第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
一、 研究動機
(一) 大多數的教學者沒有受過正式的寫作教學課程實務在職訓練。
(二) 大多數的教學者對寫作評量的方式和態度等概念不夠清楚。
(三) 大多數的教學者對寫作教學的信念不夠。
(四) 寫作教學需要大量批閱時間,一般教師視為畏途。
二、 研究目的
(一) 依據建構取向教學觀之原則和理念,以遠東版高中英文作 文之各單元內容為主要參考教材,輔以其他與作文相關的教學資源,例如:報章、雜誌、網路資源等,實際編寫教案,設計教學活動及作業單和實施教學。
(二) 瞭解研究者所設計、實施之建構式取向的作文教學活動是否 確能提高學生英語文的寫作表達能力和學習態度,觀察學生的學習進展並建立學生的個人學習檔案,和分析錯誤類型,做為參考。
(三) 以建構取向的英文寫作課程設計,建立學生寫作體例的概念, 以情境引導學生表達自我的想法和對事物的觀察,著重學習的過程,啟發學生寫作的表達能力以增進其寫作實力。
第二節 研究方法與研究過程
一、 研究方法
(二) 閱讀相關參考資料。
以遠東版高中英文作文之各單元內容為教材, 輔以其他與作文相關的教學資源,例如:報章、雜誌、網路資源等,並據以編寫教案,設計教學活動及作業。教學重點:段落之結構、主題句之特性與位置、完整論述之要件、段落論述之統一性、一致性與連貫性、結語之特性及各種引導式段落寫作之要領。
(二) 八十九學年度下學期第二次段考至學期末(90.5.8-90.6.24):
以遠東版高中英文作文之各單元內容為教材, 輔以其他與作文相關的教學資源,例如:報章、雜誌、網路資源等,並據以編寫教案、 設計教學活動及作業。教學重點:文章之結構、主旨句之特性與位置、完整文章論述之要件、文章結論之特性、文章寫作構思之步驟、腦力激盪、大綱寫作、草稿與修飾、各種論述類型。
(三)九十年暑假期間 (90.7.1-90.8.31):
(四)九十學年度開學至第一次段考結束 (90.9.1-90.11.17):
以遠東版高中英文作文之各單元內容為教材,輔以其他與作文相關的教學資源:報章、雜誌、網路資源等,並據以編寫教案, 設計教學活動及作業。教學重點以自由寫作為主,包括描寫文、敘述文、應用文的特性與表達方式,並練習自由寫作。
(五) 九十學年度第一次段考後至第二次段考(90.11.21-90.11.28):
第三節 研究限制與待答問題
一 、研究限制
(一) 因僅以本計畫主持人所任教之一個班級為對象,研究目的亦僅在於了解學生在英語文寫作上遭遇的瓶頸,試圖以建構式取向的教學模式,探討並引領學習者習得如何以英文適切地敘述事物、表達意見,由於缺乏實驗組和對照組的觀察,因此,研究結果雖具參考價值,若欲據以推論其在不同學校與不同程度學生之教學應用,尚需進ㄧ步探究。
(二) 主持人本身即擔任研究對象之教師,因此可能會有個人過度詮釋研究結果之誤;此外,雖基於平時師生關係良好,但可能仍有學生不敢對研究者(教學者)坦率表達之情形。
二 、待答問題
1. 對於課程中的英文寫作教學方法意見分歧。
2. 英文寫作應該涵蓋那些內容?
3. 老師和學生在英文寫作課的活動中各扮演何種角色?
4. 英文寫作的課程設計與未來大學多元入學和全民英檢語言表達能力測驗如何相輔相成?
5. 哪一種評量方式較為合宜,成果取向或過程取向?
6. 高中寫作課程應從何時開始?
1. 建構取向的教學方式頗符合高中大班教學模式。
2. 英文寫作應該先涵蓋段落之結構、主題句之特性與位置、完整論述之要件、段落論述之統一性、一致性與連貫性、結語之特性及各種引導式段落寫作之要領以,之後則導入文章之結構、主旨句之特性與位置、完整文章論述之要件、文章結論之特性、文章寫作構思之步驟、腦力激盪、大綱寫作、草稿與修飾、和各種論述類型。
3. 教學者是教學活動中的仲介者、促進者、顧問以及教練,英文作文的教學者必須扮演啟發者的角色,藉著生動、實用、互動式的教學模式, 透過任務式的活動幫助學習者構思啟發靈感,將知識性與趣味性的語料,自自然然地將寫作的技巧和表達的方式灌輸到學生的心靈中。合作學習在大班制的寫作課程上的運用可以透過分組活動、小組討論、配對活動,學習者輪流扮演作者、讀者的角色,幫助學習者主動地發覺寫作的思路歷程,探討文句是否適切表達己意。透過同儕的評量,修正自己的見解和概念及完成作品。這樣的學習模式令學生主動參與承擔一些學習的責任。
4. 針對全民英檢與大學入學考試中心的英語寫作能力表達測驗的評量標準,在教學的過程中研究者批改文章時注重整體性的問題,認為整體內容的適切修正為寫作評量的重心,其次才是細節部份,例如錯字、標點。
5. 評量的模式應以過程取向評量為主,兼具少許的成果性評量,以補救形成性評量的一些主觀的因素。學習是指學習者經由教學、練習或經驗後,致使其行為產生較為持久改變的歷程或結果。不僅要重視學習者行為改變的結果,也重視學習中行為改變的歷程。
6. 寫作的訓練宜早不宜遲,宜以自然的形式學習,持續不斷。
1. 如何應用寫作課程更有效地增強學生語法的概念?
2. 各校如何確實的落實寫作課程?
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 認知學派學習理論
一、 皮亞傑認知建構論 (Piagetian Constructivism)
皮亞傑的學習取向是採取預備狀態的取向。他強調知識的發展必須達到一定程度的成熟,具備發展的先決條件下,學習才有可能 (Brainered, 1978 )。
二、 維高斯基社會建構論 (Social constructivism)
(一) 提供學習者近攝發展區的活動與協助學習者發展其能力。
(二) 在課程的學習活動中,由具備專業能力者、教師或者能力較佳的同儕予以示範,並於適當時機中給予適時的協助。
(三) 所有課程的學習活動必須安排在真實的社會情境中。
理論名稱 認知建構論 社會建構論
代表人物 皮亞傑 維高斯基
發展動力 生物適應、主動建構 社會文化取向
有無階段 強調階段 不強調階段
自我中心語言的看法 思考限制的表現 有積極的功能
第二節 英文寫作的四大教學法
自1960年至今,美國國內英語為第二語言寫作教學的學者及教師先後提供了四種不同的教學法:(一)控制寫作教學法、(二)對比修辭教學法、(三)內容導向教學法。(四)過程寫作教學法。以下僅就前三項探討,過程寫作教學法則另於第三節中詳加敘述 (英語教學,馮和平)。
(一)控制寫作教學法 (Controlled Composition)
筆。Bloomfield 採用行為學派(Behaviorism)語言學習的觀點,
(reinforcement)而習得。當時研究寫作的專家強調,自由寫作(free writing)無法有系統的教導學生寫作,除非學生有能力造出各種形式的句子,否則寫作老師不應該任由學生寫作。在此前提下,課程裡的教學生是由老師選出一段範文之後,學生做一連串的代換練習,每一次的代換練習只要運用一個文法的規則即可。舉例來說,老師先要學生把文章中所有的動詞改成過去式,或是把主動式改成被動式。控制寫作的各種寫作活動不需要學生獨立思考,他們只要套用一些文法的規則把句子加以變化即可,批改時老師只改正學生句型變化所犯的文法錯誤、在內容及遣詞用字上不做任何評論與批改。這種教學法只要求學生做一些機械式的文法代換練習,並沒有提供學生任何機會做真正的溝通與表達。老師也從來不教學生獨立思考以及自我表達的能力,忽略了寫作的複雜性(Zamel, 1982)。
(二)對比修辭教學法(Contrastive Rhetoric Approach)
阿拉伯語系的學生則喜歡用平行句的結構,而以英文為母語的學生則是以直線的思考方式來發展文章的段落。既然每一種語言文化都有獨特的章法結構與思維模式,教ESL寫作就應該教學生直線式的段落結構。基於這種理念,教英文寫作的目的就是要教導學生了解並使用符合英文寫作的整體篇章結構。Kaplan 與Grade 合作修正了早期的理論。他們指出對章法結構的了解是經由學校的教導學習而成的,並非生而有之,對比修辭教學法強調文章整體結構的形式,在課堂上老師教學的程序通常是把精選出來的各類文體的範文呈現給學生,訓練學生先從分析整體文章的開始、主體及結論並找出各段落中的主題句、支持句及結論句。等學生能內化篇章結構的組成部份後再依範文的結構寫大綱,最後依照一篇大綱寫成文章(Silva, 1990, p.4)。這種教學模式違背了一般實際寫作的過程。在一般寫作的過程中,作者是先有一些想法再去思考文字、語法及章法結構,來表現他的思想。而對比修辭教學法卻是讓學生先學習章法結構,不注重思想意義的發展,學生的作品有如套公式寫出來的東西千篇一律缺乏創意。
(三)內容導向法(Content-based Approach)
在1970及1980年代,英國有兩位語言學家Halliday (1970) 和Widdowson(1980)認為語言有多種功能。其中最重要的是溝通功能(communicative function)和知性功能(conceptual function)。英文寫作的目的在於學習新知及形成新觀念,寫作老師教學的重點為訓練學生養成寫作論文的各種研究技巧—閱讀、蒐集資料及分析資料。除此之外,老師會引導學生閱讀文章並由學生主動的比較同異之處,並歸納出文體的特色而非學生被動的接納老師已經歸納出來的結果。Horowitz(1986)、Reid(1989)及Shih(1986)建議用一種三階段式教學模式。此三階段教學模式為預備寫作(prewriting)、寫作(writing)、及修改(revising)。老師的回饋應針對學生的創意思考及對閱讀內容的了解,學生的文法錯誤不應列為主要的考量,內容的精確性要比文法的正確更為重要。內容導向教學法的寫作教學強調訓練學生的讀書技巧及內容建構寫作策略,這些技巧頗能幫助國際學生,但對於已移居英語系國家的學生而言,他們的寫作需求及目的則不僅於此。
第三節 過程寫作的理論背景
有關作文歷程的分析,Humes (1983) 發現:自1965年以來各家的看法略有不同,有的是採取兩個階段:勾繪心中的意念和將意念轉化成語言,有的是採三個階段:寫作前、寫作、修改,更有的是四個階段:概念化、計劃、寫作、編改(陳英豪等,民77)。以下就幾位名家的看法分述如下:
(一) Rohman (1995) 提出寫作的三個階段
1. 蘊釀期:即寫作前意念的產生和計劃。
2. 寫作期:將概念組成文稿。
3. 重寫期:把寫好的文稿修改或改寫。
(二) Anderson (1985) 對寫作階段的劃分方式
1. 概念產生期:寫作者決定想說些什麼。
2. 實際寫作期:把概念轉成抽象文字,並以適當的語意文法將之書寫成文稿。
3. 重寫期:把初稿加以潤飾或修訂。
(三) Larsen (1987) 認為寫作階段有三:
1. 蘊釀期:選擇主題、搜集有關的訊息、提出綱要、確認讀者對象、構思如何寫作、寫些什麼。
2. 寫作期:將意念、想法表達出來。此階段寫寫停停,思考斟酌文句。
3. 寫作後期:將寫好的初稿再加以編輯修改,在內容上考量是否切題、段落連接起承轉合、文法型式上的拼字、句型和標點等加以考量修改。
從以上Rohman、Anderson、Larsen三位學者對寫作階段的看法,不難看出他們都較偏重寫作的先後順序上,較少提及寫作歷程的交互關係。因此,Flower和她的同事認知心理學家Hayes倡導用原案分析(protocal analysis)的方法來探討寫作。Hayes & Flower (1986) 以及Moore, et al. (1986) 也將寫作歷程歸納成三個主要階段:
(一) 計劃階段 (planning)
1. 設定目標
2. 產生靈感
3. 組織想法
(二) 轉譯階段 (translating)
1. 擬定目標
2. 擬定計劃
3. 構思內容
4. 完成文章內容及用字遣詞、文法規則和作文規範
(三) 修飾:檢查與修改 (reviewing)
此過程在整個作文技巧中扮演著非常重要的角色, 其目的在於隨時檢查寫出來的文稿是否切合原先的目標並將不滿意的地方加以修改。修改寫作就像是監督閱讀理解程度一樣,是一種逐漸發展的能力( Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1983)。
這些學者認為寫作並不是按照直線順序去進行,而是三種活動隨時來回穿梭交替,在寫作當中,有許多細節可能是在邊寫邊想中進行的,而非事先就能佈局和考慮周詳的,又修改可發生於任何階段,有的是文稿完成後立即修正,有的是在寫作進行中邊改邊寫,另外有的則是初稿完成後才加以修改,也就是說,他們強調寫作的過程是反覆的,而非單一直線的發展 (張新仁,民78)。
另外Hayes & Flower的研究亦顯示擅長寫作者在偵測文章錯誤的能力優於不擅長寫作者。由於修改的工作是以讀者的需求為中心, 因此專業的作家在從事修改時都有賴於讀者的回饋以增進文章的易解度。在一項增進作者對讀者觀察之敏感訓練研究中,研究者首先讓受試者閱讀有缺失的文章並預測讀者在閱讀該文時可能會遭遇的困難, 然後再讓讀者嘗試理解該文時大聲說出思序內容,最後依據讀者感到困難處來修改及預測。同時,他們發現寫作專家在修改文章時比較注重整體性的問題而新手則較注重細節性的問題,例如:錯字和標點。由此看來,整體內容的適切修正才是寫作的重心。
過程寫作教學法鼓勵用自我經驗做為寫作的題材,學生可以選擇自己想要書寫的主題 (Raimes, 1991)。這些主題與他們的生活相關,因此增強了他們寫作的動機。除此之外,過程寫作教學法所營造的寫作情境工作法—學生通常分成小組,寫作活動在小組裡面進行,此種模式也提供了學生現成的讀者,這種寫作方式是真實的溝通行為而不是機械式的句型練習或章法結構練習。過程寫作強調內容決定形式,好的作品就是寫出內心最關鍵的問題,其次,過程寫作教學法把重點放在意義的探討,這也大幅降低學生挫折感。L2的學生因為語言的限制難免犯錯,如果老師過於注重文法上的錯誤,而忽略寫作是一種溝通行為,會使學生心生畏懼及焦慮。但也由於這種教學法忽略了學生必須在學校從事其他文體的寫作,而不教導學生各種文體的不同表達型式,往往使得L2學生在求學過程中失去競爭力。
與其他教學法相較,過程寫作教學法重視學生個人的心理需求。如果教學者能夠多注重多元化文體的教學並適當兼顧語法、句法及篇章結構的練習,過程寫作教學法對 L2的學生來說,是蠻符合認知學習理論的。
第四節 建構論於寫作教學之意涵
一、 寫作教學者的角色
對於教學者而言,教學也是一個學習歷程(Driver et al.,1994)。教學者是教學活動中的仲介者、促進者、顧問以及教練 (Gergen, 1995)。因此,英文作文的教學者必須扮演啟發者的角色,藉著生動、實用、互動式的教學模式,透過任務式的活動幫助學習者構思和啟發靈感,將知識性與趣味性的語料,自自然然地將寫作的技巧和表達的方式灌輸到學生的心靈中。如此一來,學習者既可以透過口語的表達、耳朵的聆聽、眼睛的閱讀,最後寫出通情達意的文章。也就是說,教師的角色是先促進學生間的互動,其次再是促進學生、活動、教材三者間的互動。在教學過程中,教師擔任監督者,促使學生利用語言去提供並獲取資訊;但是由主控教學的角色,調整到以學生為中心的輔導角色,是個分析學生需要、提供語言練習情境和機會、回答難題、提供回饋的諮商對象,必要時才介入學生的溝通過程,以增加學習效果(石素錦,民81)。學生會因良好學習表現而進一步引發學習動機、改變學習態度。學生的角色則由被動接收語言資訊的的角色,轉變為主動、積極參與學習。
一言以蔽之,教學者的角色並不在於傳遞知識,而是提供學生建構知識的機會及動機 (von Glaserfeld, 1996)。基於學習者的概念世界與教學者的不同,教學者的挑戰在於建立學習者概念世界的假設性模式,以幫助學習者建構其知識認知的過程 (von Glasersfeld, 1996)。
二、 英文寫作學習者的特質和學習策略:
知識信念是指學習者對於學習以及對知識結構的信念 (Jacobson & Spiro, 1995),這種信念在解決問題的情境中是掌控者,決定了學習者在學習與解決問題時所要採取的認知資源之種類。偏好簡化的教學方式以及背誦特定知識模式之學習者,知識信念較為簡單,因此,這一類型的學習者較不能適應非線性、多面向的學習環境。相反地,如果學習者的認知信念較為複雜,則較能以不同的觀點在複雜的學習環境中學習,他們通常在學習活動中扮演較為積極主動的角色, 所以能夠成功地在開放、複雜、結構鬆散的環境中學習(Jacobson & Spiro, 1995; Jacobson et al., 1995)。
Hill & Hannafin (1997) 指出,一個成功的學習者需要對於個人認知的過程有所自覺,要有豐富的系統和主題知識以及高遠的自我效能, 才不致於迷失方向。
三、 英文寫作課程的教學情境:社會互動的寫作教學與學習觀
情境可以說是教學建構論的重點。(Brown, 1989) 認為,知識產生是透過人與環境的交互作用,因此,知識是無法與它所存在的實際生活情境割離。建構論者認為情境的豐富與否會影響學習的成效,例如皮亞傑認為文化對於學習有促進的作用,所以提供相關豐富的文化環境,有助於知識的發展。而維高斯基的近攝發展區的概念指出情境不僅是在社會的脈絡之下, 更重要的是情境所提供的任務式的活動作業 (task),必須是在學習者的近攝發展區之內,否則學習就無法產生。
在建構知識的過程中,建構取向的教學活動強調的是其內容及脈絡的重要性 (Cunningham et al., 1993) 。一個良好的教學情境應該提供社會互動及社會支持, 學習者可以適時地與教學者或其他學習者交換觀點,並在遭遇學習困難之際得到適當的協助, 在溝通互動中建構知識。
Group Dynamics Approach (團體練習法) 在大班教學中的確是相當有效的教學方式。教學者可將全班學生分為數個小組 (五、六人一組), 讓他們藉特定的內容討論某一個主題,或由教學者提供有關主題的幾個核心問題,同學們在自己的組裡踴躍發言,各自想出一些點子或陳述一己之想法,教學者可指定某一組員紀錄之後,學生們互相訂正;最後大家審視所寫的作品,推派小組代表一名上台口述,老師則予建議與鼓勵,這種在正式寫作前之暖身運動--腦力激盪,生動又令學生難忘 (李振清,民77)。
互動觀寫作模式的基本觀點和過程觀寫作模式的觀點頗有異曲同工之妙,都強調語言學習過程重於結果,不同之處是互動觀為學習當中,同儕與同儕間、學習者與教學者間、作者與讀者間,甚至學習者現在與過去思維模式間不斷的變化反思,互動觀的建構學習效果勝之甚多。Hudelson (1988) 以互動觀修改作品,結果證實互動確能產生正面的學習效果。
其次,Betty W. Robinett (1978) 在其Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 一書中,特別強調Receptive Skills (reading and listening) 與Productive Skills (writing and speaking)相輔相成的互動效果,學習者從閱讀中所學習的詞彙、片語、句型、體式,經由教學者多樣化的教學模式,使學生能將其應用於寫作中,他認為唯有經過內化後的實地寫作(合併句子和文章撰寫)和口語表達,學習者才能真正地吸收文字的內涵,而這也是Krashen(1983)及John Oller(1983)所說的整合互動式語言習得理論之基礎。其中,Krashen特別強調:透過閱讀與聆聽活動得來的語言訊息才能被學習者吸取儲存為英文寫作及口語溝通所需之材料。經過老師的教學、同學們的討論、思考、想像或者依照閱讀所提供的字句寫出合乎文法且語意通達的句子, 這才是英文作文教學的目標。反之, 死背文法規則和作文的體式,其實對英文寫作能力的提昇助益不大,在英文學科基本能力測驗中之寫作部份難以獲取高分,更遑論通過全民英檢及大考中心語文表達能力之測驗。
四、 建構取向英文寫作課程設計的特色
(一) 所用的語言具交互性、不可預測性、創造性,且有目的、是實際使用的語言。學習者有意義地使用真實性的語言來達到有效且適當的溝通。
(二) 教學關注的焦點在於學習者,正視學習者的需求與個別歧異,學習者在學習過程、學習目標和自我表達的關係中調和自我,也有機會進行自我評量。
(三) 鼓勵學習者積極參與以任務為主、內容為中心或目標導向的活動,例如討論、問題解決、聽故事、資料收集、小組作業等,使學習者參與真實情境中的言談,藉由真實的語言使用以架構寫作的方法。如果此項作業對學習者而言是相關的且有意義的,則學習最為有效。
(四) 給予學習者學習控制權。藉由學習者對於資訊的整理與分析,主動參與知識建構的過程去尋找解決問題的答案,而非依據某個教學系統,以固定的方式將資訊傳送給學習者。
(五) 教學不以教師為主導。教師的最主要角色為 (1)諮詢者:診斷學生的語言及溝通需要;(2)資訊提供者: 提供文法、資料蒐集、策略等知能;(3)輔導者:提供回饋;(4)監督者與經營者:安排學習環境、組織有效的認知建構活動。
(六) 使用多樣的真實性教材及彈性、開放的課程。
(七) 同時強調聽、說、讀與寫作能力之綜合應用能力。
(八) 書寫能力主要透過活動練習而習得,教學主張從「做中學」,因此教材編者與教師的任務即在於設計不同活動,增加學生接觸和使用英文的機會與樂趣。
(九) 從教材設計到教學技巧都以學生為中心。
(十) 依學生的特質、需求、興趣作為考量依據,活動的進行更是以學生為中心,學生是實際參與者,教師僅是輔助、催化的角色。
五、 建構取向英文寫作課程設計的評量模式
在評量上,建構論並不採主觀的知識論, 認為知識是獨立於個體。Jonassen (1992c) 認為建構論的評量應該是自由導向的評量。他提出了八項評量策略:
(一) 允許學習者依個人的程度選擇適當的真實作業。
(二) 評量學習者不同認知程度的知識建構結果。
(三) 評量應著重過程甚於結果。
(四) 評量應兼顧課程前後上下之內容脈絡,以及據以創作的教材。
(五) 評量的標準應依情境的不同而有所不同。
(六) 使用不同的觀點評量。
(七) 引用多位評量者。
(八) 使用論辨 (argumentation) 的溝通過程作為評量的方式。
六、 建構取向課程設計的使用時機
建構式教學常被認為具有高度的認知複雜度,學習者的認知負擔通常比一般直接教學來得重,所面對的衝突也較大(Perkins, 1992),因此被認為並不適合初學者,而建構論教學允許個人主觀的意義詮釋,與一般訓練要求某種特定學習成果的目的相左 Jonassen (1992c),所以Jonassen (1992d) 認為建構論的學習取向環境並不適用於所有的學習情境,他認為建構論的教學最適合於進階階段的學習者,因為此時學習者必須學習更複雜的高深知識以解決學習上的問題。而知識中有許多結構鬆散的知識內容,由於傳統的直接教學過度簡化知識的複雜度,對知識內容做不當的劃分,因此無法提供解決課程中所遇到的難題。
第五節 外語習得動機的相關模式
