested in many subjects such as biology, history, geography, Chinese, and English. But somehow I cannot remember the historical events or the facts about geography in detail. I cannot remember biological terms well, either. On the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. I would like to study science or engineering in college. After graduation from college I hope to go for higher education overseas. Eventually I would like to return to school to teach. This is my career plan.
2. The Humanities【人文科學】
Since I was an elementary school student, I have been doing a great deal of reading and writing. I like philosophy, politics, and science as well as fairy tales. I study history carefully, especially the history about our own people and country. It is always enjoyable to sit on the grass in an open sir place reading my books. It is quite natural and clear to me that my major in college will be one of the humanities. I imagine that a career in teaching humanities will be challenging and attractive. One day when I hold conversations with young students in classroom or any place, we will discuss a philosophy of life, ways of thinking, the idea of democracy, ideas of right and wrong, and ideas of beauty.
3. What you want to be when you grow up【你長大以後要做什麼?】
This question and another similar question, 'Have you decided what you will do after you finish school? , were among the most common questions people often asked me when I was a small child and then a student in school. Choosing the right career is very important. For this reason we should try to find out what our talents and interests are and how we can use them. There are many careers open to each of us. Many persons find their place in government service, and many others may de interested in going into the business world. Teaching, newspaper work, medicine, engineering, science------ these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.
4. The Working Man【做事的人】
In a complex society there are many jobs which must be done to keep the society running smoothly. There must be many kinds of factory workers, salesmen, mechanics, policemen, firemen, miners, secretaries, bookkeepers, bus drivers and many other workers. All these people are important to the comfort and safety of our everyday lives.
5.City and Country Life【都市生活與鄉村生活】
Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one's curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.
20.Studying Hard【用功】
In recent years more and more and more students have been attending colleges and universities, and more students have been continuing their education beyond the four years required to earn a bachelor's degree. Some professions require many years of specialized training. Especially in technical and scientific fields, so much new information is being added to our present knowledge that people in technical fields must study constantly to keep up with new developments.
21.A Disturbing Age【困擾的年紀】
When I was in middle school some of my classmates were smoking cigarettes. These classmates were both boys and girls. Another problem was the tendency toward vandalism and theft. Although only a very few persons were involved in these situations. I often felt uneasy and unsure about their actions. We have been taught to strive to be good citizens and cultivate good character, but at such a young age it is disturbing. Many adults smoke, yet young people today should worry about the possibility of cancer. Also people should know crime is bad and not rewarding, yet my classmates feel pressure from our society to cultivate another image. Perhaps now is the time both parents and teachers should spend more time talking to teenagers about the problems they are facing.
22. The Generation Gap【代溝】
(1)Today's teenager is a young adult; he is more mature and responsible than the teenagers of previous generations. Nevertheless, he is beset with customary trials natural to his age group-disconcerting periods of self-doubt and other periods of self-sufficiency. His character and personality are in the process of being molded. It is a stage when he is not quite sure he wants to be on his own, yet he resents too much parental pressure. This attitude and feeling is called the generation gap or the communication gap. However, this attitude and feeling will change as he learns how to live with the world, especially with his parents, brothers, sisters, and teachers.
I remember that when I was in my teens, I used to refuse to obey many of the "do's" and "don'ts" my parents dictated to me. For example, when I kept on playing jazz records on the stereo, my father would condemn such music as sheer noise and replaced them with disks of classical music that I always considered extremely dull. When I insisted that I sleep with my pet dog, they immediately said, "No way," because they thought I would be bitten by fleas. These were just a few examples of the things I thought my parents were unreasonable about.
