Japanese Studies Students for 2011(日本語・日本文化研修留学生)
1.The application should be typewritten, if possible, or neatly handwritten in block letters.(明瞭に記入すること。)
2.Numbers should be in Arabic figures.(数字は算用数字を用いること。)
3.Years should be written in the Anno Domini system. (年号はすべて西暦とすること。)
4.Proper nouns should be written in full and not be abbreviated. (固有名詞はすべて正式な名称とし,一切省略しないこと。)
※ Personal data entered in this application will only be used for scholarship selection purposes, and contact information such as email addresses will only be used for forming academic networks after the student returns home and for sending information from the Japanese Government.
(本申請書に記載された個人情報については,本奨学金の選考のために使用するほかは,特にemail アドレス等の連絡先については,帰国後における関係者のネットワークを作ること,及び必要に応じ日本政府より各種情報を送信する以外には使用しない。)
1.Name in full, in native language (Sex)
(姓名(自国語)) □Male(男)
(Family name) , (First name) (Middle name) □Female(女)
In Roman capital letters (Marital Status)
(ローマ字) (Family name) , (First name) (Middle name) □Single(未婚)
(Please write your name exactly as it appears in your passport.)(綴りはパスポートの表記と同一にすること) □Married(既婚)
2-1 Nationality 2-2 Japanese nationality □Yes, I have (はい)
(国籍) (日本国籍を有する者) □No, I don’t have (いいえ)
3.Date of birth (生年月日)* as of April 1, 2011(2011年4月1日現在)
19 Age
Year(年) Month(月) Day(日) (年齢)
4.Present address, telephone/facsimile number, and email address
Present address (現住所)
Telephone/facsimile number (電話番号/FAX番号)
Email address
※If possible, write an email address that can be used continuously for periods including the time before you come to Japan, during your stay in Japan, and after you return home.(可能な限り,渡日前~日本留学中~帰国後にわたり使い続けることが予想されるemailアドレスを記入すること。)
5.Chosen specialized courses of study in Japan (日本での専門研修希望)
Which choice do you prefer ? Please mark a) or b) below.(以下から希望する専門研修を選ぶこと。下記の該当するものを○で囲むこと。)
a) A course conducted mainly about Japan and Japanese culture with supplementary study to improve Japanese language proficiency.
b) A course conducted mainly to improve students’ Japanese language proficiency with supplementary study about Japan and Japanese culture.
6.What academic field do you want to study in Japan? (日本でどのような学問を学びたいか)
If possible, please write in Japanese. (相当の日本語能力を有する者は,日本語により記入すること。)