Gardner & Symthe (1981)指出,英文學習態度是對某物的喜欲,而導致希望英文學習有成就的內在動機或情感。一九五九年,Gardner & Lambert 發現第二語言(second language, L2)的學習成就不只與天資有關,更與學習動機有關;其後便引起了一連串有關此一主題的研究,如Clément, Gardner & Smythe (1980),Clément & Kruidenier (1985),Dörnyei (1990),Ely (1986),Gardner (1985),Gardner, Lalonde, Moorcroft & Evers (1987),Gardner & MacIntyre (1991),Kraemer (1993),Ramage (1990) 等。以下就幾個與動機有關的L2習得理論加以討論。
(一)Lambert的社會心理模式 (Social Psychology Model)
Lambert (1963a, 1963b, 1967, 1974) 的L2 社會心理模式,其中心主張為語言的區分是個人認同的一個基本成分,因此L2的獲得與自我認同有很大關係。
態度及導向 動 機 正向的雙語主義
精 熟 負向的雙語主義
天 資
圖一、Lambert的社會心理模式(Lambert, 1974: 97)
在這個模式中,態度及導向為影響學生學習L2動機水準的原因;態度指對其他社群為非本國民族中心趨向,導向指學習語言的各類理由。導向可分為兩類:統合的 (integrative) 及工具的 (instrumental)。語言學習的統合導向指個人對其他社群的文化及人民的真誠度及興趣;工具導向則是指學習新語言的實際價值及優點。既然統合導向對其他社群為非本國民族中心趨向,因此被視為與學習L2的動機有直接關係 (Gardner & Lambert, 1959)。不過,在某些情境之下,工具導向亦對增進語言習得有相當影響力。
(二)Gardner 的社會—教育模式 (Socio-Educational Model)
Gardner 在一九七四年首次提出此模式,其架構由四個部分組成:
1. 社會環境 (milieu)
2. 個別差異 (individual differences)
3. 語言獲得情境 (learning contexts)
4. 結果 (outcomes)
在第二個「個別差異」的範疇中,包括了智能 (intelligence)、天資(aptitude)、及動機 (motivation);而動機的構成要素即工具導向及統合導向。如前所述,統合導向是指個體對L2文化及生活方式的神往之情感投入,工具導向則是影響個體學習L2的功利因素。此兩個導向建構成動機(Schumann, 1975)。而此理論模式可用五大假設加以分析(Au, 1988):
1. 統合動機假設——統合動機與L2的成就呈正面相關。
2. 文化信念假設——在特殊環境中的文化信念會影響統合動機的發展和關聯L2的成就範圍。
3. 主動學習者假設——統合動機促使L2學習者達到較高的L2精,因為他們是主動的學習者。
4. 因果假設——統合動機是影響L2成就的因素。
5. 兩個過程的假設——語言天資與統合動機建構了兩個獨立的因素,影響L2的學習成就。
(三)Clément 的社會情境模式 (Social Context Model)
Clément (1980) 此模式的中心概念為動機,主要動機過程是由兩個相對的力量交互作用的結果:一是統合 (integrativeness),即有成為另一文化成員的慾望,另一是恐懼同化 (fear of assimilation),即擔心被同化而失去L1及其文化。如果這兩個力量的差距是正的,則主要動機過程反應在統合方面,學習L2的動機也就較高;相反地,若此兩個力量的差異是負的,則主要動機過程反應在恐懼同化上,學習L2的動機會較低落。
(四)Giles & Byrne 的群體間模式 (Intergroup Model)
Giles & Byrne (1982) 的L2獲得模式之深層中心概念源自於自我觀念 (self-concept),主要的動機力量來自肯定的自我意象 (self-image)。Giles & Ball (1984) 提出五個影響L2習得的主張:
1. 強烈視自己為群體成員認同中重要的一員;
2. 認為他們所屬群體的相對地位是可改變的;
3. 察覺他們群體間的民族語言認同性是充沛的;
4. 察覺各群體間的範疇是牢固的;
5. 很少接受其他群體。
(五)Schumann 的涵化模式 (Acculturation Model)
涵化 (acculturation) 指的是學習者對L2 族群的社會及心理統合。Schumann指出,學習者應把對L2的社會及心理層面的距離拉近,才能達到涵化;而學習者獲致的L2程度與他們被L2社群涵化的程度有關。而涵化有兩種,第一種涵化是指學習者對L2族群是社會性的統合,即會盡量接近L2人士以便能獲得L2,在心理層面也某種程度地開放吸收L2。第二種涵化兼有第一種涵化的特性,但學習者更進一步地在意識或非意識中認同L2人士的生活方式與價值。兩種涵化皆能獲致L2 (Schumann, 1978)。而在涵化過程中,包括了許多社會變項與情意變項:
1. 社會變項:社會支配型態 (social dominance patterns)、統合策略 (integration strategies)、圈地 (enclosure)、社群向心力與大小 (cohesiveness and size)、文化相似程度 (congruence or similarity)、態度 (attitude)、所欲居住時間 (intended length of residence)。
2. 情意變項:語言衝擊 (language shock)、文化衝擊 (culture shock)、動機 (motivation)、自我滲透 (ego-permeability)。
其中,情意變項中的動機分為統合性動機 (integrative) 與工具性動機 (instrumental);統合導向的學習者學語言是為了瞭解、發現L2的文化並與L2人士交流,而工具導向學習者則對與L2人士交流興趣缺缺,學習語言只是為了功利的目的,例如有助於升遷。可見學習態度在涵化中扮演重要功能,因為它能使學習者與L2接觸,在與L2人士的溝通中得到適當的輸入,而獲得L2的習得。
第六節 英文寫作教學與英語文寫作表達能力測驗
【一】 大學聯考作文評分
一、 請就問題(一)及(二)分別給整數分數,並請將分數分別記入學生答案卷評分欄第二、三格裡。如下所示(不須加總):
二、 文不對題者以零分計算。
三、 文法、用字、拼字等項之評分,應考慮正確用法與錯誤用法之比例, 酌情給分
四、 評分前,請先就所提供之抽樣及大學聯考會訂定之分項式評分指標試評後,再參考以下之評分範例作比較,以便全體閱卷委員之評分標準能趨一致。
五、 當您閱完數本後,可改用整體式評分方式。評分時,請參考以下所提供之整體式評分指標。
X 閱
二、 問題(一)成績
三、 問題(二)成績
等級 優~佳 可 差 劣
內容 切合題意,主題有意義,並有具體、完整的相關細節支持。
(2-1.5分) 大致切合題意,內容發展不甚完全或有部分離題的現象。
(1.5-1分) 只有部分句子切合題意,未能發展成有意義的主題。
(1-0.5分) 完全不切合題意或沒寫。
組織 邏輯連貫,起承轉合順暢,行文統一。
(2-1.5分) 有佈局,但要點安排不盡妥當,行文不甚流暢。
(1.5-1分) 題意分散各處,敘述未能連貫發展,行文不流暢。(1-0.5分) 全文沒有佈局,毫無組織可言。
文法 句子統一、有變化,修辭妥當文法無誤。
(2-1.5分) 句子變化少,偶有時態、數、一致性等錯誤,但不影響文意表達。
(1-0.5分) 有連接詞誤用,句子不完整或結構錯誤等現象,或錯誤影響文意表達。
(1-0.5分) 文法錯誤極多,嚴重影響文意表達。
遣詞 用字清新、精確、合乎習慣用法,拼字無誤。
(2-1.5分) 用字單調、重覆,偶有錯別字,但不影響文意之表達。
(1.5-1分) 用字不當,且拼字錯誤多,文意表達不明確。
(1-0.5分) 只寫出與命題情境有關的零碎字詞,字能表達完整的意思。
大小寫 構字、標點、大小寫均無錯誤。
(2-1.5分) 構字、標點、大小寫等有錯誤、但不影響文意之表達。 構字、標點、大小寫等錯誤甚多,違背基本的寫作體例。
一 優 9-10
二 佳 7-8
三 可 6
四 差 4-5
五 劣 0-3
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1.5
組織 2 2
文法 2 2
用字 2 1.5
拼字等 2 2
總分 10 9
(1) Entering college has been my great-dream ever since I was a primary school student. I have been longing to enter college for several reasons. First, I can gian much advanced knowledge in college, which isn’t available in senior high school. Second, I can take part in many extracurricular activities to learn how deal with others. Last but not least, I can broaden my horizons in college and that will enable me to stand a better chance to find a job after graduating from college. I’ll make the dream come true by all means.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1.5
組織 2 1.5
文法 2 1.5
用字 2 1.5
拼字等 2 2
總分 10 8
(2) I want to enter college because I want to learn what I really want to learn. In high school, we were generally forced to learn almost everything, including math, my never-ending nightmare. When I was a senior in high school, I felt sorry for having skipped so many classes. And yet I knew I enjoy learning. So I have decided to make every effort to enter college, learning Chinese literature, and I’ll never skip any class again.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1.5
組織 2 1
文法 2 1
用字 2 1
拼字等 2 1.5
總分 10 6
(3) At the present day, a college degree has become more and more important. If you want to find a well-paid job, you need a good college degree. I can’t change the society. So I change myself, entering a good college. On the other hand, there is nobody enter a college in my family. So I want to be the first one.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1
組織 2 1
文法 2 1
用字 2 1
拼字等 2 1
總分 10 5
(4) I want to learn more knowledge at college. I think it is a very good place for us to study the things that we may never see or we never notice. Many people say the period time at college is the happiest time in their life and it make me feel very excited to enter college, I really hope I can enter college, I really hope I can enter college to fell the filling about freedom.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 0
組織 2 0
文法 2 0
用字 2 0.5
拼字等 2 0.5
總分 10 1
(5) Enter college, can than me have many choose, for example, they are have many subject, club, and many different people, than me want to enter college to study. Hear people say, college life are very colorful, it give me some influence, there are usually have many activities, music, dance, singing, photo…etc. Besides, college have many different knowledge can than me study, because it can increase my knowledge, than me meet some thing can easy to solve. This is why am I want to enter college reason.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1.5
組織 2 2
文法 2 1
用字 2 1.5
拼字等 2 2
總分 10 9
(1) If I should fial to enter college, the only alternative for me would be to study abroad. By no means would I take the Joint College Entrance Examination again next year, for that way is really toygh. I believe I wouldn’t have the courage to try again. Studying abroad would allow me to escape all the unpleasant things in Taiwan. Though it might be hard to adapt to a new environment, I would still bewilling to give it a try. And of course I have hope that this tragedy won’t happen.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1.5
組織 2 1.5
文法 2 1
用字 2 1.5
拼字等 2 2
總分 10 8
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1
組織 2 1
文法 2 1
用字 2 1
拼字等 2 2
總分 10 6
(2) If I should fail to enter college, what a misery it would be! Although I would be very disappointed, I wouldn’t surrender. I could find a job to share the burden of my family, and I could still study at night to give myself another chance. Failure is not shameful, and there are still many ways to go. It is only one of frustrations, in this life. After all, there will be many chances and difficulties which I have to face in the future. Tomorrow is another day.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 1.5
組織 2 1
文法 2 1
用字 2 1
拼字等 2 1.5
總分 10 6
(3) I would study for another year to join the J.C.E.E. next year. Since I’ve determined to go to college, I couldn’t give u this dream just fo rone failure. Frankly speaking, I have no ideas about what else I do if I couldn’t admitted to the colleges. After all, as a senior high school graduate, I indeedar’t do anything besides further studying.
(4) If I should fail to enter college, at first, I will find a job. During the work, I will never forget to read books. I will continue getting more knowledge and keeping up with others who are in same age as me.
評分標準 佔分比例 得分
內容 2 0
組織 2 0
文法 2 0
用字 2 0
拼字等 2 0
總分 10 0
(5) I think maybe have a good job that I will fail to enter college. Although I hope to enter college, A good job maybe be interted for me. I can learn more thing than in the college about life. And I can becomes a man, If I had a good job, I should fail to enter college.
優 可 差 劣
內容 能清楚界定一個切合命題,有意義的主題,並有具體、完整的相關細節來支持。
(5-4分) 有主題、但發展不全;或主題不夠突顯、有與主題不相關之敘述。(3分) 有些句子與題意有關,但重覆、未能發展成與題意有關之主題,或主題混淆不清。
(2-1分) 文不對題或沒寫。(凡文不對題或沒寫者,其他各項均以零分計算。)
組織 有開頭、發展、結尾,轉承語使用良好,段落連貫,行文統一。
(5-4分) 有佈局,但要點安排不妥;開頭、發展、結尾比例不當;轉承語使用不好,以致行文不甚流暢。
(3分) 題意分散在各處,未能連貫發展,行文不流暢。
(2-1分) 全文沒佈局,段落不連貫、不統一。行文不流暢,毫無組織可言或未按提示寫作。(0分)
(句構修辭) 句子統一、有變化,修辭妥當。文法無誤。
(4分) 錯誤主要為時態、數,一致性等,但不影響文意表達。
(3分) 有連接詞誤用,句子不完整或結構錯誤等現象,或錯誤影響文意之表達。
(2-1分) 文法錯誤極多,嚴重影響文意表達。(0分)
拼字 用字清新、精確、合乎習慣用法;沒有拼字錯誤。
(4分) 用字單調、重覆,偶有錯別字或拼字錯誤,但不影響文意之表達。
(3分) 用字不當,且拼字錯誤多,文意表達不明確。
(2-1分) 只寫出與題意有關的零碎字詞,未能表達完整的意思。
大小寫 格式、標點、大小寫均無錯誤。(2分) 格式、標點、大小寫等有錯誤,但不影響文意之表達。
(1分) 格式、標點、大小寫等錯誤甚多,違背基本的寫作體例。
一、特優 19-20分
二、優 15-18分
三、可 10-14分
四、差 5-9分
五、劣 0-4分
說明:1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇作文。
2. 文長在120字左右。
請以 “Something Interesting about a Classmate of Mine” 為題,寫出有關你一位同學的一件趣事。這位同學可以是你任何時期的同學,例如:中學、小學或幼稚園的同學。
I will never forget him, john, my junior high school classmate. He is a funny boy that I have ever seen. Because he has a poor English standard, he made many interesting things in English. For example, during the English class, teacher asked John a simple question, “Are you a girl?” Everybody knows he is a boy, but he used a girl’s book, it was written, “Yes, I am a girl.” Maybe he was so nervous, he answered teacher, “Yes, I am a girl.” At this time, everyone could not help laughing. It is so interesting, isn’t it?