Today, however, I am a father of a boy aged 15, and I find that I too, am pressuring my son with a lot of rules and regulations hard for him to "swallow". It's not uncommon to hear my yelling at him, "What do you mean by fooling around all night without reviewing your lessons?" or "How come you did it? You are still wet behind the ears." The other day, I noticed that my son wore giant pants that three teen-agers could occupy. No one would wear them on the grounds that they were indecent and undignified. I at once commanded him to take them off. Usually, he is fairly obedient, but this time he put his foot down. "What's wrong with giant pants? All my classmates wear them, and I don't think you have the authority to order me to remove them, even though you are my father!" said he. When I was a boy, if I had spoken with such rudeness to my elders, I would have been given a good beating. But I suddenly realized that we are now living in a more liberal society, and that my son's insistence on wearing giant pants was merely an instance of the generation gap that existed between us. Therefore, I gave in and now he still wears giant pants.
23.Going to the Doctor's【上醫院】
Some people are lucky enough never to be sick, but most of us have to go to see a doctor occasionally for examination and treatment. Doctors encourage people to have complete physical examinations regularly and not to wait until illnesses have become serious before having them treated. Everybody believes that 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,' but not everybody follows this advice.
24.Good Health【健康】
There is nothing complicated about eating a proper diet. For good health, eat a variety of foods. Do not eat the same foods day after day! Foods should be selected everyday from each of 'basic four.' They are the four groups of food essential to proper nutrition: the milk group, meat group, vegetable-fruit group, and bread-cereal group, Your body will then be supplied with all the nutrients it requires; they are water, minerals, carbohydrate, fats and oils, proteins, and vitamins. A person's diet is determined by his attitudes, likes and dislikes. If you eat foods from each of the basic four groups each day, you will have a balanced diet.
35. Camping【露營】
Living close to the outdoors is fun, especially for city people. Most people who go camping want to be entirely on their own. Some want to fish or to hunt. Some want to hike, ride horseback, swim, or go canoeing. The question of where to go is the first priority. A good rule about clothing is that it should be comfortable and not easily torn. Food should be the kinds that will not spoil easily. A good camper always carries a compass and no camper should be without a first-aid kit. Many new inventions make camping easier. There are boats that are very light in weight. There are tents that can be opened up like umbrellas, mattresses that can be blown up like balloons, and sleeping bags that make blankets unnecessary.
36.Music Appreciation【音樂欣賞】
What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed. This was not to learn how to play a specific instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. We read the stories about the lives of many composers and the history of the musical instruments themselves. Sometimes we listened to tapes at the language laboratory, or concerts. Music is sometimes called a universal language. A composer who cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, exaltation and despair, peace and mystery through his music.
Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind(歌唱帶來歡樂)
Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life.
37. On Safety【談安全】
Accidents are today's most frequent killers so far as children are concerned. And accidents cripple a great many children that are not killed. Accidents occur to children in all sorts of places at home, on the street, at school, on public playgrounds, at places to swim, and on camping trips. There are now many more chances for accidents than there used to be. Automobiles, power tools, electric wiring, and easy ways of starting fire have brought new dangers. Most accidents are caused by carelessness. A great deal of effort has been done to make work in mills and factories safer. Safety is everyone's business.
The Traffic in Taiwan(台灣的交通)
The traffic in Taiwan has been in great disorder in recent years. As we can see, the increasing number of automobiles jam the streets and the exhaust fumes they give off choke drivers and pedestrians. During the rush hour, streets turn into a battlefield and motorcyclists, drivers and pedestrians are all drawn into this "bloody" war without exception. No wonder Taiwan has been rated in many international magazines among the least places in the world.
To improve the traffic condition, we must carry out the following points thoroughly. To begin with, the government and the authorities concerned should set up strict laws to punish those who violate the laws and make sure to enforce them firmly. Second, people should be educated to be law-abiding, since it's one of their obligations as citizens. Thus, the traffic in Taiwan can only be made better. Traffic safety is everybody's business and we should do our best to make the roads in Taiwan cleaner, safer, and speedier!
Traffic Safety(交通安全)
Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving, and could be avoided. A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules. They drive regardless of speed limits, run through red lights, drive in the wrong direction, talk and laugh while driving, and turn as they wish without giving signals. They don't slow down while approaching crossroads. So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.