After that day, I started to call him “sister.” We always talk about this interesting thing, although we are senior high school students now. I am glad to have such an interesting classmate. Interesting classmates always make our life more interesting.
5分 組織
5分 文法
4 用字拼字
4 體例
2 總分
3 3 2 2 2 12
For a start, I talk about Marry of interesting friend. She look at is very soft. She I very qute. One day she was go home to the sochool, take a bus in herry up, be shooked. When I met an old friend of mind.
5分 組織
5分 文法
4 用字拼字
4 體例
2 總分
0 0 0 1 0 1
I have a good friend in my class. His name is Little Tiger. We both are interested in Nature, especially the animals in it. I like snakes and frogs, while he likes butterflies. As a result, we often go hiking in the mountains, observing various animals in the wild together. One day, he went to mountains alone while I had an important class. I thought he would catch some beautiful butterflies and recorded them. It was a fine day. But something I never thought of happened.
He brought a bird back! Because he had nothing to hold it, he stuffed it in his pocket. To his surprise, the bird’s shit was dripping down from his pocket. He said it was hurt on the road and he didn’t know how to help it. So he brought it back to see if there was a way to cure the bird. We consulted my brother who studies in college. He helped the bird with us. Finally, the bird was cured. And we released it into the sky. Seeing it flying happily, we were also in good moods. I would never forget such an interesting thing.
5分 組織
5分 文法
4 用字拼字
4 體例
2 總分
4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 2 18
Have a picnic, a classmate of mine fell down on the bus and here dress was covered with mud. She did not care it, and still had a good time with us. As she arrived home in the evening, her mother became angry because it was a new dress. My classmate smiled and told her mother that he was kissed by the mud. Of course, her mother was more angry. Then she said, “The mud also wanted me tell you that if you angry, he will come to our home and kiss you. Then, you not hate him.” Her mother bursted into laught and couldn not say anything.
What a smart girl she is!
5分 組織
5分 文法
4 用字拼字
4 體例
2 總分
3 2 1 2 1 9
In my high school, I have a classmate who do a foolish thing. He often don’t care the details and make funny to us. Once he did not notice and rushed into W.C. and suddenly, he finded something wrong. Because there are many girls in W.C. and everybody stare at him incredulous. And my classmate’s face tured red soon and rush out of the W.C. After event he told us “When you want to go to W.C., you must see again.”
5分 組織
5分 文法
4 用字拼字
4 體例
2 總分
2 1 1 1 1 6
The story happened in my junior high school life. One afternoon, the whole class held a birthday party for Linda. We prepared a two-story cream cake. When ready, one of us called Linda to come in, with her eves covered . As she moved toward, something accidentally occurred. She kicked a chair and her face “rushed into” the cake. Everyone at the moment starled. She laughed, however, and said, “Thanks for you all for give me such a special birthday. Mmm! Delicious!”, with a funny action. All classmates bursted into laughter then. But that’s not the end. She gave a kiss to her best friend, me.
That was really an unforgettable experience, from which I learned that turning something unhappy into humorous way can make us lead a more interesting life.
5分 組織
5分 文法
4 用字拼字
4 體例
2 總分
4 4 3 3 2 16
I had a classmate in my elementary school. He was a short boy and he liked to take his pets to school. He had many pets in his home, like cat, dog , mouse, bird and turtle. Everyday, he brought another different pet to school. Our teacher didn’t angry, because she liked animal, too. When we in the class, his pets would be quiet and sleep. So we didn’t worry about his pets would be noisly.
One day, he brought one of his pets, the turtle, its name is John. The boy put him into the box and went outside to play with friends. When he came back to the classroom, John was gone. The boy was sad and found him everywhere. All of his friends helped him to finds, but we didn’t find anything. Suddenly we found John in the toilet, we known John must be thirty and he wanted some water.
5分 組織
5分 文法
4 用字拼字
4 體例
2 總分
3 3 1 2 1 10
級數 分數 說明
5 60 寫作能力佳
4 48 寫作能力可
3 36 寫作能力有限
2 24 稍具寫作能力
1 12 無寫作能力
0 0 未答/ 等同未答
There are very car in the Taiwan. So Taiwan’s trantrap is very worse. Go to school by motorcycle is very convenient and quickly. And save your time. Motorcycle price is cheap so student have enough money to buy. It is not biger than car. When 交通 crowed, it can go to your want to the place.
I think the problem is in the public transportation. Can you image that if you want for a bus, you must spead thirty minutes at least. And the time is much longer than that you ride a mortocycle. It is conveiant to have a mortocycle. You can go to everywhere you want to go if you have time. You never spead any time wait for a bus which no one knows when it will come.
There is a large number of motorcycles in Taiwan. There are some reasons to explain why the motocycles are so popular. First, Taiwan is so populous and there isn’t enough room for everyone to have a car. With a motorcycle, you can get rid of the traffic jam. And you won’t worry about where to park you car, because the motor-cycle is much smaller. Second, it’ convenient to go anywhere if you have a motorcycle. Having a motorcycle, you won’t be anxious about the delay of the bus. It will also be work if you have a bicycle. But riding bicycle to school is too hard a work. Third, the parents in Taiwan love their children excesirely. The parents can deny their children nothing. So, with the promising in economic, almost ever one can have his own motorcycle. To sum up, if we want to live high quality lives, the government should take measures to prevent the growing number of motorcycles.
寫作能力測驗的主題是An Embarrassing Situation。請將完成的故事書寫在「寫作能力測驗答案紙」標示的位置上。評分重點包括內容、文法、用字遣詞、標點符號、大小寫。
Yesterday was Peter’s birthday. To celebrate, he invited some of his friends to have lunch with him at his favorite restaurant. Everyone had a good time. When they finished eating, Peter went to the counter to pay the bill. But when he looked in his wallet, he found that he had no money….
His smile froze. He forgot that he had spent all his money in the supermarket two days ago! He tried to figure out a way, like borrowing some money from his friends;but wait, it was his birthday! How could he make such an embarrassing request?While he kept worrying about how to open his mouth to ask his best friend Robin for some money, her came the rescue. That was Peter’s sister, Mary. He pretended nothing happened and walked straight to her, concealing his excitement. He whispered, “My dear lady, could you lend my some money? I forgot to bring mine!” So she did. Peter bounced back to the counter, paid the bill, and ended up this embarrassing situation. He would never ever forget to check out his wallet the next time.
C 卷
提示:1. 上個月,志中的朋友Peter和Susan邀請他到他們位於花蓮的家中住了一個星期。在這一個星期中,他們一起做了許多事情。現在,請你以志中的身份擬一封信給他們,謝謝他們的邀請,並告訴他們在花蓮作客時,令你印象深刻的事情。另外,不要忘記邀請Peter 和Susan近期內到你位於台中的家中拜訪。
1. 信的上下款應依下列方式寫出。
December 20, 1998
Dear Peter and Susan,
I had a good time at your home in that week. I thank for you treating. I love to eat the food which were cooked your mother. I never forget that we went fishing and climbing that was a very special experience. We sang songs and danced with each other. And your father taught me how to swim. I was very afraid of swimming before. But I like it now.
That is really a happy time. I want you can come to my home. Then we can play each other. And I will take you to visit the viewpoints in Taichung. We can take many beautiful pictures. I guess you will also have a very good time. To sum up, I hope you can come to my home recently.
第三章 研究課程設計與實施
第一節 建構取向英文寫作活動課程設計的理念
建構論教學設計的理念是由知識論及學習理論引申而來,但在教學課程活動的設計中到底要如何建構,建構和引導的比重怎麼分配?大家的看法相當分歧。根據Perkins (1992a) 的看法,他認為有兩種主要方式:
1. BIG (beyond the information given)—利用直接教學的方式,給予學習者一些想法或經驗,然後才安排一些引導思想的活動,以精練學習者的了解,並試探學習者是否能夠應用且類化其所學於不同的情境之中。一般認為初學者應提供一些結構性的教學,協助其知識的建構,所以較適合BIG的取向。
2. WIG (without information given)—不做任何直接教學,而是給予學習者不同的情境、經驗以建構出自己的知識,在學習過程中,教學者會提供支持,但通常不會給予正面的答案。對於已具備豐富相關知識的學習者,則適合WIG取向。
第二節 建構取向英語寫作課程實施過程
寫作,一般認為是有了好的想法,然後透過適當的語言符號將想法加以組織表達的學習活動。而秉持傳統寫作教學觀者認為想法是個體腦子裡自家的事,旁人無法越殂代庖。因此,學習者只能自求多福:多讀、多寫。至於文章之章法,只要多看點範文,自然水到渠成。事實上,對青澀的高中生而言:生活體驗不足,書又讀得不夠廣泛,何來深刻的體會和想法? 再者,英文寫作這門課在考試上的功能大於實用,英文寫作選修如啃樹枝,何來興趣可言?所以,教學者有很大的空間可以發揮。身為寫作課程的教學者們,當務之急就是透過課程活動的設計,傳授一些能激發創意的技巧和靈感,設法喚醒學生們沉睡中的繆思。
1. 透過訪談、閱讀、指引、討論,學習者間的腦力激盪啟發寫作的靈感、構思、和寫作。
2. 教學者批改習作,挑出需要改進的地方並寫上代號,發還學生。
3. 配對分組或團體分組,課堂中習作賞析,進行習作整體架構、語言表達失當或錯誤之處討論、予以更正、建議和意見回饋。
4. 整個活動結束後,學生交出初稿、評量回饋單。
5. 教學者依照整份資料列入考評,判斷學生的思考,學習過程。
6. 開始新的寫作主題,重複上述的寫作活動。
7. 研究結束時,學習者彙整所有評量表,要求學生寫一篇寫作評量,審視自己是否在寫作上有成長或退步。
Syllabus of Writing Curriculum
Part I Paragraph writing
Item Title Practice
Unit 1 Topic Sentences & Paragraphs Help! The Advice Column
Unit 2 Topic Sentences & Controlling Ideas Sentence Making & Mistakes Correction
Unit 3 Reading & Summary Paragraph Summary
Unit 4 Tense Instruction With a Song Fill the Blank
Unit 5 Sentence Combining Story Lines Combination
Unit 6 Paraphrasing Poem Paraphrasing
Unit 7 Guided Writing & Reading Primary Colors or Phocahantas
Part II Free Writing
Item Title Practice
Unit 1 Interview & Description Describing a Close Classmate
Unit 2 Letter to Myself Letter:Dear Me
Unit 3 Letters Reflection Task 1:Peer Evaluation
Task 2:Comments Making
Unit 4 Complete Story Story Writing
Unit 5 Story Reflection Task 1: Peer Evaluation
Task 2:Comments Making
Unit 6 Getting Ideas Summarizing—Tea, anyone?
Unit 7 Getting Ideas Summarizing—Bears Scare
Unit 8 Group-evaluation Task 1: Peer valuation--The Song I Love
Task 2: Revising—The Song I Love
Unit 9 Developing Course & Effect Paragraphs Task 1:The Usage of Cause-Effect Connectors
Task 2:Writing—
The Power of Television
Unit 10 Work Review & Work Implementation Model Review—
The Internet
Unit 11 Comparison & Contrast Connectors Task 1: The Usage of Comparison & Contrast Connectors
Task 2: Writing—
My Family and I
Unit 12 Portfolios & Process Writing Written Evaluation
Paragraph Writing
Unit 1
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Learner’s Name:
Topic Sentences & Paragraphs
Directions: please work with a partner, talk about the questions, share your opinions and write down the answers to them.
1. Read the paragraphs A&B below and follow the instructions.
Dear Abby,
My mother is very strict with me. She doesn’t allow me to accept any gift without her permission. She insists that I come home before 10:00 every night. She forbids me from talking too long on the telephone. She punishes me when I make mistakes or get poor grades. She used to be very beautiful so she has never been satisfied with my appearance. I have never been confident of my self because she never praises me. How can I have an agreement with my mother?
Dear Abby,
My mother is very strict with me. She doesn’t allow me to accept any gift without her permission. She insists that I come home before 10:00 every night. She forbids me from talking too long on the telephone. She punishes me when I make mistakes or get poor grades. Maybe she does all these things because I am the oldest child in the family, and she wants me to set a “perfect” example for my younger sister. From this viewpoint, perhaps she is justified in being so exceptionally strict. Please tell me what I am going to do.
a. Which paragraph is easier to understand? Circle one.
A. or B
b. Why?
2. Finding the Best Topic Sentence, and Marking it with a B (best):
a. _______ My car smells, has flat tires, and won’t start.
b. _______ I have a lot of trouble with my car.
c. _______ So, it is time to get a new car.
a. ____ Apples taste good, too.
b. ____ The apple has been a symbol of many things.
c. ____ An apple represents forbidden knowledge because of the Bible, school because it was a traditional gift, and a computer company because it has the same name.
3. Find out and underline the ideas that are not related the topic sentence.
4. What is a paragraph?
It should include: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Is the above practice helpful to you in writing a paragraph? Is it interesting? Why or Why not?
Helpful: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reasons:
Interesting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Reasons:
In-class Writing Practice
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Learner: Class: No.:
Help! The Advice Column
Directions: Write a letter to an advice columnist Dear Abby. Ask for advice.
This is the problem you have:
You have a very good friend that you have known as a freshman in Senior High. You are very close. Now you have a new friend who does not like your old friend. When the three of you together, everyone is uncomfortable. Your old friend has stopped calling you. You need some good advice.
Describe a recent unpleasant incident with your friends and ask what you can do to get friends to accept each other. List who, what, when, where, why, and how of this happening-- or at least as many of these six questions as you feel your reader needs to know. Write briefly, as though you are telling your best friend about this event. Show your reader what makes this event special by including the background, people, actions, and overheard comments.
Dear Abby,
My good friend is Jamie that I have known as a freshman in Senior High. But now, we are not in the same class, we all make new friends. One of my new friends doesn’t like Jamie. One day, when the three of us walk together, I didn’t know whom I should talk to. I was afraid to offend anyone of them. Recently, Jamie has stopped calling me.
I don’t know how I can do and what I should do.
Help! The Advice Column
Learner: No.:
Unit 2
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Topic Sentence & Controlling Ideas
Directions: (1) review the teaching materials that students learned last period. (2) Do the practice of sentence patterns
1. Do you remember the topic sentence? Please write it down.
2. Can you point out the sentences in the paragraph giving the detail information to support the topic sentence? Please list them out.
3. General information plays as a topic sentence and specific information plays as subtopic sentences.
G trouble of my car S smells like exhaust
S flat tires S out of work in the morning
4. Read the Letter and tell your partner whether its topic sentence and subtopic sentences have a good connection. Why or why not? Analyze it.
Dear Abby,
My good friend is Jamie that I have known as a freshman in senior high. I like swimming. But now, we are not in the same class, we all make new friends. One of my new friends doesn’t like Jamie. One day, when the three of us walk together, I didn’t know whom I should talk to. They did not do homework together. I was afraid to offend anyone of them. Recently, Jamie has stopped calling me. I don’t know how I can do and what I should do.
S: ___________________________________________________________________
S: ___________________________________________________________________
S: ___________________________________________________________________
Unrelated ideas:
5. Take a look at the following sentences and choose the correct sentence from each question.
__ Henry Ford improvements in the mentor car, but he didn’t really invent.
C It costs over three thousand dollars to buy a recorder.
__ Martin finally gets a job that he liked.
a. _____ I am not get along with my friends
_____ When I play with my friend, I had a lot of fun,
_____ I hope all of us can be happy when we are together.
b. _____ I know a new friend in senior high school.
_____ I have known my friend for four years.
_____ I do not know how to do nor how to say.
c. _____ Now something was happening in my life.
_____ I really want to keep our relation as the same as before
_____ He always listens to my complaints.
6. The sentences below are fragments, please revise them to become a complete sentence.
Because I had a headach.
Because I had a headache, I couldn’t concentrate on myself in class.
a. As soon as I finished dinner .
b. They said.
c. Caroline elected president of the class last week.
7. Correct the mistakes written in italic form of the sentences and in the letter as follows:
7.1 He scrawled his homework so his teacher asked him write again.
7.2 After his explain, I have already realization the question.
7.3 There are many people go for a stroll at the beach in summer.
7.4 I don’t have much realization from her, ______ I don’t know why she was angry.
7.5 The book was set by me on the desk.
7.6 My country was alter a lot after I left several years ago.
7.7 Stroll in the morning is very comfortable.
7.8 I gave him a big punch in order to let him break the bad habit.
7.9 Because he is going to married, he alters all his bad habits.
7.10 Minutes pasted, he suddenly came to the realization of what I said.
Whole-class Correction
Dear Abby:
I have two intimate friends who do not like each other. Whenever they see each other, they always become angry and there will be a strange atmosphere surrounding us. First, they stop talking with me and just go away. Next, they have a great argument. After, it is my turn go away because they think I make all faults. Now, our relationship seems hard to maintain, and I am worried about the losing friendship. I try hard to negotiate the thing. I hope we can hold our hands together, sit at the hilltop and talking ____ _____ _____sincerely. Moreover, after the thing ____ ___, we can keep a stronger friendship among us. Please tell me what I have to do.
Sincerely your,
Unit 3
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Learner’s Name:
Reading & Summary
Directions: please look at the picture and talk about it with your partner. After you have read the story, please retell the story individually and brainstorm general and specific information for topic and subtopic sentences in developing a paragraph for summarizing a story.
The Ducks and The Fox, written by Arnold Lobel
Two Ducks sisters were waddling down the road to the pond for their morning swim.
“This a good road,” said the first sister, “but I think, just for a change, we should find another route. There are many other roads that lead to the pond,
“No,” said the second sister, “I do not agree. I do not want to try a new way. This road makes me feel comfortable. I am accustomed to it.”
One morning the Ducks met a Fox siting on a fence along the road.
“Good morning, ladies,” said the Fox. “On your way to the pond, I suppose?”
“Oh, yes,” said the sisters, “we come along here every day.”
“Interesting,” said the Fox with a toothy smile.
When the sun came up the next morning, the first sister said, “We are sure to meet the Fox again If we go for our usual way. I did not like his looks. Today is the day that we must find another road!”
“You are just plain silly,” said the second sister. “The Fox smiled at us. He seemed most gentlemanly.”
The two Ducks waddled down the same road to the pond. There was the fox, sitting on the fence. This time he carried a sack.
“Lovely ladies,” said the Fox, “ I was expecting you. I am glad that you have not disappointed me.”
Opening his sack, he jumped upon them.
The sisters quacked and screamed. They flapped their wings. They flew home and bolted their door.
The next morning, the two Ducks did not go out. They rested at home to quiet their nerves. On the following day they carefully searched for a new and different road. They found one, and it took them safely to the pond.
1. Which line is the best description used for implying the main idea of the Fable? Circle it.
a. Even the taking of small risks will add excitement to life.
b. It is always difficult to pose, as something that one is not.
c. At times, a change of routine can be most healthful.
2. Do you know how to write a summary? Discuss it with your partner.
3. What are the tips should be put into a summary? Please circle them.
• Your topic sentence should be a clear statement of the main idea of the original selection.
• Stick to the essential information—names, dates, times, places, and similar facts are usually essential; examples, descriptive details, adjectives are usually not.
• Try to state each important idea in one clear order.
• Ideas should be arranged into the most logical order.
• Use a concluding sentence with ties to an effective end.
• A summary should be longer than the original.
4. Give a Summary of the story within one paragraph within 100 words.
Do it by following the steps below.
Step 1: Find out the parts for General and Specific information
G: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________ ( )
S: _____________________________________________________________ ( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
Step 2: Delete the unnecessary parts for the summary
Step 3: Check the tense by writing (Y)—past tense, (N)— present continuous, (T)—future, (E)—every day.
Ex: I went to school. (Y)--yesterday
He is cleaning the house (N)--now
He will be here tomorrow. (T)—tomorrow
They eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening.(E)—every day
Step 4: Put the General Information and Specific Information into one paragraph. Be sure that if you want to have your writing read smoothly, transitions are necessary. (Referring to the textbook—Far East English Composition for Senior High School )
Summary: The Ducks and The Fox, written by Arnold Lobel
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Learner: Class: No.:
n-class Writing Practice
Unit Four
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Learner’s Name:
Tense Instruction With a Song
Directions: Please listen the song and fill the blank with a proper word. And then, follow the form to write a short note describing your thanks to the person you love.
With This Love
Sung by Joy Enriquez
Verse I
With this love, I hereby p_____ to stay with you come what may.
With this love, I g____ my all to you forever and always.
When I n____ to be stronger, when I ____not carry on, when I t_____ I w______ fail, you w____ ____ with me all along.
So, this love i__ very dear to me and can not b__ d______.
With this love, I v___ that I w___ b__ forever by your side.
I w___ l___ and I was lonely.
And my heart was so afraid.
Then you l____ me up and you w_____ the tears away.
Now your love l____ in a place I p_____ no other one above.
And my heart, as long as I may live, I give you with this love.
Unit Five
Sentence Combining
Directions: you probably remember “The Tortoise and the Hare.” Here’s a similar sort of tale with a different message.
1.1 A Fox saw a Crow.
1.2 The Crow was flying.
1.3 Crow had some cheese.
1.4 Her beak held the cheese.
2.1 Crow settled on a branch.
2.2 The branch was on a tree.
3.1 Fox wanted the cheese.
3.2 Fox approached the tree.
3.3 Fox spoke to Crow.
3.4 Fox called her Mistress Crow.
4.1 He complimented Crow.
4.2 She looked remarkably well.
4.3 Her feathers were glossy.
4.4 Her eyes were bright.
6. Fox then remarked on Crows voice.
7. It was reported to have a sound.
8. The sound was sweet and melodious.
6.1 He asked Crow to sing to song.
6.2 He might call her Queen of the birds.
7.1 Crow preened her black feathers.
7.2 Crow opened her mouth to caw.
7.3 Crow dropped the cheese.
8.1 Fox snapped up what he wanted.
8.2 That thing was the cheese.
8.3 Fox gave Crow some advice.
8.4 “Flatters can’t be trusted.”
Writing Tip Cluster 3, 7, and 8 provide contexts for you to use participles as openers (words like wanting, preening, and snapping). In what other ways can you combine these clusters?
Cluster 1:
Cluster 2:
Cluster 3:
Cluster 4:
Cluster 5:
Cluster 6:
Cluster 7:
Cluster 8:
Unit Six
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Learner’s Name:
“If I can…”
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not in vain;
If I can ease one life from aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Upon his nest again,
I shall not live in vain
When I see someone badly troubled or heart broken, I try to help. When I find someone’s life plagued with pain, I do what I can to ease the ache. Even I find a robin lying injured in the road, I try to find its nest and put the bird safely in it again. In these ways, I feel my lie is worthwhile.
Please paraphrase the poem written by Langston Hughes’s “Dreams”. At the same time give your response. Do you agree with him?
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow
Unit Seven
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Learner’s Name:
Guided Writing & Outside Reading
Worksheet: Guided Outside Reading—Primary Colors
Student Activity
I. Group Discussion for Guided Question
Q & A:
1. What did the reporter from the Los Angeles Times ask Stanton?
2. Why were Cashmere Macleod’s tape recordings so important?
3. Why did Cashmere McLeod’s lawyer write a letter to the press?
4. Why did Stanton get blood test?
II. To be a president is not an easy thing. He/She has to face to expose their privacy in the sunshine. Do you think most people are interested in the privacy or the ability of a president should qualify? Why?
Free Writing
Unit one
Interview & Description
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Learner: Class: No.:
Genre: Description
Stage 1: This is a paired work activity. Speak with a classmate for about 15 minutes. Stage 2: Take notes.
Stage 3: Then write down as many things as you got from your classmates. You should write an article describing your classmate within 150-200 words in three paragraphs
Task 1
Summarizing Interview and Survey
Directions: Ask your close classmate some questions interesting to you to get his or her personal information.
Questions Information
Task 2
Describing a Close Classmate
Topic: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Free writing
Unit Two.
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Narration
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Letter to Myself
Task 1
Directions: Make a list of goals you want to achieve in nowadays.
Task 2
Directions: Choose three goals and write them in the boxes. Then set a deadline for achieving each goal.
Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3
Task 3
Directions: Now write a letter to yourself in paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Ex: This is a letter I am writing to myself with three goals. I will check the letter next year this time and see whether or not I have achieved these goals. The goals I have set to myself are ….
Paragraph 2: About Goals
Ex: First, …. Second, …. Third, ….
Paragraph 3: In conclusion…, To sum up…,
Task 4
Directions: When you finish the writing, complete this checklist in pair.
Editing Checklist:
□ Did your partner have an introduction with three parts?
□ Did your partner have a topic sentence in the first paragraph and a main sentence for each of other paragraphs?
□ Did your partner include a conclusion that evaluates their goals?
Free Writing
Unit Three
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Expository
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Task 1
Letters Reflection
Peer Evaluation
Directions: Get into a group of two members. Read letters and discuss them with your partner
Step 1: Rate the following parts of the letter. Check ( v ) the appropriate boxes.
The composition belongs to _________.
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
The second one is written by ____________.
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
Step 2: Now read the letters, and decide which one is the best? Why?
We liked ____________________________________________ because _________.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Step 3: Which paragraph in the letter did you like best? Why?
we _____________________________________ because ______________________
Task 2
Comments Making
Directions: Write a short letter to the author of one of the letters. Give some encouraging suggestions on the author’s goals. Then, send the letter to the author.
Dear _________,
I really liked your letter and the goals you’ve chosen. Here are some ideas I want to
share with you.
Free writing
Unit Four
Complete Story
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Narration
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Task 1
Directions: Please listen to a story carefully. The instructor will read the story for you two times. On hearing the story, you have to map it by drawing clustering to help you dictate what you have heard. Later, follow the sentences below or construct a different instoduction by yourself and then have a topic and complete the story in your own way.
Linda is a blind, but you’d never know it. She makes such good use of her other senses, including her “six senses” of intuition, that she rarely gives the impression she’s missing anything.
Unit Five
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Reflection
Learner: Name: No.: Date:
Task 1
Stories Reflection
Peer Evaluation
Directions: Get into groups of three. Exchange “Story” with your group members.
Step 1: Rate the following parts of the Story. Check ( v ) the appropriate boxes.
It is the story written by _________.
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
It is the story written by _________.
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
Step 2: Now read the stories, and decide which one is the best? Why?
We liked ____________________________________________ because ___________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3: Which paragraph in the story did you like best? Why?
I _____________________________________ because ________________________
Task 2
Comments Making
Directions: Write a short letter to the author of one of the Story. Give some encouraging reflections (suggestion, advice or personal opinion) on the author’s works.
The Outline of Reflections:
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
Free writing
Unit Six
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Narration (Summary)
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Getting Ideas
1. Get a group of three.
2. Discuss the Reading—Tea, Anyone? From the 4th to the end paragraphs excerpted from Long Ten Book Company.
3. Find the main lines in the four paragraphs.
4. Do not copy sentence by sentence. Rearrange and rewrite the main lines into a summary with 10 sentences.
Free writing
Unit Seven
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Narration
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Getting Ideas
Directions: Get information and make a summary of this article—Brown Bears after you finish the whole article within 120-150 words.
Step 1: Get a group of three and discuss the article with your members.
Step 2: Underlie the main lines.
Step 3: Rearrange and rewrite the main lines drawn by you.
Step 4: Write a summary within 120-150 words.
Total Words: _________
Free writing
Unit Eight
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Description and narration
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Group Evaluation
Directions: Make an evaluation of the composition “The Song I Love”
Step 1. Find out which is the best of the four selected works written by your classmates
Step 2. Analyze the merits and demerits of them and share your opinion with your members
Step 3. Revising your works—The Song I love
Task 1: Peer evaluation
Peer works:
My favorite song is “I Have Nothing”, it was sung by a movie star I still love very much. This song was for her movie “The Bodyguard”, and of course that I fell in love with this song because I had watched this movie several times. This song is very beautiful and it always makes me feel sad when I recall the ending of that movie by listening to her song. I believe this is the reason why I love it so much.
This song described that when we loved somebody very much, we would think that he/her was the only guide in our life. We could not lose him/her! If we lost him/her, we would have nothing for living on our own. As that time, I found that I had the same situation so when I felt sad during that time, I would turn on the radio and get rid of the sadness by listening to this song. After that time, I’ve made a rule that whenever I feel sorrow. I will turn on the radio and listen to it.
Until now, I still use this song to get rid of my sadness, it has helped me a lot. I hope that everyone can find their favorite song, just like me.
Total words: 212 words
Items Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
Student A
Songs play an important role in my daily life, when I feel sad, I will listen to the music and sing with it. I like many kinds of songs, for instance, Chinese songs, English songs, Korean songs, Japanese songs.
However, one of my favorite songs is “Appreciate Heart.” This is a famous song in Taiwan. The song describes about the problems we meet in our life. It tells us not to give up so easily. We should face all the problems and overcome them. If we didn’t have enough abilities to overcome them, we should try to find the resolutions by ourselves. The reason why I love this song so much is just because it tells me a lot of morals. When I am upset, I can follow what the song tells me. Then, I can slove many problems properly and easily. Therefore, this is the reason why I love this song so much.
I think songs are magic things in the world because they are our best friends. They can give us many joys and no complaints. I regarded songs as important parts in my life.
Total words: 189 words
Items Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
Student B
There are tons of English songs I love, but none can touch my heart more than “Right Here Waiting.” The song means a lot and companies with me all the time.
The lyric of this song described a young man who was separated from his love. He had a strong mind that he would be right here waiting for his lover whatever she did and wherever she went. The music is beautiful and fantastic, which is played by the piano and the violins. However, the most important reason I love this song is how and when the first time I heard it. One year ago, I bought a video tape of my favorite singer’s concert. While I came home, my parents were fighting again and it broke my heart. Then, I listened to the tape. Since then, every time I am sad, I would listen to this song.
The song companies me a lot. It means a lot to me.
Total words: 160 words
Items Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
Student C
Many students enjoyed listening songs as their recreation, and I am no exception. Iike to listen to the music when I am studying in the misnight.
My favorite song is “Simple Love” by Jay. It is a Chinese song. It is about a boy and a girl. The boy fell in with the girl, and he became active, he thought that he can do any sacrfice for the girl. He only had a thought of keeping pure love till forever, without any sorrow, and any argument.
The song, is like my mind. The boy in the song is like my girlfriend. We just have argued last week, because we can’t reach the best balance between study and love. Hearing this song, I was shocked and deeply touched. After telling her this song and my expectation, we decided to focus on our study now. And we promise we will resume our love after the exam. Because of this song, our relationship becomes better than before. I love this song. Total words: 166 words
Items Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
Student D
During my senior high school life, the most special thing was that we got great grades in an English song contest. And the song we sang in the contest became my favorite song-- “Heal the World.”
We have practiced this song for almost two months so that I could sing it without looking at lyrics. At first, I felt it was very bored that we repeated the same lines again and again. But on the day, I felt that I was so honor to sing this song because it had great meanings.
The song tells people about how we destroy this world, and it is time to heal it now. Maybe what I can do is so limited that doesn’t affect anything, but this song encourages me to do more and never stop. This is the most important influence of this song for people whom sing and listen to it.
Total words: 150 words
Items Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Topic sentence
Paragraph Content
Task 2: Think Aloud
Directions: Pair work—talk with your partner about what you have learned, what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work in comparison with others and how you are going to revise your composition. Write them down.
Task 3: Revision—The Song I Love
Free writing
Unit Nine
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Expository
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Developing Cause-Effect Paragraphs
Task 1
Cause-effect paragraphs are often explanation paragraphs, some of the connectors you have already learned well also be used in these paragraphs: middle paragraph connectors like for example and in addition, and concluding connectors such as in conclusion. In addition, some cause or effect paragraphs use comparison-contrast connectors (but, however, although, even though, etc.) to help the readers understand what is and what is not an effect or a cause.
However, some connectors are used specifically with causes and effects. Theses connectors help the reader to tell causes from effects. To write successful cause-effect paragraphs, then, you need be able to use cause-effect connectors correctly and appropriately. Some cause-effect connectors are listed below. Notice the placement and the relationship between causes (C) and effect (E). Also, be aware of the punctuation used with these connectors.
Making Sentences:
E…., so…C
Therefore, …
As a result, …
For this reason, …E
E…because of C
E…be due to…C
First, …C or E
Second, C or E
Task 2
Directions: Television is one of greatest inventions in the 20th century. Television becomes an essential home faculty for people. Please write a composition state why television becomes so popular and your opinion about it within 120-150 words by using at least four connectors listed above.
Unit Ten
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Expository
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Works Review & Works Implementation
Why is the Internet getting popular? There are a lot of answers, but I think the most important answer is “convenience.”
In the ancient time or before the Internet getting popular, if we want to send our regards to our friends or relatives, the only two ways are through the telephone or writing letters. However, when the Internet is popular, we can even talk to our friends on the net or use the e-mail to send letters. Magically, our friends and relatives can get our regards in a short time. How convenient it is! So, I think that is why the Internet is getting more and more popular.
In my opinion, the Internet is very helpful for students because I can get information more quickly and don’t have to waste a lot of time. Also, for me, through the Internet I can know my favorite things or singers in vague right now. I don’t have to go out but know everything happening in the world. I feel the Internet is good to me.
Total words: 172 words
Composition Revision: The Internet
Free writing
Unit Eleven
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Expository
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Comparison/Contrast Connectors
Task 1
Clear connectors are necessary for successful comparison/contrast paragraphs. Below is a chart with some common comparison and contrast connectors. Notice that there are more contrast connectors, perhaps because comparison/contrast paragraphs more often focus on differences than they do on similarities.
Common Comparison Connectors
Likewise, Similarly, In like manner, In the same way, …also…, …,too.
…the same… …the same as…
Common Contrast Connectors
However, …but, … yet, In contrast, Although, Even though,
On the other hand, Nevertheless, Unlike, Whereas
Direction 1:
1. Read the paragraph below. Use appropriate comparison or contrast connectors to complete the paragraph. Then answer the questions below.
2. Circle the controlling ideas in the topic sentences. Then tell your partner the lines from those controlling ideas to the details that support them in the paragraph.
Mary is (1) similar to /the same as my sister--Joan in many ways. First her face is (2) similar to Joan. Joan has brown skin with wide eyes, and she wears glasses. She (3) also have brown skin and need glasses. Mary and Joan are (4) the same height: 176 centimeters. Mary’s hair is brown; (5) also/likewise, my sister has brown hair. When Mary is walking, her steps are long (6) as/like my sister’s, as my relatives tell me all the time. For these reasons, many people, even their close friends, often think that they are twins when they see him.
Direction 2:
1. Read the paragraph below. Use appropriate comparison or contrast connectors to complete the paragraph. Then answer the questions below.
2. What is the purpose of the article? Does it evaluate and/or describe? (Use detail from the paragraph to support your opinion).
3. How did you make the decisions about which connectors to use? (Use specific details from the paragraph to support your answers).
There are many differences between my grandfather and me. I think the first and greatest difference is our physical features and personality.
First, my grandfather is 75 years old. (1) In contrast, I am only 18. Second, my grandfather has brown eyes; my eyes, (2) however, are green. In addition, my grandfather is very thin. In fact, He weighs about 120 pounds. (3) Whereas, I weigh 220 pounds. We also have different personalities. My grandfather is always happy, I am often angry. He smiles all the time, even at people on the street. (4) In comparison to/Compared with/Unlike him, I smile only when I feel very happy. Finally, my grandfather talks so much. I prefer to think.
(5) Even though/Although my grandfather and I am very different, I am fortunate because we are good friends. I love him very much and we enjoy out time when we are together.
Task 3
Step one: Tell your partner about your family.
Step two: Write down the similarities or differences between you and your family.
Similarities Differences
My Family (Father, Mother, sister, brother, and etc.) I
Step three: Write a Composition about Your Family and You.