39. Water pollution【水源污染】
Water is used in homes, in farming, and in manufacturing. The water used by the people comes from oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. Many water sources are becoming polluted. People are throwing things into the water. Factories are dumping waste materials into the water. Cities are dumping sewage into the water. Some water sources have become so badly polluted that the water cannot be made fit to use. Would you like to drink water that came from a source that had been so badly mistreated? Now is the time that we should take up our responsibility to protect our environment from being polluted.
(B) Mr. Chang Is The Best Teacher That I Have Ever Had 【張老師是我一生中最好的教師】(共四篇)
(1)Mr. Chang is the best teacher that I have ever had. He was our English teacher. He taught us only for a year, but in that year I learned more than I ever had before. I had never thought English interesting. In fact, I had always hated it. Mr. Chang made us read any reading material available in English. Because he was willing to incorporate materials more interesting than the textbooks for the English class, I was able to get over my aversion for English. Although I am not good at English yet, I enjoy studying it.
(2)Mr. Chang was a white-haired, kind, old man. He was my English teacher when I was in middle school. He gave me love and care which I wasn't able to receive from my parents. In fact, he treated me like his own daughter. Besides, he gave me extra classes every summer. He cultivated my interest in English and encouraged me to study it hard. He is the best teacher that I have ever had. Now he is living a retired life in Hualien. Yet, his love is always with me.
(3)Mr. Chang, my English teacher, is the best teacher that I have ever had. He is an American of German ancestry. I am learning English from him. At first I thought it must be very difficult to learn English. After a few classed with Mr. Chang, I found that learning English was a lot of fun. Mr. Chang keeps telling our class, "If you want to learn English well, you must write, read and speak it every day." We take his advice and find it very useful. He also recommends to us a lot of interesting outside readings which greatly increase our interest in English. Besides, he always wears a smile and never gets angry in class. He is a real good teacher.
(4)Mr. Chang was my junior high mathematics teacher. He had great patience and a loving heart. Every time we did not understand what he said, he would repeat it for us. Never did he get impatient. We all loved him. One time, one of my classmates was sick and had to be treated in hospital. His family was too poor to pay the hospital bill. Our class raised money to help him. Yet the sum raised was not enough to cover the expenses. As soon as Mr. Chang heard about that, he offered to make it up. We admired him for his kindness and generosity. He is the best teacher I have ever had.
(C) My Biggest Problem in High School【我在中學時的最大難題】(共三篇)
(1)The first year I was in high school commutation was my biggest problem. I lived at a relative's at a suburb of Taipei, yet my school was in the city. Every morning I got up early to get prepared to go to school. Then I walked to a local bus stop. It took me about thirty minutes. There I took a private-owned bus. Once in the city I transferred to the city transit. By the time I arrived at school, the first class had already begun. In winter, it was still dark, I was always afraid and felt lonely. The travel back home in the evening was as great a challenge. The following year I rented a room near school with one of my classmates, and put an end to the daily ordeal.
(2)My biggest problem in high school is that I can not swim. In fact, I can not even float. Every time I get into the water, I lose control of my limbs and sink straight to the bottom of the pond. Unfortunately, swimming is a required course in my school. It seems that everybody except me in the school takes a great deal to swimming classed. In a class, I can do nothing but sit on the edge of the pool, dip my legs into the water, and get bored. How I envy those who dare to take a plunge into the water and are able to swim back and forth with ease.
(3)My biggest problem in high school is that I don't have any friends. You may think that it is my own fault. You are partly right. I am very shy and sensitive. Nevertheless, I do realize that without friends one won't be happy, especially in school. Also I have tried my best to make friends by being nice to my schoolmates. You probably think that my efforts have borne fruit. You are mistaken. I am still as lonely as a ghost.