My Mother/Father and I
Free writing
Unit Twelve
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Narration
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Portfolios and Process Writing
As part of the course you will be expected to produce a portfolio of your work during the semester. The aim of the portfolio and the interview are to show your progress during the semester. The portfolio should consist all your works in writing class, which include:
1. Journal Writing
2. In-class Writing
3. Readers Review
4. Notes-taking
5. A Written Self-evaluation
Task 1
Written Self-Evaluation
Directions: The written self-evaluation should be in the form of a memo or letter to the instructor. It should cover your own view of your process (as measured by your subjective feelings and the amount of effort you have out into the course), your achievement (as measured by the “objective” grades you have been given during the semester) and any other information you believe is relevant. You may ever decide to do it in the form of a SWOT analysis, explaining your strength, weakness, opportunities and threats as far as the course is concerned.
Task 2
Think aloud
Directions: After finishing written self-evaluation, go to your instructor. There are some of the most and useful questions for the final interview.
1. Process Focus Questions
What did you think about the process of putting portfolio together?
What part of the course did you find useful?
What did you learn? (Why?)/ What changes do you think you made (in the way you write?)
2. Product Focus Questions
Which piece of work is most characteristic? (Why?)
Which piece of work best shows your progress? (Why? / How?)
What about free writes (writing journal)?
第四章 資料分析與討論
第一節 高中生英文作文態度調查問卷分析
態度是一種內在的心理歷程,所以無法直接對它加以觀察,只可以從個體所表現的外在行為, 例如口述、文字、行動等加以判斷。態度與信念、意見、看法等為同義詞,它們都隱含著個人對其所反應的主題在心理趨向的好惡程度。態度的形成是經由學習的過程而來與個人的生活和學習經驗有著密不可分的關係,一個人對某些學科的好惡感大都來自於制約作用的結果。就學習而言,態度改變所牽涉到的因素很多,譬如對學科好惡之強度、教學者的教學方式、課程設計、刺激主題的性質、態度形成的過程或者學習者的人格因素。
Krech (1962) 認為態度量表乃是分派於受試者對某種學科一種正面或反面的情緒,Oskamp ( 1977) 和其他的研究者主張態度量表應含有三個不同的成份,第一種是認知性—個人對事物秉持的信念或知識,第二種是情感性—感覺與好惡,第三種是行為表現—個人對事物所展現特殊表現的傾向。
本研究所編製的「高中英文作文態度調查問卷」,不在於標示成敗或優劣,只在評量學習者對高中英文作文這門學科在經過一段時間的學習歷程之後其對此科目學習態度上的傾向。本態度量表乃依照Likert (1932) 所設計的總加量表法編製。此一方法假設每一態度項目皆具有同等量質,但不同學習者對同一項目的反應有程度上強弱的差異。本量表的結構包括兩部份:(1) 一系列表明對所測量項目正向或反向態度的陳述句;(2) 一個用來表示好惡程度的評分表。此評分表通常含有:非常同意、同意、無意見、不同意、非常不同意等五個等級,由學習者來對每一語句加以反應。在編製時,通常先撰就可用之項目四、五十條,然後將它們實施於預試樣本,繼之以項目分析法找出辨別力最強的項目組成正式量表。在計分上,非常同意可得5分、同意可得4分、無意見可得3分、不同意可得2分、非常不同意可得1分。學習者在各項上得分的總和即為其態度分數,此分數愈高表示態度上愈趨向贊同,總分愈低愈趨向不贊同。在反向語句上的反應則倒過來計分。
(一) 量表的編製與填答計分方式
本量表主要在測量高中學生對英文作文的學習態度。由研究者和師大工業科技教育系蔡錫濤博士共同編製。我們根據此一研究主題,根據有關文獻,並由研究者訪談高中老師和諮詢師大教育心理系何英奇教授等結果並參酌Person (1980)、Roger (1981)、Gardner (1985)有關動機/態度之量表,將高中英文作文學習態度分為信心程度、喜好程度、焦慮程度、實用程度四個層面為參照點,作為擬題標準。本問卷共有四十題 (見附錄一),採李克特四點量表,由受試者依其對學習英文的動機予以作答。五個反應程度係由「非常同意」、「同意」、「無意見」、「不同意」、「非常不同意」,正向題依序給予5、4、3、2、1分;反向題依序給予1、2、3、4、5分,而後將所有題目得分,相加成總分,分數愈高,表示受試者對英文作文的學習態度愈高。其中11、12、20、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40題為反向題。量表編製完畢後,研究者請師大工業科技教育系蔡錫濤博士予以指正並請五位新店高中的高二學生做答,以找出文句不適之處。經上述過程,最後陳請指導教授林茂松博士和張武昌博士審核而予以確定。
(二) 預試的實施
(三) 預試結果統計分析
1. 項目分析
2. 因素分析
本問卷以maximum likelihood 轉軸法就前述36項問題進行因素分析,抽出四個因素,依因素中各題之性質,分別命名為信心程度、焦慮程度、實用程度及喜好程度。各因素之負荷量及其變異解釋量如表一。
Facto Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative %
Preference 11.918
.932 33.106
2.590 33.106
3. 信度分析
問卷經過項目分析、因素分析後,接著進行信度分析考驗其穩定性。本研究採「內部一致性法」,求得各題項表內部一致性係數(Cronbach α值)介於.9378至.9384,全量表之Cronbach α係數為0.94 ,顯示本量表的信度極佳。
4. 效度分析
Paired Samples Statistics (T-Test)
Mean N Std. Deviation
Pair 1 TOTAL A
Pair 2 CA
Pair 3 AA
Pair 4 UA
Pair 5 PA
PB 3.1460
3.0412 43
43 .2495
*CA= Pro-confidence test 信心程度前測
*CB= Post-confidence test 信心程度後測
*AA=Pro-anxiety test 焦慮程度前測
*AB=Post-anxiety test 焦慮程度後測
*UA=Pro-usefulness test 實用程度前測
*UB=Post-usefulness test 實用程度後測
*PA=Pro-preference test 喜好程度前測
*PB=Post-preference test 喜好程度後測
本研究之高中英文寫作課程共分為兩部分:(一)、高二下學期實施段落寫作。(二)、高三上學期實施自由寫作。段落寫作是自由寫作之前的暖身練習,因此段落寫作的課程設計著重在鼓勵學生用英文表達情意而不過份強調文法及拼字等格式因素,所以未做態度量表之前測。本研究者在暑假期間(90.7.01-90.8.31)著手準備自由寫作課程活動之設計和高中英文學習態度調查問卷之訂定。九十學年度第一學期開始即實施自由寫作前之英文作文學習態度量表之前測,經過兩個半月(90.9.14-90.11.22)的自由寫作課程活動之實施,於是實施後測。根據表一顯示Pair 1 –前後測總分(TOTAL A-TOTAL B)無顯著差異,Pair 2—信心程度前後測(CA-CB)無顯著差異,Pair 3—焦慮程度前後測(AA-AB)有些許差異,學生焦慮程度降低0.15,Pair 4 – 喜好程度前後測(PA-PB)無顯著差異;觀其原因,由於本項行動研究必須在本年度結案(90.12.07),自由寫作實驗課程時間稍短,學生剛處於另一個學習階段的高原期,見山不是山,見水不是水,因此若能在下學期實施後測應可預期其改變上的顯著差異。
第二節 教學活動問卷調查與訪談結果分析
表三、對高中英文教學課程活動—段落寫作調查表分析 (Frequency Table)
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7
次數 百
比% 次數 百分比% 次數 百分比% 次數 百分比% 次數 百分比% 次數 百分比% 次數 百分比%
非常喜歡 1
(2.3%) 1
(2.3%) 3
(7.0%) 1
(2.3%) 2
喜歡 12
(27.9%) 10
(23.3%) 15
(34.9%) 20
(46.5%) 13
(30.2%) 9
(20.9%) 15
還好 25
(58.1%) 25
(58.1%) 18
(41.9%) 13
(30.2%) 19
(44.2%) 23
(53.5%) 16
不喜歡 3
(7.0%) 3
(7.0%) 6
(14.0%) 4
(9.3%) 6
(14.0%) 6
(14.0%) 4
非常不喜歡 1
(2.3%) 1
(2.3%) 1
未答 3
(7%) 3
(7.0%) 3
(7.0%) 3
(7%) 3
(7%) 5
(11.6%) 5
元 未
答 滿
用 不
用 對
益 對
益 能
意 不
意 容
易 困
Unit 1 9.3% 7.0% 2.3% 44.2% 2.3% 4.7% 16.3% 7.0% 7.0%
Unit 2 9.3% 11.6% 7.0% 39.5% 2.3% 11.6% 7.0% 4.7% 7.0%
Unit 3 11.6% 11.6% 0% 48.8% 2.3% 9.3% 2.3% 4.7% 9.3%
Unit 4 11.6% 7.0% 4.7% 30.2% 4.7% 11.6% 7.0% 20.9% 2.3%
Unit 5 14.0% 9.3% 2.3% 34.9% 2.3% 2.3% 9.3% 9.3% 16.3%
Unit 6 16.3% 7.0% 7.0% 37.2% 7.0% 4.7% 2.3% 2.3% 16.3%
Unit 7 16.3% 14.0% 4.7% 30.2% 2.3% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 11.6%
單元名稱 百分比
Unit 1: Topic Sentences & Paragraphs 56.6%
Unit 2: Topic Sentences & Controlling Ideas 55.8%
Unit 3: Reading & Summary 74.4%
Unit 4: Tense & Instruction with a Song 69.7%
Unit 5: Sentence Combining 55.8%
Unit 6: Paraphrasing 51.2%
Unit 7: Guided Writing & Reading 58.2%
(一) 由表四將問卷的正向題中「滿實用」、「對學習有助益」、「發揮創意」和「容易」此四項的百分比值加總段落寫作的每一單元皆超過百分之五十,由此顯示本課程的設計頗符合學生本位的需求。
unit 1 >unit 4 >unit 2 >unit 7 & unit 3 >unit 5> unit 6。
unit 5 >unit 6 & unit 3> unit 7> unit 2 & unit 4 > unit 1
(1) 滿實用=Unit 7
(2) 對學習有助益=Unit 3
(3) 能發揮創意=Unit 2 & Unit 4
(4) 容易=Unit 4
(5) 困難=Unit 5 & Unit 6
(6) 不能發揮創意=Unit 1
(1)第一單元 Topic Sentences & Paragraphs:
學生覺得最不能發揮創意乃由於這是一種寫作概念的傳輸,有固定的形式,是一種原理原則,但由於主題句與段落的概念,對於英文寫作而言是必需的,因此對學習英文作文而言相當有助益(44.2%),僅次於unit 3 (48.8%)。
(2)第二單元 Topic Sentences & Controlling Ideas:
(3)第三單元和第七單元 Reading & Summary 、Guided Writing & Reading :
( 4 ) 第四單元 Tense Instruction with a Song:
Pearl : 在所有的寫作的作品那一份作業你覺得最滿意?
Rachel : 段落寫作第四單元。二下寫詩的那個單元。
Maggie : With this Love 那篇。
LaLa : 可是要押韻很難耶!
Maggie : 寫詩不用很注意段落的連接,比起寫文章詩的連接彈性多了,寫文章時常常要被主題句限制住,詩的主題可以每一個段落不同。
Maggie & Richel :湊字還蠻好玩的,也要思考耶!
Sandra : 詩可以表達情感,很簡短,可以放很多自己的東西在裡面,比較可以表達心靈的感覺。
(5)第五單元 Sentence Combining:
Pearl : 你們為什麼覺得段落寫作的第五單元是你們最不喜歡的單元?
Jerrimy : 無聊嘛!
James : 了無新意只能改寫。
Jerrimy : 如果可以把自己寫的句子拆開來,再重新合併,那就比較好玩。
Leonnie : 那很困難耶!
Francis : 它沒有實用性啊!生活上用不到啊!生活裡面不會用到句子合併的東西。
Joanna : 不會喔!蠻好玩的。我覺得合併句子很實用,不是生活上很實用,而是因為我們,剛開始學,可以練習文法。
Rachel : 因為要重新合併句子,可以訓練邏輯思考。
Wina : 有建設性。
Rachel : 因為重組,所以要想到文法的結構,需要時間思考。
(6)第六單元 Paraphrasing :
表五、對高中英文教學課程活動—自由寫作調查表分析 (Frequency Table)
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6
次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比
非常喜歡 3
(7.0%) 2
(4.7%) 2
(4.7%) 1
喜歡 14
(32.6%) 17
(39.5%) 10
(23.3%) 17
(39.5%) 10
(23.3%) 14
還好 19
(44.2%) 13
(30.2%) 23
(53.5%) 17
(39.5%) 22
(51.2%) 16
不喜歡 7
(16.3%) 5
(11.6%) 5
(11.6%) 4
(9.3%) 6
(14.0%) 2
非常不喜歡 2
未答 3
(7.0%) 3
(7.0%) 3
(7.0%) 3
(7.0%) 4
(9.3%) 11
Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12
次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比 次數 百分比
非常喜歡 1
(2.3%) 1
喜歡 13
(30.2%) 7
(16.3%) 10
(23.3%) 11
(25.6%) 13
(30.2%) 10
還好 21
(48.6%) 22
(51.2%) 23
(53.5%) 24
(55.8%) 21
(48.8%) 24
不喜歡 2
(4.7%) 8
(18.6%) 5
(11.6%) 4
(9.3%) 5
(11.6%) 4
非常不喜歡 2
(4.7%) 1
(2.3%) 1
(2.3%) 1
(2.3%) 1
未答 7
(16.3%) 3
(7.0%) 4
(9.3%) 3
(7.0%) 3
(7.0%) 3
元 未
答 滿
用 不
用 對
益 對
益 能
意 不
意 容
易 困
Unit 1 16.3% 9.3% 4.7% 32.6% 4.7% 4.7% 2.3% 11.6% 14.0%
Unit 2 9.3% 9.3% 2.3% 27.9% 9.3% 16.3% 7.0% 9.3% 9.3%
Unit 3 9.3% 9.3% 2.3% 30.2% 0% 11.6% 9.3% 14.0% 14.0%
Unit 4 11.6% 9.3% 4.7% 9.3% 2.3% 37.2% 2.3% 7.0% 16.3%
Unit 5 14.0% 2.3% 2.3% 39.5% 4.7% 14.0% 14.0% 4.7% 4.7%
Unit 6 27.9% 11.6% 2.3% 27.9% 4.7% 14.0% 0% 9.3% 2.3%
Unit 7 16.3% 4.7% 2.3% 39.5% 7.0% 9.3% 7.0% 9.3% 4.7%
Unit 8 11.6% 18.6% 4.7% 32.6% 9.3% 9.3% 11.6% 7.0% 0%
Unit 9 9.3% 9.3% 2.3% 48.8% 0% 4.7% 11.6% 2.3% 11.6%
Unit 10 11.6% 16.3% 7.0% 41.9% 2.3% 2.3% 9.3% 4.7% 4.7%
Unit 11 11.6% 18.6% 2.3% 25.6% 4.7% 9.3% 11.6% 7.0% 9.3%
Unit 12 14.0% 4.7% 4.7% 27.9% 4.7% 16.3% 4.7% 14.0% 9.3%
單元名稱 百分比
Unit 1 : Interview & Description 58.2%
Unit 2 : Letter to myself 53.8%
Unit 3 : Letters Reflection 65.7%
Unit 4 : Completes Story 62.8%
Unti 5 : Stories Reflection 62.5%
Unit 6 : Getting Ideas 58.2%
Unit 7 : Getting Ideas 60.5%
Unit 8 : Revision 65.5%
Unit 9 : Developing cause & Effect Paragraph 64.6%
Unit 10 : Works Review & Works Implementation 58.9%
Unit 11 : Comparison & Connectors 60.5%
Unit 12 : Profolios & Process Writing 61.9%
(一) 由表六將問卷的正向題「蠻實用」、「對學習有助益」、「發揮創意」和「容易」此四項的百分比值加總,自由寫作課程之中有八個單元超過百分之六十,其餘四個單元亦皆超過百分之五十,由此顯示本課程的設計頗符合學生本位的需求。
(二)由表五得知學生對各單元的活動喜愛程度以「非常喜歡」、「喜歡」、「還好」三個項目百分比值的和比較,但由於unit 6未答人數高達十一人(27.9%),所以不予列記。此乃因為部分學習單被小老師遺失了,因此得到結果如下:
unit 4 >unit 3 & 10 >unit 7 & 11 & 12 >unit 1 & 2 & 5 & 9
>unit 8
(三)由表五得知學生對各單元的活動最不喜歡的程度以「不喜歡」和「非常不喜歡」之百分比值的和比較,但由於unit 6未答人數高達十一人(27.9%),所以不予列記,此乃因為部分學習單被小老師遺失了,因此得到結果如下:
unit 8 >unit 1 & unit 2> unit 5 & 11> unit 3 & 10 & 12 >
unit 4 & 7
(1) 滿實用=Unit 8 & 11
(2) 對學習有助益=Unit 9
(3) 能發揮創意=Unit 4
(4) 容易=Unit 12
(5) 比較困難=Unit 1 & 4
(6)不能發揮創意=Unit 5
(1)第一單元 Interview & Description:
Wina : 寫同學的那一篇就是有Interview那篇,我們訪問同學的時候很表面變得很制式。
Sandra : 問別人問題問的太少,而且又是分組,同組裡無法找到自己喜歡的人寫,又不知道後來要做什麼?
(2)第二單元Letter to Myself:
Pearl : 喜歡寫信嗎?
Joanna : 那就要看寫給誰囉!
Leonnie : Letter to myself 我對自己的了解不夠多不知道寫什麼,在這個節骨眼,高三的日子大同小異沒什麼特別,寫得都是考上大學進一個好的 科系啦!
Francis : 寫給別人容易,寫給自己難,不知寫給自己什麼?
LaLa : 我覺得寫給別人難。對自己都不了解了,更何況寫給別人。
(3)第三單元和第十單元 Letters Reflection、 Works Review & Works Implementation:
Sandra : 寫作時對印象模糊的字詞可以回去review、查字典,增加印象,對字詞的認識就愈來愈清楚。
Wina : 能由這些學習單了解自己的盲點也為自己的學習留下記錄。
( 4 )第四單元 Complete Story :
Francis : 自由寫作的Unit 4 Complete Story,可以寫什麼就寫什麼,每個人的想法不一樣,可以自己掰。
Jerrimy : 覺得在寫新的小說,可以自己設計人地事物,沒有任何規定,除了主人翁必須是瞎的,我覺得作文紙不夠,紙短筆長,意猶未盡。
James : Completes Story 營造一個情境,可以用口語也可以申論自己的主旨。抒情文和論說文都考到。
(5)第九、十一單元Comparison & Connectors、Developing Cause & Effect Paragraphs:
根據研究者的實務經驗,說明文對中國學生來說比較困難,從前測的結果來看,學生們對此種文體的寫作方式很不熟悉,因此前測的成就測驗分數偏低。以全民英檢中級考試寫作的方式評閱,43個學生當中只有一人得到4級分,通過率2.3%。又根據課程設計的原理原則由易而難,研究者才把說明文的寫作編於最後兩個單元,又本學期的英文教科書上恰好有一篇說明文的文章 “The Power of Television”,研究者於是乎將其適當的轉化應用於寫作教學課程,故學生可以收到事半功倍的效果。然而由於學習者偏好抒情文的寫作方式,以致於覺得說明文的寫作單元枯燥無味,一般學習者喜歡迎合自己口味的題材,但是對於教學者而言,多種不同題材的抒寫寫作,才能真正提昇學生思考寫作的潛能。就好像吃飯一樣,為了身體健康,各種養分都要適當的吸收。
Pearl : 你們覺得英文寫作時最讓你們困擾的是什麼?
Wina : 想寫的寫不出來。
Maggie : 題目不太好。
Leonnie : 不要都是一些申論文跟生活沒什麼關係。不是computer、internet、就是手機啊。應該多一點與生活有關的。
Maggie : 像我們國文上次模擬考作文題目是“如何處理核廢料?”。
Jerrimy : 如果這不是生活那什麼是生活。這都是在講一些對事實的看法嘛!只是我覺得可以把題目改為談一談喜歡吃的食物之類的。
Maggie : 寫抒情文不要寫論說文。
Leonnie : 論說文太八股了。
Wina : 論說文寫的都不是自己的想法,而且要去平衡老師的感覺。
Jerrimy: 論說文比較好寫。
James : 抒情文可以自己佈局不會受到很多限制。
Wina : 抒情文可以瞎掰,可以寫得很哀傷,可以寫自己的意思。
Pearl : 那為什麼上次模擬考問到如果你有哈利波特的魔法,你想要做什麼時,你們都寫不出來。
Leonnie : 可是常抒情文需要時間蘊釀。
(6)第五、十二單元 Stories Reflection、Profolio & Process Writing :
此兩個單元的設計著重在學生的反思,從學生的作品中觀察,寫得還相當不錯。寫作是一種過程,若不透過反思永遠都不知道自己的短處。特別是Profolio & Process Writing,研究者期望學習者可以透過個人檔案記錄的建立回顧自己的學習歷程。孔子說:「溫故而知新。」學生回顧自己的作品會覺得很有成就感。以下是學生的Written Self-Evaluation 作為佐證。英文寫作開始時,對很多學生而言的確是困難,然而不經一番徹骨寒,那得梅花撲鼻香,多數的學生肯定此一課程在學習英文上的效益,少數學生依然見山不是山、見水不是水,尚未開竅,以為英文的能力只是閱讀的能力,只要選擇題不想寫作,這些孩子依然懵懂,他們之所以短視近利乃是受到傳統語言教學的戕害,未來的考招分離、多元入學模式,閱讀與寫作能力分開測試就真的可以篩選出英文的能力的高下。以下針對此二單元就學生的自我評量單上之紀要加以說明:
Judy : After I put all the works in order, I discovered a shocking thing that I got more and more good grades. I am very happy because I spent so much time finishing them. At last, I got good grades. At first, I hated to do the work very much. Whenever I saw them, I felt bored and my mood would be confused. At that time, I thought, “Would it be really useful for me?” and I could not understand why I should write it. However, now I see my gain and I think my effort is worthy.
Vicki : During the eight months, I did a good job in English compositions. Sometimes I was tired of writing often, but I really got many progresses. It shows that practicing makes my English ability become better. However, I still need to take more time to increase vocabularies. I always have many ideas for the compisition, but I don’t know how to express what I think. After practicing so many times, it has given me some achievement, I want to thank Pearl, my teacher. She spent a lot of time and efforts helping us.
Neo : At the beginning, I started to accept this kind of teaching method. I felt very disagreeable because I thought this was so boring and not effective. Everytime I just saw the “learning paper”, I just felt so bored that I didn’t want to do it. Over a period of time, I felt gradually it was useful for me in English writing. But I still feel it is boring and difficult!
Leonnie : During this year, I think I really have improved a lot in my writing skill. At first my compositions were really worse, everytime my sister read my compositions she always said : oh, my God! Your compositions are really worse. Are you really a high school student? It is a mess. People can’t read your composition. I was upset! I always wrote in Chinese way and thought in Chinese way. Gradually, my writing skill has been improved a lot! In fact, in the beginning when teacher wanted me to do the activity , I hated that! I thought why not go straight to the lesson. I thought it couldn’t improve my English. But, due to the activity, I started to check a lot of new informations and read the novels. It really helped me a lot! So, I do not hate to do the activity anymore. But, I still have complaints at some time.
Doris : The process in these writings, I felt a little tired because of too much works. I always wrote in a hurry and did not prepare well for those works. So, I thought it was a little worthless. On the other hand, I feel my writing is better now. It is good to practice more, but I would like to have a perfect work than a lot of ordinary works. So I think we can reduce the works to make them with a good quality. In fact, I feel ralexed after finishing these works. If you give a choice to me, I will not want to have them.
Michael : First, thanks for providing these opportunities for us to learn English in this special way. Even though we used to complain about writing articles. But it is something really helps us in developing our English ability. Second, there is something serious I want to tell you because you are so well-prepared in teaching. I think we need something more useful for our entrance exam. So, I think you should teach us some more useful English next time. We’d like to see your change.
Demon : It is very useful for the purpose of getting good grades in the exam. I can review the words, phrases, grammar that I have memorized before. Because of that, I can deeply remember what I have learned. I can understand the mistakes in my composition. So, I will not make the same mistakes next time.
Echo : Before I praticed to write compositions, I felt I couldn’t do it well. Now, I have praticed it for one year. Although I wrote it with pain, I completed it at length. And my English writing abilities have advanced a lot. Thank you.
Monica : It was very difficult to write compositions for me, but I tried and tried again. We have done many works over a period of time and I got many new ideas, even though I felt tired sometimes. I hope I can do better in the future. This is a special experiment in my senior high school life.
第三節 寫作能力成就測驗前後測比較分析
九十年九月十四日實施自由寫作之前測,並請全民英檢中級寫作之評分員(國立新店高中張清秀老師和台北縣立安康完全中學劉淑惠老師)、根據全民英檢中級寫作作文部分的評分標準,交互評閱學生作文以求得客觀的寫作能力參照值。俟本研究課程結束,九十年十一月二十二日實施後測再請評分員再次交互評閱學生作文以求得客觀的寫作能力參照值,以觀察學習者寫作能力是否增強。在評閱過程中,評分員對同一份作文試卷評閱分數不同時,則請第三位評分員再次評閱以示客觀公正。除此之外,研究者請指導教授和兩位評分老師由四十三位學生中前測得到二級分者中抽樣抽出Joanna、James、Jerrimy、Rachel、Eric、Chris等六位;三級分者中共抽出:Deamon、Anniel、Daniel、Mia、Wina、Leonie、Judy、Francies、Sandra等九位,抽取總共15 位學生做英文寫作前後測錯誤分項分析進一步觀察學生們進步之情形。本研究發現學生們無論在級分或作文的內涵上大都有長足的進步。請參照以下各表之數據。
前測級數 後測級數 進步指數
1 3 3 V
2 3 4 V
3 3 4 V
4 3 3
5 3 4 V
6 2 3 V
7 3 4 V
8 4 3
9 3 4 V
10 3 4 V
11 3 3
12 3 3
13 3 3
14 3 4 V
15 3 3
16 2 2
17 3 3
18 3 4 V
19 2 2
20 2 3 V
21 3 3
22 2 3 V
23 3 3
24 3 3
27 3 4 V
28 3 4 V
29 3 3
30 3 3
31 3 4 V
32 2 2
33 2 3 V
34 2 1
35 2 2
36 2 2
37 2 1
39 3 3
40 3 3
41 3 4 V
43 3 3
44 3 3
46 3 3
47 3 4 V
48 3 3
總分(人數=43) 119 133 +14
通過率(人數=43)% 1(2.3%) 13(30%) 27.3%
表八、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Joanna)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 0 v
無相關 0 0
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 0 0
結語 0 0
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 4 3 x
連接詞 0 1 x
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 2 9 x
數量 0 4 x
4. 用字/ 7 3 v
拼字 2 1 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 4 v
表九、取樣錯誤分析(Student : James)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 0 v
無相關 2 0 v
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 1 0 v
支持論點 2 0 v
結語 1 0 v
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 7 5 v
連接詞 5 3 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 6 1 v
數量 20 9 v
4. 用字/ 3 x
拼字 5 2 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 2 4 x
表十、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Jerrimy)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 0 v
無相關 1 0 v
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 1 0 v
支持論點 1 0 v
結語 1 0 v
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 6 4 v
連接詞 3 2 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 2 5 x
數量 2 6 x
4. 用字/ 8 5 v
拼字 8 4 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 1 1
表十一、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Rachel)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 0 v
無相關 2 0 v
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 1 0 v
支持論點 0 0
結語 0 0
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 6 4 v
連接詞 4 2 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 1 0 v
數量 0 6 x
4. 用字/ 13 2 v
拼字 8 2 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 3 0 v
表十二、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Eric)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 0 v
無相關 0 0
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 1 0 v
支持論點 0 0
結語 1 0 v
3. 文法 時態 1 0 v
句子結構 4 3 v
連接詞 1 2 x
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 3 3
數量 1 2 x
4. 用字/ 6 5 v
拼字 4 4 x
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 0 1
表十三、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Chris)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 0 0
無相關 1 0 v
缺少例子 1 0 v
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 0 0
結語 0 0
3. 文法 時態 0 1 x
句子結構 1 6 x
連接詞 0 1 x
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 3 7 x
數量 0 5 x
4. 用字/ 8 6 v
拼字 3 3
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 0 3 x
表十四、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Deamon)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 0 v
無相關 0 0
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 0 0
結語 1 0 v
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 5 3 v
連接詞 2 3 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 1 2 x
數量 1 4 x
4. 用字/ 10 2 v
拼字 4 3 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 0 4 x
表十五、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Annie)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 4 0 v
無相關 0 0
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 0 0
結語 1 0 v
3. 文法 時態 0 3 x
句子結構 3 1 v
連接詞 2 0 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 2 2
數量 0 0
4. 用字/ 6 3 v
拼字 0 2 x
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 0 0
表十六、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Daniel)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 3 1 v
無相關 0 1 x
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 1 1
支持論點 1 0 v
結語 0 1 x
3. 文法 時態 1 1
句子結構 3 6 x
連接詞 2 1 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 5 1 v
數量 0 0
4. 用字/ 3 1 v
拼字 3 0 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 2 0 v
表十七、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Mia)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 4 1 v
無相關 0 0
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 1 1
結語 1 0 v
3. 文法 時態 0 1 x
句子結構 6 4 v
連接詞 3 2 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 1 2 x
數量 0 0
4. 用字/ 3 5 x
拼字 3 0 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 1 0 v
表十八、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Wina)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 0 0
無相關 4 0 v
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 0 0
結語 0 0
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 5 2 v
連接詞 2 1 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 1 3 x
數量 0 0
4. 用字/ 7 4 v
拼字 2 2
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 1 1
表十九、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Leonnie)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 0 0
無相關 2 2
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 0 0
結語 0 0
3. 文法 時態 2 0 v
句子結構 4 3 v
連接詞 3 1 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 2 2
數量 0 1 x
4. 用字/ 7 1 v
拼字 8 1 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 1 1
表二十、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Judy)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 0 v
無相關 1 0 v
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 0 0
結語 0 1 v
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 4 1 v
連接詞 1 2 x
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 3 0 v
數量 3 2 v
4. 用字/ 7 1 v
拼字 1 1
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 1 0 v
表二十一、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Francis)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 2 x
無相關 0 0
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 0 0
支持論點 1 0 v
結語 0 0
3. 文法 時態 3 0 v
句子結構 5 5
連接詞 3 2 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 1 2 x
數量 0 0
4. 用字/ 5 3 v
拼字 0 0
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 1 0 v
表二十二、取樣錯誤分析(Student : Sandra)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 2 0 v
無相關 1 0 v
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 1 0 v
支持論點 0 0
結語 0 1 x
3. 文法 時態 1 2 x
句子結構 1 1
連接詞 3 4 x
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 0 2 x
數量 0 0
4. 用字/ 5 3 v
拼字 1 1
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 0 0
表二十三、取樣錯誤分析(Student :LaLa)
項目 典型錯誤 前測錯誤數 後測錯誤數 進步指數
1. 內容 不清楚 1 2 x
無相關 0 0
缺少例子 0 0
2. 組織 引言 1 0 v
支持論點 0 0
結語 1 1
3. 文法 時態 0 0
句子結構 7 2 v
連接詞 5 3 v
一致性(主詞、動詞名詞與代名詞) 3 2 v
數量 0 1 x
4. 用字/ 7 0 v
拼字 5 2 v
5.體例(格式、標點、大小寫) 1 1
項目 前測總錯誤數 後測總錯誤數 進步指數
內容 37 9 v
組織 20 6 v
文法 160 165 x
用字/拼字 159 75 v
體例 18 16 v
從上表得知,接受本實驗的學生,在 「內容」、「組織」、「用字與拚字」、「體例」皆有顯著的進步, 惟獨「文法」沒有顯著的差異。學生James、Jerrimy、Rachel、Deamon、Annie、Daniel、Wina、Leonnie、Judy、LaLa等十位在文法上的錯誤數量減少,其餘五位則有待加強,特別是Chris。由此可見語法的建立是需要長期的培養與訓練,老師在教學上平時就要在一般課程裡經由有意義的文法練習予以建構、強化語法概念,避免用測驗題為單一的評量方式,而教條式的文法概念教學方式難以將習得的知識內化。
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
Hayes & Flower (1986) 以及Moore, et al. (1986) 將寫作歷程歸納成三個主要階段。他們認為寫作並非按照直線順序進行,而是三種活動隨時穿梭交替, 在寫作當中,有許多細節可能在邊寫邊想中進行,而非事先就能佈局和考慮周詳,又修改可發生於任何階段,有的是初稿完成後立即修正,有的是在寫作進行中邊改邊寫,另外有的則是整個文稿完成後才加以修改,也就是說,他們強調寫作的過程是反覆的,而非單一直線的發展。
另外Hayes & Flower的研究亦顯示,擅長寫作者在偵測文章錯誤的能力優於不擅長寫作者,由於修改的工作是以讀者的需求為中心, 因此專業的作家在從事修改時都有賴讀者的回饋以增進文章的易解度。在一項增進作者對讀者之敏感訓練研究中,他們首先讓受試者閱讀有缺失的文章並預測讀者在閱讀該文時可能會遭遇的困難, 然後再讓讀者嘗試理解該文時大聲說出思序內容,最後依據讀者感到困難處來修改及預測。同時,他們發現寫作專家在修改文章時比較注重整體性的問題而新手則較注重細節問題, 例如說錯字、標點。由此看來,寫作教學應以整體內容的適切修正為重心。
過程寫作教學法鼓勵用自我經驗做為寫作的題材,學生可以選擇自己想要書寫的主題。這些主題與他們的生活相關, 因此增強了他們寫作的動機。除此之外,過程寫作教學法所營造的寫作情境工作法—學生通常分成小組,寫作活動在小組裡面進行,此種模式也提供了學生現成的讀者,這種寫作方式是真實的溝通行為而不是機械式的句型練習或章法結構練習。過程寫作強調內容決定形式,好的作品就是寫出內心最關鍵的問題,其次,過程寫作教學法把重點放在意義的探討而非形式句構與文法細節,這也大幅降低學生挫折感。L2的學生因為語言的限制難免犯錯,如果老師過於注重文法上的錯誤,而忽略寫作是一種溝通行為,會使學生心生畏懼及焦慮。但也由於這種教學法忽略了學生必須在學校從事其他文體的寫作,而不教導學生各種文體的不同表達型式以及文法句型等細節,使得L2學生在求學過程中失去競爭力。
與其他教學法相較,過程寫作教學法重視學生個人的心理需求。如果教學者能夠多兼顧多元化文體的教學,過程寫作教學法對 L2的學生來說,符合認知學習理論的。又根據維高斯基近攝發展區的理論,教學活動應提供:
(一) 學習者近攝發展區的活動與協助學習者發展其能力。
(二) 在課程的學習活動中,由具備專業能力者、教師或者能力較佳的
(三) 所有課程的學習活動必須安排在真實的社會情境中。
過程寫作教學法鼓勵用自我經驗做為寫作的題材,學生可以選擇自己想要書寫的主題。這些主題與他們的生活相關, 因此增強了他們寫作的動機。所以互動式的英文作文課程必須提供寫作者足夠的資訊。相關之訪談內容如下:
Pearl : 你們為什麼覺得段落寫作的第五單元是你們最不喜歡的單元?
Jerrimy : 無聊嘛!
James : 了無新意只能改寫。
Jerrimy : 如果可以把自己寫的句子拆開來,再重新合併,那就比較好玩。
Leonnie : 那很困難耶!
Francis : 它沒有實用性啊!生活上用不到啊!生活裡面不會用到句子合併的東西。
Wina : 寫同學的那一篇就是有Interview那篇,我們訪問同學的時候很表面變得很制式。
Judy : Help! The Advice Column 我喜歡。
Pearl : 為什麼?
Judy : 每天跟朋友在一起感覺比較好寫。
Maggie : 寫抒情文不要寫論說文。
Leonnie : 論說文太八股了。
Wina : 論說文寫的都不是自己的想法,而且要去平衡老師的感覺。
Jerrimy: 論說文比較好寫。
James : 抒情文可以自己佈局不會受到很多限制。
Wina : 抒情文可以瞎掰,可以寫得很哀傷,可以寫自己的意思。
Pearl : 那為什麼上次模擬考講到如果你有哈利波特的魔法,你想要做什麼時,你們都寫不出來?