(D) If I Were........【如果我是‧‧‧】(共三篇)
(1)If I were a wizard, I would marry a witch. Surely she must have a broomstick as every witch does. It would give her good looks and enable her to travel to wherever she had a heart to. In fact, with the broomstick she could do almost anything. What a capable wife she would make me! Nevertheless, as my wife, she must obey me. I would tell her to cook, sweep and deliver messages for me. In short, with such a witch as wife, I would live as comfortably as a king. If I were a wizard, I would be able to get 600 points in the Joint College Entrance Examination. Just image, 600 points! An ordinary human being could never achieve that. My schoolmates would regard me as a genius. Reporters would crowd about me, inquiring how did I do it. With a smile I would answer, "Nothing special!"
(2)If I were a scientist, I would work for the welfare of mankind. First, I would devise something to defend human beings against nuclear weapons, for such weapons threaten to wipe out life on earth. Then I would work for the improvement of the quality of human existence. For instance, I would build robots to serve mankind. In short, if I were a scientist, I would put my knowledge and skill to good use to help bring about peace and prosperity.
(3)If I were a college student, I would study much harder than I did in high school. As you know, under the present educational system, a high school student, if he desires to go to college, has to study very hard to pass the college entrance examination. Once they enter college, most students become relaxed and do nothing better than have a good time. As it is, the government is wasting money on our higher education. If I were a college student, I would make the best of my opportunity to increase knowledge so that when I finish college I would be able to serve my people and my country.
(E) A Visit To ......【一趟旅程去‧‧‧】(共三篇)
(1)One of our classmates came across a small orphanage by chance; she told us what she saw and, interested, we planned to pay it a visit. On a fine Sunday morning, we set off for the orphanage with some cakes and children's books. When we arrived at the orphanage, we saw many children playing happily. Apparently, they were too small to be distressed by the misfortune that had befallen them. We tried to make friends with them by joining in their games. In a little while we became good friends and enjoyed a marvelous time together. If people are willing to show a little kindness, I am sure the world will be a much nicer place to live in.
(2)I had been planning to visit Taipei for a long time. Last summer I finally got the opportunity to see Taipei--I was there for a whole week. It was quite a surprise to find so many cars jamming the streets. And skyscrapers towering on either side of the street turned it into a canyon. People in Taipei seemed to be constantly racing against time. Everything there seemed to move faster. During my stay in Taipei, I had the impression that it was a fast-growing city, that it became more and more sophisticated with each passing day.
(3)Some days ago I paid a visit to my best friend, a middle school classmate whom I hadn't seen for a long time. Since this get-together did not happen every day, we had a long and hearty chat about everything; not only things in our daily life, but also what had happened in the world. My friend's mother died when she was fourteen. As she was the oldest child in the family, she had to take up the responsibilities her mother left behind. This cost her the opportunity for further education. In comparison with her, I am lucky and fortunate. I certainly must work hard so as not to despoil my good fortune.
(F) Advertisements(廣告)
Advertisements can be seen everywhere in modern society. They appear on the TV screen. They occupy a conspicuous place in newspapers and magazines. They are displayed or painted on walls and even on buses. Indeed, it is difficult nowadays to find a public place without advertisements.
It is true that in economic activities advertisements play an important role. They tell people about new products and help promote sales. Unfortunately some of the advertisements are not true. They cheat consumers one way or another. So, admitting that advertisements can help us, we should also beware of them from time to time.
(G) No Secondhand Smoke(拒抽二手煙)
It is very uncomfortable to inhale the smoke of a cigarette smoker. I know this for a fact, since my father smokes a lot. When we are together in a a room, the smoke he exhales fills my lungs and also makes my eyes water.
If possible, smoking in public should be banned altogether, because it is unfair for non-smokers to go through the ordeal of breathing smoke-filled air. so it is very inconsiderate of people to smoke in front of others. In airplanes, people who smoke are separated from passengers who don't. For the sake of everybody's health, I think this should be done in other public places too.
(H) Nickname(綽號)
My nickname is Snoopy. It was given to me by my classmates. My English name is Ruby and due to my busy schedule. I was often arriving a few minutes late for school and appointments. People usually blamed me for my lateness and called me 死 Ruby, a common use of 死 in Chinese describing someone who does things wrong. The pronunciation of 死 Ruby sounded very close to "Snoopy", the cartoon dog, so the nickname soon became popular.