Leonnie : 可是抒情文需要時間蘊釀。
在所有的寫作練習中,學生覺得段落寫作第四單元寫詩和自由寫作的Unit 4 Complete Story最滿意、最得心應手,因為寫故事,可以自己設計人地事物,沒有任何規定,而寫詩可以表達自己心裡的感覺。Complete Story 營造一個情境,可以用平舖直敘說明自己的主旨。抒情文和說明文兩種文體都用到了。相關之訪談內容如下:
Pearl : 在所有的寫作的作品那一份作業你覺得最滿意?
Rachel : 段落寫作第四單元。二下寫詩的那個單元。
Maggie : With this Love 那篇。
LaLa : :可是要押韻很難耶!
Maggie : 寫詩不用很注意段落的連接,比起寫文章,詩的連接彈性多了,寫文章時常常要被主題句限制住,詩的主題可以每一個段落不同。
Maggie & Richel :湊字還蠻好玩的,也要思考耶!
Sandra : 詩可以表達情感很簡短,可以放很多自己的東西在裡面比較可以表達心靈的感覺。
Francis : 自由寫作的Unit 4 Complete Story,可以寫什麼就寫什麼,每個人的想法不一樣,可以自己掰。
Jerrimy : 覺得在寫新的小說,可以自己設計人地事物,沒有任何規定,除了主人翁必須是瞎的,我覺得作文紙不夠,紙短筆長,意猶未盡。
James : Completes Story 營造一個情境,可以用口語,也可以申論自己的主旨。抒情文和論說文都考到。
Sandra : 寫作時對印象模糊的字詞可以回去review、查字典,增加印象,對字詞的認識就愈來愈清楚。
Maggie : 雖然學起來很辛苦至少這是一項技能,對於將來一定會很有幫助,不只是應付考試,更是未來語文能力的基礎。
Annie : 自由寫作的寫summary,看完文章以後用自己的話寫下來比較容易不用再去想其他的詞彙。
Sandra : Bear Scare那篇文章內容不連貫,看完以後還要把它寫得很連貫。
經過兩個半月(90.9.14-90.11.22)的自由寫作課程活動之實施後,實施高中英文作文寫作態度問卷調查及後測。根據表一顯示Pair 1 –前後測總分(TOTAL A-TOTAL B)無顯著差異,Pair 2—信心程度前後測(CA-CB)無顯著差異, Pair 4 – 喜好程度前後測(PA-PB)無顯著差異。只有Pair 3—焦慮程度前後測(AA-AB)有稍微顯著之差異,學生焦慮程度降低0.15。原因在於學習者對寫作已有更深刻的認識,因此焦慮指數會降低。如果實驗的時間加長,效果應會更加顯著。由此可見,寫作教學必須不斷練習,一學期只練習一兩篇寫作,效果會大打折扣。
Paired Samples Statistics (T-Test)
Mean N Std. Deviation
Pair 1 TOTAL A
Pair 2 CA
Pair 3 AA
Pair 4 UA
Pair 5 PA
PB 3.1460
3.0412 43
43 .2495
Tina : 此外,寫作文的頻率不要太頻繁,因為一下子寫太多會令人覺得厭煩,寫到最後會有點不知道該寫什麼好?所以寫作的題目和間隔距離是很重要的。
Jerrimy : 我們不是不 like 作文課but 一下子太多吃不消,最大的收穫是對英文的組織能力變好了。
Judy : 會想去背更多的單字,詞不達意會很痛苦,會想了解更多的東西。
Francis : 一直持續不斷的寫作練習讓我的英文作文進步because以前都不知道基本的英文寫作方式,但現在知道第一段的Topic Sentence & 第二、三段的supporting ideas,最後一段conclusion,在寫時會很得心應手。
Joanna : 一開始非常討厭英文,所以就對英文寫作感到煩感,根本就不想去寫它但寫久了、磨練久了,就熟悉了寫作技巧及方法。所以漸漸的就不會害怕英文作文了。但是我還是覺得在寫作文之前還是得背足夠的單字,否則說到用時方恨少。
Wina : 會想學習更多方面的英文,不只限於課文內容而且能由這些學習單了解自己的盲點,也同時為自己留下學習的紀錄。
Rachel : 希望可以用口語化的方式寫作文。
Wina : 我們會這樣認為是因為英文不是我們的母語不像中文一樣,我們會自然的寫作。所以學寫作文的時間應該往前挪。小時候學英文時,就要把讀、寫合併。從小就有寫英文的經驗,就會很習慣用英文來寫。
James : 學得早晚不是問題而是環境的問題。
Tin : 我覺得早晚還是有差,我覺得小孩子比較容易學。越小學越容易會。
Leonnie : 對啊, 因為小的時候我們只認得一點點單字錯誤也只有一點點。一點點的時候容易改正,越大才開始寫錯誤又多,寫得時候就想文法,不曉得怎麼辦?越寫越錯。
Jerrimy : 學習不能間斷。
Tina : 間斷的話容易忘記。
LaLa : 考試時頭腦好緊寫不出來
Maggie : 時間太緊迫了,寫不出來。
Annie : 考試的時候頭腦一下靈感全無,單字知道太少。
Leonnie : 考試太制式化。
Pearl : 如何找到不制式的考試方式,不會讓你們考試時靈感不見了,寫不出來。
Wina : Reading 和 Writing 分開考就不會覺得很難寫作文。
Leonnie : 如果分開考就不會因為專注力一開始就投注在閱讀上面做答整個思緒被卡在那裡。
Rachel : 最好是考完reading 之後還可以休息十分鐘。
Leonnie : 對啊, 休息一下!翻翻作文的書再去考。
(二) 英文寫作練習能擴大學習者的視野
James : 與人以英文溝通更方便了,能寫基本的書信並熟悉作文佈局。
Leonnie : 我覺得寫作文而且又用英文寫,其實還蠻有成就感的耶!會發現啊原來我也可以寫這樣的文章啊,但是也會發現自己英文知道的非常少,會不斷的逼自己背一些新的單元,像現在去國外網站和外國人聊天也不是問題呢,知道自己英文有進步是一件快樂的事。
(三) 英文寫作能增強語言學習的信念
知識信念是指學習者對於學習以及對知識結構的信念,它在解決問題的情境中是掌控者,決定了學習者在學習與解決問題時所要採取的認知資源之種類。偏好簡化的教學方式以及背誦特定知識模式之學習者,知識信念較為簡單,較不能適應非線性、多面向的學習環境。相反地,如果學習者的認知信念較為複雜時則較能以不同的觀點在複雜的學習環境中學習,他們通常在學習活動中扮演較為積極主動的角色, 所以能夠成功地在開放而複雜、結構鬆散的環境中學習。寫作教學由於在學習的過程中,鼓勵學習者自行建構知識。學習者能培養知識與學習信念。因此,教學者在從事課程設計時要能夠適時地提供相關的經驗,讓學習者體認到知識是應用建構而來。相關之訪談內容如下:
Annie: 以前從來沒有上過英文寫作、背得片語都是斷斷續續的、無法連貫,自己寫作以後會去注意一篇文章的組織結構,reading時才知道一篇文章的主旨結論or中間的舖陳在哪裡,更能掌握大意。
LaLa : 我認為我的英文進步了,但對話的部份還有待加強。漸漸的我感到我下筆更輕鬆了。
(四) 英文寫作是語言能力的統合
Pearl : 英文寫作給你們最大的收穫是什麼?
Sandra : 寫作時對印象模糊的字詞可以回去review、查字典,增加印象,對字詞的認識就愈來愈清楚。
Maggie : 雖然學起來很辛苦至少這是一項技能,對於將來一定會很有幫助,不只是應付考試,更是未來語文能力的基礎。
Rachel : 其實寫英文作文時,英文作文是很愉快的事只是有時候遇到不會的單字或詞不達意時,會覺得有挫折感,不過可以從中學習到更多的單字or片語。
一、 教學方法
建構取向教學法的單元活動設計秉持著「思考」→「發表」→「寫作」→「反思」的模式和理念,與傳統的控制教學法、修辭教學法不同,學習者必須透過活動去建構寫作的概念。一開始實施時,學生會覺得不太能適應 「做中學」的學習方式,另外對教學者而言,活動的設計、作業單的批改和評量都需要長時間的蘊釀,並且在教學過程中不斷的修正以適合學生的需求。
二、 教材
(一) 知識性:主題與體裁可以增進學習者對事物的了解。
(二) 實用性:英文的習得可以應用在生活上。
(三) 互動性:語用的能力可以與人溝通。
(四) 多元性:教材所含蓋的層面廣泛。
(五) 難易適中:教材的編寫適合高中生的程度。
(六) 活動設計要符合建構式教學觀,並涵蓋基本語言溝通功能又具備「思考」→「發表」→「寫作」→「反思」的模式和理念。
(七) 教材有組織、循序漸進;採螺旋向上、反覆練習之模式。
(八) 學習單的設計必須清晰、切題、說明清楚。
建構取向的寫作教學法是一種過程取向的課程活動設計,因此在評量上應採形成性評量。「近側發展區」 (zone of proximal development)、「社會中介」(social mediation)、「內化」等概念,總之,學習評量應包含三種成份:(1)個體目前的能力水準;(2)個體自行努力完成的水準;(3)個體與能力更好的人做有意義互動後,在能力上的改變。此種評量實施的優點:
(一) 了解學生對問題了解程度以及解決問題和表達自我的能力, 並能對學生的能力提供不同且廣泛的視野。
(二) 提供學生能力的真實證據。
(三) 促合作評量。
(四) 找進出學生學習不良的原因,以幫助學生加強學習效果,提高學生的學習興趣和學習結果。
(一) 評分上的難題:評量和觀察重點的掌握和評分標準的訂定不易。
(二) 時間上的難題:非常耗時。
(三) 技術品質上的難題:評量者評分的一致性不高。
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高中生英文作文態度調查問卷 (預試樣本)
張碧珠 謹啟
1. 學校:_______________________ 學校所在城鎮:______________
2. 填表日期:_____________
3. 班級:_________________
4. 學號:_________________
5. 姓名:_________________
6. 性別:□男 □女
7. 除了學校英文課之外,你每週大約花多少時間自己學習英文?
□沒有 □1~3小時 □4~6小時 □7~9小時 □10小時以上
8. 你(妳)於何時開始學習英文?
□幼兒 □國小一二年級 □國小三四年級 □國小五六年級 □國中
9. 你曾在英語系國家居住過嗎?若有請著明多久時間
□ 有:______ 年 ______ 月 □ 沒有
□有: ______年 ______個月 □ 沒有
□ 教法 □ 教材 □ 其他 _________________
□ 有 □沒有
□高一 □ 高二 □ 高三
填答說明:請圈選你(妳)認為合適的答案,不要考慮太多,也不要遺漏任何一題。1是「非常不同意」、2是「不同意」、 3是「無意見」、4是「同意」、 5是「非常同意」。
1.為了以後求學的需要,我必須精通英文作文…………….1 2 3 4 5
2.未來的工作中,英文寫作會是很重要的能力之一……….1 2 3 4 5
3.學好英文作文,讓我可以認識更多外國朋友…………….1 2 3 4 5
4.學習英文寫作可以增加另一項與人溝通的管道………….1 2 3 4 5
5.要用英文來寫自傳,我信心十足………………………….1 2 3 4 5
6.英文寫作應是一種愉快的學習歷程……………………….1 2 3 4 5
7.我喜歡在英文寫作課中分享彼此作品的活動...…………..1 2 3 4 5
8.在我的日常生活中,英文作文沒有太多用處…………….1 2 3 4 5
9.我喜歡用英文在網路上聊天……..………………………...1 2 3 4 5
10.英文寫作對我而言,是一項全新的挑戰...………………1 2 3 4 5
11.若不是考試要考,我實在不太想學英文作文……………..1 2 3 4 5
12.為了父母或老師的要求,我才勉強去寫英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5
13.在正式寫作前我會和同學透過小組討論激盪靈感………..1 2 3 4 5
14.我喜歡參與英文寫作課中的學習活動……………………..1 2 3 4 5
15.我喜歡和別人討論有關英文作文相關的事情……………..1 2 3 4 5
16.我會多花一些課外的時間練習英文作文…………………..1 2 3 4 5
17.我通常會用英文寄送電子郵件給我的朋友………………..1 2 3 4 5
18.寫英文作文時,我覺得蠻自在的…..………………………1 2 3 4 5
19.我覺得我有寫好英文作文的天份…..………………………1 2 3 4 5
20.如果我學不好英文作文,一定是老師教學太差…………..1 2 3 4 5
21.寄卡片給朋友時我會使用英文寫祝賀詞……………….….1 2 3 4 5
22.我會把握任何可以學習英文作文的機會…………………..1 2 3 4 5
23.學習英文作文是值得的...….………………………………..1 2 3 4 5
24.學習英文作文滿足了我對英文學習的需求………………..1 2 3 4 5
25.為了寫好英文作文,我會多方蒐集相關的題材…………..1 2 3 4 5
26.上英文作文課時,我喜歡和老師在課堂上互動…………..1 2 3 4 5
27.學習英文作文提高了我對英文學習的興趣………………..1 2 3 4 5
28.我會試著用英文來作筆記………………..…………………1 2 3 4 5
29.我會試著用英文來寫日記….……..……..………………….1 2 3 4 5
30.我會在BBS版上用英文來Post我的東西…………………1 2 3 4 5
31.如果有機會,我會爭取參加英文作文比賽………………..1 2 3 4 5
32.如果有別的選擇,我就不會選英文作文課………………..1 2 3 4 5
33.寫英文作文時,我總是感覺文思枯竭無從下筆…………..1 2 3 4 5
34.我會不好意思和同學分享我所寫的英文作文……………..1 2 3 4 5
35.想到要上英文作文,我就一個頭兩個大…………………..1 2 3 4 5
36.我對英文考試中作文部分比較沒有把握…………………..1 2 3 4 5
37.我很害怕英文寫作時出現很多文法上的錯誤……………..1 2 3 4 5
38.我很害怕英文造句練習……………………………………..1 2 3 4 5
39.我害怕我會在英文寫作課被老師當掉……………………..1 2 3 4 5
40.我的印象中英文寫作是很枯燥無味的……………………..1 2 3 4 5
張碧珠 謹啟
8. 學校:_______________________ 學校所在城鎮:______________
9. 填表日期:_____________
10. 班級:_________________
11. 學號:_________________
12. 姓名:_________________
13. 性別:□男 □女
14. 除了學校英文課之外,你每週大約花多少時間自己學習英文?
□沒有 □1~3小時 □4~6小時 □7~9小時 □10小時以上
8. 你(妳)於何時開始學習英文?
□幼兒 □國小一二年級 □國小三四年級 □國小五六年級 □國中
9. 你(妳)曾在英語系國家居住過嗎?若有請註明多久時間
□ 有:______ 年 ______ 月 □ 沒有
□有: 共______年 ______個月 □ 沒有
□ 教法 □ 教材 □ 教法及教材 □ 其他 _________________
□ 有 地點: _______________ □沒有
□高一 □ 高二 □ 高三
填答說明:請圈選你(妳)認為合適的答案,不要考慮太多,也不要遺漏任何一題。1是「非常不同意」、 2是「不同意」、 3是「無意見」、
4是「同意」、 5是「非常同意」。
1.為了以後求學的需要,我必須精通英文作文…………….1 2 3 4 5
2.未來的工作中,英文寫作會是很重要的能力之一……….1 2 3 4 5
3.學好英文作文,讓我可以認識更多外國朋友…………….1 2 3 4 5
4.學習英文寫作可以增加另一項與人溝通的管道………….1 2 3 4 5
5.要用英文來寫自傳,我信心十足………………………….1 2 3 4 5
6.英文寫作應是一種愉快的學習歷程……………………….1 2 3 4 5
7.我喜歡在英文寫作課中分享彼此作品的活動...…………..1 2 3 4 5
8.在我的日常生活中,英文作文沒有太多用處…………….1 2 3 4 5
9.我喜歡用英文在網路上聊天……..………………………...1 2 3 4 5
10.我的印象中英文寫作是很枯燥無味的…………………...1 2 3 4 5
11.若不是考試要考,我實在不太想學英文作文……………..1 2 3 4 5
12.為了父母或老師的要求,我才勉強去寫英文作文………..1 2 3 4 5
13.我害怕我會在英文寫作課被老師當掉……………………..1 2 3 4 5
14.我喜歡參與英文寫作課中的學習活動……………………..1 2 3 4 5
15.我喜歡和別人討論有關英文作文相關的事情……………..1 2 3 4 5
16.我會多花一些課外的時間練習英文作文…………………..1 2 3 4 5
17.我通常會用英文寄送電子郵件給我的朋友………………..1 2 3 4 5
18.寫英文作文時,我覺得蠻自在的…..………………………1 2 3 4 5
19.我覺得我有寫好英文作文的天份…..………………………1 2 3 4 5
20.我很害怕英文造句練習……………………………………. 1 2 3 4 5
21.寄卡片給朋友時我會使用英文寫祝賀詞……………….….1 2 3 4 5
22.我會把握任何可以學習英文作文的機會…………………..1 2 3 4 5
23.學習英文作文是值得的...….………………………………..1 2 3 4 5
24.學習英文作文滿足了我對英文學習的需求………………..1 2 3 4 5
25.為了寫好英文作文,我會多方蒐集相關的題材…………..1 2 3 4 5
26.上英文作文課時,我喜歡和老師在課堂上互動…………..1 2 3 4 5
27.學習英文作文提高了我對英文學習的興趣………………..1 2 3 4 5
28.我會試著用英文來作筆記………………..…………………1 2 3 4 5
29.我會試著用英文來寫日記….……..……..………………….1 2 3 4 5
30.我會在BBS版上用英文來Post我的東西…………………1 2 3 4 5
31.如果有機會,我會爭取參加英文作文比賽………………..1 2 3 4 5
32.如果有別的選擇,我就不會選英文作文課………………..1 2 3 4 5
33.寫英文作文時,我總是感覺文思枯竭無從下筆…………..1 2 3 4 5
34.我會不好意思和同學分享我所寫的英文作文……………..1 2 3 4 5
35.想到要上英文作文,我就一個頭兩個大…………………..1 2 3 4 5
36.我對英文考試中作文部分比較沒有把握…………………..1 2 3 4 5
張碧珠 謹啟
年 班 座號: 姓名: 性別:□男 □女 填表日期:
Part I Paragraph writing---
1.對Unit 1 Topic sentence & paragraph 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
2..對Unit 2 Topic sentence & controlling ideas 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
3.對 Unit 3 Reading & summary 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
4.對 Unit 4 Tense instruction by a story 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
5.對 Unit 5 Sentence combining 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
6.對Unit 6 Paraphrasing 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
7.對Unit 7 Guided writing & reading 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
Part II Free writing—
1. 對Unit 1 Interview & Description 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
2. 對 Unit 2 Letter to Myself 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
3. 對Unit 3 Letters Reflection 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
4. 對Unit 4 Complete Story 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
5. 對Unit 5 Stories Reflection 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
6. 對Unit 6 Getting Ideas的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
7. 對Unit 7 Getting Ideas 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
8. 對Unit 8 Revision 的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
9. 對Unit 9 Developing course & Effect Paragraph的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
10. 對Unit 10 Works Review & Works Implementation的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
11. 對Unit 11 Comparison & Connectors的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
12. 對Unit 12 Porfolios & Process Writing的喜歡程度如何?
□1.非常喜歡 □2.喜歡 □3.還好 □4.不喜歡 □5.非常不喜歡
原因:□6.滿/不實用 □7.對於我的學習有助益/沒助益
□ 8.能/不能讓我發揮創意 □9.容易/困難
Pre-test for Writing Proficiency
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Learner: Class: No:.
Directions: Nowadays the Internet is getting popular. Please write the composition of 120-150 words also to state the reasons for popularity of the Internet in our daily life and you opinion about it.
Post-test for Writing Proficiency
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Learner: Class: No:.
Directions: Computers are one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century. Nowadays they almost become a very essential modern tool in our daily life. Please write a composition of 120-50 words or so to state the advantages and disadvantages of the computers.
Paragraph Writing
Unit 1
Focus To give a general idea about paragraph and topic sentence
Genre Letter
Form Narration
A narrative paragraph gives the details of an event or experience in story form or in the order they happened.
Material Transparency and worksheet
Teaching the Lesson
First, ask the students to think about the meaning of paragraph, and then give them a pair of examples to tell one from the other which one is better and students share their opinion in pair. Second, they have to find out the topic sentence. Finally, the teacher leads the students to make a clear picture of what a good topic sentence is.
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Learner’s Name:
Directions: please work with a partner, talk about the questions, share your opinions and write down the answers to them.
Read the paragraphs A&B below and follow the instructions.
Dear Abby,
My mother is very strict with me. She doesn’t allow me to accept any gift without her permission. She insists that I come home before 10:00 every night. She forbids me from talking too long on the telephone. She punishes me when I make mistakes or get poor grades. She used to be very beautiful so she has never been satisfied with my appearance. I have never been confident of my self because she never praises me. How can I have an agreement with my mother?
Dear Abby,
My mother is very strict with me. She doesn’t allow me to accept any gift without her permission. She insists that I come home before 10:00 every night. She forbids me from talking too long on the telephone. She punishes me when I make mistakes or get poor grades. Maybe she does all these things because I am the oldest child in the family, and she wants me to set a “perfect” example for my younger sister. From this viewpoint, perhaps she is justified in being so exceptionally strict. Please tell me what I am going to do.
c. Which paragraph is easier to understand? Circle one.
A. or B
d. Why?
Finding the Best Topic Sentence, and Marking it with a B (best):
_______ My car smells, has flat tires, and won’t start.
_______ I have a lot of trouble with my car.
_______ So, it is time to get a new car.
____ Apples taste good, too.
____ The apple has been a symbol of many things]
____ An apple represents forbidden knowledge because of the Bible, school because it was a traditional gift, and a computer company because it has the same name.
Find out and underline the ideas that are not related the topic sentence.
What is a paragraph?
It should include: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is the above practice helpful to you in writing a paragraph? Is it interesting? Why or Why not?
Helpful: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reasons:
Interesting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Reasons:
In-class Writing Practice
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Learner: Class: No.:
Help! The Advice Column
Directions: Write a letter to an advice columnist Dear Abby. Ask for advice.
This is the problem you have:
You have a very good friend that you have known as a freshman in Senior High. You are very close. Now you have a new friend who does not like your old friend. When the three of you together, everyone is uncomfortable. Your old friend has stopped calling you. You need some good advice.
Describe a recent unpleasant incident with your friends and ask what you can do to get friends to accept each other. List the who, what, when, where, why, and how of this happening-- or at least as many of these six questions as you feel your reader needs to know. Write briefly, as though you are telling your best friend about this event. Show your reader what makes this event special by including the background, people, actions, and overheard comments.
Dear Abby,
My good friend is Jamie that I have known as a freshman in Senior High. But now, we are not in the same class, we all make new friends. One of my new friends doesn’t like Jamie. One day, when the three of us walk together, I didn’t know whom I should talk to. I was afraid to offend anyone of them. Recently, Jamie has stopped calling me.
I don’t know how I can do and what I should do.
Help! The Advice Column
Learner: No.:
Teaching Journal
Feedback from the Teacher:
Today is the first day for starting Writing Class for the Junior. Without the help of transparency, the teaching seems less smooth. I finished Chapter Three of the textbook. Due to well-organized teaching plans, I can move the program under my control. I am more confident of that. The only defect seems the examples given a little bit difficult in vocabulary. So, I will have to revise them. Besides, the junior are green hands in the boat of writing class; they still can not hold points tight. I have to offer some concrete examples as a revising model.
Since sentence skills is a very important part in writing compositions, therefore, in the ordinary class, the teacher should make a point in sentence making that can help students to build up their sense in grammaticality. So, to begin with the Lesson Two, I will give a handout for correcting mistakes in words, sentence constructions and grammar.
Feedback from the Students:
Students consider the lesson is helpful (average scale 4), but not very interesting (average scale 3).
Positive Points:
Lala: It not only gives me some ideas but also makes me learn how to get the main
River: It’s very helpful to some kind of clump boys such as me.
Echo: I learn a lot of things during this practice, and I think it will be helpful.
Hera: This is the first writing class. In the class I learned something I’ve never
touched. I think it’s helpful.
Shiao Tien: It has many newly examples that help me in writing compositions.
Wei-wei: It’s more easily than the textbook we read.
Steven: It is systematical for us to learn writing.
Kelly: I think it’s really helpful, because it trains me how to write a paragraph
Francs: It can train our ability in writing and thinking. And It is not like the
textbook used in our ordinary English class that we have to learn many new
words. When I did this activity, I felt relaxed.
Winna: I can learn different knowledge that I never learned before.
Vicky: It will make my English better if I always have chances to do the practice.
Negative Points:
Steven: I think if it is a story, I’ll feel more interested.
Ellen: I wish we could read some more interesting examples on the worksheets.
There are many words I can not figure out their meaning.
Winna: It is not interesting because it is serious.
Vicky: There are new words that I don’t understand.
Unit 3
Focus (1) Writing competence: sentence skills for tense
(2) Writing performance: summary writing.
Genre Summary
Form Narration
A narrative paragraph gives the details of an event or experience in story form or in the order they happened.
Material (1) Authentic fable—The Ducks and The Fox, written by Arnold Lobel
(2) laptop computer
Teaching the Lesson
Have students read this story aloud to a partner. They may read by turns. The listener retells the story after each reading. After that, students may look up the words into the dictionary that they desire to know, and discuss the story. Afterwards, they work together to write a summary after their discussion. Next, they read their summary aloud to another pair or the whole class. Finally, students write a summary for the story individually.
Student Activity
Teacher: Pearl Chang
Learner’s Name:
Directions: please look at the picture and talk about it with your partner. After you have read the story, please retell the story individually and brainstorm general and specific information for topic and subtopic sentences in developing a paragraph for summarizing a story.
The Ducks and The Fox, written by Arnold Lobel
Two Ducks sisters were waddling down the road to the pond for their morning swim.
“This a good road,” said the first sister, “but I think, just for a change, we should find another route. There are many other roads that lead to the pond,
“No,” said the second sister, “I do not agree. I do not want to try a new way. This road makes me feel comfortable. I am accustomed to it.”
One morning the Ducks met a Fox sitting on a fence along the road.
“Good morning, ladies,” said the Fox. “On your way to the pond, I suppose?”
“Oh, yes,” said the sisters, “we come along here every day.”
“Interesting,” said the Fox with a toothy smile.
When the sun came up the next morning, the first sister said, “We are sure to meet the Fox again If we go for our usual way. I did not like his looks. Today is the day that we must find another road!”
“You are just plain silly,” said the second sister. “The Fox smiled at us. He seemed most gentlemanly.”
The two Ducks waddled down the same road to the pond. There was the fox, sitting on the fence. This time he carried a sack.
“Lovely ladies,” said the Fox, “ I was expecting you. I am glad that you have not disappointed me.”
Opening his sack, he jumped upon them.
The sisters quacked and screamed. They flapped their wings. They flew home and bolted their door.
The next morning, the two Ducks did not go out. They rested at home to quiet their nerves. On the following day they carefully searched for a new and different road. They found one, and it took them safely to the pond.
1. Which line is the best description used for implying the main idea of the Fable? Circle it.
□ Even the taking of small risks will add excitement to life.
□ It is always difficult to pose, as something that one is not.
□ At times, a change of routine can be most healthful.
2. Do you know how to write a summary? Discuss it with your partner.
3. What are the tips should be put into a summary? Please circle them.
□ Your topic sentence should be a clear statement of the main idea of the original selection.
□ Stick to the essential information—names, dates, times, places, and similar facts are usually essential; examples, descriptive details, adjectives are usually not.
□ Try to state each important idea in one clear order.
□ Ideas should be arranged into the most logical order.
□ Use a concluding sentence with ties to an effective end.
□ A summary should be longer than the original.
4. Give a Summary of the story within one paragraph in 100 words.
Do it by following the steps below.
Step 1: Find out the parts for General and Specific information
G: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________ ( )
S: _____________________________________________________________ ( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
S: _____________________________________________________________( )
Step 2: Delete the unnecessary parts for the summary
Step 3: Check the tense by writing (Y)—past tense, (N)— present continuous, (T)—future, (E)—every day.
Ex: I went to school. (Y)--yesterday
He is cleaning the house (N)--now
He will be here tomorrow. (T)—tomorrow
They eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening.(E)—every day
Step 4: Put the General Information and Specific Information into one paragraph. Be sure that if you want to have your writing read smoothly, transitions are necessary. (Referring to the textbook—Far East English Composition for Senior High School )
Summary: The Ducks and The Fox, written by Arnold Lobel
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Learner: Class: No.:
n-class Writing Practice
Teaching Journal
Feedback from the Teacher:
It is hard to have students to learn tense from the heart. After a couple of weeks in teaching writing. I decide to use songs to teach “tense” because the lyrics in the song giving out the right emotion and through them, students are able to build up the sense of “tense” unconsciously. The song sung by Joy Enriquez, With this Love, is a perfect example. I am going to have it try.
In the class, I use a web as an aid to build up the concept of summary writing. I ask my students what elements should be in a summary in advance, then I list the elements out and have students discuss them.
Summary writing is a good course design. The way I taught did help my students draw a clear picture for picking up main ideas in the context. Now, they can find the story lines quick and perfect right. And they have learned they have to put some transitions to rearrange the story lines into a summary.
Summary writing is very helpful in checking reading comprehension. Hereby, I advice teachers make the best use of it when starting writing class.
Students are able to pick up the right usage of sentence structures and learn the usage of tense.
After a period of training, students should have a better idea of the general concept of writing and improve themselves a lot in reading.
Except summary writing, the teacher can also use the lesson as a story making by giving the first line and ask students to give a different ending.
That would be very creative and full of imagination.
Free Writing
Unit Nine
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Articles
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Developing Cause-Effect Paragraphs
Focus To give a general idea about transitional words and their functions
Genre Letter
Form Expository
An expository paragraph is to give personal ideas or opinion of events.
Material Transparency and worksheet
Teaching the Lesson
First, the teacher gives an explanation about the connectors of cause and effect. Students should have three persons in a group to discuss the usage of the connectors listed in the worksheet. In addition, they have to brainstorm sentence making. Finally, the teacher asks some students from different groups to present their answers on the blackboard. After students are familiar with the usage of these connectors, the teacher has students use them in their writings.
Task 1
Cause-effect paragraphs are often explanation paragraphs, some of the connectors you have already learned well also be used in these paragraphs: middle paragraph connectors like for example and in addition, and concluding connectors such as in conclusion. In addition, some cause or effect paragraphs use comparison-contrast connectors (but, however, although, even though, etc.) to help the readers understand what is and what is not an effect or a cause.
However, some connectors are used specifically with causes and effects. Theses connectors help the reader to tell causes from effects. To write successful cause-effect paragraphs, then, you need be able to use cause-effect connectors correctly and appropriately. Some cause-effect connectors are listed below. Notice the placement and the relationship between causes (C) and effect (E). Also, be aware of the punctuation used with these connectors.
Making Sentences:
E…., so…C
Therefore, …
As a result, …
For this reason, …E
E…because of C
E…be due to…C
First, …C or E
Second, C or E
Task 2
Works Review & Works Implementation
Why is the Internet getting popular? There are a lot of answers, but I think the most important answer is “convenience.”
In the ancient time or before the Internet getting popular, if we want to send our regards to our friends or relatives, the only two ways are through the telephone or writing letters. However, when the Internet is popular, we can even talk to our friends on the net or use the e-mail to send letters. Magically, our friends and relatives can get our regards in a short time. How convenient it is! So, I think that is why the Internet is getting more and more popular.
In my opinion, the Internet is very helpful for students because I can get information more quickly and don’t have to waste a lot of time. Also, for me, through the Internet I can know my favorite things or singers are in vague right now. I don’t have to go out but know everything happening in the world. I feel the Internet is good to me.
Total words: 172 words
Free writing
Directions: Television is one of greatest inventions in the 20th century. Television becomes an essential home faculty for people. Please write a composition state why television becomes so popular and your opinion about it within 120-150 words by using at least four connectors listed above.
Composition Revision: The Internet
Teaching Journal
Students do not clearly understand how to use these cause and effect connectors. So, it is better to put them in a community. The reason for this is because the students become supporters with each other and the teacher can take the chance of giving a precise instruction when checking their sentence construction.
Free writing
Unit Ten
Instructor: Pearl Chang
Genre: Article for Expository
Learner: Class: No.: Date:
Comparison/Contrast Connectors
Focus To give a general idea about transitional words and their functions
Genre Article
Form Description
A descriptive paragraph gives a single, clear picture of a person, place, thing, or idea.
Material Transparency and worksheet
Teaching the Lesson
First, the teacher gives an explanation about the connectors of comparison and contrast. Students should have three persons in a group to discuss the usage of the connectors and fill the blanks within the two sample writings with proper transitional words listed in the worksheet. After students are familiar with the usage of these connectors, the teacher has students use them in their writings.
Task 1
Clear connectors are necessary for successful comparison/contrast paragraphs. Below is a chart with some common comparison and contrast connectors. Notice that there are more contrast connectors, perhaps because comparison/contrast paragraphs more often focus on differences than they do on similarities.
Common Comparison Connectors
Likewise, Similarly, In like manner, In the same way, …also…, …,too.
…the same… …the same as…
Common Contrast Connectors
However, …but, … yet, In contrast, Although, Even though,
On the other hand, Nevertheless, Unlike, Whereas
Direction 1:
1. Read the paragraph below. Use appropriate comparison or contrast connectors to complete the paragraph. Then answer the questions below.
2. Circle the controlling ideas in the topic sentences. Then tell your partner the lines from those controlling ideas to the details that support them in the paragraph.
Mary is (1) similar to /the same as my sister--Joan in many ways. First her face is (2) similar to Joan. Joan has brown skin with wide eyes, and she wears glasses. She (3) also have brown skin and need glasses. Mary and Joan are (4) the same height: 176 centimeters. Mary’s hair is brown; (5) also/likewise, my sister has brown hair. When Mary is walking, her steps are long (6) as/like my sister’s, as my relatives tell me all the time. For these reasons, many people, even their close friends, often think that they are twins when they see him.
Direction 2:
1. Read the paragraph below. Use appropriate comparison or contrast connectors to complete the paragraph. Then answer the questions below.
2. What is the purpose of the article? Does it evaluate and/or describe? (Use detail from the paragraph to support your opinion).
3. How did you make the decisions about which connectors to use? (Use specific details from the paragraph to support your answers).
There are many differences between my grandfather and me. I think the first and greatest difference is our physical featutre and personality.
First, my grandfather is 75 years old. (1) In contrast, I am only 18. Second, my grandfather has brown eyes; my eyes, (2) however, are green. In addition, my grandfather is very thin. In fact, He weighs about 120 pounds. (3) Whereas, I weigh 220 pounds. We also have different personalities. My grandfather is always happy, I am often angry. He smiles all the time, even at people on the street. (4) In comparison to/Compared with/Unlike him, I smile only when I feel very happy. Finally, my grandfather talks so much. I prefer to think.
(5) Even though/Although my grandfather and I am very different, I am fortunate because we are good friends. I love him very much and we enjoy our time when we are together.
Task 3
Step one: Tell your partner about your family.
Step two: Write down the similarities or differences between you and your family.
Similarities Differences
My Family (Father, Mother, sister, brother, and etc.) I
Step three: Write a Composition about Your Family and You.
My Mother/Father and I
Teaching journal
I like to give students chances to explore their ability. In other words, I like to give different articles for students to try out how much they can reach before I give them instructions of the usage of the words. I do believe only through trial and error that makes our muscles stronger in language learning. Most students seem hard to get used to this style because our kids have been generalized to traditional teaching method. They are passive learners. Therefore, the teacher should have strong language teaching beliefs and have them done consistently. In the beginning, it may be hard for students. Later on, they will understand how magic they are after they get over writing gaps.
1. 從高二下到高三上以來,有哪些英文作文的教學活動是你們比較喜歡或者不喜歡的?
2. 互動式的英文寫作上課方式是否減輕你們在寫作上的焦慮?
3. 你們覺得英文寫作時,最讓你們困擾的是什麼?
4. 你們覺得英文寫作課程帶給你們最大的收穫是什麼?
5. 對這一年來的英文作文教學或作業有何其他看法或建議?
6. 在所有的寫作作品中,哪一份作業是你覺得進步最大的?
7. 在所有的寫作課程中活動中,你覺得最困難的是哪一個單元, 為什麼?
Student: Judy Chou
After I put all the works in order, I discovered a shocking thing that I got more and more good grades. I was very happy because I spent so much time finishing them. At last, I got good grades. At first, I hated to do the work very much. Whenever I saw them, I felt bored and my mood would be confused. At that time, I thought, “Would it be really useful for me?” and I could not understand why I should write it. However, now I see my gain and I think my effort is worthy.