(I) Friends(朋友)
People judge us by the company we keep. Therefore, we must be very careful about who we choose for friends. We must not be too hasty in making friends. Friendships made quickly are usually broken off just as quickly. True friendships need time to mature.
A good friend stays with you in good times and bad. Some people are quick to join you for fun, but then avoid you if you're in trouble. A true friend does not. Of course, to have good friends you must first be a good and sincere friend to others.
(J) 面對困難(說明你面對困難的態度)
Whenever I am in trouble, I never feel discouraged. It is my creed that he who shrinks when he has any trouble is a coward.
Once I am confronted with any difficulty, I may try every means possible to get over it. If I can't find out any proper means at the moment, I will leave it alone for a period of time. Next time when I think it over, I will find the problem easier to solve. Keep calm and consult others, and I will not be bothered by any trouble.
(K) The Man I Respect Most(我最尊敬的人)
My father is the man I respect most. Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration. Once I broke a neighbor's window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately. When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened.
I could only tell him the truth. Rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor. I learned from this episode that not only does Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens. How lucky I am to have such a good father!
(L) On a Crowded Bus(擠公車)
I am a senior high student who has to commute from home to school every day. It is always an ordeal for me to try to get on a crowded bus. I am often squeezed so hard that I can't breathe.
Once I felt someone pushing me very hard, and then he touched my rear. I couldn't turn around to see who did it because I was sandwiched between two tall men. I was so angry that when the bus arrived at my school, I clenched my fists and elbowed my way through the crowd and got off. Then, to my dismay, I found that my purse had been stolen from my school bag.
N. Keeping Pleasant(保持愉快)
In these grim times, weighed down with tension and pressure from the realities of life, many people have lost their sense of humor. They tend to keep a straight face all day long and fail to keep life in perspective. They forget how to smile and finally become physical and mental wrecks. They regard life as a burden, and tend to look on the dark side of things.
Well goes a saying, "Laugh, and grow fat." Laughter releases tension, and smiling helps create a pleasant social atmosphere. And, thus, in a way, a sense of humor is an elixir that helps cure mental diseases. Some patients even improve their physical and mental health by reading humorous stories or watching funny movies. This proves that a sense of humor helps us look at the world in a true and healthy light and makes our life worth living.
P. Ban on Smoking(禁止抽煙)
Smoking has proved to be closely linked to many of the most fatal diseases such as cancer, heart problems, and lung diseases. Doctors also warn us of nicotine, tar, and many other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. We are even informed that cigarette smoking may gravely jeopardize not only the smokers, but also the non-smokers. Statistics show that smoking takes the lives of millions of people in the world every year. All these lead us to believe that smoking does kill. Through educating himself and strengthening his own will power, every individual should resist the temptation of cigarettes. Society as a whole ought to enhance health awareness. Health institutions are supposed to shoulder the responsibility of informing the public of the above-mentioned facts. It's time for all governments in the world to seriously consider alternatives to the tobacco industry as a profit-making undertaking. After all, health, the most solid essence of life, must always be given top priority.
Q. Home ~~~A Joy Forever( 家~永恆的喜悦 )
Home means a lot to me. “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.” I appreciate the warmth of my home, and regard it as one of the brightest and dearest spots on earth. It is the place where I can take refuge whenever I meet with difficulties, failures and even frustrations in my daily life. At home, my dear parents and brothers and sisters will comfort me and cheer me up. And with their concern and encouragement, I will regain my self-confidence and muster up all my strength and courage to face the stern realities of life. To me, home is forever a joy where I can always find love, understanding, care and help.
R. Learn Constantly (不斷學習)
Learning intelligibly is one of the characteristics that distinguish humans from other animals. In other words, learning spontaneously is one of man's unique traits. Throughout the history, human have even learned acculturation, handing down their cultural heritages from generation to generation. Therefore, we can conclude that all forms of learning, inclusive of the acquisition of skill, the shaping of views, the absorption of knowledge, take a very essential part in the course of human civilization.
Once learning stops, vegetation arises. To each of us, the process of learning may be full of frustrations and boredom, yet the fruit is often sweet and satisfactory. In terms of learning, I am convinced that it's better late than never. In this knowledge explosion era, in particular, no one should withstand the trend and concept of "lifelong learning." The more efforts we make to learn, the more we can keep life, nature and the universe in perspective. Learning is the surest way to eternal joy.
S. A Description of My Hometown (家鄉素描)
Wherever I am, I find it hard to resist the tempting call of my hometown. Situated at the north-western tip of Xin-zhu County, bordering Tao-yuan County with a small winding stream is my old hometown, the humble and bleak fishing and farming village. The residents there used to make their living by fishing in their boats on the nearest waters of the Taiwan Strait. Later, those boats were heavily outrun by modern ships. Since then, life has never been easy for the villagers, as they have to live off the tiny pieces of land. I often feel that they are peasants rather than farmers. The village is famed for its windy weather, bad for farming but good for the strengthening of character. I can still recall how those salty winds howled all the way through my childhood. But as I now look back upon those tough days and drab rural lives, I feel blessed; I seem to have gone through the ordeal and am capable of facing any hardships. As I am growing older, in my heart, my hometown has become the symbol of the deepest nostalgia and stood for an everlasting affection. I, in turn, can always seek solace through visualizing my lovely hometown.
T. Making Decision (做決定)
Growing up means making my own decisions. When I was little, I left every tough decision for my parents or elder brothers and sisters. With time going by, I came to realize that they could not always stand by me; I had to learn to be completely on my own. Then I took every chance to exercise my wit and judgement. I have both succeeded and failed, but I now learn that it calls for experience, wisdom, and sometimes even courage to make a major decision.
The hardest decision that I ever make was to visit America, joining the homestay program two years ago. I was stuck in a dilemma. My family was so deep in debts at that time that I felt reluctant even to bring up the matter with my parents. While my family's financial difficulties perplexed my, my enthusiasm for study encouraged me to go right ahead. At last I revealed my intention to my parents. They were more than ready to finance the trip, which cost them only a little less than NT$100,000. I was moved as well as regretful, wondering how I could ever pay them back. As I look back now, I feel it worthwhile; my interest in English was further spurred and could never be frustrated.
U. An Outlook on My Future (展望我的未來)
I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth. If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now. To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a highly competitive society in which everyone is eager to come out on top. That is not only a competition of physical strength and mental power, but a marathon of patience, faith, and perseverance. Life is not all roses, but with what I am being equipped with by the top teachers in this elite school, I surely deserve a promising prospect.
V. My Secret Worry (我的隱憂)
While fear of death is universal, my worry about death is so overwhelming that there is not a moment passing without my thinking of it. I never bring this up with any other, just because no one will ever realize the seriousness of this problem. I know it very clearly that as long as there is life, there will be death. In addition, though I am still so far away from death, I have been plagued by the thought of it for years. Fortunately, the root of my fear of death lies in my overzealous love for life. I am too timid to think of the end of life, when every worldly affair should be thrown away. How can I carry on without friendship, affection, and joy of being alive? I really hate to leave all these behind. To ease my worry about death, I should make the fullest use of this life I now possess. Concentration on this life can at least temporally make me forget about death. As a matter of fact, I really don't need to worry so much about death, for I already have too much to worry about this life.
X. A Phone Call(一通電話)
I was tired with preparing for the Joint College Entrance Examination the other evening. And having been alone for several hours, I was eager to have someone to chat with me about anything but examinations. So I telephoned my best friend Mary, who was also busy preparing for the joint entrance examination.
On the telephone, I told her that I missed her very much. And I invited her to have a cup of coffee with me in a coffeehouse near her home. But to my surprise, she declined and said that she had to devote all her time to her studies. Hearing this, I could do nothing but hang up after saying “Sorry” to her. Disappointed and discouraged, I turned back to my desk and reluctantly buried myself again in my books.